Beispiel #1
        public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
            Bits docsWithField = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDocsWithField(((AtomicReader)context.Reader), Field_Renamed);

            if (Negate_Renamed)
                if (docsWithField is Bits_MatchAllBits)
                return(new FieldCacheDocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, context.AtomicReader.MaxDoc, acceptDocs, docsWithField));
                if (docsWithField is Bits_MatchNoBits)
                if (docsWithField is DocIdSet)
                    // UweSays: this is always the case for our current impl - but who knows
                    // :-)
                    return(BitsFilteredDocIdSet.Wrap((DocIdSet)docsWithField, acceptDocs));
                return(new FieldCacheDocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this, context.AtomicReader.MaxDoc, acceptDocs, docsWithField));
Beispiel #2
 public DocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper(QueryWrapperFilter outerInstance, Bits acceptDocs, AtomicReaderContext privateContext, Lucene.Net.Search.Weight weight)
     this.OuterInstance  = outerInstance;
     this.AcceptDocs     = acceptDocs;
     this.PrivateContext = privateContext;
     this.Weight         = weight;
 public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     // get a private context that is used to rewrite, createWeight and score eventually
     AtomicReaderContext privateContext = context.AtomicReader.AtomicContext;
     Weight weight = (new IndexSearcher(privateContext)).CreateNormalizedWeight(Query_Renamed);
     return new DocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, acceptDocs, privateContext, weight);
 public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     Bits docsWithField = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDocsWithField(((AtomicReader)context.Reader), Field_Renamed);
     if (Negate_Renamed)
         if (docsWithField is Bits_MatchAllBits)
             return null;
         return new FieldCacheDocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, context.AtomicReader.MaxDoc, acceptDocs, docsWithField);
         if (docsWithField is Bits_MatchNoBits)
             return null;
         if (docsWithField is DocIdSet)
             // UweSays: this is always the case for our current impl - but who knows
             // :-)
             return BitsFilteredDocIdSet.Wrap((DocIdSet)docsWithField, acceptDocs);
         return new FieldCacheDocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this, context.AtomicReader.MaxDoc, acceptDocs, docsWithField);
Beispiel #5
 // start is inclusive; end is exclusive (length = end-start)
 public BitsSlice(Bits parent, ReaderSlice slice)
     this.Parent = parent;
     this.Start = slice.Start;
     this.Length_Renamed = slice.Length;
     Debug.Assert(Length_Renamed >= 0, "length=" + Length_Renamed);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges in the stored fields from the readers in
        ///  <code>mergeState</code>. The default implementation skips
        ///  over deleted documents, and uses <seealso cref="#startDocument(int)"/>,
        ///  <seealso cref="#writeField(FieldInfo, IndexableField)"/>, and <seealso cref="#finish(FieldInfos, int)"/>,
        ///  returning the number of documents that were written.
        ///  Implementations can override this method for more sophisticated
        ///  merging (bulk-byte copying, etc).
        /// </summary>
        public virtual int Merge(MergeState mergeState)
            int docCount = 0;

            foreach (AtomicReader reader in mergeState.Readers)
                int  maxDoc   = reader.MaxDoc;
                Bits liveDocs = reader.LiveDocs;
                for (int i = 0; i < maxDoc; i++)
                    if (liveDocs != null && !liveDocs.Get(i))
                        // skip deleted docs
                    // TODO: this could be more efficient using
                    // FieldVisitor instead of loading/writing entire
                    // doc; ie we just have to renumber the field number
                    // on the fly?
                    // NOTE: it's very important to first assign to doc then pass it to
                    // fieldsWriter.addDocument; see LUCENE-1282
                    Document doc = reader.Document(i);
                    AddDocument(doc, mergeState.FieldInfos);
            Finish(mergeState.FieldInfos, docCount);
Beispiel #7
        public override BulkScorer BulkScorer(AtomicReaderContext context, bool scoreDocsInOrder, Bits acceptDocs)
            // if the caller asks for in-order scoring or if the weight does not support
            // out-of order scoring then collection will have to happen in-order.
            BulkScorer inScorer = @in.BulkScorer(context, scoreDocsInOrder, acceptDocs);
            if (inScorer == null)
                return null;

            if (AssertingBulkScorer.ShouldWrap(inScorer))
                // The incoming scorer already has a specialized
                // implementation for BulkScorer, so we should use it:
                inScorer = AssertingBulkScorer.Wrap(new Random(Random.Next()), inScorer);
            else if (Random.NextBoolean())
                // Let super wrap this.scorer instead, so we use
                // AssertingScorer:
                inScorer = base.BulkScorer(context, scoreDocsInOrder, acceptDocs);

