Beispiel #1
        public BLTEStream(Stream src, MD5Hash md5)
            _stream = src;
            _reader = new BinaryReader(src);

Beispiel #2
        public BLTEStream(Stream source, MD5Hash hash)
            stream = source;
            reader = new BinaryReader(source);

Beispiel #3
        public unsafe IndexEntry GetIndexInfo(MD5Hash key)
            ulong* ptr = (ulong*)&key;
            ptr[1] &= 0xFf;

            IndexEntry result;
            if (!LocalIndexData.TryGetValue(key, out result))
                Log.Write("CASC: Missing index {0}", key.ToHexString());

            return result;
        public unsafe IndexEntry GetIndexInfo(MD5Hash key)
            ulong* ptr = (ulong*)&key;
            ptr[1] &= 0xFF;

            IndexEntry result;
            if (!LocalIndexData.TryGetValue(key, out result))
                Logger.WriteLine("LocalIndexHandler: missing index: {0}", key.ToHexString());

            return result;
 protected Stream OpenFileOnlineInternal(IndexEntry idxInfo, MD5Hash key)
     if (idxInfo != null)
         Stream s = CDNIndex.OpenDataFile(idxInfo);
         return new BLTEStream(s, key);
         Stream s = CDNIndex.OpenDataFileDirect(key);
         return new BLTEStream(s, key);
 public Stream OpenFile(MD5Hash key)
         if (Config.OnlineMode)
             return OpenFileOnline(key);
             return OpenFileLocal(key);
     catch (Exception exc) when (!(exc is BLTEDecoderException))
         return OpenFileOnline(key);
Beispiel #7
        public EncodingHandler(BLTEStream blte)
            if (blte.Length != long.Parse(CASContainer.BuildConfig["encoding-size"][0]))
                CASContainer.Settings?.Logger.LogAndThrow(Logging.LogType.Critical, "Encoding File is corrupt.");

            BinaryReader stream = new BinaryReader(blte);

            Header = new EncodingHeader()
                Magic           = stream.ReadBytes(2),
                Version         = stream.ReadByte(),
                ChecksumSizeA   = stream.ReadByte(),
                ChecksumSizeB   = stream.ReadByte(),
                FlagsA          = stream.ReadUInt16(),
                FlagsB          = stream.ReadUInt16(),
                NumEntriesA     = stream.ReadUInt32BE(),
                NumEntriesB     = stream.ReadUInt32BE(),
                StringBlockSize = stream.ReadUInt40BE()

            // stringTableA

            // skip header block A
            stream.ReadBytes((int)Header.NumEntriesA * 32);

            // encoding table entry block
            for (int i = 0; i < Header.NumEntriesA; i++)
                long start = stream.BaseStream.Position;

                ushort keysCount;
                while ((keysCount = stream.ReadUInt16()) != 0)
                    EncodingEntry entry = new EncodingEntry()
                        DecompressedSize = stream.ReadUInt32BE(),
                        Hash             = new MD5Hash(stream)

                    for (int ki = 0; ki < keysCount; ki++)
                        entry.Keys.Add(new MD5Hash(stream));

                    Data.Add(entry.Hash, entry);

                if (stream.BaseStream.Position % CHUNK_SIZE != 0)
                    stream.BaseStream.Position += CHUNK_SIZE - ((stream.BaseStream.Position - start) % CHUNK_SIZE);

            // skip header block B
            stream.ReadBytes((int)Header.NumEntriesB * 32);

            // layout table entry block
            for (int i = 0; i < Header.NumEntriesB; i++)
                long start = stream.BaseStream.Position;

                MD5Hash hash;
                while (!(hash = new MD5Hash(stream)).IsEmpty)
                    var entry = new EncodingLayout()
                        Hash        = hash,
                        StringIndex = stream.ReadUInt32BE(),
                        Size        = stream.ReadUInt40BE()

                    Layout.Add(entry.Hash, entry);

                if (stream.BaseStream.Position % CHUNK_SIZE != 0)
                    stream.BaseStream.Position += CHUNK_SIZE - ((stream.BaseStream.Position - start) % CHUNK_SIZE);

            stream.ReadBytes((int)(stream.BaseStream.Length - stream.BaseStream.Position)); //EncodingStringTable

            EncodingMap = blte.EncodingMap.ToArray();

Beispiel #8
 private MD5Hash DownloadSystemFile(MD5Hash key, CDNClient client, string directory, string dataFolder = "data")
     if (key.Value == null)
Beispiel #9
 public bool GetEntry(MD5Hash md5, out EncodingEntry enc) => EncodingData.TryGetValue(md5, out enc);
Beispiel #10
        private Stream GetLocalDataStreamInternal(IndexEntry idxInfo, MD5Hash key)
            if (idxInfo == null)
                throw new Exception("Missing local index.");

            Stream dataStream = GetDataStream(idxInfo.Index);
            dataStream.Position = idxInfo.Offset;

            using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(dataStream, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII, true))
                byte[] md5 = reader.ReadBytes(16);

                if (!key.EqualsTo(md5))
                    throw new Exception("local data corrupted");

                int size = reader.ReadInt32();

                if (size != idxInfo.Size)
                    throw new Exception("local data corrupted");

                //byte[] unkData1 = reader.ReadBytes(2);
                //byte[] unkData2 = reader.ReadBytes(8);
                dataStream.Position += 10;

                byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes(idxInfo.Size - 30);

                return new MemoryStream(data);
Beispiel #11
        public EncodingHandler(BinaryReader stream, BackgroundWorkerEx worker)
            worker?.ReportProgress(0, "Loading \"encoding\"...");

            stream.Skip(2); // EN
            byte   b1              = stream.ReadByte();
            byte   checksumSizeA   = stream.ReadByte();
            byte   checksumSizeB   = stream.ReadByte();
            ushort flagsA          = stream.ReadUInt16();
            ushort flagsB          = stream.ReadUInt16();
            int    numEntriesA     = stream.ReadInt32BE();
            int    numEntriesB     = stream.ReadInt32BE();
            byte   b4              = stream.ReadByte();
            int    stringBlockSize = stream.ReadInt32BE();

            //string[] strings = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(stream.ReadBytes(stringBlockSize)).Split(new[] { '\0' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            stream.Skip(numEntriesA * 32);
            //for (int i = 0; i < numEntriesA; ++i)
            //    byte[] firstHash = stream.ReadBytes(16);
            //    byte[] blockHash = stream.ReadBytes(16);

            long chunkStart = stream.BaseStream.Position;

            for (int i = 0; i < numEntriesA; ++i)
                ushort keysCount;

                while ((keysCount = stream.ReadUInt16()) != 0)
                    int     fileSize = stream.ReadInt32BE();
                    MD5Hash md5      = stream.Read <MD5Hash>();

