public void NativeInstancePropertySetMessage()
            var ctx = new LocalContext();
            var inst = new PropertyTestClass();

            ctx.SetVariable("x", new STInstance(inst));
            compiler.Evaluate("x instanceProperty: 3", ctx);
            Assert.AreEqual((long)3, inst.InstanceProperty);
        public void NativeInstancePropertyGetMessage()
            var ctx = new LocalContext();
            var inst = new PropertyTestClass();

            inst.InstanceProperty = 3;

            ctx.SetVariable("x", new STInstance(inst));
            var three = compiler.Evaluate("x instanceProperty", ctx);
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(typeof(STInstance), three);
            Assert.AreEqual((three as STInstance).Target, (long)3);
        public async void HookedDbContext_MustCallHooks_WhenRunningSaveChangesAsync()
            var hooks = new IHook[]
                                new TimestampPreInsertHook()

            var context = new LocalContext(hooks);
            var entity = new TimestampedSoftDeletedEntity();
            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            Assert.AreEqual(entity.CreatedAt.Date, DateTime.Today);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This function will bake the objects in the given receiver. Behaviour:
        /// 1) Fresh bake: objects are created
        /// 2) Diff bake: old objects are deleted, any overlapping objects (by applicationId) are either edited or left alone if not marked as having been user modified, new objects are created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Serialised client coming from the ui.</param>
        public override void BakeReceiver(string args)
            var client    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(args);
            var apiClient = new SpeckleApiClient((string)client.account.RestApi)
                AuthToken = (string)client.account.Token

            apiClient.ClientType = "Revit";

            //dispatch on the cef window to let progress bar update
            SpeckleWindow.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                NotifyUi("update-client", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                    _id          = (string)client._id,
                    loading      = true,
                    loadingBlurb = "Getting stream from server..."
            }, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background);

            var previousStream = LocalState.FirstOrDefault(s => s.StreamId == (string)client.streamId);
            var stream         = apiClient.StreamGetAsync((string)client.streamId, "").Result.Resource;

            var test = stream.BaseProperties.unitsDictionary;

            if (test != null)
                var secondTest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(test));
                InjectUnitDictionaryInKits(null); // make sure it's not there to potentially muddy the waters on other conversions
            // If it's the first time we bake this stream, create a local shadow copy
            if (previousStream == null)
                previousStream = new SpeckleStream()
                    StreamId = stream.StreamId, Objects = new List <SpeckleObject>()

            LocalContext.GetCachedObjects(stream.Objects, (string)client.account.RestApi);
            var payload = stream.Objects.Where(o => o.Type == "Placeholder").Select(obj => obj._id).ToArray();

            // TODO: Orchestrate & save in cache afterwards!
            var objects = apiClient.ObjectGetBulkAsync(payload, "").Result.Resources;

            foreach (var obj in objects)
                stream.Objects[stream.Objects.FindIndex(o => o._id == obj._id)] = obj;

            var(toDelete, ToAddOrMod) = DiffStreamStates(previousStream, stream);

            SpeckleWindow.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                NotifyUi("update-client", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                    _id          = (string)client._id,
                    loading      = true,
                    loadingBlurb = "Deleting " + toDelete.Count() + " objects.",
                    objects      = stream.Objects
            }, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background);

            if (toDelete.Count() > 0)
                Queue.Add(new Action(() =>
                    using (Transaction t = new Transaction(CurrentDoc.Document, "Speckle Delete (" + (string)client.streamId + ")"))
                        foreach (var obj in toDelete)
                            var myObj = previousStream.Objects.FirstOrDefault(o => o._id == obj._id);
                            if (myObj != null)
                                var elem = CurrentDoc.Document.GetElement(myObj.Properties["revitUniqueId"] as string);


            //if the conversion completely fails, it outputs a speckleerror and it's put in here
            var errors = new List <SpeckleError>();

            //this instead will store errors swallowed by the erroreater class
            Globals.ConversionErrors = new List <SpeckleError>();
            var tempList = new List <SpeckleObject>();

            Queue.Add(new Action(() =>
                using (var t = new Transaction(CurrentDoc.Document, "Speckle Bake"))

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (var mySpkObj in ToAddOrMod)
                        SpeckleWindow.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                            NotifyUi("update-client", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                                _id     = (string)client._id,
                                loading = true,
                                isLoadingIndeterminate = false,
                                loadingProgress        = 1f * i / ToAddOrMod.Count * 100,
                                loadingBlurb           = string.Format("Creating/updating objects: {0} / {1}", i, ToAddOrMod.Count)
                        }, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background);

                        object res;

                        var failOpts = t.GetFailureHandlingOptions();
                        failOpts.SetFailuresPreprocessor(new ErrorEater());

                            res = SpeckleCore.Converter.Deserialise(obj: mySpkObj, excludeAssebmlies: new string[] { "SpeckleCoreGeometryDynamo", "SpeckleCoreGeometryRevit" });

                            // The converter returns either the converted object, or the original speckle object if it failed to deserialise it.
                            // Hence, we need to create a shadow copy of the baked element only if deserialisation was succesful.
                            if (res is Element)
                                // creates a shadow copy of the baked object to store in our local state.
                                var myObject = new SpeckleObject()
                                    Properties = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                                myObject._id                         = mySpkObj._id;
                                myObject.ApplicationId               = mySpkObj.ApplicationId;
                                myObject.Properties["__type"]        = mySpkObj.Type;
                                myObject.Properties["revitUniqueId"] = ((Element)res).UniqueId;
                                myObject.Properties["revitId"]       = ((Element)res).Id.ToString();
                                myObject.Properties["userModified"]  = false;


                            // TODO: Handle scenario when one object creates more objects.
                            // ie: SpeckleElements wall with a base curve that is a polyline/polycurve
                            if (res is System.Collections.IEnumerable)
                                int k  = 0;
                                var xx = ((IEnumerable <object>)res).Cast <Element>();
                                foreach (var elm in xx)
                                    var myObject                         = new SpeckleObject();
                                    myObject._id                         = mySpkObj._id;
                                    myObject.ApplicationId               = mySpkObj.ApplicationId;
                                    myObject.Properties["__type"]        = mySpkObj.Type;
                                    myObject.Properties["revitUniqueId"] = ((Element)elm).UniqueId;
                                    myObject.Properties["revitId"]       = ((Element)elm).Id.ToString();
                                    myObject.Properties["userModified"]  = false;
                                    myObject.Properties["orderIndex"]    = k++; // keeps track of which elm it actually is


                            //if( res is SpeckleObject || res == null ) failedToBake++;

                            if (res is SpeckleError)
                                errors.Add(res as SpeckleError);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            errors.Add(new SpeckleError {
                                Message = e.Message


            Queue.Add(new Action(() =>
                SpeckleWindow.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                    NotifyUi("update-client", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                        _id     = (string)client._id,
                        loading = true,
                        isLoadingIndeterminate = true,
                        loadingBlurb           = string.Format("Updating shadow state.")
                }, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background);

