Beispiel #1
		public WebSocket(DiscordWSClient client)
			_client = client;
			_logLevel = client.Config.LogLevel;

			_loginTimeout = client.Config.ConnectionTimeout;
			_cancelToken = new CancellationToken(true);
			_connectedEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
			_engine = new WebSocketSharpEngine(this, client.Config);
			_engine.BinaryMessage += (s, e) =>
				using (var compressed = new MemoryStream(e.Data, 2, e.Data.Length - 2))
				using (var decompressed = new MemoryStream())
					using (var zlib = new DeflateStream(compressed, CompressionMode.Decompress))
					decompressed.Position = 0;
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(decompressed))
			_engine.TextMessage += (s, e) =>
				/*await*/ ProcessMessage(e.Message).Wait();
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Logs a single runtime message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">message to log.</param>
        /// <param name="severity">type of the message.</param>
        internal static void Log(String message, LogMessageSeverity severity = LogMessageSeverity.Information)
            // Choose the right style for provided severity.
            string severityCharacter = "?";

            switch (severity)
            case LogMessageSeverity.Success:
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                severityCharacter       = "+";

            case LogMessageSeverity.Error:
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                severityCharacter       = "-";

            case LogMessageSeverity.Warning:
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                severityCharacter       = "?";

                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                severityCharacter       = "*";

            // Show the message.
            Console.WriteLine("[" + severityCharacter + "] " + message);
Beispiel #3
        public WebSocket(DiscordWSClient client)
            _client   = client;
            _logLevel = client.Config.LogLevel;

            _loginTimeout   = client.Config.ConnectionTimeout;
            _cancelToken    = new CancellationToken(true);
            _connectedEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

            _engine = new WebSocketSharpEngine(this, client.Config);
            _engine.BinaryMessage += (s, e) =>
                using (var compressed = new MemoryStream(e.Data, 2, e.Data.Length - 2))
                    using (var decompressed = new MemoryStream())
                        using (var zlib = new DeflateStream(compressed, CompressionMode.Decompress))
                        decompressed.Position = 0;
                        using (var reader = new StreamReader(decompressed))
            _engine.TextMessage += (s, e) =>
                /*await*/ ProcessMessage(e.Message).Wait();
 public MessageLoggedEventArgs(string source, LogMessageSeverity severity, string message, Exception exception = null)
     Source    = source ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
     Severity  = severity;
     Message   = message;
     Exception = exception;
 internal void RaiseOnLog(LogMessageSeverity severity, string message)
     if (LogMessage != null)
         LogMessage(this, new LogMessageEventArgs(severity, LogMessageSource.Unknown, message));
        /// <summary>
        /// Optimized deserialization of a LogMessagePacket based on the current packet definition
        /// </summary>
        public new void ReadFieldsFast(IFieldReader reader)

            m_ID           = reader.ReadGuid();
            m_Caption      = reader.ReadString();
            m_Severity     = (LogMessageSeverity)reader.ReadInt32();
            m_LogSystem    = reader.ReadString();
            m_CategoryName = reader.ReadString();
            m_UserName     = reader.ReadString();
            m_Description  = reader.ReadString();
            m_Details      = reader.ReadString();
            m_ThreadIndex  = reader.ReadInt32();
            m_ThreadId     = reader.ReadInt32();
            m_MethodName   = reader.ReadString();
            m_ClassName    = reader.ReadString();
            m_FileName     = reader.ReadString();
            m_LineNumber   = reader.ReadInt32();
            string[] typeNames         = reader.ReadStringArray();
            string[] messages          = reader.ReadStringArray();
            string[] sources           = reader.ReadStringArray();
            string[] stackTraces       = reader.ReadStringArray();
            Guid     applicationUserId = reader.ReadGuid();

            if (m_ThreadIndex == 0)
                m_ThreadIndex = m_ThreadId; // Zero isn't legal, so it must not have had it.  Fall back to ThreadId.
            if (applicationUserId != Guid.Empty)
                ApplicationUser applicationUser;
                m_SessionPacketCache.Users.TryGetValue(applicationUserId, out applicationUser);
                UserPacket = applicationUser.Packet;

            //these are supposed to be parallel arrays - assume they're all the same size.
            int arrayLength = typeNames.GetLength(0);
            var exceptions  = new IExceptionInfo[arrayLength]; // local holder to build it up

