public override void RemoveObject(IDataObject objectToRemove)
            if (LocationObjects == null)
            bool completed;
            int? objectToRemoveInternalId;

            if ((objectToRemove as LocationDataObject) == null)
                _logEngine.LogError("Unable to remove null object", "The object you are trying to remove is null", "LocationObjectsDataSet.RemoveObject", null);
                throw new PulpException("Unable to remove Null Object.");

            if (objectToRemove.IsNew)
                objectToRemoveInternalId = objectToRemove.InternalObjectId;
                objectToRemoveInternalId = LocationObjectInternalIds.ContainsKey((objectToRemove as LocationDataObject).PrimaryKey) ? (int?)LocationObjectInternalIds[(objectToRemove as LocationDataObject).PrimaryKey] : null;

            if (objectToRemoveInternalId != null)
                LocationDataObject value;
                completed = false;
                var count = 0;
                while (!completed && count++ < 15)
                    completed = LocationObjects.TryRemove((int)objectToRemoveInternalId, out value);

                // Reinit InternalObjectId only if the object to remove is part of the current dataset
                if (ReferenceEquals(objectToRemove.ObjectsDataSet, this._rootObjectDataSet))
                    objectToRemove.InternalObjectId = null;

                if (!objectToRemove.IsNew)
                    int idvalue;
                    completed = false;
                    count     = 0;
                    while (!completed && count++ < 15)
                        completed = LocationObjectInternalIds.TryRemove((objectToRemove as LocationDataObject).PrimaryKey, out idvalue);
        public override TDataObject GetObject <TDataObject>(TDataObject objectToGet)

            if (objectToGet.IsNew)
                objectToGetInternalId = objectToGet.InternalObjectId;
                if ((objectToGet as LocationDataObject) == null)
                    _logEngine.LogError("Unable to get value which value is null", "The object you are trying to get doesn't have a value", "LocationObjectsDataSet", null);
                    throw new PulpException("Unable to get an element which value is null.");
                objectToGetInternalId = LocationObjectInternalIds.ContainsKey((objectToGet as LocationDataObject).PrimaryKey) ? (int?)LocationObjectInternalIds[(objectToGet as LocationDataObject).PrimaryKey] : null;
            if (objectToGetInternalId != null)
                return(LocationObjects.ContainsKey((int)objectToGetInternalId) ? LocationObjects[(int)objectToGetInternalId] as TDataObject : null);

        public override void AddObject(IDataObject objectToAdd, bool replaceIfExists)
            var existingObject = GetObject(objectToAdd);

            if (!replaceIfExists && existingObject != null)
                throw new PulpException("Object already exists");

            int newInternalId;

            if (existingObject != null)
                if (existingObject.InternalObjectId == null)
                    _logEngine.LogError("Error while trying to Add Object to the LocationObjectsDataSet", "The object you are trying to add doesn't have an InternalObjectId", "LocationObjectsDataSet", null);
                    throw new PulpException("Error while trying to add an object to the dataset without InternalObjectId");
                newInternalId = (int)existingObject.InternalObjectId;
                objectToAdd.InternalObjectId = newInternalId;
                existingObject.CopyValuesFrom(objectToAdd, false);
                newInternalId = GetNextNewInternalObjectId();
                objectToAdd.InternalObjectId = newInternalId;

                var completed = false;
                var count     = 0;
                while (!completed && count++ < 15)
                    completed = LocationObjects.TryAdd(newInternalId, (LocationDataObject)objectToAdd);

            if (!objectToAdd.IsNew && existingObject == null)
                //The following if should not be necessary...
                var completed = false;
                if (LocationObjectInternalIds.ContainsKey(((LocationDataObject)objectToAdd).PrimaryKey))
                    int value;
                    var count2 = 0;
                    while (!completed && count2++ < 15)
                        completed = LocationObjectInternalIds.TryRemove(((LocationDataObject)objectToAdd).PrimaryKey, out value);

                completed = false;
                var count = 0;
                while (!completed && count++ < 15)
                    completed = LocationObjectInternalIds.TryAdd(((LocationDataObject)objectToAdd).PrimaryKey, newInternalId);
            // Update relations including platform as "many" side or "one" side , pk side for one to one relations
            if ((objectToAdd as LocationDataObject) == null)
                _logEngine.LogError("Unable to Add an object which is null", "Unable to add an object which is null", "LocationDataObject", null);
                throw new PulpException("Unexpected Error: Unable to Add an object which is Null.");