                // set the local state stream's object list, and inject it in the kits, persist it in the doc
                previousStream.Objects = tempList;
                using (var t = new Transaction(CurrentDoc.Document, "Speckle State Save"))
                    Storage.SpeckleStateManager.WriteState(CurrentDoc.Document, LocalState);

                string errorMsg     = "";
                int failedToConvert = errors.Count();

                //other conversion errors that we are catching
                var additionalErrors = GetAndClearConversionErrors();

                if (additionalErrors != null && additionalErrors.Count > 0)

                //remove duplicates
                errors = errors.GroupBy(x => x.Message).Select(x => x.First()).ToList();

                if (errors.Any())
                    errorMsg += string.Format("There {0} {1} error{2} ",
                                              errors.Count() == 1 ? "is" : "are",
                                              errors.Count() == 1 ? "" : "s");
                    if (failedToConvert > 0)
                        errorMsg += string.Format("and {0} objects that failed to convert ",
                                                  failedToConvert == 1 ? "" : "s");

                    errorMsg += "<nobr>" + Globals.GetRandomSadFace() + "</nobr>";

                //  errorMsg += "" +
                //  //errors += "<v-divider></v-divider>" +
                //  "<v-layout row wrap><v-flex xs12>";
                //  //"<strong>Missing families:</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;";

                //  foreach( var err in errors)
                //  {
                //    errorMsg += $"<code>{err.Message}</code>&nbsp;";
                //  }

                //  errorMsg += "</v-flex></v-layout>";

                SpeckleWindow.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                    NotifyUi("update-client", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                        _id     = (string)client._id,
                        loading = false,
                        isLoadingIndeterminate = true,
                        loadingBlurb           = string.Format("Done."),
                }, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background);

 public UsingStatementState(LocalContext context, CombinedSyntaxNode contextNode)
     : base(context, contextNode)
Beispiel #6
 public ListUsersViewModel(LocalContext localContext)
     LocalContext = localContext;
Beispiel #7
        public async void SendStaggeredUpdate(bool force = false)
            if (Paused && !force)
                Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-expired", StreamId, "");
                // create a clone
                var cloneResult = Client.StreamCloneAsync(StreamId).Result;

                Client.BroadcastMessage("stream", StreamId, new { eventType = "update-children" });

            if (IsSendingUpdate)
                Expired = true;

            IsSendingUpdate = true;

            Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-is-loading", StreamId, "");

            var objs = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.FindByUserString("spk_" + this.StreamId, "*", false).OrderBy(obj => obj.Attributes.LayerIndex);

            Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-progress-message", StreamId, "Converting " + objs.Count() + " objects...");

            // layer list creation
            var pLayers = new List <SpeckleCore.Layer>();
            int lindex = -1, count = 0, orderIndex = 0;

            foreach (RhinoObject obj in objs)
                Rhino.DocObjects.Layer layer = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Layers[obj.Attributes.LayerIndex];
                if (lindex != obj.Attributes.LayerIndex)
                    var spkLayer = new SpeckleCore.Layer()
                        Name        = layer.FullPath,
                        Guid        = layer.Id.ToString(),
                        ObjectCount = 1,
                        StartIndex  = count,
                        OrderIndex  = orderIndex++,
                        Properties  = new LayerProperties()
                            Color = new SpeckleCore.SpeckleBaseColor()
                                A = 1, Hex = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToHtml(layer.Color)

                    lindex = obj.Attributes.LayerIndex;
                    var spkl = pLayers.FirstOrDefault(pl => pl.Name == layer.FullPath);


            // convert objects
            var convertedObjects = new List <SpeckleObject>();

            foreach (RhinoObject obj in objs)
                var myObj = Converter.Serialise(obj.Geometry);
                myObj.ApplicationId = obj.Id.ToString();

            LocalContext.PruneExistingObjects(convertedObjects, Client.BaseUrl);

            List <SpeckleObject> persistedObjects = new List <SpeckleObject>();

            if (convertedObjects.Count(obj => obj.Type == "Placeholder") != convertedObjects.Count)
                // create the update payloads
                count = 0;
                var  objectUpdatePayloads = new List <List <SpeckleObject> >();
                long totalBucketSize      = 0;
                long currentBucketSize    = 0;
                var  currentBucketObjects = new List <SpeckleObject>();
                var  allObjects           = new List <SpeckleObject>();
                foreach (SpeckleObject convertedObject in convertedObjects)
                    if (count++ % 100 == 0)
                        Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-progress-message", StreamId, "Converted " + count + " objects out of " + objs.Count() + ".");

                    // size checking & bulk object creation payloads creation
                    long size = Converter.getBytes(convertedObject).Length;
                    currentBucketSize += size;
                    totalBucketSize   += size;

                    // Object is too big?
                    if (size > 2e6)
                        Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-error", StreamId, JsonConvert.SerializeObject("This stream contains a super big object. These will fail. Sorry for the bad error message - we're working on improving this."));

                    if (currentBucketSize > 5e5) // restrict max to ~500kb; should it be user config? anyway these functions should go into core. at one point.
                        Debug.WriteLine("Reached payload limit. Making a new one, current  #: " + objectUpdatePayloads.Count);
                        currentBucketObjects = new List <SpeckleObject>();
                        currentBucketSize    = 0;

                // add in the last bucket
                if (currentBucketObjects.Count > 0)

                Debug.WriteLine("Finished, payload object update count is: " + objectUpdatePayloads.Count + " total bucket size is (kb) " + totalBucketSize / 1000);

                // create bulk object creation tasks
                int k = 0;
                List <ResponseObject> responses = new List <ResponseObject>();
                foreach (var payload in objectUpdatePayloads)
                    Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-progress-message", StreamId, String.Format("Sending payload {0} out of {1}", k++, objectUpdatePayloads.Count));
                        var objResponse = await Client.ObjectCreateAsync(payload);


                        int m = 0;
                        foreach (var oL in payload)
                            oL._id = objResponse.Resources[m++]._id;

                        // push sent objects in the cache non-blocking
                        Task.Run(() =>
                            foreach (var oL in payload)
                                if (oL.Type != "Placeholder")
                                    LocalContext.AddSentObject(oL, Client.BaseUrl);
                    catch (Exception err)
                        Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-error", Client.Stream.StreamId, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(err.Message));
                        Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-done-loading", StreamId, "");
                        IsSendingUpdate = false;
                persistedObjects = convertedObjects;

            Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-progress-message", StreamId, "Updating stream...");

            // finalise layer creation
            foreach (var layer in pLayers)
                layer.Topology = "0-" + layer.ObjectCount + " ";

            // create placeholders for stream update payload
            List <SpeckleObject> placeholders = new List <SpeckleObject>();

            //foreach ( var myResponse in responses )
            foreach (var obj in persistedObjects)
                placeholders.Add(new SpecklePlaceholder()
                    _id = obj._id

