Beispiel #1
        public Entry[] FindLogins(string[] URLs, string actionURL, string httpRealm, LoginSearchType lst, bool requireFullURLMatches, string uniqueID, string dbFileName, string freeTextSearch)
            List<PwDatabase> dbs = null;
            int count = 0;
            List<Entry> allEntries = new List<Entry>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbFileName))
                // find the database
                PwDatabase db = SelectDatabase(dbFileName);
                dbs = new List<PwDatabase>();
            } else
                // if DB list is not populated, look in all open DBs
                dbs = host.MainWindow.DocumentManager.GetOpenDatabases();

            //string hostname = URLs[0];
            string actionHost = actionURL;

            // Make sure there is an active database
            if (!ensureDBisOpen()) { return null; }

            // if uniqueID is supplied, match just that one login. if not found, move on to search the content of the logins...
            if (uniqueID != null && uniqueID.Length > 0)
                PwUuid pwuuid = new PwUuid(KeePassLib.Utility.MemUtil.HexStringToByteArray(uniqueID));

                //foreach DB...
                foreach (PwDatabase db in dbs)
                    PwEntry matchedLogin = GetRootPwGroup(db).FindEntry(pwuuid, true);

                    if (matchedLogin == null)

                    Entry[] logins = new Entry[1];
                    logins[0] = (Entry)GetEntryFromPwEntry(matchedLogin, true, true, db);
                    if (logins[0] != null)
                        return logins;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(freeTextSearch))
                //foreach DB...
                foreach (PwDatabase db in dbs)
                    KeePassLib.Collections.PwObjectList<PwEntry> output = new KeePassLib.Collections.PwObjectList<PwEntry>();

                    PwGroup searchGroup = GetRootPwGroup(db);
                    //output = searchGroup.GetEntries(true);
                    SearchParameters sp = new SearchParameters();
                    sp.ComparisonMode = StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase;
                    sp.SearchString = freeTextSearch;
                    sp.SearchInUserNames = true;
                    sp.SearchInTitles = true;
                    sp.SearchInTags = true;
                    searchGroup.SearchEntries(sp, output, false);

                    foreach (PwEntry pwe in output)
                        Entry kpe = (Entry)GetEntryFromPwEntry(pwe, true, true, db);

            // else we search for the URLs

            if (count == 0 && URLs.Length > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(URLs[0]))
                int protocolIndex = -1;
                Dictionary<string, string> URLHostnames = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                // make sure that hostname and actionURL always represent only the hostname portion
                // of the URL
                // It's tempting to demand that the protocol must match too (e.g. http forms won't
                // match a stored https login) but best not to define such a restriction in KeePassRPC
                // - the RPC client (e.g. KeeFox) can decide to penalise protocol mismatches,
                // potentially dependant on user configuration options in the client.
                for (int i = 0; i < URLs.Length; i++)
                    string URL = URLs[i];
                    string newURL = URL;
                    protocolIndex = URL.IndexOf("://");
                    string hostAndPort = "";
                    if (URL.IndexOf("file://") > -1)
                        // the "host and port" of a file is the actual file name (i.e. just not the query string)

                        int qsIndex = URL.IndexOf("?");
                        if (qsIndex > -1)
                            newURL = URL.Substring(8, qsIndex - 8);
                            newURL = URL.Substring(8);
                    else if (protocolIndex > -1)
                        string URLExcludingProt = URL.Substring(protocolIndex + 3);
                        int pathStart = URLExcludingProt.IndexOf("/", 0);

                        if (pathStart > -1 && URLExcludingProt.Length > pathStart)
                            hostAndPort = URL.Substring(protocolIndex + 3, pathStart);
                            newURL = URL.Substring(0, pathStart + protocolIndex + 3);
                        else if (pathStart == -1) // it's already just a hostname
                            hostAndPort = URLExcludingProt;
                        // we havn't received a protocol but may still have a query string
                        // we'd like to remove from the URL (e.g. especially if we're dealing with an unknown file:///)
                        int qsIndex = URL.IndexOf("?");
                        if (qsIndex > -1)
                            newURL = URL.Substring(1, qsIndex - 1);

                    URLHostnames.Add(URLs[i], hostAndPort);

                protocolIndex = (actionURL == null) ? -1 : actionURL.IndexOf("://");
                if (protocolIndex > -1)
                    string actionURLAndPort = actionURL.Substring(protocolIndex + 3);
                    int pathStart = actionURLAndPort.IndexOf("/", 0);
                    if (pathStart > -1 && actionURLAndPort.Length > pathStart)
                        actionHost = actionURL.Substring(0, pathStart + protocolIndex + 3);

