public FilteringTokenFilter(Lucene.Net.Util.LuceneVersion version, bool enablePositionIncrements, TokenStream input)
     : this(version, input)
     posIncrAtt = AddAttribute<IPositionIncrementAttribute>();
     CheckPositionIncrement(version, enablePositionIncrements);
     this.enablePositionIncrements = enablePositionIncrements;
Beispiel #2
        public static Lucene.Net.Search.Query FilterQueryByClasses(ISet<System.Type> classesAndSubclasses, Lucene.Net.Search.Query luceneQuery)
            // A query filter is more practical than a manual class filtering post query (esp on scrollable resultsets)
            // it also probably minimise the memory footprint
            if (classesAndSubclasses == null)
                return luceneQuery;

            BooleanQuery classFilter = new BooleanQuery();

            // annihilate the scoring impact of DocumentBuilder.CLASS_FIELDNAME
            foreach (System.Type clazz in classesAndSubclasses)
                Term t = new Term(DocumentBuilder.CLASS_FIELDNAME, TypeHelper.LuceneTypeName(clazz));
                TermQuery termQuery = new TermQuery(t);
                classFilter.Add(termQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

            BooleanQuery filteredQuery = new BooleanQuery();
            filteredQuery.Add(luceneQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
            filteredQuery.Add(classFilter, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
            return filteredQuery;
 public LuceneIndexingService(
     IPackageSource packageSource,
     Lucene.Net.Store.Directory directory)
     _packageSource = packageSource;
     _directory = directory;
Beispiel #4
 public LuceneSearcher(Lucene.Net.Store.Directory luceneDirectory, Analyzer analyzer)
     : base(analyzer)
     _disposer = new DisposableSearcher(this);
     LuceneIndexFolder = null;
     _luceneDirectory = luceneDirectory;
Beispiel #5
			private void  InitBlock(Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader reader, SpanNotQuery enclosingInstance)
				this.reader = reader;
				this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
				includeSpans = Enclosing_Instance.include.GetSpans(reader);
				excludeSpans = Enclosing_Instance.exclude.GetSpans(reader);
        public List<FacetReturn> Filter(Lucene.Net.Search.Query query, List<Util.SearchStringModel> searchQuery, string locationFilter, System.Collections.BitArray baseQuery)
            if (InAvailableLocations(locationFilter))
                var stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
                if (Config.EnableBucketDebug || Sitecore.ItemBucket.Kernel.Util.Constants.EnableTemporaryBucketDebug)
                    Diagnostics.Log.Info("Start Extension Facet took : " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms",
                var returnFacets = this.GetSearch(query, GetFileExtensionsFromIndex().ToList(), searchQuery, locationFilter, baseQuery).Select(
                    facet =>
                    new FacetReturn
                            KeyName = facet.Key,
                            Value = facet.Value.ToString(),
                            Type = "extension",
                            ID = facet.Key
                if (Config.EnableBucketDebug || Sitecore.ItemBucket.Kernel.Util.Constants.EnableTemporaryBucketDebug)
                    Diagnostics.Log.Info("End Extension Facet took : " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms",

                return returnFacets.ToList();

            return new List<FacetReturn>();
 public DocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper(QueryWrapperFilter outerInstance, Bits acceptDocs, AtomicReaderContext privateContext, Lucene.Net.Search.Weight weight)
     this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
     this.AcceptDocs = acceptDocs;
     this.PrivateContext = privateContext;
     this.Weight = weight;
Beispiel #8
        public static SimpleDataIndexer GetSimpleIndexer(Lucene.Net.Store.Directory luceneDir)
            var i = new SimpleDataIndexer(new IndexCriteria(
                                                         new IIndexField[] { },
                                                                 new TestIndexField { Name = "Author" },
                                                                 new TestIndexField { Name = "DateCreated", EnableSorting = true, Type = "DateTime"  },
                                                                 new TestIndexField { Name = "Title" },
                                                                 new TestIndexField { Name = "Photographer" },
                                                                 new TestIndexField { Name = "YearCreated", Type = "Date.Year" },
                                                                 new TestIndexField { Name = "MonthCreated", Type = "Date.Month" },
                                                                 new TestIndexField { Name = "DayCreated", Type = "Date.Day" },
                                                                 new TestIndexField { Name = "HourCreated", Type = "Date.Hour" },
                                                                 new TestIndexField { Name = "MinuteCreated", Type = "Date.Minute" },
                                                                 new TestIndexField { Name = "SomeNumber", Type = "Number" },
                                                                 new TestIndexField { Name = "SomeFloat", Type = "Float" },
                                                                 new TestIndexField { Name = "SomeDouble", Type = "Double" },
                                                                 new TestIndexField { Name = "SomeLong", Type = "Long" }
                                                         new string[] { },
                                                         new string[] { },
                                                         new StandardAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_29),
                                                         new TestSimpleDataProvider(),
                                                         new[] { "Documents", "Pictures" },
            i.IndexingError += IndexingError;