            // create stream update payload
            SpeckleStream streamUpdatePayload = new SpeckleStream();

            streamUpdatePayload.Layers  = pLayers;
            streamUpdatePayload.Objects = placeholders;
            streamUpdatePayload.Name    = Client.Stream.Name;

            // set some base properties (will be overwritten)
            var baseProps = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            baseProps["units"]                 = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelUnitSystem.ToString();
            baseProps["tolerance"]             = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance;
            baseProps["angleTolerance"]        = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAngleToleranceRadians;
            streamUpdatePayload.BaseProperties = baseProps;

            // update the stream
            ResponseBase response = null;

                response = await Client.StreamUpdateAsync(Client.Stream.StreamId, streamUpdatePayload);
            catch (Exception err)
                Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-error", Client.Stream.StreamId, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(err.Message));
                IsSendingUpdate = false;

            // emit  events, etc.
            Client.Stream.Layers  = streamUpdatePayload.Layers.ToList();
            Client.Stream.Objects = placeholders;

            Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-metadata-update", StreamId, Client.Stream.ToJson());
            Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-done-loading", StreamId, "");

            Client.BroadcastMessage("stream", StreamId, new { eventType = "update-global" });

            IsSendingUpdate = false;
            if (Expired)
            Expired = false;
 private List<ICompletionListItem> HandleValueCompletion(LocalContext context)
     var items = new List<ICompletionListItem>();
     AddProperties(items, context.Property);
     if (items.Count > 0)
         items.Add(new CompletionItem("inherit", ItemKind.Value));
     return items;
        private void HandleCompletion(CompleteMode mode, LocalContext context, bool autoInsert, bool autoHide)
            List<ICompletionListItem> items = null;
            switch (mode)
                case CompleteMode.Selector: items = HandleSelectorCompletion(context); break;
                case CompleteMode.Pseudo: items = HandlePseudoCompletion(context); break;
                case CompleteMode.Prefix: items = HandlePrefixCompletion(context); break;
                case CompleteMode.Attribute: items = HandlePropertyCompletion(context); break;
                case CompleteMode.Variable: items = HandleVariableCompletion(context); break;
                case CompleteMode.Value: items = HandleValueCompletion(context); break;
            if (items == null) return;

            if (autoInsert && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Word))
                var matches = new List<ICompletionListItem>();
                foreach(var item in items)
                    if (item.Label.StartsWith(context.Word)) matches.Add(item);
                if (matches.Count == 1)
                    ScintillaControl sci = PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument.SciControl;
                    sci.SetSel(context.Position, sci.CurrentPos);
            else CompletionList.Show(items, autoHide, context.Word);
 public EmployeewsOfLocalPOS()
     context = new LocalContext();
        private void ParseSpecialProperty(LocalContext context, string propertyName)
            var propertyConfiguration = this.vw.Settings.PropertyConfiguration;

            // special fields
            if (propertyName.Equals(propertyConfiguration.LabelProperty, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                // passed in label has precedence
                if (label == null)
            else if (propertyName.Equals(propertyConfiguration.TextProperty, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                // parse text segment feature
                    new Feature(propertyName),
            else if (propertyName.Equals(propertyConfiguration.LabelIndexProperty, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                if (!this.reader.Read())
                    throw new VowpalWabbitJsonException(this.reader, "Unexpected end");

                this.LabelIndex = (int)(long)this.reader.Value;
            else if (propertyName.StartsWith(propertyConfiguration.LabelPropertyPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                if (!this.reader.Read())
                    throw new VowpalWabbitJsonException(this.reader, "Unexpected end");

                if (this.labelObject == null)
                    this.labelObject = new JObject();

                var targetPropertyName = propertyName.Substring(propertyConfiguration.LabelPropertyPrefix.Length);
                this.labelObject.Add(targetPropertyName, new JValue(this.reader.Value));
                if (propertyName.Equals(propertyConfiguration.MultiProperty, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    this.foundMulti = true;

                // forward to handler
                if (specialPropertyAction == null || !specialPropertyAction(propertyName))
                    reader.Skip(); // if not handled, skip it
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses { "feature1":1, "feature2":true, .... }
        /// </summary>
        private void ParseNamespaceAndFeatures(List<LocalContext> path, string namespaceValue)
            LocalContext localContext = null;

                var ns = new Namespace(this.vw, namespaceValue);
                localContext = new LocalContext
                    Namespace = ns,
                    Context = new VowpalWabbitMarshalContext(this.vw, this.DefaultNamespaceContext.ExampleBuilder),
                    JsonProperty = namespaceValue


                var propertyConfiguration = this.vw.Settings.PropertyConfiguration;
                this.defaultMarshaller.MarshalNamespace(localContext.Context, ns, () => this.ParseProperties(path));

                path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);

                // append default namespaces features if we found some
                if (this.vw.Settings.EnableStringExampleGeneration)
                    var str = localContext.Context.ToString();
                    if (str.Length > 0)
                if (localContext != null && localContext.Context != null)
Beispiel #13
 public OneMaterialViewModel(LocalContext localContext)
     LocalContext = localContext;
Beispiel #14
        // Drives the topology components
        public void RunTestCase()
            // An empty dictionary for use when creating components
            Dictionary <string, Object> emptyDictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            #region Test the spout
                Console.WriteLine("Starting spout");
                // LocalContext is a local-mode context that can be used to initialize
                // components in the development environment.
                LocalContext spoutCtx = LocalContext.Get();
                // Get a new instance of the spout, using the local context
                Spout sentences = Spout.Get(spoutCtx, emptyDictionary);

                // Emit 10 tuples
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                // Use LocalContext to persist the data stream to file
                Console.WriteLine("Spout finished");

            #region Test the splitter bolt
                Console.WriteLine("Starting splitter bolt");
                // LocalContext is a local-mode context that can be used to initialize
                // components in the development environment.
                LocalContext splitterCtx = LocalContext.Get();
                // Get a new instance of the bolt
                Splitter splitter = Splitter.Get(splitterCtx, emptyDictionary);

                // Set the data stream to the data created by the spout
                // Get a batch of tuples from the stream
                List <SCPTuple> batch = splitterCtx.RecvFromMsgQueue();
                // Process each tuple in the batch
                foreach (SCPTuple tuple in batch)
                // Use LocalContext to persist the data stream to file
                Console.WriteLine("Splitter bolt finished");

            #region Test the counter bolt
                Console.WriteLine("Starting counter bolt");
                // LocalContext is a local-mode context that can be used to initialize
                // components in the development environment.
                LocalContext counterCtx = LocalContext.Get();
                // Get a new instance of the bolt
                Counter counter = Counter.Get(counterCtx, emptyDictionary);

