internal override void Lookup(LookupResult result, string name, BinderContext original, LookupFilter filter)

            var results = Compilation.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers(name);
            original.FilterAccessibility(result, results, filter);
        internal sealed override void LookupSymbolsInSingleBinder(
            LookupResult result,
            string name,
            int arity,
            ConsList<Symbol> basesBeingResolved,
            LookupOptions options,
            Binder originalBinder,
            bool diagnose,
            ref HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics)
            if ((options & (LookupOptions.NamespaceAliasesOnly | LookupOptions.NamespacesOrTypesOnly | LookupOptions.LabelsOnly)) != 0)

            var local = this.LookupPlaceholder(name);
            if ((object)local == null)
                base.LookupSymbolsInSingleBinder(result, name, arity, basesBeingResolved, options, originalBinder, diagnose, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
                result.MergeEqual(this.CheckViability(local, arity, options, null, diagnose, ref useSiteDiagnostics, basesBeingResolved));
        internal override void LookupSymbolsInSingleBinder(LookupResult result, string name, int arity, ConsList<Symbol> basesBeingResolved, LookupOptions options, Binder originalBinder, bool diagnose, ref HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics)
            _sourceBinder.LookupSymbolsInSingleBinder(result, name, arity, basesBeingResolved, options, this, diagnose, ref useSiteDiagnostics);

            var symbols = result.Symbols;
            for (int i = 0; i < symbols.Count; i++)
                // Type parameters requiring mapping to the target type and
                // should be found by WithMethodTypeParametersBinder instead.
                var parameter = (ParameterSymbol)symbols[i];
                Debug.Assert(parameter.ContainingSymbol == _sourceBinder.ContainingMemberOrLambda);
                symbols[i] = _targetParameters[parameter.Ordinal + _parameterOffset];
        internal sealed override void LookupSymbolsInSingleBinder(
            LookupResult result,
            string name,
            int arity,
            ConsList<Symbol> basesBeingResolved,
            LookupOptions options,
            Binder originalBinder,
            bool diagnose,
            ref HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics)
            if ((options & (LookupOptions.NamespaceAliasesOnly | LookupOptions.NamespacesOrTypesOnly | LookupOptions.LabelsOnly)) != 0)

            if (name.StartsWith("0x", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                var valueText = name.Substring(2);
                ulong address;
                if (!ulong.TryParse(valueText, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out address))
                    // Invalid value should have been caught by Lexer.
                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(valueText);
                var local = new ObjectAddressLocalSymbol(_containingMethod, name, this.Compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object), address);
                result.MergeEqual(this.CheckViability(local, arity, options, null, diagnose, ref useSiteDiagnostics, basesBeingResolved));
                LocalSymbol lowercaseReturnValueAlias;
                if (_lowercaseReturnValueAliases.TryGetValue(name, out lowercaseReturnValueAlias))
                    result.MergeEqual(this.CheckViability(lowercaseReturnValueAlias, arity, options, null, diagnose, ref useSiteDiagnostics, basesBeingResolved));
                    base.LookupSymbolsInSingleBinder(result, name, arity, basesBeingResolved, options, originalBinder, diagnose, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
        internal override void LookupNamespaceOrType(LookupResult result, string name, BinderContext original, ConsList <Symbol> basesBeingResolved, LookupFilter filter)

            original.FilterAccessibility(result, Compilation.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers(name).OfType <Symbol, NamespaceOrTypeSymbol>(), filter);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve suggestions.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual IList <LookupResult> DoLookup(string key, IEnumerable <BytesRef> contexts, int num)
            // LUCENENET: Added guard clause for null
            if (key is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));

            if (contexts != null)
                throw new ArgumentException("this suggester doesn't support contexts");

            TokenStream ts = queryAnalyzer.GetTokenStream("", key);

                ITermToBytesRefAttribute    termBytesAtt = ts.AddAttribute <ITermToBytesRefAttribute>();
                IOffsetAttribute            offsetAtt    = ts.AddAttribute <IOffsetAttribute>();
                IPositionLengthAttribute    posLenAtt    = ts.AddAttribute <IPositionLengthAttribute>();
                IPositionIncrementAttribute posIncAtt    = ts.AddAttribute <IPositionIncrementAttribute>();

                var lastTokens = new BytesRef[grams];
                //System.out.println("lookup: key='" + key + "'");

                // Run full analysis, but save only the
                // last 1gram, last 2gram, etc.:
                BytesRef tokenBytes   = termBytesAtt.BytesRef;
                int      maxEndOffset = -1;
                bool     sawRealToken = false;
                while (ts.IncrementToken())
                    sawRealToken |= tokenBytes.Length > 0;
                    // TODO: this is somewhat iffy; today, ShingleFilter
                    // sets posLen to the gram count; maybe we should make
                    // a separate dedicated att for this?
                    int gramCount = posLenAtt.PositionLength;

                    if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                        Debugging.Assert(gramCount <= grams);

                    // Safety: make sure the recalculated count "agrees":
                    if (CountGrams(tokenBytes) != gramCount)
                        throw new ArgumentException("tokens must not contain separator byte; got token=" + tokenBytes + " but gramCount=" + gramCount + " does not match recalculated count=" + CountGrams(tokenBytes));
                    maxEndOffset = Math.Max(maxEndOffset, offsetAtt.EndOffset);
                    lastTokens[gramCount - 1] = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(tokenBytes);

                if (!sawRealToken)
                    throw new ArgumentException("no tokens produced by analyzer, or the only tokens were empty strings");

                // Carefully fill last tokens with _ tokens;
                // ShingleFilter appraently won't emit "only hole"
                // tokens:
                int endPosInc = posIncAtt.PositionIncrement;

