public async Task LocationsControllerShouldNotPersistTheSameLocationTwice()
            var location = new LocationModel
                Name          = "Prime Spot",
                StreetAddress = "777 E Wisconsin Ave",
                City          = "Milwaukee",
                State         = "WI",
                ZipCode       = "53202"
            var mockGeocoder           = new Mock <IGeocoder>();
            var geocodeWithGoodAddress = new GoogleGeocodeResponse
                results = new List <Result>
                    new Result
                        formatted_address = "This is a nicely formatted address."

            mockGeocoder.Setup(g => g.GetGeocodeAsync(location)).Returns(Task.FromResult(geocodeWithGoodAddress));

            var locationsController = new LocationsController(null, Context, mockGeocoder.Object);
            var result = await locationsController.Create(location) as ViewResult;

            result = await locationsController.Create(location) as ViewResult;

            Assert.Equal("The given address already exists. Enter a new address",
Beispiel #2
        public void LocationsController_Create_Post_Invalid_Model_Should_Send_Back_For_Edit()
            // Arrange
            var mock       = new Mock <LocationsBackend>(context);
            var controller = new LocationsController(context, mock.Object);

            // Get mock data as view model
            var dataMock = new LocationsDataMock();
            var dataRaw  = dataMock.GetAllViewModelList()[0];
            var data     = new AllTablesViewModel(dataRaw);

            // Make ModelState Invalid
            controller.ModelState.AddModelError("test", "test");

            // Act
            var result = controller.Create(data) as ViewResult;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual("Create Post", result.ViewName);
        public async Task LocationsControllerDoesNotReturnAddressIfAddressNotFound()
            var badLocation = new LocationModel
                Name          = "Imaginary Spot",
                StreetAddress = "1313 Mockingbird Ln",
                City          = "Keflavik",
                State         = "CZ",
                ZipCode       = "98765"
            var badGeocode = new GoogleGeocodeResponse
                results = Enumerable.Empty <Result>().ToList()
            var mockGeocoder = new Mock <IGeocoder>();

            mockGeocoder.Setup(g => g.GetGeocodeAsync(badLocation)).Returns(Task.FromResult(badGeocode));

            var locationsController = new LocationsController(null, Context, mockGeocoder.Object);
            var result = await locationsController.Create(badLocation) as ViewResult;

                "This address could not be found. Please check this address and try again!",
        public void CreateGet()
            var controller = new LocationsController();

            var result = controller.Create();

Beispiel #5
        public async Task ValidModel_CreateNewItemInDbAndReturnToIndex()
            // Arrange
            Location savedLocation = null;

            _mockRepo.Setup(repo => repo.CreateAsync(It.IsAny <Location>()))
            .Callback <Location>(x => savedLocation = x);

            // Act
            var result = await _sut.Create(_newLocation);

            // Assert
            var redirectToActionResult = Assert.IsType <RedirectToActionResult>(result);

            _mockRepo.Verify(repo => repo.CreateAsync(It.IsAny <Location>()), Times.Once);
            Assert.Equal("Index", redirectToActionResult.ActionName);
            Assert.Equal(_newLocation.LocationName, savedLocation.LocationName);
Beispiel #6
        public async Task LocationsControllerShouldNotPersistTheSameLocationTwice()
            var location = new LocationModel
                Name          = "Prime Spot",
                StreetAddress = "777 E Wisconsin Ave",
                City          = "Milwaukee",
                State         = "WI",
                ZipCode       = "53202"

            var locationsController = new LocationsController(Configuration, Context);
            var result = await locationsController.Create(location) as ViewResult;

            result = await locationsController.Create(location) as ViewResult;

            Assert.Equal("The given address already exists. Enter a new address",
        //Test POST for creating new location that is null
        public void LocationController_Create_ReturnsBadRequest_WhenObjectIsNull()
            //Arrange new ObjectResult
            Location location = null;

            var result = controller.Create(location);

            Assert.IsType <BadRequestObjectResult>(result);
        public void CreatePost()
            var controller = new LocationsController();
            var location   = new Location()
                Name = "New car shop"

            var result = controller.Create(location);

        public void Post_MethodAddsItem_Test()
            LocationsController controller   = new LocationsController(mock.Object);
            Location            testLocation = new Location();

            testLocation.LocationName = "Lima, Peru";
            ViewResult indexView  = new LocationsController(mock.Object).Index() as ViewResult;
            var        collection = indexView.ViewData.Model as IEnumerable <Location>;