                // Set the data stream to the data created by splitter bolt
                // Get a batch of tuples from the stream
                List <SCPTuple> batch = counterCtx.RecvFromMsgQueue();
                // Process each tuple in the batch
                foreach (SCPTuple tuple in batch)
                // Use LocalContext to persist the data stream to file
                Console.WriteLine("Counter bolt finished");
 public void HookEntityMetadata_MetadataWithContext()
     var context = new LocalContext();
     var result = new HookEntityMetadata(EntityState.Modified, context);
     Assert.AreEqual(context, result.CurrentContext);
        public virtual void UpdateGlobal( )
            if (IsUpdating)
                this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "New update received while update was in progress. Please refresh.");

            IsUpdating = true;

            var getStream = Client.StreamGetAsync(Client.StreamId, null).Result;

            NickName = getStream.Resource.Name;
            Layers   = getStream.Resource.Layers.ToList();

            Client.Stream = getStream.Resource;

            // add or update the newly received stream in the cache.
            LocalContext.AddOrUpdateStream(Client.Stream, Client.BaseUrl);

            this.Message = "Getting objects!";

            // pass the object list through a cache check
            LocalContext.GetCachedObjects(Client.Stream.Objects, Client.BaseUrl);

            // filter out the objects that were not in the cache and still need to be retrieved
            var payload = Client.Stream.Objects.Where(o => o.Type == "Placeholder").Select(obj => obj._id).ToArray();

            // how many objects to request from the api at a time
            int maxObjRequestCount = 42;

            // list to hold them into
            var newObjects = new List <SpeckleObject>();

            // jump in `maxObjRequestCount` increments through the payload array
            for (int i = 0; i < payload.Length; i += maxObjRequestCount)
                // create a subset
                var subPayload = payload.Skip(i).Take(maxObjRequestCount).ToArray();

                // get it sync as this is always execed out of the main thread
                var res = Client.ObjectGetBulkAsync(subPayload, "omit=displayValue").Result;

                // put them in our bucket
                this.Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(String.Format("{0}/{1}", i, payload.Length));

            foreach (var obj in newObjects)
                var locationInStream = Client.Stream.Objects.FindIndex(o => o._id == obj._id);
                try { Client.Stream.Objects[locationInStream] = obj; } catch { }

            // add objects to cache async
            Task.Run(() =>
                foreach (var obj in newObjects)
                    LocalContext.AddCachedObject(obj, Client.BaseUrl);

            // set ports

            this.Message = "Converting...";


            ConvertedObjects = SpeckleCore.Converter.Deserialise(Client.Stream.Objects);

            this.Message = "Got data\n@" + DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss");

            IsUpdating = false;
Beispiel #17
        public void UpdateGlobal( )
            Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-log", StreamId, JsonConvert.SerializeObject("Global update received."));
                var streamGetResponse = Client.StreamGetAsync(StreamId, null).Result;
                if (streamGetResponse.Success == false)
                    Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-error", StreamId, streamGetResponse.Message);
                    // TODO
                    // Try and get from cache
                    // First stream
                    // Then objects
                    Client.Stream = streamGetResponse.Resource;
                    Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-metadata-update", StreamId, Client.Stream.ToJson());
                    Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-is-loading", StreamId, "");

                    // add or update the newly received stream in the cache.
                    LocalContext.AddOrUpdateStream(Client.Stream, Client.BaseUrl);

                    // pass the object list through a cache check
                    LocalContext.GetCachedObjects(Client.Stream.Objects, Client.BaseUrl);

                    // filter out the objects that were not in the cache and still need to be retrieved
                    var payload = Client.Stream.Objects.Where(o => o.Type == "Placeholder").Select(obj => obj._id).ToArray();

                    // how many objects to request from the api at a time
                    int maxObjRequestCount = 20;

                    // list to hold them into
                    var newObjects = new List <SpeckleObject>();

                    // jump in `maxObjRequestCount` increments through the payload array
                    for (int i = 0; i < payload.Length; i += maxObjRequestCount)
                        // create a subset
                        var subPayload = payload.Skip(i).Take(maxObjRequestCount).ToArray();

                        // get it sync as this is always execed out of the main thread
                        var res = Client.ObjectGetBulkAsync(subPayload, "omit=displayValue").Result;

                        // put them in our bucket
                        Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-log", StreamId, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(String.Format("Got {0} out of {1} objects.", i, payload.Length)));

                    // populate the retrieved objects in the original stream's object list
                    foreach (var obj in newObjects)
                        var locationInStream = Client.Stream.Objects.FindIndex(o => o._id == obj._id);
                        try { Client.Stream.Objects[locationInStream] = obj; } catch { }

                    // add objects to cache async
                    Task.Run(() =>
                        foreach (var obj in newObjects)
                            LocalContext.AddCachedObject(obj, Client.BaseUrl);

                    Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-done-loading", StreamId, "");
            catch (Exception err)
                Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-error", Client.Stream.StreamId, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(err.Message));
                Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-done-loading", StreamId, "");
 public EmployeewsOfLocalPOS(string connectionString)
     context = new LocalContext(connectionString);
 private List<ICompletionListItem> HandlePrefixCompletion(LocalContext context)
     return prefixes;
Beispiel #20
        public override void AddedToDocument(GH_Document document)
            Document = OnPingDocument();

            if (Client == null)
                Locked   = true;
                NickName = "Initialising";

                Account account = null;
                    account = LocalContext.GetDefaultAccount();
                    RestApi = account.RestApi;
                    Client  = new SpeckleApiClient(account.RestApi);
                    Client.IntializeSender(account.Token, Document.DisplayName, "Grasshopper", Document.DocumentID.ToString()).ContinueWith(task =>
                catch (Exception err)

                if (account == null)
                    var signInWindow = new SpecklePopup.SignInWindow(true);
                    var helper       = new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(signInWindow);
                    helper.Owner = Rhino.RhinoApp.MainWindowHandle();


                    if (signInWindow.AccountListBox.SelectedIndex != -1)
                        account = signInWindow.accounts[signInWindow.AccountListBox.SelectedIndex];
                        RestApi = account.RestApi;
                        Client  = new SpeckleApiClient(account.RestApi);
                        Client.IntializeSender(account.Token, Document.DisplayName, "Grasshopper", Document.DocumentID.ToString()).ContinueWith(task =>
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Account selection failed.");

            Client.OnReady += (sender, e) =>
                StreamId = Client.StreamId;
                if (!WasSerialised)
                    Locked   = false;
                    NickName = "Anonymous Stream";

            Client.OnWsMessage += OnWsMessage;

            Client.OnLogData += (sender, e) =>
                Log += DateTime.Now.ToString("dd:HH:mm:ss ") + e.EventData + "\n";

            Client.OnError += (sender, e) =>
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, e.EventName + ": " + e.EventData);
                Log += DateTime.Now.ToString("dd:HH:mm:ss ") + e.EventData + "\n";

            ExpireComponentAction = () => ExpireSolution(true);

            ObjectChanged += (sender, e) => UpdateMetadata();

            foreach (var param in Params.Input)
                param.ObjectChanged += (sender, e) => UpdateMetadata();

