Beispiel #1
		public ProjectBuilder (BuildEngine buildEngine, Engine engine, string file)
			this.file = file;
			this.engine = engine;
			this.buildEngine = buildEngine;
			consoleLogger = new MDConsoleLogger (LoggerVerbosity.Normal, LogWriteLine, null, null);
		public ProjectBuilder (string file, string binDir)
			this.file = file;
			RunSTA (delegate
				engine = new Engine (binDir);
				engine.GlobalProperties.SetProperty ("BuildingInsideVisualStudio", "true");

				consoleLogger = new MDConsoleLogger (LoggerVerbosity.Normal, LogWriteLine, null, null);
				engine.RegisterLogger (consoleLogger);
			Refresh ();
Beispiel #3
		public ProjectBuilder (string file, string binDir)
			this.file = file;
			RunSTA (delegate
				engine = new Engine (binDir);
				engine.GlobalProperties.SetProperty ("BuildingInsideVisualStudio", "true");
				//we don't have host compilers in MD, and this is set to true by some of the MS targets
				//which causes it to always run the CoreCompile task if BuildingInsideVisualStudio is also
				//true, because the VS in-process compiler would take care of the deps tracking
				engine.GlobalProperties.SetProperty ("UseHostCompilerIfAvailable", "false");

				consoleLogger = new MDConsoleLogger (LoggerVerbosity.Normal, LogWriteLine, null, null);
				engine.RegisterLogger (consoleLogger);
			Refresh ();