Beispiel #1
        public void CreateTermTest()
            CommonTree ast             = null;  // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            bool       treeHasRealVars = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            Expr       expected        = null;  // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            Expr       actual;

            actual = LogicalExpression.CreateTerm(ast, treeHasRealVars);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a user supplied assumption: also asserts it into Z3
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        public static void ParseAssumption(XmlTextReader reader)
            String assump = reader.GetAttribute(AssumptionAttributes.equn.ToString());
            String type   = reader.GetAttribute(AssumptionAttributes.type.ToString());

            AssumptionTypes atype;

            if (type != null)
                atype = (AssumptionTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(AssumptionTypes), type, true);
                atype = AssumptionTypes.none;

            if (assump.Length > 0)
                Antlr.Runtime.Tree.CommonTree tmptree = math.Expression.Parse(assump);
                Expr assumpTerm = LogicalExpression.CreateTerm(tmptree);

                switch (atype)
                case AssumptionTypes.inductive_invariant:
                    // assert the assumption
                    Expr assumpTermPrime = assumpTerm;
                    Controller.Instance.Z3.primeAllVariables(ref assumpTermPrime);

                    Expr assumpTermImplies = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkImplies((BoolExpr)assumpTerm, (BoolExpr)assumpTermPrime); // inductive part

                    Controller.Instance.Z3.Assumptions.Add((BoolExpr)assumpTerm);                                               // invariant part
                    //Controller.Instance.Z3.AssertCnstr(assumpTerm & assumpTermPrime);



                case AssumptionTypes.invariant:
                case AssumptionTypes.none:
                    // assert the assumption
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the guard of a transition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <param name="t"></param>
        public static void ParseGuard(XmlTextReader reader, Transition t)
            if (t == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("Error parsing transition: transition not specified properly before reaching guard.");

            String guard = reader.GetAttribute(GuardAttributes.equn.ToString());

            if (guard.Length > 0)
                Antlr.Runtime.Tree.CommonTree tmptree = math.Expression.Parse(guard);
                t.Guard = LogicalExpression.CreateTerm(tmptree);
Beispiel #4
        public VariableParameter(string name, VarType type, VarUpdateType update_type, string assumption)
            : base(name, "", type, update_type, assumption)
            Expr param = null;

            // TODO: refactor all these switches in the constructors into common variable parent class
            switch (type)
            case VarType.index:
                param = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkIntConst(name);     // todo: vs Controller.Instance.IndexType

            case VarType.integer:
                param = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkIntConst(name);

            case VarType.real:
                param = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkRealConst(name);

            if (param != null)
                if (!Controller.Instance.Params.ContainsKey(name))
                    Controller.Instance.Params.Add(name, param);
                throw new System.Exception("Parameter term not created.");

            if (assumption != null && assumption.Length > 0)
                Antlr.Runtime.Tree.CommonTree tmptree = passel.controller.parsing.math.Expression.Parse(assumption);
                //Expression.FixTypes(ref tmptree);
                Expr passump = LogicalExpression.CreateTerm(tmptree);
                if (!Controller.Instance.ParamsAssumps.ContainsKey(name))
                    Controller.Instance.ParamsAssumps.Add(name, passump);
Beispiel #5
        public Property(String f, PropertyType t, String post, String template)
            this.FormulaStr = f;
            this._type      = t;
            this.Status     = StatusTypes.toProcess;

            switch (this._type)
            // todo next: change for abstraction, using for inductive invariant checking now
            case Property.PropertyType.eventually:
                // todo:

            case Property.PropertyType.bad:                // neg invariant
            case Property.PropertyType.unreachable:        // neg invariant
                FormulaStr = "!(" + this.FormulaStr + ")"; // negate

            // do nothing
            case Property.PropertyType.invariant:       // invariant
            case          // invariant

            if (this._formula == null && f != null)
                Antlr.Runtime.Tree.CommonTree tmptree = Expression.Parse(this.FormulaStr);
                Expression.FixTypes(ref tmptree);
                this._formula = LogicalExpression.CreateTerm(tmptree);

            if (post == null)
                post = f;

            if (post != null)
                //Antlr.Runtime.Tree.CommonTree tmptree = Expression.Parse(post);
                //this.Post = LogicalExpression.CreateTerm(tmptree);
                //Controller.Instance.Z3.primeAllVariables(ref this.Post); // prime all variables in post-state formula

                this.Post = primeAllByValue(this.Formula);

            switch (this.Type)
            case PropertyType.termination:     // pass through
            case PropertyType.eventually:
                if (template != null)
                    Enum.TryParse <RankingTemplateType>(template, false, out this.TemplateType);

                switch (this.TemplateType)
                    // todo: generalize for indexed variables
                    // todo: make 2nd argument be the tuple-length we are currently add (needs another parsing input)

