public void SessionEnd() { if (this.initialized) { MATBinding.MeasureSession(); } }
public override void Init() { if (!build.MAT) { return; } try { if (platform == Platform.AppStore) { MATBinding.Init(, iOS / key); } else if (platform == Platform.GooglePlay) { MATBinding.Init(, android.key); } MATBinding.SetDebugMode(isDebug); MATBinding.MeasureSession(); } catch (Exception e) { LogError("Analytic - MAT Init Exception - " + e.Message); build.MAT = false; return; } Analytic.onEventRevenue.Add(EventRevenue); Analytic.onEventUserLogin.Add(UserLogin); }
void UserLogin() { // MATBinding.SetAge(34); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.facebookId)) { MATBinding.SetFacebookUserId(user.facebookId); } if (user.gender != "Unknown") { MATBinding.SetGender(user.gender == "Male" ? 1 : 0); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.googleId)) { MATBinding.SetGoogleUserId(user.googleId); } // MATBinding.SetLocation(111, 222, 333); // MATBinding.SetPayingUser(true); // MATBinding.SetPhoneNumber("111-222-3456"); // MATBinding.SetTwitterUserId("twitter_user_id"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { MATBinding.SetUserId(; } // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( MATBinding.SetUserName(; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { MATBinding.SetUserEmail(; } }
public void MeasureEvent(string _EventName) { if (this.m_goMATDelegate == null) { return; } MATBinding.MeasureEvent(_EventName); }
public void Set_UserID(string _strUserId) { if (this.m_goMATDelegate == null) { return; } MATBinding.SetUserId(_strUserId); }
public void TutorialComplete() { if (this.m_goMATDelegate == null) { return; } MATBinding.MeasureEvent("tutorial complete"); }
void EventRevenue(PurchaseData data) { var matEvent = new MATEvent("purchase"); matEvent.revenue = data.iap.revenue; matEvent.currencyCode = data.iap.currencyCode; matEvent.eventItems = new MATItem[] { new MATItem(data.iap.sku) }; MATBinding.MeasureEvent(matEvent); }
public void Event(ESdkEvent eventName, object param) { if (this.initialized) { if (eventName == ESdkEvent.Tuturial) { MATEvent tuneEvent = new MATEvent("tutorial_complete"); MATBinding.MeasureEvent(tuneEvent); } } }
public void Purchase(PremiumProduct product) { if (this.initialized) { MATEvent tuneEvent = new MATEvent(); = "purchase"; tuneEvent.revenue = new double?((double)product.price); tuneEvent.currencyCode = product.currencyCode; MATBinding.MeasureEvent(tuneEvent); } }
public void Init(string _strAdID, string _strConversionKey, string _strPackageName) { if (this.m_goMATDelegate == null) { return; } MATBinding.Init(_strAdID, _strConversionKey); MATBinding.SetPackageName(_strPackageName); MATBinding.SetFacebookEventLogging(true, false); MATBinding.AutomateIapEventMeasurement(false); MATBinding.MeasureSession(); }
private void Initialize(string trUserId) { if (!this.initialized) { MATBinding.Init(ConfigSdk.MAT_ADVERTISER_ID, ConfigSdk.MAT_CONVERSION_KEY); MATBinding.SetPackageName(ConfigSdk.ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME); MATBinding.SetUserId(trUserId); MATBinding.AutomateIapEventMeasurement(true); MATBinding.SetDebugMode(ConfigSdk.SDK_DEBUG); this.initialized = true; } }
public void Measure_Purchase(long _MallIndex) { if (this.m_goMATDelegate == null) { return; } ITEM_MALL_ITEM item = NrTSingleton <ItemMallItemManager> .Instance.GetItem(_MallIndex); if (item == null) { return; } string textFromItem = NrTSingleton <NrTextMgr> .Instance.GetTextFromItem(item.m_strTextKey); string currencyCode = string.Empty; eSERVICE_AREA currentServiceArea = NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.GetCurrentServiceArea(); if (currentServiceArea == eSERVICE_AREA.SERVICE_ANDROID_KORGOOGLE || currentServiceArea == eSERVICE_AREA.SERVICE_ANDROID_KORKAKAO) { if (item.m_nMoneyType == 1) { currencyCode = "KRW"; MATItem[] eventItems = new MATItem[] { new MATItem(textFromItem) { quantity = new int?(1), unitPrice = new double?((double)item.m_nPrice), revenue = new double?((double)item.m_nPrice) } }; MATBinding.MeasureEvent(new MATEvent("Purchase") { currencyCode = currencyCode, eventItems = eventItems, receiptSignature = PlayerPrefs.GetString(NrPrefsKey.SHOP_RECEIPT, string.Empty), revenue = new double?((double)item.m_nPrice), advertiserRefId = "186576" }); } } else if (item.m_nMoneyType == 1) { currencyCode = "USD"; MATBinding.MeasureEvent(new MATEvent("Purchase") { revenue = new double?((double)item.m_fPrice), currencyCode = currencyCode, advertiserRefId = textFromItem }); } }
