Beispiel #1
        public async Task NoSuffocationTest()
            var server = StartServerDummyTicker();
            await server.WaitIdleAsync();

            var mapLoader     = server.ResolveDependency <IMapLoader>();
            var mapManager    = server.ResolveDependency <IMapManager>();
            var entityManager = server.ResolveDependency <IEntityManager>();

            MapId               mapId;
            IMapGrid            grid       = null;
            LungComponent       lung       = null;
            MetabolismComponent metabolism = null;
            IEntity             human      = null;

            var testMapName = "Maps/Test/Breathing/3by3-20oxy-80nit.yml";

            await server.WaitPost(() =>
                mapId = mapManager.CreateMap();
                grid  = mapLoader.LoadBlueprint(mapId, testMapName);

            Assert.NotNull(grid, $"Test blueprint {testMapName} not found.");

            await server.WaitAssertion(() =>
                var center      = new Vector2(0.5f, -1.5f);
                var coordinates = new EntityCoordinates(grid.GridEntityId, center);
                human           = entityManager.SpawnEntity("HumanMob_Content", coordinates);

                Assert.True(human.TryGetComponent(out lung));
                Assert.True(human.TryGetComponent(out metabolism));

            for (var tick = 0; tick < 600; tick++)
                await server.WaitRunTicks(tick);

                Assert.False(metabolism.Suffocating, $"Entity {human.Name} is suffocating on tick {tick}");

            await server.WaitIdleAsync();
Beispiel #2
    public void GasToReagent(EntityUid uid, LungComponent lung)
        foreach (var gas in Enum.GetValues <Gas>())
            var i     = (int)gas;
            var moles = lung.Air.Moles[i];
            if (moles <= 0)
            var reagent = _atmosphereSystem.GasReagents[i];
            if (reagent == null)

            var amount = moles * Atmospherics.BreathMolesToReagentMultiplier;
            _solutionContainerSystem.TryAddReagent(uid, lung.LungSolution, reagent, amount, out _);

            // We don't remove the gas from the lung mix,
            // that's the responsibility of whatever gas is being metabolized.
            // Most things will just want to exhale again.
Beispiel #3
 private void OnAddedToBody(EntityUid uid, LungComponent component, AddedToBodyEvent args)
     Inhale(uid, component.CycleDelay);
Beispiel #4
 private void OnComponentInit(EntityUid uid, LungComponent component, ComponentInit args)
     component.LungSolution           = _solutionContainerSystem.EnsureSolution(uid, LungSolutionName);
     component.LungSolution.MaxVolume = 100.0f;
     component.LungSolution.CanReact  = false; // No dexalin lungs