                // Note this will also be true if input is the empty
                // string (in which case we saw no tokens and
                // maxEndOffset is still -1), which in fact works out OK
                // because we fill the unigram with an empty BytesRef
                // below:
                bool lastTokenEnded = offsetAtt.EndOffset > maxEndOffset || endPosInc > 0;
                //System.out.println("maxEndOffset=" + maxEndOffset + " vs " + offsetAtt.EndOffset);

                if (lastTokenEnded)
                    //System.out.println("  lastTokenEnded");
                    // If user hit space after the last token, then
                    // "upgrade" all tokens.  This way "foo " will suggest
                    // all bigrams starting w/ foo, and not any unigrams
                    // starting with "foo":
                    for (int i = grams - 1; i > 0; i--)
                        BytesRef token = lastTokens[i - 1];
                        if (token is null)
                        token.Grow(token.Length + 1);
                        token.Bytes[token.Length] = separator;
                        lastTokens[i] = token;
                    lastTokens[0] = new BytesRef();

                var arc = new FST.Arc <Int64>();

                var bytesReader = fst.GetBytesReader();

                // Try highest order models first, and if they return
                // results, return that; else, fallback:
                double backoff = 1.0;

                JCG.List <LookupResult> results = new JCG.List <LookupResult>(num);

                // We only add a given suffix once, from the highest
                // order model that saw it; for subsequent lower order
                // models we skip it:
                var seen = new JCG.HashSet <BytesRef>();

                for (int gram = grams - 1; gram >= 0; gram--)
                    BytesRef token = lastTokens[gram];
                    // Don't make unigram predictions from empty string:
                    if (token is null || (token.Length == 0 && key.Length > 0))
                        // Input didn't have enough tokens:
                        //System.out.println("  gram=" + gram + ": skip: not enough input");

                    if (endPosInc > 0 && gram <= endPosInc)
                        // Skip hole-only predictions; in theory we
                        // shouldn't have to do this, but we'd need to fix
                        // ShingleFilter to produce only-hole tokens:
                        //System.out.println("  break: only holes now");

                    //System.out.println("try " + (gram+1) + " gram token=" + token.utf8ToString());

                    // TODO: we could add fuzziness here
                    // match the prefix portion exactly
                    //Pair<Long,BytesRef> prefixOutput = null;
                    Int64 prefixOutput = null;
                        prefixOutput = LookupPrefix(fst, bytesReader, token, arc);
                    catch (Exception bogus) when(bogus.IsIOException())
                        throw RuntimeException.Create(bogus);
                    //System.out.println("  prefixOutput=" + prefixOutput);

                    if (prefixOutput is null)
                        // This model never saw this prefix, e.g. the
                        // trigram model never saw context "purple mushroom"
                        backoff *= ALPHA;

                    // TODO: we could do this division at build time, and
                    // bake it into the FST?

                    // Denominator for computing scores from current
                    // model's predictions:
                    long contextCount = totTokens;

                    BytesRef lastTokenFragment = null;

                    for (int i = token.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (token.Bytes[token.Offset + i] == separator)
                            BytesRef context = new BytesRef(token.Bytes, token.Offset, i);
                            long?    output  = Lucene.Net.Util.Fst.Util.Get(fst, Lucene.Net.Util.Fst.Util.ToInt32sRef(context, new Int32sRef()));
                            if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                                Debugging.Assert(output != null);
                            contextCount      = DecodeWeight(output);
                            lastTokenFragment = new BytesRef(token.Bytes, token.Offset + i + 1, token.Length - i - 1);

                    BytesRef finalLastToken;

                    if (lastTokenFragment is null)
                        finalLastToken = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(token);
                        finalLastToken = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(lastTokenFragment);
                    if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                        Debugging.Assert(finalLastToken.Offset == 0);

                    CharsRef spare = new CharsRef();

                    // complete top-N
                    Util.Fst.Util.TopResults <Int64> completions = null;
                        // Because we store multiple models in one FST
                        // (1gram, 2gram, 3gram), we must restrict the
                        // search so that it only considers the current
                        // model.  For highest order model, this is not
                        // necessary since all completions in the FST
                        // must be from this model, but for lower order
                        // models we have to filter out the higher order
                        // ones:

                        // Must do num+seen.size() for queue depth because we may
                        // reject up to seen.size() paths in acceptResult():
                        Util.Fst.Util.TopNSearcher <Int64> searcher = new TopNSearcherAnonymousClass(this, fst, num, num + seen.Count, weightComparer, seen, finalLastToken);

                        // since this search is initialized with a single start node
                        // it is okay to start with an empty input path here
                        searcher.AddStartPaths(arc, prefixOutput, true, new Int32sRef());

                        completions = searcher.Search();
                        if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                    catch (Exception bogus) when(bogus.IsIOException())
                        throw RuntimeException.Create(bogus);

                    int prefixLength = token.Length;

                    BytesRef suffix = new BytesRef(8);
                    //System.out.println("    " + completions.length + " completions");

                    foreach (Util.Fst.Util.Result <Int64> completion in completions)
                        token.Length = prefixLength;
                        // append suffix
                        Util.Fst.Util.ToBytesRef(completion.Input, suffix);

                        //System.out.println("    completion " + token.utf8ToString());

                        // Skip this path if a higher-order model already
                        // saw/predicted its last token:
                        BytesRef lastToken = token;
                        for (int i = token.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            if (token.Bytes[token.Offset + i] == separator)
                                if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                                    Debugging.Assert(token.Length - i - 1 > 0);
                                lastToken = new BytesRef(token.Bytes, token.Offset + i + 1, token.Length - i - 1);
                        if (seen.Contains(lastToken))
                            //System.out.println("      skip dup " + lastToken.utf8ToString());
                            goto nextCompletionContinue;
                        UnicodeUtil.UTF8toUTF16(token, spare);
                        LookupResult result = new LookupResult(spare.ToString(),
                                                               // LUCENENET NOTE: We need to calculate this as decimal because when using double it can sometimes
                                                               // return numbers that are greater than long.MaxValue, which results in a negative long number.
                                                               (long)(long.MaxValue * (decimal)backoff * ((decimal)DecodeWeight(completion.Output)) / contextCount));
                        if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                            Debugging.Assert(results.Count == seen.Count);
                        //System.out.println("  add result=" + result);
                        nextCompletionContinue :;
                    backoff *= ALPHA;

