void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                    rec.LogName = "SysLog Recorder";
                    rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
                    rec.EventType = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();

                    if (args.Message.Length > 895)
                        rec.Description = args.Message.Substring(0, 890);
                        rec.Description = args.Message;

                    rec.Description = args.Message.Replace("'", "|");

                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " Source Is : " + args.Source.ToString());
                    rec.SourceName = args.Source;
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, " Log : " + args.Message);

                catch (Exception e)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ERROR------------");
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.StackTrace);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");
                if (usingRegistry)
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                    s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        public Rec ParseSpecific(String line, bool dontSend, LogMgrEventArgs args)
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " ParseSpecific() | Parsing Specific line. Line : " + line);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " ParseSpecific() | Line is Null Or Empty. ");

            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();

            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " Source Is : " + args.Source.ToString());
            rec.SourceName = args.Source;
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, " Log : " + args.Message);

            rec.LogName = "PaloAltoTrafficV_1_0_0Syslog Recorder";
            //rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
            rec.EventType = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remote_host))
                rec.ComputerName = remote_host;

            rec.Description = args.Message;

            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " ParseSpecific() | ComputerName: " + rec.ComputerName);
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " ParseSpecific() | Description: " + rec.Description);
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " ParseSpecific() | LogName: " + rec.LogName);
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " ParseSpecific() | SourceName: " + rec.SourceName);

            //if (rec.Description.Length > 899)
            //    rec.Description = rec.Description.Substring(0, 899);
            //    rec.Description = rec.Description;

            //rec.Description = args.Message.Replace("'", "|");

            if (!dontSend)
                //                                                                                                                                                              10                                                                                                                                                              20                                                                                                                                      30
                //threath     Domain*,Receive Time*,Serial #*,Type*,Threat/Content Type*,Config Version*,Generate Time*,Source address*,Destination address*,NAT Source IP*,NAT Destination IP*,Rule*,Source User*,Destination User*,Application*,Virtual System*,Source Zone*,Destination Zone*,Inbound Interface*, Outbound Interface*, Log Action*,Time Logged*,Session ID*,Repeat Count*,Source Port*,Destination Port*,NAT Source Port*,NAT Destination Port*,Flags*,IP Protocol*,Action,URL,Threat/Content Name,Category,Severity,Direction
                //traffic     Domain*,Receive Time*,Serial #*,Type*,Threat/Content Type*,Config Version*,Generate Time*,Source address*,Destination address*,NAT Source IP*,       NAT Destination IP*,Rule*,Source User*,Destination User*,Application*,Virtual System*,Source Zone*,Destination Zone*,Inbound Interface*,Outbound Interface*,          Log Action*,Time Logged*,Session ID*,Repeat Count*,Source Port*,Destination Port*,NAT Source Port*,NAT Destination Port*,Flags*,IP Protocol*,      Action,Bytes,Bytes Sent,Bytes Received,Packets,Start Time,Elapsed Time (sec),Category,Padding(39)
                //1,2011/01/25 05:45:17,0004C100832,THREAT,vulnerability,2,2011/01/25 05:45:12,,,,,Dis_Web_Server_erisim,,,web-browsing,vsys1,DMZ,Internet,ethernet1/1,ethernet1/4,,2011/01/25 05:45:17,56500,1,80,4149,80,4149,0x40,tcp,alert,,HTTP Non RFC-Compliant Response Found(32880),any,informational,server-to-client

                string[] parts = line.Split(',');

                        rec.Datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(parts[6]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//Date time conversion requeired.
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, " ParseSpecific() | There is a problem converting to date.  date : " + parts[4]);

                    for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " ParseSpecific() Parts[" + i + "]: " + parts[i]);

                        rec.CustomStr1 = parts[18];
                        rec.CustomStr2 = parts[19];
                        rec.CustomStr3 = parts[7];
                        rec.CustomStr4 = parts[8];
                        rec.CustomStr5 = parts[9];
                        rec.CustomStr6 = parts[10];
                        rec.CustomStr7 = parts[29];
                        rec.CustomStr8 = parts[4];
                        /*rec.CustomStr9 = parts[11];*/
                        rec.CustomStr9 = parts[3];
                        rec.CustomStr10 = parts[14];

                        rec.UserName = parts[12];
                        rec.EventType = parts[30];
                        rec.EventCategory = parts[37];

                        rec.CustomInt1 = Convert_to_Int32(parts[0]);
                        rec.CustomInt2 = Convert_to_Int32(parts[23]);
                        rec.CustomInt3 = Convert_to_Int32(parts[24]);
                        rec.CustomInt4 = Convert_to_Int32(parts[25]);
                        rec.CustomInt5 = Convert_to_Int32(parts[26]);
                        rec.CustomInt6 = Convert_to_Int32(parts[27]);
                        rec.CustomInt7 = Convert_to_Int32(parts[22]);
                        /*rec.CustomInt9 = Convert_to_Int32(parts[32]);*/
                        rec.CustomInt8 = Convert_to_Int32(parts[32]);
                        rec.CustomInt9 = Convert_to_Int32(parts[33]);
                        rec.CustomInt10 = Convert_to_Int32(parts[36]);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR,
                              " ParseSpecific() | There is a problem parsing log.: " + ex.Message);
                    // : local7.info Dec 14 11:15:31 1,2012/12/14 11:15:31,002201000312,THREAT,url,1,2012/12/14 11:15:31,,,,,TR-2-UNT,,,web-browsing,vsys1,trust,untrust,ethernet1/14,ethernet1/15,au_log_profile,2012/12/14 11:15:30,1013217,1,3868,80,34277,80,0x408000,tcp,alert,"px.owneriq.net/ep?sid[]=302333068&sid[]=302334368&rid[]=1612783&rid[]=1612784",(9999),business-and-economy,informational,client-to-server,1652635554,0x0,,European Union,0,text/html

                catch (Exception ex)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, " ParseSpecific() | " + ex.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, " ParseSpecific() | " + ex.StackTrace);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, " ParseSpecific() | Line : " + line);
            return rec;
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();
            string[] lineArr = SpaceSplit(args.Message, true);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                    rec.LogName = "CyberoamSyslogV_1_0_0Recorder";
                    //rec.EventType = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();

                    #region Description
                    if (args.Message.Length > 899)
                        rec.Description = args.Message.Substring(0, 899);
                        rec.Description = args.Message;
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Description: " + args.Message);
                    string dateString = "";
                    string timeString = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                        #region DateTime

                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("date"))
                            dateString = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);

                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("time") && !lineArr[i].StartsWith("timezone"))
                            timeString = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "dateString: " + dateString + " " + timeString);
                    DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(dateString + " " + timeString);
                    rec.Datetime = dt.ToString(dateFormat);

                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "DateTime: " + rec.Datetime);

                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)

                        #region SOURCENAME
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("device_name"))
                            rec.SourceName = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);

                        #region EVENTCATEGORY
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("log_component"))
                            rec.EventCategory = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);

                        #region EVENTTYPE
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("log_type"))
                            rec.EventType = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);

                        #region USERSID
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("device_id"))
                            rec.UserName = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);

                        #region COMPUTERNAME
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("user_name"))
                            rec.ComputerName = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);

                        #region CUSTOMSTR1
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("protocol"))
                            rec.CustomStr1 = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);

                        #region CUSTOMSTR2
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("user_gp"))
                            rec.CustomStr2 = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);

                        #region CUSTOMSTR3
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("src_ip"))
                            rec.CustomStr3 = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);


                        #region CUSTOMSTR4
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("dst_ip"))
                            rec.CustomStr4 = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);

                        #region CUSTOMSTR5
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("category"))
                            rec.CustomStr5 = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);

                        #region CUSTOMSTR6
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("contenttype"))
                            rec.CustomStr6 = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);

                        #region CUSTOMSTR7
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("domain"))
                            rec.CustomStr7 = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);

                        #region CUSTOMSTR8
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("status"))
                            rec.CustomStr8 = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);

                        #region CUSTOMSTR9
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("url"))
                            rec.CustomStr9 = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);

                        #region CUSTOMSTR10

                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("log_subtype"))
                            rec.CustomStr10 = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);
                        /* if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("log_component"))
                            rec.EventCategory = SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]);
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventCategory: " + rec.EventCategory);*/

                        #region CUSTOMINT1
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("fw_rule_id"))
                            rec.CustomInt1 = Convert_To_Int32(SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]));

                        #region CUSTOMINT2
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("iap"))
                            rec.CustomInt2 = Convert_To_Int32(SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]));

                        #region CUSTOMINT3


                        #region CUSTOMINT4


                        #region CUSTOMINT5
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("src_port"))
                            rec.CustomInt5 = Convert_To_Int32(SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]));

                        #region CUSTOMINT6
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("dst_port"))
                            rec.CustomInt6 = Convert_To_Int32(SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]));

                        #region CUSTOMINT7
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("httpresponsecode"))
                            rec.CustomInt7 = Convert_To_Int32(SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]));

                        #region CUSTOMINT8
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("sent_bytes"))
                            rec.CustomInt8 = Convert_To_Int32(SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]));

                        #region CUSTOMINT9
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("recv_bytes"))
                            rec.CustomInt9 = Convert_To_Int32(SubLineSplitter(lineArr[i]));

                        #region CUSTOMINT10



                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "SourceName: " + rec.SourceName);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventCategory: " + rec.EventCategory);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventType: " + rec.EventType);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "UserName: "******"ComputerName: " + rec.ComputerName);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr1: " + rec.CustomStr1);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr2: " + rec.CustomStr2);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr3: " + rec.CustomStr3);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr4: " + rec.CustomStr4);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr5: " + rec.CustomStr5);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr6: " + rec.CustomStr6);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr7: " + rec.CustomStr7);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr8: " + rec.CustomStr8);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr9: " + rec.CustomStr9);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr10: " + rec.CustomStr10);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt1: " + rec.CustomInt1.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt2: " + rec.CustomInt2.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt5: " + rec.CustomInt5.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt6: " + rec.CustomInt6.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt7: " + rec.CustomInt7.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt8: " + rec.CustomInt8.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt9: " + rec.CustomInt9.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    //rec.SourceName = args.Source;
                    if (SendData(rec))
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
                catch (Exception e)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ERROR------------");
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.StackTrace);
            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");

                rec.LogName = "SymantecSmsSyslog Recorder";

                rec.EventCategory = "sms";
                rec.UserName = "******";

                rec.EventType = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();

                if (args.Message == "")
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Message is null.");

                String[] Desc = args.Message.Split(':');

                if (Desc.Length < 5)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Length of message too small: " + args.Message);

                for (Int32 i = 0; i < Desc.Length; ++i)
                    Desc[i] = Desc[i].Trim();

                rec.ComputerName = Desc[0] + ":" + Desc[1];
                rec.SourceName = args.Source;

                String[] dateArr = SpaceSplit(Desc[2].TrimStart(rec.SourceName.ToCharArray()));

                if (dateArr.Length < 3)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for datetime (text too small): " + args.Message);

                    StringBuilder dateString = new StringBuilder();
                    dateString.Append(dateArr[0]).Append(" ").Append(dateArr[1]).Append(" ").Append(DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()).Append(" ");
                    dateString.Append(dateArr[2]).Append(":").Append(Desc[3]).Append(":").Append(Desc[4].Substring(0, 2));
                    DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(dateString.ToString());
                    rec.Datetime = dt.AddMinutes(zone).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
                catch (Exception)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing datetime text: " + args.Message);

                    string codeText = Desc[4].Substring(2).Trim().TrimStart(rec.EventCategory.ToCharArray()).Trim();
                    if (codeText.Contains("[") && codeText.Contains("]"))
                        rec.CustomStr1 = codeText.Split('[')[0].Trim();
                        rec.CustomInt1 = int.Parse(codeText.Split('[')[1].Trim().Split(']')[0].Trim());
                        rec.CustomStr1 = Desc[4].Substring(2).Trim(); //.TrimStart(rec.EventCategory.ToCharArray()).Trim(); //codeText;
                        rec.CustomInt1 = 0;
                catch (Exception)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing code text: " + args.Message);

                int lastIndexForDesc = 5;
                if (Desc.Length > 5)
                    if (Desc[5].Contains("ML-HOST_DISCONNECTED"))
                            rec.UserName = "******";
                            rec.CustomInt2 = int.Parse(Desc[5].Split(']')[0].TrimStart('[').Trim());
                            rec.EventCategory = "ML-HOST_DISCONNECTED";
                            if (Desc[7].ToLower().Contains("disconnected"))
                                rec.CustomStr10 = Desc[6] + ":" + Desc[7].Split(' ')[0]; //disconnected from
                            lastIndexForDesc = 6;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown format for ML-HOST_DISCONNECTED: " + args.Message + " \nEx: " + ex.Message);
                    else if (Desc[5].Contains("ML-HOST_CONNECTED"))
                            rec.UserName = "******";
                            rec.CustomInt2 = int.Parse(Desc[5].Split(']')[0].TrimStart('[').Trim());
                            rec.EventCategory = "ML-HOST_CONNECTED";
                            if (Desc[7].ToLower().Contains("connected"))
                                rec.CustomStr10 = Desc[6] + ":" + Desc[7].Split(' ')[0]; //connected to
                            lastIndexForDesc = 6;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown format for ML-HOST_CONNECTED: " + args.Message + " \nEx: " + ex.Message);
                    else if (Desc[5].Contains("ML-RECEIVED"))
                        // : mail.info Jul 29 15:19:23 mail ecelerity: [18796] ML-RECEIVED_RECIPIENT: Message ID: E0/0C-18796-B45A23E4, Audit ID: c0a8010e-b7bc5ae00000496c-57-4e32a54bb662, recipient: [email protected]
                            rec.UserName = "******";
                            rec.CustomInt2 = int.Parse(Desc[5].Split(']')[0].TrimStart('[').Trim());
                            rec.EventCategory = "ML-RECEIVED";

                            if (Desc[6].Contains("Message ID") && Desc[7].Contains("Audit ID"))
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = Desc[8] + ":" + Desc[9].TrimEnd(", from host".ToCharArray()); //Received on
                                    if (Desc.Length > 10)
                                        rec.CustomStr10 = Desc[10] + ":" + Desc[11].TrimEnd(", sender".ToCharArray()); //from host
                                        rec.CustomStr4 = Desc[12].Split(',')[0]; //sender

                                        rec.CustomInt3 = int.Parse(Desc[13].TrimEnd(", Note".ToCharArray())); //size
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = Desc[8].TrimEnd(", from host".ToCharArray()); //Received on
                                    rec.CustomStr10 = Desc[9].TrimEnd(", sender".ToCharArray()); //from host
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = Desc[10].Split(',')[0]; //sender

                                    rec.CustomInt3 = int.Parse(Desc[11].TrimEnd(", Note".ToCharArray())); //size
                                    rec.CustomStr5 = Desc[7].Split(',')[0]; //Message ID
                                    rec.CustomStr6 = Desc[7].Split(',')[1].TrimStart("Audit ID".ToCharArray()).Trim(); //Audit ID
                            lastIndexForDesc = 6;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown format for ML-RECEIVED: " + args.Message + " \nEx: " + ex.Message);
                    else if (Desc[5].Contains("ML-REJECT"))
                            rec.UserName = "******";
                            rec.CustomInt2 = int.Parse(Desc[5].Split(']')[0].TrimStart('[').Trim());
                            rec.EventCategory = "ML-REJECT";

                            if (Desc[6].Contains("Rejection") && Desc[10].Contains("Audit ID"))
                                rec.CustomStr2 = Desc[7] + ":" + Desc[8].TrimEnd(", sent to host".ToCharArray()); //Rejection on
                                rec.CustomStr10 = Desc[9] + ":" + Desc[10].Split(',')[0] + (Desc[10].Split(',')[1].Contains("Audit ID") ? "" : Desc[10].Split(',')[1]); //sent to host
                                rec.CustomStr6 = Desc[10].Split(',')[1].Contains("Audit ID") ? Desc[10].Split(',')[1].TrimStart("Audit ID".ToCharArray()).Trim() : Desc[10].Split(',')[2].TrimStart("Audit ID".ToCharArray()).Trim(); //Audit ID
                            lastIndexForDesc = 6;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown format for ML-REJECT: " + args.Message + " \nEx: " + ex.Message);
                    else if (Desc[5].Contains("ML-DELIVERY_ATTEMPT"))
                            rec.UserName = "******";
                            rec.CustomInt2 = int.Parse(Desc[5].Split(']')[0].TrimStart('[').Trim());
                            rec.EventCategory = "ML-DELIVERY_ATTEMPT";

                            if (Desc[6].Contains("Message ID") && Desc[7].Contains("Audit ID"))
                                rec.CustomStr4 = Desc[8]; //sender

                                rec.CustomStr5 = Desc[7].Split(',')[0]; //Message ID
                                rec.CustomStr6 = Desc[7].Split(',')[1].TrimStart("Audit ID".ToCharArray()).Trim(); //Audit ID
                            lastIndexForDesc = 6;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown format for ML-DELIVERY_ATTEMPT: " + args.Message + " \nEx: " + ex.Message);
                    else if (Desc[5].Contains("ML-DELIVERY"))
                            rec.UserName = "******";
                            rec.CustomInt2 = int.Parse(Desc[5].Split(']')[0].TrimStart('[').Trim());
                            rec.EventCategory = "ML-DELIVERY";

                            if (Desc[6].Contains("Message ID") && Desc[7].Contains("Audit ID"))
                                rec.CustomStr10 = Desc[8].TrimEnd(", sender".ToCharArray()); //Delivery succeeded to host
                                rec.CustomStr4 = Desc[9].TrimEnd(", Note".ToCharArray()); //sender

                                rec.CustomStr5 = Desc[7].Split(',')[0]; //Message ID
                                rec.CustomStr6 = Desc[7].Split(',')[1].TrimStart("Audit ID".ToCharArray()).Trim(); //Audit ID
                            lastIndexForDesc = 6;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown format for ML-DELIVERY: " + args.Message + " \nEx: " + ex.Message);
                        if (Desc[5].Contains("|SOURCE|"))
                                rec.UserName = "******";
                                string[] descText = Desc[5].Split('|');
                                rec.EventCategory = "MESSAGE SOURCE";
                                rec.CustomStr5 = descText[0]; //Message ID
                                rec.CustomStr6 = descText[1]; //Audit ID
                                rec.CustomStr2 = descText[3]; //Mail Source (internal / external)
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown format for message SOURCE: " + args.Message + " \nEx: " + ex.Message);
                        else if (Desc[5].Contains("|ACCEPT|"))
                                rec.UserName = "******";
                                string[] descText = Desc[5].Split('|');
                                rec.EventCategory = "MESSAGE ACCEPT";
                                rec.CustomStr5 = descText[0]; //Message ID
                                rec.CustomStr6 = descText[1]; //Audit ID
                                rec.CustomStr2 = descText[3] + ":" + Desc[6]; // Mail Server IP Address
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown format for message ACCEPT: " + args.Message + " \nEx: " + ex.Message);
                        else if (Desc[5].Contains("|SUBJECT|"))
                                rec.UserName = "******";
                                string[] descText = Desc[5].Split('|');
                                rec.EventCategory = "MESSAGE SUBJECT";
                                rec.CustomStr5 = descText[0]; //Message ID
                                rec.CustomStr6 = descText[1]; //Audit ID
                                rec.CustomStr8 = descText[3]; // Subject Text
                                for (int i = 6; i < Desc.Length; i++)
                                    rec.CustomStr8 += ":" + Desc[i];
                                if (rec.CustomStr8.Length > 900)
                                    rec.CustomStr8 = rec.CustomStr8.Substring(0, 895) + "...";
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Subject length too long. Only 895 characters taken..");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown format for message SUBJECT: " + args.Message + " \nEx: " + ex.Message);
                        else if (Desc[5].Contains("|VERDICT|"))
                                rec.UserName = "******";
                                string[] descText = Desc[5].Split('|');
                                rec.EventCategory = "MESSAGE VERDICT";
                                rec.CustomStr5 = descText[0]; //Message ID
                                rec.CustomStr6 = descText[1]; //Audit ID
                                rec.CustomStr2 = descText[3]; // Mail address

                                for (int i = 4; i < descText.Length; i++)
                                    if (descText[i].Contains("@"))
                                    rec.CustomStr3 += descText[i] + "/";
                                rec.CustomStr3 = rec.CustomStr3.TrimEnd("/".ToCharArray()); // Verdict Text
                                if (rec.CustomStr3.Length > 900)
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(0, 895) + "...";
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Verdict length too long. Only 895 characters taken..");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown format for message VERDICT: " + args.Message + " \nEx: " + ex.Message);
                        else if (Desc[5].Contains("|IRCPTACTION|"))
                                rec.UserName = "******";
                                string[] descText = Desc[5].Split('|');
                                rec.EventCategory = "MESSAGE IRCPTACTION";
                                rec.CustomStr5 = descText[0]; //Message ID
                                rec.CustomStr6 = descText[1]; //Audit ID
                                for (int i = 3; i < descText.Length - 1; i++)
                                    rec.CustomStr2 += descText[i] + ",";
                                rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr2.TrimEnd(",".ToCharArray()); // Recipient Addresses
                                rec.CustomStr3 = descText[descText.Length - 1]; // Action
                                if (rec.CustomStr3.Length > 900)
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(0, 895) + "...";
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Action length too long. Only 895 characters taken..");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown format for message IRCPTACTION: " + args.Message + " \nEx: " + ex.Message);
                        else if (Desc[5].Contains("|DELIVER|"))

                                rec.UserName = "******";
                                string[] descText = args.Message.Split('|');
                                rec.EventCategory = "MESSAGE DELIVER";
                                rec.CustomStr5 = descText[descText.Length - 5].Split(':')[descText[descText.Length - 5].Split(':').Length - 1]; //Message ID
                                rec.CustomStr6 = descText[descText.Length - 4]; //Audit ID
                                rec.CustomStr2 = descText[descText.Length - 2]; // Mail Server IP Address
                                rec.CustomStr3 = descText[descText.Length - 1]; // Recipient Address

                                //rec.UserName = "******";
                                //string[] descText = Desc[5].Split('|');
                                //rec.EventCategory = "MESSAGE DELIVER";
                                //rec.CustomStr5 = descText[0]; //Message ID
                                //rec.CustomStr6 = descText[1]; //Audit ID
                                //rec.CustomStr2 = descText[3]; // Mail Server IP Address
                                //rec.CustomStr3 = descText[4]; // Recipient Address

                            catch (Exception ex)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown format for message DELIVER: " + args.Message + " \nEx: " + ex.Message);

                        else if (Desc[5].Contains("|SENDER|"))
                                rec.UserName = "******";
                                string[] descText = Desc[5].Split('|');
                                rec.EventCategory = "MESSAGE SENDER";
                                rec.CustomStr5 = descText[0]; //Message ID
                                rec.CustomStr6 = descText[1]; //Audit ID
                                if (descText[3] == "\\")
                                    if (descText.Length > 4)
                                        rec.CustomStr4 = descText[4]; // Sender Address
                                        rec.CustomStr4 = "\\"; // Sender Address
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = descText[3]; // Sender Address
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown format for message SENDER: " + args.Message + " \nEx: " + ex.Message);
                        else if (Desc[5].Contains("|ORCPTS|"))
                                rec.UserName = "******";
                                string[] descText = Desc[5].Split('|');
                                rec.EventCategory = "MESSAGE ORCPTS";
                                rec.CustomStr5 = descText[0]; //Message ID
                                rec.CustomStr6 = descText[1]; //Audit ID
                                for (int i = 3; i < descText.Length; i++)
                                    rec.CustomStr3 += descText[i] + ",";
                                rec.CustomStr3 = rec.CustomStr3.TrimEnd(",".ToCharArray()); // Recipient Addresses

