/// <summary>
        /// This method uses the sRealName field (which is initialized by the constructor before this is called) to
        /// initialize the rest of the state of CultureData based on the underlying OS globalization library.
        /// </summary>
        private unsafe bool InitCultureData()
            Debug.Assert(_sRealName != null);


            string alternateSortName = string.Empty;
            string realNameBuffer    = _sRealName;

            // Basic validation
            if (realNameBuffer.Contains("@"))
                return(false); // don't allow ICU variants to come in directly

            // Replace _ (alternate sort) with @collation= for ICU
            int index = realNameBuffer.IndexOf('_');

            if (index > 0)
                if (index >= (realNameBuffer.Length - 1) || // must have characters after _
                    realNameBuffer.Substring(index + 1).Contains("_")) // only one _ allowed
                    return(false);                                     // fail
                alternateSortName = realNameBuffer.Substring(index + 1);
                realNameBuffer    = realNameBuffer.Substring(0, index) + ICU_COLLATION_KEYWORD + alternateSortName;

            // Get the locale name from ICU
            if (!GetLocaleName(realNameBuffer, out _sWindowsName))
                return(false); // fail

            // Replace the ICU collation keyword with an _
            index = _sWindowsName.IndexOf(ICU_COLLATION_KEYWORD, StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (index >= 0)
                _sName = _sWindowsName.Substring(0, index) + "_" + alternateSortName;
                _sName = _sWindowsName;
            _sRealName = _sName;

            _iLanguage = this.ILANGUAGE;
            if (_iLanguage == 0)
                _iLanguage = CultureInfo.LOCALE_CUSTOM_UNSPECIFIED;

            _bNeutral = (this.SISO3166CTRYNAME.Length == 0);

            _sSpecificCulture = _bNeutral ? LocaleData.GetSpecificCultureName(_sRealName) : _sRealName;

            // Remove the sort from sName unless custom culture
            if (index > 0 && !_bNeutral && !IsCustomCultureId(_iLanguage))
                _sName = _sWindowsName.Substring(0, index);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method uses the sRealName field (which is initialized by the constructor before this is called) to
        /// initialize the rest of the state of CultureData based on the underlying OS globalization library.
        /// </summary>
        private unsafe bool InitCultureData()
            Debug.Assert(_sRealName != null);


            string realNameBuffer = _sRealName;

            // Basic validation
            if (realNameBuffer.Contains('@'))
                return(false); // don't allow ICU variants to come in directly

            // Replace _ (alternate sort) with @collation= for ICU
            ReadOnlySpan <char> alternateSortName = default;
            int index = realNameBuffer.IndexOf('_');

            if (index > 0)
                if (index >= (realNameBuffer.Length - 1) || // must have characters after _
                    realNameBuffer.IndexOf('_', index + 1) >= 0) // only one _ allowed
                    return(false);                               // fail
                alternateSortName = realNameBuffer.AsSpan(index + 1);
                realNameBuffer    = string.Concat(realNameBuffer.AsSpan(0, index), ICU_COLLATION_KEYWORD, alternateSortName);

            // Get the locale name from ICU
            if (!GetLocaleName(realNameBuffer, out _sWindowsName))
                return(false); // fail

            // Replace the ICU collation keyword with an _
            Debug.Assert(_sWindowsName != null);
            index = _sWindowsName.IndexOf(ICU_COLLATION_KEYWORD, StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (index >= 0)
                _sName = string.Concat(_sWindowsName.AsSpan(0, index), "_", alternateSortName);
                _sName = _sWindowsName;
            _sRealName = _sName;

            _iLanguage = LCID;
            if (_iLanguage == 0)
                _iLanguage = CultureInfo.LOCALE_CUSTOM_UNSPECIFIED;

            _bNeutral = TwoLetterISOCountryName.Length == 0;

            _sSpecificCulture = _bNeutral ? LocaleData.GetSpecificCultureName(_sRealName) : _sRealName;

            // Remove the sort from sName unless custom culture
            if (index > 0 && !_bNeutral && !IsCustomCultureId(_iLanguage))
                _sName = _sWindowsName.Substring(0, index);