            MetadataSender = new System.Timers.Timer(1000)
                AutoReset = false, Enabled = false
            MetadataSender.Elapsed += MetadataSender_Elapsed;

            DataSender = new System.Timers.Timer(2000)
                AutoReset = false, Enabled = false
            DataSender.Elapsed += DataSender_Elapsed;

            ObjectCache = new Dictionary <string, SpeckleObject>();

            Grasshopper.Instances.DocumentServer.DocumentRemoved += DocumentServer_DocumentRemoved;
 private List<ICompletionListItem> HandlePropertyCompletion(LocalContext context)
     return blockLevel;
Beispiel #22
 private TangoService()
     _context = LocalContext.Current;
 public UsingDirectiveState(LocalContext context, CombinedSyntaxNode contextNode)
     : base(context, contextNode)
 protected MixedNestableMemberStateBase(
     LocalContext context,
     CombinedSyntaxNode contextNode)
     : base(context, contextNode)
        protected override bool ActionBody(BaseProcess action)
            bool    isProcessed  = true;
            IAction updateAction = null;

                Guid enterpriseId         = GetValue <Guid>(ARG_PAGE_ENTERPRISE_ID);
                bool removeIsAbsent       = GetValue <bool>(ARG_REMOVE_IS_ABSENT);
                var  stockEntriesOutbound = GetValue <IEnumerable <Guid> >(ARG_STOCK_ENTRY_IDS);

                    $"{MoscowDateTimeOffset().ToString()} Начало обработки ответов от системы Меркурий.");

                // Получение последнего номера шага
                IList <MercuryQueueStepModel> responses = StepService.GetStepsByStatus(QueryId, null, 0, "0.0", null);

                IList <MercuryQueueStepModel> completed = responses.Where(r =>
                                                                          r.StatusName == MQSStatus.COMPLETE.ToString() && r.ProcessMark != Consts.PROCESSED_MARK).ToList();

                bool        anyError   = responses.Any(x => x.StatusName != MQSStatus.COMPLETE.ToString());
                List <Guid> updIds     = GetValue <List <Guid> >(ARG_UPDATED_STOCK_ENTRY_IDS);
                List <Guid> skippedIds = GetValue <List <Guid> >(ARG_SKIPEED_STOCK_ENTRY_IDS);

                // Обработка успешных ответов
                if (completed.Count > 0)
                    foreach (MercuryQueueStepModel step in completed)
                        if (NeedStopSteps())
                                $" Выполннение прервано (StopQueueSteps). Выполнение будет продолжено после запуска очереди.");
                            SetValue("Status", MQSStatus.STOPPED);

                        MercuryNS.Body body =
                        if (body.ReceiveApplicationResultResponse != null &&
                            body.ReceiveApplicationResultResponse.Application != null)
                            MercuryNS.GetStockEntryListResponse response =
                                body.ReceiveApplicationResultResponse.Application.Result as
                            MercuryNS.StockEntryList stockEntriesFromMerc = response?.StockEntryList;
                            if (stockEntriesFromMerc != null && stockEntriesFromMerc.Count > 0)
                                    $" Обработка файла ответа от Меркурия. Имя файла {step.FileResponse}.");

                                var queryForPullStockEntryGuids = new DocumentQuery(GetService <IMethaStorage>(), GetService <IQueryGenerator>(), GetService <ICacheManager>());
                                .ResultField("SE", "@Id")
                                .ResultField("SE", "GUID")
                                .Using("StockEntry", "SE", ObjectStatus.osActive);
                                queryForPullStockEntryGuids.Where(w => w.Or(o =>
                                    foreach (var seId in stockEntriesOutbound)
                                        o.EQ("@Id", seId);

                                var seOutboundIds = LocalReader.QueryDocuments(queryForPullStockEntryGuids).Result.Select(d => d["GUID"]);

                                var stockEntriesFromMip = LoadStockEntriesFromMIP(stockEntriesFromMerc);

                                foreach (var se in stockEntriesFromMerc.Where(d => seOutboundIds.Contains(d.GUID)))
                                    var seFromMIP = stockEntriesFromMip.FirstOrDefault(d => (string)d["GUID"] == (string)se.GUID);

                                    if ((double)se.Batch.Volume < (double)seFromMIP["Volume"])
                                        isProcessed = false;
                                            $" Выписка уже производилась");

                                    if ((string)se.UUID != (string)seFromMIP["UUID"])
                                        isProcessed = false;
                                            $" Выписка уже производилась");
                                    $" Файл ответа {step.FileResponse} от системы 'Меркурий' не содержит информацию о складских записях.");
                            anyError = true;
                            // TODO сохранить ошибку в логе
                            ResultDescription = "Система 'Меркурий' вернула исключение";
                    isProcessed       = false;
                    ResultDescription = "Нет успешно обработанных ответов";

                var notCompleted = responses.Where(r => r.StatusName != MQSStatus.COMPLETE.ToString());
                foreach (var nc in notCompleted)
                    AppendUserErrorInfoFromXML(nc, Guid.Empty, null, null);

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ResultDescription))
                    ResultDescription = "Обработаны ответы от системы 'Меркурий'.";
            catch (ConcurrencyDocException except)
                isProcessed = false;
            catch (Exception e)
                AppendUserErrorInfo(Guid.Empty, null, UserErrorConsts.ET_MIP,
                                    UserErrorConsts.StockList.RTE_PROCESS_RESPONSE, UserErrorConsts.DEFAULT_LAS_SUPPRT_ERROR);
                isProcessed = false;
                ResultDescription = "Ошибка анализа результатов";

                $"{MoscowDateTimeOffset().ToString()} Окончание обработки ответов от системы 'Меркурий'.");
Beispiel #26
    static void Main()
        LocalContext x = new LocalContext();

Beispiel #27
        private void CreateObjectsOnServer(List <SpeckleObject> bucketObjects, string baseUrl, ref int numErrors)
            // Separate objects into sizeable payloads
            var payloads = CreatePayloads(bucketObjects);

            if (totalProgress != null)

            if (bucketObjects.Count(o => o.Type == "Placeholder") == bucketObjects.Count)
                numErrors = 0;

            // Send objects which are in payload and add to local DB with updated IDs
            for (var j = 0; j < payloads.Count(); j++)
                ResponseObject res = null;
                //Make a copy so that the task below doesn't use the j variable, which could change (by looping) by the time the task is run
                var payload = payloads[j].ToList();

                    res = apiClient.ObjectCreateAsync(payload, apiTimeoutOverride).Result;
                    if (incrementProgress != null)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var speckleExceptionContext = ExtractSpeckleExceptionContext(ex);
                    var errContext = speckleExceptionContext.Concat(new[] { "StreamId=" + StreamId, "Endpoint=ObjectCreateAsync",
                                                                            "PayloadBytes=" + Converter.getBytes(payload).Length, "Error in updating the server with a payload of " + payload.Count() + " objects" });;
                    messenger.Message(MessageIntent.TechnicalLog, MessageLevel.Error, ex, errContext.ToArray());

                if (res != null && res.Resources.Count() > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < payload.Count(); i++)
                        payload[i]._id = res.Resources[i]._id;