            IExceptionInfo lastException = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++)
                IExceptionInfo exception = new ExceptionInfoPacket()
                    TypeName   = typeNames[i],
                    Message    = messages[i],
                    Source     = sources[i],
                    StackTrace = stackTraces[i],
                exceptions[i] = exception;
                if (lastException != null)
                    ((ExceptionInfoPacket)lastException).InnerException = exception; //we are the inner exception to our parent.
                lastException = exception;

            m_ExceptionChain = exceptions; // Set the rehydrated ExceptionInfo[] array property
        /// <summary>
        /// A helper method to translate an NLog's log event level into a Loupe log message severity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="level"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static LogMessageSeverity GetSeverityLevel(LogLevel level)
            LogMessageSeverity severity = LogMessageSeverity.None;

            // Check from most-frequent first, but round any unrecognized levels down to the best Loupe severity match.
            if (level < LogLevel.Info)
                severity = LogMessageSeverity.Verbose;
            else if (level < LogLevel.Warn)
                severity = LogMessageSeverity.Information;
            else if (level < LogLevel.Error)
                severity = LogMessageSeverity.Warning;
            else if (level < LogLevel.Fatal)
                severity = LogMessageSeverity.Error;
            else if (level < LogLevel.Off)
                severity = LogMessageSeverity.Critical;

 public LogMessage(String message, LogMessageType type, LogMessageSeverity severity, Exception exception)
     Message = message;
     Type = type;
     Severity = severity;
     Exception = exception;
 internal void RaiseOnLog(LogMessageSeverity severity, LogMessageSource source, string message)
     if (LogMessage != null)
         RaiseEvent(nameof(LogMessage), () => LogMessage(this, new LogMessageEventArgs(severity, source, message)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new sessions event arguments container
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newSessions"></param>
 /// <param name="warningSessions"></param>
 /// <param name="errorSessions"></param>
 /// <param name="criticalSessions"></param>
 /// <param name="maxSeverity"></param>
 public NewSessionsEventArgs(int newSessions, int warningSessions, int errorSessions, int criticalSessions, LogMessageSeverity maxSeverity)
     NewSessions      = newSessions;
     WarningSessions  = warningSessions;
     ErrorSessions    = errorSessions;
     CriticalSessions = criticalSessions;
     MaxSeverity      = maxSeverity;
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the provided logging event to the central Gibraltar log.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>The central Gibraltar logging class (Log) makes common decisions about when to write out logging information
        /// and where to write it out, therefore not all Log4Net logging events may be chosen to be permanently recorded</para>
        /// <para>Required as part of the Log4Net IAppender interface implementation.</para></remarks>
        /// <param name="loggingEvent">The individual LoggingEvent to be appended.</param>
        protected override void Append(LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
            // We shouldn't need a lock in this method because we don't access any of our member variables here,
            // and we don't need a recursion-guard because we don't send our own log events through log4net.

            // But we do need to first make sure the information we need is available from the LoggingEvent.
            // If it hasn't had any Fix flags set then we should be clear to access them without doing a Fix.

            const FixFlags ourFixFlags = FixFlags.Message | FixFlags.LocationInfo // | FixFlags.UserName
                                         | FixFlags.Identity | FixFlags.Exception;
            FixFlags fixedFlags = loggingEvent.Fix;

            if (fixedFlags != FixFlags.None)
                // Hmmm, someone already did a Fix on this LoggingEvent, which apparently locks other values from
                // being updated upon reference.  So we need to make sure the ones we need are also "fixed".
                // But don't do this if the flags are None because we don't want to lock the loggingEvent against
                // being updated by other references if it isn't already.

                // ToDo: Find out if this is actually necessary or if we are guaranteed to get our own LoggingEvent
                // independent of any other appender.  It seems odd that appenders could break each other this way.

                FixFlags neededFlags = ourFixFlags & ~fixedFlags; // What we need which isn't already fixed
                if (neededFlags != FixFlags.None)
                    // Uh-oh, there's something we do need to have "fixed"
                    loggingEvent.Fix = ourFixFlags; // should we set both (ourFixFlags | FixFlags.Partial) ?
                    // Flags that were already set are ignored in the new value, they can't change back to 0.