                                if (rec.CustomStr3.Length >= 6300)
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(900, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(1800, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr8 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(2700, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr9 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(3600, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr10 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(4500, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(5400, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(0, 900);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Recipient length longer than 6300. Only 6300 characters taken and data has been shared among other table fields..");
                                else if (rec.CustomStr3.Length >= 5400)
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(900, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(1800, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr8 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(2700, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr9 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(3600, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr10 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(4500, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(5400, rec.CustomStr3.Length - 5400);
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(0, 900);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Recipient length longer than 5400. Data has been shared among other table fields..");
                                else if (rec.CustomStr3.Length >= 4500)
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(900, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(1800, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr8 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(2700, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr9 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(3600, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr10 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(4500, rec.CustomStr3.Length - 4500);
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(0, 900);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Recipient length longer than 4500. Data has been shared among other table fields.");
                                else if (rec.CustomStr3.Length >= 3600)
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(900, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(1800, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr8 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(2700, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr9 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(3600, rec.CustomStr3.Length - 3600);
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(0, 900);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Recipient length longer than 3600. Data has been shared among other table fields.");
                                else if (rec.CustomStr3.Length >= 2700)
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(900, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(1800, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr8 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(2700, rec.CustomStr3.Length - 2700);
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(0, 900);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Recipient length longer than 2700. Data has been shared among other table fields.");
                                else if (rec.CustomStr3.Length >= 1800)
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(900, 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(1800, rec.CustomStr3.Length - 1800);
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(0, 900);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Recipient length longer than 1800. Data has been shared among other table fields.");
                                else if (rec.CustomStr3.Length > 900)
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(900, rec.CustomStr3.Length - 900);
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(0, 900);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Recipient length longer than 900. Data has been shared among other table fields.");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown format for message ORCPTS: " + args.Message + " \nEx: " + ex.Message);
                        else if (Desc[5].Contains("|ATTACH|"))
                                rec.UserName = "******";
                                string[] descText = Desc[5].Split('|');
                                rec.EventCategory = "MESSAGE ATTACH";
                                rec.CustomStr5 = descText[0]; //Message ID
                                rec.CustomStr6 = descText[1]; //Audit ID
                                for (int i = 3; i < descText.Length; i++)
                                    rec.CustomStr3 += descText[i] + ",";
                                rec.CustomStr3 = rec.CustomStr3.TrimEnd(",".ToCharArray()); // Attached Documents
                                if (rec.CustomStr3.Length > 900)
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = rec.CustomStr3.Substring(0, 895) + "...";
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Attachment length too long. Only 895 characters taken..");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown format for message ATTACH: " + args.Message + " \nEx: " + ex.Message);
                            rec.UserName = "******";
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Just put in description column. Ignored format: " + args.Message);
                        lastIndexForDesc = 5;
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Just put in description column. Very short message: " + args.Message);
                    lastIndexForDesc = 5;

                for (int i = lastIndexForDesc; i < Desc.Length; i++)
                    rec.Description += Desc[i] + ":";
                rec.Description = rec.Description.TrimEnd(":".ToCharArray());
                if (rec.Description.Length > 900)
                    rec.Description = rec.Description.Substring(0, 900);

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");
                if (usingRegistry)
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                    s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");

            catch (Exception er)
                L.LogTimed(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
        void SlogSyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
                _log.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " SlogSyslogEvent() --> is STARTED");
                _log.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " SlogSyslogEvent() --> will parse data : " + args.Message);

                CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();
                rec.LogName = "MCAffeeUTMSyslogRecorder";
                rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
                rec.SourceName = args.Source;
                if (args.Message.Length > 895)
                    rec.Description = args.Message.Substring(0, 894);
                    rec.Description = args.Message;

                CoderParse(args.Message, ref rec);

                CustomServiceBase customServiceBase = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                customServiceBase.SetData(_dal, _virtualHost, rec);
                customServiceBase.SetReg(_id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);

                _log.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " SlogSyslogEvent() --> is succesfully FINISHED.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                _log.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, " SlogSyslogEvent() --> An error occurred : " + ex.ToString());
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Log Parsing is starte. Line is: " + args.Message);

            string line = args.Message;
            Rec rec = new Rec();

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                    rec.LogName = "TrendMicroInterScanWebGatewayV_1_0_0Recorder";
                    rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

                    string[] lineArr = line.Split(',');
                    string[] lineArrAlternate = SpaceSplit(line, false);

                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "lineArr: " + lineArr[i]);

                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArrAlternate.Length; i++)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "lineArrAlternate: " + lineArr[i]);

                    rec.EventCategory = lineArrAlternate[2];
                    rec.EventType = Between(lineArr[2], "]", "tk_username", 0);
                        DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(lineArr[1]);
                        rec.Datetime = dt.ToString(dateFormat);
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Datetime: " + rec.Datetime);

                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Datetime Convert error: " + exception.Message);

                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_username="******"tk_username="******"tk_username="******"UserName: "******"tk_protocol="))
                            rec.CustomStr5 = GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_protocol=");
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr5: " + rec.CustomStr5);

                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_uid="))
                            rec.CustomStr9 = GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_uid=");
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr9: " + rec.CustomStr9);

                        if (lineArrAlternate[2] == "local0.info")
                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_server="))
                                rec.ComputerName = GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_server=");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ComputerName: " + rec.ComputerName);

                            // : local0.info iwsva1.dpt.gov.tr: <Tue, 08 Oct 2013 14:32:16,EEST> [EVT_URL_ACCESS_TRACKING|LOG_INFO] Access tracking log tk_username=,tk_url=http://haber10.com/images/news/100x75/421378.jpg,tk_size=0,tk_date_field=2013-10-08 14:32:16+0300,tk_protocol=http,tk_mime_content=unknown/unknown,tk_server=iwsva1.dpt.gov.tr,tk_client_ip=,tk_server_ip=,tk_domain=haber10.com,tk_path=images/news/100x75/421378.jpg,tk_file_name=421378.jpg,tk_operation=GET,tk_uid=1159564668-d32bfc31cafb9b079c18,tk_category=46,tk_category_type=0

                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_operation="))
                                rec.CustomStr1 = GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_operation=");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr1: " + rec.CustomStr1);

                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_client_ip="))
                                rec.CustomStr3 = GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_client_ip=");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr3: " + rec.CustomStr3);

                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_server_ip="))
                                rec.CustomStr4 = GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_server_ip=");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr4: " + rec.CustomStr4);

                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_mime_content="))
                                rec.CustomStr6 = GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_mime_content=");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr6: " + rec.CustomStr6);

                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_domain="))
                                rec.CustomStr7 = GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_domain=");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr7: " + rec.CustomStr7);

                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_path="))
                                rec.CustomStr8 = GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_path=");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr8: " + rec.CustomStr8);

                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_url="))
                                rec.CustomStr10 = GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_url=");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr10: " + rec.CustomStr10);

                                if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_size="))
                                    rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_size="));
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt1: " + rec.CustomInt1);

                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt1 Type Casting Error: " + exception.Message);

                                if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_category="))
                                    rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_category="));
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt2: " + rec.CustomInt2);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt2 Type Casting Error: " + exception.Message);

                                if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_category_type="))
                                    rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_category_type="));
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt3: " + rec.CustomInt3);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt3 Type Casting Error: " + exception.Message);

                        if (lineArrAlternate[2] == "local0.critical")
                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_url="))
                                rec.CustomStr2 = GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_url=");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr2: " + rec.CustomStr2);

                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_scan_type="))
                                rec.CustomStr6 = GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_scan_type=");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr6: " + rec.CustomStr6);

                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_blocked_by="))
                                rec.CustomStr7 = GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_blocked_by=");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr7: " + rec.CustomStr7);

                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_rule_name"))
                                rec.CustomStr8 = GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_rule_name=");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr8: " + rec.CustomStr8);

                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_url="))
                                string sdf = GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_url=");
                                string sdfg = Between(sdf, "http://", "/", 0);
                                rec.CustomStr1 = Before(sdfg, "/", 0);

                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_category="))
                                rec.CustomStr10 = GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_category=");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr10: " + rec.CustomStr10);

                                if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_opp_id="))
                                    rec.CustomInt5 = Convert.ToInt32(GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_opp_id="));
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt5: " + rec.CustomInt5);

                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt5 Type Casting Error: " + exception.Message);

                                if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("tk_filter_action="))
                                    rec.CustomInt6 = Convert.ToInt32(GetValue(lineArr[i], "tk_filter_action="));
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt6: " + rec.CustomInt6);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt6 Type Casting Error: " + exception.Message);

                    if (line.Length > 899)
                        rec.Description = line.Substring(0, 899);

                        rec.Description = line;
                    rec.Description = rec.Description.Replace("'", "|");

                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Start sending Data: " + rec.UserName);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Start sending Data: " + rec.UserName);

                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                    s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);

                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Finish Sending Data");

                catch (Exception e)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ERROR------------");
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.StackTrace);

            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            var rec = new Rec();
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " Log : " + args.Message);

                    rec.LogName = "ZimbraMailSyslogV_1_0_0Recorder";
                    rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
                    var lineSb = new StringBuilder();
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " Decoding Line");
                    DecodeLine(lineSb, args.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " Decode Complete. Processing Line..");

                    var line = lineSb.ToString();
                    lineSb.Remove(0, lineSb.Length);

                    rec.Description = line;
                    if (rec.Description.Length > 900)
                        rec.Description = rec.Description.Substring(0, 900);

                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " Check Line match");
                    var m = RegInputLine.Match(line);
                    if (m.Success)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Line match Ok, split accordingly");
                        line = m.Groups[6].Value;

                        var i = line.IndexOf(": ");
                        rec.CustomStr1 = i > 0 ? line.Substring(0, i).Trim() : string.Empty;
                        rec.CustomStr2 = m.Groups[4].Value.Trim();

                        var msub = RegCategory.Match(m.Groups[5].Value);
                        rec.EventCategory = msub.Success ? msub.Groups[3].Value : m.Groups[5].Value;

                        msub = RegField.Match(line);
                        while (msub.Success)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Getting sub part value");
                            var value = GetMatchValue(msub, 3, 6, string.Empty).Trim();
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Sub Part: " + value);
                            switch (msub.Groups[1].Value)
                                case "to":
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = value;
                                case "from":
                                    rec.CustomStr5 = value;
                                case "size":
                                    if (rec.EventCategory != "cleanup")
                                        rec.CustomStr6 = value;
                                case "status":
                                    if (rec.EventCategory != "cleanup")
                                        rec.CustomStr7 = value;
                                case "relay":
                                    if (rec.EventCategory != "cleanup")
                                        rec.CustomStr8 = value;
                                case "nrcpt":
                                    rec.CustomStr9 = value;
                                case "delay":
                                    rec.CustomStr10 = value;
                                case "proto":
                                    if (rec.EventCategory == "cleanup")
                                        rec.CustomStr6 = value;
                                case "helo":
                                    if (rec.EventCategory == "cleanup")
                                        rec.CustomStr7 = value;
                            msub = msub.NextMatch();
                        if (rec.EventCategory == "cleanup")
                            msub = RegSubject.Match(line);
                            if (msub.Success)
                                rec.CustomStr3 = GetMatchValue(msub, 1, 1, string.Empty).Trim();
                                rec.CustomStr8 = GetMatchValue(msub, 3, 3, string.Empty).Trim();
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " No match. Insert in raw");
                catch (Exception e)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "ERROR------------");
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.StackTrace);

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");

                var customServiceBase = GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                customServiceBase.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                customServiceBase.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        public void SlogSquidSyslogRecorder(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Line Onur  : " + args.Message);
                CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();
                    rec.LogName = "SquidSyslogV_1_0_1Recorder";
                    string[] lineArr = SpaceSplit(args.Message, false);

                        DateTime dt;
                        string myDateTimeString = lineArr[4] + lineArr[3] + "," + DateTime.Now.Year + "," + lineArr[5];
                        dt = Convert.ToDateTime(myDateTimeString);
                        rec.Datetime = dt.ToString(dateFormat);
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Datetime: " + rec.Datetime);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Datetime Error. " + exception.ToString());

                    #region squid
                    if (lineArr.Length > 6 && lineArr[6].StartsWith("squid"))
                            if (lineArr.Length > 10)
                                if (lineArr[10].Contains("/"))
                                    rec.EventCategory = lineArr[10].Split('/')[0];
                                    rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(lineArr[10].Split('/')[1]);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventCategory: " + rec.EventCategory);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt1: " + rec.CustomInt1);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "EventCategory or CustomInt1 Error. " + exception.ToString());

                            if (lineArr.Length > 12)
                                rec.EventType = lineArr[12];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventType: " + rec.EventType);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "EventType Error. " + exception.ToString());

                            if (lineArr.Length > 0)
                                rec.ComputerName = lineArr[0];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ComputerName: " + rec.ComputerName);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "ComputerName Error. " + exception.ToString());

                            rec.CustomStr2 = lineArr[lineArr.Length - 1];
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr2: " + rec.CustomStr2);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr2 Error. " + exception.ToString());

                            if (lineArr.Length > 9)
                                rec.CustomStr3 = lineArr[9];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr3: " + rec.CustomStr3);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr3 Error. " + exception.ToString());

                            if (lineArr.Length > 15)
                                if (lineArr[15].Contains("/"))
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = lineArr[15].Split('/')[0];
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = lineArr[15].Split('/')[1];
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = lineArr[15];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr4: " + rec.CustomStr4);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr4 or CustomStr7 Error. " + exception.ToString());

                            if (lineArr.Length > 13 && lineArr[13].StartsWith("http"))
                                if (lineArr[13].StartsWith("http"))
                                    string s1 = After(lineArr[13], "://");
                                    string s2 = Before(s1, "/");
                                    rec.CustomStr8 = s2;
                                    rec.CustomStr9 = After(lineArr[13], s2);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr8: " + rec.CustomStr8);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr9: " + rec.CustomStr9);
                                    if (lineArr[13].Contains(":"))
                                        rec.CustomStr8 = lineArr[13].Split(':')[0];
                                        rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(lineArr[13].Split(':')[1]);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr8 or CustomStr9 Error. " + exception.ToString());
                    #region pf
                    else if (lineArr.Length > 6 && lineArr[6].StartsWith("pf"))
                            if (lineArr.Length > 13)
                                rec.SourceName = lineArr[13];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "SourceName: " + rec.SourceName);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "SourceName Error. " + exception.ToString());

                            if (lineArr.Length > 25)
                                rec.EventCategory = lineArr[25];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventCategory: " + rec.EventCategory);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "EventCategory Error. " + exception.ToString());

                            if (lineArr.Length > 10)
                                rec.EventType = lineArr[10];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventType: " + rec.EventType);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "EventType Error. " + exception.ToString());

                            if (lineArr.Length > 0)
                                rec.ComputerName = lineArr[0];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ComputerName : " + rec.ComputerName);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "ComputerName Error. " + exception.ToString());

                            if (lineArr.Length > 29)
                                rec.CustomStr3 = Before(lineArr[29], ".", 1);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr3 : " + rec.CustomStr3);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr3 Error. " + exception.ToString());

                            if (lineArr.Length > 31)
                                rec.CustomStr7 = Before(lineArr[31], ".", 1);
                                string int2 = After(lineArr[31], ".", 0).Replace(":", " ").Trim();
                                rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(int2);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr7: " + rec.CustomStr7);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr7 or CustomInt2 Error. " + exception.ToString());

                    if (args.Message.Length > 899)
                        rec.Description = args.Message.Substring(0, 899);
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr9: " + rec.CustomStr9);
                        rec.Description = args.Message;
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Log : " + args.Message);
                catch (Exception e)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "ERROR------------");
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.StackTrace);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");

                CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                rec.LogName = "CiscoPixSyslog Recorder";
                rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(zone).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
                rec.EventType = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();
                //rec.Description = args.Message;

                String[] Desc = args.Message.Split(':');

                if (args.Message == "")
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Message is null " + args.Message);

                if (Desc.Length < 6)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE,LogLevel.ERROR,"Error parsing message for 6: "+args.Message);

                for (Int32 i = 0; i < Desc.Length; ++i)
                    Desc[i] = Desc[i].Trim();

                //Parsing PIX
                //Remove %
                Desc[5] = Desc[5].TrimStart('%');
                String[] pixArr = Desc[5].Split('-');

                if(pixArr.Length < 2)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 2:" + args.Message);
                //rec.CustomStr4 = pixArr[0] + "-" + pixArr[1];

                //Common fields for all pix records
                //Parsing Date Field

                String [] dateArr = SpaceSplit(Desc[2]);
                if(dateArr.Length < 4)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 4: " + args.Message);

                StringBuilder dateString = new StringBuilder();
                dateString.Append(dateArr[1]).Append(" ").Append(dateArr[2]).Append(" ").Append(dateArr[3]).Append(" ");
                DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(dateString.ToString());
                rec.Datetime = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

                //Uncommon fields for all pix records
                //Now Parse with id
                rec.EventId = Convert.ToInt64(pixArr[2]);
                switch (pixArr[2])
                    case "106001"://Untested
                            String[] arrInbound = Desc[6].Split(' ');

                            Int32 firstIp = 0;
                            Int32 secondIp = 0;
                            bool first = true;

                            for (Int32 i = 0; i < arrInbound.Length; i++)
                                if (arrInbound[i].Contains("/"))
                                    if (first)
                                        firstIp = i;
                                        first = false;
                                        secondIp = i;


                            StringBuilder customStr2 = new StringBuilder();
                            for (Int32 i = 0; i < firstIp; i++)
                                customStr2.Append(arrInbound[i]).Append(" ");

                            rec.CustomStr2 = customStr2.ToString().Trim();

                            StringBuilder customStr4 = new StringBuilder();
                            for (Int32 i = firstIp + 1; i < secondIp; i++)
                                customStr4.Append(arrInbound[i]).Append(" ");

                            rec.CustomStr7 = customStr4.ToString().Trim();

                            String[] arrInboundIp = arrInbound[firstIp].Split('/');

                            rec.CustomStr3 = arrInboundIp[0];
                            rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(arrInboundIp[1]);

                            StringBuilder customStr6 = new StringBuilder();
                            for (Int32 i = secondIp + 1; i < arrInbound.Length; i++)
                                customStr6.Append(arrInbound[i]).Append(" ");

                            rec.Description = customStr6.ToString().Trim();

                            String[] arrInboundDescIp = arrInbound[secondIp].Split('/');
                            rec.CustomStr6 = arrInboundDescIp[0];
                            rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(arrInboundDescIp[1]);

                        } break;

                    case "106015":
                    case "302020":
                    case "302021":
                            String[] arrInbound = Desc[6].Split(' ');

                            Int32 firstIp = 0;
                            Int32 secondIp = 0;
                            bool first = true;

                            for (Int32 i = 0; i < arrInbound.Length; i++)
                                if (arrInbound[i].Contains("/"))
                                    if (first)
                                        firstIp = i;
                                        first = false;
                                        secondIp = i;


                            StringBuilder customStr2 = new StringBuilder();
                            for (Int32 i = 0; i < firstIp; i++)
                                customStr2.Append(arrInbound[i]).Append(" ");

                            rec.CustomStr2 = customStr2.ToString().Trim();

                            StringBuilder customStr4 = new StringBuilder();
                            for (Int32 i = firstIp + 1; i < secondIp; i++)
                                customStr4.Append(arrInbound[i]).Append(" ");

                            rec.CustomStr4 = customStr4.ToString().Trim();

                            String[] arrInboundIp = arrInbound[firstIp].Split('/');

                            rec.CustomStr3 = arrInboundIp[0];
                            rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(arrInboundIp[1]);

                            StringBuilder customStr6 = new StringBuilder();
                            for (Int32 i = secondIp + 1; i < arrInbound.Length; i++)
                                customStr6.Append(arrInbound[i]).Append(" ");

                            rec.Description = customStr6.ToString().Trim();

                            String[] arrInboundDescIp = arrInbound[secondIp].Split('/');
                            rec.CustomStr5 = arrInboundDescIp[0];
                            rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(arrInboundDescIp[1]);

                        } break;
            /*                        {
                            String[] arrDenyInbound = Desc[6].Split(' ');

                            Int32 firstIpDenyInbound = 0;
                            Int32 secondIpDenyInbound = 0;
                            bool firstDenyInbound = true;

                            for (Int32 i = 0; i < arrDenyInbound.Length; i++)
                                if (arrDenyInbound[i].Contains("/"))
                                    if (firstDenyInbound)
                                        firstIpDenyInbound = i;
                                        firstDenyInbound = false;
                                        secondIpDenyInbound = i;


                            StringBuilder customStr2DenyInbound = new StringBuilder();
                            for (Int32 i = 0; i < firstIpDenyInbound; i++)
                                customStr2DenyInbound.Append(arrDenyInbound[i]).Append(" ");

                            rec.CustomStr2 = customStr2DenyInbound.ToString().Trim();

                            StringBuilder customStr4 = new StringBuilder();
                            for (Int32 i = firstIpDenyInbound + 1; i < secondIpDenyInbound; i++)
                                customStr4.Append(arrDenyInbound[i]).Append(" ");

                            rec.CustomStr4 = customStr4.ToString().Trim();

                            String[] arrDenyInboundIp = arrDenyInbound[firstIpDenyInbound].Split('/');

                            rec.CustomStr3 = arrDenyInboundIp[0];
                            rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDenyInboundIp[1]);

                            StringBuilder customStr6 = new StringBuilder();
                            for (Int32 i = secondIpDenyInbound + 1; i < arrDenyInbound.Length; i++)
                                customStr6.Append(arrDenyInbound[i]).Append(" ");

                            rec.Description = customStr6.ToString().Trim();

                            String[] arrDenyInboundDescIp = arrDenyInbound[secondIpDenyInbound].Split('/');
                            rec.CustomStr6 = arrDenyInboundDescIp[0];
                            rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDenyInboundDescIp[1]);

                    case "106021":
                            String[] arrDeny = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                            rec.CustomStr3 = arrDeny[6];
                            rec.CustomStr6 = arrDeny[8];

                            StringBuilder sbTempDeny = new StringBuilder();

                            for (Int32 i = 1; i < arrDeny.Length; i++)
                                if (i != 6 && i != 8)
                                    sbTempDeny.Append(" ");

                            rec.CustomStr2 = sbTempDeny.ToString().Trim();
                    case "106006":
                            String[] arrDeny = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                            String[] arrDenyIp = arrDeny[4].Split('/');

                            rec.CustomStr3 = arrDenyIp[0];
                            if (arrDenyIp.Length > 1)
                                rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDenyIp[1]);

                            String[] arrDenyDescIp = arrDeny[6].Split('/');

                            StringBuilder sbTempDeny = new StringBuilder();

                            for (Int32 i = 1; i < arrDeny.Length; i++)
                                if (i != 4 && i != 6)
                                    sbTempDeny.Append(" ");

                            rec.CustomStr2 = sbTempDeny.ToString().Trim();

                            rec.CustomStr6 = arrDenyDescIp[0];
                            if (arrDenyDescIp.Length > 1)
                                rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDenyDescIp[1]);

                    case "106007":
                            String[] arrDeny = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                            StringBuilder sbTempDeny = new StringBuilder();
                            for (Int32 i = 1; i < arrDeny.Length; i++)
                                if(i!=4 && i!=6)
                                    sbTempDeny.Append(arrDeny[i]).Append(" ");
                            rec.CustomStr2 = sbTempDeny.ToString().Trim();
                            String[] arrDeny2 = arrDeny[6].Split('/');
                            String[] arrDeny3 = arrDeny[4].Split('/');
                            rec.CustomStr6 = arrDeny2[0];
                            rec.CustomStr3 = arrDeny3[0];
                            if (arrDeny2.Length > 1)
                                rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDeny2[1]);
                            if (arrDeny3.Length > 1)
                                rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDeny3[1]);


                      case "106017":
                                String[] arrDeny = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                                for (Int32 i = 1; i < 6; i++)
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr2 + arrDeny[i];
                                rec.CustomStr3 = arrDeny[7];
                                rec.CustomStr5 = arrDeny[9];
                            catch (Exception e)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 106023:" + args.Message);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.ToString());
                    case "710003":
                            //Desc[6] = TCP access denied by ACL from to outside
                            //Desc[7] =
                                String[] spSplit = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                                String[] destIp = Desc[7].Trim().Split('/');
                                String[] srcIp = spSplit[6].Split('/');
                                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                                rec.CustomStr3 = srcIp[0];
                                rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(srcIp[1]);
                                rec.CustomStr6 = destIp[0];
                                rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(destIp[1]);
                                rec.CustomStr7 = spSplit[7] + spSplit[8];
                                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                                rec.CustomStr2 = sb.ToString();