            if (scoreDocsInOrder == false && Random.NextBoolean())
                // The caller claims it can handle out-of-order
                // docs; let's confirm that by pulling docs and
                // randomly shuffling them before collection:
                inScorer = new AssertingBulkOutOfOrderScorer(new Random(Random.Next()), inScorer);
            return inScorer;
 public DocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper(QueryWrapperFilter outerInstance, Bits acceptDocs, AtomicReaderContext privateContext, Lucene.Net.Search.Weight weight)
     this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
     this.AcceptDocs = acceptDocs;
     this.PrivateContext = privateContext;
     this.Weight = weight;
Beispiel #9
        public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
            // get a private context that is used to rewrite, createWeight and score eventually
            AtomicReaderContext privateContext = context.AtomicReader.AtomicContext;
            Weight weight = (new IndexSearcher(privateContext)).CreateNormalizedWeight(Query_Renamed);

            return(new DocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, acceptDocs, privateContext, weight));
 private SlowCompositeReaderWrapper(CompositeReader reader)
     : base()
     @in = reader;
     fields = MultiFields.GetFields(@in);
     liveDocs = MultiFields.GetLiveDocs(@in);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor. </summary>
 /// <param name="innerSet"> Underlying DocIdSet </param>
 /// <param name="acceptDocs"> Allowed docs, all docids not in this set will not be returned by this DocIdSet </param>
 public BitsFilteredDocIdSet(DocIdSet innerSet, Bits acceptDocs)
     : base(innerSet)
     if (acceptDocs == null)
         throw new System.NullReferenceException("acceptDocs is null");
     this.AcceptDocs = acceptDocs;
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor. </summary>
 /// <param name="innerSet"> Underlying DocIdSet </param>
 /// <param name="acceptDocs"> Allowed docs, all docids not in this set will not be returned by this DocIdSet </param>
 public BitsFilteredDocIdSet(DocIdSet innerSet, Bits acceptDocs)
     : base(innerSet)
     if (acceptDocs == null)
         throw new System.NullReferenceException("acceptDocs is null");
     this.AcceptDocs = acceptDocs;
 public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     FixedBitSet bits = new FixedBitSet(context.Reader.MaxDoc);
     if (acceptDocs != null && !acceptDocs.Get(Doc))
     return bits;
 public static void PrintDelDocs(Bits bits)
     if (bits == null)
     for (int x = 0; x < bits.Length(); x++)
         Console.WriteLine(x + ":" + bits.Get(x));
        public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
            FixedBitSet bits = new FixedBitSet(context.Reader.MaxDoc);

            if (acceptDocs != null && !acceptDocs.Get(Doc))
 public virtual DocsAndPositionsEnum GetDocsAndPositions(AtomicReader reader, BytesRef bytes, Bits liveDocs)
     Terms terms = reader.Terms(FieldName);
     if (terms != null)
         TermsEnum te = terms.Iterator(null);
         if (te.SeekExact(bytes))
             return te.DocsAndPositions(liveDocs, null);
     return null;
Beispiel #17
        public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
            SortedDocValues fcsi = FieldCache.GetTermsIndex((context.AtomicReader), Field);
            FixedBitSet     bits = new FixedBitSet(fcsi.ValueCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < Terms.Length; i++)
                int ord = fcsi.LookupTerm(Terms[i]);
                if (ord >= 0)
            return(new FieldCacheDocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, context.Reader.MaxDoc, acceptDocs, fcsi, bits));
Beispiel #18
 private static void CheckSortedDocValues(string fieldName, AtomicReader reader, SortedDocValues dv, Bits docsWithField)
     CheckBinaryDocValues(fieldName, reader, dv, docsWithField);
     int maxOrd = dv.ValueCount - 1;
     FixedBitSet seenOrds = new FixedBitSet(dv.ValueCount);
     int maxOrd2 = -1;
     for (int i = 0; i < reader.MaxDoc; i++)
         int ord = dv.GetOrd(i);
         if (ord == -1)
             if (docsWithField.Get(i))
                 throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has -1 ord but is not marked missing for doc: " + i);
         else if (ord < -1 || ord > maxOrd)
             throw new Exception("ord out of bounds: " + ord);
             if (!docsWithField.Get(i))
                 throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is missing but has ord=" + ord + " for doc: " + i);
             maxOrd2 = Math.Max(maxOrd2, ord);
     if (maxOrd != maxOrd2)
         throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " reports wrong maxOrd=" + maxOrd + " but this is not the case: " + maxOrd2);
     if (seenOrds.Cardinality() != dv.ValueCount)
         throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has holes in its ords, valueCount=" + dv.ValueCount + " but only used: " + seenOrds.Cardinality());
     BytesRef lastValue = null;
     BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef();
     for (int i = 0; i <= maxOrd; i++)
         dv.LookupOrd(i, scratch);
         if (lastValue != null)
             if (scratch.CompareTo(lastValue) <= 0)
                 throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has ords out of order: " + lastValue + " >=" + scratch);
         lastValue = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(scratch);
Beispiel #19
 private static void CheckNumericDocValues(string fieldName, AtomicReader reader, NumericDocValues ndv, Bits docsWithField)
     for (int i = 0; i < reader.MaxDoc; i++)
         long value = ndv.Get(i);
         if (docsWithField.Get(i) == false && value != 0)
             throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is marked missing but has value=" + value + " for doc: " + i);
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// checks Fields api is consistent with itself.
        /// searcher is optional, to verify with queries. Can be null.
        /// </summary>
        private static Status.TermIndexStatus CheckFields(Fields fields, Bits liveDocs, int maxDoc, FieldInfos fieldInfos, bool doPrint, bool isVectors, TextWriter infoStream, bool verbose)
            // TODO: we should probably return our own stats thing...?!