            return i;
Beispiel #9
		private Index CreateIndexImplementation(string name, IndexDefinition indexDefinition, Lucene.Net.Store.Directory directory)
		    var viewGenerator = indexDefinitionStorage.GetViewGenerator(name);
		    return indexDefinition.IsMapReduce
                ? (Index)new MapReduceIndex(directory, name, indexDefinition, viewGenerator)
                : new SimpleIndex(directory, name, indexDefinition, viewGenerator);
Beispiel #10
			public override void OnIndexEntryCreated(string entryKey, Lucene.Net.Documents.Document document)
				lock (parent.DataTable)
					parent.DataTable.Rows.Add(entryKey, document.GetField("Project").StringValue);
        public SecureSearcherManager(string indexName, Lucene.Net.Store.Directory directory)
            : base(directory)
            IndexName = indexName;

            RegistrationBaseAddress = new Dictionary<string, Uri>();
Beispiel #12
			private void  InitBlock(System.Collections.BitArray bits, int[] totalHits, Lucene.Net.Search.FieldSortedHitQueue hq, IndexSearcher enclosingInstance)
				this.bits = bits;
				this.totalHits = totalHits;
				this.hq = hq;
				this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an AzureDirectory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="storageAccount">storage account to use</param>
        /// <param name="containerName">name of container (folder in blob storage)</param>
        /// <param name="cacheDirectory">local Directory object to use for local cache</param>
        /// <param name="rootFolder">path of the root folder inside the container</param>
        public AzureDirectory(
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount,
            string containerName = null,
            Lucene.Net.Store.Directory cacheDirectory = null,
            bool compressBlobs = false,
            string rootFolder = null)
            if (storageAccount == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("storageAccount");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(containerName))
                _containerName = "lucene";
                _containerName = containerName.ToLower();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootFolder))
                _rootFolder = string.Empty;
                rootFolder = rootFolder.Trim('/');
                _rootFolder = rootFolder + "/";

            _blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            this.CompressBlobs = compressBlobs;
				private void  InitBlock(Lucene.Net.Search.StringIndex fcsi, int inclusiveLowerPoint, int inclusiveUpperPoint, AnonymousClassFieldCacheRangeFilter enclosingInstance)
					this.fcsi = fcsi;
					this.inclusiveLowerPoint = inclusiveLowerPoint;
					this.inclusiveUpperPoint = inclusiveUpperPoint;
					this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
 public override List<SkinnyItem> RunQuery(Lucene.Net.Search.Query query, bool showAllVersions = false, string sortField = "", bool reverse = true, int start = 0, int end = 0)
     using (var scope = QueryTraceHelper.GetQueryTraceScope(query))
         return base.RunQuery(query, showAllVersions, sortField, reverse, start, end);
		public static UmbracoContentIndexer GetUmbracoIndexer(
            Lucene.Net.Store.Directory luceneDir, 
            Analyzer analyzer = null,
            IDataService dataService = null)
            if (dataService == null)
                dataService = new TestDataService();

            if (analyzer == null)
                analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_29);

		    var indexSet = new IndexSet();
            var indexCriteria = indexSet.ToIndexCriteria(dataService, UmbracoContentIndexer.IndexFieldPolicies);

		    var i = new UmbracoContentIndexer(indexCriteria,
		                                      luceneDir, //custom lucene directory

			//i.IndexSecondsInterval = 1;

			i.IndexingError += IndexingError;

			return i;
Beispiel #17
        protected override void AddAllFields(Lucene.Net.Documents.Document document, Data.Items.Item item, bool versionSpecific)
            base.AddAllFields(document, item, versionSpecific);

            if (item != null && document != null)
            #if SC70
                var fieldAnalysis = Field.Index.ANALYZED;
                var fieldAnalysis = Field.Index.TOKENIZED;

                // Sitecore 6.2 does not include template
                document.Add(new Field(Constants.Index.Fields.Template, TransformValue(item.TemplateID), Field.Store.NO, fieldAnalysis));

                // Add multilist fields
                foreach (var fieldName in m_multilistFields)
                    if(item.Fields[fieldName] != null)
                        document.Add(new Field(fieldName, TransformMultilistValue(item.Fields[fieldName]), Field.Store.YES, fieldAnalysis));

                // Add additional fields
                foreach (var fieldName in m_dataFieldNames)
                    if (item.Fields[fieldName] != null)
                        document.Add(new Field(fieldName, TransformCSV(item.Fields[fieldName].Value), Field.Store.YES, fieldAnalysis));