                            catch (Exception e)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, Desc[5] + Desc[6]);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.ToString());
              case "106016":
              case "106014":
                    case "106023":
                                rec.CustomStr2 = Desc[6];
                                String[] arrDeny = Desc[7].Split(' ');
                                String[] arrDenyIp = arrDeny[0].Split('/');

                                rec.CustomStr3 = arrDenyIp[0];
                                if(arrDenyIp.Length > 1)
                                rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDenyIp[1]);

                                String[] arrDenyDesc = Desc[8].Split(' ');
                                String[] arrDenyDescIp = arrDenyDesc[0].Split('/');

                                StringBuilder sbTempDeny = new StringBuilder();
                                sbTempDeny.Append(rec.CustomStr2).Append(" ");
                                for (Int32 i = 1; i < arrDeny.Length; i++)
                                    sbTempDeny.Append(arrDeny[i]).Append(" ");
                                rec.CustomStr2 = sbTempDeny.ToString().Trim();
                                rec.CustomStr6 = arrDenyDescIp[0];
                                if(arrDenyDescIp.Length > 1)
                                rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDenyDescIp[1]);

                                StringBuilder sbTempDescDeny = new StringBuilder();
                                sbTempDescDeny.Append(rec.CustomStr2).Append(" ");
                                for (Int32 i = 1; i < arrDenyDesc.Length; ++i)
                                    sbTempDescDeny.Append(arrDenyDesc[i]).Append(" ");
                                sbTempDescDeny.Remove(sbTempDescDeny.Length - 1, 1);
                                rec.CustomStr2 = sbTempDescDeny.ToString();

                            catch (Exception e)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 106023:" + args.Message);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.ToString());
                    case "715001":
                            String[] x1 = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                            String[] x2 = Desc[7].Split('/');

                                //CustomStr7 is -->  to outside || to inside
                                //CustomStr3 --> SourceIP
                                //CustomInt1 is --> SourcePort
                                if (x1.Length > 5)
                                    StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder();
                                    desc.Append(' ');
                                    desc.Append(' ');
                                    desc.Append(' ');
                                    String[] part1 = x1[4].Split('/');
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = part1[0];
                                    rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(part1[1]);
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = desc.ToString();
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = x1[5] + x1[6];

                                if (x2.Length > 2)
                                    //CustomStr6 --> DestIP
                                    //CustomInt6 is --> DestPort
                                    String[] part2 = x2[0].Split('/');
                                    rec.CustomStr6 = part2[0];
                                    if (part2.Length > 1)
                                        rec.CustomInt6 = Convert.ToInt32(part2[1].Trim());

                    case "305009":
                            String[] x1 = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                            String[] x2 = Desc[7].Split(' ');

                                if (x1.Length > 4)
                                    StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder();
                                    desc.Append(' ');
                                    desc.Append(' ');
                                    desc.Append(' ');
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = desc.ToString();
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = x1[4];

                                if (x2.Length > 2)
                                    String[] part2 = x2[0].Split('/');
                                    StringBuilder dest = new StringBuilder();
                                    for (int k = 1; k < x2.Length; k++)
                                    //CustomStr7 is -->  to outside || to inside
                                    //CustomStr3 --> SourceIP
                                    //CustomInt1 is --> SourcePort
                                    rec.CustomStr7 += dest.ToString();
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = part2[0].Trim();
                                    if (part2.Length > 1)
                                        rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(part2[1].Trim());

                                //CustomStr6 --> DestIP
                                //CustomInt6 is --> DestPort
                                rec.CustomStr6 = Desc[8].ToString();

                    case "302015"://Tested

                            String[] arrInbound = Desc[6].Split(':');
                            String[] x1 = null;
                            String[] x2 = null;
                            String[] x3 = null;
                            if (arrInbound.Length > 2)
                                x1 = arrInbound[0].Trim().Split(' ');
                                x2 = arrInbound[1].Trim().Split(' ');
                                x3 = arrInbound[2].Trim().Split(' ');
                            else if (arrInbound.Length == 1 && Desc.Length > 7)
                                x1 = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                                x2 = Desc[7].Split(' ');
                                x3 = Desc[8].Split(' ');
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 302015:" + args.Message);
                            //CustomStr --> Description Ex:Built Outbound TCP Connection
                            //CustomInt2 --> SessionID
                            //CustomStr7 --> to outside || to inside
                                if (x1.Length > 6)
                                    StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder();
                                    desc.Append(' ');
                                    desc.Append(' ');
                                    desc.Append(' ');
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = desc.ToString();
                                    rec.CustomStr1 = x1[4].Trim();
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = x1[6];

                                if (x2.Length > 2)
                                    String[] part2 = x2[0].Split('/');
                                    String[] part2dest = x2[1].Trim('(', ')').Split('/');
                                    StringBuilder dest = new StringBuilder();
                                    for (int k = 2; k < x2.Length; k++)
                                    //CustomStr7 is -->  to outside || to inside
                                    //CustomStr3 --> SourceIP
                                    //CustomStr4 --> XSourceIP
                                    //CustomInt1 and CustomInt4 is --> SourcePort and XsourcePort
                                    rec.CustomStr7 += dest.ToString();
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = part2[0].Trim();
                                    if (part2.Length > 1)
                                        rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(part2[1].Trim());
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = part2dest[0].Trim();
                                    rec.CustomInt4 = Convert.ToInt32(part2dest[1].Trim());

                                if (x3.Length > 1)
                                    //CustomStr6 --> DestIP
                                    //CustomStr5 --> XDestIP
                                    //CustomInt6 and CustomInt5 is --> DestPort and XDestePort
                                    String[] part3 = x3[0].Split('/');
                                    String[] part3dest = x3[1].Trim('(', ')').Split('/');
                                    rec.CustomStr6 = part3[0].Trim();
                                    if (part3.Length > 1)
                                        rec.CustomInt6 = Convert.ToInt32(part3[1].Trim());
                                    rec.CustomStr5 = part3dest[0].Trim();
                                    rec.CustomInt5 = Convert.ToInt32(part3dest[1].Trim());

                            catch (Exception e)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 302015:" + args.Message);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.ToString());

                    case "302013":

                            String[] arrInbound = Desc[6].Split(':');
                            String[] x1 = null;
                            String[] x2 = null;
                            String[] x3 = null;
                            if (arrInbound.Length > 2)
                                x1 = arrInbound[0].Trim().Split(' ');
                                x2 = arrInbound[1].Trim().Split(' ');
                                x3 = arrInbound[2].Trim().Split(' ');
                            else if (arrInbound.Length == 1 && Desc.Length > 7)
                                x1 = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                                x2 = Desc[7].Split(' ');
                                x3 = Desc[8].Split(' ');
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 302013:" + args.Message);
                            //CustomStr --> Description Ex:Built Outbound TCP Connection
                            //CustomInt2 --> SessionID
                            //CustomStr7 --> to outside || to inside
                                if (x1.Length > 6)
                                    StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder();
                                    desc.Append(' ');
                                    desc.Append(' ');
                                    desc.Append(' ');
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = desc.ToString();
                                    rec.CustomStr1 = x1[4].Trim();
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = x1[6];

                                if (x2.Length > 2)
                                    String[] part2 = x2[0].Split('/');
                                    String[] part2dest = x2[1].Trim('(', ')').Split('/');
                                    StringBuilder dest = new StringBuilder();
                                    for (int k = 2; k < x2.Length; k++)
                                    //CustomStr7 is -->  to outside || to inside
                                    //CustomStr6 --> DestIP
                                    //CustomStr5 --> XDestIP
                                    //CustomInt6 and CustomInt5 is --> DestPort and XDestePort
                                    rec.CustomStr7 += dest.ToString();
                                    //rec.CustomStr3 = part2[0].Trim();
                                    rec.CustomStr6 = part2[0].Trim();
                                    if (part2.Length > 1)
                                        rec.CustomInt6 = Convert.ToInt32(part2[1].Trim());
                                    //rec.CustomStr4 = part2dest[0].Trim();
                                    rec.CustomStr5 = part2dest[0].Trim();
                                    rec.CustomInt5 = Convert.ToInt32(part2dest[1].Trim());

                                if (x3.Length > 1)
                                    //CustomStr3 --> SourceIP
                                    //CustomStr4 --> XSourceIP
                                    //CustomInt1 and CustomInt4 is --> SourcePort and XsourcePort
                                    String[] part3 = x3[0].Split('/');
                                    String[] part3dest = x3[1].Trim('(', ')').Split('/');
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = part3[0].Trim();
                                    if (part3.Length > 1)
                                        rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(part3[1].Trim());
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = part3dest[0].Trim();
                                    rec.CustomInt4 = Convert.ToInt32(part3dest[1].Trim());

                            catch (Exception e)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 302013:" + args.Message);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.ToString());

                    case "305010":
                    case "302016":
                    case "302014":

                            String[] arrInbound = Desc[6].Split(':');
                            String[] x1 = null;
                            String[] x2 = null;
                            String[] x3 = null;
                            String[] x5 = null;
                            if (arrInbound.Length > 4)
                                x1 = arrInbound[0].Trim().Split(' ');
                                x2 = arrInbound[1].Trim().Split(' ');
                                x3 = arrInbound[2].Trim().Split(' ');
                                x5 = arrInbound[4].Trim().Split(' ');
                            else if (arrInbound.Length == 1 && Desc.Length > 10)
                                x1 = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                                x2 = Desc[7].Split(' ');
                                x3 = Desc[8].Split(' ');
                                x5 = Desc[10].Split(' ');
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 302014:" + args.Message);
                            //CustomStr2 --> Description Ex:Built Outbound TCP Connection
                            //CustomInt2 --> SessionID
                            //CustomStr7 --> to outside || to inside

                                if (x1.Length > 4)
                                    StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder();
                                    desc.Append(' ');
                                    desc.Append(' ');
                                    desc.Append(' ');
                                    if (x5.Length > 4)
                                        desc.Append(' ');
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = desc.ToString();

                                    if (x1.Length > 5)
                                        rec.CustomStr7 = x1[5];
                                        rec.CustomStr1 = x1[3].Trim();
                                        rec.CustomStr7 = x1[4];


                                if (x2.Length > 2)
                                    String[] part2 = x2[0].Split('/');
                                    StringBuilder dest = new StringBuilder();
                                    for (int k = 1; k < x2.Length; k++)
                                    //CustomStr7 is -->  to outside || to inside
                                    //CustomStr3 --> SourceIP

                                    //CustomInt1 and CustomInt4 is --> SourcePort and XsourcePort
                                    rec.CustomStr7 += dest.ToString();
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = part2[0];
                                    if (part2.Length > 1)
                                        rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(part2[1].Trim());

                                if (x3.Length > 2 && x5.Length > 2)
                                    //CustomStr6 --> DestIP
                                    //CustomStr8 --> Duration
                                    //CustomInt6 --> DestPort
                                    //CustomInt7 --> Bytes
                                    //CustomStr4 is Reset-O
                                    String[] part3 = x3[0].Split('/');
                                    rec.CustomStr6 = part3[0];
                                    rec.CustomInt6 = Convert.ToInt32(part3[1].Trim());
                                    StringBuilder duration = new StringBuilder();
                                    rec.CustomStr8 = duration.ToString();
                                    if(x5.Length > 4)
                                    rec.CustomInt7 = Convert.ToInt32(x5[2]);

                            catch (Exception e)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 302014:" + args.Message);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.ToString());

                    case "609001":

                                //Parsing description
                                //CustomStr3 --> localhost
                                //CUstomStr6 --> Dest
                                String[] arrAccess = Desc[6].Split(':');
                                if (arrAccess.Length > 1)
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = arrAccess[0].Split(' ')[1];
                                    rec.CustomStr6 = arrAccess[1];
                                else if (Desc.Length > 7)
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = Desc[6].Split(' ')[1];
                                    rec.CustomStr6 = Desc[7];
                                    rec.Description = args.Message;
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 609001 -insert into description-:" + args.Message);
                                rec.Description = Desc[6];
                                if (Desc.Length > 7)
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = Desc[6] +' '+  Desc[7];
                            catch (Exception e)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 609001:" + args.Message);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.ToString());

                        } break;
                    case "609002":

                                //Parsing description
                                //CustomStr3 --> localhost
                                //CUstomStr6 --> Dest
                                //CustomStr8 --> Duration
                                String[] arrAccess = Desc[6].Split(':');
                                StringBuilder input = new StringBuilder();

                                if (arrAccess.Length < 4)
                                    if (Desc.Length > 9)

                                        arrAccess = input.ToString().Split(':');
                                        rec.Description = args.Message;
                                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 609002 -insert into description-:" + args.Message);
                                StringBuilder duration = new StringBuilder();
                                rec.CustomStr3 = arrAccess[0].Split(' ')[1];
                                rec.CustomStr6 = arrAccess[1].Split(' ')[0];
                                duration.Append(arrAccess[1].Split(' ')[2]);
                                rec.CustomStr8 = duration.ToString();
                                rec.Description = Desc[6];
                                rec.CustomStr2 = input.ToString();
                            catch (Exception e)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 609002:" + args.Message);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.ToString());

                        } break;

                    case "305011"://Tested
                    case "305012"://Tested
                            rec.CustomStr2 = Desc[6].Trim();
                            Desc[7] += ":";
                            for (Int32 i = 8; i < Desc.Length; i++)
                                Desc[7] += Desc[i] + ":";
                            Desc[7] = Desc[7].TrimEnd(':');

                            String[] arrInbound = Desc[7].Split(' ');

                            Int32 firstIp = 0;
                            Int32 secondIp = 0;
                            bool first = true;

                            for (Int32 i = 0; i < arrInbound.Length; i++)
                                if (arrInbound[i].Contains("/") && !arrInbound[i].Contains("("))
                                    if (first)
                                        firstIp = i;
                                        first = false;
                                        secondIp = i;

                            StringBuilder customStr4 = new StringBuilder();
                            for (Int32 i = firstIp + 1; i < secondIp; i++)
                                customStr4.Append(arrInbound[i]).Append(" ");

                            rec.CustomStr4 = customStr4.ToString().Trim();

                            String[] arrInboundIp = arrInbound[firstIp].Split('/');
                            if (arrInboundIp[0].Contains(":"))
                                String[] DescIpSplit = arrInboundIp[0].Split(':');
                                rec.CustomStr2 += " " + DescIpSplit[0];
                                rec.CustomStr3 = DescIpSplit[1];
                                rec.CustomStr3 = arrInboundIp[0];
                            rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(arrInboundIp[1]);

                            StringBuilder customStr6 = new StringBuilder();
                            for (Int32 i = secondIp + 1; i < arrInbound.Length; i++)
                                customStr6.Append(arrInbound[i]).Append(" ");

                            rec.Description = customStr6.ToString().Trim();

                            String[] arrInboundDescIp = arrInbound[secondIp].Split('/');
                            if (arrInboundDescIp[0].Contains(":"))
                                String[] DescIpSplit = arrInboundDescIp[0].Split(':');
                                rec.CustomStr4 += " " + DescIpSplit[0];
                                rec.CustomStr6 = DescIpSplit[1];
                                rec.CustomStr6 = arrInboundDescIp[0];
                            rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(arrInboundDescIp[1]);

                        } break;
                    case "304001":
                            StringBuilder sbTemp = new StringBuilder();
                            //Parsing description
                            String[] arrAccess = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                            for (Int32 i = 1; i < arrAccess.Length; ++i)
                                sbTemp.Append(arrAccess[i]).Append(' ');
                            sbTemp.Remove(sbTemp.Length - 1, 1);

                            rec.CustomStr5 = arrAccess[0];
                            rec.Description = sbTemp.ToString();

                        } break;
                    case "419001":
                        rec.CustomStr2 = Desc[6];
                        String[] arrDrop = Desc[7].Split(' ');
                        String[] arrDropIp = arrDrop[0].Split('/');

                        rec.CustomStr3 = arrDropIp[0];
                        rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDropIp[1]);

                        String[] arrDropDesc = Desc[8].Split(',');
                        String[] arrDropDescIp = arrDropDesc[0].Split('/');
                        StringBuilder sbTempDrop = new StringBuilder();
                        rec.CustomStr7 = sbTempDrop.ToString();
                        rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDropDescIp[1]);

                        StringBuilder sbTempDescDrop = new StringBuilder();
                        for (Int32 i = 1; i < arrDropDesc.Length; ++i)
                            sbTempDescDrop.Append(arrDropDesc[i]).Append(" ");
                        if (sbTempDescDrop.Length > 0)
                            sbTempDescDrop.Remove(sbTempDescDrop.Length - 1, 1);
                        rec.Description = sbTempDescDrop.ToString();

                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "No match for the mesage: "+args.Message);
                        rec.Description = args.Message;
                rec.SourceName = args.Source;
                // Fields are changed like other firewall for standartization

                string backup = null;
                backup = rec.CustomStr4;
                rec.CustomStr4 = rec.CustomStr6;
                rec.CustomStr6 = rec.CustomStr5;
                rec.CustomStr5 = backup;

                int bakcup = 0;
                rec.CustomInt2 = rec.CustomInt1;
                rec.CustomInt1 = rec.CustomInt3;
                rec.CustomInt3 = bakcup;

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");
                if (usingRegistry)
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    s.SetData(Dal,virtualhost, rec);
                    s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "","", "",rec.Datetime);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");

            catch (Exception er)
                L.LogTimed(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.LogTimed(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR,args.Message);
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Log is :" + args.Message);
                rec.LogName = "CiscoPixSyslog Recorder";
                rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(zone).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
                rec.EventType = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();
                //rec.Description = args.Message;

                String[] Desc = args.Message.Split(':');

                if (Desc.Length < 5)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE,LogLevel.ERROR,"Error parsing message: "+args.Message);

                for (Int32 i = 0; i < Desc.Length; ++i)
                    Desc[i] = Desc[i].Trim();

                //Parsing PIX
                //Remove %

                //Desc[2] = Desc[2].TrimStart('%');
                String[] pixArr = Desc[3].Split('-');

                if(pixArr.Length < 2)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message: " + args.Message);

                rec.CustomStr10 = Desc[0].Trim();
                rec.CustomStr9 = Desc[1].Trim();

                //Common fields for all pix records
                //Parsing Date Field

                ////if(dateArr.Length < 4)
                ////    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message: " + args.Message);
                ////    return;

                //StringBuilder dateString = new StringBuilder();

                //DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(dateString.ToString());
                //rec.Datetime = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
                rec.EventType = pixArr[2];
                //Uncommon fields for all pix records
                //Now Parse with id
                //switch (pixArr[2])
                //    case "106001"://Untested
                //        {
                //        rec.CustomStr3 = Desc[6];
                //        String[] arrInbound = Desc[7].Split(' ');
                //        String[] arrInboundIp = arrInbound[0].Split('/');

                //        rec.CustomStr5 = arrInboundIp[0];
                //        rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(arrInboundIp[1]);

                //        String[] arrInboundDesc = Desc[8].Split(' ');
                //        String[] arrInboundDescIp = arrInboundDesc[0].Split('/');
                //        StringBuilder sbTempInbound = new StringBuilder();
                //        sbTempInbound.Append(arrInbound[2]).Append(":").Append(arrInboundDescIp[0]);
                //        rec.CustomStr6 = sbTempInbound.ToString();
                //        rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(arrInboundDescIp[1]);

                //        StringBuilder sbTempDescInbound = new StringBuilder();
                //        for (Int32 i = 1; i < arrInboundDesc.Length; ++i)
                //        {
                //            sbTempDescInbound.Append(arrInboundDesc[i]).Append(" ");
                //        }
                //        if (sbTempDescInbound.Length > 0)
                //            sbTempDescInbound.Remove(sbTempDescInbound.Length - 1, 1);
                //        rec.Description = sbTempDescInbound.ToString();
                //        } break;
                //    case "106006"://Untested
                //        {
                //            rec.CustomStr3 = Desc[6];
                //            String[] arrDenyTcp = Desc[7].Split(' ');
                //            String[] arrDenyTcpIp = arrDenyTcp[0].Split('/');

                //            rec.CustomStr5 = arrDenyTcpIp[0];
                //            rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDenyTcpIp[1]);

                //            String[] arrDenyTcpDesc = Desc[8].Split(' ');
                //            String[] arrDenyTcpDescIp = arrDenyTcpDesc[0].Split('/');
                //            StringBuilder sbTempDenyTcp = new StringBuilder();
                //            sbTempDenyTcp.Append(arrDenyTcp[2]).Append(":").Append(arrDenyTcpDescIp[0]);
                //            rec.CustomStr6 = sbTempDenyTcp.ToString();
                //            rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDenyTcpDescIp[1]);

                //            StringBuilder sbTempDescDenyTcp = new StringBuilder();
                //            for (Int32 i = 1; i < arrDenyTcpDesc.Length; ++i)
                //            {
                //                sbTempDescDenyTcp.Append(arrDenyTcpDesc[i]).Append(" ");
                //            }
                //            if (sbTempDescDenyTcp.Length > 0)
                //                sbTempDescDenyTcp.Remove(sbTempDescDenyTcp.Length - 1, 1);
                //            rec.Description = sbTempDescDenyTcp.ToString();
                //        } break;
                //    case "106023":
                //        {
                //            rec.CustomStr3 = Desc[6];
                //            String[] arrDeny = Desc[7].Split(' ');
                //            String[] arrDenyIp = arrDeny[0].Split('/');

                //            rec.CustomStr5 = arrDenyIp[0];
                //            rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDenyIp[1]);

                //            String[] arrDenyDesc = Desc[8].Split(' ');
                //            String[] arrDenyDescIp = arrDenyDesc[0].Split('/');
                //            StringBuilder sbTempDeny = new StringBuilder();
                //            sbTempDeny.Append(arrDeny[1]).Append(" ").Append(arrDeny[2]).Append(":").Append(arrDenyDescIp[0]);
                //            rec.CustomStr6 = sbTempDeny.ToString();
                //            rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDenyDescIp[1]);

                //            StringBuilder sbTempDescDeny = new StringBuilder();
                //            for (Int32 i = 1; i < arrDenyDesc.Length; ++i)
                //            {
                //                sbTempDescDeny.Append(arrDenyDesc[i]).Append(" ");
                //            }
                //            sbTempDescDeny.Remove(sbTempDescDeny.Length - 1, 1);
                //            rec.Description = sbTempDescDeny.ToString();
                //        } break;
                //    case "304001":
                //        {
                //            StringBuilder sbTemp = new StringBuilder();
                //            //Parsing description
                //            String[] arrAccess = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                //            for (Int32 i = 1; i < arrAccess.Length; ++i)
                //            {
                //                sbTemp.Append(arrAccess[i]).Append(' ');
                //            }
                //            sbTemp.Remove(sbTemp.Length - 1, 1);
                //            sbTemp.Append(':').Append(Desc[7]);

                //            rec.CustomStr5 = arrAccess[0];
                //            rec.Description = sbTemp.ToString();

                //        } break;
                //    case "419001":
                //        {
                //            rec.CustomStr3 = Desc[6];
                //            String[] arrDrop = Desc[7].Split(' ');
                //            String[] arrDropIp = arrDrop[0].Split('/');

                //            rec.CustomStr5 = arrDropIp[0];
                //            rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDropIp[1]);

                //            String[] arrDropDesc = Desc[8].Split(' ');
                //            String[] arrDropDescIp = arrDropDesc[0].Split('/');
                //            StringBuilder sbTempDrop = new StringBuilder();
                //            sbTempDrop.Append(arrDrop[2]).Append(":").Append(arrDropDescIp[0]);
                //            rec.CustomStr6 = sbTempDrop.ToString();
                //            rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDropDescIp[1]);