            LocationInfo           locationInfo  = loggingEvent.LocationInformation;
            IMessageSourceProvider messageSource = new LogMessageSource(locationInfo); // Wrap it with our converter
            Exception exception  = loggingEvent.ExceptionObject;
            string    loggerName = loggingEvent.LoggerName;
            string    message    = Layout != null?RenderLoggingEvent(loggingEvent) : loggingEvent.RenderedMessage;

            string userName = loggingEvent.Identity;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                // No thread-specific impersonating user, we'll just get the invariant process username later;
                userName = null;

            // This is a slight hack.  We get our repository from the first LoggingEvent we see after a config update
            // and use it to update our thresholds configuration.  We are assuming each instance of an appender is
            // associated with only one repository (but might in general be attached to multiple loggers).
            // Notice that GibraltarMessageSeverity() will get the lock for access to our threshold config member variables.
            LogMessageSeverity severity = GibraltarMessageSeverity(loggingEvent.Level, loggingEvent.Repository);

            if (severity != LogMessageSeverity.None) // Filter out severities less than configured Verbose threshold
                // We have a real event message.  Log it to the central Gibraltar queue, tagged as from Log4Net
                Log.Write(severity, "Log4Net", messageSource, userName, exception, LogWriteMode.Queued, null, loggerName, null, message);
        private static void BroadcastMessage(LogMessageSeverity messageSeverity, string message, Exception associatedException)
            string stdoutMessage = "Logger: "
                                   + (messageSeverity == LogMessageSeverity.Standard ? String.Empty : "[" + messageSeverity + "] ")
                                   + message
                                   + (associatedException == null ? String.Empty : " Ex: " + associatedException.GetAllMessages(true));
 public override void WriteMessage(LogMessageSeverity messageSeverity, string message, Exception associatedException, string callerMemberName, string callerFilePath, int callerLineNumber)
     lock (InstanceMutationLock) {
         if (suppressMessageCounter > 0U && messageSeverity != LogMessageSeverity.Fatal)
     base.WriteMessage(messageSeverity, message, associatedException, callerMemberName, callerFilePath, callerLineNumber);
        public BasicLogMessage(LogMessageSeverity severity, LogWriteMode writeMode, string logSystem, string categoryName,
                               int skipFrames, Exception exception, bool attributeToException, string caption, string description, params object[] args)
            : base(severity, logSystem, categoryName, skipFrames + 1, false, attributeToException, exception)
            WriteMode  = writeMode;
            Exception  = exception;
            DetailsXml = null;

            Caption     = caption;
            Description = description;
            MessageArgs = args;
        public SimpleLogMessage(LogMessageSeverity severity, LogWriteMode writeMode, string logSystem, string categoryName,
                                int skipFrames, Exception exception, string message, params object[] args)
            : base(severity, logSystem, categoryName, skipFrames + 1, false, false, null)
            WriteMode  = writeMode;
            Exception  = exception;
            DetailsXml = null;

            Caption     = null; // null signals that we need to split the description to find the caption when publishing.
            Description = message;
            MessageArgs = args;
Beispiel #16
        public DetailLogMessage(LogMessageSeverity severity, LogWriteMode writeMode, string logSystem, string categoryName,
                                int skipFrames, Exception exception, bool attributeToException, string detailsXml, string caption,
                                string description, params object[] args)
            : base(severity, logSystem, categoryName, skipFrames + 1, false, attributeToException, exception)
            WriteMode  = writeMode;
            Exception  = exception;
            DetailsXml = detailsXml;

            Caption     = caption; // Allow null, or should we force it to string.Empty?  Null will split it within Description.
            Description = description;
            MessageArgs = args;
Beispiel #17
        internal LocalLogMessage(LogMessageSeverity severity, LogWriteMode writeMode, string logSystem, string categoryName,
                                 int skipFrames, Exception exception, bool attributeToException, string detailsXml, string caption,
                                 string description, params object[] args)
            : base(severity, logSystem, categoryName, skipFrames + 1, true, attributeToException, exception)
            WriteMode  = writeMode;
            Exception  = exception;
            DetailsXml = detailsXml;

            Caption     = caption; // Allow null, which will split it within Description.
            Description = description;
            MessageArgs = args;
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the log event received by this Target into the Loupe central log.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logEvent">The LogEventInfo for a log event.</param>
        protected override void Write(LogEventInfo logEvent)
            if (logEvent == null)

            LogMessageSeverity     severity       = GetSeverityLevel(logEvent.Level);
            IMessageSourceProvider sourceProvider = new NLogSourceProvider(logEvent);
            string    category  = GetCategory(logEvent);
            Exception exception = GetException(logEvent);