                    List <BoolExpr> ts = new List <BoolExpr>();
                    // todo: temporarily, we will make the tuple be the length of the number of variables
                    for (int i = 0; i < Controller.Instance.GlobalVariables.Count; i++)
                        ts.Add(Controller.Instance.Z3.MkGe((ArithExpr)this.generateAffineTemplate(Controller.Instance.GlobalVariables, "i", i, false), Controller.Instance.RealZero));                 // template >= 0

                    this.Formula = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkAnd(ts.ToArray());                 // todo: detect size; actually, we should override this in MkAnd to not actually do a mkand if length is 1

                    Expr lhs = this.generateAffineTemplate(Controller.Instance.GlobalVariables, "c", 0, true);
                    Expr rhs = this.generateAffineTemplate(Controller.Instance.GlobalVariablesPrimed, "c", 0, true);                 // todo: assumes GlobalVariables and GlobalVariablesPrimed are in the same order

                    this.FormulaRankLhs = lhs;
                    this.FormulaRankRhs = rhs;

            case Property.PropertyType.safety_weak:
                // do nothing, already has post set

            case Property.PropertyType.invariant:
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a HyXML formatted file
        /// Notes:
        /// 1) Assumes guards and invariants are formatted as infix strings (e.g., 5 + x >= y is a valid guard or invariant, whereas (>= (+ 5 x) y) is not)
        /// 2) Assumes resets are formatted as: varToReset' = expr
        /// 3) Assumes differential inclusions are formatted as: x1_dot >= a and x1_dot <= b; more generally, any relations are okay, we just don't support x1_dot \in [a, b]
        /// 1) Eventually modify HyLink to generate HyXML using MathML for guards, invariants, and resets
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        public static void ParseInputFile(String path)
            Controller.Instance.Sys = new Holism();
            ConcreteHybridAutomaton h = null;
            Transition       t        = null;
            ConcreteLocation l        = null;
            ElementNames     n        = ElementNames.parameter;

            if (!File.Exists(path))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Input file not found: " + path);

            XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(path);

            while (reader.Read())
                    switch (reader.NodeType)
                    case XmlNodeType.Element:
                        n = (ElementNames)(Enum.Parse(typeof(ElementNames), reader.Name, true));
                        switch (n)
                        case ElementNames.parameter:
                            Variable p = ParseVariableParameter(reader);

                        case ElementNames.predicate:

                        // since properties can refer to elements of the automata, we save their strings and parse them after all automata have been fully constructed

                        case ElementNames.assumption:

                        case ElementNames.action:
                            ParseReset(reader, t);

                        case ElementNames.automaton:
                            String name = reader.GetAttribute(;
                            h = new ConcreteHybridAutomaton(Controller.Instance.Sys, name);

                        case ElementNames.dai:
                            ParseDAI(reader, h, l);

                        case ElementNames.guard:
                            ParseGuard(reader, t);

                        case ElementNames.uguard:
                            if (t == null)
                                throw new System.Exception("Error parsing transition: transition not specified properly before reaching universally quantified guard.");

                            String uguard = reader.GetAttribute(GuardAttributes.equn.ToString());
                            if (uguard.Length > 0)
                                Antlr.Runtime.Tree.CommonTree tmptree = math.Expression.Parse(uguard);
                                t.UGuard = LogicalExpression.CreateTerm(tmptree);


                        case ElementNames.initial:
                            if (h == null)
                                throw new System.Exception("Error parsing initial: automaton not specified properly before reaching initial.");

                            String init = reader.GetAttribute(InitialAttributes.equn.ToString());
                            if (init.Length > 0)
                                h.InitialString = init;


                        case ElementNames.invariant:
                            if (l == null)
                                throw new System.Exception("Error parsing transition: location not specified properly before reaching invariant.");

                            String inv = reader.GetAttribute(InvariantAttributes.equn.ToString());
                            if (inv.Length > 0)
                                Antlr.Runtime.Tree.CommonTree tmptree = math.Expression.Parse(inv);
                                l.Invariant = LogicalExpression.CreateTerm(tmptree);


