private void ContinuesSingleThreadCoroutine()
        Debug.Log("Starting an never ending Coroutine on a seperate Thread!");
        while (true)
            Loom.DispatchToMainThread(() => Debug.Log("I waited atleast 10 frames. Whats the current frameCount? : " + Time.frameCount), true);

            Loom.DispatchToMainThread(() => Debug.Log("I waited atleast 1 second. Whats the current frameCount? : " + Time.frameCount), true);
        Debug.Log("It will never get here, but thats oke...");
    //--------------- Managing a simple single Thread --------------------
    private void EndingSingleThreadCoroutine()
        Debug.Log("Starting an Coroutine on a seperate Thread!");

        Loom.DispatchToMainThread(() => Debug.Log("I waited atleast 30 frames. Whats the current frameCount? : " + Time.frameCount), true);

        Loom.DispatchToMainThread(() => Debug.Log("I waited atleast 10 seconds. Whats the current frameCount? : " + Time.frameCount), true);

        //Throw error to show safemode nicely throws errors in the MainThread.

        Debug.LogWarning("About the throw an error...");
        throw new Exception("This is an safe Error and should showup in the Console");

        Debug.Log("It won't get here, but the Thread will die anyways.");