Beispiel #1
        public void TestLogLogisticWFeatures()
            DataGen dg = new DataGen();


            double shapeMax = 5.0;
            double scaleMax = 500.0;

            double[]        arr  = new double[] { 1.0, 150.0 };
            Vector <double> init = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(arr);

            LogLogistic modelLogLogistic = new LogLogistic(dg.organicRecoveryDurations,


            Console.WriteLine("LL without features is " +
                              modelLogLogistic.LogLikelihood(modelLogLogistic.Kappa, modelLogLogistic.Lambda) +
                              " with Kappa " + modelLogLogistic.Kappa + " and Lambda " + modelLogLogistic.Lambda);

            double[,] warr = new double[2, dg.fCensored.ColumnCount];
            warr[0, 0]     = Sigmoid.InverseSigmoid(modelLogLogistic.Kappa, shapeMax);
            warr[1, 0]     = Sigmoid.InverseSigmoid(modelLogLogistic.Lambda, scaleMax);
            Matrix <double> w = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(warr);

            LogLogistic modelLogLogisticFeatured = new LogLogistic(dg.organicRecoveryDurations,
                                                                   dg.fSamples, dg.fCensored);

            modelLogLogisticFeatured.ShapeUpperBound = shapeMax;
            modelLogLogisticFeatured.ScaleUpperBound = scaleMax;
            Matrix <double> logLogisticParameters = modelLogLogisticFeatured.GradientDescent(w, 2001);
            Vector <double> frstSample            = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(
                new double[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 });

            Vector <double> scndSample = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(
                new double[] { 1.0, 4.0, 2.0 });

            Vector <double> res         = logLogisticParameters.Multiply(frstSample);
            var             alpha_shape = res[0];
            var             shape       = Sigmoid.Transform(alpha_shape, shapeMax);
            var             alpha_scale = res[1];
            var             scale       = Sigmoid.Transform(alpha_scale, scaleMax);

            res         = logLogisticParameters.Multiply(scndSample);
            alpha_shape = res[0];
            shape       = Sigmoid.Transform(alpha_shape, shapeMax);
            alpha_scale = res[1];
            scale       = Sigmoid.Transform(alpha_scale, scaleMax);
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(scale - 80.0) < 2.0);
Beispiel #2
        public void TestMixedLogLogisticFitting()
            LogLogistic   lg         = new LogLogistic(1.2, 300.0);
            List <double> llSamples  = lg.GenerateSample(5000);
            LogLogistic   lg1        = new LogLogistic(0.7, 80.0);
            List <double> llSamples1 = lg1.GenerateSample(5000);

            DataGen.AppendToLst(llSamples, llSamples1);
            var           ti = llSamples;
            List <double> xi = new List <double> {
            LogLogistic llModel = new LogLogistic(ti, xi);

            double[]        arr  = new double[] { 0.8, 150.0 };
            Vector <double> init = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(arr);

            Debug.WriteLine("Model completed!");
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(llModel.Kappa - 0.83) < 1e-1);
Beispiel #3
        public void TestLogLogisticFitting()
            LogLogistic lg         = new LogLogistic(1.2, 300);
            var         lgSamples  = lg.GenerateSample(3000);
            var         lgCensored = new List <double> {
                0.1, 0.1

            double[]        arr  = new double[] { 0.5, 12.0 };
            Vector <double> init = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(arr);

            LogLogistic lg2 = new LogLogistic(lgSamples, lgCensored);



            //The un-biased estimator of the LogLogistic distribution
            //has a high variance. So, we have to set the bar low.
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(lg2.Kappa - 1.2) < 1e-1);