                //foreach DB...
                foreach (PwDatabase db in dbs)
                    KeePassLib.Collections.PwObjectList<PwEntry> output = new KeePassLib.Collections.PwObjectList<PwEntry>();

                    PwGroup searchGroup = GetRootPwGroup(db);
                    output = searchGroup.GetEntries(true);

                    // Search every entry in the DB
                    foreach (PwEntry pwe in output)
                        if (db.RecycleBinUuid.EqualsValue(pwe.ParentGroup.Uuid))
                            continue; // ignore if it's in the recycle bin

                        if (pwe.Strings.Exists("Hide from KeeFox") || pwe.Strings.Exists("Hide from KPRPC") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("URL")))
                            continue; // entries must have a standard URL entry

                        bool allowHostnameOnlyMatch = true;
                        if (pwe.Strings.Exists("KPRPC Block hostname-only match"))
                            allowHostnameOnlyMatch = false;

                        bool entryIsAMatch = false;
                        bool entryIsAnExactMatch = false;

                        string regexPatterns = null;
                        if (pwe.Strings.Exists("KeeFox URL Regex match"))
                            regexPatterns = pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("KeeFox URL Regex match");
                        if (pwe.Strings.Exists("KPRPC URL Regex match"))
                            regexPatterns = pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("KPRPC URL Regex match");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(regexPatterns))
                            foreach (string URL in URLs)
                                foreach (string regexPattern in regexPatterns.Split(' '))
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(regexPattern) && System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(URL, regexPattern))
                                        entryIsAMatch = true;

                        foreach (string URL in URLs)
                            if (!entryIsAMatch && lst != LoginSearchType.LSTnoForms && matchesAnyURL(pwe, URL, URLHostnames[URL], allowHostnameOnlyMatch))
                                if (pwe.Strings.Exists("Form match URL") && pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("Form match URL") == actionURL && pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("URL") == URL)
                                    entryIsAnExactMatch = true;
                                    entryIsAMatch = true;
                                else if (!requireFullURLMatches)
                                    entryIsAMatch = true;

                        foreach (string URL in URLs)
                            if (!entryIsAMatch && lst != LoginSearchType.LSTnoRealms && matchesAnyURL(pwe, URL, URLHostnames[URL], allowHostnameOnlyMatch))
                                if ((
                                    (pwe.Strings.Exists("Form HTTP realm")
                                    && pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("Form HTTP realm").Length > 0
                                    && (httpRealm == "" || pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("Form HTTP realm") == httpRealm)
                                    (pwe.Strings.Exists("KPRPC HTTP realm")
                                    && pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("KPRPC HTTP realm").Length > 0
                                    && (httpRealm == "" || pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("KPRPC HTTP realm") == httpRealm)
                                    && pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("URL") == URL)
                                    entryIsAnExactMatch = true;
                                    entryIsAMatch = true;
                                else if (!requireFullURLMatches)
                                    entryIsAMatch = true;

                        foreach (string URL in URLs)
                            // If we think we found a match, check it's not on a block list
                            if (entryIsAMatch && matchesAnyBlockedURL(pwe, URL))
                                entryIsAMatch = false;
                            if (entryIsAMatch && pwe.Strings.Exists("KPRPC URL Regex block"))
                                string patterns = pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("KPRPC URL Regex block");
                                foreach (string pattern in patterns.Split(' '))
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pattern) && System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(URL, pattern))
                                        entryIsAMatch = false;

                        if (entryIsAMatch)
                            Entry kpe = (Entry)GetEntryFromPwEntry(pwe, entryIsAnExactMatch, true, db);

            allEntries.Sort(delegate(Entry e1, Entry e2)
                    return e1.Title.CompareTo(e2.Title);

            return allEntries.ToArray();
Beispiel #2
        public int CountLogins(string URL, string actionURL, string httpRealm, LoginSearchType lst, bool requireFullURLMatches)
            string hostname = URL;
            string actionHost = actionURL;