                        case ElementNames.stop:
                            if (l == null)
                                throw new System.Exception("Error parsing transition: location not specified properly before reaching stopping condition.");

                            String stop = reader.GetAttribute(StopAttributes.equn.ToString());
                            if (stop.Length > 0)
                                Antlr.Runtime.Tree.CommonTree tmptree = math.Expression.Parse(stop);
                                l.Stop = LogicalExpression.CreateTerm(tmptree);


                        case ElementNames.mode:
                            l = ParseLocation(reader, h);

                        case ElementNames.transition:
                            t = ParseTransition(reader, h, l);

                        case ElementNames.variable:
                            ParseVariable(reader, h);

                        case ElementNames.holism:
                            // todo

                            throw new Exception("Bad element specified (uncrecognized).");

                    // destroy temporary arguments
                    case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                        n = (ElementNames)(Enum.Parse(typeof(ElementNames), reader.Name, true));
                        switch (n)
                        case ElementNames.parameter:

                        case ElementNames.action:

                        case ElementNames.automaton:
                            h.finishConstruction();                 // finish building the concrete automaton: create equations for initial conditions, assert constraints on locations, etc.

                            foreach (var v in Controller.Instance.Sys.Variables)
                                if (v.UpdateType == Variable.VarUpdateType.discrete && v.Type == Variable.VarType.index)
                                    Controller.Instance.Z3.Assumptions.Add(Controller.Instance.Z3.MkLe((ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.IntZero, (ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.GlobalVariables[v.Name]));
                                    Controller.Instance.Z3.Assumptions.Add(Controller.Instance.Z3.MkLe((ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.GlobalVariables[v.Name], (ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.Params["N"]));
                                    Controller.Instance.Z3.Assumptions.Add(Controller.Instance.Z3.MkLe((ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.IntZero, (ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.GlobalVariablesPrimed[v.Name]));
                                    Controller.Instance.Z3.Assumptions.Add(Controller.Instance.Z3.MkLe((ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.GlobalVariablesPrimed[v.Name], (ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.Params["N"]));
                            h = null;

                        case ElementNames.dai:

                        case ElementNames.guard:

                        case ElementNames.invariant:

                        case ElementNames.mode:
                            ParseHyXML.ParseLocationEnd(reader, h, l);
                            l = null;

                        case ElementNames.transition:
                            // todo: search the locations by id to find the prestate and poststate locations
                            t = null;

                        case ElementNames.variable:



                catch (NoViableAltException ex)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("ERROR: parser error");
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Line " + reader.LineNumber + " position " + reader.LinePosition + " element name " + reader.Name);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("ERROR: parser error");
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Line " + reader.LineNumber + " position " + reader.LinePosition + " element name " + reader.Name);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse an ODE
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <param name="h"></param>
        /// <param name="l"></param>
        public static void ParseDAI(XmlTextReader reader, AHybridAutomaton h, ConcreteLocation l)
            if (h == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("Error parsing transition: hybrid automaton not specified properly before reaching differential equation.");

            if (l == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("Error parsing transition: location not specified properly before reaching differential equation.");

            // todo: this currently has a lot of assumptions about how the diffeq should appear
            // todo: probably the easiest way to accomodate this would be to require a different <dai> block in the xml file for each variable
            //       but obviously this could have limitations for linear / affine dynamics, but... maybe not?
            //       let's think about it more

            String variable = reader.GetAttribute(FlowAttributes.variable.ToString());
            String flow     = reader.GetAttribute(FlowAttributes.equn.ToString());

            if (variable != null && flow != null && variable.Length > 0 && flow.Length > 0)
                Antlr.Runtime.Tree.CommonTree tmptree = math.Expression.Parse(flow);
                List <String> vars      = LogicalExpression.findContinuousVars(tmptree);
                List <String> pvars     = LogicalExpression.findParams(tmptree);
                List <String> constants = LogicalExpression.findAllRealConstants(tmptree);
                Expr          expr      = LogicalExpression.CreateTerm(tmptree);
                List <Expr>   flows     = new List <Expr>();
                Expr          t1        = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkRealConst("t_1");

                Flow f = new Flow();

