public async Task CanRebuildSelected()
            var modelDoc = (IModelDoc2)SwApp.ActiveDoc;

            var surface = modelDoc

            // Copy the original surface
            var surfaceCopy = surface.CopyTs();

            // Temporarily hide the original surface so the model viewport is clear
            using (surface.HideBodyUndoable())
                // Display the copy so the tester can visually verify it is ok.
                // Press "Continue Test Execution" button within solidworks
                // to continue the test after visual inspection of the sheet
                using (surfaceCopy.DisplayUndoable(modelDoc, Color.Green))
                    await PauseTestExecution();

                // The sheet should only have one face. Extract it
                IFace2[] faces
                    = surfaceCopy.GetFaces().CastArray <IFace2>();

                // Convert the solidworks face to our representation
                List <BSplineFace> bsplineFaces
                    = faces

                var bsplineFacesJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bsplineFaces, Formatting.Indented);

                // you can now paste this into your favorite editor

                LogViewer.Log("JSON of bsplineFaces is now in clipboard");

                // Convert our representation back to an IBody2. We
                // have used Option<T> wrappers to indicate failure
                // or success for each conversion.
                List <Option <IBody2> > faceBodies
                    = bsplineFaces
                      .Select(bsplineFace => bsplineFace.ToSheetBody())

                // Count the number of faces that were not able to
                // be converted from bspline surface to IBody2
                int numberOfBadFaces = faceBodies.Count(b => b.IsNone);
                LogViewer.Log($"Number of bad faces is {numberOfBadFaces}");

                // Display the recovered sheet. Visually verify it is ok
                // Press "Continue Test Execution" button within solidworks
                // to continue the test after visual inspection of the sheet
                using (faceBodies.WhereIsSome().DisplayUndoable(modelDoc, Color.Blue))
                    await PauseTestExecution();

                // Assert that the test has passed.
Beispiel #2
 private static void WriteLog(string log)
     if (IsConsole)
     if (LogViewer == null)
         throw new NullReferenceException("LogViewer is not set.");
     //    if (CacheLogs.Count > 0) //try to write failed log first
     //    {
     //        File.AppendAllLines(LogPath, CacheLogs, Encoding.UTF8);
     //        CacheLogs.Clear();
     //    }
     //    //write new log
     //    File.AppendAllLines(LogPath, new List<string> {FormatLog(log)}, Encoding.UTF8);
     //catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
     //    CacheLogs.Add("UnauthorizedAccessException -> store log to try later.");
     //    CacheLogs.Add(FormatLog(log));
     //    //cache message to try later
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the iges format of the body from the stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <IBody2> LoadBodiesAsIges(Stream stream)
            var igesFile = GetTempFilePathWithExtension(ExportGeometryFileExtension);

            LogViewer.Log($"Loading iges file {igesFile} into Solidworks");
            using (var ostream = File.OpenWrite(igesFile))
            var doc = SwAddinBase.Active.SwApp.LoadIgesInvisible(igesFile);

                var newPartDoc = (PartDoc)doc;
                Debug.Assert(newPartDoc != null);

                var loadedBody =
                    newPartDoc.GetBodies2((int)swBodyType_e.swAllBodies, false).CastArray <IBody2>().ToList();
                Debug.Assert(loadedBody.Count > 0);

                return(loadedBody.Select(p => p.CopyTs()).ToList());
 private void Redraw()
     catch (COMException e)
         LogViewer.Log($"Exception was expected '{e.Message}' but logging it anyway");
Beispiel #5
 public static IObservable <T> Log <T>(this IObservable <T> o)
     return(o.Do(v => LogViewer.Log(v.ToString())));
        public static BSpline3D ToBSpline3D(this SplineParamData swSurfParameterisation, bool isClosed)
            object ctrlPts;
            var    canGetCtrlPts = swSurfParameterisation.GetControlPoints(out ctrlPts);

            var ctrlPtArray = ctrlPts.CastArray <double>();

            object knots;
            var    canGetKnots = swSurfParameterisation.GetKnotPoints(out knots);

            var knotArray = knots.CastArray <double>();

            var dimension = swSurfParameterisation.Dimension;
            var order     = swSurfParameterisation.Order;
            var degree    = order - 1;

            var isPeriodic = swSurfParameterisation.Periodic == 1;

            var controlPoints4D = ctrlPtArray
                                  .Buffer(dimension, dimension)
                                  .Where(p => p.Count == dimension)
                                      (p =>
                var x = 0.0;
                var y = 0.0;
                var z = 0.0;
                var w = 1.0;
                if (dimension >= 2)
                    x = p[0];
                    y = p[1];
                if (dimension >= 3)
                    z = p[2];
                if (dimension == 4)
                    w = p[3];

                return(new Vector4((float)(x * w), (float)(y * w), (float)(z * w), (float)w));

            if (controlPoints4D.Any(c => c.W != 1.0))
                LogViewer.Log($"Got a rational curve, periodic = {isPeriodic}, isClosed = {isClosed}");

            if (isPeriodic)
                ConvertToNonPeriodic(ref controlPoints4D, ref knotArray, degree);

            return(new BSpline3D(controlPoints4D, knotArray, order, isPeriodic));
Beispiel #7
 public void Emit(LogEvent logEvent)
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a BSplineFace from the TrimCurve data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="swFace"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static BSplineFace Create(IFace2 swFace)
            var start = 0;

            var packedData = swFace.GetTrimCurves2(WantCubic: true, WantNRational: false).CastArray <double>();
            var reader     = new GetTrimCurves2DataReader(packedData);