                //            StringBuilder sbTempDescDrop = new StringBuilder();
                //            for (Int32 i = 1; i < arrDropDesc.Length; ++i)
                //            {
                //                sbTempDescDrop.Append(arrDropDesc[i]).Append(" ");
                //            }
                //            if (sbTempDescDrop.Length > 0)
                //                sbTempDescDrop.Remove(sbTempDescDrop.Length - 1, 1);
                //            rec.Description = sbTempDescDrop.ToString();
                //        } break;
                //    default:
                //        rec.Description = args.Message;
                //        break;
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
                    case "304001"://Untested
                            StringBuilder sbTemp = new StringBuilder();
                            //Parsing description
                            String[] arrAccess = Desc[4].Split(' ');
                            rec.CustomStr3 = arrAccess[0];
                            rec.CustomStr6 = arrAccess[3];
                            rec.CustomStr2 = sbTemp.Append(arrAccess[1]).Append(arrAccess[2]).ToString();
                            rec.Description = Desc[5];
                        } break;
                    case "106023"://Untested
                            StringBuilder sbTemp = new StringBuilder();
                            StringBuilder sbDesc = new StringBuilder();
                            //Parsing description
                            String[] arrAccess = Desc[5].Split(' ');
                            String[] arrDest = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                            rec.CustomStr3 = arrAccess[0].Split('/')[0];
                            rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(arrAccess[0].Split('/')[1]);
                            rec.CustomStr6 = arrDest[0].Split('/')[0];
                            rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDest[0].Split('/')[1]);
                            rec.CustomStr2 = sbTemp.Append(Desc[4].Trim()).Append(' ').Append(arrAccess[1]).Append(arrAccess[2]).ToString();

                            for(int i=1;i < arrDest.Length;i++)
                            rec.Description = sbDesc.ToString();
                        } break;
                        rec.Description = args.Message;
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.WARN, "Could not parse this log: " + args.Message);
                rec.SourceName = args.Source;
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");
                if (usingRegistry)
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    s.SetData(Dal,virtualhost, rec);
                    s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "","","",rec.Datetime);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");

            catch (Exception er)
                L.LogTimed(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Exception:"+args.Message);
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                rec.LogName = "CiscoAsaV6_4_1Recorder Recorder";
                rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(zone).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
                rec.EventType = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();
                rec.Description = args.Message;

                // : local4.info %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from Inside: to Outside(Inside_nat_outbound):

                String[] parts = args.Message.Split('%')[1].Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (args.Message == "")
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, " Message is null " + args.Message);

                if (parts.Length < 2)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, " Message is not in proper format. Log : " + args.Message);

                string type = parts[0].Split('-')[2].TrimEnd(':');

                //Uncommon fields for all pix records. Now Parse with id
                rec.EventId = Convert.ToInt64(type);
                switch (type)
                    case "106001"://Untested

                        } break;

                    // : local4.info %ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to flags RST  on interface Fabrikalar
                    case "106015":
                                rec.CustomStr2 = "";
                                rec.CustomStr7 = "";

                                for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                    if (!parts[i].Contains("("))
                                        rec.CustomStr2 += parts[i] + " ";

                                rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr2.Trim();
                                rec.EventCategory = rec.CustomStr2;

                                bool getRest = false;
                                for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                    if (parts[i].ToLower().Equals("from"))
                                        rec.CustomStr3 = parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { '/' })[0];
                                        rec.CustomInt2 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[1]);
                                    else if (parts[i].ToLower().Equals("to"))
                                        rec.CustomStr4 = parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { '/' })[0];
                                        rec.CustomInt3 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { '/' })[1]);
                                        getRest = true;
                                    else if (getRest)
                                        rec.CustomStr7 += parts[i] + " ";
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = rec.CustomStr7.Trim();
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Error On : 106015. Log : " + args.Message);
                        } break;

                    // : local4.info %ASA-6-302020: Built outbound ICMP connection for faddr gaddr laddr
                    // : local4.info %ASA-6-302021: Teardown ICMP connection for faddr gaddr laddr
                    case "302020":
                    case "302021":
                                rec.CustomStr2 = "";
                                rec.CustomStr7 = "";

                                for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                    if (!parts[i].Contains("for"))
                                        rec.CustomStr2 += parts[i] + " ";

                                rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr2.Trim();
                                rec.EventCategory = rec.CustomStr2;

                                for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)

                                    if (parts[i].ToLower().Equals("faddr"))
                                        rec.CustomStr3 = parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { '/' })[0];
                                        rec.CustomInt2 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[1]);
                                    else if (parts[i].ToLower().Equals("gaddr"))
                                        rec.CustomStr4 = parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { '/' })[0];
                                        rec.CustomInt3 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { '/' })[1]);
                                    else if (parts[i].ToLower().Equals("laddr"))
                                        rec.CustomStr5 = parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { '/' })[0];
                                        rec.CustomInt4 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { '/' })[1]);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Error On : 302020, 302021. Log : " + args.Message);

                        } break;

                    // : local4.alert %ASA-1-106021: Deny TCP reverse path check from to on interface Outside
                    case "106021":
                            rec.CustomStr2 = "";

                            for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                if (!parts[i].Contains("from"))
                                    rec.CustomStr2 += parts[i] + " ";

                            bool continueStr2 = false;

                            rec.CustomStr8 = "";

                            for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                if (parts[i].Equals("from"))
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = parts[i + 1];
                                else if (parts[i].ToLower().Equals("to"))
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = parts[i + 1];

                                if (parts[i].Contains("on"))
                                    continueStr2 = true;

                                if (continueStr2)
                                    rec.CustomStr2 += " " + parts[i];

                            rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr2.Trim();
                            rec.EventCategory = parts[1] + " " + parts[2];


                    case "106006":
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Boş içi. Hazırlanması lazım : 106006. Log : " + args.Message);
                    case "106007":
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Boş içi. Hazırlanması lazım : 106007. Log : " + args.Message);

                    case "106017":
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Boş içi. Hazırlanması lazım : 106017. Log : " + args.Message);

                    // : local4.error %ASA-3-710003: TCP access denied by ACL from to Outside:

                    case "710003":
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Boş içi. Hazırlanması lazım : 710003. Log : " + args.Message);

                    // : local4.warning %ASA-4-106023: Deny udp src Outside: dst Fabrikalar: by access-group "Outside_access_in" [0x0, 0x0]
                    case "106016":
                    case "106014":
                    case "106023":
                                rec.CustomStr2 = "";
                                rec.CustomStr7 = "";

                                for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                    if (!parts[i].Contains(":"))
                                        rec.CustomStr2 += parts[i] + " ";
                                rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr2.Trim();
                                rec.EventCategory = rec.CustomStr2;

                                for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                    if (parts[i].Contains(":"))
                                        if (parts[i].ToLower().Contains("inside"))
                                            rec.CustomStr7 += parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[0] + " ";
                                            rec.CustomStr3 = parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[1];
                                            rec.CustomInt2 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[2]);
                                        else if (parts[i].ToLower().Contains("outside"))
                                            rec.CustomStr7 += parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[0] + " ";
                                            rec.CustomStr4 = parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[1];
                                            rec.CustomInt3 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[2]);
                                            rec.CustomStr7 += parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[0] + " ";
                                            rec.CustomStr3 = parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[1];
                                            rec.CustomInt2 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[2]);
                                        rec.CustomStr8 += parts[i] + " ";
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Error On : 106016, 106014, 106023. Log : " + args.Message);

                    case "715001":
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Boş içi. Hazırlanması lazım : 715001. Log : " + args.Message);
                    case "305009":
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Boş içi. Hazırlanması lazım : 305009. Log : " + args.Message);

                    // : local4.info %ASA-6-302015: Built inbound UDP connection 53527882 for Fabrikalar: ( to Inside: (
                    // : local4.info %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 53527880 for Outside: ( to Inside: (
                    case "302015":
                    case "302013":
                                rec.CustomStr2 = "";
                                rec.CustomStr7 = "";

                                long sayi;
                                for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                    if (!Int64.TryParse(parts[i], out sayi))
                                        rec.CustomStr2 += parts[i] + " ";
                                        rec.CustomStr1 = parts[i];

                                rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr2.Trim();
                                rec.EventCategory = rec.CustomStr2;

                                bool ilkIpAlindi = false;
                                bool ilkParantezIpAlindi = false;

                                for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                    if (parts[i].Contains(":") && parts[i].Contains("/"))
                                        if (!ilkIpAlindi)
                                            ilkIpAlindi = true;
                                            rec.CustomStr7 += parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[0] + " ";
                                            rec.CustomStr3 = parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[1];
                                            rec.CustomInt2 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[2]);
                                        else if (ilkIpAlindi)
                                            rec.CustomStr7 += parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[0] + " ";
                                            rec.CustomStr4 = parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[1];
                                            rec.CustomInt3 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[2]);
                                    else if (parts[i].Contains("(") && parts[i].Contains("/"))
                                        if (!ilkParantezIpAlindi)
                                            ilkParantezIpAlindi = true;
                                            rec.CustomStr5 = parts[i].Split(new char[] { '/' })[0].TrimStart('(');
                                            rec.CustomInt4 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i].Split(new char[] { '/' })[1].TrimEnd(')'));
                                        else if (ilkParantezIpAlindi)
                                            rec.CustomStr6 = parts[i].Split(new char[] { '/' })[0].TrimStart('(');
                                            rec.CustomInt5 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i].Split(new char[] { '/' })[1].TrimEnd(')'));
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Error On : 305010, 302016, 302014. Log : " + args.Message);


                    // : local4.info %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 53527868 for Outside: to Inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 193
                    // : local4.info %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 53527230 for Outside: to Fabrikalar: duration 0:00:05 bytes 3920 TCP FINs
                    case "305010":
                    case "302016":
                    case "302014":
                                rec.CustomStr2 = "";
                                rec.CustomStr7 = "";
                                long sayi;
                                for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                    if (!Int64.TryParse(parts[i], out sayi))
                                        rec.CustomStr2 += parts[i] + " ";
                                        rec.CustomStr1 = parts[i];
                                rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr2.Trim();
                                rec.EventCategory = rec.CustomStr2;

                                for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                    if (parts[i].Contains(":"))
                                        if (parts[i].ToLower().Contains("inside"))
                                            rec.CustomStr7 += parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[0] + " ";
                                            rec.CustomStr3 = parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[1];
                                            rec.CustomInt2 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[2]);
                                        else if (parts[i].ToLower().Contains("outside"))
                                            rec.CustomStr7 += parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[0] + " ";
                                            rec.CustomStr4 = parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[1];
                                            rec.CustomInt3 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[2]);
                                    else if (parts[i].Contains("duration"))
                                        rec.CustomStr8 = parts[i + 1];
                                    else if (parts[i].Contains("bytes"))
                                        rec.CustomInt7 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i + 1]);
                                    else if (parts[i].Contains("TCP"))
                                        rec.CustomStr7 = parts[i] + " " + parts[i + 1];
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Error On : 305010, 302016, 302014. Log : " + args.Message);

                    case "609001":
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Boş içi. Hazırlanması lazım : 609001. Log : " + args.Message);

                        } break;

                    case "609002":
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Boş içi. Hazırlanması lazım : 609002. Log : " + args.Message);

                        } break;

                    // : local4.info %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from Inside: to Outside(Inside_nat_outbound):
                    // : local4.info %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from Fabrikalar: to Outside(Fabrikalar_nat_outbound): duration 0:00:30
                    case "305011"://Tested
                    case "305012"://Tested
                                rec.CustomStr2 = "";
                                rec.CustomStr7 = "";

                                for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                    if (!parts[i].Contains(":"))
                                        rec.CustomStr2 += parts[i] + " ";
                                rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr2.Trim();
                                rec.EventCategory = rec.CustomStr2;

                                for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                    if (parts[i].Contains(":"))
                                        if (parts[i].ToLower().Contains("inside"))
                                            rec.CustomStr7 += parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[0] + " ";
                                            rec.CustomStr3 = parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[1];
                                            rec.CustomInt2 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[2]);
                                        else if (parts[i].ToLower().Contains("outside"))
                                            rec.CustomStr7 += parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[0] + " ";
                                            rec.CustomStr4 = parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[1];
                                            rec.CustomInt3 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[2]);
                                    else if (parts[i].Contains("duration"))
                                        rec.CustomStr8 = parts[i + 1];
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Error On : 305011, 305012. Log : " + args.Message);

                        } break;

                    // : local4.notice %ASA-5-304001: Accessed URL
                    case "304001":
                            rec.CustomStr3 = parts[1];

                            for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Parts " + parts[i]);

                            rec.CustomStr2 = "";

                            for (int i = 2; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                if (!parts[i].Contains(":"))
                                    rec.CustomStr2 += parts[i] + " ";
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = parts[i].Split('/')[0].TrimEnd(':');

                                    string urlWithIp = parts[i];
                                    string urlWithoutIp = After(urlWithIp, "://");
                                    string realUrl = urlWithoutIp.Split('/')[0];
                                    rec.CustomStr9 = realUrl;
                                    rec.CustomStr10 = After(parts[i], "://");

                                    //for (int j = 1; j < realUrl.Split('/').Length; j++)
                                    //    rec.CustomStr10 += "/" + realUrl.Split('/')[j];

                                    if (rec.CustomStr4.ToLower().Contains(":http"))
                                        rec.CustomStr4 = rec.CustomStr4.Replace(":http", " ").Trim();
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "CustomStr4 " + rec.CustomStr4);
                            rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr2.Trim();
                            rec.EventCategory = rec.CustomStr2;

                        } break;

                    case "419001":
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Boş içi. Hazırlanması lazım : 419001. Log : " + args.Message);

                    // : local4.warning %ASA-4-419002: Duplicate TCP SYN from Inside: to Inside: with different initial sequence number
                    case "419002":

                                rec.CustomStr2 = "";
                                rec.CustomStr7 = "";

                                for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                    if (!parts[i].Contains("from"))
                                        rec.CustomStr2 += parts[i] + " ";
                                rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr2.Trim();
                                rec.EventCategory = rec.CustomStr2;

                                bool getRest = false;
                                for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                    if (parts[i].Equals("from"))

                                        rec.CustomStr3 = parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[1];
                                        rec.CustomInt2 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[2]);
                                    else if (parts[i].ToLower().Equals("to"))
                                        rec.CustomStr4 = parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[1];
                                        rec.CustomInt3 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[2]);
                                        getRest = true;
                                    else if (getRest)
                                        rec.CustomStr7 += parts[i] + " ";
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = rec.CustomStr7.Trim();
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Error On : 419002. Log : " + args.Message);
                    // : local4.warning %ASA-4-733100: [ Scanning] drop rate-1 exceeded. Current burst rate is 49 per second, max configured rate is 10; Current average rate is 63 per second, max configured rate is 5; Cumulative total count is 38337
                    case "733100":
                            rec.CustomStr2 = parts[2].TrimEnd(']');

                            rec.CustomStr8 = "";
                            for (int i = 3; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                rec.CustomStr8 += parts[i] + " ";

                            rec.CustomStr8 = rec.CustomStr8.Trim();
                            rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr2.Trim();
                            rec.EventCategory = rec.CustomStr2;

                        } break;

                    // : local4.error %ASA-3-313001: Denied ICMP type=3, code=1 from on interface Outside
                    case "313001":
                            rec.CustomStr2 = "";
                            for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                if (!parts[i].Contains("="))
                                    rec.CustomStr2 += parts[i] + " ";

                            rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr2.Trim();
                            rec.EventCategory = rec.CustomStr2;

                            bool continueStr2 = false;
                            for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                if (parts[i].Contains("from"))
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = parts[i + 1];

                                if (parts[i].Contains("on"))
                                    continueStr2 = true;
                                if (continueStr2)
                                    rec.CustomStr2 += " " + parts[i];

                            rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr2.Trim();

                        } break;

                    // : local4.warning %ASA-4-313005: No matching connection for ICMP error message: icmp src Fabrikalar: dst Fabrikalar: (type 3, code 3) on Fabrikalar interface.  Original IP payload: udp src dst
                    //parts=ASA-4-313005: No matching connection for ICMP error message: icmp src Fabrikalar: dst Fabrikalar: (type 3, code 3) on Fabrikalar interface.  Original IP payload: udp src dst
                    case "313005":
                            rec.EventId = 313005;
                            rec.EventType = parts[5] + " " + parts[6];
                            rec.EventCategory = parts[1] + " " + parts[2] + " " + parts[3];
                            rec.SourceName = args.Message.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[2];
                            rec.CustomStr3 = parts[10].Split(new char[] { ':' })[1];
                            rec.CustomStr4 = parts[12].Split(new char[] { ':' })[1];
                            rec.CustomStr7 = parts[18] + " " + parts[19];
                            rec.CustomStr8 = parts[20] + " " + parts[21] + " " + parts[22];
                            rec.CustomStr5 = parts[25].Split(new char[] { '/' })[0];
                            rec.CustomStr6 = parts[27].Split(new char[] { '/' })[0];
                            rec.CustomInt2 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[25].Split(new char[] { '/' })[1]);
                            rec.CustomInt3 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[27].Split(new char[] { '/' })[1]);
                        } break;

                    // : local4.error %ASA-3-305006: portmap translation creation failed for icmp src Inside: dst Inside: (type 8, code 0)
                    //parts=ASA-3-305006: portmap translation creation failed for icmp src Inside: dst Inside: (type 8, code 0)
                    case "305006":
                            rec.EventId = 3005006;
                            rec.EventType = "";
                            rec.EventCategory = parts[1] + " " + parts[2] + " " + parts[3] + " " + parts[4];
                            rec.SourceName = args.Message.Split(new char[] { ' ' })[2];
                            rec.CustomStr3 = parts[8].Split(new char[] { ':' })[1];
                            rec.CustomStr4 = parts[10].Split(new char[] { ':' })[1];

                        } break;
                    // : local4.warning %ASA-4-410001: Dropped UDP DNS request from Fabrikalar: to Outside:; label length 154 bytes exceeds protocol limit of 63 bytes
                    case "410001":
                            rec.CustomStr2 = "";

                            for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                if (!parts[i].Contains("from"))
                                    rec.CustomStr2 += parts[i] + " ";

                            bool getRest = false;
                            bool firstByteGot = false;

                            rec.CustomStr8 = "";

                            for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                if (parts[i].Equals("from"))
                                    rec.CustomStr5 = parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[0];
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[1];
                                    rec.CustomInt2 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[2]);
                                else if (parts[i].ToLower().Equals("to"))
                                    rec.CustomStr6 = parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[1];
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[1].TrimEnd(':');
                                    rec.CustomInt3 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i + 1].Split(new char[] { ':', '/' })[2]);
                                    getRest = true;

                                if (getRest)
                                    rec.CustomStr8 += parts[i] + " ";

                                if (parts[i].Equals("bytes"))
                                    if (firstByteGot)
                                        rec.CustomInt6 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i - 1]);
                                        rec.CustomInt5 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[i - 1]);
                                        firstByteGot = true;

                            rec.CustomStr8 = rec.CustomStr8.Trim();
                            rec.CustomStr2 = rec.CustomStr2.Trim();
                            rec.EventCategory = rec.CustomStr2;

                        } break;

                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Event tanımlanmamış. Event ID : " + type + " , Log : " + args.Message);

                rec.SourceName = args.Source;

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");

                if (args.Message.Length>4000)
                    rec.Description = args.Message.Substring(0, 3999);
                    rec.Description = args.Message;

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");
                if (usingRegistry)
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                    s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");

            catch (Exception er)
                L.LogTimed(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.LogTimed(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.Message);
        public Rec ParseSpecific(String line, bool dontSend, LogMgrEventArgs args)
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " ParseSpecific() | Parsing Specific line. Line : " + line);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " ParseSpecific() | Line is Null Or Empty. ");

            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();

            rec.LogName = "PaloAltoTrafficV_1_0_1SyslogRecorder";
            //rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
            rec.EventType = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remote_host))
                rec.ComputerName = remote_host;

            rec.Description = args.Message;

            if (rec.Description.Length > 899)
                rec.Description = rec.Description.Substring(0, 899);
                rec.Description = rec.Description;

            //rec.Description = args.Message.Replace("'", "|");

            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " Source Is : " + args.Source.ToString());
            rec.SourceName = args.Source;
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, " Log : " + args.Message);

            if (!dontSend)
                string[] parts = line.Split(',');
                    for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " ParseSpecific() Parts[" + i + "]: " + parts[i]);
                    string type01 = parts[3];
                    if (type01 == "TRAFFIC")
                        #region TRAFFIC
                            rec.Datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(parts[6]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//Date time conversion requeired.
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, " ParseSpecific() | There is a problem converting to date.  date : " + parts[4]);

                        rec.CustomStr1 = StringParsingOperation(parts[18], 18, "CustomStr1", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomStr2 = StringParsingOperation(parts[19], 19, "CustomStr2", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomStr3 = StringParsingOperation(parts[7], 7, "CustomStr3", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomStr4 = StringParsingOperation(parts[8], 8, "CustomStr4", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomStr5 = StringParsingOperation(parts[9], 9, "CustomStr5", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomStr6 = StringParsingOperation(parts[10], 10, "CustomStr6", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomStr7 = StringParsingOperation(parts[29], 29, "CustomStr7", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomStr8 = StringParsingOperation(parts[4], 4, "CustomStr8", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomStr9 = StringParsingOperation(parts[3], 3, "CustomStr9", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomStr10 = StringParsingOperation(parts[14], 14, "CustomStr10", parts.Length);

                        rec.UserName = StringParsingOperation(parts[12], 12, "UserName", parts.Length);
                        rec.EventType = StringParsingOperation(parts[30], 30, "EventType", parts.Length);
                        rec.EventCategory = StringParsingOperation(parts[37], 37, "EventCategory", parts.Length);

                        rec.CustomInt1 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[0], 0, "rec.CustomInt1", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomInt2 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[23], 23, "rec.CustomInt2", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomInt3 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[24], 24, "rec.CustomInt3", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomInt4 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[25], 25, "rec.CustomInt4", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomInt5 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[26], 26, "rec.CustomInt5", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomInt6 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[27], 27, "rec.CustomInt6", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomInt7 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[22], 22, "rec.CustomInt7", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomInt8 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[32], 32, "rec.CustomInt8", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomInt9 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[33], 33, "rec.CustomInt9", parts.Length);
                        rec.CustomInt10 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[36], 36, "rec.CustomInt10", parts.Length);
                        #endregion TRAFFIC

                    else if (type01 == "THREAT")
                        #region THREAT
                            rec.Datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(parts[1]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//Date time conversion requeired.
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " ParseSpecific() -- Datetime : " + rec.Datetime);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, " ParseSpecific() | There is a problem converting to date.  date : " + parts[4]);

                        string eventType = parts[30];
                        if (eventType.ToLower() == "alert")
                            rec.EventCategory = StringParsingOperation(parts[4], 4, "EventCategory", parts.Length);
                            rec.EventType = StringParsingOperation(parts[30], 30, "EventType", parts.Length);
                            rec.ComputerName = StringParsingOperation(parts[0].Split(':')[0], 0, "ComputerName", parts.Length);

                            rec.CustomStr1 = StringParsingOperation(parts[31].Split('/')[0], 31, "CustomStr1", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr2 = StringParsingOperation(parts[31].Split('/')[1], 31, "CustomStr2", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr3 = StringParsingOperation(parts[7], 7, "CustomStr3", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr4 = StringParsingOperation(parts[8], 8, "CustomStr4", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr5 = StringParsingOperation(parts[9], 9, "CustomStr5", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr6 = StringParsingOperation(parts[10], 10, "CustomStr6", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr7 = StringParsingOperation(parts[29], 29, "CustomStr7", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr8 = StringParsingOperation(parts[4], 4, "CustomStr8", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr9 = StringParsingOperation(parts[3], 3, "CustomStr9", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr10 = StringParsingOperation(parts[14], 14, "CustomStr10", parts.Length);