                // indexed if the variable appears e.g., as x[i], else assume global, e.g., x
                if (variable.Contains("[") && variable.Contains("]"))
                    String[] vns          = variable.Split('[');
                    String   variableName = vns[0];                 // todo: error handling

                    f.Variable = h.GetVariableByName(variableName); // todo: error handling

                    // prime all variables
                    switch (Controller.Instance.DataOption)
                    case Controller.DataOptionType.array:
                        expr = expr.Substitute(Controller.Instance.DataA.IndexedVariableDecl[variableName], Controller.Instance.DataA.IndexedVariableDeclPrimed[variableName]);

                    case Controller.DataOptionType.uninterpreted_function:
                        Controller.Instance.Z3.replaceFuncDecl(ref expr, expr, Controller.Instance.DataU.IndexedVariableDecl[variableName], Controller.Instance.DataU.IndexedVariableDeclPrimed[variableName], false);

                    // todo: rewrite in more general form for timed vs. rectangular
                    if (constants.Count + pvars.Count < 1)
                        f.DynamicsType = Flow.DynamicsTypes.timed;
                    else if (constants.Count + pvars.Count == 1)
                        f.DynamicsType = Flow.DynamicsTypes.timed;
                        if (pvars.Count == 1)
                            f.RectRateA = Controller.Instance.Params[pvars[0]];
                            f.RectRateB = Controller.Instance.Params[pvars[0]]; // \dot{x} \in [a,a]
                        if (constants.Count == 1)
                            f.RectRateA = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkReal(constants[0]);
                            f.RectRateB = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkReal(constants[0]);
                    else if (constants.Count + pvars.Count == 2)
                        f.DynamicsType = Flow.DynamicsTypes.rectangular;
                        // todo: generalize
                        if (pvars.Count >= 1)
                            f.RectRateA = Controller.Instance.Params[pvars[0]];
                        if (pvars.Count >= 2)
                            f.RectRateB = Controller.Instance.Params[pvars[1]];
                        if (constants.Count >= 1)
                            f.RectRateA = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkReal(constants[0]);
                        if (constants.Count >= 2)
                            f.RectRateB = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkReal(constants[1]);

                    if (pvars.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var y in pvars)
                            // todo: generalize, this is pretty nasty, and currently only supports dynamics of the form: v[i] R y, where R is an order/equivalence relation (e.g., >, <, >=, <=, =, etc.)
                            Expr addDeltaMin = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkAdd((ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.IndexedVariables[new KeyValuePair <string, string>(variableName, "i")], Controller.Instance.Z3.MkMul((ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.Params[y], (ArithExpr)t1));
                            expr = expr.Substitute(Controller.Instance.Params[y], addDeltaMin);
                    else if (constants.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var cs in constants)
                            int    cint = (int)float.Parse(cs);
                            String cstr = float.Parse(cs).ToString();

                            if (cint == 1)
                                Expr c           = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkReal(cstr);
                                Expr addDeltaMin = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkAdd((ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.IndexedVariables[new KeyValuePair <string, string>(variableName, "i")], (ArithExpr)t1);
                                expr = expr.Substitute(c, addDeltaMin);
                            else if (cint == -1) // todo: constants will never be negative currently due to the way findRealConstants function works (- is a unary term, so the constants are always positive with another unary minus outside)
                                Expr c           = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkReal(cstr);
                                Expr addDeltaMin = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkSub((ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.IndexedVariables[new KeyValuePair <string, string>(variableName, "i")], (ArithExpr)t1);
                                expr = expr.Substitute(c, addDeltaMin);
                            else if (cint < 0)
                                Expr c           = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkReal(cstr);
                                Expr addDeltaMin = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkSub((ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.IndexedVariables[new KeyValuePair <string, string>(variableName, "i")], Controller.Instance.Z3.MkMul((ArithExpr)c, (ArithExpr)t1));
                                expr = expr.Substitute(c, addDeltaMin);
                                Expr c           = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkReal(cstr);
                                Expr addDeltaMin = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkAdd((ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.IndexedVariables[new KeyValuePair <string, string>(variableName, "i")], Controller.Instance.Z3.MkMul((ArithExpr)c, (ArithExpr)t1));
                                expr = expr.Substitute(c, addDeltaMin);
                else // global variables
                    String variableName = variable;
                    f.Variable = Controller.Instance.Sys.GetVariableByName(variableName);