            Assert.Contains <Location>(testLocation, collection);
        public async Task CannotMakeExistingLocationsInvalidAsync()
            var goodLocation = new LocationModel
                Name          = "Prime Spot",
                StreetAddress = "777 E Wisconsin Ave",
                City          = "Milwaukee",
                State         = "WI",
                ZipCode       = "53202"
            var mockGeocoder           = new Mock <IGeocoder>();
            var geocodeWithGoodAddress = new GoogleGeocodeResponse
                results = new List <Result>
                    new Result
                        formatted_address = "This is a nicely formatted address."

            mockGeocoder.Setup(g => g.GetGeocodeAsync(goodLocation)).Returns(Task.FromResult(geocodeWithGoodAddress));

            var locationsController = new LocationsController(null, Context, mockGeocoder.Object);
            var response            = await locationsController.Create(goodLocation) as ViewResult;

            var badLocation = new LocationModel
                Name          = goodLocation.Name,
                StreetAddress = goodLocation.StreetAddress,
                City          = goodLocation.City,
                State         = goodLocation.State,
                ZipCode       = "99999" // Invalid Zip Code
            var badGeocode = new GoogleGeocodeResponse
                results = Enumerable.Empty <Result>().ToList()

            mockGeocoder.Setup(g => g.GetGeocodeAsync(badLocation)).Returns(Task.FromResult(badGeocode));

            response = await locationsController.Edit(1, badLocation) as ViewResult;

                "This address could not be found. Please check this address and try again!",
        public void DB_CreateNewEntry_Test()
            // Arrange
            LocationsController controller   = new LocationsController(db);
            Location            testLocation = new Location();

            testLocation.Description = "TestDb Location";
            testLocation.Name        = "TestDb Name";

            // Act
            var collection = (controller.Index() as ViewResult).ViewData.Model as IEnumerable <Location>;

            // Assert
            Assert.Contains <Location>(testLocation, collection);
Beispiel #12
        public void Locations_Create_Get_Default_Should_Pass()
            // Arrange
            var mock         = new Mock <LocationsBackend>(context);
            var dataMock     = new LocationsDataMock();
            var myController = new LocationsController(context, mock.Object);

            // Act
            var result = myController.Create();

            // Assert
Beispiel #13
        public async Task LocationsControllerDoesNotReturnAddressIfAddressNotFound()
            var badLocation = new LocationModel
                Name          = "Imaginary Spot",
                StreetAddress = "1313 Mockingbird Ln",
                City          = "Keflavik",
                State         = "CZ",
                ZipCode       = "98765"

            var locationsController = new LocationsController(Configuration, Context);
            var result = await locationsController.Create(badLocation) as ViewResult;

                "This address could not be found. Please check this address and try again!",
        public void Post_MethodEditsItem_Test()
            LocationsController controller   = new LocationsController(mock.Object);
            Location            testLocation = new Location();

            testLocation.LocationName = "Lima, Peru";
            testLocation.LocationName = "Bejing, China";
            Location expectedLocation = new Location();

            expectedLocation.LocationName = "Bejing, China";
            ViewResult indexView  = new LocationsController(mock.Object).Index() as ViewResult;
            var        collection = indexView.ViewData.Model as IEnumerable <Location>;

            Assert.Equal(expectedLocation.LocationName, (collection.FirstOrDefault(c => c.LocationId == testLocation.LocationId)).LocationName);
Beispiel #15
        public void Create_PostRequest_EnsureRedirectionToIndex()
            var mockLocationRepo = new Mock <ILocationRepository>();

            mockLocationRepo.Setup(repo => repo.Create(null));
            var controller        = new LocationsController(mockLocationRepo.Object, null, null);
            var locationViewModel = new LocationViewModel()
                Name = "Walmart"

            // Act
            var result = controller.Create(locationViewModel, null);

            // Assert
            var redirectToActionResult = Assert.IsType <RedirectToActionResult>(result);

            Assert.Equal("Index", redirectToActionResult.ActionName);
        public void Location_Cannot_Add_Invalid_Changes()
            // Arrange
            Location Location = new Location {
                LocationId = 2, ParentId = 1, Description = ""

