Beispiel #1
    public bool AuthenticateUser(string domain, string username, string password, string LdapPath, out string Errmsg)
        log.Debug(" inside AuthenticateUser : "******"";
        string domainAndUsername = username;
        User   u = new User();

        Login_DataObject obj1  = new Login_DataObject();
        DirectoryEntry   entry = new DirectoryEntry(LdapPath, domainAndUsername, password);

            string SUserName = domainAndUsername;
            string SPassword = password;
            SPassword = SPassword.Replace("/", "").Replace(",", "").Replace("-", "");
            u         = obj1.CheckUserNamePassword(SUserName);
            string studenttablepassword = u.StudentDOB.ToShortDateString();;
            studenttablepassword = studenttablepassword.Replace("/", "").Replace(",", "").Replace("-", "");
            //DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(entry);
            //search.Filter = "(SAMAccountName=" + username + ")";
            //SearchResult result = search.FindOne();
            if (SPassword != studenttablepassword)
                LblError.Visible = true;
                LblError.Text    = "Invalid RollNumber or Password!";
            //LdapPath = result.Path;
            //string _filterAttribute = (String)result.Properties["cn"][0];

            ////Object obj = entry.NativeObject;
            //DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(entry);
            //search.Filter = "(SAMAccountName=" + username + ")";
            //SearchResult result = search.FindOne();
            //if (null == result)
            //    return false;
            //// Update the new path to the user in the directory
            //LdapPath = result.Path;
            //string _filterAttribute = (String)result.Properties["cn"][0];
        catch (Exception ex)
            Errmsg = ex.Message;

            throw new Exception("Error authenticating user." + ex.Message);
Beispiel #2
    private int selectRoleStudent(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
        User u = new User();

        Login_DataObject obj1       = new Login_DataObject();
        string           RollNumber = TextBoxURollNO.Text.Trim();

        u = obj1.fnLoginLanOnStudent(RollNumber);
        //if (u.StudentName != "")

        int a = u.Role;

        if (a == 0)

Beispiel #3
    protected int selectRole(object sender, EventArgs e)
        User u = new User();

        Login_DataObject obj1   = new Login_DataObject();
        string           mailid = TextBoxUid.Text.Trim();

        string dir_domain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DirectoryDomain"].ToString();

        u = obj1.fnLoginLanOn(mailid + dir_domain);
        int a = u.Role;

        if (a == 0)

Beispiel #4
    public void Login_Click()
            User u = new User();

            Login_DataObject obj1          = new Login_DataObject();
            string           StudentRollNO = TextBoxURollNO.Text.Trim();

            string dir_domain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DirectoryDomain"].ToString();

            u = obj1.fnLoginLanOnStudent(StudentRollNO);

            if (u.StudentName != null)
                int a = u.Role;
                Session["UserName"]      = u.StudentName;
                Session["Role"]          = u.Role;
                Session["User"]          = TextBoxURollNO.Text;
                Session["Department"]    = u.StudentClassName;
                Session["DepartmentId"]  = u.StudentClassCode;
                Session["InstituteId"]   = u.StudentInstCode;
                Session["InstituteName"] = u.StudentInstName;
                Session["StudentDOB"]    = u.StudentDOB;
                Session["emailId"]       = u.EmailId1;
                Session["UserId"]        = TextBoxURollNO.Text;
                LblError.Visible         = false;
                LblError.Text            = "";

                if (u.Role != null)
                    if (a == 21)              //redirecting based on conditions
                        Response.Redirect("~/GrantEntry/SeedMoneyforStudent.aspx", false);
                    else //displaying error message in case of invalid credentials
                        string unacces = "Invalid Credentials Entered........Please Contact Admin";
                        Response.Redirect("~/Loginstudent.aspx?val=" + unacces);
                //Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx", false);
                //  ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "validation1", "<script language='javascript'>alert('Invalid User...');window.location='" + Request.ApplicationPath + "~/Login.aspx';</script>");

                LblError1.Visible = true;
                LblError1.Text    = "Invalid User...";
        catch (Exception ex)

            log.Error("Login Failed...For MailId : " + TextBoxURollNO.Text);

            ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "validation1", "<script language='javascript'>alert('Login Failed for the user......Please Contact Admin')</script>");
Beispiel #5
    public void LoginLanOff_Click()
            User u = new User();

            string           dir_domain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DirectoryDomain"].ToString();
            Login_DataObject obj1       = new Login_DataObject();
            string           mailid     = TextBoxURollNO.Text.Trim();
            string           userid     = TextBoxPassword.Text.Trim();
            u = obj1.fnLoginLanOff(mailid + dir_domain, userid);// calling login function

            if (u.Role != null)
                int a = u.Role;
                Session["User"]         = TextBoxURollNO.Text.Trim();
                Session["Role"]         = a;
                Session["UserId"]       = u.UserId;
                Session["UserName"]     = u.UserNamePrefix + " " + u.UserFirstName + " " + u.UserMiddleName + " " + u.UserLastName;
                Session["InstituteId"]  = u.InstituteId;
                Session["Department"]   = u.Department;
                Session["emailId"]      = mailid + dir_domain;
                Session["SupervisorId"] = u.SupervisorId;
                // Session["AutoApproval"] = u.AutoApproved;
                Session["ActiveUser"]  = u.Active;
                Session["ProjectUnit"] = u.UnitId;
                Session["RoleName"]    = u.Role_Name;
                LblError.Visible       = false;
                LblError.Text          = "";

                LblError1.Visible = false;
                LblError1.Text    = "";
                if (u.Active == "Y")
                    if (a == 1)                   //redirecting based on conditions
                        Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/PublicationView.aspx", false);
                    else if (a == 2)
                        Response.Redirect("~/ManageJournal/ManageJournal.aspx", false);
                    else if (a == 3)
                        Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/PublicationView.aspx", false);
                    else if (a == 5)
                        Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/PublicationLibraryUpdate.aspx", false);
                    else if (a == 6)
                        //Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry.aspx", false);
                        Response.Redirect("~/GrantEntry/GrantEntry.aspx", false);
                    else if (a == 11)
                        //Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry.aspx", false);

                        Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/PublicationEntry.aspx", false);
                    else if (a == 8)
                        Response.Redirect("~/ManageJournal/ManageJournal.aspx", false);
                    else if (a == 13)
                        Response.Redirect("~/ManageJournal/ManageJournal.aspx", false);
                    else if (a == 14)
                        Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/Reports/PublicationReport.aspx", false);
                    else if (a == 15)
                        Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/Reports/PublicationReport.aspx", false);
                    else if (a == 16)
                        //Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry.aspx", false);
                        Response.Redirect("~/GrantEntry/GrantEntry.aspx", false);
                        Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/Reports/PublicationReport.aspx", false);
                else //displaying error message in case of invalid credentials
                    // Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx",false);

                    //  LblError.Visible = true;
                    //  LblError.Text = "Invalid Credentials Entered...Try again...";

                    string unacces = "Invalid Credentials Entered........Please Contact Admin";
                    Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx?val=" + unacces);
                LblError1.Visible = true;
                LblError1.Text    = "Invalid User...";
        catch (Exception ex)

            log.Error("Login Failed...For MailId : " + TextBoxURollNO.Text);

            ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "validation1", "<script language='javascript'>alert('Login Failed for the user......Please Contact Admin')</script>");
Beispiel #6
    public void getMenu()
        Login_DataObject obj = new Login_DataObject();

        int    role        = (int)Session["Role"];
        string userid      = Session["UserId"].ToString();
        string InstituteId = Session["InstituteId"].ToString();
        string Department  = Session["Department"].ToString();

        DataSet        ds = new DataSet();
        DataTable      dt = new DataTable();
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();

        if (role == 21)
            da = obj.DynamicMenuStudent(role);
            da = obj.DynamicMenu(userid);

        dt = ds.Tables[0];

        // DataRow[] drowpar = dt.Select("RoleID=" + role);
        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
            if (dr["LinkLevel"].Equals("M1"))
                menuBar.Items.Add(new MenuItem(dr["LinkName"].ToString(),
                                               dr["Id"].ToString(), "",
            if (dr["Id"] != null)
                DataSet        ds1   = new DataSet();
                DataTable      dt1   = new DataTable();
                SqlDataAdapter da1   = new SqlDataAdapter();
                string         role1 = Convert.ToString(role);
                if (role1 == "21")
                    da1 = obj.DynamicMenuStudent1(role1, dr["Id"].ToString());
                    da1 = obj.DynamicMenu1(userid, dr["Id"].ToString());

                dt1 = ds1.Tables[0];

                // DataRow[] drowpar1 = dt1.Select("ParentID =" + dr["Id"].ToString());
                //DataRow[] drowpar1 = dt1.Select("RoleID=" + role);

                foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt1.Rows)
                    MenuItem mnu = new MenuItem(dr1["LinkName"].ToString(),
                                                "", dr1["URL"].ToString());

