Beispiel #1
        private static bool LogErrorReport(Logging.DiagnosticData dump)
            // note: normally 404s are not emailed to us, but if we have any processes that we need to ensure will send us an email on a 404 we can specify emailonfail=1 in the querystring
            if (!CheckIfErrorShouldBeLogged(dump))

            bool wasLogged = false;

            try {
                //Logging.dlog("LogErrorReport try logging");
                double secondsSinceLastReported = dump.SecondsSinceLastReport;
                var    isNewError = secondsSinceLastReported == 0 || secondsSinceLastReported > Util.GetSetting("ThrottleSameError", "60").ToInt(60);

                if (!isNewError)
                    // assume already logged previously, so we want to display to the user that we have logged this error
                    wasLogged = true;
                    wasLogged      = PostErrorReport(dump);
                    dump.WasLogged = wasLogged;
                //Logging.dlog("LogErrorReport result: "+ wasLogged);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                //Logging.dlog("LogErrorReport problem [" + e.Message + "]");
                SendEMail.SimpleSendEmail("*****@*****.**", "LogErrorReport problem", e.Message);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends an error message to the reporting system (http twitch or errors email, whichever is reachable)
        /// </summary>
        public static bool PostErrorReport(string message)
            var dump = new Logging.DiagnosticData(true);

            dump.AdditionalMessage = message;
Beispiel #3
        public static void Notify(bool allowRedirect, string additionalErrorMessage, Exception lastError)
            HttpRequest       rq  = HttpContext.Current.Request;
            HttpResponse      rsp = HttpContext.Current.Response;
            HttpServerUtility sv  = HttpContext.Current.Server;

            // get error details from system
            if (lastError == null)
                lastError = sv.GetLastError();

            // get full error details containing source snippets and pretty stack trace
            var dump = new Logging.DiagnosticData(lastError);

            dump.AdditionalMessage = additionalErrorMessage;

            // log the error report by sending to twitch or emailing
            bool wasLogged = LogErrorReport(dump);

            // show nice user friendly screen
            // for developers also show full details on screen - show error on screen for requests from beweb office
            if (dump.HttpStatusCode == 404)
                PageNotFound(Web.LocalUrl, dump);
                DisplayErrorPage(dump.HttpStatusCode, null, dump, wasLogged);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a dump off to the reporting system (http twitch or errors email, whichever is reachable)
        /// </summary>
        public static bool PostErrorReport(Logging.DiagnosticData dump)
            bool   wasLogged = false;
            string subject   = String.Format("ERROR on: {1} ({0})", dump.HttpStatusCode, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ServerIsLVE") ?? Web.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]);

            subject += " | " + dump.ErrorMessage.StripTags();

            // try sending http post first
            string postUrl = Util.GetSetting("ErrorPostUrl", "(none)");

            if (postUrl != "(none)")
                try {
                    var throttle = Util.GetSettingInt("ThrottleSameError", 60);
                    var client   = new WebClient();
                    var data     = new NameValueCollection();
                    data.Add("site", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ServerIsLVE"));
                    data.Add("sender", SendEMail.EmailFromAddress);
                    data.Add("subject", subject.Left(168));
                    data.Add("errorCode", dump.HttpStatusCode + "");
                    data.Add("ErrorMessage", dump.ErrorMessage);
                    data.Add("source", dump.Source);
                    data.Add("FailureUrl", dump.Url);
                    data.Add("WebsiteUrl", Web.BaseUrl);
                    data.Add("user", dump.User);
                    data.Add("dignostics", dump.ToHtml());
                    data.Add("ErrorReportGuid", dump.ErrorReportGuid + "");
                    data.Add("NumInstances", dump.NumberOfTimesSinceLastErrorReport + "");
                    data.Add("Throttle", throttle + "");
                    var response = client.UploadValues(postUrl, data);
                    //var str = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(response);

                    if (response.Length > 0)
                        wasLogged = true;
                } catch (Exception) {
            if (!wasLogged)
                // if post failed, send email
                string emailTo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("EmailAboutError");
                var    email   = new ElectronicMail();
                email.Subject   = subject.Left(168);
                email.BodyHtml  = dump.ToHtml();
                email.ToAddress = emailTo;
                wasLogged       = email.Send(false);
Beispiel #5
        public static void PageNotFound(string message, Logging.DiagnosticData dump)
            string url = "";

            if (Util.GetSettingBool("404GoesToHomepage", false) && Web.Response.ContentType == "text/html")                // text/html stops images that are broken doing a redirect
                if (Web.Session != null)
                    Web.Session["PageNotFoundMessage"] = message;
                DisplayErrorPage(404, message, dump, false);
Beispiel #6
        public static void DisplayErrorPage(int errorCode, string details, Logging.DiagnosticData dump, bool wasLogged)
            if (dump == null)
                dump = new Logging.DiagnosticData(true);

            bool   showForm      = wasLogged;
            string iframeFormUrl = Util.GetSetting("ErrorFormUrl", "");