                results.Sort(Comparer <Lookup.LookupResult> .Create((a, b) =>
                    if (a.Value > b.Value)
                    else if (a.Value < b.Value)
                        // Tie break by UTF16 sort order:

                if (results.Count > num)
                    results.RemoveRange(num, results.Count - num); // LUCENENET: Converted end index to length

 internal override void LookupMembers(LookupResult result, NamespaceOrTypeSymbol nsOrType, string name, int arity, Utilities.ConsList<Symbol> basesBeingResolved, LookupOptions options, Binder originalBinder, bool diagnose)
     options |= LookupOptions.NamespacesOrTypesOnly | LookupOptions.MustNotBeNestedType;
     base.LookupMembers(result, nsOrType, name, arity, basesBeingResolved, options, originalBinder, diagnose);
 private static string Format(LookupResult tens, LookupResult units)
     const string numberFormat = "{0} {1}";
     return string.Format(numberFormat, tens.Description, units.Description);
 internal override void LookupSymbols(LookupResult result, string name, int arity, Utilities.ConsList <Symbol> basesBeingResolved, LookupOptions options, bool diagnose)
     options |= LookupOptions.NamespacesOrTypesOnly | LookupOptions.MustNotBeNestedType;
     base.LookupSymbols(result, name, arity, basesBeingResolved, options, diagnose);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the results based on the search hits.
        /// Can be overridden by subclass to add particular behavior (e.g. weight transformation) </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"> If there are problems reading fields from the underlying Lucene index. </exception>
        protected internal virtual List<LookupResult> CreateResults(IndexSearcher searcher, TopFieldDocs hits, int num, string charSequence, bool doHighlight, IEnumerable<string> matchedTokens, string prefixToken)
            BinaryDocValues textDV = MultiDocValues.GetBinaryValues(searcher.IndexReader, TEXT_FIELD_NAME);

            // This will just be null if app didn't pass payloads to build():
            // TODO: maybe just stored fields?  they compress...
            BinaryDocValues payloadsDV = MultiDocValues.GetBinaryValues(searcher.IndexReader, "payloads");
            IList<AtomicReaderContext> leaves = searcher.IndexReader.Leaves;
            List<LookupResult> results = new List<LookupResult>();
            BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef();
            for (int i = 0; i < hits.ScoreDocs.Length; i++)
                FieldDoc fd = (FieldDoc)hits.ScoreDocs[i];
                textDV.Get(fd.Doc, scratch);
                string text = scratch.Utf8ToString();
                long score = (long)fd.Fields[0];

                BytesRef payload;
                if (payloadsDV != null)
                    payload = new BytesRef();
                    payloadsDV.Get(fd.Doc, payload);
                    payload = null;

                // Must look up sorted-set by segment:
                int segment = ReaderUtil.SubIndex(fd.Doc, leaves);
                SortedSetDocValues contextsDV = leaves[segment].AtomicReader.GetSortedSetDocValues(CONTEXTS_FIELD_NAME);
                HashSet<BytesRef> contexts;
                if (contextsDV != null)
                    contexts = new HashSet<BytesRef>();
                    contextsDV.Document = fd.Doc - leaves[segment].DocBase;
                    long ord;
                    while ((ord = contextsDV.NextOrd()) != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS)
                        BytesRef context = new BytesRef();
                        contextsDV.LookupOrd(ord, context);
                    contexts = null;

                LookupResult result;

                if (doHighlight)
                    object highlightKey = Highlight(text, matchedTokens, prefixToken);
                    result = new LookupResult(highlightKey.ToString(), highlightKey, score, payload, contexts);
                    result = new LookupResult(text, score, payload, contexts);


            return results;
        private ExpressionNode BindMemberAccess(SyntaxNode node, ExpressionNode left, SimpleNameSyntax right, bool invoked)
            Debug.Assert(node != null);
            Debug.Assert(left != null);
            Debug.Assert(right != null);
            Debug.Assert(node != null);

            // A member-access consists of a primary-expression, a predefined-type, or a 
            // qualified-alias-member, followed by a "." token, followed by an identifier, 
            // optionally followed by a type-argument-list.

            // A member-access is either of the form E.I or of the form E.I<A1, ..., AK>, 
            // where E is a primary-expression, I is a single identifier and <A1, ..., AK> 
            // is an optional type-argument-list. When no type-argument-list is specified,
            // consider K to be zero. 

            // UNDONE: A member-access with a primary-expression of type dynamic is dynamically bound. 
            // UNDONE: In this case the compiler classifies the member access as a property access of 
            // UNDONE: type dynamic. The rules below to determine the meaning of the member-access are 
            // UNDONE: then applied at run-time, using the run-time type instead of the compile-time 
            // UNDONE: type of the primary-expression. If this run-time classification leads to a method 
            // UNDONE: group, then the member access must be the primary-expression of an invocation-expression.

            // The member-access is evaluated and classified as follows:

            string rightName = right.PlainName;
            int rightArity = right.Arity;
            LookupResult lookupResult = new LookupResult();

            if (left.Kind == NodeKind.NamespaceExpression)
                // If K is zero and E is a namespace and E contains a nested namespace with name I, 
                // then the result is that namespace.

                var ns = ((NamespaceExpression)left).NamespaceSymbol;
                lookupResult = MemberLookupInNamespace(ns, rightName, rightArity);

                // UNDONE: Report errors if more than one, or none.

                if (lookupResult.IsViable) {
                    Symbol sym = lookupResult.Symbols.First();
                    if (sym.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace)
                        return new NamespaceExpression(node, (NamespaceSymbol)sym);
                    else {
                        Debug.Assert(sym.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType);
                        return new TypeExpression(node, (NamedTypeSymbol)sym);
                else {
                    return null;
#if SLOW
                if (node.Right.Arity == 0)
                    var childnamespaces = ns.GetMembers(node.Right.Identifier.ValueText).OfType<NamespaceSymbol>();
                    var childnamespace = childnamespaces.SingleOrDefault();
                    if (childnamespace != null)
                        return new NamespaceExpression(node, childnamespace);

