public void CodePlexExample4a() { using (Lua l = new Lua()) { dynamic dg = l.CreateEnvironment(); LuaResult r = dg.dochunk("t = { a = 2, b = 4 };" + "t.add = function(self)" + " return self.a + self.b;" + "end;" + "function t.add1(self)" + " return self.a + self.b;" + "end;" + "t:add2 = function (self)" + " return self.a + self.b;" + "end;" + "function t:add3()" + " return self.a + self.b;" + "end;" + "return t:add(), t:add2(), t:add3(), t.add(t), t.add2(t), t.add3(t);", "test.lua"); Console.WriteLine(r[0]); Console.WriteLine(r[1]); Console.WriteLine(r[2]); Console.WriteLine(r[3]); Console.WriteLine(r[4]); Console.WriteLine(r[5]); Console.WriteLine(dg.t.add(dg.t)[0]); Console.WriteLine(dg.t.add2()[0]); Console.WriteLine(dg.t.add3()[0]); } }
} // CompareStringKey public static T ReturnOptionalValue <T>(this LuaTable table, string name, T @default, bool ignoreCase = false, bool rawGet = false) { var value = table.GetMemberValue(name, ignoreCase, rawGet); if (value == null) { return(@default); } else { if (Lua.RtInvokeable(value)) { value = new LuaResult(Lua.RtInvoke(value))[0]; } if (value == null) { return(@default); } try { return(value.ChangeType <T>()); } catch { return(@default); } } } // func ReturnOptionalValue
} // proc TokenTest #endregion #region -- TestConstants ---------------------------------------------------------- private bool TestConstant(Lua l, string sVarValue, object result) { Debug.Print("Test: " + sVarValue); LuaResult r = l.CreateEnvironment().DoChunk("return " + sVarValue + ";", "test.lua"); return(Object.Equals(r[0], result)); } // func TestConstant
public static LuaResult Compile( StaticMetaTables staticTables, string source, dynamic globals = null, string name = null) { var result = new LuaResult(); var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); try { var stream = new ANTLRStringStream(source); var lexer = new ChunkLexer(stream); var tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); var parser = new ChunkParser(tokenStream); var r = parser.chunk(); result.Errors.AddRange(parser.Errors); Expression e; var scope = Scope.NewTopLevelScop(); var chunk = new Chunk(); result.Errors.AddRange(chunk.Generate(staticTables, scope, r.Tree, out e)); var fnExp = Expression.Lambda<Func<Table, object>>(e, scope.Env.GlobalParameter); result.Chunk = new CompiledChunk(fnExp.Compile(), globals ?? new Table(), name); } finally { stopwatch.Stop(); result.ElapsedTime = stopwatch.Elapsed; result.Success = !result.Errors.ContainsError(); } return result; }
/// <summary> /// 读取lua,并返回luaTable /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="encoding"></param> /// <param name="isReturn"></param> /// <returns></returns> public LuaTable ReadLua(string code, bool isReturn) { //lua读取 using (Lua l = new Lua()) { // 创建环境 var g = l.CreateEnvironment(); // 读取文件 // StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path, encoding); LuaResult r = new LuaResult(); try { r = g.DoChunk(code, "test.lua"); } catch (Exception) { } // reader.Close(); // 如果有返回值 if (isReturn) { LuaTable lt = (LuaTable)r[0]; return(lt); } else { LuaTable lt = g; return(lt); } } }
/// <summary> /// 读取lua,并返回luaTable /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="encoding"></param> /// <param name="isReturn"></param> /// <returns>LuaTable</returns> public static LuaTable ReadLua(string path, Encoding encoding, bool isReturn) { //lua读取 using (var lua = new Lua()) { // 创建环境 var luaGlobalPortable = lua.CreateEnvironment(); // 读取文件 var streamReader = new StreamReader(path, encoding); var luaResult = new LuaResult(); try { luaResult = luaGlobalPortable.DoChunk(streamReader, "test.lua"); } catch (Exception) { // ignored } streamReader.Close(); // 如果有返回值 if (isReturn) { var luaTable = (LuaTable)luaResult[0]; return(luaTable); } else { LuaTable luaTable = luaGlobalPortable; return(luaTable); } } }