public void Set_MAT() { this.m_goMATDelegate = GameObject.Find("MobileAppTracker"); if (this.m_goMATDelegate == null) { this.m_goMATDelegate = new GameObject("MobileAppTracker"); } if (this.m_goMATDelegate != null) { UnityEngine.Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(this.m_goMATDelegate); MATDelegate x = this.m_goMATDelegate.GetComponent <MATDelegate>(); if (x == null) { x = this.m_goMATDelegate.AddComponent <MATDelegate>(); } MATBinding x2 = this.m_goMATDelegate.GetComponent <MATBinding>(); if (x2 == null) { x2 = this.m_goMATDelegate.AddComponent <MATBinding>(); } } }
void OnGUI() { GUIStyle headingLabelStyle = new GUIStyle(); headingLabelStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; headingLabelStyle.fontSize = 50; headingLabelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; headingLabelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; float titleHeight = Screen.height / 10; GUI.Label(new Rect(10, topMargin, Screen.width - 20, titleHeight), "MAT Unity Test App", headingLabelStyle); = 40; = Screen.width * 0.05f; = Screen.width * 0.05f; float scrollViewContentHeight = (float)(numButtons * 0.125) * Screen.height; scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView( new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, 0.15f * Screen.height, Screen.width - 0.1f * Screen.width, Screen.height - 0.15f * Screen.height - topMargin - bottomMargin), scrollPosition, new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, 0.15f * Screen.height, Screen.width - 0.1f * Screen.width, scrollViewContentHeight)); int buttonIndex = 0; float yPos = (float)(0.15f + buttonIndex * 0.125) * Screen.height; Rect rect = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, yPos, 0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height); if (GUI.Button(rect, "Start MAT SDK")) { print("Start MAT SDK clicked"); MATBinding.Init(MAT_ADVERTISER_ID, MAT_CONVERSION_KEY); MATBinding.SetPackageName(MAT_PACKAGE_NAME); } ++buttonIndex; yPos = (float)(0.15f + buttonIndex * 0.125) * Screen.height; rect = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, yPos, 0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height); if (GUI.Button(rect, "Set Delegate")) { print("Set Delegate clicked"); #if (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IPHONE) MATBinding.SetDelegate(true); #endif #if UNITY_METRO MATBinding.SetMATResponse(new SampleWinMATResponse()); #endif } ++buttonIndex; yPos = (float)(0.15f + buttonIndex * 0.125) * Screen.height; rect = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, yPos, 0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height); if (GUI.Button(rect, "Show Banner")) { print("Show Banner"); MATBinding.ShowBanner("place1"); } ++buttonIndex; yPos = (float)(0.15f + buttonIndex * 0.125) * Screen.height; rect = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, yPos, 0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height); if (GUI.Button(rect, "Hide Banner")) { print("Hide Banner"); MATBinding.HideBanner(); } ++buttonIndex; yPos = (float)(0.15f + buttonIndex * 0.125) * Screen.height; rect = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, yPos, 0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height); if (GUI.Button(rect, "Destroy Banner")) { print("Destroy Banner"); MATBinding.DestroyBanner(); } ++buttonIndex; yPos = (float)(0.15f + buttonIndex * 0.125) * Screen.height; rect = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, yPos, 0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height); if (GUI.Button(rect, "Cache Interstitial")) { MATAdMetadata metadata = new MATAdMetadata(); metadata.setBirthDate(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-45)); metadata.setGender(MATAdGender.FEMALE); metadata.setLocation(120.8f, 234.5f, 579.6f); metadata.setDebugMode(true); HashSet <string> keywords = new HashSet <string>(); keywords.Add("pro"); keywords.Add("evening"); metadata.setKeywords(keywords); Dictionary <string, string> customTargets = new Dictionary <string, string>(); customTargets.Add("type", "game"); customTargets.Add("subtype1", "adventure"); customTargets.Add("subtype2", "action"); metadata.setCustomTargets(customTargets); MATBinding.CacheInterstitial("place1", metadata); } ++buttonIndex; yPos = (float)(0.15f + buttonIndex * 0.125) * Screen.height; rect = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, yPos, 0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height); if (GUI.Button(rect, "Show Interstitial")) { print("Show Interstitial"); MATBinding.ShowInterstitial("place1"); } ++buttonIndex; yPos = (float)(0.15f + buttonIndex * 0.125) * Screen.height; rect = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, yPos, 0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height); if (GUI.Button(rect, "Destroy Interstitial")) { print("Destroy Interstitial"); MATBinding.DestroyInterstitial(); } GUI.EndScrollView(); numButtons = buttonIndex + 1; // resize banner ad for current orientation MATBinding.LayoutBanner(); }