                // Otherwise, if E is a namespace and E contains an accessible type having name I and K type
                // parameters, then the result is that type constructed with the given type arguments.

                var childTypes = ns.GetMembers(node.Right.Identifier.Text).OfType<NamedTypeSymbol>().Where(s => s.Arity == node.Right.Arity && IsMemberAccessible(s));
                var childType = childTypes.SingleOrDefault();
                if (childType != null)
                    // UNDONE: Construct the child type if it is generic!
                    return new TypeExpression(node, childType);

            // If E is a predefined-type or a primary-expression classified as a type, if E is not a 
            // type parameter, and if a member lookup of I in E with K type parameters produces a 
            // match, then E.I is evaluated and classified as follows:
            else if (left.Kind == NodeKind.TypeExpression)
                var type = ((TypeExpression)left).Type;
                if (!(type is TypeParameterSymbol))
                    lookupResult = MemberLookup(type, rightName, rightArity, invoked);
                    if (lookupResult.IsViable)
                        return BindStaticMemberOfType(node, left, right, lookupResult);
            // If E is a property access, indexer access, variable, or value, the type of which is T, 
            // and a member lookup of I in T with K type arguments produces a match, then E.I 
            // is evaluated and classified as follows:

            // UNDONE: Classify E as prop access, indexer access, variable or value
            else {
                var type = ((ValueNode)left).Type;
                lookupResult = MemberLookup(type, rightName, rightArity, invoked);
                if (lookupResult.IsViable)
                    return BindInstanceMemberOfType(node, type, left, right, lookupResult);

            // UNDONE: Otherwise, an attempt is made to process E.I as an extension method invocation. 

            // UNDONE: If this fails, E.I is an invalid member reference, and a binding-time error occurs.

            return null;
Beispiel #12
        public override IList <LookupResult> DoLookup(string key, IEnumerable <BytesRef> contexts, bool onlyMorePopular, int num)
            Debug.Assert(num > 0);

            if (onlyMorePopular)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("this suggester only works with onlyMorePopular=false");
            if (contexts != null)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("this suggester doesn't support contexts");
            if (fst == null)
                return(new List <LookupResult>());

            //System.out.println("lookup key=" + key + " num=" + num);
            for (var i = 0; i < key.Length; i++)
                if (key[i] == 0x1E)
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                              "lookup key cannot contain HOLE character U+001E; this character is reserved");
                if (key[i] == 0x1F)
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                              "lookup key cannot contain unit separator character U+001F; this character is reserved");

            var utf8Key = new BytesRef(key);

                Automaton lookupAutomaton = ToLookupAutomaton(key);

                var spare = new CharsRef();

                //System.out.println("  now intersect exactFirst=" + exactFirst);

                // Intersect automaton w/ suggest wFST and get all
                // prefix starting nodes & their outputs:
                //final PathIntersector intersector = getPathIntersector(lookupAutomaton, fst);

                //System.out.println("  prefixPaths: " + prefixPaths.size());

                FST.BytesReader bytesReader = fst.GetBytesReader();

                var scratchArc = new FST.Arc <PairOutputs <long?, BytesRef> .Pair>();

                IList <LookupResult> results = new List <LookupResult>();

                IList <FSTUtil.Path <PairOutputs <long?, BytesRef> .Pair> > prefixPaths =
                    FSTUtil.IntersectPrefixPaths(ConvertAutomaton(lookupAutomaton), fst);

                if (exactFirst)
                    int count = 0;
                    foreach (FSTUtil.Path <PairOutputs <long?, BytesRef> .Pair> path in prefixPaths)
                        if (fst.FindTargetArc(END_BYTE, path.FstNode, scratchArc, bytesReader) != null)
                            // This node has END_BYTE arc leaving, meaning it's an
                            // "exact" match:

                    // Searcher just to find the single exact only
                    // match, if present:
                    Util.Fst.Util.TopNSearcher <PairOutputs <long?, BytesRef> .Pair> searcher_Renamed;
                    searcher_Renamed = new Util.Fst.Util.TopNSearcher <PairOutputs <long?, BytesRef> .Pair>(fst, count * maxSurfaceFormsPerAnalyzedForm,
                                                                                                            count * maxSurfaceFormsPerAnalyzedForm, weightComparer);

                    // NOTE: we could almost get away with only using
                    // the first start node.  The only catch is if
                    // maxSurfaceFormsPerAnalyzedForm had kicked in and
                    // pruned our exact match from one of these nodes
                    // ...:
                    foreach (var path in prefixPaths)
                        if (fst.FindTargetArc(END_BYTE, path.FstNode, scratchArc, bytesReader) != null)
                            // This node has END_BYTE arc leaving, meaning it's an
                            // "exact" match:
                            searcher_Renamed.AddStartPaths(scratchArc, fst.Outputs.Add(path.Output, scratchArc.Output), false,

                    var completions_Renamed = searcher_Renamed.Search();

                    // NOTE: this is rather inefficient: we enumerate
                    // every matching "exactly the same analyzed form"
                    // path, and then do linear scan to see if one of
                    // these exactly matches the input.  It should be
                    // possible (though hairy) to do something similar
                    // to getByOutput, since the surface form is encoded
                    // into the FST output, so we more efficiently hone
                    // in on the exact surface-form match.  Still, I
                    // suspect very little time is spent in this linear
                    // seach: it's bounded by how many prefix start
                    // nodes we have and the
                    // maxSurfaceFormsPerAnalyzedForm:
                    foreach (var completion in completions_Renamed)
                        BytesRef output2 = completion.Output.Output2;
                        if (SameSurfaceForm(utf8Key, output2))
                            results.Add(GetLookupResult(completion.Output.Output1, output2, spare));

                    if (results.Count == num)
                        // That was quick:

