override internal Object look(DspState vd, InfoMode mi, Object i) { float scale; Info vi = vd.vi; InfoFloor0 info = (InfoFloor0)i; LookFloor0 look = new LookFloor0(); look.m = info.order; look.n = vi.blocksizes[mi.blockflag] / 2; look.ln = info.barkmap; look.vi = info; look.lpclook.init(look.ln, look.m); // we choose a scaling constant so that: scale = look.ln / toBARK((float)(info.rate / 2.0f)); // the mapping from a linear scale to a smaller bark scale is // straightforward. We do *not* make sure that the linear mapping // does not skip bark-scale bins; the decoder simply skips them and // the encoder may do what it wishes in filling them. They're // necessary in some mapping combinations to keep the scale spacing // accurate look.linearmap = new int[look.n]; for (int j = 0; j < look.n; j++) { int val = (int)Math.Floor(toBARK((float)((info.rate / 2.0f) / look.n * j)) * scale); // bark numbers represent band edges if (val >= look.ln) { val = look.ln; // guard against the approximation } look.linearmap[j] = val; } return(look); }
override internal Object inverse1(Block vb, Object i, Object memo) { LookFloor0 look = (LookFloor0)i; InfoFloor0 info = look.vi; float[] lsp = null; if (memo is float[]) { lsp = (float[])memo; } int ampraw = vb.opb.Read(info.ampbits); if (ampraw > 0) { // also handles the -1 out of data case int maxval = (1 << info.ampbits) - 1; float amp = (float)ampraw / maxval * info.ampdB; int booknum = vb.opb.Read(Util.ilog(info.numbooks)); if (booknum != -1 && booknum < info.numbooks) { CodeBook b = vb.vd.fullbooks[info.books[booknum]]; float last = 0.0f; if (lsp == null || lsp.Length < look.m + 1) { lsp = new float[look.m + 1]; } else { for (int j = 0; j < lsp.Length; j++) { lsp[j] = 0.0f; } } for (int j = 0; j < look.m; j += b.dim) { if (b.decodev_set(lsp, j, vb.opb, b.dim) == -1) { return(null); } } for (int j = 0; j < look.m;) { for (int k = 0; k < b.dim; k++, j++) { lsp[j] += last; } last = lsp[j - 1]; } lsp[look.m] = amp; return(lsp); } } return(null); }
internal static void lpc_to_curve(float[] curve, float[] lpc, float amp, LookFloor0 l, String name, int frameno) { // l->m+1 must be less than l->ln, but guard in case we get a bad stream float[] lcurve = new float[Math.Max(l.ln * 2, l.m * 2 + 2)]; if (amp == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < l.n; j++) curve[j] = 0.0f; return; } l.lpclook.lpc_to_curve(lcurve, lpc, amp); for (int i = 0; i < l.n; i++) curve[i] = lcurve[l.linearmap[i]]; }
override internal int inverse2(Block vb, Object i, Object memo, float[] Out) { LookFloor0 look = (LookFloor0)i; InfoFloor0 info = look.vi; if (memo != null) { float[] lsp = (float[])memo; float amp = lsp[look.m]; Lsp.lsp_to_curve(Out, look.linearmap, look.n, look.ln, lsp, look.m, amp, info.ampdB); return(1); } for (int j = 0; j < look.n; j++) { Out[j] = 0.0f; } return(0); }
static internal void lpc_to_curve(float[] curve, float[] lpc, float amp, LookFloor0 l, String name, int frameno) { // l->m+1 must be less than l->ln, but guard in case we get a bad stream float[] lcurve = new float[Math.Max(l.ln * 2, l.m * 2 + 2)]; if (amp == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < l.n; j++) { curve[j] = 0.0f; } return; } l.lpclook.lpc_to_curve(lcurve, lpc, amp); for (int i = 0; i < l.n; i++) { curve[i] = lcurve[l.linearmap[i]]; } }
internal override Object look(DspState vd, InfoMode mi, Object i) { float scale; Info vi = vd.vi; InfoFloor0 info = (InfoFloor0)i; LookFloor0 look = new LookFloor0(); look.m = info.order; look.n = vi.blocksizes[mi.blockflag] / 2; look.ln = info.barkmap; look.vi = info; look.lpclook.init(look.ln, look.m); // we choose a scaling constant so that: scale = look.ln / toBARK((float)(info.rate / 2.0f)); // the mapping from a linear scale to a smaller bark scale is // straightforward. We do *not* make sure that the linear mapping // does not skip bark-scale bins; the decoder simply skips them and // the encoder may do what it wishes in filling them. They're // necessary in some mapping combinations to keep the scale spacing // accurate look.linearmap = new int[look.n]; for (int j = 0; j < look.n; j++) { int val = (int)Math.Floor(toBARK((float)((info.rate / 2.0f) / look.n * j)) * scale); // bark numbers represent band edges if (val >= look.ln) val = look.ln; // guard against the approximation look.linearmap[j] = val; } return look; }
internal int inverse(Block vb, Object i, float[] Out) { //System.err.println("Floor0.inverse "+i.getClass()+"]"); LookFloor0 look = (LookFloor0)i; InfoFloor0 info = look.vi; int ampraw = vb.opb.Read(info.ampbits); if (ampraw > 0) { // also handles the -1 out of data case int maxval = (1 << info.ampbits) - 1; float amp = (float)ampraw / maxval * info.ampdB; int booknum = vb.opb.Read(Util.ilog(info.numbooks)); if (booknum != -1 && booknum < info.numbooks) { lock (this) { if (lsp == null || lsp.Length < look.m) { lsp = new float[look.m]; } else { for (int j = 0; j < look.m; j++) { lsp[j] = 0.0f; } } CodeBook b = vb.vd.fullbooks[info.books[booknum]]; float last = 0.0f; for (int j = 0; j < look.m; j++) { Out[j] = 0.0f; } for (int j = 0; j < look.m; j += b.dim) { if (b.decodevs(lsp, j, vb.opb, 1, -1) == -1) { for (int k = 0; k < look.n; k++) { Out[k] = 0.0f; } return(0); } } for (int j = 0; j < look.m;) { for (int k = 0; k < b.dim; k++, j++) { lsp[j] += last; } last = lsp[j - 1]; } // take the coefficients back to a spectral envelope curve Lsp.lsp_to_curve(Out, look.linearmap, look.n, look.ln, lsp, look.m, amp, info.ampdB); return(1); } } } return(0); }