            if (iframeFormUrl == "")
                showForm = false;

            string title = "Oops, there was a problem...";

            if (errorCode == 404)
                title   = "Page not found...";
                details = "<p><b>" + details.HtmlEncode() + "</b></p><p>Sorry, we couldn’t find the page you’re looking for. It may have been deleted or removed.</p>";
                if (ShowDetailedErrors && Util.GetSettingBool("404GoesToHomepage", false) && Web.Response.ContentType == "text/html")
                    details = @"<p><b>404 Goes To Homepage</b> - The standard users would be sent to the <b>homepage</b> (<a href=""" + NotFoundUrl + @""">like this</a>), except you are in developer mode so instead you see details below.</p>";
                if (dump.ErrorMessage != null && dump.ErrorMessage.Contains("anti-forgery token"))
                    details = @"<p>The most common cause of what just happened is that you have cookies turned off, or didn't allow this site to save one.</p>
			<p>This site needs to use a cookie to work, it's what provides security between you and us.</p>
			<h3 style=""margin-top: 30px;"">What can I do to fix it?</h3>
			<p>Here is how you can turn cookies on: <a href="""" target=""_blank""></a></p>
			<p>Then try either ""refresh"" or ""back"" on your browser, or return to the home page.</p>"""            ;
                else if (dump.ErrorMessage != null && dump.ErrorMessage.Contains("A potentially dangerous"))
                    details = @"<p>Your input was blocked. You might have submitted some HTML code or other unsafe characters.</p><p>Please hit ""back"" on your browser to correct your information and try submitting it again.</p>";
                else if (wasLogged)
                    details = @"<p>There has been a problem with the web site. The issue has been logged for analysis.</p>";
                    if (showForm)
                        details += @"<p>You can also increase the priority of this fault by reporting the issue using the form below.</p>";
                else if (ShowDetailedErrors)
                    details = @"<p>There has been a problem with the web site. The issue would be logged for standard users, except you are in developer mode so instead you see details below.</p>";
                    details = @"<p>A temporary problem was detected.</p><p>Please try either ""refresh"" or ""back"" on your browser, or return to the home page and try again.</p>";
            string finalSource = GetStandardErrorPageHtml();

            finalSource = finalSource.Replace("[title]", title);
            finalSource = finalSource.Replace("[details]", details);
            finalSource = finalSource.Replace("[DateTime.Now]", DateTime.Now.ToString());
            finalSource = finalSource.Replace("[ipaddress]", Web.ServerVars["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
            finalSource = finalSource.Replace("[errorcode]", dump.HttpStatusCode.ToString());
            finalSource = finalSource.Replace("[ref]", wasLogged ? dump.ErrorReportGuid.ToString() : "n/a");
            if (showForm)
                finalSource = finalSource.Replace("[iframe]", "<iframe src='" + iframeFormUrl + "?ErrorReportGuid=" + dump.ErrorReportGuid + "' style='border:none;width:100%;height:300px;'></iframe>");
                finalSource = finalSource.Replace("[iframe]", "");

            // also output developer only detailed message if we are supposed to
            if (ShowDetailedErrors)
                finalSource = finalSource.Replace("[devdetails]", "<a href='' onclick=''></a>" + dump.ToHtml());
                finalSource = finalSource.Replace("[devdetails]", "");

            // if possible, clear any content buffered but not yet output and set the status code header correctly
            try {
                Web.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;
                Web.Response.StatusCode             = errorCode;     // if already sending content, this will fail, but we don't care, we still want to see the original error display
            } catch {
                // ignore
            // output friendly error message