                    EncodingEntry entry = new EncodingEntry()
                        Size = fileSize

                    // how do we handle multiple keys?
                    for (int ki = 0; ki < keysCount; ++ki)
                        MD5Hash key = stream.Read <MD5Hash>();

                        // use first key for now
                        if (ki == 0)
                            entry.Key = key;
                            Logger.WriteLine("Multiple encoding keys for MD5 {0}: {1}", md5.ToHexString(), key.ToHexString());

                    //Encodings[md5] = entry;
                    EncodingData.Add(md5, entry);

                // each chunk is 4096 bytes, and zero padding at the end
                long remaining = CHUNK_SIZE - ((stream.BaseStream.Position - chunkStart) % CHUNK_SIZE);

                if (remaining > 0)
                    stream.BaseStream.Position += remaining;

                worker?.ReportProgress((int)((i + 1) / (float)numEntriesA * 100));

            stream.Skip(numEntriesB * 32);
            //for (int i = 0; i < numEntriesB; ++i)
            //    byte[] firstKey = stream.ReadBytes(16);
            //    byte[] blockHash = stream.ReadBytes(16);

            long chunkStart2 = stream.BaseStream.Position;

            for (int i = 0; i < numEntriesB; ++i)
                byte[] key         = stream.ReadBytes(16);
                int    stringIndex = stream.ReadInt32BE();
                byte   unk1        = stream.ReadByte();
                int    fileSize    = stream.ReadInt32BE();

                // each chunk is 4096 bytes, and zero padding at the end
                long remaining = CHUNK_SIZE - ((stream.BaseStream.Position - chunkStart2) % CHUNK_SIZE);

                if (remaining > 0)
                    stream.BaseStream.Position += remaining;

            // string block till the end of file
Beispiel #12
 public Stream OpenFile(MD5Hash hash)
         return Program.Settings.UseRemote ? OpenFileOnline(hash) : OpenFileLocal(hash);
     catch (Exception e) when (!(e is BLTEDecoderException))
         return OpenFileOnline(hash);
Beispiel #13
 private void ExtractFileLocal(MD5Hash key, string path, string name)
     Stream stream = GetLocalDataStream(key);
     using (BLTEStream blte = new BLTEStream(stream, key))
         blte.ExtractToFile(path, name);
Beispiel #14
 public void Read(BinaryReader br, InstallHeader header)
     FilePath         = br.ReadCString();
     CKey             = new MD5Hash(br.ReadBytes(header.CKeySize));
     DecompressedSize = br.ReadUInt32BE();
Beispiel #15
 public BLTEHandler(Stream stream, MD5Hash md5)
     _reader = new BinaryReader(stream, Encoding.ASCII, true);
Beispiel #16
 public static int UpdatePassWordByUserID(int userID, string password)
     return(supplierUserDAL.UpdatePassWordByUserID(userID, MD5Hash.GetMd5String(password)));
Beispiel #17
 private string ComputeHash()
Beispiel #18
 public static bool UpdatePassWordByToken(string token, string password)
     return(supplierUserDAL.UpdatePasswordByToken(token, MD5Hash.GetMd5String(password)) > 0);
Beispiel #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads an existing DownloadFile
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="directory">Base directory</param>
 /// <param name="ekey">DownloadFile MD5</param>
 public DownloadFile(string directory, MD5Hash ekey) :
     this(Helpers.GetCDNPath(ekey.ToString(), "data", directory))
Beispiel #20
        public TokenDTO Login(LoginDTO Usuario)
            TokenDTO Retorno = new TokenDTO();

            if (Usuario.Operador)
                int Matricula;
                    Matricula = Convert.ToInt32(Usuario.Login);
                    throw new Exception($"O login informado: {Usuario.Login} não é uma matrícula de operador válida.");
                Operadores Operador = this._operadoresRepositorio.GetByLogin(Matricula);

                if (Operador == null)
                    throw new Exception($"O login informado: {Usuario.Login} não existe.");

                bool ValidaSenha = Operador.Senha.Equals(MD5Hash.GerarHashMd5(Usuario.Senha));

                if (!ValidaSenha)
                    throw new Exception($"A senha para login informado: {Usuario.Login} não corresponde.");

                Tuple <string, DateTime> Token = GerarToken(new UsuarioDTO {
                    Nome = Operador.Nome, Perfil = "Operador"

                Retorno.Usuario   = Operador.Nome;
                Retorno.Perfil    = "Operador";
                Retorno.Token     = Token.Item1;
                Retorno.Expiracao = Token.Item2;
                if (!ValidaCPF.ValidarCPF(Usuario.Login))
                    throw new Exception($"O login informado: {Usuario.Login} não é um CPF de cliente válido.");

                Clientes Cliente = this._clientesRepositorio.GetByCpf(Usuario.Login);

                if (Cliente == null)
                    throw new Exception($"O cliente informado: {Usuario.Login} não existe.");

                bool ValidaSenha = Cliente.Senha.Equals(MD5Hash.GerarHashMd5(Usuario.Senha));

                if (!ValidaSenha)
                    throw new Exception($"A senha para o cliente informado: {Usuario.Login} não corresponde.");

                Tuple <string, DateTime> Token = GerarToken(new UsuarioDTO {
                    Nome = Cliente.Nome, Perfil = "Cliente"

                Retorno.Usuario   = Cliente.Nome;
                Retorno.Perfil    = "Cliente";
                Retorno.Token     = Token.Item1;
                Retorno.Expiracao = Token.Item2;

        protected override void ExtractFileOnline(MD5Hash key, string path, string name)
            IndexEntry idxInfo = CDNIndex.GetIndexInfo(key);

            if (idxInfo == null)
                CDNIndexData.TryGetValue(key, out idxInfo);

            ExtractFileOnlineInternal(idxInfo, key, path, name);
Beispiel #22
        private void Parse(MD5Hash md5)
            int size = (int)_reader.BaseStream.Length;

            if (size < 8)
                throw new BLTEDecoderException("not enough data: {0}", 8);

            int magic = _reader.ReadInt32();

            if (magic != BLTE_MAGIC)
                throw new BLTEDecoderException("frame header mismatch (bad BLTE file)");

            int headerSize = _reader.ReadInt32BE();

            if (CASCConfig.ValidateData)
                long oldPos = _reader.BaseStream.Position;