private void AddHandler(string name, BaseLuaController controller, MethodInfo method) { if (!this.handlers.ContainsKey(name)) { this.handlers[name] = new(); } this.handlers[name].Add((luaEvent) => { var parameters = MapParameters(luaEvent.Parameters, method); var result = controller.HandleEvent(luaEvent, (values) => method.Invoke(controller, parameters)); if (method.ReturnType == typeof(void)) { return(null); } if (result is LuaResult luaResult) { return(luaResult); } return(LuaResult <object?> .Success(result)); }); this.luaEventService.AddEventHandler(name, HandleLuaEvent); }
internal PpsLuaTask(IPpsLuaTaskParent parent, SynchronizationContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken, LuaResult startArguments) { this.parent = parent; this.cancellationToken = cancellationToken; // the synchronization context must not have parallelity, we enforce this with the thread id this.context = context ?? new PpsLuaTaskSynchronizationContext(this); this.currentResult = startArguments; } // ctor
public LuaResult ExecLuaFunction(LuaManager luaManager, LuaGlobal g, string strLuaFunction, GameClient client) { lock (dictLuaCache) { LuaResult retValue = (g as dynamic)[strLuaFunction](GameManager.LuaMgr, client, /*lua.GetTable("tab")*/ null); return(retValue); } }
} // proc SetException private void ExecuteTask(object continueWith) { isQueuedTaskRunning = true; try { // check for cancel or exception if (!IsCanceled && !IsFaulted) { // execute task try { currentResult = Invoke(continueWith, currentResult.Values); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { if (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { cancellationTokenSource?.Cancel(); } } catch (Exception e) { SetException(e); } } } finally { isQueuedTaskRunning = false; } if (continueTasks.Count > 0 && !IsFaulted) { ExecuteOrQueueTask(continueTasks.Dequeue()); } else { // call exception if (onExceptionTask != null) { ExecuteOnExceptionTask(); } // call finally if (onFinallyTask != null) { ExecuteOnFinallyTask(); } // call awaitTask if (onAwaitTask != null) { ExecuteOnAwaitTask(); } } } // proc ExecuteTask
} // func FormatValue public static void TestResult(LuaResult result, params object[] expectedResult) { if (result == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("no result"); } if (expectedResult == null || expectedResult.Length == 0) // no results expected { if (result.Values.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("OK: no result == no result"); } else { Console.WriteLine("FAIL: no result != {0}", FormatValue(result[0])); Assert.Fail(); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < expectedResult.Length; i++) { object valueResult = result[i]; object valueExpected = expectedResult[i]; if (valueResult is double) { valueResult = Math.Round((double)valueResult, 3); } if (valueExpected is double) { valueExpected = Math.Round((double)valueExpected, 3); } if (valueResult is LuaTable && valueExpected is KeyValuePair <object, object>[]) { TestTable((LuaTable)valueResult, (KeyValuePair <object, object>[])valueExpected); } else { bool lOk = Object.Equals(valueResult, valueExpected); Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} {2} {3}", lOk ? "OK" : "FAIL", FormatValue(valueResult), lOk ? "==" : "!=", FormatValue(valueExpected)); if (!lOk) { Assert.Fail(); } } } if (result.Values.Length != expectedResult.Length) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL: Result Count {0} != {1}", result.Values.Length, expectedResult.Length); Assert.Fail(); } } } // proc TestResult
/// <summary> /// Runs a block of Lua code from a string. /// </summary> /// <param name="block">The code to run.</param> /// <param name="env">The Lua environment to run it in.</param> /// <returns>The script's return value, or False if an error occurred.