            Status.TermIndexStatus status = new Status.TermIndexStatus();
            int computedFieldCount = 0;

            if (fields == null)
                Msg(infoStream, "OK [no fields/terms]");
                return status;

            DocsEnum docs = null;
            DocsEnum docsAndFreqs = null;
            DocsAndPositionsEnum postings = null;

            string lastField = null;
            foreach (string field in fields)
                // MultiFieldsEnum relies upon this order...
                if (lastField != null && field.CompareTo(lastField) <= 0)
                    throw new Exception("fields out of order: lastField=" + lastField + " field=" + field);
                lastField = field;

                // check that the field is in fieldinfos, and is indexed.
                // TODO: add a separate test to check this for different reader impls
                FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(field);
                if (fieldInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("fieldsEnum inconsistent with fieldInfos, no fieldInfos for: " + field);
                if (!fieldInfo.Indexed)
                    throw new Exception("fieldsEnum inconsistent with fieldInfos, isIndexed == false for: " + field);

                // TODO: really the codec should not return a field
                // from FieldsEnum if it has no Terms... but we do
                // this today:
                // assert fields.terms(field) != null;

                Terms terms = fields.Terms(field);
                if (terms == null)

                bool hasFreqs = terms.HasFreqs();
                bool hasPositions = terms.HasPositions();
                bool hasPayloads = terms.HasPayloads();
                bool hasOffsets = terms.HasOffsets();

                // term vectors cannot omit TF:
                bool expectedHasFreqs = (isVectors || fieldInfo.FieldIndexOptions >= FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS);

                if (hasFreqs != expectedHasFreqs)
                    throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" should have hasFreqs=" + expectedHasFreqs + " but got " + hasFreqs);

                if (hasFreqs == false)
                    if (terms.SumTotalTermFreq != -1)
                        throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" hasFreqs is false, but Terms.getSumTotalTermFreq()=" + terms.SumTotalTermFreq + " (should be -1)");

                if (!isVectors)
                    bool expectedHasPositions = fieldInfo.FieldIndexOptions >= FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS;
                    if (hasPositions != expectedHasPositions)
                        throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" should have hasPositions=" + expectedHasPositions + " but got " + hasPositions);

                    bool expectedHasPayloads = fieldInfo.HasPayloads();
                    if (hasPayloads != expectedHasPayloads)
                        throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" should have hasPayloads=" + expectedHasPayloads + " but got " + hasPayloads);

                    bool expectedHasOffsets = fieldInfo.FieldIndexOptions >= FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS;
                    if (hasOffsets != expectedHasOffsets)
                        throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" should have hasOffsets=" + expectedHasOffsets + " but got " + hasOffsets);

                TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.Iterator(null);

                bool hasOrd = true;
                long termCountStart = status.DelTermCount + status.TermCount;

                BytesRef lastTerm = null;

                IComparer<BytesRef> termComp = terms.Comparator;

                long sumTotalTermFreq = 0;
                long sumDocFreq = 0;
                FixedBitSet visitedDocs = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc);
                while (true)
                    BytesRef term = termsEnum.Next();
                    if (term == null)


                    // make sure terms arrive in order according to
                    // the comp
                    if (lastTerm == null)
                        lastTerm = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(term);
                        if (termComp.Compare(lastTerm, term) >= 0)
                            throw new Exception("terms out of order: lastTerm=" + lastTerm + " term=" + term);

                    int docFreq = termsEnum.DocFreq();
                    if (docFreq <= 0)
                        throw new Exception("docfreq: " + docFreq + " is out of bounds");
                    sumDocFreq += docFreq;

                    docs = termsEnum.Docs(liveDocs, docs);
                    postings = termsEnum.DocsAndPositions(liveDocs, postings);

                    if (hasFreqs == false)
                        if (termsEnum.TotalTermFreq() != -1)
                            throw new Exception("field \"" + field + "\" hasFreqs is false, but TermsEnum.totalTermFreq()=" + termsEnum.TotalTermFreq() + " (should be -1)");

                    if (hasOrd)
                        long ord = -1;
                            ord = termsEnum.Ord();
                        catch (System.NotSupportedException uoe)
                            hasOrd = false;

                        if (hasOrd)
                            long ordExpected = status.DelTermCount + status.TermCount - termCountStart;
                            if (ord != ordExpected)
                                throw new Exception("ord mismatch: TermsEnum has ord=" + ord + " vs actual=" + ordExpected);