                _reader.BaseStream.Position = 0;

                byte[] newHash = _md5.ComputeHash(_reader.ReadBytes(headerSize > 0 ? headerSize : size));

                if (!md5.EqualsTo(newHash))
                    throw new BLTEDecoderException("data corrupted");

                _reader.BaseStream.Position = oldPos;

            int numBlocks = 1;

            if (headerSize > 0)
                if (size < 12)
                    throw new BLTEDecoderException("not enough data: {0}", 12);

                byte[] fcbytes = _reader.ReadBytes(4);

                numBlocks = fcbytes[1] << 16 | fcbytes[2] << 8 | fcbytes[3] << 0;

                if (fcbytes[0] != 0x0F || numBlocks == 0)
                    throw new BLTEDecoderException("bad table format 0x{0:x2}, numBlocks {1}", fcbytes[0], numBlocks);

                int frameHeaderSize = 24 * numBlocks + 12;

                if (headerSize != frameHeaderSize)
                    throw new BLTEDecoderException("header size mismatch");

                if (size < frameHeaderSize)
                    throw new BLTEDecoderException("not enough data: {0}", frameHeaderSize);

            DataBlock[] blocks = new DataBlock[numBlocks];

            for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++)
                DataBlock block = new DataBlock();

                if (headerSize != 0)
                    block.CompSize   = _reader.ReadInt32BE();
                    block.DecompSize = _reader.ReadInt32BE();
                    block.Hash       = _reader.Read <MD5Hash>();
                    block.CompSize   = size - 8;
                    block.DecompSize = size - 8 - 1;
                    block.Hash       = default(MD5Hash);

                blocks[i] = block;

            _memStream = new MemoryStream(blocks.Sum(b => b.DecompSize));

            for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Length; i++)
                DataBlock block = blocks[i];

                block.Data = _reader.ReadBytes(block.CompSize);

                if (!block.Hash.IsZeroed() && CASCConfig.ValidateData)
                    byte[] blockHash = _md5.ComputeHash(block.Data);

                    if (!block.Hash.EqualsTo(blockHash))
                        throw new BLTEDecoderException("MD5 mismatch");

                HandleDataBlock(block.Data, i);
        public Stream OpenDataFileDirect(MD5Hash key)
            var keyStr = key.ToHexString().ToLower();

            worker?.ReportProgress(0, string.Format("Downloading \"{0}\" file...", keyStr));

            string file = config.CDNPath + "/data/" + keyStr.Substring(0, 2) + "/" + keyStr.Substring(2, 2) + "/" + keyStr;
            string url = "http://" + config.CDNHost + "/" + file;

            Stream stream = Cache.OpenFile(file, url, false);

            if (stream != null)
                return stream;

            return downloader.OpenFile(url);
Beispiel #24
        protected override Stream OpenFileOnline(MD5Hash key)
            IndexEntry idxInfo = CDNIndex.GetIndexInfo(key);

            return(OpenFileOnlineInternal(idxInfo, key));
Beispiel #25
 private Stream OpenFileOnlineInternal(IndexEntry entry, MD5Hash hash)
     Stream stream = entry != null ? CDNIndex.OpenDataFile(entry) : CDNIndex.OpenDataFileDirect(hash);
     return new BLTEStream(stream, hash);
Beispiel #26
        protected override Stream GetLocalDataStream(MD5Hash key)
            IndexEntry idxInfo = LocalIndex.GetIndexInfo(key);

            return(GetLocalDataStreamInternal(idxInfo, key));
Beispiel #27
 public Stream OpenFileOnline(MD5Hash hash)
     IndexEntry entry = CDNIndex.GetIndexInfo(hash);
     return OpenFileOnlineInternal(entry, hash);
Beispiel #28
        protected override void ExtractFileOnline(MD5Hash key, string path, string name)
            IndexEntry idxInfo = CDNIndex.GetIndexInfo(key);

            ExtractFileOnlineInternal(idxInfo, key, path, name);
Beispiel #29
        private void Parse(MD5Hash hash)
            int size = (int)reader.BaseStream.Length;

            if (size < 8)
                throw new BLTEDecoderException("Invalid data length: {0}", 8);

            int magic = reader.ReadInt32();
            if (magic != BLTE_MAGIC)
                throw new BLTEDecoderException("Mis-matched header (magic)");

            int headerSize = reader.ReadInt32BE();
            if (CASCConfig.ValidateData)
                long oldPos = reader.BaseStream.Position;
                reader.BaseStream.Position = 0;

                byte[] newHash = this.hash.ComputeHash(reader.ReadBytes(headerSize > 0 ? headerSize : size));
                if (!hash.EqualsTo(newHash))
                    throw new BLTEDecoderException("Corrupted data?");

                reader.BaseStream.Position = oldPos;

            int numBlocks = 1;
            if (headerSize > 0)
                if (size < 12)
                    throw new BLTEDecoderException("Not enough data: {0}", 12);

                byte[] bytes = reader.ReadBytes(4);
                numBlocks = bytes[1] << 16 | bytes[2] << 8 | bytes[3] << 0;

                if (bytes[0] != 0x0F || numBlocks == 0)
                    throw new BLTEDecoderException("Invalid table format 0x{0:x2}, numBlocks {1}", bytes[0], numBlocks);

                int frameHeaderSize = 24 * numBlocks + 12;
                if (headerSize != frameHeaderSize)
                    throw new BLTEDecoderException("Header size mis-match");

                if (size < frameHeaderSize)
                    throw new BLTEDecoderException("Not enough data: {0}", frameHeaderSize);

            dataBlocks = new DataBlock[numBlocks];
            for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++)
                DataBlock block = new DataBlock();

                if (headerSize != 0)
                    block.CompSize = reader.ReadInt32BE();
                    block.DecompSize = reader.ReadInt32BE();
                    block.Hash = reader.Read<MD5Hash>();
                    block.CompSize = size - 8;
                    block.DecompSize = size - 8 - 1;
                    block.Hash = default(MD5Hash);

                dataBlocks[i] = block;

            streamMemory = new MemoryStream(dataBlocks.Sum(b => b.DecompSize));

            length = headerSize == 0 ? streamMemory.Length : streamMemory.Capacity;
Beispiel #30
 /// <summary>Create a MD5FileChecksum</summary>
 public MD5MD5CRC32FileChecksum(int bytesPerCRC, long crcPerBlock, MD5Hash md5)
     this.bytesPerCRC = bytesPerCRC;
     this.crcPerBlock = crcPerBlock;
     this.md5         = md5;
Beispiel #31
        private void btnCadastrar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string confirmarSenha = "";

                u.nome         = txtNome.Text;
                u.login        = txtLogin.Text;
                u.senha        = txtSenha.Text;
                confirmarSenha = txtConfirmarSenha.Text;

                string q = "select login_usuario from tcc.usuarios where login_usuario='" + u.login + "'";
                string w = "select email_usuario from tcc.usuarios where email_usuario='" + + "'";