            Mock <ILogger <LocationsController> > mockLogger             = new Mock <ILogger <LocationsController> >();
            Mock <ILocationRepository>            mockLocationRepository = new Mock <ILocationRepository>();

            LocationsController controller = new LocationsController(mockLogger.Object, mockLocationRepository.Object);

            controller.ModelState.AddModelError("error", "error");

            // Act
            IActionResult result = controller.Create(Location);

            // Assert
            mockLocationRepository.Verify(m => m.AddLocation(It.IsAny <Location>()), Times.Never());
Beispiel #17
        public async void CreatelocationReturnsLocation()
            //A -arrange
            var location1 = new Location();

            location1.ID   = 1;
            location1.Name = "Cici";
            var mockRepo = new Mock <ILocationRepository>();

            mockRepo.Setup(repo => repo.CreateAsync(It.IsAny <Location>()))
            var controller = new LocationsController(mockRepo.Object);
            //A -act
            var result = await controller.Create(location1);

            //A -assert
            var viewResult = Assert.IsType <Location>((result as ObjectResult).Value as Location);

            Assert.Equal(viewResult.Name, "Cici");
            Assert.Equal((result as ObjectResult).StatusCode, 201);
Beispiel #18
        public void TestLocationCreateView()
            // Arrange
            var location = new Location {
                Name = "Store test", Type = LocationType.Megastore

            var mockLocationService = new Mock <ILocationService>();
            var mockPostCodeService = new Mock <IPostCodeService>();

            mockLocationService.Setup(r => r.Add(location));
            var controller = new LocationsController(mockLocationService.Object, mockPostCodeService.Object);

            // Act
            var result = controller.Create(GetViewModel(0));

            // Assert
            var locationTypeEx = LocationTypeEx.LocationTypes.First(lte => lte.LocationType == (int)location.Type);

            Assert.AreEqual(location.Name, ((LocationsDetailsViewModel)((ViewResult)result).Model).Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(locationTypeEx, ((LocationsDetailsViewModel)((ViewResult)result).Model).LocationType);
        //Test POST for creating new location
        public void LocationController_Create_ReturnsObject_WhenNewObject()
            controller = createContext(controller);
            //Arrange new ObjectResult
            var location = new Location()
                Id            = 4,
                Country       = "Country4",
                City          = "City4",
                ZipCode       = "ZipCode4",
                PrimaryLine   = "PrimaryLine4",
                SecondaryLine = "SecondaryLine4",

            var result         = controller.Create(location);
            var resultAsObject = result as ObjectResult;
            var resultObject   = resultAsObject.Value as Location;

            Assert.IsType <ObjectResult>(result);
            Assert.Equal(location.Country, resultObject.Country);
Beispiel #20
        public void LocationsController_Create_Post_Valid_Model_Should_Pass()
            // Arrange
            var mock = new Mock <LocationsBackend>(context);

            mock.Setup(backend => backend.Create(It.IsAny <AllTablesViewModel>())).Returns(true);
            var controller = new LocationsController(context, mock.Object);

            // Get mock data as view model
            var dataMock = new LocationsDataMock();
            var dataRaw  = dataMock.GetAllViewModelList()[0];
            var data     = new AllTablesViewModel(dataRaw);

            // Act
            var result = controller.Create(data) as RedirectToActionResult;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual("Index", result.ActionName);
        public void Location_Can_Add_Valid_Changes()
            // Arrange
            Location Location = new Location {
                LocationId = 2, ParentId = 1, Description = "Test"

            Mock <ILogger <LocationsController> > mockLogger             = new Mock <ILogger <LocationsController> >();
            Mock <ILocationRepository>            mockLocationRepository = new Mock <ILocationRepository>();
            Mock <ITempDataDictionary>            tempData = new Mock <ITempDataDictionary>();

            LocationsController controller = new LocationsController(mockLogger.Object, mockLocationRepository.Object)
                TempData = tempData.Object

            // Act
            IActionResult result = controller.Create(Location);

            // Assert
            mockLocationRepository.Verify(m => m.AddLocation(Location));

            Assert.AreEqual("List", (result as RedirectToActionResult).ActionName);