                Util.Fst.Util.TopNSearcher <PairOutputs <long?, BytesRef> .Pair> searcher;
                searcher = new TopNSearcherAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, fst, num - results.Count,
                                                                     num * maxAnalyzedPathsForOneInput, weightComparer, utf8Key, results);

                prefixPaths = GetFullPrefixPaths(prefixPaths, lookupAutomaton, fst);

                foreach (FSTUtil.Path <PairOutputs <long?, BytesRef> .Pair> path in prefixPaths)
                    searcher.AddStartPaths(path.FstNode, path.Output, true, path.Input);

                var completions = searcher.Search();

                foreach (Util.Fst.Util.Result <PairOutputs <long?, BytesRef> .Pair> completion in completions)
                    LookupResult result = GetLookupResult(completion.Output.Output1, completion.Output.Output2, spare);

                    // TODO: for fuzzy case would be nice to return
                    // how many edits were required

                    //System.out.println("    result=" + result);

                    if (results.Count == num)
                        // In the exactFirst=true case the search may
                        // produce one extra path

            catch (IOException bogus)
                throw new Exception(bogus.ToString(), bogus);
        private ExpressionNode BindInstanceMemberOfType(SyntaxNode node, TypeSymbol type,
                                                        ExpressionNode left, SimpleNameSyntax right, LookupResult lookupResult)
            Debug.Assert(left != null);
            Debug.Assert(right != null);
            Debug.Assert(node != null);

            // UNDONE: First, if E is a property or indexer access, then the value of the property or indexer access is obtained (§7.1.1) and E is reclassified as a value.

            SymbolOrMethodGroup symbolOrMethods = GetSymbolOrMethodGroup(lookupResult);

            if (symbolOrMethods.IsMethodGroup)
                // If I identifies one or more methods, then the result is a method group with an associated
                // instance expression of E. If a type argument list was specified, it is used in calling 
                // a generic method.

                // UNDONE: Construct the type argument list if there is one.
                return new MethodGroup(right, null, left, symbolOrMethods.MethodGroup);

            // UNDONE: If I identifies an instance property, then the result is a property access with an associated instance expression of E. 
            // UNDONE: If T is a class-type and I identifies an instance field of that class-type:
            // UNDONE:   If the value of E is null, then a System.NullReferenceException is thrown.
            // UNDONE:   Otherwise, if the field is readonly and the reference occurs outside an instance constructor of the class in which the field is declared, then the result is a value, namely the value of the field I in the object referenced by E.
            // UNDONE:   Otherwise, the result is a variable, namely the field I in the object referenced by E.
            // UNDONE: If T is a struct-type and I identifies an instance field of that struct-type:
            // UNDONE:   If E is a value, or if the field is readonly and the reference occurs outside an instance constructor of the struct in which the field is declared, then the result is a value, namely the value of the field I in the struct instance given by E.
            // UNDONE:   Otherwise, the result is a variable, namely the field I in the struct instance given by E.
            // UNDONE: If I identifies an instance event:
            // UNDONE:   If the reference occurs within the class or struct in which the event is declared, and the event was declared without event-accessor-declarations (§10.8), then E.I is processed exactly as if I was an instance field.
            // UNDONE:   Otherwise, the result is an event access with an associated instance expression of E.

            return null;
        // Given a viable LookupResult, report any ambiguity errors and return either a single non-method symbols
        // or a method group.
        private SymbolOrMethodGroup GetSymbolOrMethodGroup(LookupResult result)

            Symbol nonMethod = null;
            List<MethodSymbol> methodGroup = null;

            if (result.IsSingleton) {
                Symbol sym = result.SingleSymbol;
                if (sym.Kind == SymbolKind.Method) {
                    return new SymbolOrMethodGroup(new List<MethodSymbol> { (MethodSymbol)sym });
                else {
                    return new SymbolOrMethodGroup(sym);
            else {
                foreach (Symbol sym in result.Symbols) {
                    if (sym.Kind == SymbolKind.Method) {
                        if (methodGroup == null) {
                            methodGroup = new List<MethodSymbol>();
                    else {
                        if (nonMethod == null)
                            nonMethod = sym;
                        else {
                            // UNDONE: report ambiguity error between two non-methods.

                if (nonMethod != null) {
                    if (methodGroup != null) {
                        // UNDONE: report ambiguity error between method and non-method.
                    return new SymbolOrMethodGroup(nonMethod);
                else {
                    return new SymbolOrMethodGroup(methodGroup);
        private ExpressionNode BindStaticMemberOfType(SyntaxNode node, ExpressionNode left, SimpleNameSyntax right, LookupResult lookupResult)
            Debug.Assert(node != null);
            Debug.Assert(left != null);
            Debug.Assert(right != null);

            SymbolOrMethodGroup symbolOrMethods = GetSymbolOrMethodGroup(lookupResult);

            if (symbolOrMethods.IsMethodGroup) {
                // If I identifies one or more methods, then the result is a method group with no 
                // associated instance expression. If a type argument list was specified, it is used 
                // in calling a generic method.
                // UNDONE: Construct the type argument list if there is one.
                return new MethodGroup(right, null, left, symbolOrMethods.MethodGroup);
            else {
                Symbol symbol = symbolOrMethods.NonMethod;

                switch (symbol.Kind) {
                    case SymbolKind.NamedType:
                    case SymbolKind.ErrorType:
                        // If I identifies a type, then the result is that type constructed with the given type arguments.
                        // UNDONE: Construct the child type if it is generic!
                        return new TypeExpression(node, (TypeSymbol)symbol);

                    case SymbolKind.Property:
                        // If I identifies a static property, then the result is a property access with no
                        // associated instance expression.
                        // UNDONE: give error if not static.
                        return null;

                    case SymbolKind.Field:
                        // If I identifies a static field:
                        // UNDONE: If the field is readonly and the reference occurs outside the static constructor of 
                        // UNDONE: the class or struct in which the field is declared, then the result is a value, namely
                        // UNDONE: the value of the static field I in E.
                        // UNDONE: Otherwise, the result is a variable, namely the static field I in E.

                        // UNDONE: Need a way to mark an expression node as "I am a variable, not a value".