                MySqlCommand verificaLogin = new MySqlCommand(q, c.mcon);

                MySqlDataReader readerLogin = verificaLogin.ExecuteReader();

                if (readerLogin.Read())
                    if (u.login == "")
                        MessageBox.Show("Nenhum campo pode ficar em branco!", "Aviso", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                        MessageBox.Show("Esse login já está em uso, por favor utilize outro!", "Aviso", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                    u.tipoUsuario = 1;
                    u.status      = 0;
                    u.reset       = 0;

                    if (u.nome == "" || u.login == "" || u.senha == "" || confirmarSenha == "")
                        MessageBox.Show("Nenhum campo pode ficar em branco!", "Aviso", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                    else if (u.senha != confirmarSenha)
                        MessageBox.Show("As senhas não conferem!", "Aviso", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                    else if (validaSenha >= 1)
                        MessageBox.Show("Melhore a força da senha!", "Aviso", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                        u.senhacrip = MD5Hash.CalculaHash(u.senha);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Erro ao cadastrar o instrutor! \n" + ex, "Erro", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Beispiel #32
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 public override void ReadFields(BinaryReader reader)
     bytesPerCRC = @in.ReadInt();
     crcPerBlock = @in.ReadLong();
     md5         = MD5Hash.Read(@in);
Beispiel #33
    private void CheckThread()
            signatures = new List <Signature> ();

            string sroot = path + "Scenario/";
            string wroot = path + "Worlds/";
            string mroot = sroot + "Missions/";
            string fpath = sroot + "ForceSettings.xml";
            string wpath = sroot + "WorldSettings.xml";

            // World settings
            if (!AddFileSig("_WS", wpath))
                integrated = false;
                error      = "WorldSettings.xml corrupt";

            // Force settings
            if (!AddFileSig("_FS", fpath))
                integrated = false;
                error      = "ForceSettings.xml corrupt";

            // Missions
            if (Directory.Exists(mroot))
                string[] mfs = Directory.GetFiles(mroot);
                foreach (string mf in mfs)
                    FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(mf);
                    int      id = 0;
                    if (fi.Name.Length < 5)
                        integrated = false;
                        error      = "Corrupt mission filename (5)";
                    string idstr = fi.Name.Substring(0, fi.Name.Length - 4);
                    if (int.TryParse(idstr, out id))
                        if (!AddFileSig("M" + idstr, mf))
                            integrated = false;
                            error      = "Mission " + idstr + " corrupt";
                        integrated = false;
                        error      = "Corrupt mission filename (x)";
                integrated = false;
                error      = "Mission folder lost";

            // Worlds
            if (Directory.Exists(wroot))
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                List <string> worldpaths = new List <string> ();
                foreach (XmlNode node in doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes)
                    if (node.Name == "WORLD")
                        integrated = false;
                        error      = "WorldSettings.xml corrupt";

                for (int w = 0; w < worldpaths.Count; ++w)
                    string worldpath = wroot + worldpaths[w] + "/";
                    for (int i = 0; i < worldFiles.Length; ++i)
                        string filepath = worldpath + worldFiles[i];
                        AddFileSig("W" + w.ToString() + worldFileCodes[i], filepath);
                integrated = false;
                error      = "World folder lost";

            // Hash
            string s = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < signatures.Count; ++i)
                s += signatures[i].code;
                s += ":";
                s += signatures[i].sig;
                s += ";";

            string tstuid = MD5Hash.MD5Encoding(s + sp);
            if (uid == tstuid)
                integrated = true;
                integrated = false;
                error      = "One or more file has been tampered";
        catch (Exception e)
            error      = "TryCatch " + e.ToString();
            integrated = false;
Beispiel #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the Url and the Url Data tables
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The UrlCrawlData containing the data of the crawled Url.</param>
        /// <param name="transaction">The currently active <see cref="SqlTransaction"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>The ID of the updated url or 0 of something goes wrong.</returns>
        private int UpdateUrl(UrlCrawlData data, SqlTransaction transaction)
            int retVal = 0;

                //build the Sql Command for updating the url table
                SqlCommand urlcmd = new SqlCommand("cw_update_url", dbcon, transaction);
                urlcmd.CommandType    = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                urlcmd.CommandTimeout = settings.DBActionTimeout;
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@url_id", SqlDbType.Int);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@url", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 500);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@url_md5", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@url_host_id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@url_priority", SqlDbType.TinyInt);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@crc", SqlDbType.BigInt);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@flag_domain", SqlDbType.TinyInt);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@flag_robots", SqlDbType.TinyInt);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@flag_updated", SqlDbType.TinyInt);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@last_visited", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@flag_redirected", SqlDbType.TinyInt);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int);
                urlcmd.Parameters["@id"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                //Build the SQL Command for updating the hosts table
                SqlCommand hostcmd = new SqlCommand("cw_insert_host", dbcon, transaction);
                hostcmd.CommandType    = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                hostcmd.CommandTimeout = settings.DBActionTimeout;
                hostcmd.Parameters.Add("@host_id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
                hostcmd.Parameters.Add("@host_name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100);

                //set their parameters
                urlcmd.Parameters[0].Value = data.ID;
                urlcmd.Parameters[1].Value = data.Url;
                urlcmd.Parameters[2].Value = new Guid(data.MD5);
                Uri    uri       = new Uri(data.Url);
                string host_name = uri.Host;
                Guid   host_id   = new Guid(MD5Hash.md5(host_name));
                urlcmd.Parameters[3].Value = host_id;
                urlcmd.Parameters[5].Value = data.CRC;
                if (data.Redirected)
                    //we must first attempt to insert the host, otherwise the urlcmd will fail
                    hostcmd.Parameters[0].Value = host_id;
                    hostcmd.Parameters[1].Value = host_name;
                        //it probably exists already