            // By passing null for caption it will automatically get the caption from the first line of the formatted message.
            Gibraltar.Agent.Log.Write(severity, ThisLogSystem, sourceProvider, null, exception, LogWriteMode.Queued,
                                      null, category, null, logEvent.FormattedMessage);
Beispiel #19
        private event NotificationEventHandler m_NotificationEvent; // LOCKED BY QUEUELOCK (subscribed only through property)

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a Notifier looking for a given minimum LogMessageSeverity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minimumSeverity">The minimum LogMessageSeverity to look for.</param>
        /// <param name="notifierName">A name for this notifier (may be null for generic).</param>
        public Notifier(LogMessageSeverity minimumSeverity, string notifierName) // Note: Add config, etc?
            m_MessageQueue                = new Queue <LogMessagePacket>(50);    // a more or less arbitrary initial size.
            m_MinimumSeverity             = minimumSeverity;
            m_MinimumWaitNextNotify       = TimeSpan.Zero;                       // No delay by default.
            m_MessageDispatchThreadFailed = true;                                // We'll need to start one if we get a packet we care about.

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(notifierName))
                m_NotifierName         = string.Empty;
                m_NotifierCategoryName = NotifierCategoryBase;
                m_NotifierName         = notifierName;
                m_NotifierCategoryName = string.Format("{0}.{1}", NotifierCategoryBase, notifierName);
Beispiel #20
        private async void TryWriteLogLine(string message, LogMessageSeverity severity)
            if (_logFileStream == null)

            message = FormatMessage(message, severity);

                await _taskQueue.Enqueue(() => _logFileStream.WriteLineAsync(message));
                // ignore
Beispiel #21
        protected LogMessageBase(LogMessageSeverity severity, string logSystem, string categoryName, int skipFrames, bool localOrigin, bool attributeToException, Exception exception)
            m_Severity     = severity;
            m_LogSystem    = logSystem;
            m_CategoryName = categoryName;

            if (attributeToException && (ReferenceEquals(exception, null) == false))
                //try to use the exception as the source provider..
                var exceptionSourceProvider = new ExceptionSourceProvider(exception);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(exceptionSourceProvider.ClassName) == false)
                    //yep, we found something.
                    m_MessageSourceProvider = exceptionSourceProvider;

            m_MessageSourceProvider = m_MessageSourceProvider ?? new MessageSourceProvider(skipFrames + 1, localOrigin);
Beispiel #22
        public void WriteLog(LogMessageSeverity severity, string message)
            if (!this.logLevel.HasValue || (int)severity >= (int)this.logLevel.Value)
                MessageSeverity mappedSeverity = MessageSeverity.Information;

                switch (severity)
                case LogMessageSeverity.Debug: { mappedSeverity = MessageSeverity.Debug; break; }

                case LogMessageSeverity.Information: { mappedSeverity = MessageSeverity.Information; break; }

                case LogMessageSeverity.Warning: { mappedSeverity = MessageSeverity.Warning; break; }

                case LogMessageSeverity.Error: { mappedSeverity = MessageSeverity.Error; break; }

                this.Write(mappedSeverity, message);
Beispiel #23
		public WebSocket(DiscordSimpleClient client)
			_client = client;
			_logLevel = client.Config.LogLevel;

			_loginTimeout = client.Config.ConnectionTimeout;
			_cancelToken = new CancellationToken(true);
			_connectedEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

			_engine = new BuiltInWebSocketEngine(client.Config.WebSocketInterval);
			_engine = new WSSharpWebSocketEngine(this, client.Config.UserAgent, client.Config.WebSocketInterval);
			_engine.ProcessMessage += async (s, e) =>
				if (_logLevel >= LogMessageSeverity.Debug)
					RaiseOnLog(LogMessageSeverity.Debug, $"In:  " + e.Message);
				await ProcessMessage(e.Message);
        internal NotificationEventArgs(ILogMessage[] messages, TimeSpan defaultMinWait)
            MinimumNotificationDelay = defaultMinWait;
            Messages = messages;

            TopSeverity = LogMessageSeverity.Verbose;
            foreach (ILogMessage message in messages)
                if (message == null)

                LogMessageSeverity severity = message.Severity;
                if (severity < TopSeverity) // Severity compares in reverse, Critical = 1, Verbose = 16.
                    TopSeverity = severity; // Remember the new top severity.
                switch (severity)
                case LogMessageSeverity.Critical:

                case LogMessageSeverity.Error:

                case LogMessageSeverity.Warning:

                if (message.HasException)
Beispiel #25
        private MessageSourceProvider m_EventErrorSourceProvider; // Not locked.  Single-threaded use inside the dispatch loop only.