                        // UNDONE: Give error for non-static.
                        return null;

                        Debug.Fail("Unexpected symbol kind");
                        return null;
        protected override void LookupSymbolsInSingleBinder(LookupResult result, string name, int arity, ConsList<Symbol> basesBeingResolved, LookupOptions options, bool diagnose)
            LookupResult tmp = LookupResult.GetInstance();
            LookupResult nonViable = LookupResult.GetInstance();

            // Member definitions of different kinds hide each other (field defs hide method defs, etc.).
            // So even if the caller asks only for invocable members find any member first and then reject the result if a non-invokable is found.
            LookupOptions anyMemberLookupOptions = options & ~LookupOptions.MustBeInvocableMember;

            // TODO: optimize lookup (there might be many interactions in the chain)
            for (ICompilation commonSubmission = Compilation.PreviousSubmission; commonSubmission != null; commonSubmission = commonSubmission.PreviousSubmission)
                // TODO (tomat): cross-language binding - for now, skip non-C# submissions 
                Compilation submission = commonSubmission as Compilation;
                if (submission == null)


                Imports imports = GetImports(submission);
                imports.LookupSymbolInAliases(this, tmp, name, arity, basesBeingResolved, anyMemberLookupOptions, diagnose);

                // If a viable using alias and a matching member are both defined in the submission an error is reported elsewhere.
                // Ignore the member in such case.
                if (!tmp.IsMultiViable && (options & LookupOptions.NamespaceAliasesOnly) == 0)
                    this.LookupMembers(tmp, submission.ScriptClass, name, arity, basesBeingResolved, anyMemberLookupOptions, diagnose);

                // found a non-method in the current submission:
                if (tmp.Symbols.Count > 0 && tmp.Symbols.First().Kind != SymbolKind.Method)
                    if (!tmp.IsMultiViable)
                        // skip non-viable members, but remember them in case no viable members are found in previous submissions:

                    if (result.Symbols.Count == 0)

                // merge overloads:
                Debug.Assert(result.Symbols.Count == 0 || result.Symbols.All(s => s.Kind == SymbolKind.Method));

            // Set a proper error if we found a symbol that is not invocable but were asked for invocable only.
            // Only a single non-method can be present in the result; methods are always invocable.
            if ((options & LookupOptions.MustBeInvocableMember) != 0 && result.Symbols.Count == 1)
                Symbol symbol = result.Symbols.First();
                AliasSymbol alias = symbol as AliasSymbol;
                if (alias != null)
                    symbol = alias.GetAliasTarget(basesBeingResolved);

                if (IsNonInvocableMember(symbol))
                    result.SetFrom(LookupResult.NotInvocable(symbol, result.Symbols.First(), diagnose));
            else if (result.Symbols.Count == 0)

        /// <summary>
        /// Create the results based on the search hits.
        /// Can be overridden by subclass to add particular behavior (e.g. weight transformation) </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"> If there are problems reading fields from the underlying Lucene index. </exception>
        protected internal virtual List <LookupResult> CreateResults(IndexSearcher searcher, TopFieldDocs hits, int num, string charSequence, bool doHighlight, IEnumerable <string> matchedTokens, string prefixToken)
            BinaryDocValues textDV = MultiDocValues.GetBinaryValues(searcher.IndexReader, TEXT_FIELD_NAME);

            // This will just be null if app didn't pass payloads to build():
            // TODO: maybe just stored fields?  they compress...
            BinaryDocValues             payloadsDV = MultiDocValues.GetBinaryValues(searcher.IndexReader, "payloads");
            IList <AtomicReaderContext> leaves     = searcher.IndexReader.Leaves;
            List <LookupResult>         results    = new List <LookupResult>();
            BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef();

            for (int i = 0; i < hits.ScoreDocs.Length; i++)
                FieldDoc fd = (FieldDoc)hits.ScoreDocs[i];
                textDV.Get(fd.Doc, scratch);
                string text  = scratch.Utf8ToString();
                long   score = (long)fd.Fields[0];

                BytesRef payload;
                if (payloadsDV != null)
                    payload = new BytesRef();
                    payloadsDV.Get(fd.Doc, payload);
                    payload = null;

                // Must look up sorted-set by segment:
                int segment = ReaderUtil.SubIndex(fd.Doc, leaves);
                SortedSetDocValues contextsDV = leaves[segment].AtomicReader.GetSortedSetDocValues(CONTEXTS_FIELD_NAME);
                HashSet <BytesRef> contexts;
                if (contextsDV != null)
                    contexts            = new HashSet <BytesRef>();
                    contextsDV.Document = fd.Doc - leaves[segment].DocBase;
                    long ord;
                    while ((ord = contextsDV.NextOrd()) != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS)
                        BytesRef context = new BytesRef();
                        contextsDV.LookupOrd(ord, context);
                    contexts = null;

                LookupResult result;

                if (doHighlight)
                    object highlightKey = Highlight(text, matchedTokens, prefixToken);
                    result = new LookupResult(highlightKey.ToString(), highlightKey, score, payload, contexts);
                    result = new LookupResult(text, score, payload, contexts);


        internal static void OnStaticResourceResolved(object targetObject, object targetProperty, LookupResult result)
            EventHandler <StaticResourceResolvedEventArgs> handler = StaticResourceResolved;

            if (handler != null && result.Dictionary != null)
                handler(null, new StaticResourceResolvedEventArgs(

 // Given two lookups done in the same scope, merge the results.
 private LookupResult MergeLookupsInSameScope(LookupResult result1, LookupResult result2)
     // TODO: Make sure that this merging gives the correct semantics.
     return result1.MergeEqual(result2);
Beispiel #20
        protected internal override IList <Lookup.LookupResult> CreateResults(IndexSearcher searcher, TopFieldDocs hits,
                                                                              int num, string key, bool doHighlight, ICollection <string> matchedTokens, string prefixToken)
            BinaryDocValues textDV = MultiDocValues.GetBinaryValues(searcher.IndexReader, TEXT_FIELD_NAME);

            if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                Debugging.Assert(textDV != null);