                    DocsEnum docs2;
                    if (postings != null)
                        docs2 = postings;
                        docs2 = docs;

                    int lastDoc = -1;
                    int docCount = 0;
                    long totalTermFreq = 0;
                    while (true)
                        int doc = docs2.NextDoc();
                        if (doc == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                        int freq = -1;
                        if (hasFreqs)
                            freq = docs2.Freq();
                            if (freq <= 0)
                                throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": freq " + freq + " is out of bounds");
                            status.TotPos += freq;
                            totalTermFreq += freq;
                            // When a field didn't index freq, it must
                            // consistently "lie" and pretend that freq was
                            // 1:
                            if (docs2.Freq() != 1)
                                throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": freq " + freq + " != 1 when Terms.hasFreqs() is false");

                        if (doc <= lastDoc)
                            throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + " <= lastDoc " + lastDoc);
                        if (doc >= maxDoc)
                            throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + " >= maxDoc " + maxDoc);

                        lastDoc = doc;

                        int lastPos = -1;
                        int lastOffset = 0;
                        if (hasPositions)
                            for (int j = 0; j < freq; j++)
                                int pos = postings.NextPosition();

                                if (pos < 0)
                                    throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + " is out of bounds");
                                if (pos < lastPos)
                                    throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + " < lastPos " + lastPos);
                                lastPos = pos;
                                BytesRef payload = postings.Payload;
                                if (payload != null)
                                if (payload != null && payload.Length < 1)
                                    throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + " payload length is out of bounds " + payload.Length);
                                if (hasOffsets)
                                    int startOffset = postings.StartOffset();
                                    int endOffset = postings.EndOffset();
                                    // NOTE: we cannot enforce any bounds whatsoever on vectors... they were a free-for-all before?
                                    // but for offsets in the postings lists these checks are fine: they were always enforced by IndexWriter
                                    if (!isVectors)
                                        if (startOffset < 0)
                                            throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + ": startOffset " + startOffset + " is out of bounds");
                                        if (startOffset < lastOffset)
                                            throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + ": startOffset " + startOffset + " < lastStartOffset " + lastOffset);
                                        if (endOffset < 0)
                                            throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + ": endOffset " + endOffset + " is out of bounds");
                                        if (endOffset < startOffset)
                                            throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + doc + ": pos " + pos + ": endOffset " + endOffset + " < startOffset " + startOffset);
                                    lastOffset = startOffset;

                    if (docCount != 0)

                    long totalTermFreq2 = termsEnum.TotalTermFreq();
                    bool hasTotalTermFreq = hasFreqs && totalTermFreq2 != -1;

                    // Re-count if there are deleted docs:
                    if (liveDocs != null)
                        if (hasFreqs)
                            DocsEnum docsNoDel = termsEnum.Docs(null, docsAndFreqs);
                            docCount = 0;
                            totalTermFreq = 0;
                            while (docsNoDel.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                                totalTermFreq += docsNoDel.Freq();
                            DocsEnum docsNoDel = termsEnum.Docs(null, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
                            docCount = 0;
                            totalTermFreq = -1;
                            while (docsNoDel.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)

                    if (docCount != docFreq)
                        throw new Exception("term " + term + " docFreq=" + docFreq + " != tot docs w/o deletions " + docCount);
                    if (hasTotalTermFreq)
                        if (totalTermFreq2 <= 0)
                            throw new Exception("totalTermFreq: " + totalTermFreq2 + " is out of bounds");
                        sumTotalTermFreq += totalTermFreq;
                        if (totalTermFreq != totalTermFreq2)
                            throw new Exception("term " + term + " totalTermFreq=" + totalTermFreq2 + " != recomputed totalTermFreq=" + totalTermFreq);

                    // Test skipping
                    if (hasPositions)
                        for (int idx = 0; idx < 7; idx++)
                            int skipDocID = (int)(((idx + 1) * (long)maxDoc) / 8);
                            postings = termsEnum.DocsAndPositions(liveDocs, postings);
                            int docID = postings.Advance(skipDocID);
                            if (docID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                                if (docID < skipDocID)
                                    throw new Exception("term " + term + ": advance(docID=" + skipDocID + ") returned docID=" + docID);
                                int freq = postings.Freq();
                                if (freq <= 0)
                                    throw new Exception("termFreq " + freq + " is out of bounds");
                                int lastPosition = -1;
                                int lastOffset = 0;
                                for (int posUpto = 0; posUpto < freq; posUpto++)
                                    int pos = postings.NextPosition();

                                    if (pos < 0)
                                        throw new Exception("position " + pos + " is out of bounds");
                                    if (pos < lastPosition)
                                        throw new Exception("position " + pos + " is < lastPosition " + lastPosition);
                                    lastPosition = pos;
                                    if (hasOffsets)
                                        int startOffset = postings.StartOffset();
                                        int endOffset = postings.EndOffset();
                                        // NOTE: we cannot enforce any bounds whatsoever on vectors... they were a free-for-all before?
                                        // but for offsets in the postings lists these checks are fine: they were always enforced by IndexWriter
                                        if (!isVectors)
                                            if (startOffset < 0)
                                                throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + docID + ": pos " + pos + ": startOffset " + startOffset + " is out of bounds");
                                            if (startOffset < lastOffset)
                                                throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + docID + ": pos " + pos + ": startOffset " + startOffset + " < lastStartOffset " + lastOffset);
                                            if (endOffset < 0)
                                                throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + docID + ": pos " + pos + ": endOffset " + endOffset + " is out of bounds");
                                            if (endOffset < startOffset)
                                                throw new Exception("term " + term + ": doc " + docID + ": pos " + pos + ": endOffset " + endOffset + " < startOffset " + startOffset);
                                        lastOffset = startOffset;