public void SessionStart(string trUserId) { this.Initialize(trUserId); MATBinding.MeasureSession(); }
void OnGUI () { GUIStyle headingLabelStyle = new GUIStyle(); headingLabelStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; headingLabelStyle.fontSize = 50; headingLabelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; headingLabelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 5, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height/10), "MAT Unity Test App", headingLabelStyle); = 40; if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, Screen.height/10, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height/10), "Start MAT")) { print ("Start MAT clicked"); #if (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_METRO) MATBinding.Init(MAT_ADVERTISER_ID, MAT_CONVERSION_KEY); MATBinding.SetPackageName(MAT_PACKAGE_NAME); MATBinding.SetFacebookEventLogging(true, false); #endif #if (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IPHONE) MATBinding.CheckForDeferredDeeplinkWithTimeout(750); // 750 ms MATBinding.AutomateIapEventMeasurement(true); #endif } else if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 2*Screen.height/10, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height/10), "Set Delegate")) { print ("Set Delegate clicked"); #if (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IPHONE) MATBinding.SetDelegate(true); #endif #if UNITY_WP8 MATBinding.SetMATResponse(new SampleWP8MATResponse()); #endif #if UNITY_METRO MATBinding.SetMATResponse(new SampleWinStoreMATResponse()); #endif } else if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 3*Screen.height/10, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height/10), "Enable Debug Mode")) { print ("Enable Debug Mode clicked"); #if (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_METRO) // NOTE: !!! ONLY FOR DEBUG !!! // !!! Make sure you set to false // OR // remove the setDebugMode and setAllowDuplicates calls for Production builds !!! MATBinding.SetDebugMode(true); #endif } else if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 4*Screen.height/10, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height/10), "Allow Duplicates")) { print ("Allow Duplicates clicked"); #if (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_METRO) // NOTE: !!! ONLY FOR DEBUG !!! // !!! Make sure you set to false // OR // remove the setDebugMode and setAllowDuplicates calls for Production builds !!! MATBinding.SetAllowDuplicates(true); #endif } else if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 5*Screen.height/10, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height/10), "Measure Session")) { print ("Measure Session clicked"); #if (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_METRO) MATBinding.MeasureSession(); #endif } else if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 6*Screen.height/10, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height/10), "Measure Event")) { print ("Measure Event clicked"); #if (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_METRO) MATBinding.MeasureEvent("evt11"); #endif } else if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 7*Screen.height/10, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height/10), "Measure Event With Event Items")) { print ("Measure Event With Event Items clicked"); #if (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_METRO) MATItem item1 = new MATItem(); = "subitem1"; item1.unitPrice = 5; item1.quantity = 5; item1.revenue = 3; item1.attribute2 = "attrValue2"; item1.attribute3 = "attrValue3"; item1.attribute4 = "attrValue4"; item1.attribute5 = "attrValue5"; MATItem item2 = new MATItem(); = "subitem2"; item2.unitPrice = 1; item2.quantity = 3; item2.revenue = 1.5; item2.attribute1 = "attrValue1"; item2.attribute3 = "attrValue3"; MATItem[] eventItems = { item1, item2 }; MATEvent matEvent = new MATEvent("purchase"); matEvent.revenue = 10; matEvent.currencyCode = "AUD"; matEvent.advertiserRefId = "ref222"; matEvent.attribute1 = "test_attribute1"; matEvent.attribute2 = "test_attribute2"; matEvent.attribute3 = "test_attribute3"; matEvent.attribute4 = "test_attribute4"; matEvent.attribute5 = "test_attribute5"; matEvent.contentType = "test_contentType"; matEvent.contentId = "test_contentId"; matEvent.date1 = DateTime.UtcNow; matEvent.date2 = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(new TimeSpan((new DateTime(2,1,1)).Ticks)); matEvent.level = 3; matEvent.quantity = 2; matEvent.rating = 4.5; matEvent.searchString = "test_searchString"; matEvent.eventItems = eventItems; // transaction state may be set to the value received from the iOS/Android app store. matEvent.transactionState = 1; #if UNITY_IPHONE matEvent.receipt = getSampleiTunesIAPReceipt(); #endif MATBinding.MeasureEvent(matEvent); #endif } else if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 8*Screen.height/10, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height/10), "Test Setter Methods")) { print ("Test Setter Methods clicked"); #if (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_METRO) MATBinding.SetAge(34); MATBinding.SetAllowDuplicates(true); MATBinding.SetAppAdTracking(true); MATBinding.SetDebugMode(true); MATBinding.SetExistingUser(false); MATBinding.SetFacebookUserId("temp_facebook_user_id"); MATBinding.SetGender(0); MATBinding.SetGoogleUserId("temp_google_user_id"); MATBinding.SetLocation(111,222,333); //MATBinding.SetPackageName(MAT_PACKAGE_NAME); MATBinding.SetPayingUser(true); MATBinding.SetPhoneNumber("111-222-3456"); MATBinding.SetTwitterUserId("twitter_user_id"); MATBinding.SetUserId("temp_user_id"); MATBinding.SetUserName("temp_user_name"); MATBinding.SetUserEmail("*****@*****.**"); //iOS-specific Features #if UNITY_IPHONE #if UNITY_5_0 MATBinding.SetAppleAdvertisingIdentifier(UnityEngine.iOS.Device.advertisingIdentifier, UnityEngine.iOS.Device.advertisingTrackingEnabled); #else MATBinding.SetAppleAdvertisingIdentifier(UnityEngine.iPhone.advertisingIdentifier, UnityEngine.iPhone.advertisingTrackingEnabled); #endif MATBinding.SetAppleVendorIdentifier(UnityEngine.iPhone.vendorIdentifier); MATBinding.SetDelegate(true); MATBinding.SetJailbroken(false); MATBinding.SetShouldAutoDetectJailbroken(true); MATBinding.SetShouldAutoGenerateVendorIdentifier(true); MATBinding.SetUseCookieTracking(false); #endif //Android-specific Features #if UNITY_ANDROID MATBinding.SetAndroidId("111111111111"); MATBinding.SetDeviceId("123456789123456"); MATBinding.SetGoogleAdvertisingId("12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", true); MATBinding.SetMacAddress("AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF"); #endif //Windows Phone 8 Specific Features #if UNITY_WP8 MATBinding.SetAppName("testWP8_AppName"); MATBinding.SetAppVersion("testWP8_AppVersion"); MATBinding.SetLastOpenLogId("testWP8_LastOpenLogId"); MATBinding.SetOSVersion("testWP8_OS"); #endif //Android and iOS-specific Features #if (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IPHONE) MATBinding.SetCurrencyCode("CAD"); MATBinding.SetTRUSTeId("1234567890"); MATPreloadData pd = new MATPreloadData("1122334455"); pd.advertiserSubAd = "some_adv_sub_ad_id"; pd.publisherSub3 = "some_pub_sub3"; MATBinding.SetPreloadedApp(pd); #endif #endif } else if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 9*Screen.height/10, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height/10), "Test Getter Methods")) { print ("Test Getter Methods clicked"); #if (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_METRO) print ("isPayingUser = "******"matId = " + MATBinding.GetMATId()); print ("openLogId = " + MATBinding.GetOpenLogId()); #endif } }
private void OnGUI() { GUIStyle gUIStyle = new GUIStyle(); gUIStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; gUIStyle.fontSize = 50; gUIStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; gUIStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; GUI.Label(new Rect(10f, 5f, (float)(Screen.width - 20), (float)(Screen.height / 10)), "MAT Unity Test App", gUIStyle); = 40; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10f, (float)(Screen.height / 10), (float)(Screen.width - 20), (float)(Screen.height / 10)), "Start MAT")) { MonoBehaviour.print("Start MAT clicked"); MATBinding.Init(this.MAT_ADVERTISER_ID, this.MAT_CONVERSION_KEY); MATBinding.SetPackageName(this.MAT_PACKAGE_NAME); MATBinding.SetFacebookEventLogging(true, false); MATBinding.CheckForDeferredDeeplinkWithTimeout(750.0); MATBinding.AutomateIapEventMeasurement(true); } else