Beispiel #1
        public static object UpdateTBMAConfig(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_TBMA_CONFIG record)
                LookupBusiness _lookupbusiness = new LookupBusiness();

                var updated = _lookupbusiness.UpdateTBMAConfig(sessioninfo, record);
                return(new { Result = "OK" });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
Beispiel #2
        public MA_TBMA_CONFIG GetTBMAConfig(SessionInfo sessioninfo)
                MA_TBMA_CONFIG query = new MA_TBMA_CONFIG();
                using (EFUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new EFUnitOfWork())
                    query = unitOfWork.MA_TBMA_CONFIGRepository.All().FirstOrDefault();

            catch (DataServicesException ex)
                throw this.CreateException(ex, null);
Beispiel #3
        public static object SendFIReport(SessionInfo sessioninfo, string IDs)
                string[]       TrnsID          = IDs.Split(',');
                DealBusiness   _dealBusiness   = new DealBusiness();
                LookupBusiness _lookupBusiness = new LookupBusiness();
                MA_TBMA_CONFIG config          = _lookupBusiness.GetTBMAConfig(sessioninfo);
                Guid           productID       = _lookupBusiness.GetProductAll().FirstOrDefault(p => p.LABEL == ProductCode.BOND.ToString()).ID;
                List <DA_TRN>  trns            = _dealBusiness.GetDealInternalByProcessDate(sessioninfo.Process.CurrentDate)
                                                 .Where(a => a.PRODUCT_ID.Value == productID && TrnsID.Contains(a.ID.ToString()) && a.DA_TMBA_EXTENSION.SEND_DATE == null).ToList();
                var validateTBMA_NAME = (from o1 in trns
                                         where string.IsNullOrEmpty(o1.MA_COUTERPARTY.TBMA_NAME)
                                         select o1.MA_COUTERPARTY.SNAME).Distinct().ToArray();

                //verify required info
                if (validateTBMA_NAME.Length > 0)
                    throw CreateException(new Exception(), "TBMA_NAME can't be empty. Please input TBMA_NAME on counterparty " + string.Join(",", validateTBMA_NAME));
                if (config == null)
                    throw CreateException(new Exception(), "Cannot get configurations. Please contact administrator");

                foreach (DA_TRN trn in trns)
                    _dealBusiness.CreatingTBMAReportFile(sessioninfo, trn, config);

                Guid[] TrnsIDSend = trns.Select(t => t.ID).ToArray();
                _dealBusiness.UpdateFISendReport(sessioninfo, TrnsIDSend);
                    Result = "OK",
                    Message = String.Format("Sending report completed")
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
Beispiel #4
        public MA_TBMA_CONFIG UpdateTBMAConfig(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_TBMA_CONFIG config)
            using (EFUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new EFUnitOfWork())
                var foundConfig = unitOfWork.MA_TBMA_CONFIGRepository.All().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == config.ID);
                if (foundConfig == null)
                    throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), Messages.DATA_NOT_FOUND);

                    foundConfig.TBMA_CAL_PASSWORD = config.TBMA_CAL_PASSWORD;
                    foundConfig.TBMA_CAL_USERNAME = config.TBMA_CAL_USERNAME;
                    foundConfig.TBMA_RPT_PATH     = config.TBMA_RPT_PATH;
                    foundConfig.TBMA_RPT_PREFIX   = config.TBMA_RPT_PREFIX;
                    foundConfig.TBMA_RPT_TRADERID = config.TBMA_RPT_TRADERID;


Beispiel #5
        public static object CallTBMA(string instrumentid, string setdate, double yield, double cprice, string ytype, bool y2p)
                MA_TBMA_CONFIG config = LookupUIP.GetTBMAConfig(SessionInfo);

                string username, userpassword, token, Key, ErrorMessage;
                username     = config.TBMA_CAL_USERNAME;
                userpassword = config.TBMA_CAL_PASSWORD;
                MA_INSTRUMENT ins = InstrumentUIP.GetByID(SessionInfo, new Guid(instrumentid));
                if (ins == null)
                    throw new Exception("Instrument is not found");