                            rec.CustomInt1 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[40], 40, "rec.CustomInt1", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt2 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[5], 5, "rec.CustomInt2", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt3 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[24], 24, "rec.CustomInt3", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt4 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[25], 25, "rec.CustomInt4", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt5 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[22], 22, "rec.CustomInt5", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt6 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[27], 27, "rec.CustomInt6", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt7 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[26], 26, "rec.CustomInt7", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt10 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[36], 36, "rec.CustomInt10", parts.Length);
                        else if (eventType.ToLower() == "block-url")
                            rec.ComputerName = StringParsingOperation(parts[0].Split(':')[0] + ":" + parts[0].Split(':')[1], 0, "ComputerName", parts.Length);
                            rec.EventCategory = StringParsingOperation(parts[37], 37, "EventCategory", parts.Length);
                            rec.EventType = StringParsingOperation(parts[30], 30, "EventType", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr1 = StringParsingOperation(parts[31].Split('/')[0], 31, "CustomStr1", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr2 = StringParsingOperation(parts[31], 31, "CustomStr2", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr3 = StringParsingOperation(parts[7], 7, "CustomStr3", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr4 = StringParsingOperation(parts[8], 8, "CustomStr4", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr5 = StringParsingOperation(parts[9], 9, "CustomStr5", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr6 = StringParsingOperation(parts[10], 10, "CustomStr6", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr7 = StringParsingOperation(parts[29], 29, "CustomStr7", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr8 = StringParsingOperation(parts[4], 4, "CustomStr8", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr9 = StringParsingOperation(parts[3], 3, "CustomStr9", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr10 = StringParsingOperation(parts[14], 14, "CustomStr10", parts.Length);

                            rec.CustomInt1 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[40], 40, "CustomInt1", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt2 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[5], 5, "CustomInt2", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt3 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[24], 24, "CustomInt3", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt4 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[25], 25, "CustomInt4", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt5 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[26], 26, "CustomInt5", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt6 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[27], 27, "CustomInt6", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt10 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[36], 36, "CustomInt10", parts.Length);
                        else if (eventType.ToLower() == "drop-all-packets")
                            rec.ComputerName = StringParsingOperation(parts[0].Split(':')[0] + ":" + parts[0].Split(':')[1], 0, "ComputerName", parts.Length);
                            rec.EventCategory = StringParsingOperation(parts[33], 33, "EventCategory", parts.Length);
                            rec.EventType = StringParsingOperation(parts[37], 37, "EventType", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr1 = StringParsingOperation(parts[18], 18, "CustomStr1", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr2 = StringParsingOperation(parts[19], 19, "CustomStr2", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr3 = StringParsingOperation(parts[7], 7, "CustomStr3", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr4 = StringParsingOperation(parts[8], 8, "CustomStr4", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr5 = StringParsingOperation(parts[9], 9, "CustomStr5", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr6 = StringParsingOperation(parts[10], 10, "CustomStr6", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr7 = StringParsingOperation(parts[29], 29, "CustomStr7", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr8 = StringParsingOperation(parts[33], 33, "CustomStr8", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr9 = StringParsingOperation(parts[3], 3, "CustomStr9", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomStr10 = StringParsingOperation(parts[14], 14, "CustomStr10", parts.Length);

                            rec.CustomInt1 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[40], 40, "CustomInt1", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt2 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[5], 5, "CustomInt2", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt3 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[22], 22, "CustomInt3", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt4 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[23], 23, "CustomInt4", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt5 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[24], 24, "CustomInt5", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt6 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[25], 25, "CustomInt6", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt7 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[26], 26, "CustomInt7", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt8 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[27], 27, "CustomInt8", parts.Length);
                            rec.CustomInt10 = IntegerParsingOperation(parts[36], 36, "CustomInt10", parts.Length);
                        #endregion THREAT
                catch (Exception ex)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, " ParseSpecific() | " + ex.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, " ParseSpecific() | " + ex.StackTrace);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, " ParseSpecific() | Line : " + line);
            return rec;
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                    rec.LogName = "SurMailSyslogV_1_0_0Recorder";
                    string line = args.Message;
                    string[] lineArr = SpaceSplit(line, false);

                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "lineArr: " + lineArr[i]);

                        int year = DateTime.Now.Year;
                        string myDateString = lineArr[3] + " " + lineArr[4] + " " + year + " " + lineArr[5];
                        DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(myDateString);
                        string s = dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                        rec.Datetime = s;
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Datetime: " + rec.Datetime);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "DateTime Error: " + exception.Message);

                    rec.UserName = Between(line, "[", "]");
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "UserName: "******":"))
                        rec.SourceName = lineArr[0].Split(':')[0];

                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "SourceName: " + rec.SourceName);
                            rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(lineArr[0].Split(':')[1]);
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt1: " + rec.CustomInt1);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt1 type casting error: " + exception.Message);

                    if (line.Contains("sender:") || line.Contains("recipient:"))
                        for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                            if (lineArr[i].Trim() == "sender:")
                                rec.CustomStr3 = lineArr[i + 1];

                            if (lineArr[i].Trim() == "recipient:")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = lineArr[i + 1];

                        if (line.Contains("sender:"))
                            rec.EventType = Between(line, "surmail-queue :", "for sender:");

                        if (line.Contains("recipient:"))
                            rec.EventType = Between(line, "surmail-queue :", "for recipient:");

                    if (args.Message.Length > 899)
                        rec.Description = args.Message.Substring(0, 899);
                        rec.Description = args.Message;

                    rec.Description = args.Message.Replace("'", "|");

                catch (Exception e)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ERROR------------");
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.StackTrace);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");
                if (usingRegistry)
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                    s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        void SlogSyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            Rec rec = new Rec();

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Log: " + args.Message);

                string line = args.Message;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Message))

                char[] separator = new char[] { ' ' };
                string[] lineArr = line.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    rec.LogName = "IlbankF5UserV_1_0_0Recorder";
                    rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

                    string tmpEventCategory1 = After(line, "F5-1");
                    string tmpEventCategory2 = Before(tmpEventCategory1, ":");
                    rec.EventCategory = tmpEventCategory2;

                    if (rec.EventCategory.Contains("tmm"))
                        string subLine = After(line, tmpEventCategory2);

                            rec.CustomStr1 = After(subLine, "Server:").Split(' ')[0];
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr1: " + rec.CustomStr1);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr1 parsing error: " + exception.Message);

                            rec.CustomStr3 = Between(subLine, "ClientIP:", "***", 1);
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr3: " + rec.CustomStr3);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr3 parsing error: " + exception.Message);

                            rec.CustomStr4 = After(subLine, "Server:").Split(' ')[1];
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr4: " + rec.CustomStr4);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr4 parsing error: " + exception.Message);

                            rec.CustomStr5 = subLine.Split(' ')[subLine.Split(' ').Length - 1];
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr5: " + rec.CustomStr5);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr5 parsing error: " + exception.Message);

                            rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(Between(subLine, "ClientPort:", "***", 0));
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt3: " + rec.CustomInt3);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt3 type casting error: " + exception.Message);
                            rec.CustomInt3 = 0;

                    if (tmpEventCategory2.Trim() == "info logger")
                        //foreach (var v in lineArr)
                        //    if (v == "[ssl_acc]")
                        //    {
                        //        MessageBox.Show("[ssl_acc]");
                        //    }

                        if (Between(line, "[", "]", 1) == "ssl_acc")
                                if (lineArr.Length > 15)
                                    rec.CustomStr1 = lineArr[15].Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr1: " + rec.CustomStr1);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr1 parsing error: " + exception.Message);

                                if (lineArr.Length > 10)
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = lineArr[10];
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr3: " + rec.CustomStr3);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr3 parsing error: " + exception.Message);

                                if (lineArr.Length > 11)
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = lineArr[11];
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr4: " + rec.CustomStr4);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr4 parsing error: " + exception.Message);

                                if (lineArr.Length > 12)
                                    rec.CustomStr5 = lineArr[12];
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr5: " + rec.CustomStr5);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr5 parsing error: " + exception.Message);

                                if (lineArr.Length > 16)
                                    rec.CustomStr6 = lineArr[16];
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr6: " + rec.CustomStr6);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr6 parsing error: " + exception.Message);

                                if (lineArr.Length > 17)
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = lineArr[17];
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr7: " + rec.CustomStr7);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr7 parsing error: " + exception.Message);

                        if (Between(line, "[", "]", 1) == "ssl_req")
                                if (lineArr.Length > 14)
                                    rec.CustomStr1 = lineArr[14].Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr1: " + rec.CustomStr1);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr1 parsing error: " + exception.Message);

                                if (lineArr.Length > 13)
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = lineArr[12] + " " + lineArr[13];
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr2: " + rec.CustomStr2);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr2 parsing error: " + exception.Message);

                                if (lineArr.Length > 11)
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = lineArr[11];
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr3: " + rec.CustomStr3);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr3 parsing error: " + exception.Message);

                                if (lineArr.Length > 15)
                                    rec.CustomStr6 = lineArr[15];
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr6: " + rec.CustomStr6);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr6 parsing error: " + exception.Message);

                                if (lineArr.Length > 17)
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = lineArr[17];
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr7: " + rec.CustomStr7);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr7 parsing error: " + exception.Message);
                catch (Exception e)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Log Parsing Error. " + e.Message);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish record parsing.");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");

                    rec.Description = args.Message.Length > 899 ? args.Message.Substring(0, 890) : args.Message;
                    rec.Description = args.Message.Replace("'", "|");

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rec.EventCategory) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rec.Description))
                        CustomServiceBase s = GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                        s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                        s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Record sending error. " + exception.Message);

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, " Log : " + args.Message);
            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();
                    rec.LogName = "WebSenseMailSecuritySyslogV_1_0_0Recorder";
                    rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
                    rec.EventType = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();
                    #region Description
                    if (args.Message.Length > 899)
                        rec.Description = args.Message.Substring(0, 899);
                        rec.Description = args.Message;
                    rec.Description = args.Message.Replace("'", "|");

                    string line = args.Message;
                    string[] lineArr = SpaceSplit(line, true);
                        if (lineArr.Length > 7)
                            rec.SourceName = lineArr[7];
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "SourceName: " + rec.SourceName);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "SourceName Error: " + exception.Message);

                        if (lineArr.Length > 8 && lineArr[8].Contains("|"))
                            rec.CustomStr5 = lineArr[8];
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr5: " + rec.CustomStr5);
                            rec.CustomStr5 = GetStringValue(lineArr, "CustomStr5", "src=");
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr5 Error: " + exception.Message);

                    rec.ComputerName = GetStringValue(lineArr, "ComputerName", "dvc=");
                    rec.CustomStr1 = GetStringValue(lineArr, "CustomStr1", "üşer=");

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rec.CustomStr1))
                        rec.CustomStr1 = GetStringValue(lineArr, "CustomStr1", "duser="******"|"))
                            rec.EventCategory = lineArr[i].Split('|')[4];

                    rec.EventType = GetStringValue(lineArr, "EventType", "act=");
                    rec.CustomStr2 = Between(line, "msg=", "in=");
                    rec.CustomStr3 = GetStringValue(lineArr, "CustomStr3", "suser="******"CustomStr4", "dst=");

                    rec.CustomStr6 = GetStringValue(lineArr, "CustomStr6", "deviceDirection=");
                    rec.CustomStr7 = GetStringValue(lineArr, "CustomStr7", "deviceFacility=");

                    rec.CustomInt6 = GetIntValue(lineArr, "CustomInt6", "externalId=");
                    rec.CustomInt7 = GetIntValue(lineArr, "CustomInt7", "messageId=");
                    rec.CustomInt8 = GetIntValue(lineArr, "CustomInt8", "rt=");
                catch (Exception e)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "ERROR------------");
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.StackTrace);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");
                if (usingRegistry)
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                    s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Line Is : "+ args.Message);

                rec.LogName = "CiscoPixFW Recorder";

                rec.EventType = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();
                //rec.Description = args.Message;

                String[] Desc = args.Message.Split(':');

                if (args.Message == "")

                if (Desc.Length < 6)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 6: " + args.Message);

                for (Int32 i = 0; i < Desc.Length; ++i)
                    Desc[i] = Desc[i].Trim();

                if (logType == 0)
                    Desc[5] = Desc[5].TrimStart('%');
                    String[] pixArr = Desc[5].Split('-');

                    if (pixArr.Length < 3)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error for log format --> Event id not like this format %FWSM-6-302014");

                    String[] dateArr = SpaceSplit(Desc[2]);
                    if (dateArr.Length < 4)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 4: " + args.Message);

                        string[] tempdate;
                        tempdate = Desc[2].Split(' ');
                        string date = "";
                        date = tempdate[2] + "/" + tempdate[1] + "/" + tempdate[3] + " " + tempdate[4] + ":" + Desc[3] + ":" + Desc[4].Split(' ')[0];
                        DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(date.ToString());
                        rec.Datetime = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                       L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.Message);
                       L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.StackTrace);

                    rec.EventId = Convert.ToInt64(pixArr[2]);

                    bool errorControl = false;

                    switch (pixArr[2])
                        #region 111008
                        case "111008":
                                    rec.UserName = SpaceSplit(Desc[6])[1].Trim('\'');
                                    rec.EventType = "Command Execution";
                                    for (int i = 4; i < SpaceSplit(Desc[6]).Length - 1; i++)
                                        rec.CustomStr1 += " " + SpaceSplit(Desc[6])[i];
                                    rec.CustomStr1.Trim(' ').Trim('\'');
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error for 111008  ");
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.Message);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.StackTrace);
                                    errorControl = true;
                        #region 106023
                        case "106023":
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = Desc[6];
                                    String[] arrDeny = Desc[7].Split(' ');
                                    String[] arrDenyIp = arrDeny[0].Split('/');

                                    rec.CustomStr3 = arrDenyIp[0];
                                    if (arrDenyIp.Length > 1)
                                        rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDenyIp[1]);

                                    String[] arrDenyDesc = Desc[8].Split(' ');
                                    String[] arrDenyDescIp = arrDenyDesc[0].Split('/');

                                    StringBuilder sbTempDeny = new StringBuilder();
                                    sbTempDeny.Append(rec.CustomStr2).Append(" ");
                                    for (Int32 i = 1; i < arrDeny.Length; i++)
                                        sbTempDeny.Append(arrDeny[i]).Append(" ");
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = sbTempDeny.ToString().Trim();
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = arrDenyDescIp[0];
                                    if (arrDenyDescIp.Length > 1)
                                        rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDenyDescIp[1]);

                                    StringBuilder sbTempDescDeny = new StringBuilder();
                                    sbTempDescDeny.Append(rec.CustomStr2).Append(" ");
                                    for (Int32 i = 1; i < arrDenyDesc.Length; ++i)
                                        sbTempDescDeny.Append(arrDenyDesc[i]).Append(" ");
                                    sbTempDescDeny.Remove(sbTempDescDeny.Length - 1, 1);
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = sbTempDescDeny.ToString();
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error for 106023  ");
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.Message);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.StackTrace);
                                    errorControl = true;
                        #region 302014 & 302016
                        case "302014":
                        case "302016":
                                    String[] arrInbound = Desc[6].Split(':');
                                    String[] x1 = null;
                                    String[] x2 = null;
                                    String[] x3 = null;
                                    String[] x5 = null;

                                    if (arrInbound.Length > 4)
                                        x1 = arrInbound[0].Trim().Split(' ');
                                        x2 = arrInbound[1].Trim().Split(' ');
                                        x3 = arrInbound[2].Trim().Split(' ');
                                        x5 = arrInbound[4].Trim().Split(' ');
                                    else if (arrInbound.Length == 1 && Desc.Length > 10)
                                        x1 = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                                        x2 = Desc[7].Split(' ');
                                        x3 = Desc[8].Split(' ');
                                        x5 = Desc[10].Split(' ');


                                    if (x1.Length > 4)
                                        StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder();
                                        desc.Append(' ');
                                        desc.Append(' ');
                                        desc.Append(' ');
                                        if (x5.Length > 4)
                                            desc.Append(' ');
                                        rec.CustomStr2 = desc.ToString();

                                        if (x1.Length > 5)
                                            rec.CustomStr7 = x1[5].Trim();
                                            rec.CustomStr10 = (x1[3].Trim());
                                            rec.CustomStr7 = x1[4].Trim();

                                    if (x2.Length > 2)
                                        String[] part2 = x2[0].Split('/');
                                        StringBuilder dest = new StringBuilder();
                                        for (int k = 1; k < x2.Length; k++)
                                            dest.Append(x2[k].Trim()).Append(' ');

                                        rec.CustomStr7 += ' ' + dest.ToString();
                                        rec.CustomStr3 = part2[0];
                                        if (part2.Length > 1)
                                            rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(part2[1].Trim());
                                    if (x3.Length > 2 && x5.Length > 2)
                                        String[] part3 = x3[0].Split('/');
                                        rec.CustomStr4 = part3[0];
                                        rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(part3[1].Trim());
                                        StringBuilder duration = new StringBuilder();
                                        rec.CustomStr8 = duration.ToString();

                                        for (int k = 0; k < x5.Length; k++)
                                            if (x5[k].ToString() == "bytes")
                                                rec.CustomInt7 = Convert.ToInt32(x5[k + 1]);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error  for " + pixArr[2].ToString());
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.Message);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.StackTrace);
                                    errorControl = true;
                        #region 305011 & 305012
                        case "305011":
                        case "305012":
                                    String[] arrInbound = Desc[6].Split(':');
                                    String[] x1 = null;
                                    String[] x2 = null;
                                    String[] x3 = null;

                                    x1 = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                                    x2 = Desc[7].Split(' ');
                                    x3 = Desc[8].Split(' ');

                                    if (x1.Length > 4)
                                        StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder();
                                        desc.Append(' ');
                                        desc.Append(' ');
                                        desc.Append(' ');

                                        rec.CustomStr2 = desc.ToString();

                                        if (x1.Length >= 5)
                                            rec.CustomStr7 = x1[5].Trim();

                                    if (x2.Length > 2)
                                        String[] part2 = x2[0].Split('/');
                                        StringBuilder dest = new StringBuilder();
                                        for (int k = 1; k < x2.Length; k++)
                                            dest.Append(x2[k].Trim()).Append(' ');

                                        rec.CustomStr7 += ' ' + dest.ToString();
                                        rec.CustomStr7 = rec.CustomStr7.Trim();
                                        rec.CustomStr3 = part2[0];
                                        if (part2.Length > 1)
                                            rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(part2[1].Trim());
                                    if (x3.Length >= 1)
                                        //NAT ADRESS
                                        String[] part3 = x3[0].Split('/');
                                        rec.CustomStr5 = part3[0];
                                        rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(part3[1].Trim());

                                        if (x3.Length > 1)
                                            StringBuilder duration = new StringBuilder();
                                            rec.CustomStr8 = duration.ToString();
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error for " + pixArr[2].ToString());
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.Message);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.StackTrace);
                                    errorControl = true;
                            } break;
                        #region 302015 & 302013
                        case "302015"://Tested
                        case "302013":
                                String[] arrInbound = Desc[6].Split(':');
                                String[] x1 = null;
                                String[] x2 = null;
                                String[] x3 = null;
                                if (arrInbound.Length > 2)
                                    x1 = arrInbound[0].Trim().Split(' ');
                                    x2 = arrInbound[1].Trim().Split(' ');
                                    x3 = arrInbound[2].Trim().Split(' ');
                                else if (arrInbound.Length == 1 && Desc.Length > 7)
                                    x1 = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                                    x2 = Desc[7].Split(' ');
                                    x3 = Desc[8].Split(' ');
                                    //L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error parsing message for 302013:" + args.Message);

                                    if (x1.Length > 6)
                                        StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder();
                                        desc.Append(' ');
                                        desc.Append(' ');
                                        desc.Append(' ');
                                        rec.CustomStr2 = desc.ToString();
                                        rec.CustomStr10 = (x1[4].Trim());
                                        rec.CustomStr7 = x1[6];

                                    if (x2.Length > 2)
                                        StringBuilder dest = new StringBuilder();
                                        for (int k = 2; k < x2.Length; k++)
                                            dest.Append(x2[k].Trim()).Append(' ');
                                        rec.CustomStr7 += ' ' + dest.ToString();
                                        rec.CustomStr7 = rec.CustomStr7.Trim();

                                        String[] part3 = x2[0].Split('/');
                                        String[] part3dest = x2[1].Trim('(', ')').Split('/');
                                        rec.CustomStr3 = part3[0].Trim();
                                        if (part3.Length > 1)
                                            rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(part3[1].Trim());
                                        rec.CustomStr5 = part3dest[0].Trim();
                                        rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(part3dest[1].Trim());

                                    if (x3.Length > 1)
                                        String[] part2 = x3[0].Split('/');
                                        String[] part2dest = x3[1].Trim('(', ')').Split('/');

                                        rec.CustomStr4 = part2[0].Trim();
                                        if (part2.Length > 1)
                                            rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(part2[1].Trim());
                                        rec.CustomStr6 = part2dest[0].Trim();
                                        rec.CustomInt4 = Convert.ToInt32(part2dest[1].Trim());
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error for " + pixArr[2].ToString());
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.Message);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.StackTrace);
                                    errorControl = true;
                        #region 109001
                        case "109001":
                                    String[] arrInbound = Desc[6].Split(':');
                                    String[] x1 = null;
                                    x1 = Desc[6].Split(' ');

                                    if (x1.Length > 4)
                                        StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder();
                                        desc.Append(' ');
                                        desc.Append(' ');
                                        desc.Append(' ');

                                        rec.CustomStr2 = desc.ToString();

                                        rec.UserName = x1[4].Trim();

                                        int indexSource = 0;

                                        for (int i = 0; i < x1.Length; i++)
                                            if (x1[i].Trim() == "from")
                                                indexSource = i;

                                        String[] partsource = x1[indexSource + 1].Split('/');
                                        rec.CustomStr3 = partsource[0];
                                        rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(partsource[1].Trim());

                                        int indexDestination = 0;

                                        for (int j = 0; j < x1.Length; j++)
                                            if (x1[j].Trim() == "to")
                                                indexDestination = j;

                                        String[] partdestination = x1[indexDestination + 1].Split('/');
                                        rec.CustomStr4 = partdestination[0];
                                        rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(partdestination[1].Trim());
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error for " + pixArr[2].ToString());
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.Message);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.StackTrace);
                                    errorControl = true;
                            } break;
                        #region 106021
                        case "106021":
                                    String[] arrDeny = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = arrDeny[6];
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = arrDeny[8];
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = arrDeny[0] + " " + arrDeny[1] + " " + arrDeny[2] + " " + arrDeny[3];
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = arrDeny[11].Trim();
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error for " + pixArr[2].ToString());
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.Message);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.StackTrace);
                                    errorControl = true;
                        #region 111001 & 111002 & 111003 & 111004 & 111005 & 111006 & 111007
                        case "111001":
                        case "111002":
                        case "111003":
                        case "111004":
                        case "111005":
                        case "111006":
                        case "111007":
                                    rec.EventType = "Admin Action";

                                    string message = "";
                                    for (int i = 6; i < Desc.Length; i++)
                                        message += " " + Desc[i];
                                    rec.CustomStr7 = message.Trim();
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error for " + pixArr[2].ToString());
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.Message);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.StackTrace);
                                    errorControl = true;
                        #region 106015 & 106028 & 302020 & 302021
                        case "106015":
                        case "106028": //yeni eklendi
                        case "302020":
                        case "302021":
                                    String[] arrInbound = Desc[6].Split(' ');

                                    Int32 firstIp = 0;
                                    Int32 secondIp = 0;
                                    bool first = true;

                                    for (Int32 i = 0; i < arrInbound.Length; i++)
                                        if (arrInbound[i].Contains("/"))
                                            if (first)
                                                firstIp = i;
                                                first = false;
                                                secondIp = i;

                                    StringBuilder customStr7 = new StringBuilder();

                                    rec.CustomStr2 = arrInbound[0] + " " + arrInbound[1];

