Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string FileToCompress = @"D:\wkhtmltopdf\msvc\x64\bin\wkhtmltox.dll";
            //FileToCompress = @"D:\wkhtmltopdf\msvc\x32\bin\wkhtmltox.dll";

            string CompressedFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(
                , System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileToCompress) + ".gz"

            SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.SevenZipHelper.Compress(FileToCompress, FileToCompress + ".lzma");
            SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.SevenZipHelper.Decompress(@"D:\wkhtmltopdf\msvc\x32\bin\wkhtmltox.dll.lzma", @"D:\wkhtmltopdf\msvc\x32\bin\decomp.dll");

            Lzf.LZF lz = new Lzf.LZF();

            //byte[] ba = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"path");
            //byte[] outp = new byte[ba.Length*2];
            //int size = lz.Compress(ba, ba.Length, outp, outp.Length);

            CompressFile(FileToCompress, CompressedFile);
            // CompressFile_AllInOne(FileToCompress, CompressedFile);

            DeflateCompressFile(FileToCompress, CompressedFile + ".def");

            DeflateDeCompressFile(CompressedFile + ".def", CompressedFile + ".def.uncompressed");

            //UncompressFile2(CompressedFile, CompressedFile + ".uncompressed");
            DeCompressFile(CompressedFile, CompressedFile + ".uncompressed");

            byte[] DecompressedBuffer = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(CompressedFile);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(CompressedFile + ".lolunc", Decompress(DecompressedBuffer));

            byte[] UncompressedBuffer = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(FileToCompress);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(CompressedFile + ".lolcomp", Compress(UncompressedBuffer));

            Console.WriteLine(" --- Press any key to continue --- ");
        } // End Sub Main
        private void btnERReadExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * Base64 decrypt > LZF Decompression > UTF-8 > .JSON|checkSum
             * If MD5 checksum of the string decrypted and decompressed == checkSum
             *  Accept export and load details

            // Trim invalid characters from export data
            // The valid Base64 character set is: A-Z a-z 0-9 +/=
            if (txtERExportText.Text.StartsWith("."))
                txtERExportText.Text = txtERExportText.Text.Substring(1);
            int pipeIndex = txtERExportText.Text.IndexOf('|');
            if (pipeIndex >= 0)
                txtERExportText.Text = txtERExportText.Text.Substring(0, pipeIndex);

            byte[] exportBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(txtERExportText.Text);
            byte[] exportBytesDecompressed = new byte[exportBytes.Length * 10];

            int newLength = new Lzf.LZF().Decompress(exportBytes, exportBytes.Length, exportBytesDecompressed, exportBytesDecompressed.Length);
            Array.Resize<byte>(ref exportBytesDecompressed, newLength); // Optional?

            Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8; // OR: Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-6");
            txtERExportText.Text = encoding.GetString(exportBytesDecompressed);
Beispiel #3
        // 解压 json,  并填充到 p 中
        void DecodeJson(byte[] buff, int buff_size, int offset, NetPack p)
            // 解析字符串
                // 开始计时

                // 读入字符串
                var size = ByteUtils.Read7BitEncodedInt(buff, ref offset);
                var flag = buff[offset];
                string str = null;

                // 压缩
                if (flag == 1)
                    Lzf.LZF lzf = new Lzf.LZF();

                    // src data
                    var src_start = offset + 1;     // 跳过标志
                    var src_len = buff_size - src_start;

                    // dst data
                    _decode_buff.Grow(src_len * 20);
                    int dst_Len = lzf.Decompress(buff, src_start, src_len, _decode_buff.Array, _decode_buff.MaxLength);

                    // save
                    if (dst_Len > 0)
                        str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_decode_buff.Array, 0, dst_Len);
                // 非压缩
                    if (buff.Length < offset + size)
                        Log.LogError("OnPack error, opcode={0}, buff.Length:{1}, offset:{2}, size:{3}, datas:\n{4}", p.lua_code, buff.Length, offset, size, ByteUtils.FormatBytes(buff));
                        Error("data error!");
                        str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buff, offset, size);

                // json 解压, 放在网络线程解压, 以节省主线程开销
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                    p.str = str;
           = MiniJSON.JsonDecode(str) as Hashtable;

                p.time_decode = (int)_sw.StopAndGetTimeMs();
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!MyExpception.HandleException(e)) throw;

            //if (opcode == (int)OpCodes_S2C.M2C_COMMON_GM)
            //    Log.LogInfo("msgGM:{0}", str);
            //if (opcode == (int)OpCodes_S2C.M2C_COMMON_ERROR)
            //    Log.LogError("msgERROR:{0}", str);
            //else if (opcode == (int)OpCodes_S2C.M2C_COMMON_OK)
            //    Log.LogInfo("msgOK:{0}", str);