                LoggingHelper.Info("TBMA Calculation Service has been called by " + SessionInfo.UserLogon);

                //Step 1 Create new instant object
                ThaiBMACalc.ThaiBMA_Claculation_Service calc = new ThaiBMACalc.ThaiBMA_Claculation_Service(); //Service Object
                ThaiBMACalc.BondFactor   BF     = new ThaiBMACalc.BondFactor();                               //input object
                ThaiBMACalc.AuthenHeader header = new ThaiBMACalc.AuthenHeader();                             //authen object
                //Step 2 Get token
                Authen.ThaiBMA_Calculation_Auth authen = new Authen.ThaiBMA_Calculation_Auth();
                token = authen.GetToken(username);

                //Step 3 Get Key for access
                Key             = GetKey.getKeyLogin(token, username, userpassword);
                header.key      = Key;
                header.username = username;

                //Step 4 Set auhen value
                calc.AuthenHeaderValue = header;

                //Step 5 Set input value to object
                BF.Symbol           = ins.LABEL;
                BF.SettlementDate   = DateTime.ParseExact(setdate, "dd/MM/yyyy", null);
                BF.TradeDateAndTime = System.DateTime.Now;
                BF.Yield            = yield;
                BF.Percent_Price    = cprice;
                BF.isYield2Price    = y2p;
                BF.isCallPutOption  = false;
                BF.Unit             = 1;
                BF.PriceType        = ThaiBMACalc.PriceType.Clean;

                if (ins.LABEL.StartsWith("ILB"))
                    BF.isILB = true;

                if (ytype == "DM")
                    BF.YieldType = ThaiBMACalc.YieldType.DM;
                    BF.YieldType = ThaiBMACalc.YieldType.YTM;

                //Step 6 Call calc method
                ThaiBMACalc.CalculationOutput result  = calc.BondCalculation(BF);
                ThaiBMACalc.ServiceError      sresult = (ThaiBMACalc.ServiceError)result.ServiceResult;

                //Error while calling service
                if (sresult != null && !sresult.Result)
                    ErrorMessage = sresult.ErrorMessage;
                    string ErrorNo = sresult.ErrorNo;
                    bool   rtn     = sresult.Result;
                    string attime  = sresult.TimeStamp.ToString();
                    LoggingHelper.Error("ThaiBMA service is fail. " + ErrorMessage);
                    return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = "ThaiBMA service is fail. " + ErrorMessage });

                if ((result.CalcError == null) && (result.CalcResult != null))
                    ThaiBMACalc.CalcResult myResult = (ThaiBMACalc.CalcResult)result.CalcResult;

                    //Calculation Result
                    double RGrossPrice = 0;
                    double RCleanPrice = 0;
                    double RYield      = 0;

                    if (myResult.Symbol.StartsWith("ILB"))
                        RCleanPrice = (double)myResult.Percent_Unadjusted_CleanPrice;
                        RYield      = (double)myResult.Percent_RealYield;
                        RGrossPrice = (double)myResult.Percent_Unadjusted_GrossPrice;
                        RYield      = ytype == "DM" ? (double)myResult.Percent_DM : (double)myResult.Percent_Yield;
                        RCleanPrice = (double)myResult.Percent_CleanPrice;
                        RGrossPrice = (double)myResult.Percent_GrossPrice;
                    return(new { Result = "OK", gprice = RGrossPrice, cprice = RCleanPrice, yield = RYield });
                    //.... and more
                    Type error = result.CalcError.GetType();
                    IList <PropertyInfo> props = new List <PropertyInfo>(error.GetProperties());

                    string errmsg = string.Join(",", props.Where(p => p.GetValue(result.CalcError, null).ToString() != "").Select(p => p.GetValue(result.CalcError, null)).ToList());

                    LoggingHelper.Error("ThaiBMA Caculation is fail. " + errmsg);
                    return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = "ThaiBMA Caculation is fail. " + errmsg });
            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingHelper.Error("ThaiBMA service is fail. " + ex.Message);
                return(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message });
 public static object Update(MA_TBMA_CONFIG record)
     return(LookupUIP.UpdateTBMAConfig(SessionInfo, record));