                                    for (Int32 i = 2; i < firstIp - 1; i++)
                                        customStr7.Append(arrInbound[i]).Append(" ");

                                    rec.CustomStr7 = customStr7.ToString().Trim();

                                    String[] arrInboundIp = arrInbound[firstIp].Split('/');

                                    if (arrInboundIp[0].Contains("-"))
                                        rec.CustomStr3 = arrInboundIp[0].Split('-')[1].Trim();
                                        rec.CustomStr3 = arrInboundIp[0];

                                    rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(arrInboundIp[1]);

                                    StringBuilder customStr6 = new StringBuilder();
                                    for (Int32 i = secondIp + 1; i < arrInbound.Length; i++)
                                        customStr6.Append(arrInbound[i]).Append(" ");

                                    rec.CustomStr7 += " " + customStr6.ToString().Trim();

                                    String[] arrInboundDescIp = arrInbound[secondIp].Split('/');
                                    rec.CustomStr4 = arrInboundDescIp[0];
                                    rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(arrInboundDescIp[1]);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error for " + pixArr[2].ToString());
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.Message);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.StackTrace);
                                    errorControl = true;
                            } break;
                        #region 313004
                        case "313004":
                                    String[] arrInbound = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                                    String[] x1 = null;
                                    x1 = Desc[6].Split(' ');

                                    if (x1.Length > 4)
                                        rec.CustomStr2 = x1[0] + " " + x1[1];

                                        rec.CustomStr6 = x1[2].Trim().Split('=')[1].Trim(',');

                                        int indexfrom = 0;

                                        for (int i = 3; i < x1.Length; i++)
                                            if (x1[i].Trim() == "from")
                                                indexfrom = i;

                                        int indexto = 0;

                                        for (int j = 0; j < x1.Length; j++)
                                            if (x1[j].Trim() == "to")
                                                indexto = j;

                                        int indexon = 0;

                                        for (int k = 0; k < x1.Length; k++)
                                            if (x1[k].Trim().Contains("on"))
                                                if (x1[k].Trim() == "on" && x1[k + 1] == "interface")
                                                    indexon = k;
                                                if (x1[k].Trim() == "oninterface")
                                                    indexon = k;

                                        string sourceip = "";
                                        for (int g = indexfrom + 1; g < indexon; g++)
                                            sourceip += " " + x1[g];

                                        sourceip = sourceip.Trim();

                                        if (sourceip.Contains(" "))
                                            string[] tempsourceip = sourceip.Split(' ');
                                            if (tempsourceip.Length > 1)
                                                sourceip = tempsourceip[tempsourceip.Length - 1];

                                        rec.CustomStr3 = sourceip;

                                        string interfacename = "";

                                        for (int y = indexon + 1; y < indexto; y++)
                                            if (x1[y].Trim() == "interface")
                                            interfacename += " " + x1[y];

                                        interfacename = interfacename.Trim();
                                        rec.CustomStr7 = interfacename;

                                        string destinationip = x1[indexto + 1].Trim();
                                        rec.CustomStr4 = destinationip;

                                        rec.CustomStr5 = Desc[7];
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error for " + pixArr[2].ToString());
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.Message);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.StackTrace);
                                    errorControl = true;
                            } break;
                        #region 710003
                        case "710003":
                                    String[] x1 = null;
                                    x1 = Desc[6].Split(' ');

                                    rec.CustomStr2 = x1[0] + " " + x1[1] + " " + x1[2];

                                    int indexfrom = 0;

                                    for (int i = 3; i < x1.Length; i++)
                                        if (x1[i].Trim() == "from")
                                            indexfrom = i;

                                    string sourceip = x1[indexfrom + 1];
                                    string sourceport = "0";

                                    if (sourceip.Contains("/"))
                                        string[] source = sourceip.Split('/');
                                        sourceip = source[0];
                                        sourceport = source[1];

                                    rec.CustomStr3 = sourceip.Trim();
                                    rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(sourceport);

                                    String[] arrDeny = Desc[7].Split(' ');
                                    String[] arrDenyIp = arrDeny[0].Split('/');

                                    rec.CustomStr4 = arrDenyIp[0];
                                    if (arrDenyIp.Length > 1)
                                        rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(arrDenyIp[1]);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error for " + pixArr[2].ToString());
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.Message);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.StackTrace);
                                    errorControl = true;
                            } break;
                        #region 405001
                        case "405001":
                                    String[] arrInbound = Desc[6].Split(' ');
                                    String[] x1 = null;
                                    x1 = Desc[6].Split(' ');

                                    if (x1.Length > 4)
                                        int indexfrom = 0;

                                        for (int i = 0; i < x1.Length; i++)
                                            if (x1[i].Trim() == "from")
                                                indexfrom = i;

                                        string customstr2 = "";
                                        for (int g = 0; g < indexfrom; g++)
                                            customstr2 += ' ' + x1[g];
                                        customstr2 = customstr2.Trim();
                                        rec.CustomStr2 = customstr2;

                                        string sourceipandmacaddress = "";
                                        string sourceip = "";
                                        string sourcemac = "";

                                        sourceipandmacaddress = x1[indexfrom + 1];

                                        if (sourceipandmacaddress.Contains("/"))
                                            sourceip = sourceipandmacaddress.Split('/')[0].Trim();
                                            sourcemac = sourceipandmacaddress.Split('/')[1].Trim();

                                        rec.CustomStr3 = sourceip;
                                        rec.CustomStr8 = sourcemac;

                                        int indexon = 0;

                                        for (int k = 0; k < x1.Length; k++)
                                            if (x1[k].Trim().Contains("on"))
                                                if (x1[k].Trim() == "on" && x1[k + 1] == "interface")
                                                    indexon = k + 1;
                                                if (x1[k].Trim() == "oninterface")
                                                    indexon = k;

                                        string interfacename = "";

                                        interfacename = x1[indexon + 1].Trim();
                                        rec.CustomStr7 = interfacename;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error for " + pixArr[2].ToString());
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.Message);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.StackTrace);
                                    errorControl = true;
                            } break;
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "No match for the mesage: " + args.Message);
                            rec.Description = args.Message;

                    if (errorControl)
                        rec.Description = args.Message.ToString();
                else if (logType == 0)


                rec.SourceName = Desc[0];

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");
                if (usingRegistry)
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                    s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.Message);
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();
            string line = args.Message;

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                    rec.LogName = "CheckPointSyslogV_1_0_0Recorder";
                    rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

                    if (line.Length > 899)
                        rec.Description = line.Substring(0, 899);
                        rec.CustomStr10 = line.Substring(899, line.Length - 899);
                        rec.Description = args.Message;

                    rec.Description = args.Message.Replace("'", "|");

                    string[] lineArr = line.Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    string[] subLineArr = line.Split(':');

                    if (lineArr.Length > 6)
                        rec.EventCategory = lineArr[6];

                    #region encrypt OK
                    if (lineArr[6] == "encrypt")
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "encrypt record started.");
                        if (lineArr.Length > 7)
                            rec.SourceName = lineArr[7];
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "SourceName:" + rec.SourceName);

                        rec.CustomStr3 = Between(line, "src:", "dst:").Replace(':', ' ').Trim();
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr3:" + rec.CustomStr3);
                        rec.CustomStr4 = Between(line, "dst:", "proto:").Replace(':', ' ').Trim();
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr4:" + rec.CustomStr4);

                    #region allow
                    if (lineArr[6] == "allow")
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "allow record started.");

                        if (lineArr.Length > 7)
                            rec.SourceName = lineArr[7];
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "SourceName:" + rec.SourceName);
                        } //ok

                        rec.CustomStr10 = Between(line, "resource:", "product:"); //ok
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr10:" + rec.CustomStr10);

                        string[] resourceArr = Between(line, "resource:", "product:").Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        rec.CustomStr2 = resourceArr[0] + @"//" + resourceArr[1]; //ok
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr2:" + rec.CustomStr2);

                        for (int i = 0; i < subLineArr.Length; i++)
                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "src_user_name")
                                string[] userNameArr = (subLineArr[i + 1]).Split(new char[] { '(', ')' },
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr2:" + subLineArr[i + 1]);
                                rec.UserName = userNameArr[1];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr2:" + rec.CustomStr2);

                                rec.CustomStr1 = userNameArr[0];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr2:" + rec.CustomStr2);

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "src")
                                rec.CustomStr3 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "dst")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "app_desc")
                                rec.CustomStr5 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "app_category")
                                rec.CustomStr6 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "matched_category")
                                rec.CustomStr7 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "app_risk")
                                rec.CustomStr8 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "app_rule_name")
                                rec.CustomStr9 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                    #region monitor OK
                    if (lineArr[6] == "monitor")
                        if (lineArr.Length > 7)
                            rec.SourceName = lineArr[7];
                        rec.EventType = Between(line, "proto:", "product:").Replace(':', ' ').Trim();
                        rec.CustomStr3 = Between(line, "src:", "dst:").Replace(':', ' ').Trim();
                        rec.CustomStr4 = Between(line, "dst:", "proto:").Replace(':', ' ').Trim();
                        rec.CustomStr5 = Between(line, "product:", "service:").Replace(':', ' ').Trim();
                        rec.CustomStr6 = Between(line, "service:", "s_port:").Replace(':', ' ').Trim();

                    #region accept
                    if (lineArr[6] == "accept")
                        if (lineArr.Length > 7)
                            rec.SourceName = lineArr[7];
                        //rec.EventType = Between(line, "proto:", "xlate:");
                        //rec.CustomStr3 = Between(line, "src:", "dst:").Replace(':', ' ').Trim();
                        //rec.CustomStr4 = Between(line, "dst:", "proto:").Replace(':', ' ').Trim();
                        //rec.CustomStr5 = Between(line, "product:", "service:").Replace(':', ' ').Trim();
                        //rec.CustomStr6 = Between(line, "service:", "s_port:").Replace(':', ' ').Trim();

                        subLineArr = line.Split(':');
                        for (int i = 0; i < subLineArr.Length; i++)
                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "proto")
                                rec.EventType = subLineArr[i + 1];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventType: " + rec.EventType);

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "src_user_name")
                                string[] userNameArr = (subLineArr[i + 1]).Split(new char[] { '(', ')' },
                                rec.UserName = userNameArr[1];
                                rec.CustomStr1 = userNameArr[0];
                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "src")
                                rec.CustomStr3 = subLineArr[i + 1];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "lineArr: " + lineArr[i] + lineArr);

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "dst")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                    #region https
                    if (lineArr[6] == "HTTPS")
                        if (lineArr.Length > 8)
                            rec.EventCategory = lineArr[6] + " " + lineArr[7];
                        rec.SourceName = lineArr[8];
                        for (int i = 0; i < subLineArr.Length; i++)
                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "proto")
                                rec.EventType = subLineArr[i + 1];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventType: " + rec.EventType);

                            //if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "src" || subLineArr[i].Split(' ')[subLineArr[i].Split(' ').Length - 1] == "src")
                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "src")
                                rec.CustomStr3 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "dst")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "app_category")
                                rec.CustomStr6 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "matched_category")
                                rec.CustomStr7 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                    #region logout
                    if (lineArr[6] == "logout")
                        if (lineArr.Length > 8)
                            rec.EventCategory = lineArr[6];
                        rec.SourceName = lineArr[7];

                        for (int i = 0; i < subLineArr.Length; i++)
                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "src" || subLineArr[i].Split(' ')[subLineArr[i].Split(' ').Length - 1] == "src")
                                rec.CustomStr3 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "src_user_name")
                                string[] userNameArr = (subLineArr[i + 1]).Split(new char[] { '(', ')' },
                                rec.UserName = userNameArr[1];
                                rec.CustomStr1 = userNameArr[0];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "duration")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                    #region authcrypt
                    if (lineArr[6] == "authcrypt")
                        if (lineArr.Length > 7)
                            rec.EventCategory = lineArr[6];
                        rec.SourceName = lineArr[7];

                        subLineArr = line.Split(':');
                        for (int i = 0; i < subLineArr.Length; i++)
                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "src")
                                rec.CustomStr3 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "src_user_name")
                                string[] userNameArr = (subLineArr[i + 1]).Split(new char[] { '(', ')' },
                                rec.UserName = userNameArr[1];
                                rec.CustomStr1 = userNameArr[0];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "roles")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = subLineArr[i + 1];
                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "auth_status")
                                rec.CustomStr2 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                    #region block
                    if (lineArr[6] == "block")
                        if (lineArr.Length > 7)
                            rec.EventCategory = lineArr[6];
                        rec.SourceName = lineArr[7];

                        for (int i = 0; i < subLineArr.Length; i++)
                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "src_user_name")
                                string[] userNameArr = (subLineArr[i + 1]).Split(new char[] { '(', ')' },
                                rec.UserName = userNameArr[1];
                                rec.CustomStr1 = userNameArr[0];
                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "src" || subLineArr[i].Split(' ')[subLineArr[i].Split(' ').Length - 1] == "src")
                                rec.CustomStr3 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "dst" || subLineArr[i].Split(' ')[subLineArr[i].Split(' ').Length - 1] == "dst")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "app_desc")
                                rec.CustomStr5 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "app_category")
                                rec.CustomStr6 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "matched_category")
                                rec.CustomStr7 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "app_risk")
                                rec.CustomStr8 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "app_rule_name")
                                rec.CustomStr9 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "proto")
                                rec.EventType = subLineArr[i + 1];

                    #region drop
                    if (lineArr[6] == "drop")
                        if (lineArr.Length > 7)
                            rec.EventCategory = lineArr[6];
                        rec.SourceName = lineArr[7];

                        for (int i = 0; i < subLineArr.Length; i++)
                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "src" || subLineArr[i].Split(' ')[subLineArr[i].Split(' ').Length - 1] == "src")
                                rec.CustomStr3 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "dst" || subLineArr[i].Split(' ')[subLineArr[i].Split(' ').Length - 1] == "dst")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "proto")
                                rec.EventType = subLineArr[i + 1];


                    #region drop
                    if (lineArr[6] == "drop")
                        if (lineArr.Length > 7)
                            rec.EventCategory = lineArr[6];
                        rec.SourceName = lineArr[7];

                        for (int i = 0; i < subLineArr.Length; i++)
                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "src" || subLineArr[i].Split(' ')[subLineArr[i].Split(' ').Length - 1] == "src")
                                rec.CustomStr3 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "dst" || subLineArr[i].Split(' ')[subLineArr[i].Split(' ').Length - 1] == "dst")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "proto")
                                rec.EventType = subLineArr[i + 1];

                    #region ctl
                    if (lineArr[6] == "ctl")
                        if (lineArr.Length > 7)
                            rec.EventCategory = lineArr[6];
                        rec.SourceName = lineArr[7];
                        rec.CustomStr10 = Between(line, "resource:", "product:");
                        string[] resourceArr = Between(line, "resource:", "product:").Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        rec.CustomStr2 = resourceArr[0] + @"//" + resourceArr[1];

                        for (int i = 0; i < subLineArr.Length; i++)
                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "src_user_name")
                                string[] userNameArr = (subLineArr[i + 1]).Split(new char[] { '(', ')' },
                                rec.UserName = userNameArr[1];
                                rec.CustomStr1 = userNameArr[0];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "src" || subLineArr[i].Split(' ')[subLineArr[i].Split(' ').Length - 1] == "src")
                                rec.CustomStr3 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "dst" || subLineArr[i].Split(' ')[subLineArr[i].Split(' ').Length - 1] == "dst")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "app_desc")
                                rec.CustomStr5 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "app_category")
                                rec.CustomStr6 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "matched_category")
                                rec.CustomStr7 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "app_risk")
                                rec.CustomStr8 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "app_rule_name")
                                rec.CustomStr9 = subLineArr[i + 1];

                            if (subLineArr[i].Trim() == "proto")
                                rec.EventType = subLineArr[i + 1];

                catch (Exception e)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ERROR------------" + line);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.StackTrace);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");
                if (usingRegistry)
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                    s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                    rec.LogName = "CiscoV6500_1_0SyslogRecorder";
                    rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                    rec.EventType = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();

                    if (args.Message.Length > 899)
                        rec.Description = args.Message.Substring(0, 899);
                        rec.Description = args.Message;

                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " Source Is : " + args.Source.ToString());
                    rec.SourceName = args.Source;
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, " Log : " + args.Message);

                    string[] lineArr = SpaceSplit(args.Message, false);

                    rec.ComputerName = lineArr[0];
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " ComputerName : " + rec.ComputerName);

                    if (lineArr[2].Contains("."))
                        if (lineArr[2].Split('.')[1] == "notice")
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " !! Notice Mode !!");
                            rec.SourceName = lineArr[2].Split('.')[1];
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " SourceName : " + rec.SourceName);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 10)
                                rec.EventType = lineArr[9] + lineArr[10];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " EventType : " + rec.EventType);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 8)
                                rec.CustomStr3 = lineArr[8];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr3 : " + rec.CustomStr3);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 11)
                                rec.CustomStr4 = Before(lineArr[11], ":/");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr4 : " + rec.CustomStr4);

                                if (After(lineArr[11], ":/").Length > 900)
                                    rec.CustomStr5 = After(lineArr[11], ":/").Substring(0, 900);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr5 : " + rec.CustomStr5);

                                    rec.CustomStr6 = After(lineArr[11], ":/").Substring(900,
                                                                                        After(lineArr[11], ":/").Length -
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr6 : " + rec.CustomStr6);
                                    rec.CustomStr5 = After(lineArr[11], ":/");
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr5 : " + rec.CustomStr5);

                        if (lineArr[2].Split('.')[1] == "debug")
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " !! Debug Mode !!");

                            rec.SourceName = lineArr[2].Split('.')[1];
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " SourceName : " + rec.SourceName);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 8)
                                rec.EventCategory = lineArr[8];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " EventCategory : " + rec.EventCategory);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 11)
                                rec.EventType = lineArr[11];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " EventType : " + rec.EventType);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 9)
                                rec.CustomStr1 = lineArr[9];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr1 : " + rec.CustomStr1);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 12)
                                rec.CustomStr3 = Between(lineArr[12], "/", "(");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr3 : " + rec.CustomStr3);

                                rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(Between(lineArr[12], "(", ")"));
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomInt3 : " + rec.CustomInt3);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 14)
                                rec.CustomStr4 = Between(lineArr[14], "/", "(");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr4 : " + rec.CustomStr4);

                                rec.CustomStr5 = Before(lineArr[14], "/");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr5 : " + rec.CustomStr5);

                                rec.CustomInt4 = Convert.ToInt32(Between(lineArr[14], "(", ")"));
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomInt4 : " + rec.CustomInt4);

                        if (lineArr[2].Split('.')[1] == "warning")

                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " !! Warning Mode !!");

                            rec.SourceName = lineArr[2].Split('.')[1];
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " SourceName : " + rec.SourceName);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 8)
                                rec.EventCategory = lineArr[8];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " EventCategory : " + rec.EventCategory);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 9)
                                rec.EventType = lineArr[9];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " EventType : " + rec.EventType);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 16)
                                rec.CustomStr1 = lineArr[16].Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr1 : " + rec.CustomStr1);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 11)
                                rec.CustomStr2 = Before(lineArr[11], ":");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr2 : " + rec.CustomStr2);

                                rec.CustomStr3 = Between(lineArr[11], ":", "/");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr3 : " + rec.CustomStr3);

                                rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(After(lineArr[11], "/"));
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomInt3 : " + rec.CustomInt3);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 13)
                                rec.CustomStr4 = Between(lineArr[13], ":", "/");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr4 : " + rec.CustomStr4);

                                rec.CustomStr5 = Before(lineArr[13], ":");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr5 : " + rec.CustomStr5);

                                rec.CustomInt4 = Convert.ToInt32(After(lineArr[13], "/"));
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomInt4 : " + rec.CustomInt4);

                        if (lineArr[2].Split('.')[1] == "error")
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " !! Error Mode !!");

                            if (args.Message.Contains("Denied ICMP"))
                                //-MessageBox.Show("error 1");

                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " !! Error Mode 1 !!");

                                rec.SourceName = lineArr[2].Split('.')[1];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " SourceName : " + rec.SourceName);

                                if (lineArr.Length > 8)
                                    rec.EventCategory = lineArr[8];
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " EventCategory : " + rec.EventCategory);

                                if (lineArr.Length > 9)
                                    rec.EventType = lineArr[9];
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " EventType : " + rec.EventType);

                                if (lineArr.Length > 16)
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = lineArr[16];
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr2 : " + rec.CustomStr2);
                                if (lineArr.Length > 13)
                                    rec.CustomStr3 = lineArr[13];
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr3: " + rec.CustomStr3);
                                //MessageBox.Show("error 2");

                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " !! Error Mode 2 !!");

                                rec.SourceName = lineArr[2].Split('.')[1];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " SourceName : " + rec.SourceName);

                                rec.EventCategory = lineArr[10];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " EventCategory : " + rec.EventCategory);

                                rec.EventType = lineArr[8];
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " EventType : " + rec.EventType);

                                rec.CustomStr3 = Before(lineArr[14], "/");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr3 : " + rec.CustomStr3);

                                rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(After(lineArr[14], "/"));
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomInt3 : " + rec.CustomInt3);

                                rec.CustomStr4 = Between(lineArr[16], ":", "/");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr4 : " + rec.CustomStr4);

                                rec.CustomStr5 = Before(lineArr[16], ":");
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr5 : " + rec.CustomStr5);
                                rec.CustomInt4 = Convert.ToInt32(After(lineArr[16], "/"));
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomInt4 : " + rec.CustomInt4);

                catch (Exception e)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ERROR------------");
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.StackTrace);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");

                if (usingRegistry)
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                    s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();
                if (args.Message == "")
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Message is null.");

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");

                //2011-01-03 13:27:05	Local1.Info	Jan  3 13:28:08 brightmail ecelerity: 1294054057|c0a80250-b7b7aae000007fcf-ca-4d21b2a946ae|ACCEPT|
                // : local1.info Feb 17 14:28:25 brightmail ecelerity: 1297945705|c0a80250-b7b6bae000000e0e-f8-4d5d1460c093|DELIVERY_FAILURE|550 5.4.4 [internal] null mx domain does not accept mail|[email protected]
                // : local1.info Feb 17 14:24:12 brightmail ecelerity: 1297945452|c0a80250-b7b6bae000000e0e-a0-4d5d136b012b|ORCPTS|[email protected]

                //* : local1.info Mar  1 16:51:34 brightmail ecelerity: 1298991094|c0a80250-b7b8aae000000cca-18-4d65f5d052d6|DELIVERY_FAILURE|554 5.4.7 [internal] exceeded max time without delivery|[email protected]
                //* : local1.info Mar  1 16:53:35 brightmail bmserver: 1298991215|c0a80250-b7ce9ae000000cc1-bf-4d6d086e8648|MSGID| <*****@*****.**>
                //* : local1.info Mar  1 16:48:42 brightmail bmserver: 1298990922|c0a80250-b7ce9ae000000cc1-5e-4d6d072bac0f|ATTACH|image001.jpg|kalite y??netimi ve saha i??nceleme raporu no.12.pdf
                //* : local1.info Feb 23 14:03:48 brightmail bmserver: 1298462628|c0a80250-b7b8aae000000cca-87-4d64f73e0192|ATTACHFILTER|_bbg.exe

                // : security2.info Feb 18 10:57:05 brightmail xinetd[2225]: START: https pid=6620 from=
                // : security2.info Feb 18 11:58:50 brightmail xinetd[2225]: START: https pid=13836 from=

                // : local1.info May  5 12:05:33 brightmail ecelerity: 1304586333|c0a80250-b7cb8ae000003006-fb-4dc2681d68ec|DELIVERY_FAILURE|554 5.4.4 [internal] domain lookup failed|[email protected]
                string[] parts = args.Message.Split(new char[]{' '}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                rec.LogName = "SymantecBrightmailRecorder";
                rec.SourceName = args.Source;
                rec.EventType = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();
                rec.Description = args.Message;
                rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

                    if (parts.Length > 8)
                        rec.CustomStr6 = parts[0].Split(':')[1];
                        rec.CustomStr7 = parts[0].Split(':')[0];// 1[1]
                        rec.CustomStr8 = parts[3] + " " + parts[4] + " " + parts[5];
                        rec.CustomStr9 = parts[7].TrimEnd(':');//7