            // make sure that hostname and actionURL always represent only the hostname portion
            // of the URL

            int protocolIndex = URL.IndexOf("://");
            if (URL.IndexOf("file://") > -1)
                // the "host and port" of a file is the actual file name (i.e. just not the query string)

                int qsIndex = URL.IndexOf("?");
                if (qsIndex > -1)
                    hostname = URL.Substring(8, qsIndex - 8);
                    hostname = URL.Substring(8);
            else if (protocolIndex > -1)
                string hostAndPort = URL.Substring(protocolIndex + 3);
                int pathStart = hostAndPort.IndexOf("/", 0);
                if (pathStart > -1 && hostAndPort.Length > pathStart)
                    hostname = URL.Substring(0, pathStart + protocolIndex + 3);
                // we havn't received a protocol but may still have a query string
                // we'd like to remove from the URL (e.g. especially if we're dealing with a file:///
                int qsIndex = URL.IndexOf("?");
                if (qsIndex > -1)
                    hostname = URL.Substring(1, qsIndex - 1);

            protocolIndex = actionURL.IndexOf("://");
            if (protocolIndex > -1)
                string actionURLAndPort = actionURL.Substring(protocolIndex + 3);
                int pathStart = actionURLAndPort.IndexOf("/", 0);
                if (pathStart > -1 && actionURLAndPort.Length > pathStart)
                    actionHost = actionURL.Substring(0, pathStart + protocolIndex + 3);

            int count = 0;
            ArrayList allEntries = new ArrayList();

            // Make sure there is an active database
            if (!ensureDBisOpen()) return -1;

            // Narrow down the possible matches by doing a KeePass search
            // (We could match on an irrelevant string field but chances are that any matches are suitable)
            SearchParameters sp = new SearchParameters();
            sp.SearchInUrls = true;
            sp.SearchInOther = true;
            sp.RegularExpression = true;
            if (URL.Length == 0)
                sp.SearchString = ".*";
            else if (requireFullURLMatches)
                sp.SearchString = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Escape(URL);
                sp.SearchString = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Escape(hostname);

            KeePassLib.Collections.PwObjectList<PwEntry> output;
            output = new KeePassLib.Collections.PwObjectList<PwEntry>();

            PwGroup searchGroup = GetRootPwGroup(host.Database);
            searchGroup.SearchEntries(sp, output, false);
            foreach (PwEntry pwe in output)
                if (host.Database.RecycleBinUuid.EqualsValue(pwe.ParentGroup.Uuid))
                    continue; // ignore if it's in the recycle bin

                if (pwe.Strings.Exists("Hide from KeeFox") || pwe.Strings.Exists("Hide from KPRPC") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("URL")))

                bool entryIsAMatch = false;

                if (lst != LoginSearchType.LSTnoForms && matchesAnyURL(pwe, hostname,hostname,false))
                    if (pwe.Strings.Exists("Form match URL") && pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("Form match URL") == actionURL && pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("URL") == URL)
                        entryIsAMatch = true;
                    else if (!requireFullURLMatches)
                        entryIsAMatch = true;

                if (lst != LoginSearchType.LSTnoRealms && matchesAnyURL(pwe, hostname, hostname, false))
                    if ((
                        (pwe.Strings.Exists("Form HTTP realm")
                        && pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("Form HTTP realm").Length > 0
                        && (httpRealm == "" || pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("Form HTTP realm") == httpRealm)
                        (pwe.Strings.Exists("KPRPC HTTP realm")
                        && pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("KPRPC HTTP realm").Length > 0
                        && (httpRealm == "" || pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("KPRPC HTTP realm") == httpRealm)
                        && pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("URL") == URL)
                        entryIsAMatch = true;
                    else if (!requireFullURLMatches)
                        entryIsAMatch = true;

                if (entryIsAMatch)


            return count;
Beispiel #3
 public int CountLogins(string URL, string actionURL, string httpRealm, LoginSearchType lst, bool requireFullURLMatches)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #4
        public Entry[] FindLogins(string[] URLs, string actionURL, string httpRealm, LoginSearchType lst, bool requireFullURLMatches, 
            string uniqueID, string dbFileName, string freeTextSearch, string username)
            List<PwDatabase> dbs = null;
            int count = 0;
            List<Entry> allEntries = new List<Entry>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbFileName))
                // find the database
                PwDatabase db = SelectDatabase(dbFileName);
                dbs = new List<PwDatabase>();
                // if DB list is not populated, look in all open DBs
                dbs = host.MainWindow.DocumentManager.GetOpenDatabases();
                // unless the DB is the wrong version
                dbs = dbs.FindAll(ConfigIsCorrectVersion);

