Beispiel #1
 public TestBase()
     _log = new Logger.WriteLineDelegate((log, ll) => {
         _logStr += log + "\r\n";
         //To view the output, in the Test Explorer in the bottom half, click 'Output'.
Beispiel #2
 public LogDelegate(Logger.WriteLineDelegate del)
     _del = del;
Beispiel #3
        public static string ParamCheckSClasses()
            StringBuilder retVal = new StringBuilder();

            string[] arraySClassPaths = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Development\OPEN DENTAL SUBVERSION\head\OpenDentBusiness\Data Interface");
            //Get just the names of the classes without the path and extension information.
            List <string> listSClassNames = arraySClassPaths.Select(x => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x)).ToList();
            Assembly      ass             = Assembly.LoadFrom(@"C:\Development\OPEN DENTAL SUBVERSION\head\UnitTests\bin\Debug\OpenDentBusiness.dll");
            List <Type>   listSClassTypes = ass.GetTypes().Where(x => x.IsClass && x.IsPublic && listSClassNames.Contains(x.Name))
                                            .OrderBy(x => x.Name)

            //Loop through all classes and call every public static method at least once.
            //There will be a log created for all methods that end up calling Meth.Dto... which are going to be the only methods we really care about.
            foreach (Type sClass in listSClassTypes)
                MethodInfo[] methods = sClass.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
                foreach (MethodInfo method in methods)
                    if (method.IsGenericMethod || method.ContainsGenericParameters || method.IsAbstract || method.IsConstructor || method.IsFinal ||
                    if (method.Name.StartsWith("get_") || method.Name.StartsWith("set_"))
                    bool            hasOutOrRefParam = false;
                    ParameterInfo[] parameters       = method.GetParameters();
                    object[]        arrayObjs        = new object[parameters.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
                        try {
                            Type parameterType = parameters[i].ParameterType;
                            if (parameterType.IsByRef)
                                hasOutOrRefParam = true;
                            if (parameterType == typeof(string))
                                arrayObjs[i] = "";
                            else if (parameterType.IsArray)
                                arrayObjs[i] = Array.CreateInstance(parameterType.GetElementType(), 0);
                            else if (parameterType == typeof(DataRow))
                                arrayObjs[i] = new DataTable().NewRow();
                            else if (parameterType == typeof(DateTime))
                                arrayObjs[i] = DateTime.Now;
                            else if (parameterType == typeof(Version))
                                arrayObjs[i] = new Version(1, 1, 1, 1);                           //Versions cannot be 0.0 for JSON
                            else if (parameterType == typeof(CultureInfo))
                                arrayObjs[i] = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
                            else if (parameterType == typeof(CodeSystems.ProgressArgs))
                                arrayObjs[i] = new CodeSystems.ProgressArgs((Action <int, int>) delegate(int a, int b) { });
                            else if (parameterType == typeof(Logger.WriteLineDelegate))
                                arrayObjs[i] = new Logger.WriteLineDelegate((Action <string, LogLevel>) delegate(string a, LogLevel b) { });
                                arrayObjs[i] = Activator.CreateInstance(parameterType);
                        catch (Exception ex) {
                            string error = "!!!!!UNSUPPORTED PARAMETER TYPE!!!!\r\n"
                                           + "Method: " + sClass?.Name + "." + method?.Name + "\r\n"
                                           + "\tError: " + ex.Message;
                    if (hasOutOrRefParam)
                        continue;                        //Middle tier does not support out or ref params.
                    try {
                        method.Invoke(null, arrayObjs);
                    catch (Exception ex) {
                        string error = "Method: " + sClass?.Name + "." + method?.Name + "\r\n"
                                       + "\tError: " + ex.Message;
            //Now that we have our log of all S class methods that end up calling a Meth.Dto... method, we need to parse it out and call them again.
            //Any methods that fail within this loop need to be manually examined and considered.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(retVal.ToString()))
                retVal.Append("Passed.  No methods found with invalid parameters.");
Beispiel #4
 ///<summary>For serialization.</summary>
 public LogDelegate()
     _del = new Logger.WriteLineDelegate((data, logLevel) => { });