                Task.Run(() =>
                    //Don't save results to the hard disk as they take up a huge amount of space and are likely to change very often
                    foreach (SpeckleObject obj in payload.Where(o => o.Hash != null && o._id != null && !o.Type.Contains("Result")))
                        tryCatchWithEvents(() => LocalContext.AddSentObject(obj, baseUrl), "", "Error in updating local db");

            int successfulPayloads = payloads.Count() - numErrors;

            messenger.Message(MessageIntent.Display, MessageLevel.Information,
                              "Successfully sent " + successfulPayloads + "/" + payloads.Count() + " payloads to the server");
            messenger.Message(MessageIntent.TechnicalLog, MessageLevel.Information, "Sent payloads to server",
                              "NumSuccessful=" + successfulPayloads, "NumErrored=" + numErrors);
Beispiel #28
 public FileContextState(LocalContext context, CombinedSyntaxNode contextNode)
     : base(context, contextNode)
Beispiel #29
 public OneInventoryObjectViewModel(MainWindowViewModel mainWindowViewModel, LocalContext localContext)
     AllInstruments      = true;
     MainWindowViewModel = mainWindowViewModel;
     LocalContext        = localContext;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the update to the server.
        /// </summary>
        private void SendUpdate()
            if (MetadataSender.Enabled)
                // start the timer again, as we need to make sure we're updating

            if (IsSendingUpdate)

            IsSendingUpdate = true;

            Message = String.Format("Converting {0} \n objects", BucketObjects.Count);

            var convertedObjects = Converter.Serialise(BucketObjects).ToList();

            Message = String.Format("Creating payloads");

            LocalContext.PruneExistingObjects(convertedObjects, Client.BaseUrl);

            List <SpeckleObject> persistedObjects = new List <SpeckleObject>();

            if (convertedObjects.Count(obj => obj.Type == "Placeholder") != convertedObjects.Count)
                // create the update payloads
                int  count = 0;
                var  objectUpdatePayloads = new List <List <SpeckleObject> >();
                long totalBucketSize      = 0;
                long currentBucketSize    = 0;
                var  currentBucketObjects = new List <SpeckleObject>();
                var  allObjects           = new List <SpeckleObject>();
                foreach (SpeckleObject convertedObject in convertedObjects)
                    if (count++ % 100 == 0)
                        Message = "Converted " + count + " objects out of " + convertedObjects.Count() + ".";

                    // size checking & bulk object creation payloads creation
                    long size = Converter.getBytes(convertedObject).Length;
                    currentBucketSize += size;
                    totalBucketSize   += size;

                    // Object is too big?
                    if (size > 2e6)
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "This stream contains a super big object. These will fail. Sorry for the bad error message - we're working on improving this.");


                    if (currentBucketSize > 5e5) // restrict max to ~500kb; should it be user config? anyway these functions should go into core. at one point.
                        Debug.WriteLine("Reached payload limit. Making a new one, current  #: " + objectUpdatePayloads.Count);
                        currentBucketObjects = new List <SpeckleObject>();
                        currentBucketSize    = 0;

                // add in the last bucket
                if (currentBucketObjects.Count > 0)

                Debug.WriteLine("Finished, payload object update count is: " + objectUpdatePayloads.Count + " total bucket size is (kb) " + totalBucketSize / 1000);

                // create bulk object creation tasks
                int k = 0;
                List <ResponseObject> responses = new List <ResponseObject>();
                foreach (var payload in objectUpdatePayloads)
                    Message = String.Format("{0}/{1}", k++, objectUpdatePayloads.Count);

                        var objResponse = Client.ObjectCreateAsync(payload).Result;

                        int m = 0;
                        foreach (var oL in payload)
                            oL._id = objResponse.Resources[m++]._id;

                        // push sent objects in the cache non-blocking
                        Task.Run(() =>
                            foreach (var oL in payload)
                                if (oL.Type != "Placeholder")
                                    LocalContext.AddSentObject(oL, Client.BaseUrl);
                    catch (Exception err)
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, err.Message);
                persistedObjects = convertedObjects;

            // create placeholders for stream update payload
            List <SpeckleObject> placeholders = new List <SpeckleObject>();

            //foreach ( var myResponse in responses )
            foreach (var obj in persistedObjects)
                placeholders.Add(new SpecklePlaceholder()
                    _id = obj._id

            SpeckleStream updateStream = new SpeckleStream()
                Layers  = BucketLayers,
                Name    = BucketName,
                Objects = placeholders

            // set some base properties (will be overwritten)
            var baseProps = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            baseProps["units"]          = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelUnitSystem.ToString();
            baseProps["tolerance"]      = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance;
            baseProps["angleTolerance"] = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAngleToleranceRadians;
            updateStream.BaseProperties = baseProps;

            var response = Client.StreamUpdateAsync(Client.StreamId, updateStream).Result;

            Client.BroadcastMessage("stream", Client.StreamId, new { eventType = "update-global" });

            Log += response.Message;
            AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "Data sent at " + DateTime.Now);
            Message = "Data sent\n@" + DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss");

            IsSendingUpdate = false;
            State           = "Ok";
Beispiel #31
        // NOTE: This is actually triggered when clicking "Push!"
        // TODO: Orchestration
        // Create buckets, send sequentially, notify ui re upload progress
        // NOTE: Problems with local context and cache: we seem to not sucesffuly pass through it
        // perhaps we're not storing the right sent object (localcontext.addsentobject)
        public override void PushSender(string args)
            var client = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(args);

            //if it's a category or property filter we need to refresh the list of objects
            //if it's a selection filter just use the objects that were stored previously
            ISelectionFilter            filter  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(client.filter), GetFilterType(client.filter.Type.ToString()));
            IEnumerable <SpeckleObject> objects = new List <SpeckleObject>();

            objects = GetSelectionFilterObjects(filter, client._id.ToString(), client.streamId.ToString());

            var apiClient = new SpeckleApiClient((string)client.account.RestApi)
                AuthToken = (string)client.account.Token

            var convertedObjects = new List <SpeckleObject>();
            var placeholders     = new List <SpeckleObject>();

            var units = CurrentDoc.Document.GetUnits().GetFormatOptions(UnitType.UT_Length).DisplayUnits.ToString().ToLower().Replace("dut_", "");

            InjectScaleInKits(GetScale(units)); // this is used for feet to sane units conversion.