if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10f, (float)(2 * Screen.height / 10), (float)(Screen.width - 20), (float)(Screen.height / 10)), "Set Delegate")) { MonoBehaviour.print("Set Delegate clicked"); MATBinding.SetDelegate(true); } else if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10f, (float)(3 * Screen.height / 10), (float)(Screen.width - 20), (float)(Screen.height / 10)), "Enable Debug Mode")) { MonoBehaviour.print("Enable Debug Mode clicked"); MATBinding.SetDebugMode(true); } else if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10f, (float)(4 * Screen.height / 10), (float)(Screen.width - 20), (float)(Screen.height / 10)), "Allow Duplicates")) { MonoBehaviour.print("Allow Duplicates clicked"); MATBinding.SetAllowDuplicates(true); } else if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10f, (float)(5 * Screen.height / 10), (float)(Screen.width - 20), (float)(Screen.height / 10)), "Measure Session")) { MonoBehaviour.print("Measure Session clicked"); MATBinding.MeasureSession(); } else if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10f, (float)(6 * Screen.height / 10), (float)(Screen.width - 20), (float)(Screen.height / 10)), "Measure Event")) { MonoBehaviour.print("Measure Event clicked"); MATBinding.MeasureEvent("evt11"); } else if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10f, (float)(7 * Screen.height / 10), (float)(Screen.width - 20), (float)(Screen.height / 10)), "Measure Event With Event Items")) { MonoBehaviour.print("Measure Event With Event Items clicked"); MATItem mATItem = default(MATItem); = "subitem1"; mATItem.unitPrice = new double?(5.0); mATItem.quantity = new int?(5); mATItem.revenue = new double?(3.0); mATItem.attribute2 = "attrValue2"; mATItem.attribute3 = "attrValue3"; mATItem.attribute4 = "attrValue4"; mATItem.attribute5 = "attrValue5"; MATItem mATItem2 = default(MATItem); = "subitem2"; mATItem2.unitPrice = new double?(1.0); mATItem2.quantity = new int?(3); mATItem2.revenue = new double?(1.5); mATItem2.attribute1 = "attrValue1"; mATItem2.attribute3 = "attrValue3"; MATItem[] eventItems = new MATItem[] { mATItem, mATItem2 }; MATEvent matEvent = new MATEvent("purchase"); matEvent.revenue = new double?(10.0); matEvent.currencyCode = "AUD"; matEvent.advertiserRefId = "ref222"; matEvent.attribute1 = "test_attribute1"; matEvent.attribute2 = "test_attribute2"; matEvent.attribute3 = "test_attribute3"; matEvent.attribute4 = "test_attribute4"; matEvent.attribute5 = "test_attribute5"; matEvent.contentType = "test_contentType"; matEvent.contentId = "test_contentId"; matEvent.date1 = new DateTime?(DateTime.UtcNow); DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(2, 1, 1); matEvent.date2 = new DateTime?(utcNow.Add(new TimeSpan(dateTime.Ticks))); matEvent.level = new int?(3); matEvent.quantity = new int?(2); matEvent.rating = new double?(4.5); matEvent.searchString = "test_searchString"; matEvent.eventItems = eventItems; matEvent.transactionState = new int?(1); MATBinding.MeasureEvent(matEvent); } else if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10f, (float)(8 * Screen.height / 10), (float)(Screen.width - 20), (float)(Screen.height / 10)), "Test Setter Methods")) { MonoBehaviour.print("Test Setter Methods clicked"); MATBinding.SetAge(34); MATBinding.SetAllowDuplicates(true); MATBinding.SetAppAdTracking(true); MATBinding.SetDebugMode(true); MATBinding.SetExistingUser(false); MATBinding.SetFacebookUserId("temp_facebook_user_id"); MATBinding.SetGender(0); MATBinding.SetGoogleUserId("temp_google_user_id"); MATBinding.SetLocation(111.0, 222.0, 333.0); MATBinding.SetPayingUser(true); MATBinding.SetPhoneNumber("111-222-3456"); MATBinding.SetTwitterUserId("twitter_user_id"); MATBinding.SetUserId("temp_user_id"); MATBinding.SetUserName("temp_user_name"); MATBinding.SetUserEmail("*****@*****.**"); MATBinding.SetAndroidId("111111111111"); MATBinding.SetDeviceId("123456789123456"); MATBinding.SetGoogleAdvertisingId("12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", true); MATBinding.SetMacAddress("AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF"); MATBinding.SetCurrencyCode("CAD"); MATBinding.SetTRUSTeId("1234567890"); MATBinding.SetPreloadedApp(new MATPreloadData("1122334455") { advertiserSubAd = "some_adv_sub_ad_id", publisherSub3 = "some_pub_sub3" }); } else if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10f, (float)(9 * Screen.height / 10), (float)(Screen.width - 20), (float)(Screen.height / 10)), "Test Getter Methods")) { MonoBehaviour.print("Test Getter Methods clicked"); MonoBehaviour.print("isPayingUser = "******"matId = " + MATBinding.GetMATId()); MonoBehaviour.print("openLogId = " + MATBinding.GetOpenLogId()); } }
