Beispiel #1
        public static void Analyze(string fen, SearchLimit searchLimit,
                                   NNEvaluatorDef evaluatorDef,
                                   bool forceDisablePruning,
                                   LC0Engine lc0Engine         = null,
                                   GameEngine comparisonEngine = null,
                                   bool verbose = false)
            Console.WriteLine("Analyzing FEN   : " + fen);
            Console.WriteLine("Search limit    : " + searchLimit.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Ceres evaluator : " + evaluatorDef.ToString());
            if (comparisonEngine != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Opponent      : " + comparisonEngine.ToString());

            NNEvaluatorSet nnEvaluators = new NNEvaluatorSet(evaluatorDef);

            // Warmup (in parallel)
                () => nnEvaluators.Warmup(true),
                () => comparisonEngine?.Warmup());

            bool ceresDone = false;

            lastInfoUpdate = DateTime.Now;

            UCISearchInfo lastCeresInfo = null;

            // Launch Ceres
            (MCTSManager worker2, MGMove bestMoveMG2, TimingStats stats2)ceresResults = default;
            Task searchCeres = Task.Run(() =>
                ParamsSearch searchParams = new ParamsSearch();
                searchParams.FutilityPruningStopSearchEnabled = !forceDisablePruning;
                ceresResults = MCTSLaunch.SearchOnFEN(nnEvaluators, new ParamsSelect(), searchParams, null, null, null,
                                                      fen, null, searchLimit, true,
                                                      manager => lastCeresInfo = new UCISearchInfo(UCIManager.UCIInfoString(manager), null, null), true, null);

            // Possibly launch search for other engine
            Task searchComparison = null;

            if (lc0Engine != null || comparisonEngine != null)
                searchComparison = Task.Run(() =>
                    if (lc0Engine != null)
                        lc0Engine.AnalyzePositionFromFENAndMoves(fen, null, fen, searchLimit);
                        // TODO: someday enable passing in of moves here
                        comparisonEngine.Search(PositionWithHistory.FromFENAndMovesUCI(fen, null), searchLimit, verbose: true);

            while (!searchCeres.IsCompleted || (searchComparison != null && !searchComparison.IsCompleted))
//Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " --> " + lastCeresInfo?.PVString + " OTHER " + comparisonEngine?.UCIInfo?.RawString);

                int numCharactersSame = int.MaxValue;
                if (lastCeresInfo?.PVString != null || comparisonEngine?.UCIInfo?.RawString != null)
                    if (lastCeresInfo != null && comparisonEngine?.UCIInfo != null)
                        numCharactersSame = 0;
                        string        pv1 = lastCeresInfo.PVString;
                        UCISearchInfo lastComparisonInfo = comparisonEngine.UCIInfo;
                        string        pv2 = lastComparisonInfo.PVString;
                        while (pv1.Length > numCharactersSame &&
                               pv2.Length > numCharactersSame &&
                               pv1[numCharactersSame] == pv2[numCharactersSame])

                if (lastCeresInfo != null)
                    WriteUCI("Ceres", lastCeresInfo, numCharactersSame);

                if (comparisonEngine != null)
                    WriteUCI(comparisonEngine.ID, comparisonEngine.UCIInfo, numCharactersSame);


            string infoUpdate = UCIManager.UCIInfoString(ceresResults.worker2);

            double q2 = ceresResults.worker2.Root.Q;

            //SearchPrincipalVariation pv2 = new SearchPrincipalVariation(worker2.Root);
            MCTSPosTreeNodeDumper.DumpPV(ceresResults.worker2.Context.StartPosAndPriorMoves, ceresResults.worker2.Context.Root, true, null);
Beispiel #2
        void ProcessEPD(int epdNum, EPDEntry epd, bool outputDetail, ObjectPool <object> otherEngines)
            UCISearchInfo otherEngineAnalysis2 = default;

            EPDEntry epdToUse = epd;

            Task RunNonCeres()
                if (Def.ExternalEngineDef != null)
                    object engineObj = otherEngines.GetFromPool();

                    if (engineObj is LC0Engine)
                        LC0Engine le = (LC0Engine)engineObj;