</returns> public static LuaResult Run(string block, LuaGlobal env = null) { if (env == null) { env = Environment; } // Do we have this chunk cached? If so, use that version. var hash = block.GetHashCode(); var useCache = false; LuaChunk compiledChunk = null; if (LuaCache.ContainsKey(hash)) { compiledChunk = LuaCache[hash]; useCache = true; } else { // Attempt to compile and add it to the cache. try { compiledChunk = IronLua.CompileChunk(block, "lol.lua", null); useCache = true; LuaCache.Add(hash, compiledChunk); } catch (LuaException pax) { //Wrap it up in a normal Exception that our custom handler can then unwrap, so we can show the context in a nice way. throw new Exception("Lua parse error while trying to run this chunk:" + System.Environment.NewLine + PrepareParseError(block, pax.Line, pax.Column) + System.Environment.NewLine + pax.Message, pax); } } // TODO: It failed to compile? Run interpreted and hope for useful information LuaResult ret = null; try { if (useCache) { ret = env.DoChunk(compiledChunk); } else { ret = env.DoChunk(block, "lol.lua"); } } catch (LuaException pax) { //Wrap it up in a normal Exception that our custom handler can then unwrap, so we can show the context in a nice way. throw new Exception("Lua parse error while trying to run this chunk:" + System.Environment.NewLine + PrepareParseError(block, pax.Line, pax.Column) + System.Environment.NewLine + pax.Message, pax); } return(ret); }
private static Assembly CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) { try { var requestingAssembly = args.RequestingAssembly; var requestedAssembly = new AssemblyName(args.Name); // ①カレントディレクトリの.dllのファイル名部分だけを指定している場合(.NETの既存ライブラリと同じ書き方。 // もしくは、C#のusingで読み込めなかった場合もこれに該当する String currentmacrodirectory = (String)Hidemaru.Macro.Var["currentmacrodirectory"]; var targetfullpath = currentmacrodirectory + @"\" + requestedAssembly.Name + ".dll"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(targetfullpath)) { return(Assembly.LoadFile(targetfullpath)); } // ②そのようなフルパスが指定されている場合(フルパスを指定した書き方) targetfullpath = requestedAssembly.Name; if (System.IO.File.Exists(targetfullpath)) { // そのファイルのディレクトリ var normalizedfullpath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(targetfullpath); var targetdirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(normalizedfullpath); return(Assembly.LoadFile(targetfullpath)); } // ③パスが特別に登録されている // 何型かはわからないが… 呼び出し側は list[x]形式で呼び出せるものだと考えた。 LuaResult r = g.DoChunk("return package.path", "test.lua"); String asm_path = r.ToString(); if (asm_path != null) { foreach (var dir in asm_path.Split(';')) { targetfullpath = dir + @"\" + requestedAssembly.Name + ".dll"; Hidemaru.debuginfo(targetfullpath); if (System.IO.File.Exists(targetfullpath)) { return(Assembly.LoadFile(targetfullpath)); } } } } catch (Exception) { } return(null); }
} // func CreateField private bool TryResolveFieldCreator(IPpsDataFieldReadOnlyProperties properties, out LuaWpfCreator[] creator) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(properties.UseFieldFactory)) { creator = null; return(false); } // resolve complex fieldinformation within the Environment // the member must be registered within the table. var result = new LuaResult(CallMemberDirect(properties.UseFieldFactory, new object[] { properties }, rawGet: true, throwExceptions: true, ignoreNilFunction: true)); if (result.Count == 0) { creator = null; return(false); } else if (result.Count == 1 && result[0] is LuaWpfCreator r) { creator = new LuaWpfCreator[] { r }; return(true); } else if (result.Count == 1 && result[0] is LuaWpfCreator[] ra) { creator = ra; return(true); } else if (result.Count > 1) { var wpfControls = new LuaWpfCreator[result.Count]; for (var i = 0; i < wpfControls.Length; i++) { if (result[i] is LuaWpfCreator t) { wpfControls[i] = t; } else { throw new ArgumentNullException(properties.UseFieldFactory, "Return type must be a control creator."); } } creator = wpfControls; return(true); } else { throw new ArgumentNullException(properties.UseFieldFactory, "Return type must be a control creator."); } } // func TryResolveFieldCreator
public static string ResultToMessage(LuaResult r) { switch (r) { case LuaResult.ErrErr: return("Error in error handler"); case LuaResult.ErrMem: return("Out of memory"); case LuaResult.ErrRun: return("Runtime error"); case LuaResult.ErrSyntax: return("Syntax error"); default: return("?"); } }