                // Add modified language code to deal with dash in region specific languages
                document.Add(new Field(Constants.Index.Fields.Language, TransformLanguageCode(item.Language.Name), Field.Store.NO, fieldAnalysis));
			private void  InitBlock(Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter writerFinal, int iFinal, int iterFinal, TestThreadedOptimize enclosingInstance)
				this.writerFinal = writerFinal;
				this.iFinal = iFinal;
				this.iterFinal = iterFinal;
				this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
 /// <summary>
 /// Decorates the specified query adding context information.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="query">The source query.</param>
 /// <returns>The decorated query.</returns>
 public Lucene.Net.Search.Query Decorate(Lucene.Net.Search.Query query)
     BooleanQuery result = new BooleanQuery(true);
       result.Add(query, Occur.MUST);
       return result;
 public override List<SkinnyItem> RunQuery(Lucene.Net.Search.Query query, bool showAllVersions, string sortField, bool reverse, int start, int end, out int totalResults)
     using (var scope = QueryTraceHelper.GetQueryTraceScope(query))
         return base.RunQuery(query, showAllVersions, sortField, reverse, start, end, out totalResults);
Beispiel #21
			private void  InitBlock(int num, Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter writer, Lucene.Net.Store.MockRAMDirectory ramDir, TestRAMDirectory enclosingInstance)
				this.num = num;
				this.writer = writer;
				this.ramDir = ramDir;
				this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
 public MultiIndexLockFactory(Lucene.Net.Store.Directory master, Lucene.Net.Store.Directory child)
     if (master == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("master");
     if (child == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("child");
     _master = master;
     _child = child;
 private void  InitBlock(long endTime, Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter writer, Lucene.Net.Store.Directory[] dirs, System.Collections.IList excs, TestIndexWriterReader enclosingInstance)
     this.endTime = endTime;
     this.writer = writer;
     this.dirs = dirs;
     this.excs = excs;
     this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
Beispiel #24
				private void  InitBlock(Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader reader, Lucene.Net.Index.TermEnum enumerator, System.String field, AnonymousClassSortComparatorSource enclosingInstance)
					this.reader = reader;
					this.enumerator = enumerator;
					this.field = field;
					this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
					cachedValues = Enclosing_Instance.FillCache(reader, enumerator, field);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LuceneSearcher"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">The query.</param>
        /// <param name="indexName">Name of the index.</param>
        public LuceneSearcher(Lucene.Net.Search.Query query, string indexName)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(query, "query");
              Assert.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(indexName, "indexName");

              this.query = query;
              this.indexName = indexName;
 public Dictionary<string, int> GetSearch(Lucene.Net.Search.Query query, List<string> filter, List<Util.SearchStringModel> searchQuery, string locationFilter, System.Collections.BitArray baseQuery)
     using (var searcher = new IndexSearcher(ItemBucket.Kernel.Util.Constants.Index.Name))
         var results = searcher.RunFacet(query, false, false, 0, 0, "dimensions", filter, baseQuery, locationFilter);
         return results;
			private void  InitBlock(System.Random random, float percentDocs, Lucene.Net.Index.RepeatingTokenStream ts, int maxTF, TestTermdocPerf enclosingInstance)
				this.random = random;
				this.percentDocs = percentDocs;
				this.ts = ts;
				this.maxTF = maxTF;
				this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
Beispiel #28
		public PDFIndexer(Lucene.Net.Store.Directory luceneDirectory, IDataService dataService, Analyzer analyzer, bool async)
			: base(
				new IndexCriteria(Enumerable.Empty<IIndexField>(), Enumerable.Empty<IIndexField>(), Enumerable.Empty<string>(), Enumerable.Empty<string>(), null),
				luceneDirectory, dataService, analyzer, async)
			SupportedExtensions = new[] { ".pdf" };
			UmbracoFileProperty = "umbracoFile";
        public static UmbracoExamineSearcher GetUmbracoSearcher(Lucene.Net.Store.Directory luceneDir, Analyzer analyzer = null)
            if (analyzer == null)
                analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_29);
            return new UmbracoExamineSearcher(luceneDir, analyzer);
Beispiel #30
			private void  InitBlock(int numDocs, System.String field, Lucene.Net.Index.TestPayloads.ByteArrayPool pool, Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter writer, TestPayloads enclosingInstance)
				this.numDocs = numDocs;
				this.field = field;
				this.pool = pool;
				this.writer = writer;
				this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
        public void GenerateSearchIndex()
            DB_HotelHelper hotel = new DB_HotelHelper();

            var hoteDescriptions = hotel.GetHotelDescription();


            //var h = Lucene.GetAllIndexRecords();
Beispiel #32
 public QueryForm(Lucene <News> client)
     this.client = client;
Beispiel #33
 public IList <HotelDescriptionDTO> GetHotelDescriptions()