            // end the response
            try {
            } catch {
                // ignore
Beispiel #7
        public static void NotifyJavascriptError(string message, string url, string line, string browser, string pageUrl)
            if (Util.GetSettingBool("SendJSErrorMessagesToServer", true))
                return;                                                                       //20140916 added new feature to allow turn this off
            if (Util.ServerIsDev)
                return;                               //20140326 jn add this to prevent js emails on dev server// MN 20140406 thanks!
            if (message.Contains("unrecognized expression: unsupported pseudo: after"))
                return;                                                                                     //20130415JN added this - old browser, nothing we can do
            if (message == "Script error." && line == "0")
                return;                                                        //20130415JN added this - dont know what it is
            //var User = Web.UserIpAddress + (Util.IsBewebOffice ? " [Beweb Office]" : "") + "\n" + Web.ServerVars["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
            //if (Security.IsLoggedIn) {
            //	User += "\nLogged In User ID: " + Security.LoggedInUserID;
            //} else {
            //	User += "\nNot Logged In";
            //string info = "<style>.diaglabel {font-size:10px;color:#688B9A;margin-top:8px;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:2px;} .diagdata {font-size:12px;color:#350608;}</style>";
            //info += "<div style='font-family:lucida sans,consolas,arial,sans-serif;background:white;'>\n";
            //info += "<div style='font-size:18px;color:#47697E;'>Javascript Error Report - " + Util.GetSiteName() + " " + Util.ServerIs() + "</div>\n";
            //info += "<div class=diagdata>" + DateTime.Now + "</div>\n";
            //if (Util.ServerIsLive) {
            //	info += "<div style='background-color:#cc0;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;'>LIVE</div>\n";
            //info += "<div class=diaglabel>Javascript Error Message:</div><div class=diagdata style='font-size:16px;'>" + message.HtmlEncode() + "</div>\n";
            //info += "<div class=diaglabel>Javascript URL Reported:</div><div class=diagdata>" + url.HtmlEncode() + "</div>\n";
            //if(pageUrl != null) {
            //	info += "<div class=diaglabel>Javascript Page URL Reported:</div><div class=diagdata>" + pageUrl.HtmlEncode() + "</div>\n";
            //info += "<div class=diaglabel>Javascript Line Number:</div><div class=diagdata>" + line.HtmlEncode() + "</div>\n";
            //info += "<div class=diaglabel>User:</div><div class=diagdata>" + Fmt.Text(User) + "</div>\n";
            ////info += "<div class=diaglabel>Javascript Browser Reported:</div><div class=diagdata>" + browser.HtmlEncode() + "</div>\n";
            //info += "\n</div>";
            //info += "<div class=diagdata> browser: " + browser + "</div>\n";
            //string subject = String.Format("ERROR on: {0} (Javascript)", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ServerIsLVE") ?? Web.UserIpAddress);
            ////new ElectronicMail() { ToAddress = SendEMail.EmailAboutError, Subject = subject, BodyHtml = info }.Send(false);
            //Logging.dlog("JS Error: "+subject+": "+info);
            //Notify(false,subject+": "+info);  //20140916 jn changed to not send error via email, but use normal notify code

            // get full error details containing source snippets and pretty stack trace
            var dump = new Logging.DiagnosticData(null);

            dump.ErrorMessage = "Javascript Error Report";
            //dump.AdditionalMessage="Javascript Error Report";
            dump.AddExtraInfo("Javascript Error Message", message);
            dump.AddExtraInfo("Javascript URL Reported", url);
            dump.AddExtraInfo("Javascript Line Number", line);
            dump.AddExtraInfo("Page URL Reported", pageUrl);
            dump.AddExtraInfo("Browser (from js)", browser);
            //dump.AddExtraInfo("User",  Fmt.Text(User) );

            // log the error report by sending to twitch or emailing
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// called by LogErrorReport which sends emails
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dump"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool CheckIfErrorShouldBeLogged(Logging.DiagnosticData dump)
            // check for scheduled task or other callback
            if (Util.ServerIsDev)
                return(false);                             //dont email devs
            if (Util.ServerIsLive && Web.IsRequestInitialised && Web.Request["emailonfail"] + "" == "1")
                return(true);                                                                                                      // always log failures on scheduled tasks (unless dev)
            if (Web.Response.IsRequestBeingRedirected)
            string fullHtmlText = dump.ToHtml();

            if (fullHtmlText != null)
                //exclusions - do not log these errors - this display as intermittent errors for the users.
                if (fullHtmlText.Contains("The client disconnected."))
                    return(false);                                                                   //exit as we dont care if the client disconnected during page load/render
                if (fullHtmlText.Contains("posted in a form with the wrong enctype."))
                    return(false);                                                                                   //exit as we dont care (hack attempt)
                if (fullHtmlText.Contains("Session state has created"))
                    return(false);                                                                    //exit as we dont care
                if (fullHtmlText.Contains("A potentially dangerous"))
                    return(false);                                                                  //exit as we dont care
                if (fullHtmlText.Contains("state information is invalid for this page"))
                    return(false);                                                                                     //exit as we dont care
                if (fullHtmlText.Contains("CaptchaImageHandler") && fullHtmlText.Contains("Value cannot be null"))
                    return(false);                                                                                                               //exit as we dont care if catcha fails
                if (fullHtmlText.Contains("Invalid character in a Base-64 string"))
                if (fullHtmlText.Contains("anti-forgery token"))
                    return(false);                                                             // if the user doesn't allow cookies all the anti forgery tokens in MVC will break
                // errors that is should display as 404 for user
                if (fullHtmlText.Contains("The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter"))
                    dump.HttpStatusCode    = 404;                   // mvc routing should be 404
                    dump.AdditionalMessage = "Routing error - a route was matched but the parameters failed to convert";
                if (fullHtmlText.Contains("A public action method") && fullHtmlText.Contains(" was not found on controller"))
                    //this mvc routing error is already correctly a 404
                    dump.AdditionalMessage = "Routing error - check your global ASAX";

            // 404s and other ignorable errors
            int errorCode = dump.HttpStatusCode;

            if (errorCode == 404)
                return(false);                               // no need to log 404 not found
            // check for dev cases
            if (ShowDetailedErrors)
                return(false);                                 // no need to log it if we are displaying full developer error details (this always includes dev server - unless debugging errors)
            // otherwise its an important error - usual case