} // func FormatValue public static void TestResult(LuaResult result, params object[] expectedResult) { if(result == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("no result"); if (expectedResult == null || expectedResult.Length == 0) // no results expected { if (result.Values.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("OK: no result == no result"); } else { Console.WriteLine("FAIL: no result != {0}", FormatValue(result[0])); Assert.Fail(); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < expectedResult.Length; i++) { object valueResult = result[i]; object valueExpected = expectedResult[i]; if (valueResult is double) valueResult = Math.Round((double)valueResult, 3); if (valueExpected is double) valueExpected = Math.Round((double)valueExpected, 3); if (valueResult is LuaTable && valueExpected is KeyValuePair<object, object>[]) TestTable((LuaTable)valueResult, (KeyValuePair<object, object>[])valueExpected); else { bool lOk = Object.Equals(valueResult, valueExpected); Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} {2} {3}", lOk ? "OK" : "FAIL", FormatValue(valueResult), lOk ? "==" : "!=", FormatValue(valueExpected)); if (!lOk) Assert.Fail(); } } if (result.Values.Length != expectedResult.Length) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL: Result Count {0} != {1}", result.Values.Length, expectedResult.Length); Assert.Fail(); } } } // proc TestResult
public void CodePlexExample1() { using (Lua l = new Lua()) { var g = l.CreateEnvironment(); dynamic dg = g; LuaResult r = g.DoChunk("return a + b", "test.lua", new KeyValuePair <string, object>("a", 2), new KeyValuePair <string, object>("b", 4)); Console.WriteLine(r[0]); dynamic dr = dg.dochunk("return a + b", "test.lua", "a", 2, "b", 4); Console.WriteLine((int)dr); } }
internal static ScriptIdentity?GetIdentity(LuaResult thread) { ScriptIdentity identity; var th = (LuaThread)thread.Values[0]; if (th == null) { return(null); } if (_threadIdentities.TryGetValue(th, out identity)) { return(identity); } return(null); }
public bool Execute(SessionHandler oSessionHndlr) { if (oSessionHndlr.LuaLogger == null) { //oSessionHndlr.LuaLogger = new CLogger(oSessionHndlr.HostName, string.Empty, oSessionHndlr.ThreadIndex, true); } //oSessionHndlr.LuaLogger.WriteLogInfo("Script Execution started"); bool result = false; try { //oSessionHndlr.LuaLogger.WriteLogInfo("Getting list of lua script files"); string[] scriptFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(@LUA_SCRIPT_LOCATION, ConstantVariables.LUA_SCRIPTS_SEARCH_PATTERN); if (scriptFiles.Length == 0) { //oSessionHndlr.LuaLogger.WriteLogInfo("No ScriptFiles Found.So, Script files found"); return(false); } var proxyAPI = new ProxyServiceAPI(oSessionHndlr); foreach (var scriptFile in scriptFiles) { string currentScriptFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(scriptFile); //oSessionHndlr.LuaLogger.WriteLogInfo("Getting lua script filename:" + currentScriptFile); try { LuaResult lr = m_LuaGlobal.DoChunk(File.ReadAllText(String.Format(scriptFile, 1)), currentScriptFile, new KeyValuePair <string, object>(PROXY_SERVICE_API_OBJECT_NAME, proxyAPI)); } catch (Exception ex) { //oSessionHndlr.LuaLogger.WriteLogException("Script Name:" + currentScriptFile + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //AnalyzerManager.Logger.Error(ex); Debug.Write(ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } return(result); }
/// <summary>МЕТОД Запускаем Событие OnBeforeSave, перед cохранением формы</summary> public bool MET_OnBeforeSave() { if (!PROP_OnBeforeSave) { return(true); } try { LuaResult _LuaResult = PRI_Env.OnBeforeSave(); return((bool)_LuaResult[0]); } catch (Exception e) { MyGlo.PUB_Logger.Error(e, $"Ошибка Lua в поле с VarId {PUB_Pole.PROP_VarId}," + $" шаблона {PUB_Pole.PROP_FormShablon.PROP_Docum.PROP_ListShablon.PROP_Cod}," + $"\n таблицы {PUB_Pole.PROP_FormShablon.PROP_TipProtokol.PROP_Shablon}"); return(true); } }