                        // Run test 2 first since that's the one we dump in detail, to avoid any possible caching effect from a prior run
                        otherEngineAnalysis2 = le.AnalyzePositionFromFEN(epdToUse.FEN, epdToUse.StartMoves, Def.ExternalEngineDef.SearchLimit);
                        //            leelaAnalysis2 = le.AnalyzePositionFromFEN(epdToUse.FEN, new SearchLimit(SearchLimit.LimitType.NodesPerMove, 2)); // **** TEMP
                        UCIGameRunner runner = (engineObj is UCIGameRunner) ? (engineObj as UCIGameRunner)
            : (engineObj as GameEngineUCI).UCIRunner;
                        string moveType  = Def.ExternalEngineDef.SearchLimit.Type == SearchLimitType.NodesPerMove ? "nodes" : "movetime";
                        int    moveValue = moveType == "nodes" ? (int)Def.ExternalEngineDef.SearchLimit.Value : (int)Def.ExternalEngineDef.SearchLimit.Value * 1000;
                        otherEngineAnalysis2 = runner.EvalPosition(epdToUse.FEN, epdToUse.StartMoves, moveType, moveValue, null);
                        //          public UCISearchInfo EvalPosition(int engineNum, string fenOrPositionCommand, string moveType, int moveMetric, bool shouldCache = false)

            bool EXTERNAL_CONCURRENT = numConcurrentSuiteThreads > 1;

            Task lzTask = EXTERNAL_CONCURRENT ? Task.Run(RunNonCeres) : RunNonCeres();

            // Comptue search limit
            // If possible, adjust for the fact that LC0 "cheats" by going slightly over node budget
            SearchLimit ceresSearchLimit1 = Def.CeresEngine1Def.SearchLimit;
            SearchLimit ceresSearchLimit2 = Def.CeresEngine2Def?.SearchLimit;

            if (Def.CeresEngine1Def.SearchLimit.Type == SearchLimitType.NodesPerMove &&
                otherEngineAnalysis2 != null &&
                if (Def.CeresEngine1Def.SearchLimit.Type == SearchLimitType.NodesPerMove)
                    ceresSearchLimit1 = new SearchLimit(SearchLimitType.NodesPerMove, otherEngineAnalysis2.Nodes);
                if (Def.CeresEngine1Def.SearchLimit.Type == SearchLimitType.NodesPerMove)
                    ceresSearchLimit2 = new SearchLimit(SearchLimitType.NodesPerMove, otherEngineAnalysis2.Nodes);

            MCTSManager worker1, worker2 = default;
            MGMove      bestMoveMG1, bestMoveMG2 = default;
            TimingStats stats1, stats2 = default;

            // Note that if we are running both Ceres1 and Ceres2 we alternate which search goes first.
            // This prevents any systematic difference/benefit that might come from order
            // (for example if we reuse position evaluations from the other tree, which can benefit only one of the two searches).
            if (epdNum % 2 == 0 || Def.CeresEngine2Def == null)
                (worker1, bestMoveMG1, stats1)
                    = MCTSLaunch.SearchOnFEN(evaluatorSet1, Def.Engine1Def.SelectParams, Def.Engine1Def.SearchParams, null, null, null,
                                             epdToUse.FEN, epd.StartMoves,
                                             MakeCeresSearchLimit(Def, otherEngineAnalysis2, ceresSearchLimit1), false, null, true, null);

                MCTSIterator shareContext = null;
                if (Def.RunCeres2Engine)
                    if (Def.Engine2Def.SearchParams.ReusePositionEvaluationsFromOtherTree)
                        shareContext = worker1.Context;

                    (worker2, bestMoveMG2, stats2)
                        = MCTSLaunch.SearchOnFEN(evaluatorSet2, Def.Engine2Def.SelectParams, Def.Engine2Def.SearchParams, null, null, shareContext,
                                                 epdToUse.FEN, epd.StartMoves,
                                                 MakeCeresSearchLimit(Def, otherEngineAnalysis2, ceresSearchLimit2), false, null, true, null);
                (worker2, bestMoveMG2, stats2)
                    = MCTSLaunch.SearchOnFEN(evaluatorSet2, Def.Engine2Def.SelectParams, Def.Engine2Def.SearchParams, null, null, null,
                                             epdToUse.FEN, epd.StartMoves,
                                             MakeCeresSearchLimit(Def, otherEngineAnalysis2, ceresSearchLimit2), false, null, true, null);

                MCTSIterator shareContext = null;
                if (Def.Engine1Def.SearchParams.ReusePositionEvaluationsFromOtherTree)
                    shareContext = worker2.Context;