                    urlcmd.Parameters[4].Value  = (byte)data.RedirectedPriority;
                    urlcmd.Parameters[6].Value  = (byte)data.RedirectedFlagDomain;
                    urlcmd.Parameters[7].Value  = (data.RedirectedFlagRobots)?1:0;
                    urlcmd.Parameters[8].Value  = (data.Updated)?1:0;
                    urlcmd.Parameters[9].Value  = data.TimeStamp;
                    urlcmd.Parameters[10].Value = 1;
                    urlcmd.Parameters[4].Value = DBNull.Value;
                    urlcmd.Parameters[6].Value = (byte)data.UrlToCrawl.FlagDomain;
                    if (data.FlagFetchRobots)
                        urlcmd.Parameters[7].Value = (data.RedirectedFlagRobots)?1:0;
                        urlcmd.Parameters[7].Value = 0;
                    urlcmd.Parameters[8].Value  = (data.Updated)?1:0;
                    urlcmd.Parameters[9].Value  = data.TimeStamp;
                    urlcmd.Parameters[10].Value = 0;
                //retVal = data.ID;
                //make sure the host command is disposed
                retVal = (int)urlcmd.Parameters["@id"].Value;

                if (data.Updated)
                    //if necessary build the sql command for updating the url data tables
                    SqlCommand urldatacmd = new SqlCommand("cw_update_url_data", dbcon, transaction);
                    urldatacmd.CommandType    = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    urldatacmd.CommandTimeout = settings.DBActionTimeout;
                    urldatacmd.Parameters.Add("@url_id", SqlDbType.Int);
                    urldatacmd.Parameters.Add("@data", SqlDbType.Image);
                    urldatacmd.Parameters.Add("@length", SqlDbType.Int);
                    urldatacmd.Parameters.Add("@original_length", SqlDbType.Int);
                    urldatacmd.Parameters.Add("@http_code", SqlDbType.SmallInt);
                    urldatacmd.Parameters.Add("@retrieval_time", SqlDbType.Int);

                    urldatacmd.Parameters[0].Value = retVal;
                    //compress the url's data
                    if (data.Data != String.Empty)
                        byte [] compressed = null;
                        string  urldata    = InternetUtils.Base64Decode(data.Data);
                        CompressionUtils.CompressString(ref urldata, out compressed);
                        urldatacmd.Parameters[1].Value = compressed;
                        urldatacmd.Parameters[2].Value = compressed.Length;
                        urldatacmd.Parameters[3].Value = data.Data.Length;
                        urldatacmd.Parameters[1].Value = new byte[0];
                        urldatacmd.Parameters[2].Value = 0;
                        urldatacmd.Parameters[3].Value = 0;
                    urldatacmd.Parameters[4].Value = (short)data.HttpStatusCode;
                    urldatacmd.Parameters[5].Value = data.RetrievalTime;
            catch (Exception e)
                AddToReportQueue(CWLoggerEntryType.Warning, "DBUpdater failed to update a Url in the database: " + e.ToString());
                retVal = 0;
Beispiel #35
        public EncodingHandler(BinaryReader stream)
            stream.Skip(2);                          // EN
            byte Version        = stream.ReadByte(); // must be 1
            byte CKeyLength     = stream.ReadByte();
            byte EKeyLength     = stream.ReadByte();
            int  CKeyPageSize   = stream.ReadInt16BE() * 1024; // KB to bytes
            int  EKeyPageSize   = stream.ReadInt16BE() * 1024; // KB to bytes
            int  CKeyPageCount  = stream.ReadInt32BE();
            int  EKeyPageCount  = stream.ReadInt32BE();
            byte unk1           = stream.ReadByte(); // must be 0
            int  ESpecBlockSize = stream.ReadInt32BE();

            //string[] strings = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(stream.ReadBytes(ESpecBlockSize)).Split(new[] { '\0' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            stream.Skip(CKeyPageCount * 32);
            //ValueTuple<byte[], byte[]>[] aEntries = new ValueTuple<byte[], byte[]>[CKeyPageCount];

            //for (int i = 0; i < CKeyPageCount; ++i)
            //    byte[] firstHash = stream.ReadBytes(16);
            //    byte[] blockHash = stream.ReadBytes(16);
            //    aEntries[i] = (firstHash, blockHash);

            long chunkStart = stream.BaseStream.Position;

            for (int i = 0; i < CKeyPageCount; ++i)
                byte keysCount;

                while ((keysCount = stream.ReadByte()) != 0)
                    long    fileSize = stream.ReadInt40BE();
                    MD5Hash cKey     = stream.Read <MD5Hash>();

                    EncodingEntry entry = new EncodingEntry()
                        Size = fileSize

                    // how do we handle multiple keys?
                    for (int ki = 0; ki < keysCount; ++ki)
                        MD5Hash eKey = stream.Read <MD5Hash>();

                        // use first key for now
                        if (ki == 0)
                            entry.Key = eKey;
                        //    Logger.WriteLine("Multiple encoding keys for MD5 {0}: {1}", md5.ToHexString(), key.ToHexString());

                        //Logger.WriteLine("Encoding {0:D2} {1} {2} {3} {4}", keysCount, aEntries[i].Item1.ToHexString(), aEntries[i].Item2.ToHexString(), md5.ToHexString(), key.ToHexString());

                    //Encodings[md5] = entry;
                    EncodingData.Add(cKey, entry);

                // each chunk is 4096 bytes, and zero padding at the end
                long remaining = CHUNK_SIZE - ((stream.BaseStream.Position - chunkStart) % CHUNK_SIZE);

                if (remaining > 0)
                    stream.BaseStream.Position += remaining;

            stream.Skip(EKeyPageCount * 32);
            //for (int i = 0; i < EKeyPageCount; ++i)
            //    byte[] firstKey = stream.ReadBytes(16);
            //    byte[] blockHash = stream.ReadBytes(16);

            long chunkStart2 = stream.BaseStream.Position;

            for (int i = 0; i < EKeyPageCount; ++i)
                byte[] eKey       = stream.ReadBytes(16);
                int    eSpecIndex = stream.ReadInt32BE();
                long   fileSize   = stream.ReadInt40BE();

                // each chunk is 4096 bytes, and zero padding at the end
                long remaining = CHUNK_SIZE - ((stream.BaseStream.Position - chunkStart2) % CHUNK_SIZE);

                if (remaining > 0)
                    stream.BaseStream.Position += remaining;

            // string block till the end of file

Beispiel #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the links contained in a url into the database and updates the link graph
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="UrlID">The ID of the url.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The <see cref="UrlCrawlData"/> of the url.</param>
        /// <param name="transaction">The currently active <see cref="SqlTransaction"/>.</param>
        private void InsertUrlOutLinks(int UrlID, UrlCrawlData data, SqlTransaction transaction)
                //Build the SQL Commands
                SqlCommand hostcmd = new SqlCommand("cw_insert_host", dbcon, transaction);
                hostcmd.CommandType    = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                hostcmd.CommandTimeout = settings.DBActionTimeout;
                hostcmd.Parameters.Add("@host_id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
                hostcmd.Parameters.Add("@host_name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100);