            //string hostname = URLs[0];
            string actionHost = actionURL;

            // Make sure there is an active database
            if (!ensureDBisOpen()) { return null; }

            // if uniqueID is supplied, match just that one login. if not found, move on to search the content of the logins...
            if (uniqueID != null && uniqueID.Length > 0)
                PwUuid pwuuid = new PwUuid(KeePassLib.Utility.MemUtil.HexStringToByteArray(uniqueID));

                //foreach DB...
                foreach (PwDatabase db in dbs)
                    PwEntry matchedLogin = GetRootPwGroup(db).FindEntry(pwuuid, true);

                    if (matchedLogin == null)

                    Entry[] logins = new Entry[1];
                    logins[0] = (Entry)GetEntryFromPwEntry(matchedLogin, MatchAccuracy.Best, true, db);
                    if (logins[0] != null)
                        return logins;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(freeTextSearch))
                //foreach DB...
                foreach (PwDatabase db in dbs)
                    KeePassLib.Collections.PwObjectList<PwEntry> output = new KeePassLib.Collections.PwObjectList<PwEntry>();

                    PwGroup searchGroup = GetRootPwGroup(db);
                    //output = searchGroup.GetEntries(true);
                    SearchParameters sp = new SearchParameters();
                    sp.ComparisonMode = StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase;
                    sp.SearchString = freeTextSearch;
                    sp.SearchInUserNames = true;
                    sp.SearchInTitles = true;
                    sp.SearchInTags = true;
                    MethodInfo mi;

                    // SearchEntries method signature changed in KP 2.17 so we use
                    // reflection to enable support for both 2.17 and earlier versions
                        mi = typeof(PwGroup).GetMethod("SearchEntries", new Type[] { typeof(SearchParameters), typeof(KeePassLib.Collections.PwObjectList<PwEntry>) });
                        mi.Invoke(searchGroup, new object[] { sp, output });
                    catch (AmbiguousMatchException ex)
                        // can't find the 2.17 method definition so try for an earlier version
                        mi = typeof(PwGroup).GetMethod("SearchEntries", new Type[] { typeof(SearchParameters), typeof(KeePassLib.Collections.PwObjectList<PwEntry>), typeof(bool) });
                        mi.Invoke(searchGroup, new object[] { sp, output, false });

                        // If an exception is thrown here it would be unexpected and
                        // require a new version of the application to be released

                    foreach (PwEntry pwe in output)
                        Entry kpe = (Entry)GetEntryFromPwEntry(pwe, MatchAccuracy.None, true, db);
                        if (kpe != null)

            // else we search for the URLs

            if (count == 0 && URLs.Length > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(URLs[0]))
                int protocolIndex = -1;
                Dictionary<string, URLSummary> URLHostnameAndPorts = new Dictionary<string, URLSummary>();

                // make sure that hostname and actionURL always represent only the hostname portion
                // of the URL
                // It's tempting to demand that the protocol must match too (e.g. http forms won't
                // match a stored https login) but best not to define such a restriction in KeePassRPC
                // - the RPC client (e.g. KeeFox) can decide to penalise protocol mismatches,
                // potentially dependant on user configuration options in the client.
                for (int i = 0; i < URLs.Length; i++)
                    URLHostnameAndPorts.Add(URLs[i], URLSummary.FromURL(URLs[i]));

                //foreach DB...
                foreach (PwDatabase db in dbs)
                    KeePassLib.Collections.PwObjectList<PwEntry> output = new KeePassLib.Collections.PwObjectList<PwEntry>();

                    PwGroup searchGroup = GetRootPwGroup(db);
                    output = searchGroup.GetEntries(true);
                    List<string> configErrors = new List<string>(1);

                    // Search every entry in the DB
                    foreach (PwEntry pwe in output)
                        string entryUserName = pwe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UserNameField);
                        entryUserName = KeePassRPCPlugin.GetPwEntryStringFromDereferencableValue(pwe, entryUserName, db);
                        if (EntryIsInRecycleBin(pwe, db))
                            continue; // ignore if it's in the recycle bin

                        //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("URL")))
                        //    continue; // entries must have a standard URL entry

                        string json = KeePassRPCPlugin.GetPwEntryString(pwe, "KPRPC JSON", db);
                        EntryConfig conf;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json))
                            conf = new EntryConfig();
                                conf = (EntryConfig)Jayrock.Json.Conversion.JsonConvert.Import(typeof(EntryConfig), json);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                configErrors.Add("Username: "******". URL: " + pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("URL"));