                                int nextDocID = postings.NextDoc();
                                if (nextDocID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                                if (nextDocID <= docID)
                                    throw new Exception("term " + term + ": advance(docID=" + skipDocID + "), then .next() returned docID=" + nextDocID + " vs prev docID=" + docID);
                        for (int idx = 0; idx < 7; idx++)
                            int skipDocID = (int)(((idx + 1) * (long)maxDoc) / 8);
                            docs = termsEnum.Docs(liveDocs, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
                            int docID = docs.Advance(skipDocID);
                            if (docID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                                if (docID < skipDocID)
                                    throw new Exception("term " + term + ": advance(docID=" + skipDocID + ") returned docID=" + docID);
                                int nextDocID = docs.NextDoc();
                                if (nextDocID == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                                if (nextDocID <= docID)
                                    throw new Exception("term " + term + ": advance(docID=" + skipDocID + "), then .next() returned docID=" + nextDocID + " vs prev docID=" + docID);

                Terms fieldTerms = fields.Terms(field);
                if (fieldTerms == null)
                    // Unusual: the FieldsEnum returned a field but
                    // the Terms for that field is null; this should
                    // only happen if it's a ghost field (field with
                    // no terms, eg there used to be terms but all
                    // docs got deleted and then merged away):
                    if (fieldTerms is BlockTreeTermsReader.FieldReader)
                        BlockTreeTermsReader.Stats stats = ((BlockTreeTermsReader.FieldReader)fieldTerms).ComputeStats();
                        Debug.Assert(stats != null);
                        if (status.BlockTreeStats == null)
                            status.BlockTreeStats = new Dictionary<string, BlockTreeTermsReader.Stats>();
                        status.BlockTreeStats[field] = stats;

                    if (sumTotalTermFreq != 0)
                        long v = fields.Terms(field).SumTotalTermFreq;
                        if (v != -1 && sumTotalTermFreq != v)
                            throw new Exception("sumTotalTermFreq for field " + field + "=" + v + " != recomputed sumTotalTermFreq=" + sumTotalTermFreq);

                    if (sumDocFreq != 0)
                        long v = fields.Terms(field).SumDocFreq;
                        if (v != -1 && sumDocFreq != v)
                            throw new Exception("sumDocFreq for field " + field + "=" + v + " != recomputed sumDocFreq=" + sumDocFreq);

                    if (fieldTerms != null)
                        int v = fieldTerms.DocCount;
                        if (v != -1 && visitedDocs.Cardinality() != v)
                            throw new Exception("docCount for field " + field + "=" + v + " != recomputed docCount=" + visitedDocs.Cardinality());

                    // Test seek to last term:
                    if (lastTerm != null)
                        if (termsEnum.SeekCeil(lastTerm) != TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND)
                            throw new Exception("seek to last term " + lastTerm + " failed");

                        int expectedDocFreq = termsEnum.DocFreq();
                        DocsEnum d = termsEnum.Docs(null, null, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
                        int docFreq = 0;
                        while (d.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                        if (docFreq != expectedDocFreq)
                            throw new Exception("docFreq for last term " + lastTerm + "=" + expectedDocFreq + " != recomputed docFreq=" + docFreq);

                    // check unique term count
                    long termCount = -1;

                    if ((status.DelTermCount + status.TermCount) - termCountStart > 0)
                        termCount = fields.Terms(field).Size();

                        if (termCount != -1 && termCount != status.DelTermCount + status.TermCount - termCountStart)
                            throw new Exception("termCount mismatch " + (status.DelTermCount + termCount) + " vs " + (status.TermCount - termCountStart));

                    // Test seeking by ord
                    if (hasOrd && status.TermCount - termCountStart > 0)
                        int seekCount = (int)Math.Min(10000L, termCount);
                        if (seekCount > 0)
                            BytesRef[] seekTerms = new BytesRef[seekCount];

                            // Seek by ord
                            for (int i = seekCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                long ord = i * (termCount / seekCount);
                                seekTerms[i] = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(termsEnum.Term());

                            // Seek by term
                            long totDocCount = 0;
                            for (int i = seekCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                if (termsEnum.SeekCeil(seekTerms[i]) != TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND)
                                    throw new Exception("seek to existing term " + seekTerms[i] + " failed");

                                docs = termsEnum.Docs(liveDocs, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
                                if (docs == null)
                                    throw new Exception("null DocsEnum from to existing term " + seekTerms[i]);

                                while (docs.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)