                        if (parts[8].Contains("|"))
                            string[] pipes = parts[8].Split('|');//8

                            rec.CustomInt1 = Convert_To_Int32(pipes[0]);
                            rec.EventCategory = "";
                                rec.CustomStr10 = pipes[1];
                                rec.EventCategory = pipes[2];
                            catch (Exception ex)
                            { }

                            if (rec.EventCategory == "ACCEPT")
                                rec.CustomStr1 = pipes[3].Split(':')[0];
                                rec.CustomInt2 = Convert_To_Int32(pipes[3].Split(':')[1]);

                            else if (rec.EventCategory == "SENDER")
                                rec.CustomStr3 = pipes[3];
                            else if (rec.EventCategory == "ORCPTS")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = pipes[3];
                            else if (rec.EventCategory == "SOURCE")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = pipes[3];
                            else if (rec.EventCategory == "SUBJECT")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = pipes[3];
                            else if (rec.EventCategory == "MSGID")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = pipes[3].Trim().TrimEnd('<').TrimStart('>');//Mail adresi.
                            else if (rec.EventCategory == "ATTACH")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = "";
                                for (int i = 3; i < pipes.Length; i++)
                                    rec.CustomStr4 += pipes[i] + "|";
                                rec.CustomStr4 = rec.CustomStr4.TrimEnd('|');
                            else if (rec.EventCategory == "UNTESTED")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = pipes[3];
                                rec.CustomStr5 = " ";
                                for (int i = 4; i < pipes.Length; i++)
                                    rec.CustomStr5 += pipes[i] + "|";
                                rec.CustomStr5 = rec.CustomStr5.Trim();
                            else if (rec.EventCategory == "VERDICT")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = pipes[3];
                                rec.CustomStr5 = " ";
                                for (int i = 4; i < pipes.Length; i++)
                                    rec.CustomStr5 += pipes[i] + "|";
                                rec.CustomStr5 = rec.CustomStr5.Trim();
                            else if (rec.EventCategory == "TRACKERID")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = pipes[3];
                                rec.CustomStr5 = " ";
                                for (int i = 4; i < pipes.Length; i++)
                                    rec.CustomStr5 += pipes[i] + "|";
                                rec.CustomStr5 = rec.CustomStr5.Trim();
                            else if (rec.EventCategory == "IRCPTACTION")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = pipes[3];
                                rec.CustomStr5 = " ";
                                for (int i = 4; i < pipes.Length; i++)
                                    rec.CustomStr5 += pipes[i] + "|";
                                rec.CustomStr5 = rec.CustomStr5.TrimEnd('|');
                            else if (rec.EventCategory == "DELIVER")
                                rec.CustomStr5 = pipes[3];
                                rec.CustomStr4 = pipes[4];
                            else if (rec.EventCategory == "DELIVERY_FAILURE")
                                rec.CustomStr5 = pipes[3];
                                rec.CustomStr4 = pipes[4];
                            else if (rec.EventCategory == "ATTACHFILTER")
                                rec.CustomStr4 = "";
                                for (int i = 3; i < pipes.Length; i++)
                                    rec.CustomStr4 += pipes[i] + "|";
                                rec.CustomStr4 = rec.CustomStr4.TrimEnd('|');
                            // : security2.info Feb 18 10:57:05 brightmail xinetd[2225]: START: https pid=6620 from=
                            if (parts[8].Contains("START"))
                                rec.EventCategory = parts[8].TrimEnd(':');
                                rec.CustomStr1 = parts[9];
                                rec.CustomInt3 = Convert_To_Int32(parts[10].Split('=')[1]);
                                rec.CustomStr6 = parts[11].Split('=')[1];
                        L.LogTimed(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, " Line format is not like we want. Line : " + args.Message);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, ex.ToString());
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, " Error line written in description. Line : " + args.Message);

            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");
            if (usingRegistry)
                CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");

            catch (Exception er)
                L.LogTimed(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.LogTimed(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, " Hataya düşen line : " + args.Message);
        void Sep_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            var r = new Rec();
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " Sep_SyslogEvent() Started.");
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " Sep_SyslogEvent() Line : " + args.Message);

            r.Description = args.Message.Length > 899 ? args.Message.Substring(0, 899) : args.Message;

            r.Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

            //CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
            int control = 0;
                String line = "";
                // e L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                r.LogName = "SymantecSepSyslog Recorder";
                //rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
                //r.EventType = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();
                //r.EventCategory = args.Source;
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Log is:" + args.Message);

                //main main main
                line = args.Message;
                var array = new String[100];
                //emr for virus found and array[0] controll
                var array2 = new String[100];
                array2 = SpaceSplit(line, true);
                array = line.Split(',');
                var temp3 = new String[100];
                temp3 = array2[7].Split(':');
                r.ComputerName = temp3[0];
                if (array.Length != 0)
                    if (line.Contains("Virus found"))
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Virus found");
                        r.EventCategory = "Virus found";
                        r.SourceName = array2[0];
                        virusFound(ref r, line);
                    else if (line.Contains("Forced TruScan proactive threat detected"))
                        r.EventCategory = "Forced TruScan proactive threat detected";
                        r.SourceName = array2[1];
                        forcedTruScanProactive(ref r, line);
                    else if (line.Contains("Scan ID"))
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Scan");
                        r.EventCategory = "scan";
                        r.SourceName = array2[0];
                        scanComplete(ref r, line);
                    else if (line.Contains("Could not scan"))
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Could not scan");
                        r.EventCategory = "Could not scan";
                        r.SourceName = array2[0];
                        couldnotScan(ref r, line);
                    else if (line.Contains("client has downloaded the content package"))
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "client has downloaded the content package");
                        r.EventCategory = "client has downloaded the content package";
                        r.SourceName = array2[0];
                        contentPackage(ref r, line);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.Datetime))
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Colud not set DateTime, log is ignored..");
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Log:" + line);
                    else if (line.Contains("LiveUpdate"))
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "LiveUpdate");
                        r.EventCategory = "LiveUpdate";
                        r.SourceName = array2[0];
                        LiveUpdate(ref r, line);

                    else if (line.Contains("Network Threat Protection is unable to download the newest policy"))
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Network Threat Protection is unable to download the newest policy");
                        r.EventCategory = "Network Threat Protection is unable to download the newest policy";
                        r.SourceName = array2[0];
                        unableToDownload(ref r, line);

                    else if (line.Contains("New virus definition file loaded"))
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "New virus definition file loaded");
                        r.EventCategory = "New virus definition file loaded";
                        r.SourceName = array2[0];
                        definitionFileLoaded(ref r, line);

                    else if (line.Contains("services shutdown"))
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "services shutdown");
                        r.EventCategory = "services shutdown";
                        r.SourceName = array2[0];
                        definitionFileLoaded(ref r, line);

                    else if (line.Contains("services startup "))
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "services startup ");
                        r.EventCategory = "services startup";
                        r.SourceName = array2[0];
                        definitionFileLoaded(ref r, line);

                    else if (line.Contains("Auto-Protect failed "))
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Auto-Protect failed");
                        r.EventCategory = "Auto-Protect failed";
                        r.SourceName = array2[0];
                        autoProtectedFailed(ref r, line);

                    else if (line.Contains("disable"))
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "disable");
                        r.EventCategory = "disable";
                        r.SourceName = array2[0];
                        disable(ref r, line);

                    else if (line.Contains("Failed to contact server"))
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Failed to contact server");
                        r.EventCategory = "Failed to contact server";
                        r.SourceName = array2[0];
                        failedToContact(ref r, line);

                    }//bundan sonrakiler obey edilcek satýlar  , ,,
                    else if (line.Contains("Block IPv6") || line.Contains("Traffic from IP address") || line.Contains("Not in GZIP format") || line.Contains("received the client log") || line.Contains("Block all other traffic"))
                        //L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Category: Block IPv6,Traffic from IP address,Not in GZIP format,received the client log,Block all other traffic");
                        control = 1;
                    else if (line.Contains("Block and log IP traffic") || line.Contains("Host Integrity") || line.Contains("Location has been changed to Default.") || line.Contains("has been activated."))
                        //L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Category: Block IPv6,Traffic from IP address,Not in GZIP format,received the client log,Block all other traffic");
                        control = 1;
                        control = 1;
                        //L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Unknown or not wanted log format. All data written to description field." + args.Message);
                        r.Description = args.Message;
            catch (Exception er)
                L.LogTimed(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());

                if (control != 1)
                    r.Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
                    r.Description = args.Message.Length > 899 ? args.Message.Substring(0, 899) : args.Message;
                    //e L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
                    //e L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, r);
                    s.SetReg(Id, r.Datetime, "", "", "", r.Datetime);
                    //e L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception exception)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Record sending Error.");
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "slog_SyslogEvent Line: " + args.Message);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                    rec.LogName = "WSenseSyslogV_1_0_0Recorder";
                    rec.EventType = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventType: " + rec.EventType);

                    if (args.Message.Length > 899)
                        rec.Description = args.Message.Substring(0, 899);
                        rec.Description = args.Message;

                    string line = args.Message;
                    string[] lineArr = SpaceSplit(line, false);

                        DateTime dt;
                        string dateNow = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        string myDateTimeString = lineArr[4] + lineArr[3] + "," + dateNow + "  ," + lineArr[5];
                        dt = Convert.ToDateTime(myDateTimeString);
                        rec.Datetime = dt.ToString(dateFormat);
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Datetime: " + rec.Datetime);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Date Error: " + exception.Message);

                    //L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventCategory: " + rec.EventCategory);

                    if (lineArr.Length > 6)
                        rec.CustomStr1 = lineArr[6];
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr1: " + rec.CustomStr1);
                        //if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("category"))
                        if (lineArr.Length > 12)
                            if (lineArr[12].Trim().StartsWith("category"))
                                rec.EventCategory = SplitedLine(lineArr[12]);
                                //Console.WriteLine("EventCategory: " + rec.EventCategory);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventCategory: " + rec.EventCategory);
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                    if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("category"))
                                        rec.EventCategory = SplitedLine(lineArr[i]);
                                        //Console.WriteLine("EventCategory: " + rec.EventCategory);
                                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventCategory: " + rec.EventCategory);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventCategory: " + exception.Message);

                        //if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("user"))
                        if (lineArr.Length > 13)
                            if (lineArr[13].Trim().StartsWith("user"))
                                if (lineArr[13].Contains("://"))
                                    rec.ComputerName = After(SplitedLine(lineArr[13]), "://");
                                    //Console.WriteLine("ComputerName: " + rec.ComputerName);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ComputerName: " + rec.ComputerName);

                                    if (lineArr.Length > 14)
                                        string d = lineArr[14].Split('/')[lineArr[14].Split('/').Length - 1];
                                        rec.UserName = d + " " + lineArr[15];
                                        //Console.WriteLine("UserName: "******"UserName: "******"DC=local");
                                            if (df.EndsWith(","))
                                                rec.SourceName = df.Substring(0, df.Length - 1);
                                                //Console.WriteLine("SourceName: " + rec.SourceName);
                                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "SourceName: " + rec.SourceName);
                                        catch (Exception exception)
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "SourceName: " + exception.Message);

                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ComputerName = null");
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                    if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("user"))
                                        rec.ComputerName = SplitedLine(lineArr[i]);
                                        //Console.WriteLine("ComputerName: " + rec.ComputerName);
                                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ComputerName: " + rec.ComputerName);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ComputerName: " + exception.Message);

                        //if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("action"))
                        if (lineArr.Length > 10)
                            if (lineArr[10].Trim().StartsWith("action"))
                                rec.CustomStr2 = SplitedLine(lineArr[10]);
                                //Console.WriteLine("CustomStr2: " + rec.CustomStr2);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr2: " + rec.CustomStr2);
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                    if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("action"))
                                        rec.CustomStr2 = SplitedLine(lineArr[i]);
                                        //Console.WriteLine("CustomStr2: " + rec.CustomStr2);
                                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr2: " + rec.CustomStr2);

                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr2: " + exception.Message);

                        //if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("src_host"))
                        if (lineArr.Length > 16)
                            if (lineArr[10].Trim().StartsWith("src_host"))
                                rec.CustomStr3 = SplitedLine(lineArr[16]);
                                //Console.WriteLine("CustomStr3: " + rec.CustomStr3);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr3: " + rec.CustomStr3);
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                    if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("src_host"))
                                        rec.CustomStr3 = SplitedLine(lineArr[i]);
                                        //Console.WriteLine("CustomStr3: " + rec.CustomStr3);
                                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr3: " + rec.CustomStr3);

                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr2: " + exception.Message);

                        //if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("dst_ip"))
                        if (lineArr.Length > 19)
                            if (lineArr[19].Trim().StartsWith("dst_ip"))
                                rec.CustomStr4 = SplitedLine(lineArr[19]);
                                //Console.WriteLine("CustomStr4: " + rec.CustomStr4);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr4: " + rec.CustomStr4);
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                    if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("dst_ip"))
                                        rec.CustomStr4 = SplitedLine(lineArr[i]);
                                        //Console.WriteLine("CustomStr4: " + rec.CustomStr4);
                                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr4: " + rec.CustomStr4);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr4: " + exception.Message);

                        //if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("dst_ip"))
                        if (lineArr.Length > 18)
                            if (lineArr[18].Trim().StartsWith("dst_host"))
                                rec.CustomStr5 = SplitedLine(lineArr[18]);
                                //Console.WriteLine("CustomStr5: " + rec.CustomStr5);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr5: " + rec.CustomStr5);
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                    if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("dst_host"))
                                        rec.CustomStr5 = SplitedLine(lineArr[i]);
                                        //Console.WriteLine("CustomStr5: " + rec.CustomStr5);
                                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr5: " + rec.CustomStr5);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr5: " + exception.Message);

                        //if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("url"))
                        if (lineArr.Length > 33)
                            if (lineArr[33].StartsWith("url"))
                                rec.CustomStr6 = SplitedLine(lineArr[33]);
                                //Console.WriteLine("CustomStr6: " + rec.CustomStr6);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr6: " + rec.CustomStr6);
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                    if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("url"))
                                        rec.CustomStr6 = SplitedLine(lineArr[i]);
                                        //Console.WriteLine("CustomStr6: " + rec.CustomStr6);
                                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr6: " + rec.CustomStr6);

                            rec.CustomStr6 = SplitedLine(lineArr[lineArr.Length - 1]);
                            //Console.WriteLine("CustomStr6: " + rec.CustomStr6);
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr6: " + rec.CustomStr6);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr6: " + exception.Message);

                    //    if (rec.CustomStr6.Length > 899)
                    //    {
                    //        rec.CustomStr7 = rec.CustomStr6.Substring(899, 1799);
                    //    }
                    //catch (Exception exception)
                    //    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr7: " + exception.Message);

                        //if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("disposition"))
                        if (lineArr.Length > 29)
                            if (lineArr[29].StartsWith("disposition"))
                                rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[29]));
                                //Console.WriteLine("CustomInt1: " + rec.CustomInt1);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt1: " + rec.CustomInt1);
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                    if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("disposition"))
                                        rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[i]));
                                        //Console.WriteLine("CustomInt1: " + rec.CustomInt1);
                                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt1: " + rec.CustomInt1);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt1 Casting error, CustomInt1 setted 0 " + exception.Message);
                        rec.CustomInt1 = 0;
                        //if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("http_response"))
                        if (lineArr.Length > 23)
                            if (lineArr[23].StartsWith("http_response"))
                                rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[23]));
                                //Console.WriteLine("CustomInt3: " + rec.CustomInt3);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt3: " + rec.CustomInt1);
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                    if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("http_response"))
                                        rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[i]));
                                        //Console.WriteLine("CustomInt3: " + rec.CustomInt3);
                                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt3: " + rec.CustomInt3);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt3 Casting error, CustomInt3 setted 0 " + exception.Message);
                        rec.CustomInt3 = 0;

                        //if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("severity"))
                        if (lineArr.Length > 11)
                            if (lineArr[11].StartsWith("severity"))
                                rec.CustomInt5 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[11]));
                                //Console.WriteLine("CustomInt5: " + rec.CustomInt5);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt5: " + rec.CustomInt5);
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                    if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("severity"))
                                        rec.CustomInt5 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[i]));
                                        //Console.WriteLine("CustomInt5: " + rec.CustomInt5);
                                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt5: " + rec.CustomInt5);

                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt5 Casting error, CustomInt5 setted 0 " + exception.Message);
                        rec.CustomInt5 = 0;

                        //if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("bytes_out"))
                        if (lineArr.Length > 21)
                            if (lineArr[21].StartsWith("bytes_out"))
                                rec.CustomInt7 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[21]));
                                //Console.WriteLine("CustomInt7: " + rec.CustomInt7);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt7: " + rec.CustomInt7);
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                    if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("bytes_out"))
                                        rec.CustomInt7 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[i]));
                                        //Console.WriteLine("CustomInt7: " + rec.CustomInt7);
                                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt7: " + rec.CustomInt7);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt7 Casting error, CustomInt7 setted 0 " + exception.Message);
                        rec.CustomInt7 = 0;

                        //if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("bytes_in"))
                        if (lineArr.Length > 22)
                            if (lineArr[22].StartsWith("bytes_in"))
                                rec.CustomInt8 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[22]));
                                //Console.WriteLine("CustomInt8: " + rec.CustomInt8);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt8: " + rec.CustomInt8);
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                    if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("bytes_in"))
                                        rec.CustomInt8 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[i]));
                                        //Console.WriteLine("CustomInt8: " + rec.CustomInt8);
                                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt8: " + rec.CustomInt8);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt8 Casting error, CustomInt8 setted 0 " + exception.Message);
                        rec.CustomInt8 = 0;
                        //if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("src_port"))
                        if (lineArr.Length > 17)
                            if (lineArr[17].StartsWith("src_port"))
                                rec.CustomInt9 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[17]));
                                //Console.WriteLine("CustomInt9: " + rec.CustomInt9);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt9: " + rec.CustomInt9);
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                    if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("src_port"))
                                        rec.CustomInt9 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[i]));
                                        ////Console.WriteLine("CustomInt9: " + rec.CustomInt9);
                                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt9: " + rec.CustomInt9);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt9 Casting error, CustomInt9 setted 0 " + exception.Message);
                        rec.CustomInt9 = 0;
                        //if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("dst_port"))
                        if (lineArr.Length > 20)
                            if (lineArr[20].StartsWith("dst_port"))
                                rec.CustomInt10 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[20]));
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt10: " + rec.CustomInt10);
                                for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                    if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("dst_port"))
                                        rec.CustomInt10 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[i]));
                                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt10: " + rec.CustomInt10);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt10 Casting error, CustomInt10 setted 0 " + exception.Message);
                        rec.CustomInt10 = 0;

                    //L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " Source Is : " + args.Source.ToString());
                    //rec.SourceName = args.Source;
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, " Log : " + args.Message);

                catch (Exception e)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ERROR------------");
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.StackTrace);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");

                if (usingRegistry)
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                    s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
                if (args.Message !=null && args.Message !="")
                    CiscoDEVRecorderProcess devrecorder = new CiscoDEVRecorderProcess();

                    devrecorder.parsingProcess(args, zone);
                    CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();
                    rec = devrecorder.createRec();

                    InitializeLogger.L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");

                    if (usingRegistry)
                        CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                        CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                        s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                        s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "","","",rec.Datetime);
                    InitializeLogger.L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)
                InitializeLogger.L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                InitializeLogger.L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                    string[] logproperties = {"id","sn","time","fw","pri","c","m","msg","n","dst","proto","src",

                    this.log_Name = "SonicWallSyslog Recorder";
                    this.event_Type = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "args.Message" + args.Message);
                    string[] tempfields = args.Message.Split(' ');
                    info = tempfields[2];
                    description = args.Message;

                    for (int k = 3; k < tempfields.Length; k++)
                        if (!tempfields[k].Contains("="))
                            for (int j = k; j < tempfields.Length; j++)
                                if (tempfields[j].Contains("="))
                                    k = j;
                                tempfields[k - 1] += " " + tempfields[j];
                                tempfields[j] = "";
                            tempfields[k - 1] = tempfields[k - 1].Trim();

                    int controlindex = 0;

                    for (int h = 0; h < tempfields.Length; h++)
                        if (tempfields[h] == "")

                    string[] fields = new string[tempfields.Length - controlindex];
                    int xyz = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < tempfields.Length; i++)
                        if (tempfields[i] != "")
                            fields[xyz] = tempfields[i];

                    for (int i = 3; i < fields.Length; i++)
                        int index = -1;
                        string property = "";
                        property = fields[i].Split('=')[0];
                        index = Array.IndexOf(logproperties, property);

                        if (index != -1)
                            assignpropertyvalue(index, fields[i].Split('=')[1]);
                            assignundefinedvalue(fields[i].Split('=')[0], fields[i].Split('=')[1]);

                    string controltype = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
                                controltype ="web";
                                controltype ="fw";

                    if (controltype == "web")
                        rec = createRec("web");
                        rec = createRec("fw");
                catch (Exception e)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ERROR------------");
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.StackTrace);

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");
                if (usingRegistry)
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, Dal + " " + virtualhost + " " + rec.Description);
                    s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                    s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "","","",rec.Datetime);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, " Log : " + args.Message);

                    rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                    rec.EventType = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();
                    rec.LogName = "SonicWallV_TZ120_0_0UTMRecorder";

                    if (args.Message.Length > 899)
                        rec.Description = args.Message.Substring(0, 899);
                        rec.Description = args.Message;

                    string[] lineArr = SpaceSplit(args.Message, false);

                    rec.SourceName = lineArr[2];
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "SourceName: " + rec.SourceName);
                    rec.EventType = lineArr[2].Split('.')[1];
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventType: " + rec.EventType);
                    rec.ComputerName = lineArr[0];
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ComputerName: " + rec.ComputerName);

                    //if (lineArr[2] == "local0.info")
                            if (lineArr.Length > 16)
                                if (lineArr[16].Trim().StartsWith("op="))
                                    rec.EventCategory = SplitedLine(lineArr[16]);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventCategory: " + rec.EventCategory);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("op="))
                                            rec.EventCategory = SplitedLine(lineArr[i]);
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventCategory: " + rec.EventCategory);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "EventCategory: " + exception.Message);
                        // : local0.error id=firewall sn=0017C56122AA time="2013-01-28 13:14:13 UTC" fw=none pri=3 c=4 m=14 msg="Web site access denied" n=223847 src= dst= dstname=www.facebook.com arg=/plugins/like.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpages%2Fgazetea24com%2F168179866539250&send=false&layout code=58 Category="Social Networking"
                            string userName = "";
                            if (lineArr.Length > 13)
                                if (lineArr[13].Trim().StartsWith("src="))
                                    if (SplitedLine(lineArr[13]).Split(':').Length > 2)
                                        userName = After(SplitedLine(lineArr[13]), "X0:");
                                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "UserName: "******"src="))
                                            if (SplitedLine(lineArr[i]).Split(':').Length > 2)
                                                userName = After(SplitedLine(lineArr[i]), "X0:");
                                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "UserName: "******":"))
                                    rec.UserName = userName.Split(':')[0];
                                    rec.UserName = userName;
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "UserName: "******"Category="))
                                    rec.CustomStr1 = Between(args.Message, "Category=", " ");
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr1: " + rec.CustomStr1);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("Category="))
                                            rec.CustomStr1 = Between(args.Message, "Category=", " ");
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr1: " + rec.CustomStr1);
                            rec.CustomStr1 = rec.CustomStr1.Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr1: " + exception.Message);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 15)
                                if (lineArr[15].Trim().StartsWith("proto="))
                                    rec.CustomStr2 = SplitedLine(lineArr[15]);
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr2: " + rec.CustomStr2);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("proto="))
                                            rec.CustomStr2 = SplitedLine(lineArr[i]);
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr2: " + rec.CustomStr2);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr2: " + exception.Message);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 13)
                                if (lineArr[13].Trim().StartsWith("src"))
                                    rec.CustomStr3 =
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr3: " + rec.CustomStr3);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("src"))
                                            rec.CustomStr3 = SplitedLine(lineArr[i]).Split(':')[SplitedLine(lineArr[i]).Split(':').Length - 1];
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr3: " + rec.CustomStr3);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr3: " + exception.Message);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 14)
                                if (lineArr[14].Trim().StartsWith("dst"))
                                    rec.CustomStr4 =
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr4: " + rec.CustomStr4);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("dst"))
                                            rec.CustomStr4 = SplitedLine(lineArr[i]).Split(':')[SplitedLine(lineArr[i]).Split(':').Length - 1];
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr4: " + rec.CustomStr4);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr4: " + exception.Message);