                (worker1, bestMoveMG1, stats1)
                    = MCTSLaunch.SearchOnFEN(evaluatorSet1, Def.Engine1Def.SelectParams, Def.Engine1Def.SearchParams, null, null, shareContext,
                                             epdToUse.FEN, epd.StartMoves,
                                             MakeCeresSearchLimit(Def, otherEngineAnalysis2, ceresSearchLimit1), false, null, true, null);

            // Wait for LZ analysis
            if (EXTERNAL_CONCURRENT)

            Move bestMoveOtherEngine = default;

            if (Def.ExternalEngineDef != null)
                MGPosition thisPosX = PositionWithHistory.FromFENAndMovesUCI(epdToUse.FEN, epdToUse.StartMoves).FinalPosMG;

                MGMove lzMoveMG1 = MGMoveFromString.ParseMove(thisPosX, otherEngineAnalysis2.BestMove);
                bestMoveOtherEngine = MGMoveConverter.ToMove(lzMoveMG1);

            Move bestMoveCeres1 = MGMoveConverter.ToMove(bestMoveMG1);
            Move bestMoveCeres2 = MGMoveConverter.ToMove(bestMoveMG2);

            char CorrectStr(Move move) => epdToUse.CorrectnessScore(move, 10) == 10 ? '+' : '.';

            int scoreCeres1      = epdToUse.CorrectnessScore(bestMoveCeres1, 10);
            int scoreCeres2      = epdToUse.CorrectnessScore(bestMoveCeres2, 10);
            int scoreOtherEngine = epdToUse.CorrectnessScore(bestMoveOtherEngine, 10);

            SearchResultInfo result1 = new SearchResultInfo(worker1, bestMoveMG1);
            SearchResultInfo result2 = worker2 == null ? null : new SearchResultInfo(worker2, bestMoveMG2);

            accCeres1 += scoreCeres1;
            accCeres2 += scoreCeres2;

            // Accumulate how many nodes were required to find one of the correct moves
            // (in the cases where both succeeded)
            if (scoreCeres1 > 0 && (worker2 == null || scoreCeres2 > 0))
                accWCeres1 += (scoreCeres1 == 0) ? result1.N : result1.NumNodesWhenChoseTopNNode;
                if (worker2 != null)
                    accWCeres2 += (scoreCeres2 == 0) ? result2.N : result2.NumNodesWhenChoseTopNNode;
            this.avgOther += scoreOtherEngine;


            float avgCeres1  = (float)accCeres1 / numSearches;
            float avgCeres2  = (float)accCeres2 / numSearches;
            float avgWCeres1 = (float)accWCeres1 / numSearchesBothFound;
            float avgWCeres2 = (float)accWCeres2 / numSearchesBothFound;

            float avgOther = (float)this.avgOther / numSearches;

            string MoveIfWrong(Move m) => m.IsNull || epdToUse.CorrectnessScore(m, 10) == 10 ? "    " : m.ToString().ToLower();

            int diff1 = scoreCeres1 - scoreOtherEngine;

            int evalNumBatches1 = result1.NumNNBatches;
            int evalNumPos1     = result1.NumNNNodes;
            int evalNumBatches2 = worker2 == null ? 0 : result2.NumNNBatches;
            int evalNumPos2     = worker2 == null ? 0 : result2.NumNNNodes;

            string correctMove = null;

            if (epdToUse.AMMoves != null)
                correctMove = "-" + epdToUse.AMMoves[0];
            else if (epdToUse.BMMoves != null)
                correctMove = epdToUse.BMMoves[0];

            float otherEngineTime = otherEngineAnalysis2 == null ? 0 : (float)otherEngineAnalysis2.EngineReportedSearchTime / 1000.0f;

            totalTimeOther  += otherEngineTime;
            totalTimeCeres1 += (float)stats1.ElapsedTimeSecs;

            totalNodesOther += otherEngineAnalysis2 == null ? 0 : (int)otherEngineAnalysis2.Nodes;
            totalNodes1     += (int)result1.N;

            sumEvalNumPosOther += otherEngineAnalysis2 == null ? 0 : (int)otherEngineAnalysis2.Nodes;
            sumEvalNumBatches1 += evalNumBatches1;
            sumEvalNumPos1     += evalNumPos1;

            if (Def.RunCeres2Engine)
                totalTimeCeres2    += (float)stats2.ElapsedTimeSecs;
                totalNodes2        += (int)result2.N;
                sumEvalNumBatches2 += evalNumBatches2;
                sumEvalNumPos2     += evalNumPos2;

            float Adjust(int score, float frac) => score == 0 ? 0 : Math.Max(1.0f, MathF.Round(frac * 100.0f, 0));

            string worker1PickedNonTopNMoveStr = result1.PickedNonTopNMoveStr;
            string worker2PickedNonTopNMoveStr = result2?.PickedNonTopNMoveStr;

            bool ex = otherEngineAnalysis2 != null;
            bool c2 = worker2 != null;