                            long totDocCountNoDeletes = 0;
                            long totDocFreq = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < seekCount; i++)
                                if (!termsEnum.SeekExact(seekTerms[i]))
                                    throw new Exception("seek to existing term " + seekTerms[i] + " failed");

                                totDocFreq += termsEnum.DocFreq();
                                docs = termsEnum.Docs(null, docs, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
                                if (docs == null)
                                    throw new Exception("null DocsEnum from to existing term " + seekTerms[i]);

                                while (docs.NextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)

                            if (totDocCount > totDocCountNoDeletes)
                                throw new Exception("more postings with deletes=" + totDocCount + " than without=" + totDocCountNoDeletes);

                            if (totDocCountNoDeletes != totDocFreq)
                                throw new Exception("docfreqs=" + totDocFreq + " != recomputed docfreqs=" + totDocCountNoDeletes);

            int fieldCount = fields.Size;

            if (fieldCount != -1)
                if (fieldCount < 0)
                    throw new Exception("invalid fieldCount: " + fieldCount);
                if (fieldCount != computedFieldCount)
                    throw new Exception("fieldCount mismatch " + fieldCount + " vs recomputed field count " + computedFieldCount);

            // for most implementations, this is boring (just the sum across all fields)
            // but codecs that don't work per-field like preflex actually implement this,
            // but don't implement it on Terms, so the check isn't redundant.
            long uniqueTermCountAllFields = fields.UniqueTermCount;

            if (uniqueTermCountAllFields != -1 && status.TermCount + status.DelTermCount != uniqueTermCountAllFields)
                throw new Exception("termCount mismatch " + uniqueTermCountAllFields + " vs " + (status.TermCount + status.DelTermCount));

            if (doPrint)
                Msg(infoStream, "OK [" + status.TermCount + " terms; " + status.TotFreq + " terms/docs pairs; " + status.TotPos + " tokens]");

            if (verbose && status.BlockTreeStats != null && infoStream != null && status.TermCount > 0)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, BlockTreeTermsReader.Stats> ent in status.BlockTreeStats)
                    infoStream.WriteLine("      field \"" + ent.Key + "\":");
                    infoStream.WriteLine("      " + ent.Value.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n      "));

            return status;
Beispiel #21
 public override Scorer Scorer(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     return(new PayloadTermSpanScorer(this, (TermSpans)query.GetSpans(context, acceptDocs, TermContexts), this, Similarity.DoSimScorer(Stats, context)));
 public override Scorer Scorer(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     throw new System.NotSupportedException();
Beispiel #23
 public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     WasCalled_Renamed = true;
     return(new FixedBitSet(context.Reader.MaxDoc));
Beispiel #24
 public FieldCacheDocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper(FieldCacheTermsFilter outerInstance, int maxDoc, Bits acceptDocs, SortedDocValues fcsi, FixedBitSet bits)
     : base(maxDoc, acceptDocs)
     this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
     this.Fcsi          = fcsi;
     this.Bits          = bits;
Beispiel #25
        public override Bits GetBits()
            Bits bits = _innerSet.GetBits();

            return((bits == null) ? null : new BitsAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, bits));
Beispiel #26
 public BitsAnonymousInnerClassHelper(FilteredDocIdSet outerInstance, Bits bits)
     this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
     this.Bits          = bits;
Beispiel #27
 public FieldCacheDocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(FieldValueFilter outerInstance, int maxDoc, Bits acceptDocs, Bits docsWithField)
     : base(maxDoc, acceptDocs)
     this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
     this.DocsWithField = docsWithField;
Beispiel #28
        private static void CheckSortedSetDocValues(string fieldName, AtomicReader reader, SortedSetDocValues dv, Bits docsWithField)
            long maxOrd = dv.ValueCount - 1;
            LongBitSet seenOrds = new LongBitSet(dv.ValueCount);
            long maxOrd2 = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < reader.MaxDoc; i++)
                dv.Document = i;
                long lastOrd = -1;
                long ord;
                if (docsWithField.Get(i))
                    int ordCount = 0;
                    while ((ord = dv.NextOrd()) != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS)
                        if (ord <= lastOrd)
                            throw new Exception("ords out of order: " + ord + " <= " + lastOrd + " for doc: " + i);
                        if (ord < 0 || ord > maxOrd)
                            throw new Exception("ord out of bounds: " + ord);
                        if (dv is RandomAccessOrds)
                            long ord2 = ((RandomAccessOrds)dv).OrdAt(ordCount);
                            if (ord != ord2)
                                throw new Exception("ordAt(" + ordCount + ") inconsistent, expected=" + ord + ",got=" + ord2 + " for doc: " + i);
                        lastOrd = ord;
                        maxOrd2 = Math.Max(maxOrd2, ord);
                    if (ordCount == 0)
                        throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has no ordinals but is not marked missing for doc: " + i);
                    if (dv is RandomAccessOrds)
                        long ordCount2 = ((RandomAccessOrds)dv).Cardinality();
                        if (ordCount != ordCount2)
                            throw new Exception("cardinality inconsistent, expected=" + ordCount + ",got=" + ordCount2 + " for doc: " + i);
                    long o = dv.NextOrd();
                    if (o != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS)
                        throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is marked missing but has ord=" + o + " for doc: " + i);
                    if (dv is RandomAccessOrds)
                        long ordCount2 = ((RandomAccessOrds)dv).Cardinality();
                        if (ordCount2 != 0)
                            throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is marked missing but has cardinality " + ordCount2 + " for doc: " + i);
            if (maxOrd != maxOrd2)
                throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " reports wrong maxOrd=" + maxOrd + " but this is not the case: " + maxOrd2);
            if (seenOrds.Cardinality() != dv.ValueCount)
                throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has holes in its ords, valueCount=" + dv.ValueCount + " but only used: " + seenOrds.Cardinality());