                    // prime the continuous variable occurrences
                    expr = expr.Substitute(Controller.Instance.GlobalVariables[variableName], Controller.Instance.GlobalVariablesPrimed[variableName]);

                    if (pvars.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var y in pvars)
                            // todo: generalize, this is pretty nasty, and currently only supports dynamics of the form: v[i] R y, where R is an order/equivalence relation (e.g., >, <, >=, <=, =, etc.)
                            Expr addDeltaMin = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkAdd((ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.Params[variableName], Controller.Instance.Z3.MkMul((ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.Params[y], (ArithExpr)t1));
                            expr = expr.Substitute(Controller.Instance.Params[y], addDeltaMin);
                    else if (constants.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var cs in constants)
                            int    cint = (int)float.Parse(cs);
                            String cstr = float.Parse(cs).ToString();
                            f.DynamicsType = Flow.DynamicsTypes.timed;
                            if (cint == 1)
                                Expr c = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkReal(cstr);
                                f.RectRateA = c;
                                Expr addDeltaMin = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkAdd((ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.GlobalVariables[variableName], (ArithExpr)t1);
                                expr = expr.Substitute(c, addDeltaMin);
                            else if (cint == -1)
                                Expr c = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkReal(cstr);
                                f.RectRateA = c;
                                Expr addDeltaMin = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkSub((ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.GlobalVariables[variableName], (ArithExpr)t1);
                                expr = expr.Substitute(c, addDeltaMin);
                            else if (cint < 0)
                                Expr c = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkReal(cstr);
                                f.RectRateA = c;
                                Expr addDeltaMin = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkSub((ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.GlobalVariables[variableName], Controller.Instance.Z3.MkMul((ArithExpr)c, (ArithExpr)t1));
                                expr = expr.Substitute(c, addDeltaMin);
                                Expr c = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkReal(cstr);
                                f.RectRateA = c;
                                Expr addDeltaMin = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkAdd((ArithExpr)Controller.Instance.GlobalVariables[variableName], Controller.Instance.Z3.MkMul((ArithExpr)c, (ArithExpr)t1));
                                expr = expr.Substitute(c, addDeltaMin);

                // todo: generalize: we assume anything with a 0 in it is constant dynamics
                //if (!Controller.Instance.Z3.findTerm(expr, Controller.Instance.RealZero, true))
                if (!(f.RectRateA == Controller.Instance.RealZero || f.RectRateB == Controller.Instance.RealZero))
                    f.Value = expr;

                     * // todo: move zero diffeq detection to this part, as currently we may be removing some actual diffeqs if any of them are 0
                     * if (l.Flow != null)
                     * {
                     *  l.Flow = l.Flow & expr;
                     * }
                     * else
                     * {
                     *  l.Flow = expr; // todo: this doesn't work properly if we have multiple variables, due to the way we replace the flow in stopping conditions and invariants
                     *  // one solution is to use a list of flows
                     *  // another is to create a flow object, which is the more natural choice, and keep a list of flow objects (so they may have different types, e.g., timed vs rect vs linear)
                     * }
                    f.DynamicsType = Flow.DynamicsTypes.constant; // no change
                    f.RectRateA    = Controller.Instance.RealZero;
                    f.RectRateB    = Controller.Instance.RealZero;
                    Expr atmp = Controller.Instance.IndexedVariables[new KeyValuePair <string, string>(f.Variable.Name, "i")];
                    Expr btmp = Controller.Instance.IndexedVariablesPrimed[new KeyValuePair <string, string>(f.Variable.Name + Controller.PRIME_SUFFIX, "i")];
                    f.Value = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkEq(atmp, btmp);

Beispiel #8
        public void ToConcreteTest()
            uint N;
            uint TN;

            N  = 0;
            TN = 0;
            List <SymmetricType> types = new List <SymmetricType>();

            types.Add(new SymmetricType(TN, Controller.Instance.Z3.MkTrue()));
            SymmetricState target   = new SymmetricState(N, types.ToArray());
            Expr           expected = null;
            Expr           actual;

            actual = target.ToConcrete();
            //Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

            N     = 1;
            TN    = 1;
            types = new List <SymmetricType>();

            Holism sys = new Holism();
            ConcreteHybridAutomaton h = new ConcreteHybridAutomaton(sys, "test");
            ConcreteLocation        aloc;
            ConcreteLocation        bloc;