public static void parallel(string code, int count) { var watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); var lua = new Lua(); LuaGlobal env = lua.CreateEnvironment(); LuaResult cc = env.DoChunk(code, "test.lua"); dynamic en = env; Parallel.For(0, count, x => { string data = en.exec(10); }); watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("time=>{0}", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
private static void LinqTest2() { LuaType.RegisterTypeExtension(typeof(Enumerable)); // generic geht nicht List <int> lst = new List <int>(); lst.Add(1); lst.Add(2); lst.Add(3); using (Lua l = new Lua()) { var g = l.CreateEnvironment(); LuaResult r = g.DoChunk(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, "return a.Select(function (c) return c; end).ToArray();" ), new KeyValuePair <string, object>("a", lst)); Console.WriteLine(r[0].ToString()); } }
public static LuaMap merge(LuaMap map1, LuaMap map2, Func <object, object, LuaResult> func) { Dictionary <object, object> map = new Dictionary <object, object>(; foreach (KeyValuePair <object, object> entry in { if (func != null) { object value; if (map.TryGetValue(entry.Key, out value)) { LuaResult res = func(value, entry.Value); map[entry.Key] = res[0]; continue; } } map[entry.Key] = entry.Value; } return(new LuaMap(map)); }
private static void innerTemploadfile(string code, int count) { var watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); using (var lua = new Lua()) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { LuaGlobal env = lua.CreateEnvironment(); LuaResult cc = env.DoChunk(code, "test.lua"); dynamic en = env; string data = en.exec(1); } } watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("time=>{0}", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
public static string SerializeArguments(LuaResult args) { if (args == null) { return("\xC0"); } var table = new LuaTable(); for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++) { table[i] = args[i]; } var luaEnvironment = ScriptEnvironment.CurrentEnvironment.LuaEnvironment; var packer = (Func <LuaTable, string>)((LuaTable)luaEnvironment["msgpack"])["pack"]; var str = packer(table); return(str); }
public static string SerializeArguments(LuaResult args) { if (args == null) { return "\xC0"; } var table = new LuaTable(); for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++) { table[i] = args[i]; } var luaEnvironment = ScriptEnvironment.CurrentEnvironment.LuaEnvironment; var packer = (Func<LuaTable, string>)((LuaTable)luaEnvironment["msgpack"])["pack"]; var str = packer(table); return str; }
internal override bool TryFulfill() { var compileOptions = new CustomCompileOptions(Script) { DebugEngine = LuaSettings.DebugEngineEnabled ? (Script.Debugger?.NeoDebugger ?? (Script.Debugger = new ScriptDebugger(Script)).NeoDebugger) : null }; var del = (Action) delegate { try { if (LuaSettings.AreScriptStartsReported) { Script.Print($"Script started. ({Script.GetFullName()})", LogLevel.Trace); } Script.IsRunning = true; CurrentScript = Script; var chunk = Lua.CompileChunk(new StringReader(Script.Source), Script.InstanceId, compileOptions, new KeyValuePair <string, Type>("args", typeof(LuaTable))); var argsTable = Args.ToLuaTable(); Result = Script.LuaGlobal.DoChunk(chunk, argsTable); Script.IsRunning = false; } catch (Exception e) { HandleException(e, Script.InstanceId); Result = null; } }; var thread = new LuaThread(del); _threadIdentities[thread] = Script.Identity; Script.LuaThread = thread; ResumeThread(thread); return(true); }
} // ctor /// <summary>Gibt die Daten frei</summary> public void Dispose() { currentArguments = null; currentArguments = null; if (taskCancelExecute != null) { if (!taskCancelExecute.IsCancellationRequested) taskCancelExecute.Cancel(); taskCancelExecute.Dispose(); taskCancelExecute = null; } if (evYield != null) { evYield.Dispose(); evYield = null; } if (evResume != null) { evResume.Set(); evResume.Dispose(); evResume = null; } } // proc Dispose
