void Initialize() { string condition = string.Format("where prodspec_id ='{0}'", prod); LotCatcher.Conditions = condition; LotDetails = LotCatcher.GetEntities().EntityList.ToList(); }
void Initialize() { LotCatcher.Conditions = string.Format("where Lot_Owner_ID='{0}' and Lot_State='ACTIVE'", UserID); var lots = LotCatcher.GetEntities().EntityList; LotEntities = lots.Any() ? lots.ToList() : new List <Report62_Lot>(); CastCatcher.Conditions = string.Format("where foup_owner ='{0}' and drbl_state !='SCRAPPED'", UserID); var casts = CastCatcher.GetEntities().EntityList; CastEntities = casts.Any() ? casts.ToList() : new List <Report_FoupOwner>(); }
private void Initialize() { LotCatcher.DB2.GetSomeData(DelOldRecords); LotCatcher.GetEntities(); var lotList = LotCatcher.entities.EntityList; if (lotList.Count() < 1) { throw new Exception("没有YSTD Record"); } WipChartPusher.entities.EntityList = LotCatcher.entities.EntityList; WipChartPusher.PushEntities(); }
void GetDatas() { int year = Convert.ToInt16(Month.Split('-')[0]); string strMonth = Month.Split('-')[1]; int month = Convert.ToInt16(strMonth); int days = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month); LotCatcher.Conditions = string.Format("where Completion_Time between '{0}-01' and '{0}-{1}'", Month, days); LotCatcher.GetEntities(); PlanCatcher.Conditions = string.Format("where Plan_Date like '{0}-%'", Month); PlanCatcher.GetEntities(); //生成Items for (int i = 1; i <= days; i++) { Items.Add(string.Format("{0}/{1}", month, i)); _items.Add(string.Format("{0}-{1}", Month, FixNumber(i))); } Items.Add(DateTime.Parse(Month + "-01").ToString("MMM", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-us"))); }
public void Initialize() { var lotList = LotCatcher.GetEntities().EntityList; if (!lotList.Any()) { throw new Exception("没有触发Qtime的Lot"); } FlowCatcher.Conditions = string.Format("where mainpd_id in ('{0}')", string.Join("','", lotList.Select(s => s.MainPD_ID).Distinct())); FlowCatcher.GetEntities(); // HsCatcher.Conditions = string.Format("where lot_family_id",string.Join("','",lotList.Select(s=>s.Lot_ID))); foreach (var lot in lotList) { ReqRpt029TableEntity entity = new ReqRpt029TableEntity() { LotID = lot.Lot_ID, OpeNo = lot.Ope_No, Priority = lot.Priority_Class, Qty = lot.Qty, LotHoldState = lot.Lot_Hold_State, LotProcessState = lot.Lot_Process_State, ToOpeNo = lot.To_Ope_No, Qtime = lot.Qtime, FoupID = lot.Cast_ID, Location = lot.Location, Status = lot.Xfer_State, HoldCode = lot.ReasonCode_ID, HoldComment = lot.Hold_Claim_Memo }; var MainPDFlows = FlowCatcher.entities.EntityList.Where(w => w.MainPD_ID == lot.MainPD_ID); var flow = MainPDFlows.Where(w => w.Ope_No == lot.Ope_No); if (flow.Any()) { entity.Department = flow.First().Description; entity.EqpType = flow.First().Eqp_Type; entity.Step = flow.First().PD_ID; } var toFlow = MainPDFlows.Where(w => w.Ope_No == lot.To_Ope_No); if (toFlow.Any()) { entity.ToDepartment = toFlow.First().Description; entity.ToEqpType = toFlow.First().Eqp_Type; entity.ToStep = toFlow.First().PD_ID; } flow = MainPDFlows.Where(w => w.Ope_No.CompareTo(lot.Ope_No) > 0 && w.Ope_No.CompareTo(lot.To_Ope_No) <= 0).OrderBy(o => o.Ope_No); //剩余站点ct double ct = flow.Where(w => w.PD_Std_Proc_Time_Min > 0).Sum(s => s.PD_Std_Proc_Time_Min); double m = 2; if (lot.Priority_Class == 1) { m = 1.3; } else if (lot.Priority_Class == 2) { m = 1.6; } ct = ct * m; var curFlow = MainPDFlows.Where(w => w.Ope_No == lot.Ope_No && w.PD_Std_Proc_Time_Min > 0); //当前站点process time double pt = curFlow.Any() ? curFlow.First().PD_Std_Proc_Time_Min : 0; entity.RemainCt = pt + ct; bool isOrignLot = lot.Lot_ID.Substring(lot.Lot_ID.Length - 3) == ".00"; if (isOrignLot) { //如果不是分批的情况 HsCatcher.Conditions = string.Format("where lot_id='{0}' and ope_category in ('OperationComplete','STB') order by Claim_Time", lot.Lot_ID); HsCatcher.GetEntities(); var hsList = HsCatcher.entities.EntityList; entity.FirstStepInTime = hsList.Where(w => w.MainPD_ID == lot.MainPD_ID && w.Ope_No == lot.From_Ope_No).First().Claim_Time; } else { //如果是分批的情况 entity.FirstStepInTime = GetTargetStepInTime(lot.Lot_ID, lot.MainPD_ID, lot.From_Ope_No); } Entities.Add(entity); } }