                        if (conf.Hide)

                        bool entryIsAMatch = false;
                        int bestMatchAccuracy = MatchAccuracy.None;

                        if (conf.RegExURLs != null)
                            foreach (string URL in URLs)
                                foreach (string regexPattern in conf.RegExURLs)
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(regexPattern) && System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(URL, regexPattern))
                                            entryIsAMatch = true;
                                            bestMatchAccuracy = MatchAccuracy.Best;
                                    catch (ArgumentException)
                                        MessageBox.Show("'" + regexPattern + "' is not a valid regular expression. This error was found in an entry in your database called '" + pwe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField) + "'. You need to fix or delete this regular expression to prevent this warning message appearing.", "Warning: Broken regular expression", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                        // Check for matching URLs for the page containing the form
                        if (!entryIsAMatch && lst != LoginSearchType.LSTnoForms
                                && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username) || username == entryUserName))
                            foreach (string URL in URLs)

                                int accuracy = bestMatchAccuracyForAnyURL(pwe, conf, URL, URLHostnameAndPorts[URL]);
                                if (accuracy > bestMatchAccuracy)
                                    bestMatchAccuracy = accuracy;


                        // Check for matching URLs for the HTTP Auth containing the form
                        if (!entryIsAMatch && lst != LoginSearchType.LSTnoRealms
                                && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username) || username == entryUserName))

                            foreach (string URL in URLs)
                                int accuracy = bestMatchAccuracyForAnyURL(pwe, conf, URL, URLHostnameAndPorts[URL]);
                                if (accuracy > bestMatchAccuracy)
                                    bestMatchAccuracy = accuracy;

                        if (bestMatchAccuracy == MatchAccuracy.Best
                            || (!requireFullURLMatches && bestMatchAccuracy > MatchAccuracy.None))
                            entryIsAMatch = true;

                        foreach (string URL in URLs)
                            // If we think we found a match, check it's not on a block list
                            if (entryIsAMatch && matchesAnyBlockedURL(pwe, conf, URL))
                                entryIsAMatch = false;
                            if (conf.RegExBlockedURLs != null)
                                foreach (string pattern in conf.RegExBlockedURLs)
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pattern) && System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(URL, pattern))
                                            entryIsAMatch = false;
                                    catch (ArgumentException)
                                        MessageBox.Show("'" + pattern + "' is not a valid regular expression. This error was found in an entry in your database called '" + pwe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField) + "'. You need to fix or delete this regular expression to prevent this warning message appearing.", "Warning: Broken regular expression", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                        if (entryIsAMatch)
                            Entry kpe = (Entry)GetEntryFromPwEntry(pwe, bestMatchAccuracy, true, db);
                            if (kpe != null)

                    if (configErrors.Count > 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("There are configuration errors in your database called '" + db.Name + "'. To fix the entries listed below and prevent this warning message appearing, please edit the value of the 'KeePassRPC JSON config' advanced string. Please ask for help on if you're not sure how to fix this. These entries are affected:" + Environment.NewLine + string.Join(Environment.NewLine, configErrors.ToArray()), "Warning: Configuration errors", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            allEntries.Sort(delegate(Entry e1, Entry e2)
                return e1.Title.CompareTo(e2.Title);

            return allEntries.ToArray();
Beispiel #5
        public int CountLogins(string URL, string actionURL, string httpRealm, LoginSearchType lst, bool requireFullURLMatches)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

            //string hostname = URL;
            //string actionHost = actionURL;

            //// make sure that hostname and actionURL always represent only the hostname portion
            //// of the URL

            //int protocolIndex = URL.IndexOf("://");
            //if (URL.IndexOf("file://") > -1)
            //    // the "host and port" of a file is the actual file name (i.e. just not the query string)

            //    int qsIndex = URL.IndexOf("?");
            //    if (qsIndex > -1)
            //        hostname = URL.Substring(8, qsIndex - 8);
            //    else
            //        hostname = URL.Substring(8);
            //else if (protocolIndex > -1)
            //    string hostAndPort = URL.Substring(protocolIndex + 3);
            //    int pathStart = hostAndPort.IndexOf("/", 0);
            //    if (pathStart > -1 && hostAndPort.Length > pathStart)
            //    {
            //        hostname = URL.Substring(0, pathStart + protocolIndex + 3);
            //    }
            //    // we havn't received a protocol but may still have a query string
            //    // we'd like to remove from the URL (e.g. especially if we're dealing with a file:///
            //    int qsIndex = URL.IndexOf("?");
            //    if (qsIndex > -1)
            //        hostname = URL.Substring(1, qsIndex - 1);

