Beispiel #1
        private bool DownloadMegaArchive(MEGAArchive m, bool download)
            var client = new MegaApiClient();

            Status("Logging into MEGA (as anonymous)");
            var file_link = new Uri(m.URL);
            var node      = client.GetNodeFromLink(file_link);

            if (!download)
            Status("Downloading MEGA file: {0}", m.Name);

            var output_path = Path.Combine(DownloadFolder, m.Name);

            client.DownloadFile(file_link, output_path);
Beispiel #2
        private Archive ResolveArchive(string sha, IDictionary <string, IndexedArchive> archives)
            if (archives.TryGetValue(sha, out var found))
                if (found.IniData == null)
                    Error("No download metadata found for {0}, please use MO2 to query info or add a .meta file and try again.", found.Name);
                var general = found.IniData.General;
                if (general == null)
                    Error("No General section in mod metadata found for {0}, please use MO2 to query info or add the info and try again.", found.Name);

                Archive result;

                if (general.directURL != null && general.directURL.StartsWith(""))
                    var regex = new Regex("((?<=id=)[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)|(?<=\\/file\\/d\\/)[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*");
                    var match = regex.Match(general.directURL);
                    result = new GoogleDriveMod()
                        Id = match.ToString()
                else if (general.directURL != null && general.directURL.StartsWith(Consts.MegaPrefix))
                    result = new MEGAArchive()
                        URL = general.directURL
                else if (general.directURL != null && general.directURL.StartsWith(""))
                    var uri   = new UriBuilder((string)general.directURL);
                    var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query);

                    if (query.GetValues("dl").Count() > 0)

                    query.Set("dl", "1");

                    uri.Query = query.ToString();

                    result = new DirectURLArchive()
                        URL = uri.ToString()
                else if (general.directURL != null && general.directURL.StartsWith(""))
                    result = new MODDBArchive()
                        URL = general.directURL
                else if (general.directURL != null && general.directURL.StartsWith(""))
                    Error("Mediafire links are not currently supported");

                    /*result = new MediaFireArchive()
                     * {
                     *  URL = general.directURL
                     * };*/
                else if (general.directURL != null)
                    var tmp = new DirectURLArchive()
                        URL = general.directURL
                    if (general.directURLHeaders != null)
                        tmp.Headers = new List <string>();
                    result = tmp;
                else if (general.manualURL != null)
                    result = new ManualURLArchive()
                        URL = general.manualURL.ToString()
                else if (general.modID != null && general.fileID != null && general.gameName != null)
                    var nm = new NexusMod()
                        GameName = general.gameName,
                        FileID   = general.fileID,
                        ModID    = general.modID,
                        Version  = general.version ?? ""
                    var info = NexusAPI.GetModInfo(nm, NexusKey);
                    nm.Author          =;
                    nm.UploadedBy      = info.uploaded_by;
                    nm.UploaderProfile = info.uploaded_users_profile_url;
                    result             = nm;
                    Error("No way to handle archive {0} but it's required by the modpack", found.Name);

                result.Name = found.Name;
                result.Hash = found.File.Hash;
                result.Meta = found.Meta;

                Info($"Checking link for {found.Name}");

                var installer = new Installer(null, "", s => Utils.Log(s));
                installer.NexusAPIKey = NexusKey;
                if (!installer.DownloadArchive(result, false))
                    Error($"Unable to resolve link for {found.Name}. If this is hosted on the nexus the file may have been removed.");

            Error("No match found for Archive sha: {0} this shouldn't happen", sha);