            BytesRef lastValue = null;
            BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef();
            for (long i = 0; i <= maxOrd; i++)
                dv.LookupOrd(i, scratch);
                if (lastValue != null)
                    if (scratch.CompareTo(lastValue) <= 0)
                        throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has ords out of order: " + lastValue + " >=" + scratch);
                lastValue = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(scratch);
Beispiel #29
 public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     DocIdSet innerNullIteratorSet = new DocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this);
     return new FilteredDocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this, innerNullIteratorSet);
            public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
                SortedSetDocValues docTermOrds = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetDocTermOrds(context.AtomicReader, Field);
                long lowerPoint = LowerVal == null ? -1 : docTermOrds.LookupTerm(LowerVal);
                long upperPoint = UpperVal == null ? -1 : docTermOrds.LookupTerm(UpperVal);

                long inclusiveLowerPoint, inclusiveUpperPoint;

                // Hints:
                // * binarySearchLookup returns -1, if value was null.
                // * the value is <0 if no exact hit was found, the returned value
                //   is (-(insertion point) - 1)
                if (lowerPoint == -1 && LowerVal == null)
                    inclusiveLowerPoint = 0;
                else if (IncludeLower && lowerPoint >= 0)
                    inclusiveLowerPoint = lowerPoint;
                else if (lowerPoint >= 0)
                    inclusiveLowerPoint = lowerPoint + 1;
                    inclusiveLowerPoint = Math.Max(0, -lowerPoint - 1);

                if (upperPoint == -1 && UpperVal == null)
                    inclusiveUpperPoint = long.MaxValue;
                else if (IncludeUpper && upperPoint >= 0)
                    inclusiveUpperPoint = upperPoint;
                else if (upperPoint >= 0)
                    inclusiveUpperPoint = upperPoint - 1;
                    inclusiveUpperPoint = -upperPoint - 2;

                if (inclusiveUpperPoint < 0 || inclusiveLowerPoint > inclusiveUpperPoint)
                    return null;

                Debug.Assert(inclusiveLowerPoint >= 0 && inclusiveUpperPoint >= 0);

                return new FieldCacheDocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, context.AtomicReader.MaxDoc, acceptDocs, docTermOrds, inclusiveLowerPoint, inclusiveUpperPoint);
Beispiel #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Convenience wrapper method: If {@code acceptDocs == null} it returns the original set without wrapping. </summary>
 /// <param name="set"> Underlying DocIdSet. If {@code null}, this method returns {@code null} </param>
 /// <param name="acceptDocs"> Allowed docs, all docids not in this set will not be returned by this DocIdSet.
 /// If {@code null}, this method returns the original set without wrapping. </param>
 public static DocIdSet Wrap(DocIdSet set, Bits acceptDocs)
     return((set == null || acceptDocs == null) ? set : new BitsFilteredDocIdSet(set, acceptDocs));
Beispiel #32
 public FieldCacheDocIdSet(int maxDoc, Bits acceptDocs)
     this.MaxDoc     = maxDoc;
     this.AcceptDocs = acceptDocs;
 public override BulkScorer BulkScorer(AtomicReaderContext context, bool scoreDocsInOrder, Bits acceptDocs)
     return new BulkScorerAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this);
Beispiel #34
 private static void CheckBinaryDocValues(string fieldName, AtomicReader reader, BinaryDocValues dv, Bits docsWithField)
     BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef();
     for (int i = 0; i < reader.MaxDoc; i++)
         dv.Get(i, scratch);
         if (docsWithField.Get(i) == false && scratch.Length > 0)
             throw new Exception("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is missing but has value=" + scratch + " for doc: " + i);
 /// <summary>
 /// Convenience wrapper method: If {@code acceptDocs == null} it returns the original set without wrapping. </summary>
 /// <param name="set"> Underlying DocIdSet. If {@code null}, this method returns {@code null} </param>
 /// <param name="acceptDocs"> Allowed docs, all docids not in this set will not be returned by this DocIdSet.
 /// If {@code null}, this method returns the original set without wrapping. </param>
 public static DocIdSet Wrap(DocIdSet set, Bits acceptDocs)
     return (set == null || acceptDocs == null) ? set : new BitsFilteredDocIdSet(set, acceptDocs);
Beispiel #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Must fully consume state, since after this call that
 ///  TermState may be reused.
 /// </summary>
 public abstract DocsAndPositionsEnum DocsAndPositions(FieldInfo fieldInfo, BlockTermState state, Bits skipDocs, DocsAndPositionsEnum reuse, int flags);
Beispiel #37
 public FieldCacheDocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(FieldValueFilter outerInstance, int maxDoc, Bits acceptDocs, Bits docsWithField)
     : base(maxDoc, acceptDocs)
     this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
     this.DocsWithField = docsWithField;
 public override Scorer Scorer(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     return new PayloadTermSpanScorer(this, (TermSpans)query.GetSpans(context, acceptDocs, TermContexts), this, Similarity.DoSimScorer(Stats, context));
 public override DocsAndPositionsEnum DocsAndPositions(Bits liveDocs, DocsAndPositionsEnum reuse, int flags)
     throw new System.NotSupportedException();
 public virtual DocsEnum RandomDocsEnum(string field, BytesRef term, IList<AtomicReaderContext> readers, Bits bits)
     if (Random().Next(10) == 0)
         return null;
     AtomicReader indexReader = (AtomicReader)readers[Random().Next(readers.Count)].Reader;
     Terms terms = indexReader.Terms(field);
     if (terms == null)
         return null;
     TermsEnum iterator = terms.Iterator(null);
     if (iterator.SeekExact(term))
         return iterator.Docs(bits, null, Random().NextBoolean() ? DocsEnum.FLAG_FREQS : DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
     return null;
Beispiel #41
 public override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     return null;
            public override BulkScorer BulkScorer(AtomicReaderContext context, bool scoreDocsInOrder, Bits acceptDocs)
                // TODO: it could be better if we take acceptDocs
                // into account instead of baseScorer?
                Scorer baseScorer = baseWeight.Scorer(context, acceptDocs);