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a Notifier looking for a given minimum LogMessageSeverity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="publisher"></param>
        /// <param name="minimumSeverity">The minimum LogMessageSeverity to look for.</param>
        /// <param name="notifierName">A name for this notifier (may be null for generic).</param>
        /// <param name="groupMessages">True to delay and group messages together for more efficient processing</param>
        public Notifier(Publisher publisher, LogMessageSeverity minimumSeverity, string notifierName, bool groupMessages = true)
            m_Publisher                   = publisher;
            m_MessageQueue                = new Queue <LogMessagePacket>(50); // a more or less arbitrary initial size.
            m_MinimumSeverity             = minimumSeverity;
            m_GroupMessages               = groupMessages;
            m_MinimumWaitNextNotify       = TimeSpan.Zero; // No delay by default.
            m_MessageDispatchThreadFailed = true;          // We'll need to start one if we get a packet we care about.

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(notifierName))
                m_NotifierName         = string.Empty;
                m_NotifierCategoryName = NotifierCategoryBase;
                m_NotifierName         = notifierName;
                m_NotifierCategoryName = string.Format("{0}.{1}", NotifierCategoryBase, notifierName);

            m_Publisher.LogMessageNotify += Publisher_LogMessageNotify;
Beispiel #26
 public void Log(string message, LogMessageCategory category, LogMessageSeverity severity, [CallerMemberName] string callerName = "", [CallerFilePath] string callerFilePath = "", [CallerLineNumber] int callerLineNumber = -1)
Beispiel #27
 public void Log(string message, LogMessageSeverity severity, [CallerMemberName] string callerName = "", [CallerFilePath] string callerFilePath = "", [CallerLineNumber] int callerLineNumber = -1)
     Log(message, LogMessageCategory.General, severity, callerName, callerFilePath, callerLineNumber);
Beispiel #28
		internal void RaiseOnLog(LogMessageSeverity severity, string message)
			if (LogMessage != null)
				LogMessage(this, new LogMessageEventArgs(severity, LogMessageSource.Unknown, message));
 public LogMessage(String message, LogMessageType type, LogMessageSeverity severity)
     Message = message;
     Type = type;
     Severity = severity;
Beispiel #30
 internal void Log(LogMessageSeverity severity, string message, Exception exception = null)
 => Logger.Log(this, new MessageLoggedEventArgs("Client", severity, message, exception));
		internal LogMessageEventArgs(LogMessageSeverity severity, LogMessageSource source, string msg) 
			Severity = severity; 
			Source = source; 
			Message = msg; 
Beispiel #32
 internal LocalLogMessage(LogMessageSeverity severity, LogWriteMode writeMode, string logSystem, string categoryName,
                          int skipFrames, string detailsXml, string caption, string description, params object[] args)
     : this(severity, writeMode, logSystem, categoryName, skipFrames + 1, null, false, detailsXml, caption, description, args)
 public LogMessage(LogMessageSeverity severity, string message)
     : this(severity, message, null)
 public LogMessage(LogMessageSeverity severity, string message, object sender)
     Severity = severity;
     Message  = message;
     Sender   = sender;
Beispiel #35
 public void Write(LogMessageSeverity severity, string system, IMessageSourceProvider messageSource, IPrincipal?user, JavaScriptException?jsException,
                   LogWriteMode mode, string detailsBlock, string?category, string?caption, string?description, object[]?parameters)
     Log.Write(severity, system, messageSource, user, jsException, mode, detailsBlock, category, caption, description, parameters);
 public void Write(string message, LogMessageSeverity severity = LogMessageSeverity.Info)
Beispiel #37
		public DiscordAPIClient(LogMessageSeverity logLevel, string userAgent, int timeout)
			_rest = new RestClient(logLevel, userAgent, timeout);
		internal void RaiseOnLog(LogMessageSeverity severity, LogMessageSource source, string message)
			if (LogMessage != null)
				RaiseEvent(nameof(LogMessage), () => LogMessage(this, new LogMessageEventArgs(severity, source, message)));