                    Session["authPage"] = Session["authPage"].ToString() + dr1["id"].ToString() + authSpace;
Beispiel #7
    public void LoginLanOff_Click()
            User u = new User();

            string           dir_domain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DirectoryDomain"].ToString();
            Login_DataObject obj1       = new Login_DataObject();
            string           mailid     = TextBoxUid.Text.Trim();
            string           userid     = TextBoxPassword.Text.Trim();
            u = obj1.fnLoginLanOff(mailid + dir_domain, userid);// calling login function

            if (u.Role != null)
                int a = u.Role;
                Session["User"]         = TextBoxUid.Text;
                Session["Role"]         = a;
                Session["UserId"]       = u.UserId;
                Session["UserName"]     = u.UserNamePrefix + " " + u.UserFirstName + " " + u.UserMiddleName + " " + u.UserLastName;
                Session["InstituteId"]  = u.InstituteId;
                Session["Department"]   = u.Department;
                Session["emailId"]      = mailid + dir_domain;
                Session["SupervisorId"] = u.SupervisorId;
                // Session["AutoApproval"] = u.AutoApproved;
                Session["ActiveUser"]  = u.Active;
                Session["ProjectUnit"] = u.UnitId;
                Session["RoleName"]    = u.Role_Name;
                LblError.Visible       = false;
                LblError.Text          = "";

                LblError1.Visible = false;
                LblError1.Text    = "";
                if (u.Active == "Y")
                    string Module = Request.QueryString["Module"];
                    if (Module != "" && Module != null)
                        if (Module == "JA")
                            Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/PublicationEntry.aspx?Module=" + Module + "", false);
                        else if (Module == "BK")
                            Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/PublicationEntry.aspx?Module=" + Module + "", false);
                        else if (Module == "CP")
                            Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/PublicationEntry.aspx?Module=" + Module + "", false);
                        else if (Module == "NM")
                            Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/PublicationEntry.aspx?Module=" + Module + "", false);
                        else if (Module == "TS")
                            Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/PublicationEntry.aspx?Module=" + Module + "", false);
                        else if (Module == "Patent")
                            Response.Redirect("~/Patent/Patent.aspx", false);
                        else if (Module == "Grant")
                            Response.Redirect("~/GrantEntry/GrantEntry.aspx", false);
                        //else if (Module == "Conference")
                        //    Login_DataObject obj = new Login_DataObject();
                        //    string Enable = obj.GetConferenceMenuForLoginUser(Session["InstituteId"].ToString(), Session["Department"].ToString(), Session["UserId"].ToString());
                        //    if (Enable == "Y")
                        //    {
                        //        Response.Redirect("~/Conference/ConferencePrePresentationEntry.aspx", false);
                        //    }
                        //    else
                        //    {
                        //        ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "validation1", "<script language='javascript'>alert('Currently Conference Entry has been disabled. please contact Directorate of Research ([email protected])')</script>");
                        //        return;
                        //    }
                        else if (Module == "Report")
                            Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/Reports/PublicationReport.aspx", false);
                        if (a == 1)                   //redirecting based on conditions
                            Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/PublicationView.aspx", false);
                        else if (a == 2)
                            Response.Redirect("~/ManageJournal/ManageJournal.aspx", false);
                        else if (a == 3)
                            Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/PublicationView.aspx", false);
                        else if (a == 5)
                            Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/PublicationLibraryUpdate.aspx", false);
                        else if (a == 6)
                            //Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry.aspx", false);
                            Response.Redirect("~/GrantEntry/GrantEntry.aspx", false);
                        else if (a == 11)
                            //Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry.aspx", false);

                            Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/PublicationEntry.aspx", false);
                        else if (a == 8)
                            Response.Redirect("~/ManageJournal/ManageJournal.aspx", false);
                        else if (a == 13)
                            Response.Redirect("~/ManageJournal/ManageJournal.aspx", false);
                        else if (a == 14)
                            Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/Reports/PublicationReport.aspx", false);
                        else if (a == 15)
                            Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/Reports/PublicationReport.aspx", false);
                        else if (a == 16)
                            //Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry.aspx", false);
                            Response.Redirect("~/GrantEntry/GrantEntry.aspx", false);
                        else if (a == 20)
                            Response.Redirect("~/GrantEntry/GrantFileUpload.aspx", false);
                        else if (a == 22)
                            Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/Reports/PublicationReport.aspx", false);
                            Response.Redirect("~/PublicationEntry/Reports/PublicationReport.aspx", false);
                else //displaying error message in case of invalid credentials
                    // Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx",false);

                    //  LblError.Visible = true;
                    //  LblError.Text = "Invalid Credentials Entered...Try again...";

                    string unacces = "Invalid Credentials Entered........Please Contact Admin";
                    Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx?val=" + unacces);
                LblError1.Visible = true;
                LblError1.Text    = "Invalid User...";
        catch (Exception ex)

            log.Error("Login Failed...For MailId : " + TextBoxUid.Text);

            ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "validation1", "<script language='javascript'>alert('Login Failed for the user......Please Contact Admin')</script>");