                DrillSidewaysScorer.DocsAndCost[] dims = new DrillSidewaysScorer.DocsAndCost[drillDowns.Length];
                int nullCount = 0;
                for (int dim = 0; dim < dims.Length; dim++)
                    dims[dim] = new DrillSidewaysScorer.DocsAndCost();
                    dims[dim].sidewaysCollector = outerInstance.drillSidewaysCollectors[dim];
                    if (drillDowns[dim] is Filter)
                        // Pass null for acceptDocs because we already
                        // passed it to baseScorer and baseScorer is
                        // MUST'd here
                        DocIdSet dis = ((Filter)drillDowns[dim]).GetDocIdSet(context, null);

                        if (dis == null)

                        Bits bits = dis.GetBits();

                        if (bits != null)
                            // TODO: this logic is too naive: the
                            // existence of bits() in DIS today means
                            // either "I'm a cheap FixedBitSet so apply me down
                            // low as you decode the postings" or "I'm so
                            // horribly expensive so apply me after all
                            // other Query/Filter clauses pass"

                            // Filter supports random access; use that to
                            // prevent .advance() on costly filters:
                            dims[dim].bits = bits;

                            // TODO: Filter needs to express its expected
                            // cost somehow, before pulling the iterator;
                            // we should use that here to set the order to
                            // check the filters:

                            DocIdSetIterator disi = dis.GetIterator();
                            if (disi == null)
                            dims[dim].disi = disi;
                        DocIdSetIterator disi = ((Weight)drillDowns[dim]).Scorer(context, null);
                        if (disi == null)
                        dims[dim].disi = disi;

                // If more than one dim has no matches, then there
                // are no hits nor drill-sideways counts.  Or, if we
                // have only one dim and that dim has no matches,
                // same thing.
                //if (nullCount > 1 || (nullCount == 1 && dims.length == 1)) {
                if (nullCount > 1)
                    return null;

                // Sort drill-downs by most restrictive first:

                if (baseScorer == null)
                    return null;

                return new DrillSidewaysScorer(context, baseScorer, outerInstance.drillDownCollector, dims, outerInstance.scoreSubDocsAtOnce);
 /// <summary>
 /// this method is implemented for each data type </summary>
 public abstract override DocIdSet GetDocIdSet(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs);
 public override Scorer Scorer(AtomicReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs)
     // We can only run as a top scorer:
     throw new System.NotSupportedException();
 public FieldCacheDocIdSetAnonymousInnerClassHelper(DocTermOrdsRangeFilterAnonymousInnerClassHelper outerInstance, int maxDoc, Bits acceptDocs, SortedSetDocValues docTermOrds, long inclusiveLowerPoint, long inclusiveUpperPoint)
     : base(maxDoc, acceptDocs)
     this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
     this.DocTermOrds = docTermOrds;
     this.InclusiveLowerPoint = inclusiveLowerPoint;
     this.InclusiveUpperPoint = inclusiveUpperPoint;
Beispiel #46
 public BitsAnonymousInnerClassHelper(FilteredDocIdSet outerInstance, Bits bits)
     this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
     this.Bits = bits;