            Writer writer = new Writer(epdNum == 0);

            writer.Add("#", $"{epdNum,4}", 6);

            if (ex)
                writer.Add("CEx", $"{avgOther,5:F2}", 7);
            writer.Add("CC", $"{avgCeres1,5:F2}", 7);
            if (c2)
                writer.Add("CC2", $"{avgCeres2,5:F2}", 7);

            writer.Add("P", $" {0.001f * avgWCeres1,7:f2}", 9);
            if (c2)
                writer.Add("P2", $" {0.001f * avgWCeres2,7:f2}", 9);

            if (ex)
                writer.Add("SEx", $"{scoreOtherEngine,3}", 5);
            writer.Add("SC", $"{scoreCeres1,3}", 5);
            if (c2)
                writer.Add("SC2", $"{scoreCeres2,3}", 5);

            if (ex)
                writer.Add("MEx", $"{otherEngineAnalysis2.BestMove,7}", 9);
            writer.Add("MC", $"{worker1.BestMoveMG,7}", 9);
            if (c2)
                writer.Add("MC2", $"{worker2.BestMoveMG,7}", 9);

            writer.Add("Fr", $"{worker1PickedNonTopNMoveStr}{ 100.0f * result1.TopNNodeN / result1.N,3:F0}%", 9);
            if (c2)
                writer.Add("Fr2", $"{worker2PickedNonTopNMoveStr}{ 100.0f * result2?.TopNNodeN / result2?.N,3:F0}%", 9);

            writer.Add("Yld", $"{result1.NodeSelectionYieldFrac,6:f3}", 9);
            if (c2)
                writer.Add("Yld2", $"{result2.NodeSelectionYieldFrac,6:f3}", 9);

            // Search time
            if (ex)
                writer.Add("TimeEx", $"{otherEngineTime,7:F2}", 9);
            writer.Add("TimeC", $"{stats1.ElapsedTimeSecs,7:F2}", 9);
            if (c2)
                writer.Add("TimeC2", $"{stats2.ElapsedTimeSecs,7:F2}", 9);

            writer.Add("Dep", $"{result1.AvgDepth,5:f1}", 7);
            if (c2)
                writer.Add("Dep2", $"{result2.AvgDepth,5:f1}", 7);

            // Nodes
            if (ex)
                writer.Add("NEx", $"{otherEngineAnalysis2.Nodes,12:N0}", 14);
            writer.Add("Nodes", $"{result1.N,12:N0}", 14);
            if (c2)
                writer.Add("Nodes2", $"{result2.N,12:N0}", 14);

            // Fraction when chose top N
            writer.Add("Frac", $"{Adjust(scoreCeres1, result1.FractionNumNodesWhenChoseTopNNode),4:F0}", 6);
            if (c2)
                writer.Add("Frac2", $"{Adjust(scoreCeres2, result2.FractionNumNodesWhenChoseTopNNode),4:F0}", 6);

            // Score (Q)
            if (ex)
                writer.Add("QEx", $"{otherEngineAnalysis2.ScoreLogistic,6:F3}", 8);
            writer.Add("QC", $"{result1.Q,6:F3}", 8);
            if (c2)
                writer.Add("QC2", $"{result2.Q,6:F3}", 8);

            // Num batches&positions
            writer.Add("Batches", $"{evalNumBatches1,8:N0}", 10);
            writer.Add("NNEvals", $"{evalNumPos1,11:N0}", 13);
            if (c2)
                writer.Add("Batches2", $"{evalNumBatches2,8:N0}", 10);
                writer.Add("NNEvals2", $"{evalNumPos2,11:N0}", 13);

            // Tablebase hits
            writer.Add("TBase", $"{worker1.CountTablebaseHits,8:N0}", 10);
            if (c2)
                writer.Add("TBase2", $"{worker2.CountTablebaseHits,8:N0}", 10);

//      writer.Add("EPD", $"{epdToUse.ID,-30}", 32);

            if (outputDetail)
                if (epdNum == 0)

            //      MCTSNodeStorageSerialize.Save(worker1.Context.Store, @"c:\temp", "TESTSORE");

            if (!object.ReferenceEquals(worker1, worker2))