                        rec.CustomStr5 = Between(args.Message, "msg=", "n=");
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr5: " + rec.CustomStr5);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 20)
                                if (lineArr[20].Trim().StartsWith("arg"))
                                    rec.CustomStr7 =
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr7: " + rec.CustomStr7);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("arg"))
                                            rec.CustomStr7 = SplitedLine(lineArr[i]);
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr7: " + rec.CustomStr3);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr7: " + exception.Message);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 19)
                                if (lineArr[19].Trim().StartsWith("dstname"))
                                    rec.CustomStr8 =
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr8: " + rec.CustomStr7);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("dstname"))
                                            rec.CustomStr8 = SplitedLine(lineArr[i]);
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr8: " + rec.CustomStr8);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr8: " + exception.Message);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 14)
                                if (lineArr[14].Trim().StartsWith("dst"))
                                    rec.CustomStr10 =
                                        SplitedLine(lineArr[14]).Split(':')[SplitedLine(lineArr[14]).Split(':').Length - 1];
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr10: " + rec.CustomStr10);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("dst"))
                                            rec.CustomStr10 = SplitedLine(lineArr[i]).Split(':')[SplitedLine(lineArr[i]).Split(':').Length - 1];
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr10: " + rec.CustomStr10);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr10: " + exception.Message);

                            if (lineArr.Length > 18)
                                if (lineArr[18].Trim().StartsWith("result"))
                                    rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[18]));
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt1: " + rec.CustomStr10);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("result"))
                                            rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[18]));
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt1: " + rec.CustomInt1);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt1: " + exception.Message);
                            rec.CustomInt1 = 0;

                            if (lineArr.Length > 17)
                                if (lineArr[17].Trim().StartsWith("rcvd"))
                                    rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[17]));
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt2: " + rec.CustomInt2);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("rcvd"))
                                            rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[17]));
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt2: " + rec.CustomInt2);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt2: " + exception.Message);
                            rec.CustomInt2 = 0;

                            if (lineArr.Length > 13)
                                if (lineArr[13].Trim().StartsWith("src"))
                                    rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[13].Split(':')[1]));
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt3: " + rec.CustomInt3);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("src"))
                                            rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[i].Split(':')[1]));
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt3: " + rec.CustomInt3);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt3: " + exception.Message);
                            rec.CustomInt3 = 0;

                            if (lineArr.Length > 14)
                                if (lineArr[14].Trim().StartsWith("dst"))
                                    rec.CustomInt4 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[14].Split(':')[1]));
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt4: " + rec.CustomInt4);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("src"))
                                            rec.CustomInt4 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[i].Split(':')[1]));
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt4: " + rec.CustomInt4);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt4: " + exception.Message);
                            rec.CustomInt4 = 0;

                            if (lineArr.Length > 9)
                                if (lineArr[9].Trim().StartsWith("pri"))
                                    rec.CustomInt5 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[9]));
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt5: " + rec.CustomInt5);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("pri"))
                                            rec.CustomInt5 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[i]));
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt5: " + rec.CustomInt5);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt5: " + exception.Message);
                            rec.CustomInt5 = 0;

                            if (lineArr.Length > 10)
                                if (lineArr[10].Trim().StartsWith("c="))
                                    rec.CustomInt6 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[10]));
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt6: " + rec.CustomInt6);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("c="))
                                            rec.CustomInt6 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[i]));
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt6: " + rec.CustomInt6);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt6: " + exception.Message);
                            rec.CustomInt6 = 0;

                            if (lineArr.Length > 11)
                                if (lineArr[11].Trim().StartsWith("m="))
                                    rec.CustomInt7 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[11]));
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt7: " + rec.CustomInt7);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("m="))
                                            rec.CustomInt7 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[i]));
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt7: " + rec.CustomInt7);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt7: " + exception.Message);
                            rec.CustomInt7 = 0;

                            if (lineArr.Length > 12)
                                if (lineArr[12].Trim().StartsWith("n="))
                                    rec.CustomInt8 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[12]));
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt8: " + rec.CustomInt8);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("n="))
                                            rec.CustomInt8 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[i]));
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt8: " + rec.CustomInt8);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt8: " + exception.Message);
                            rec.CustomInt8 = 0;

                            if (lineArr.Length > 21)
                                if (lineArr[21].Trim().StartsWith("code"))
                                    rec.CustomInt9 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[21]));
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt9: " + rec.CustomInt9);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("n="))
                                            rec.CustomInt9 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[i]));
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt9: " + rec.CustomInt9);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt9: " + exception.Message);
                            rec.CustomInt9 = 0;

                            if (lineArr.Length > 21)
                                if (lineArr[21].Trim().StartsWith("code"))
                                    rec.CustomInt9 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[21]));
                                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt9: " + rec.CustomInt9);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("n="))
                                            rec.CustomInt9 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitedLine(lineArr[i]));
                                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt9: " + rec.CustomInt9);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt9: " + exception.Message);
                            rec.CustomInt9 = 0;

                catch (Exception e)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "ERROR------------");
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, e.StackTrace);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");

                if (usingRegistry)
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                    s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        void SlogSyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            var rec = new Rec();

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " Log : " + args.Message);

                    rec.LogName = "WatchGuardWebSyslogV_1_0_0Recorder";
                    rec.Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

                    rec.Description = args.Message.Length > 899 ? args.Message.Substring(0, 899) : args.Message;
                    rec.Description = args.Message.Replace("'", "|");

                    string line = args.Message;
                    string[] lineArr = line.Split();
                    string[] subLineArr = line.Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    for (int i = 0; i < lineArr.Length; i++)
                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("op"))
                            rec.EventType = SplitFunction(lineArr[i]);
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventType: " + rec.EventType);

                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("proxy_act"))
                            rec.CustomStr2 = SplitFunction(lineArr[i]);
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr2: " + rec.CustomStr2);

                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("dstname"))
                            rec.CustomStr6 = SplitFunction(lineArr[i]);
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr6: " + rec.CustomStr6);

                        if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("arg"))
                            rec.CustomStr7 = SplitFunction(lineArr[i]);
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr7: " + rec.CustomStr7);

                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("sent_bytes"))
                                rec.CustomInt5 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitFunction(lineArr[i]));
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt5: " + rec.CustomInt5);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt5 Type Casting Error: " + exception.Message);

                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("rcvd_bytes"))
                                rec.CustomInt6 = Convert.ToInt32(SplitFunction(lineArr[i]));
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt6: " + rec.CustomInt6);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt6 Type Casting Error: " + exception.Message);

                            if (lineArr[i].StartsWith("elapsed_time"))
                                rec.CustomStr8 = SplitFunction(lineArr[i]);
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr8: " + rec.CustomStr8);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr8 Type Casting Error: " + exception.Message);

                        if (lineArr[i].ToLower() == "tcp")
                                IPAddress sourceIp = IPAddress.Parse(lineArr[i + 1]);
                                rec.CustomStr3 = sourceIp.ToString(); L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr3: " + rec.CustomStr3);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr3 Error: " + exception.Message);

                                IPAddress destIp = IPAddress.Parse(lineArr[i + 2]);
                                rec.CustomStr4 = destIp.ToString();
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr4: " + rec.CustomStr4);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr4 Error: " + exception.Message);

                        if (lineArr[i].ToLower() == "udp")
                                IPAddress sourceIp = IPAddress.Parse(lineArr[i + 3]);
                                rec.CustomStr3 = sourceIp.ToString(); L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr3: " + rec.CustomStr3);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr3 Error: " + exception.Message);

                                IPAddress destIp = IPAddress.Parse(lineArr[i + 4]);
                                rec.CustomStr4 = destIp.ToString();
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr4: " + rec.CustomStr4);
                            catch (Exception exception)
                                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr4 Error: " + exception.Message);

                    rec.EventCategory = subLineArr[10];

                        string msg1 = After(line, "msg=");
                        string msg2 = Before(msg1, "\" ");
                        rec.CustomStr1 = msg2.Replace('"', ' ').Trim();
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr1: " + rec.CustomStr1);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomStr1 Error: " + exception.Message);

                    if (lineArr.Length > 8)
                        if (lineArr[8].Contains("-"))
                            rec.CustomStr5 = lineArr[5].Split('-')[0];
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr5: " + rec.CustomStr5);

                        if (subLineArr.Length > 16)
                            rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(lineArr[16]);
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt3: " + rec.CustomInt3);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt3 Type Casting Error: " + exception.Message);

                        if (subLineArr.Length > 17)
                            rec.CustomInt4 = Convert.ToInt32(lineArr[17]);
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomInt4: " + rec.CustomInt4);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt4 Type Casting Error: " + exception.Message);

                    //    if (lineArr.Length > 8)
                    //    {
                    //        rec.EventCategory = lineArr[10];
                    //        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventCategory: " + rec.EventCategory);
                    //    }
                    //catch (Exception exception)
                    //    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "EventCategory Error: " + exception.Message);
                catch (Exception e)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "ERROR------------");
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.StackTrace);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");
                if (usingRegistry)
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                    s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        public void SlogSquidSyslogRecorder(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            var rec = new Rec();
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Line Onur  : " + args.Message);
                string line = args.Message;
                    rec.LogName = "SquidSyslogV_1_0_0Recorder";
                    string[] arr = line.Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    if (arr.Length > 13)
                        rec.EventType = arr[13];
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventType: " + rec.EventType);

                    if (arr.Length > 11)
                        rec.EventCategory = arr[11];
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "EventCategory: " + rec.EventCategory);

                    if (arr.Length > 14)
                        rec.CustomStr1 = arr[14];
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr1: " + rec.CustomStr1);

                    rec.CustomStr2 = arr[arr.Length - 1];
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr2: " + rec.CustomStr2);

                    if (arr.Length > 10)
                        rec.CustomStr3 = arr[10];
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr3: " + rec.CustomStr3);

                    if (arr.Length > 16)
                        rec.CustomStr4 = arr[16].Contains("/") ? arr[16].Split('/')[1] : arr[16];
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr4: " + rec.CustomStr4);

                    if (arr.Length > 2)
                        rec.CustomStr5 = arr[2];
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr5: " + rec.CustomStr5);

                    if (arr.Length > 8)
                        rec.CustomStr6 = arr[8];
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr6: " + rec.CustomStr6);

                    if (arr.Length > 7)
                        rec.CustomStr7 = arr[7];
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr7: " + rec.CustomStr7);

                    if (arr.Length > 0)
                        rec.CustomStr10 = arr[0];
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "CustomStr7: " + rec.CustomStr7);

                        if (arr.Length > 9)
                            rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(arr[9]);
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "rec.CustomInt2." + rec.CustomInt2);

                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt2 Cast Error." + exception.Message);
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt2 expected value: " + arr[8]);

                        rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(arr[12]);
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "rec.CustomInt3." + rec.CustomInt3);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt3 Cast Error." + exception.Message);
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt3 expected value: " + arr[11]);

                        string myDateTimeString = arr[4] + arr[3] + "," + DateTime.Now.Year + "," + arr[5];
                        DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(myDateTimeString);
                        rec.Datetime = dt.ToString(dateFormat);
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Datetime: " + rec.Datetime);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Datetime Error " + exception.Message);

                    rec.Description = args.Message.Length > 899 ? args.Message.Substring(0, 899) : args.Message;

                    //string findChar = "/";
                    //int Found = (arr[13].Length - arr[13].Replace(findChar, "").Length) / findChar.Length;
                    //string s = Between(arr[13], "/", "/");
                    //if (Found > 3)
                    //    string s1 = Between(s, "/", "/");
                    //    if (Found == 3 || Found == 4)
                    //    {
                    //        rec.CustomStr8 = s1;
                    //        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr8: " + rec.CustomStr8);
                    //    }

                    //    else if (Found > 3)
                    //    {
                    //        rec.CustomStr8 = Before(s1, "/");
                    //        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr8: " + rec.CustomStr8);
                    //    }
                    //else if (Found > 1)
                    //    if (s.StartsWith("/"))
                    //    {
                    //        rec.CustomStr8 = After(s, "/");
                    //        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr8: " + rec.CustomStr8);
                    //    }
                    //else if (Found == 0)
                    //    if (rec.CustomStr1.Contains(":"))
                    //    {
                    //        rec.CustomStr8 = rec.CustomStr1.Split(':')[0];
                    //        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, " CustomStr8: " + rec.CustomStr8);
                    //    }

                    //    if (rec.CustomStr1.Contains(":"))
                    //    {
                    //        rec.CustomInt5 = Convert.ToInt32(rec.CustomStr1.Split(':')[1]);
                    //    }
                    //catch (Exception exception)
                    //    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt5 Cast Error." + exception.Message);
                    //    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "CustomInt5 expected value: " + arr[13]);
                catch (Exception e)
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "ERROR------------");
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.Message);
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, e.StackTrace);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");

                CustomServiceBase serviceBase = GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                serviceBase.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                serviceBase.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        void slog_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec rec = ParseSpecific(args.Message, false, args);
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Start preparing record");
            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Start sending Data");

                if (usingRegistry)
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                        CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                        s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                        s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, rec.Description, "", "", rec.Datetime);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Data sending error." + exception.Message);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, args.EventLogEntType + " " + args.Message);
        void checkpoint_DHCP(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec r = new CustomBase.Rec();
            CustomServiceBase s;
            if (usingRegistry)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Security Manager Sender");
                s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.INFORM, "Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");

                String line = args.Message.Replace('\0', ' ');

                r.LogName = "Checkpoint DHCP Recorder";
                string tarih;

                line = line.Replace('\0', ' ').TrimEnd(' ');

                String[] arr = SpaceSplit(args.Message.Replace('\0', ' '), true);
                String[] arr2 = line.Split('>');
                String[] cat = arr[2].Split('.');

                tarih = arr[3] + "/" + ay(arr[4]).ToString() + "/" + arr[5] + " " + arr[6];
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set datetime");
                r.Datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(tarih).AddMinutes(zone).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

                //An IP conflict was detected
                if (arr[8] == "<10020>")
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set event category");
                    r.EventCategory = arr[7];
                    String[] arr3 = arr2[1].Split(':');
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set username");
                    r.UserName = arr[16];       //ip
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set description");
                    r.Description = arr2[1];    //The IP is in use by a device with MAC address 00:09:f3:07:26:ab
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set eventtype");
                    r.EventType = arr[10] + " " + arr[11]; //iip conflict
                    L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set event customstr1");
                    r.CustomStr1 = arr3[0];     //An IP conflict was detected
                    if (arr[8] == "<10016>")        //spotted
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set event category");
                        r.EventCategory = arr[7];
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set username");
                        r.UserName = arr[arr.Length - 1];       //ip
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set description");
                        r.Description = arr2[1];    //Spotted 00:16:17:4d:37:9d (TMO) using IP address
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set event type");
                        r.EventType = "ADDRESS DETECTION";       //sabit
                        L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set customstr1");
                        r.CustomStr1 = arr[9];     //
                        if (arr[8] == "<10015>")        //assigned
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set event category");
                            r.EventCategory = arr[7];
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set username");
                            r.UserName = arr[10];       //ip
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set description");
                            r.Description = arr2[1];    //
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set eventtype");
                            r.EventType = "DHCP";      //sabit
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set customstr1");
                            r.CustomStr1 = arr[9];      //assigned
                        else {
                            L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "set descriiption ");
                            r.Description = line;

                r.SourceName = args.Source;
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");

                if (!usingRegistry)
                    s.SetData(Dal,virtualHost, r);
                    s.SetReg(identity, r.Datetime, "", "",r.Datetime);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");

            }//end of try
            catch (Exception ex)
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Wrong data: " + args.Message.Replace('\0', ' '));
                r.SourceName = args.Source;
                r.LogName = "CheckpointDHCPRecorder";
                r.Description = args.Message.Replace('\0', ' ');
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "(err) Finish preparing record");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "(err) Start sending Data");

                if (!usingRegistry)
                    s.SetData(Dal,virtualHost, r);
                    s.SetReg(identity, r.Datetime,"","", "",r.Datetime);

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "(err)Finish Sending Data");
                L.LogTimed(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Error at parsing" + ex.ToString());
        public void parsingProcess(LogMgrEventArgs args, int zone)
            string[] logproperties = {"User-Name", "NAS-IP-Address", "NAS-Port", "Group-Name", "Framed-IP-Address", "Calling-Station-Id", "Acct-Status-Type",
                                       "Acct-Session-Id", "NAS-Portname", "Caller-Id", "Acct-Flags", "service", "task_id", "AAA Server",
                                       "Message-Type", "Filter Information", "Access Device", "Message-Type", "Authen-Failure-Code",
                                       "status-class", "text-message", "system-memory-usage", "system-free-disk-space", "System-CPU-usage",

            this.log_Name = "Cisco ACS Recorder";
            InitializeLogger.L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Message" + args.Message);
            this.event_Type = args.EventLogEntType.ToString();
            this.description = args.Message.Replace('\0', ' ');
            string[] syslogMessageArr = args.Message.Split(',');

            string[] _syslogmessageArrIndex = syslogMessageArr[0].Split(' ');
            int count = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < _syslogmessageArrIndex.Length; i++)
                if (_syslogmessageArrIndex[i] == "")

            string[] syslogmessageArrIndex0 = new string[_syslogmessageArrIndex.Length - count];

            int indexa = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < _syslogmessageArrIndex.Length; i++)
                if (_syslogmessageArrIndex[i] != "")
                    syslogmessageArrIndex0[indexa] = _syslogmessageArrIndex[i];

                String[] sourceArr = syslogmessageArrIndex0[0].Split(':');
                this.sourceName = sourceArr[0]; //Source Name
                this.sourceportNumber = Convert.ToInt32(sourceArr[1]); //Source Port
            catch (Exception e)
                InitializeLogger.L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "Couldnt find source port number :" + e.Message);

            this.logType = syslogmessageArrIndex0[7];

            string[] date ={ "", "", "", "" };
            date[0] = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Year);
            date[1] = syslogmessageArrIndex0[3];
            date[2] = syslogmessageArrIndex0[4];
            date[3] = syslogmessageArrIndex0[5];

            string logDate = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                logDate += date[i] + " ";

            DateTime _logDate = new DateTime();
            _logDate = Convert.ToDateTime(logDate.TrimEnd());
            this.dateTime = _logDate.AddMinutes(zone).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); // Date Time

            this.message_Id = syslogmessageArrIndex0[8];
            int index;
            string property="";

                bool kontrol = true;
                if (syslogmessageArrIndex0[11].Contains("="))
                    property = syslogmessageArrIndex0[11].Split('=')[0];
                    if (syslogmessageArrIndex0[11] == "AAA")
                        property = "AAA Server";
                    kontrol = false;

                index = Array.IndexOf(logproperties, property);

                if (kontrol)
                    assignpropertyvalue(index, syslogmessageArrIndex0[11].Split('=')[1]);
                    assignpropertyvalue(index, syslogmessageArrIndex0[12].Split('=')[1]);
            catch (Exception e)
                InitializeLogger.L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "error on parsing the AAA Server :" + e.Message);

            for (int i = 1; i < syslogMessageArr.Length-1; i++)
                index = -1;
                property ="";
                property = syslogMessageArr[i].Split('=')[0];
                index = Array.IndexOf(logproperties,property);
                if(index != -1)
                    assignpropertyvalue(index, syslogMessageArr[i].Split('=')[1]);
                    assignundefinedvalue(syslogMessageArr[i].Split('=')[0], syslogMessageArr[i].Split('=')[1]);
        void Genuagate_SyslogEvent(LogMgrEventArgs args)
            CustomBase.Rec rec = new CustomBase.Rec();
            //CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start preparing record");
                rec.LogName = "GenuagateSyslog Recorder";
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "args.message->" + args.Message);
                String[] arr = SpaceSplit(args.Message, true);
                // CustomBase.Rec r = new CustomBase.Rec();

                rec.ComputerName = arr[0];
                //rec.EventType = arr[1];

                DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(arr[4] + " " + arr[3] + " " + DateTime.Now.Year + " " + arr[5]);
                rec.Datetime = dt.Day + "/" + dt.Month + "/" + dt.Year + " " + arr[5];

                rec.EventCategory = arr[10];

                Dictionary<String, String> dictTemp = new Dictionary<String, String>();

                switch (rec.EventCategory)
                    case "request":
                    case "accept":
                    case "connect":
                    case "disconnect":
                            for (Int32 i = 11; i < arr.Length; i++)
                                String[] arrTemp = arr[i].Split('=');
                                if (arrTemp.Length > 1)
                                    dictTemp.Add(arrTemp[0], arrTemp[1]);

                                rec.CustomStr6 = dictTemp["laddr"];
                                rec.CustomStr6 = "";
                                rec.CustomInt1 = Convert.ToInt32(dictTemp["lport"]);
                                rec.CustomInt1 = -1;
                                rec.CustomStr2 = dictTemp["baddr"];
                                rec.CustomStr2 = "";
                                rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(dictTemp["bport"]);
                                rec.CustomInt2 = -1;
                                rec.CustomStr3 = dictTemp["caddr"];
                                rec.CustomStr3 = "";
                                rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(dictTemp["cport"]);
                                rec.CustomInt3 = -1;
                                rec.CustomStr4 = dictTemp["saddr"];
                                rec.CustomStr4 = "";
                                rec.CustomInt4 = Convert.ToInt32(dictTemp["sport"]);
                                rec.CustomInt4 = -1;
                                rec.Description = dictTemp["url"];
                                rec.Description = "";
                                rec.CustomStr5 = dictTemp["duration"];
                                rec.CustomStr5 = "";
                                rec.CustomStr1 = dictTemp["rnum"];
                                rec.CustomStr1 = "";
                                rec.CustomStr7 = dictTemp["status"];
                                rec.CustomStr7 = "";
                                rec.CustomStr8 = dictTemp["type"];
                                rec.CustomStr8 = "";

                        } break;
                    case "ACCESS":
                            rec.EventCategory += " " + arr[11];

                            rec.CustomStr10 = "";

                            Int32 i = 12;
                            for (i = 12; i < arr.Length; i++)
                                if (Char.IsDigit(arr[i], 0))
                                rec.CustomStr10 += arr[i] + " ";
                            rec.CustomStr10 = rec.CustomStr10.Trim();

                            for (; i < arr.Length; i++)
                                if (arr[i].Contains("from"))

                            String[] arrTemp = arr[i].Split(':');
                            rec.CustomStr3 = arrTemp[0];
                                rec.CustomInt3 = Convert.ToInt32(arrTemp[1]);
                            i += 2;

                            arrTemp = arr[i].Split(':');
                            rec.CustomStr2 = arrTemp[0];
                                rec.CustomInt2 = Convert.ToInt32(arrTemp[1]);

                        } break;

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish preparing record");

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Start sending Data");
                if (usingRegistry)
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Sender");
                    CustomServiceBase s = base.GetInstanceService("Security Manager Remote Recorder");
                    s.SetData(Dal, virtualhost, rec);
                    s.SetReg(Id, rec.Datetime, "", "", "", rec.Datetime);
                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.DEBUG, "Finish Sending Data");
            catch (Exception er)

                L.Log(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, "args.message->" + args.Message);
                L.LogTimed(LogType.FILE, LogLevel.ERROR, er.ToString());