            // This will just be null if app didn't pass payloads to build():
            // TODO: maybe just stored fields?  they compress...
            BinaryDocValues payloadsDV = MultiDocValues.GetBinaryValues(searcher.IndexReader, "payloads");

            JCG.SortedSet <Lookup.LookupResult> results = new JCG.SortedSet <Lookup.LookupResult>(LOOKUP_COMP);

            // we reduce the num to the one initially requested
            int actualNum = num / numFactor;

            BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef();

            for (int i = 0; i < hits.ScoreDocs.Length; i++)
                FieldDoc fd = (FieldDoc)hits.ScoreDocs[i];

                textDV.Get(fd.Doc, scratch);
                string text   = scratch.Utf8ToString();
                long   weight = (J2N.Numerics.Int64)fd.Fields[0];

                BytesRef payload;
                if (payloadsDV != null)
                    payload = new BytesRef();
                    payloadsDV.Get(fd.Doc, payload);
                    payload = null;

                double coefficient;
                if (text.StartsWith(key.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // if hit starts with the key, we don't change the score
                    coefficient = 1;
                    coefficient = CreateCoefficient(searcher, fd.Doc, matchedTokens, prefixToken);

                long score = (long)(weight * coefficient);

                LookupResult result;
                if (doHighlight)
                    object highlightKey = Highlight(text, matchedTokens, prefixToken);
                    result = new LookupResult(highlightKey.ToString(), highlightKey, score, payload);
                    result = new LookupResult(text, score, payload);

                BoundedTreeAdd(results, result, actualNum);

            return(new JCG.List <LookupResult>(results.Reverse()));
        // Given two looksup in two scopes, whereby viable results in resultHiding should hide results
        // in resultHidden, merge the lookups.
        private LookupResult MergeHidingLookups(LookupResult resultHiding, LookupResult resultHidden)
            // Methods hide non-methods, non-methods hide everything. We do not implement hiding by signature
            // here; that can be handled later in overload lookup. Doing this efficiently is a little complex...

            if (resultHiding.IsViable && resultHidden.IsViable) {
                if (resultHiding.IsSingleton) {
                    if (resultHiding.SingleSymbol.Kind != SymbolKind.Method)
                        return resultHiding;
                else {
                    foreach (Symbol sym in resultHiding.Symbols) {
                        if (sym.Kind != SymbolKind.Method)
                            return resultHiding; // any non-method hides everything in the hiding scope.

                // "resultHiding" only has methods. Hide all non-methods from resultHidden.
                if (resultHidden.IsSingleton) {
                    if (resultHidden.SingleSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Method)
                        return resultHiding.MergeEqual(resultHidden);
                        return resultHiding;
                else {
                    LookupResult result = resultHiding;
                    foreach (Symbol sym in resultHidden.Symbols) {
                        if (sym.Kind == SymbolKind.Method)
                            result = result.MergeEqual(LookupResult.Good(sym));
                    return result;
            else {
                return resultHiding.MergePrioritized(resultHidden);
Beispiel #22
 protected override void LookupSymbolsInSingleBinder(LookupResult result, string name, int arity, ConsList <Symbol> basesBeingResolved, LookupOptions options, bool diagnose)
     // TODO
 // Give lookups in two scopes which should be ambiguous toward eachother; merge the results.
 private LookupResult MergeAmbiguousLookups(LookupResult result1, LookupResult result2)
     // TODO: Make sure that this merging works correctly.
     return result1.MergeEqual(result2);
 internal override void LookupMembers(LookupResult result, NamespaceOrTypeSymbol nsOrType, string name, int arity, Utilities.ConsList <Symbol> basesBeingResolved, LookupOptions options, Binder originalBinder, bool diagnose)
     options |= LookupOptions.NamespacesOrTypesOnly | LookupOptions.MustNotBeNestedType;
     base.LookupMembers(result, nsOrType, name, arity, basesBeingResolved, options, originalBinder, diagnose);
 protected override void LookupSymbolsInSingleBinder(LookupResult result, string name, int arity, ConsList<Symbol> basesBeingResolved, LookupOptions options, bool diagnose)
     // TODO
 internal override void LookupSymbols(LookupResult result, string name, int arity, Utilities.ConsList<Symbol> basesBeingResolved, LookupOptions options, bool diagnose)
     options |= LookupOptions.NamespacesOrTypesOnly | LookupOptions.MustNotBeNestedType;
     base.LookupSymbols(result, name, arity, basesBeingResolved, options, diagnose);
 private static string Format(LookupResult numberOfHundreds, LookupResult hundred)
     const string numberFormat = "{0} {1}";
     return string.Format(numberFormat, numberOfHundreds.Description, hundred.Description);
        internal override void LookupType(LookupResult result, string name, int arity, BinderContext original, ConsList<Symbol> basesBeingResolved)

            original.FilterAccessibility(result, Compilation.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers(name, arity));
Beispiel #29
        static async Task FindSymbolReferencesAsync(HashSet <SearchResult> antiDuplicatesSet, List <SearchResult> result, LookupResult lookup, MonoDevelopWorkspace workspace, ISymbol simSym)
            foreach (var loc in simSym.Locations)
                if (!loc.IsInSource)
                var sr = new SearchResult(new FileProvider(loc.SourceTree.FilePath), loc.SourceSpan.Start, loc.SourceSpan.Length);
                if (antiDuplicatesSet.Add(sr))

            foreach (var mref in await SymbolFinder.FindReferencesAsync(simSym, lookup.Solution).ConfigureAwait(false))
                foreach (var loc in mref.Locations)
                    var    fileName = loc.Document.FilePath;
                    var    offset   = loc.Location.SourceSpan.Start;
                    string projectedName;
                    int    projectedOffset;
                    if (workspace.TryGetOriginalFileFromProjection(fileName, offset, out projectedName, out projectedOffset))
                        fileName = projectedName;
                        offset   = projectedOffset;

                    var sr = new SearchResult(new FileProvider(fileName), offset, loc.Location.SourceSpan.Length);
                    if (antiDuplicatesSet.Add(sr))
        // Does a member lookup in a single type, without considering inheritance.
        private LookupResult MemberLookupWithoutInheritance(TypeSymbol type, string name, int arity, bool invoked)
            LookupResult result = new LookupResult();

            IEnumerable<Symbol> members = type.GetMembers(name);
            foreach (Symbol member in members) {
                LookupResult resultOfThisMember;
                // Do we need to exclude override members, or is that done later by overload resolution. It seems like
                // not excluding them here can't lead to problems, because we will always find the overridden method as well.