                SqlCommand urlcmd = new SqlCommand("cw_insert_url", dbcon, transaction);
                urlcmd.CommandType    = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                urlcmd.CommandTimeout = settings.DBActionTimeout;
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@url", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 500);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@url_md5", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@url_host_id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@url_priority", SqlDbType.TinyInt);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@flag_domain", SqlDbType.TinyInt);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@flag_robots", SqlDbType.TinyInt);
                urlcmd.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int);
                urlcmd.Parameters["@id"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                SqlCommand linkcmd = new SqlCommand("cw_insert_link_graph", dbcon, transaction);
                linkcmd.CommandType    = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                linkcmd.CommandTimeout = settings.DBActionTimeout;
                linkcmd.Parameters.Add("@from_url_id", SqlDbType.Int);
                linkcmd.Parameters.Add("@to_url_id", SqlDbType.Int);

                int new_id = 0;
                //insert each out link in the database
                foreach (InternetUrlToIndex url in data.OutLinks)
                        Uri  uri     = new Uri(url.Url);
                        Guid host_id = new Guid(MD5Hash.md5(uri.Host));

                        hostcmd.Parameters[0].Value = host_id;
                        hostcmd.Parameters[1].Value = uri.Host;

                        urlcmd.Parameters[0].Value = url.Url;
                        urlcmd.Parameters[1].Value = new Guid(url.MD5);
                        urlcmd.Parameters[2].Value = host_id;
                        urlcmd.Parameters[3].Value = (byte)url.Priority;
                        urlcmd.Parameters[4].Value = (byte)url.FlagDomain;
                        urlcmd.Parameters[5].Value = (byte)((url.FlagRobots)?1:0);
                        new_id = (int)urlcmd.Parameters["@id"].Value;                         //(int)urlcmd.ExecuteScalar();

                        linkcmd.Parameters[0].Value = UrlID;
                        linkcmd.Parameters[1].Value = new_id;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        AddToReportQueue(CWLoggerEntryType.Warning, "DBUpdater plugin failed to insert an edge to the link graph: " + e.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
                AddToReportQueue(CWLoggerEntryType.Warning, "DBUpdater plugin: an unexpected error occured when inserting the out links of url with ID " + UrlID.ToString() + " to the link graph: " + e.ToString());
        protected override Stream GetLocalDataStream(MD5Hash key)
            IndexEntry idxInfo;

            if (LocalIndex != null)
                idxInfo = LocalIndex.GetIndexInfo(key);
                LocalIndexData.TryGetValue(key, out idxInfo);

            return GetLocalDataStreamInternal(idxInfo, key);
Beispiel #38
        public void SaveToFile(string filename)
            var tmpIndexMap = string.Format("{0}.{1}.indexmap.tmp", filename, Guid.NewGuid());

            using (var memStream = new MemoryStream())
                using (var memWriter = new StreamWriter(memStream))
                    memWriter.WriteLine(new string('0', 32)); // pre-allocate space for MD5 hash
                    memWriter.WriteLine("{0}/{1}", PrepareCheckpoint, CommitCheckpoint);
                    for (int i = 0; i < _map.Count; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < _map[i].Count; j++)
                            memWriter.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2}", i, j, new FileInfo(_map[i][j].Filename).Name);


                    memStream.Position = 32;
                    var hash = MD5Hash.GetHashFor(memStream);

                    memStream.Position = 0;
                    foreach (var t in hash)


                    memStream.Position = 0;
                    using (var f = File.OpenWrite(tmpIndexMap))
                        f.Write(memStream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)memStream.Length);

            int trial     = 0;
            int maxTrials = 5;

            while (trial < maxTrials)
                Action <Exception> errorHandler = ex =>
                    Log.Error("Failed trial to replace indexmap {indexMap} with {tmpIndexMap}.", filename, tmpIndexMap);
                    Log.Error("Exception: {e}", ex);
                    trial += 1;
                    if (File.Exists(filename))
                        File.SetAttributes(filename, FileAttributes.Normal);

                    File.Move(tmpIndexMap, filename);
                catch (IOException exc)
                    if (trial >= maxTrials)
                        ProcessUtil.PrintWhoIsLocking(tmpIndexMap, Log);
                        ProcessUtil.PrintWhoIsLocking(filename, Log);
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException exc)
        protected override Stream OpenFileOnline(MD5Hash key)
            IndexEntry idxInfo = CDNIndex.GetIndexInfo(key);

            if (idxInfo == null)
                CDNIndexData.TryGetValue(key, out idxInfo);

            return OpenFileOnlineInternal(idxInfo, key);
Beispiel #40
        public D3RootHandler(BinaryReader stream, BackgroundWorkerEx worker, CASCHandler casc)
            worker?.ReportProgress(0, "Loading \"root\"...");

            byte b1 = stream.ReadByte();
            byte b2 = stream.ReadByte();
            byte b3 = stream.ReadByte();
            byte b4 = stream.ReadByte();

            int count = stream.ReadInt32();

            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                MD5Hash md5  = stream.Read <MD5Hash>();
                string  name = stream.ReadCString();

                var entries = new List <D3RootEntry>();
                D3RootData[name] = entries;

                if (!casc.Encoding.GetEntry(md5, out EncodingEntry enc))

                using (BinaryReader s = new BinaryReader(casc.OpenFile(enc.Key)))
                    uint magic = s.ReadUInt32();

                    int nEntries0 = s.ReadInt32();

                    for (int i = 0; i < nEntries0; i++)
                        entries.Add(D3RootEntry.Read(0, s));

                    int nEntries1 = s.ReadInt32();

                    for (int i = 0; i < nEntries1; i++)
                        entries.Add(D3RootEntry.Read(1, s));

                    int nNamedEntries = s.ReadInt32();

                    for (int i = 0; i < nNamedEntries; i++)
                        entries.Add(D3RootEntry.Read(2, s));

                worker?.ReportProgress((int)((j + 1) / (float)(count + 2) * 100));

            // Parse CoreTOC.dat
            var coreTocEntry = D3RootData["Base"].Find(e => e.Name == "CoreTOC.dat");

            casc.Encoding.GetEntry(coreTocEntry.MD5, out EncodingEntry enc1);

            using (var file = casc.OpenFile(enc1.Key))
                tocParser = new CoreTOCParser(file);

            worker?.ReportProgress((int)((count + 1) / (float)(count + 2) * 100));

