private static async Task TasksWithScopedBuffer(int numTasksToStart, int parentTaskId)
            using (LogBuffer.BeginScope(collapseOnTriggered: true))
                var taskId = Interlocked.Increment(ref TaskCounter);
                    Log.Debug("Task {ParentTaskId}: Started the task {TaskId}", parentTaskId, taskId);

                    var failCounter = Interlocked.Decrement(ref FailCounter);

                    if (failCounter == 0)
                        // A single task will throw exception
                        Log.Debug("Task {TaskId} <-- was the one that failed", taskId);
                        throw new Exception("Failed");

                    if (failCounter < 0)
                        // Rest of the tasks end silently

                    var tasks = Enumerable.Range(0, numTasksToStart)
                        async x => {
                        await Task.Yield();         // yield first so we return the tasks before calling to make more
                        await TasksWithScopedBuffer(2, taskId);

                    await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Error(ex, "Task {TaskId}: Exception thrown and caught", taskId);

            /* The output is (something like):
             * [Error] #5E4  Task 1501: Exception thrown and caught
             * [Debug] #2    Detailed trace of the task spawns (in order of occurrence):
             * [Debug] #3    Task 0: Started the task 1
             * [Debug] #4    Task 1: Started the task 2
             * [Debug] #6    Task 2: Started the task 4
             * [Debug] #B    Task 4: Started the task 9
             * [Debug] #14   Task 9: Started the task 18
             * [Debug] #1E   Task 18: Started the task 28
             * [Debug] #34   Task 28: Started the task 49
             * [Debug] #62   Task 49: Started the task 96
             * [Debug] #C0   Task 96: Started the task 189
             * [Debug] #17D  Task 189: Started the task 377
             * [Debug] #2F5  Task 377: Started the task 753
             * [Debug] #5E4  Task 753: Started the task 1501
             * [Debug] #5E4  Task 1501 <-- was the one that failed
             * [Infor] #2    Total tasks started and ended: 3001
 /// <summary>
 ///     Use a LogBufferScope in the request pipeline for each request. The earlier in the pipeline
 ///     the middleware is added, the more debug information will be captured.
 /// </summary>
 public static void UseLogBufferScope(this IApplicationBuilder app)
         async(context, next) => {
         using (LogBuffer.BeginScope())
                 await next.Invoke();
             catch (Exception ex)
                 Log.ForContext <Program>().Error(ex, "Exception details: {ExceptionMessage}", ex.Message);
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            var consoleOutputFormat =
                $"[{{Level:u5}}] {{{LogBuffer.LogBufferContextPropertyName},-5}} {{Message:lj}}{{NewLine}}";

            void LoggerConfig(LoggerConfiguration lc)
                    formatProvider: new CultureInfo("en-US"), theme: AnsiConsoleTheme.Literate,
                    outputTemplate: consoleOutputFormat

            Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
                (SourceToMatchOn: "*", MinLevelAlways: LogEventLevel.Information,
                 MinLevelOnDetailed: LogEventLevel.Debug)
                         .With(/* more options: log level switch, trigger level, buffer capacity */)

                () => {

Simple task that errors and prints debug output:

                async() => {
                using (LogBuffer.BeginScope())

Collapsing scopes that print debug output from parents:

                    Log.Debug("Detailed trace of the task spawns (in order of occurrence):");
                    await TasksWithScopedBuffer(2, 0);

                    Log.Information("Total tasks started and ended: {TaskCounter}", TaskCounter);

                    Log.Debug(" --> The parent scope does not *stay* triggered, so this is never printed");