            // Packed Double 1
            // An integer pair containing number of loops and total number of SP curves (trim curves).
            // The length of any edge list generated immediately after a call to IFace2::GetTrimCurves2
            // will be equal to the number of SP curves
            var packedDouble1 = reader.ReadDouble().DoubleToInteger();
            int numLoops      = packedDouble1.Item1;
            int numSPCurves   = packedDouble1.Item2;

            // PackeDouble 2
            // Series of integer pairs containing the number of SP curves in each loop.
            // The first integer in each pair represents the number of curves in the odd loops;
            // the second represents the even. The total number of integer pairs is half the
            // number of loops, rounded up
            var curvesPerLoopLookup = reader.ReadIntegers(numLoops).ToList();

            var i = 0;

            // PackedDouble 3[]  ( Array of doubles )
            // For each SP curve, a set of two integer pairs.
            // The first contains the order of the curve and
            // a Boolean indicating if it is periodic.If the curve is periodic,
            // it is clamped (that is, knots of multiplicity = order exists at each end of the curve).
            // The second contains the dimension of the curve and the number of control points in it.
            // If the dimension is 2, then the curve is non - rational; if the dimension is 3,
            // then the curve is rational.
            var spCurveInfos = reader
                               .ReadBufferedIntegers(bufferSize: 4, numberOfBuffers: numSPCurves)
                               .Do(b =>
                LogViewer.Log($"Get TrimCurves2 'PackedDouble 3' buffer {i++}");
                LogViewer.Log(string.Join(" ", b));
                               .Select(b => new { order = b[0], isPeriodic = b[1] == 1, dimension = b[2], isRational = b[2] == 3, numCtrlPoints = b[3] })

            var spCurveInfos2 = spCurveInfos
                                    (info =>
                var knots = reader.Read(info.order + info.numCtrlPoints).ToList();
                return(new { info.order, info.isPeriodic, info.dimension, info.isRational, info.numCtrlPoints, knots });

            var trimCurves = spCurveInfos2
                                 (info =>
                var ctrlPoints = reader
                                 .Read(info.numCtrlPoints * info.dimension)
                                 .Buffer(info.dimension, info.dimension)

                return(new BSpline2D
                           (controlPoints: ctrlPoints.ToArray()
                           , knotVectorU: info.knots.ToArray()
                           , order: info.order
                           , isClosed: info.isPeriodic
                           , isRational: info.dimension == 3));

            var bLoops = curvesPerLoopLookup
                         .Scan(new { start = 0, step = 0 }, (acc, count) => new { start = acc.start + acc.step, step = count })
                         .Select(o => trimCurves.ToArraySegment(o.start, o.step).ToArray())


            // packed double 4
            var surfaceDimension = reader.ReadDouble().DoubleToInteger().Item1;

            // packed double 5
            var uvOrder = reader.ReadDouble().DoubleToInteger().Map((u, v) => new { u, v });

            // packed double 6
            var uvNumCtrlPoints = reader.ReadDouble().DoubleToInteger().Map((u, v) => new { u, v });

            // packed double 7
            var uvIsPeriodic = reader.ReadDouble().DoubleToInteger().Map((u, v) => new { u, v });

            // surfaceKnotValuesU
            var uKnots = reader.Read(uvOrder.u + uvNumCtrlPoints.u).ToArray();

            // surfaceKnotValuesV
            var vKnots = reader.Read(uvOrder.v + uvNumCtrlPoints.v).ToArray();

            // surfaceCtrlPoinCoords
            var surfaceCtrlPoints = reader.Read(surfaceDimension * uvNumCtrlPoints.u * uvNumCtrlPoints.v)
                                    .Buffer(surfaceDimension, surfaceDimension)

            // packed doubles 8
            // TODO handle the case for multiple surfaces
            var indexFlags = reader.ReadDouble().DoubleToInteger().Map((nSurface, index) => new { nSurface, index });

            var ctrlPointsArray = surfaceCtrlPoints.Reshape(uvNumCtrlPoints.u, uvNumCtrlPoints.v);

            var bSurface = new BSplineSurface(ctrlPointsArray, uvOrder.u, uvOrder.v, uKnots, vKnots, surfaceDimension, uvIsPeriodic.u == 1, uvIsPeriodic.v == 1);

            return(new BSplineFace(bSurface, bLoops));