            // Parse Packages.dat
            var pkgEntry = D3RootData["Base"].Find(e => e.Name == "Data_D3\\PC\\Misc\\Packages.dat");

            casc.Encoding.GetEntry(pkgEntry.MD5, out EncodingEntry enc2);

            using (var file = casc.OpenFile(enc2.Key))
                pkgParser = new PackagesParser(file);

Beispiel #41
        public void opEquality_MD5Hash_MD5Hash()
            var obj = new MD5Hash();
            var comparand = new MD5Hash();

            Assert.True(obj == comparand);
Beispiel #42
 private string GetDbPathHash(string dbPath)
     using (var memStream = new MemoryStream(Helper.UTF8NoBom.GetBytes(dbPath))) {
         return(BitConverter.ToString(MD5Hash.GetHashFor(memStream)).Replace("-", ""));
Beispiel #43
 private Stream OpenFileLocal(MD5Hash key)
     Stream stream = GetLocalDataStream(key);
     return new BLTEStream(stream, key);
Beispiel #44
    static void SaveBuildList(string outputPath)
        AssetList        buildList = new AssetList();
        HashSet <string> bundeList = new HashSet <string>();

        buildList.manifest = EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget.ToString();

        foreach (var file in list.assets.Values)
            if (file.asset.Contains("resources/") == false || string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.bundle) == false)
                if (buildList.Contains( == false && buildList.assets.ContainsValue(file) == false)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.bundle))
                        string fullPath = string.Format("{0}{1}", outputPath, file.asset);
                        byte[] bytes    = File.ReadAllBytes(fullPath);
                        file.size = bytes.Length;
                        file.md5  = MD5Hash.Get(bytes);
                        file.size = 0;
                        file.md5  = null;
                    buildList.assets.Add(, file);
                if (buildList.Contains( == false && buildList.assets.ContainsValue(file) == false)
                    string fullPath = string.Format("{0}{1}", Application.dataPath.Replace("Assets", ""), file.asset);
                    byte[] bytes    = File.ReadAllBytes(fullPath);
                    file.size = bytes.Length;
                    file.md5  = MD5Hash.Get(bytes);
                    buildList.assets.Add(, file);
        foreach (var name in bundeList)
            string    fullPath = string.Format("{0}{1}", outputPath, name);
            byte[]    bytes    = File.ReadAllBytes(fullPath);
            AssetFile file     = new AssetFile();
     = name;
            file.bundle = name;
            file.size   = bytes.Length;
            file.md5    = MD5Hash.Get(bytes);
            buildList.assets.Add(, file);

        string assetXmlFile = outputPath + "/" + AssetPath.ASSETSFILE;

        StreamWriter writerXml = new StreamWriter(assetXmlFile);

Beispiel #45
 public void SaveFileTo(MD5Hash key, string path, string name)
         if (Program.Settings.UseRemote)
             ExtractFileOnline(key, path, name);
             ExtractFileLocal(key, path, name);
         ExtractFileOnline(key, path, name);
Beispiel #46
 public bool GetEntry(MD5Hash hash, out EncodingEntry entry)
     return EncodingData.TryGetValue(hash, out entry);
Beispiel #47
 private void ExtractFileOnline(MD5Hash key, string path, string name)
     IndexEntry entry = CDNIndex.GetIndexInfo(key);
     if (entry != null)
         using (Stream s = CDNIndex.OpenDataFile(entry))
         using (BLTEStream blte = new BLTEStream(s, key))
             blte.ExtractToFile(path, name);
         using (Stream s = CDNIndex.OpenDataFileDirect(key))
         using (BLTEStream blte = new BLTEStream(s, key))
             blte.ExtractToFile(path, name);
Beispiel #48
 protected override Stream GetLocalDataStream(MD5Hash key)
     IndexEntry idxInfo = LocalIndex.GetIndexInfo(key);
     if (idxInfo == null)
         Logger.WriteLine("Local index missing: {0}", key.ToHexString());
     return GetLocalDataStreamInternal(idxInfo, key);
Beispiel #49
        public Stream GetLocalDataStream(MD5Hash hash)
            IndexEntry entry = LocalIndex.GetIndexInfo(hash);
            if (entry == null)
                Log.Write("Missing local index: {0}", hash.ToHexString());

            return GetLocalDataStreamInternal(entry, hash);
Beispiel #50
        public Stream OpenDataFileDirect(MD5Hash key)
            var keyStr = key.ToHexString().ToLower();

            string file = Program.Settings.RemoteHostPath + "/data/" + keyStr.Substring(0, 2) + "/" + keyStr.Substring(2, 2) + "/" + keyStr;
            string url = string.Format("http://{0}/{1}", Program.Settings.RemoteHost, file);

            Stream stream = Cache.OpenFile(file, url, false);

            if (stream != null)
                return stream;

            return downloader.OpenFile(url);
Beispiel #51
        private BinaryReader OpenInstallationFile(EncodingHandler encoding, CASCEngine engine, MD5Hash hash, string errorName)
            EncodingEntry entry;

            if (!encoding.GetEntry(hash, out entry))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("Installation missing {0} file!", errorName));

            return new BinaryReader(engine.OpenFile(entry.Key));
        public DownloadEntry GetEntry(MD5Hash key)
            DownloadEntry entry;
            DownloadData.TryGetValue(key, out entry);

            if (entry != null && entry.Tags == null)
                entry.Tags = Tags.Where(kv => kv.Value.Bits[entry.Index]);

            return entry;
Beispiel #53
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a PatchEntry by CKey
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ckey"></param>
 /// <param name="entry"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool TryGet(MD5Hash ckey, out PatchEntry entry) => _PatchEntries.TryGetValue(ckey, out entry);
Beispiel #54
        private void Parse(MD5Hash md5)
            int size = (int)_reader.BaseStream.Length;

            if (size < 8)
                throw new BLTEDecoderException("not enough data: {0}", 8);

            int magic = _reader.ReadInt32();

            if (magic != BLTE_MAGIC)
                throw new BLTEDecoderException("frame header mismatch (bad BLTE file)");

            int headerSize = _reader.ReadInt32BE();

            if (CASCConfig.ValidateData)
                long oldPos = _reader.BaseStream.Position;

                _reader.BaseStream.Position = 0;

                byte[] newHash = _md5.ComputeHash(_reader.ReadBytes(headerSize > 0 ? headerSize : size));

                if (!md5.EqualsTo(newHash))
                    throw new BLTEDecoderException("data corrupted");

