Beispiel #1
        public void MyTestInitialize()
            #region WebAii Initialization

            // Initializes WebAii manager to be used by the test case.
            // If a WebAii configuration section exists, settings will be
            // loaded from it. Otherwise, will create a default settings
            // object with system defaults.
            // Note: We are passing in a delegate to the VisualStudio
            // testContext.WriteLine() method in addition to the Visual Studio
            // TestLogs directory as our log location. This way any logging
            // done from WebAii (i.e. Manager.Log.WriteLine()) is
            // automatically logged to the VisualStudio test log and
            // the WebAii log file is placed in the same location as VS logs.
            // If you do not care about unifying the log, then you can simply
            // initialize the test by calling Initialize() with no parameters;
            // that will cause the log location to be picked up from the config
            // file if it exists or will use the default system settings (C:\WebAiiLog\)
            // You can also use Initialize(LogLocation) to set a specific log
            // location for this test.

            // Pass in 'true' to recycle the browser between test methods
            ////Initialize(false, this.TestContext.TestLogsDir, new TestContextWriteLine(this.TestContext.WriteLine));

            // If you need to override any other settings coming from the
            // config section you can comment the 'Initialize' line above and instead
            // use the following:

            // This will get a new Settings object. If a configuration
            // section exists, then settings from that section will be
            // loaded

            Settings settings = GetSettings();

            // Override the settings you want. For example:
            settings.Web.DefaultBrowser = BrowserType.Chrome;
            settings.AnnotateExecution = true;
            settings.Web.RecycleBrowser = true;
            // Now call Initialize again with your updated settings object
            Initialize(settings, new TestContextWriteLine(this.TestContext.WriteLine));

            // Set the current test method. This is needed for WebAii to discover
            // its custom TestAttributes set on methods and classes.
            // This method should always exist in [TestInitialize()] method.
            SetTestMethod(this, (string)TestContext.Properties["TestName"]);


            #endregion WebAii Initialization

            // Place any additional initialization here

            this.loginFacade = new LoginFacade(Username, Password);