} // ctor internal PpsLuaTask(IPpsLuaTaskParent parent, SynchronizationContext context, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource, LuaResult startArguments) : this(parent, context, cancellationTokenSource?.Token ?? CancellationToken.None, startArguments) { this.cancellationTokenSource = cancellationTokenSource; } // ctor
public string EvaluateLua(string expression) { bool unfreeze = false; if (this.CurrentState == DebugState.Running) { unfreeze = true; if (!GameLoopHook.PauseGame()) { return("Error: Game is busy!"); } } this.DebugEngine.RemoveHook(); string asStatement = expression; expression = "return " + expression; string result = ""; LuaResult err = BBLua.luaL_loadbuffer(this.L, expression, expression.Length, "from console"); if (err == LuaResult.OK) { int stackTop = BBLua.lua_gettop(this.L); err = BBLua.lua_pcall(this.L, 0, -1, 0); int nResults = 1 + BBLua.lua_gettop(this.L) - stackTop; if (nResults == 1) { result = TosToString(); } else if (nResults > 1) { string[] results = new string[nResults]; do { nResults--; results[nResults] = TosToString(true); } while (nResults != 0); result = "(" + string.Join(", ", results) + ")"; } } else { string parseErrExpr = TosToString(); err = BBLua.luaL_loadbuffer(this.L, asStatement, asStatement.Length, "from console"); if (err == LuaResult.OK) { err = BBLua.lua_pcall(this.L, 0, 0, 0); //statement -> no return values } if (err != LuaResult.OK) { result = TosToString(); } } this.DebugEngine.SetHook(); if (unfreeze) { GameLoopHook.ResumeGame(); } return(result); }
public static IntPtr DoString(String expression, String inAction = "DoString") { if (CreateScope() == (IntPtr)0) { return((IntPtr)0); } try { LuaResult r = g.DoChunk(expression, "test.lua"); return((IntPtr)1); } catch (LuaParseException e) { OutputDebugStream(e.GetType().Name + ":"); OutputDebugStream("lineno:" + e.Line + " in " + inAction); // エラーの行番号 int ix = e.Line - 1; // ソースを改行で分割 string[] list = expression.Split('\n'); // 該当行をデバッグモニターへと出力 if (0 <= ix && ix < list.Length) { OutputDebugStream(list[ix]); } } catch (LuaRuntimeException e) { OutputDebugStream(e.GetType().Name + ":"); OutputDebugStream("lineno:" + e.Line + " in " + inAction); // エラーの行番号 int ix = e.Line - 1; // ソースを改行で分割 string[] list = expression.Split('\n'); // 該当行をデバッグモニターへと出力 if (0 <= ix && ix < list.Length) { OutputDebugStream(list[ix]); } } catch (LuaException e) { OutputDebugStream(e.GetType().Name + ":"); OutputDebugStream("lineno:" + e.Line + " in " + inAction); // エラーの行番号 int ix = e.Line - 1; // ソースを改行で分割 string[] list = expression.Split('\n'); // 該当行をデバッグモニターへと出力 if (0 <= ix && ix < list.Length) { OutputDebugStream(list[ix]); } } catch (Exception e) { OutputDebugStream(e.GetType().Name + ":"); OutputDebugStream(e.Message); OutputDebugStream(e.StackTrace); } return((IntPtr)0); }
public override bool Cook(string luaPath, LuaGlobal environment, string outputDirectory, string intermediateDirectory, out string producedFile, out string error) { error = ""; producedFile = ""; string shaderPath = GetShaderPath(luaPath, environment); // Figure out which shader type we're trying to compile ShaderType shaderType = GetShaderType(shaderPath, environment); if (shaderType == ShaderType.Unknown) { error = "Shader type was unknown, either use one of the following file extensions: "; bool first = true; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ShaderType> validShaderType in validShaderTypes) { if (!first) { error += ", "; } else { first = false; } error += validShaderType.Key + ".hlsl"; } error += "\n OR set shaderType in the .lua file"; return(false); } // Try to get all settings from .lua file or acceptable defaults ShaderCompileSettings compileSettings = new ShaderCompileSettings(); compileSettings.shaderPath = shaderPath; compileSettings.outputDirectory = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "shaders"); compileSettings.intermediateDirectory = intermediateDirectory; compileSettings.entryPoint = Env.TryGetDefault <string>(environment, "entryPoint", "main"); compileSettings.optimization = Env.TryGetDefault <string>(environment, "optimization", "Od"); compileSettings.profile = GetShaderProfile(shaderType, environment); compileSettings.debug = Env.TryGetDefault <bool>(environment, "debug", true); compileSettings.outputFile = GetShaderOutputFileName(shaderPath, environment, shaderType); compileSettings.defines = Env.TryGetArrayDefault <string>(environment, "defines", new string[0]); if (environment.ContainsMember("OnCompile")) { string producedFileStr = ""; // Add the compileShader function to the lua environment dynamic dynamicEnvironment = environment; dynamicEnvironment.compileShader = new Func <LuaTable, bool>((compileSettingsTable) => { ShaderCompileSettings settings = ShaderCompileSettings.FromLuaTable(compileSettingsTable); producedFileStr = Path.Combine(settings.outputDirectory, settings.outputFile); return(CompileShader(settings)); }); // Lets call OnCompile to allow the lua file to handle mutations on its own LuaTable table = compileSettings.ToLuaTable(); LuaResult result = environment.CallMember("OnCompile", table); // Remove the compileShader function dynamicEnvironment.compileShader = null; if (result.Count != 1) { Debug.Fail("[SHADER COOKER]: If a Lua file overrides OnCompile it has to return a bool to specify if it succeeded"); } producedFile = producedFileStr; return((bool)result[0]); } else { producedFile = Path.Combine(compileSettings.outputDirectory, compileSettings.outputFile); return(CompileShader(compileSettings)); } }
internal LuaTuple(T1 arg1 = default(T1)) { _result = new LuaResult(arg1); }
} // func Yield #endregion #region -- ExecuteDelegate -------------------------------------------------------- private void ExecuteDelegate() { evResume = new ManualResetEventSlim(false); Task.Yield(); // force background thread // add this thread to the thread-pool lock (luaThreads) luaThreads.Add(this); try { yield(new LuaResult(Lua.RtInvoke(target, currentArguments.Values))); } finally { // remove the thread from the pool lock (luaThreads) luaThreads.Remove(this); taskExecute = null; taskCancelExecute.Dispose(); taskCancelExecute = null; // dispose the events currentYield = LuaResult.Empty; evResume.Dispose(); evResume = null; evYield.Set(); } } // proc ExecuteDelegate
} // func ParseArgument private static void RunScript(Func <string> code, string sName) { try { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); // compile chunk LuaChunk c = lua.CompileChunk(code(), sName, new LuaCompileOptions() { }); string sCompileTime = String.Format("{0:N0} ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); // run chunk LuaResult r = global.DoChunk(c); string sRunTime = String.Format("{0:N0} ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); string sSize; if (c.Size < 0) { sSize = "unknown"; } else if (c.Size == 0) { sSize = String.Empty; } else { sSize = c.Size.ToString("N0") + " byte"; } // start with a new line if (Console.CursorLeft > 0) { Console.WriteLine(); } // print result if (r.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < r.Count; i++) { WriteVariable(i, r[i]); } } // print summary const string csCompile = "==> compile: "; const string csRuntime = " run: "; Console.CursorLeft = Console.WindowWidth - csCompile.Length - (sSize.Length > 0 ? sSize.Length + 3 : 0) - sCompileTime.Length - csRuntime.Length - sRunTime.Length - 1; WriteText(ConsoleColor.DarkGreen, csCompile); WriteText(ConsoleColor.Green, sCompileTime); if (sSize.Length > 0) { WriteText(ConsoleColor.DarkGreen, " ["); WriteText(ConsoleColor.Green, sSize); WriteText(ConsoleColor.DarkGreen, "]"); } WriteText(ConsoleColor.DarkGreen, csRuntime); WriteText(ConsoleColor.Green, sRunTime); Console.WriteLine(); } catch (LuaParseException e) { WriteText(ConsoleColor.DarkRed, String.Format("Parse error at line {0:N0} (column: {1:N0}):", e.Line, e.Column)); Console.WriteLine(); WriteText(ConsoleColor.DarkRed, " " + e.Message); Console.WriteLine(); } catch (Exception e) { Exception ex = e is TargetInvocationException ? e.InnerException : e; WriteException(ex); } } // proc RunScript