                _reader.BaseStream.Position = oldPos;

            int numBlocks = 1;

            if (headerSize > 0)
                if (size < 12)
                    throw new BLTEDecoderException("not enough data: {0}", 12);

                byte[] fcbytes = _reader.ReadBytes(4);

                numBlocks = fcbytes[1] << 16 | fcbytes[2] << 8 | fcbytes[3] << 0;

                if (fcbytes[0] != 0x0F || numBlocks == 0)
                    throw new BLTEDecoderException("bad table format 0x{0:x2}, numBlocks {1}", fcbytes[0], numBlocks);

                int frameHeaderSize = 24 * numBlocks + 12;

                if (headerSize != frameHeaderSize)
                    throw new BLTEDecoderException("header size mismatch");

                if (size < frameHeaderSize)
                    throw new BLTEDecoderException("not enough data: {0}", frameHeaderSize);

            _dataBlocks = new DataBlock[numBlocks];

            for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++)
                DataBlock block = new DataBlock();

                if (headerSize != 0)
                    block.CompSize = _reader.ReadInt32BE();
                    block.DecompSize = _reader.ReadInt32BE();
                    block.Hash = _reader.Read<MD5Hash>();
                    block.CompSize = size - 8;
                    block.DecompSize = size - 8 - 1;
                    block.Hash = default(MD5Hash);

                _dataBlocks[i] = block;

            _memStream = new MemoryStream(_dataBlocks.Sum(b => b.DecompSize));


            _length = headerSize == 0 ? _memStream.Length : _memStream.Capacity;

            //for (int i = 0; i < _dataBlocks.Length; i++)
            //    ProcessNextBlock();
Beispiel #55
 protected override Stream OpenFileOnline(MD5Hash key)
     IndexEntry idxInfo = CDNIndex.GetIndexInfo(key);
     return OpenFileOnlineInternal(idxInfo, key);
Beispiel #56
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether the specific CKey exists
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ckey"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool ContainsKey(MD5Hash ckey) => _PatchEntries.ContainsKey(ckey);
Beispiel #57
 protected override void ExtractFileOnline(MD5Hash key, string path, string name)
     IndexEntry idxInfo = CDNIndex.GetIndexInfo(key);
     ExtractFileOnlineInternal(idxInfo, key, path, name);
Beispiel #58
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads an existing PatchFile
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="directory">Base directory</param>
 /// <param name="ekey">PatchFile MD5</param>
 public PatchFile(string directory, MD5Hash ekey) :
     this(Helpers.GetCDNPath(ekey.ToString(), "patch", directory))
Beispiel #59
        public IndexEntry GetIndexInfo(MD5Hash key)
            IndexEntry result;

            if (!CDNIndexData.TryGetValue(key, out result))
                Log.Write("CASC: CDNIndexHandler missing index {0}", key.ToHexString());

            return result;
Beispiel #60
        public static IndexMap FromFile(string filename, Func <IndexEntry, bool> isHashCollision, int maxTablesPerLevel = 4)
            var  tables = new List <List <PTable> >();
            int  version;
            long prepareCheckpoint = -1;
            long commitCheckpoint  = -1;

            if (!File.Exists(filename))
                return(new IndexMap(IndexMapVersion, tables, prepareCheckpoint, commitCheckpoint, isHashCollision, maxTablesPerLevel));

            using (var f = File.OpenRead(filename))
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(f))
                    // calculate real MD5 hash except first 32 bytes which are string representation of stored hash
                    f.Position = 32;
                    var realHash = MD5Hash.GetHashFor(f);
                    f.Position = 0;

                    // read stored MD5 hash and convert it from string to byte array
                    string text;
                    if ((text = reader.ReadLine()) == null)
                        throw new CorruptIndexException("IndexMap file is empty.");
                    if (text.Length != 32 || !text.All(x => char.IsDigit(x) || (x >= 'A' && x <= 'F')))
                        throw new CorruptIndexException("Corrupted MD5 hash.");

                    // check expected and real hashes are the same
                    var expectedHash = new byte[16];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
                        expectedHash[i] = Convert.ToByte(text.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16);
                    if (expectedHash.Length != realHash.Length)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid length of expected and real hash.");
                    for (int i = 0; i < realHash.Length; ++i)
                        if (expectedHash[i] != realHash[i])
                            throw new CorruptIndexException("Expected and real hash are different.");

                    // at this point we can assume the format is ok, so actually no need to check errors.

                    if ((text = reader.ReadLine()) == null)
                        throw new CorruptIndexException("Corrupted version.");
                    version = int.Parse(text);

                    // read and check prepare/commit checkpoint
                    if ((text = reader.ReadLine()) == null)
                        throw new CorruptIndexException("Corrupted commit checkpoint.");

                        var checkpoints = text.Split('/');
                        if (!long.TryParse(checkpoints[0], out prepareCheckpoint) || prepareCheckpoint < -1)
                            throw new CorruptIndexException("Invalid prepare checkpoint.");
                        if (!long.TryParse(checkpoints[1], out commitCheckpoint) || commitCheckpoint < -1)
                            throw new CorruptIndexException("Invalid commit checkpoint.");
                    catch (Exception exc)
                        throw new CorruptIndexException("Corrupted prepare/commit checkpoints pair.", exc);

                    // all next lines are PTables sorted by levels
                    while ((text = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        if (prepareCheckpoint < 0 || commitCheckpoint < 0)
                            throw new CorruptIndexException("Negative prepare/commit checkpoint in non-empty IndexMap.");

                        PTable ptable = null;
                        var    pieces = text.Split(',');
                            var level      = int.Parse(pieces[0]);
                            var position   = int.Parse(pieces[1]);
                            var file       = pieces[2];
                            var path       = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
                            var ptablePath = Path.Combine(path, file);

                            ptable = PTable.FromFile(ptablePath);

                            CreateIfNeeded(level, tables);
                            tables[level].Insert(position, ptable);
                        catch (Exception exc)
                            // if PTable file path was correct, but data is corrupted, we still need to dispose opened streams
                            if (ptable != null)

                            // also dispose all previously loaded correct PTables
                            for (int i = 0; i < tables.Count; ++i)
                                for (int j = 0; j < tables[i].Count; ++j)

                            throw new CorruptIndexException("Error while loading IndexMap.", exc);
            return(new IndexMap(version, tables, prepareCheckpoint, commitCheckpoint, isHashCollision, maxTablesPerLevel));