            int  i = 0;
            long currentBucketSize = 0;
            var  errorMsg          = "";
            var  failedToConvert   = 0;
            var  errors            = new List <SpeckleError>();

            foreach (var obj in objects)
                NotifyUi("update-client", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                    _id     = (string)client._id,
                    loading = true,
                    isLoadingIndeterminate = false,
                    loadingProgress        = 1f * i++ / objects.Count() * 100,
                    loadingBlurb           = string.Format("Converting and uploading objects: {0} / {1}", i, objects.Count())

                var     id           = 0;
                Element revitElement = null;
                    revitElement = CurrentDoc.Document.GetElement((string)obj.Properties["revitUniqueId"]);
                    id           = revitElement.Id.IntegerValue;
                catch (Exception e)
                    errors.Add(new SpeckleError {
                        Message = "Could not retrieve element", Details = e.Message

                    var conversionResult = SpeckleCore.Converter.Serialise(new List <object>()
                    var byteCount = Converter.getBytes(conversionResult).Length;
                    currentBucketSize += byteCount;

                    if (byteCount > 2e6)
                        errors.Add(new SpeckleError {
                            Message = "Element is too big to be sent", Details = $"Element {id} is bigger than 2MB, it will be skipped"


                    if (currentBucketSize > 5e5 || i >= objects.Count()) // aim for roughly 500kb uncompressed
                        LocalContext.PruneExistingObjects(convertedObjects, apiClient.BaseUrl);

                            var chunkResponse = apiClient.ObjectCreateAsync(convertedObjects).Result.Resources;
                            int m             = 0;
                            foreach (var objConverted in convertedObjects)
                                objConverted._id = chunkResponse[m++]._id;
                                placeholders.Add(new SpecklePlaceholder()
                                    _id = objConverted._id
                                if (objConverted.Type != "Placeholder")
                                    LocalContext.AddSentObject(objConverted, apiClient.BaseUrl);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            errors.Add(new SpeckleError {
                                Message = $"Failed to send {convertedObjects.Count} objects", Details = e.Message
                        currentBucketSize = 0;
                        convertedObjects  = new List <SpeckleObject>(); // reset the chunkness
                catch (Exception e)
                    errors.Add(new SpeckleError {
                        Message = $"Failed to convert {revitElement.Name}", Details = $"Element id: {id}"

                    //NotifyUi("update-client", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                    //  _id = (string)client._id,
                    //  errors = "Failed to convert " + failedConvert + " objects."

            if (errors.Any())
                if (failedToConvert > 0)
                    errorMsg += string.Format("Failed to convert {0} objects ",
                                              failedToConvert == 1 ? "" : "s");
                    errorMsg += string.Format("There {0} {1} error{2} ",
                                              errors.Count() == 1 ? "is" : "are",
                                              errors.Count() == 1 ? "" : "s");

                errorMsg += "<nobr>" + Globals.GetRandomSadFace() + "</nobr>";

            var myStream = new SpeckleStream()
                Objects = placeholders

            var ug        = UnitUtils.GetUnitGroup(UnitType.UT_Length);
            var baseProps = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            baseProps["units"] = units;

            baseProps["unitsDictionary"] = GetAndClearUnitDictionary();

            myStream.BaseProperties = baseProps;
            //myStream.BaseProperties =  JsonConvert.SerializeObject(baseProps);

            NotifyUi("update-client", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                _id     = (string)client._id,
                loading = true,
                isLoadingIndeterminate = true,
                loadingBlurb           = "Updating stream."

            var response = apiClient.StreamUpdateAsync((string)client.streamId, myStream).Result;

            var plural = objects.Count() == 1 ? "" : "s";

            NotifyUi("update-client", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                _id          = (string)client._id,
                loading      = false,
                loadingBlurb = "",
                message      = $"Done sending {objects.Count()} object{plural}.",

Beispiel #32
        private void ProcessSocket(ThreadArgument param)
            LocalContext context = param.ClientContext;

            Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "worker_proc";

            // Start up.
            if (param.StartCallback != null)

                int pollTimeout = 200000;                 // 1/5 of a second in microseconds

                while (!context.ShouldStopWorkerThread)
                    if (context == null || context.ClientSocket == null)
                        InternalConnectedEvent.WaitOne();                         // Wait for reconnection.

                        // Check whether the previous read indicated a client disconnection.
                        if (context.ClientSocket == null)

                        bool canWrite = context.ClientSocket.Poll(pollTimeout, SelectMode.SelectWrite);
                        // true if:
                        // - A Connect method call has been processed, and the connection has succeeded.
                        // - Data can be sent.
                        if (canWrite)
                            // Dequeue data from write queue and send it.
                            if (!context.OutBuffer.IsEmpty)
                                byte[] buffer = null;
                                context.OutBuffer.TryDequeue(out buffer);
                                //logger.Debug("BeginSend: {0}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer));

                                    context.ClientSocket.BeginSend(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None,
                                                                   new AsyncCallback(EndSend), context);
                                catch (SocketException ex)
                                    logger.Error("BeginSend failed: {0}", ex.Message);
                                    HandleSocketError(ex.SocketErrorCode, context);
                    catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                        // Socket was already closed.
                        InternalConnectedEvent.WaitOne();                 // Wait for reconnection.
                        TryBeginReceive(context);                         // Start receiving.

            catch (ThreadInterruptedException)
                // Handle interruption.
                logger.Debug("Interrupted thread {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
                logger.Debug("Cleaning up thread {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

                // Clean up.
                if (param.FinishCallback != null)
 public ComponentController(LocalContext context)
     _context = context;
Beispiel #34
 public JogoHub(IJogo local, LocalContext banco, IHelper help)
     _local = local;
     _banco = banco;
     _help  = help;
 public LocalDeclarationState(LocalContext context, CombinedSyntaxNode contextNode)
     : base(context, contextNode)
 public ArrangeCourseRepository(LocalContext localContext) : base(localContext)
     this._localContext = localContext;
        private LocalContext GetContext(ScintillaControl sci, int position)
            var ctx = new LocalContext(sci);
            int i = position - 1;
            int style = sci.StyleAt(i-1);

            if (style == (int)CSS.COMMENT) // inside comments
                ctx.InComments = true;
                return ctx;

            int inString = 0;
            if (style == 14) inString = 1;
            if (style == 13) inString = 2;

            bool inWord = true;
            bool inComment = false;
            bool inPar = false;
            string word = "";
            int lastCharPos = i;

            while (i > 1)
                char c = (char)sci.CharAt(i--);

                if (wordChars.IndexOf(c) >= 0)
                    lastCharPos = i + 1;
                    if (inWord) word = c + word;
                else inWord = false;

                if (inString > 0)
                    if (inString == 1 && c == '\'') inString = 0;
                    else if (inString == 2 && c == '"') inString = 0;
                if (inComment)
                    if (c == '*' && i > 0 && (char)sci.CharAt(i) == '/') inComment = false;
                if (c == '/' && i > 0 && (char)sci.CharAt(i) == '*') // entering comment
                    inComment = true;
                if (c == '\'') inString = 1; // entering line
                else if (c == '"') inString = 2;