            //protocolIndex = actionURL.IndexOf("://");
            //if (protocolIndex > -1)
            //    string actionURLAndPort = actionURL.Substring(protocolIndex + 3);
            //    int pathStart = actionURLAndPort.IndexOf("/", 0);
            //    if (pathStart > -1 && actionURLAndPort.Length > pathStart)
            //    {
            //        actionHost = actionURL.Substring(0, pathStart + protocolIndex + 3);
            //    }

            //int count = 0;
            //ArrayList allEntries = new ArrayList();

            //// Make sure there is an active database
            //if (!ensureDBisOpen()) return -1;

            //// Narrow down the possible matches by doing a KeePass search
            //// (We could match on an irrelevant string field but chances are that any matches are suitable)
            //SearchParameters sp = new SearchParameters();
            //sp.SearchInUrls = true;
            //sp.SearchInOther = true;
            //sp.RegularExpression = true;
            //if (URL.Length == 0)
            //    sp.SearchString = ".*";
            //else if (requireFullURLMatches)
            //    sp.SearchString = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Escape(URL);
            //    sp.SearchString = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Escape(hostname);

            //KeePassLib.Collections.PwObjectList<PwEntry> output;
            //output = new KeePassLib.Collections.PwObjectList<PwEntry>();

            //PwGroup searchGroup = GetRootPwGroup(host.Database);
            //MethodInfo mi;

            //// SearchEntries method signature changed in KP 2.17 so we use
            //// reflection to enable support for both 2.17 and earlier versions
            //    mi = typeof(PwGroup).GetMethod("SearchEntries", new Type[] { typeof(SearchParameters), typeof(KeePassLib.Collections.PwObjectList<PwEntry>) });
            //    mi.Invoke(searchGroup, new object[] { sp, output });
            //catch (AmbiguousMatchException ex)
            //    // can't find the 2.17 method definition so try for an earlier version
            //    mi = typeof(PwGroup).GetMethod("SearchEntries", new Type[] { typeof(SearchParameters), typeof(KeePassLib.Collections.PwObjectList<PwEntry>), typeof(bool) });
            //    mi.Invoke(searchGroup, new object[] { sp, output, false });

            //    // If an exception is thrown here it would be unexpected and
            //    // require a new version of the application to be released

            //foreach (PwEntry pwe in output)
            //    if (host.Database.RecycleBinUuid.EqualsValue(pwe.ParentGroup.Uuid))
            //        continue; // ignore if it's in the recycle bin

            //    if (pwe.Strings.Exists("Hide from KeeFox") || pwe.Strings.Exists("Hide from KPRPC") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("URL")))
            //        continue;

            //    bool entryIsAMatch = false;

            //    if (lst != LoginSearchType.LSTnoForms && matchesAnyURL(pwe, hostname, hostname, false))
            //    {
            //        if (pwe.Strings.Exists("Form match URL") && pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("Form match URL") == actionURL && pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("URL") == URL)
            //        {
            //            entryIsAMatch = true;
            //        }
            //        else if (!requireFullURLMatches)
            //            entryIsAMatch = true;
            //    }

            //    if (lst != LoginSearchType.LSTnoRealms && matchesAnyURL(pwe, hostname, hostname, false))
            //    {
            //        if ((
            //            (pwe.Strings.Exists("Form HTTP realm")
            //            && pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("Form HTTP realm").Length > 0
            //            && (httpRealm == "" || pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("Form HTTP realm") == httpRealm)
            //            )
            //            ||
            //            (pwe.Strings.Exists("KPRPC HTTP realm")
            //            && pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("KPRPC HTTP realm").Length > 0
            //            && (httpRealm == "" || pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("KPRPC HTTP realm") == httpRealm)
            //            ))
            //            && pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("URL") == URL)
            //        {
            //            entryIsAMatch = true;
            //        }
            //        else if (!requireFullURLMatches)
            //            entryIsAMatch = true;
            //    }

            //    if (entryIsAMatch)
            //        count++;


            //return count;