            StringReader  tr;
            XmlTextReader reader;

            tr     = new StringReader("<holism><mode id='0' name='aloc' initial='True'></mode><mode id='0' name='bloc' initial='False'></mode></holism>");
            reader = new XmlTextReader(tr);
            aloc = ParseHyXML.ParseLocation(reader, h);
            ParseHyXML.ParseLocationEnd(reader, h, aloc);
            bloc = ParseHyXML.ParseLocation(reader, h);
            ParseHyXML.ParseLocationEnd(reader, h, bloc);

            expected = LogicalExpression.CreateTerm("q[1] == aloc");
            types.Add(new SymmetricType(TN, LogicalExpression.CreateTerm("q[i] == aloc")));
            target = new SymmetricState(N, types.ToArray());
            actual = target.ToConcrete();
            //expected = expected.Substitute(Controller.Instance.Indices["i"], Controller.Instance.Z3.MkInt(1));
            //Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.IsTrue(Controller.Instance.Z3.ProveEqual(actual, expected));

            expected = LogicalExpression.CreateTerm("q[1] == aloc and q[2] == aloc");
            types    = new List <SymmetricType>();
            types.Add(new SymmetricType(2, LogicalExpression.CreateTerm("q[i] == aloc")));
            target = new SymmetricState(2, types.ToArray());
            actual = target.ToConcrete();
            Assert.IsTrue(Controller.Instance.Z3.ProveEqual(actual, expected));

            expected = LogicalExpression.CreateTerm("q[1] == aloc and q[2] == aloc and q[3] == aloc");
            types    = new List <SymmetricType>();
            types.Add(new SymmetricType(3, LogicalExpression.CreateTerm("q[i] == aloc")));
            target = new SymmetricState(3, types.ToArray());
            actual = target.ToConcrete();
            Assert.IsTrue(Controller.Instance.Z3.ProveEqual(actual, expected));

            //target.visit(0, 3);

            List <uint> ids = new List <uint>();


            var perms = SymHelp.Permutations(ids);


             * IEnumerable<uint> t1 = SymmetricState.Combinations(ids, 1);
             * String s = "";
             * foreach (var v in t1)
             * {
             *  s += v + ", ";
             * }
             * IEnumerable<uint> t2 = SymmetricState.Combinations(ids, 2);
             * foreach (var v in t2)
             * {
             *  s += v + ", ";
             * }
             * IEnumerable<uint> t3 = SymmetricState.Combinations(ids, 3);
             * foreach (var v in t3)
             * {
             *  s += v + ", ";
             * }
             * IEnumerable<uint> t4 = SymmetricState.Combinations(ids, 4);
             * foreach (var v in t4)
             * {
             *  s += v + ", ";
             * }*/

             * uint T1 = 2;
             * uint T2 = 2;
             * uint T3 = (uint)(ids.Count - (T1 + T2));
             * var ids_t1 = SymHelp.Combinations(ids, (int)T1);
             * //s = "";
             * string s = "";
             * foreach (var v in ids_t1)
             * {
             *  List<uint> vt = new List<uint>(v);
             *  var ids_t2 = SymHelp.Combinations(ids.FindAll(id => !vt.Contains(id)), (int)T2);
             *  //foreach (var stmp in v)
             *  //{
             * //      s += stmp;
             * //  }
             * //  s += ", ";
             *  foreach (var v2 in ids_t2)
             *  {
             *      List<uint> vt2 = new List<uint>(v2);
             *      var ids_t3 = SymHelp.Combinations(ids.FindAll(id => !vt.Contains(id) && !vt2.Contains(id)), (int)T3);
             *      foreach (var v3 in ids_t3)
             *      {
             *          List<uint> idset = new List<uint>(v);
             *          idset.AddRange(v2);
             *          idset.AddRange(v3);
             *          foreach (var stmp in idset)
             *          {
             *              s += stmp;
             *          }
             *          s += ", ";
             *      }
             *  }
             * }*/
            //IEnumerable<uint> combinations = ;

            expected = LogicalExpression.CreateTerm("(q[1] == aloc and q[2] == bloc) or (q[1] == bloc and q[2] == aloc)");
            types    = new List <SymmetricType>();
            types.Add(new SymmetricType(1, LogicalExpression.CreateTerm("q[i] == aloc")));
            types.Add(new SymmetricType(1, LogicalExpression.CreateTerm("q[i] == bloc")));
            target = new SymmetricState(2, types.ToArray());
            actual = target.ToConcrete();
            Assert.IsTrue(Controller.Instance.Z3.ProveEqual(actual, expected));