                SymbolKind memberKind = member.Kind;
                DiagnosticInfo diagInfo;
                if (WrongArity(member, arity, out diagInfo))
                    resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.WrongArity(member, diagInfo);
                else if (invoked && !IsInvocable(member))
                    resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.Bad(member, new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_NonInvocableMemberCalled, member.GetFullName()));
                else if (!IsMemberAccessible(member))
                    resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.Inaccessible(member);
                    resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.Good(member);

                result = MergeLookupsInSameScope(result, resultOfThisMember);

            return result;
Beispiel #31
        private void StartLookup()
            DisplayStatusMessage = false;
            IsLookupRunning      = true;

            // Reset statistic
            DNSServerAndPort = string.Empty;
            Questions        = 0;
            Answers          = 0;
            Authorities      = 0;
            Additionals      = 0;
            MessageSize      = 0;

            // Measure the time
            StartTime = DateTime.Now;
            dispatcherTimer.Tick    += DispatcherTimer_Tick;
            dispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 100);
            EndTime = null;

            // Reset the latest results

            HostnameOrIPAddressHistory = new List <string>(HistoryListHelper.Modify(HostnameOrIPAddressHistory, HostnameOrIPAddress, SettingsManager.Current.Application_HistoryListEntries));

            DNSLookupOptions DNSLookupOptions = new DNSLookupOptions();

            if (SettingsManager.Current.DNSLookup_UseCustomDNSServer)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SettingsManager.Current.DNSLookup_CustomDNSServer))
                    DNSLookupOptions.UseCustomDNSServer = SettingsManager.Current.DNSLookup_UseCustomDNSServer;
                    DNSLookupOptions.CustomDNSServer    = SettingsManager.Current.DNSLookup_CustomDNSServer;
                    StatusMessage        = Application.Current.Resources["String_CustomDNSServerIsEmptyCheckYourSettingsUseWindowsOwnDNSServer"] as string;
                    DisplayStatusMessage = true;

            DNSLookupOptions.Class            = SettingsManager.Current.DNSLookup_Class;
            DNSLookupOptions.Type             = SettingsManager.Current.DNSLookup_Type;
            DNSLookupOptions.Recursion        = SettingsManager.Current.DNSLookup_Recursion;
            DNSLookupOptions.UseResolverCache = SettingsManager.Current.DNSLookup_UseResolverCache;
            DNSLookupOptions.TransportType    = SettingsManager.Current.DNSLookup_TransportType;
            DNSLookupOptions.Attempts         = SettingsManager.Current.DNSLookup_Attempts;
            DNSLookupOptions.Timeout          = SettingsManager.Current.DNSLookup_Timeout;
            DNSLookupOptions.ResolveCNAME     = SettingsManager.Current.DNSLookup_ResolveCNAME;

            DNSLookup DNSLookup = new DNSLookup();

            DNSLookup.RecordReceived += DNSLookup_RecordReceived;
            DNSLookup.LookupError    += DNSLookup_LookupError;
            DNSLookup.LookupComplete += DNSLookup_LookupComplete;

            string hostnameOrIPAddress = HostnameOrIPAddress;
            string dnsSuffix           = string.Empty;

            // Detect hostname (usually they don't contain ".")
            if (HostnameOrIPAddress.IndexOf(".", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1)
                if (SettingsManager.Current.DNSLookup_AddDNSSuffix)
                    if (SettingsManager.Current.DNSLookup_UseCustomDNSSuffix)
                        dnsSuffix = SettingsManager.Current.DNSLookup_CustomDNSSuffix;
                        dnsSuffix = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties().DomainName;

            // Append dns suffix to hostname
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dnsSuffix))
                hostnameOrIPAddress += string.Format("{0}{1}", dnsSuffix.StartsWith(".") ? "" : ".", dnsSuffix);

            DNSLookup.LookupAsync(hostnameOrIPAddress, DNSLookupOptions);
        internal override void LookupNamespaceOrType(LookupResult result, string name, BinderContext original, ConsList<Symbol> basesBeingResolved, LookupFilter filter)

            original.FilterAccessibility(result, Compilation.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers(name).OfType<Symbol, NamespaceOrTypeSymbol>(), filter);
        // Lookup member in a class, struct, enum, delegate.
        private LookupResult MemberLookupInClass(TypeSymbol type, string name, int arity, bool invoked)
            Debug.Assert(type != null && type.TypeKind != TypeKind.Interface && type.TypeKind != TypeKind.TypeParameter);

            TypeSymbol currentType = type;
            LookupResult result = new LookupResult();

            while (currentType != null) {
                result = MergeHidingLookups(result, MemberLookupWithoutInheritance(currentType, name, arity, invoked));
                currentType = currentType.BaseType;

            return result;
        private LookupResult MemberLookupInNamespace(NamespaceSymbol ns, string name, int arity)
            LookupResult result = new LookupResult();

            IEnumerable<Symbol> members = ns.GetMembers(name);
            foreach (Symbol member in members) {
                LookupResult resultOfThisMember;
                DiagnosticInfo diagInfo;

                if (WrongArity(member, arity, out diagInfo))
                    resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.WrongArity(member, diagInfo);
                else if (!IsMemberAccessible(member))
                    resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.Inaccessible(member);
                    resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.Good(member);

                result = MergeLookupsInSameScope(result, resultOfThisMember);

            return result;
        internal override void LookupType(LookupResult result, string name, int arity, BinderContext original, ConsList <Symbol> basesBeingResolved)

            original.FilterAccessibility(result, Compilation.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers(name, arity));