private void OnGUI() { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; style.fontSize = 50; style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; style.normal.textColor = Color.white; float height = Screen.height / 10; GUI.Label(new Rect(10f, (float)this.topMargin, (float)(Screen.width - 20), height), "MAT Unity Test App", style); = 40; = Screen.width * 0.05f; = Screen.width * 0.05f; float num2 = ((float)(this.numButtons * 0.125)) * Screen.height; this.scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, 0.15f * Screen.height, Screen.width - (0.1f * Screen.width), ((Screen.height - (0.15f * Screen.height)) - this.topMargin) - this.bottomMargin), this.scrollPosition, new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, 0.15f * Screen.height, Screen.width - (0.1f * Screen.width), num2)); int num3 = 0; float top = ((float)(0.15000000596046448 + (num3 * 0.125))) * Screen.height; Rect position = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, top, 0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height); if (GUI.Button(position, "Start MAT SDK")) { MonoBehaviour.print("Start MAT SDK clicked"); MATBinding.Init(this.MAT_ADVERTISER_ID, this.MAT_CONVERSION_KEY); MATBinding.SetPackageName(this.MAT_PACKAGE_NAME); } num3++; top = ((float)(0.15000000596046448 + (num3 * 0.125))) * Screen.height; position = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, top, 0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height); if (GUI.Button(position, "Set Delegate")) { MonoBehaviour.print("Set Delegate clicked"); MATBinding.SetDelegate(true); } num3++; top = ((float)(0.15000000596046448 + (num3 * 0.125))) * Screen.height; position = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, top, 0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height); if (GUI.Button(position, "Show Banner")) { MonoBehaviour.print("Show Banner"); MATBinding.ShowBanner("place1"); } num3++; top = ((float)(0.15000000596046448 + (num3 * 0.125))) * Screen.height; position = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, top, 0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height); if (GUI.Button(position, "Hide Banner")) { MonoBehaviour.print("Hide Banner"); MATBinding.HideBanner(); } num3++; top = ((float)(0.15000000596046448 + (num3 * 0.125))) * Screen.height; position = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, top, 0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height); if (GUI.Button(position, "Destroy Banner")) { MonoBehaviour.print("Destroy Banner"); MATBinding.DestroyBanner(); } num3++; top = ((float)(0.15000000596046448 + (num3 * 0.125))) * Screen.height; position = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, top, 0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height); if (GUI.Button(position, "Cache Interstitial")) { MATAdMetadata metadata = new MATAdMetadata(); metadata.setBirthDate(new DateTime?(DateTime.Today.AddYears(-45))); metadata.setGender(MATAdGender.FEMALE); metadata.setLocation(120.8f, 234.5f, 579.6f); metadata.setDebugMode(true); HashSet <string> keywords = new HashSet <string>(); keywords.Add("pro"); keywords.Add("evening"); metadata.setKeywords(keywords); Dictionary <string, string> customTargets = new Dictionary <string, string>(); customTargets.Add("type", "game"); customTargets.Add("subtype1", "adventure"); customTargets.Add("subtype2", "action"); metadata.setCustomTargets(customTargets); MATBinding.CacheInterstitial("place1", metadata); } num3++; top = ((float)(0.15000000596046448 + (num3 * 0.125))) * Screen.height; position = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, top, 0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height); if (GUI.Button(position, "Show Interstitial")) { MonoBehaviour.print("Show Interstitial"); MATBinding.ShowInterstitial("place1"); } num3++; top = ((float)(0.15000000596046448 + (num3 * 0.125))) * Screen.height; position = new Rect(0.1f * Screen.width, top, 0.8f * Screen.width, 0.1f * Screen.height); if (GUI.Button(position, "Destroy Interstitial")) { MonoBehaviour.print("Destroy Interstitial"); MATBinding.DestroyInterstitial(); } GUI.EndScrollView(); this.numButtons = num3 + 1; MATBinding.LayoutBanner(); }