                else if (c == ')') inPar = true;
                else if (inPar)
                    if (c == '(') inPar = false;

                else if (c == ':')
                    ctx.Separator = c;
                    ctx.Position = lastCharPos;
                    string attr = ReadAttribute(sci, i);
                    if (attr.Length > 1)
                        if (attr[0] == features.Trigger || IsVarDecl(sci, i))
                            ctx.IsVar = true;
                        else if (!IsTag(attr))
                            ctx.InValue = true;
                            ctx.Property = attr;
                else if (c == ';' || c == '{')
                    ctx.Separator = c;
                    ctx.Position = lastCharPos;
                    ctx.InBlock = !IsVarDecl(sci, i);
                else if (c == '}' || c == ',' || c == '.' || c == '#')
                    ctx.Separator = c;
                    ctx.Position = lastCharPos;
                else if (c == '(')
                    string tok = ReadWordLeft(sci, i);
                    if (tok == "url")
                        ctx.Separator = '(';
                        ctx.InUrl = true;
                        ctx.Position = i + 1;
                        word = "";
                        for (int j = i + 2; j < position; j++)
                            word += (char)sci.CharAt(j);
            if (word.Length > 0)
                if (word[0] == '-')
                    Match m = reNavPrefix.Match(word);
                    if (m.Success) word = m.Groups[1].Value;
            ctx.Word = word;
            return ctx;
 public ListOfObjectsViewModel(LocalContext localContext) => LocalContext = localContext;
 private List<ICompletionListItem> HandlePseudoCompletion(LocalContext context)
     return pseudos;
Beispiel #40
        protected override bool ActionBody(BaseProcess action)
            bool isProcessed = true;

            try {
                messageGenerator = GetService <IMercuryMessageBodyGenerator>();

                int  pageSize     = GetValue <int>(ARG_PAGE_SIZE);
                int  pageCount    = GetValue <int>(ARG_PAGE_COUNT);
                int  pageStart    = GetValue <int>(ARG_PAGE_START);
                Guid enterpriseId = GetValue <Guid>(ARG_PAGE_ENTERPRISE_ID);
                operationName = GetValue <string>(ARG_OPERATION_NAME);
                mercuryLogin  = GetValue <string>(ARG_MERCURY_LOGIN);
                string suffix    = GetValue <string>(ARG_SUFFIX);
                int?   iteration = GetValue <int?>(ARG_ITERATION);

                DateTimeOffset?beginDate = GetValue <DateTimeOffset?>(ARG_BEGIN_DATE);
                DateTimeOffset?endDate   = GetValue <DateTimeOffset?>(ARG_END_DATE);

                LocalContext.SaveLog($"{MoscowDateTimeOffset().ToString()} Начало формирования запросов в систему Меркурий.");

                #region Проверка параметров
                if (pageCount <= 0)
                    isProcessed = false;
                    LocalContext.SaveLog($" Количество страниц должно быть > 0.");
                    AppendUserErrorInfo(Guid.Empty, null, UserErrorConsts.ET_VALIDATION, UserErrorConsts.StockList.RTE_MAKE_REQUEST, "Количество страниц должно быть > 0");
                if (pageSize <= 0)
                    isProcessed = false;
                    LocalContext.SaveLog($" Размер страниц должно быть > 0.");
                    AppendUserErrorInfo(Guid.Empty, null, UserErrorConsts.ET_VALIDATION, UserErrorConsts.StockList.RTE_MAKE_REQUEST, "Размер страниц должно быть > 0");
                if (pageStart <= 0)
                    isProcessed = false;
                    LocalContext.SaveLog($" Начальная страница должна быть > 0.");
                    AppendUserErrorInfo(Guid.Empty, null, UserErrorConsts.ET_VALIDATION, UserErrorConsts.StockList.RTE_MAKE_REQUEST, "Начальная страница должна быть > 0");
                Document enterpriseDoc = LocalReader.LoadDocumentByType(enterpriseId, "Enterprise");

                string enterpriseGUID = (string)enterpriseDoc["GUID"];
                string enterpriseCode = (string)enterpriseDoc["Code"];

                if (enterpriseDoc == null)
                    isProcessed = false;
                    AppendUserErrorInfo(Guid.Empty, null, UserErrorConsts.ET_VALIDATION, UserErrorConsts.StockList.VALID_NO_ENTERPRISE, $"Не найдена площадка с ИД {enterpriseId.ToString()}/{enterpriseId.ToStringNumber()}");
                    LocalContext.SaveLog($" Не найдена площадка с ИД {enterpriseId.ToString()}/{enterpriseId.ToStringNumber()}.");

                if (isProcessed)
                    List <StepContext> steps = new List <StepContext>();
                    LocalContext.SaveLog($" Площадка для формирования запросов {enterpriseCode}.");
                    LocalContext.SaveLog($" Стартовая страница {pageStart}, количество страниц для получения {pageCount}, размер страницы {pageSize}.");
                    for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++)
                        LocalContext.SaveLog($" Формирование страницы {(i + pageStart - 1) * pageSize} - {(i + pageStart) * pageSize}.");

                        StepContext requestContext = CreateStep(QueryId, MQSOperationType.COMMUNICATE);
                        requestContext.MercuryQueueStep.Status = MQSStatus.NEW;
                        if (iteration.HasValue)
                            requestContext.MercuryQueueStep.StepId = "0.0_" + iteration.Value.ToString("D3");
                            requestContext.MercuryQueueStep.StepId = "0.0";
                        requestContext.MercuryQueueStep.StepNo         = LocalContext.MercuryQueueStep.StepNo + 1;
                        requestContext.MercuryQueueStep.StepName       = Consts.STEP_NAME_MERCURY_COMMUNICATE;
                        requestContext.MercuryQueueStep.Description    = "Сформирован запрос";
                        requestContext.MercuryQueueStep.OperationGroup = Consts.OP_GROUP_CHECK_FOR_COMPLETED_OUTBOUND + suffix;
                        var req = GenerateRequest(i + pageStart, pageSize, LocalContext.MercurySettings, mercuryLogin,
                                                  enterpriseGUID, enterpriseCode, beginDate, endDate);
                        var args = new Dictionary <string, ActionArgument>();
                        args.Add("PageNo", new ActionArgument(typeof(int), "PageNo", i));
                        requestContext.MercuryQueueStep.Parameters = ArgumentSerializer.SerializeArguments(args);
                        LocalContext.SaveLog($" Страница {i + pageStart - 1} сформирована.");

                    // Сохранение информации о сгенерированных запросах
                    using (IDatabaseConnector connector = GetService <IDatabaseConnector>()) {
                        IMercuryQueueStepService transactionPersist = this.GetService <IMercuryQueueStepService>(connector);
                        transactionPersist.SaveFinish(LocalContext.MercuryQueueStep.Id, MQSStatus.COMPLETE, "Выполнено формирование запросов.", DateTimeOffset.UtcNow);
                        breakAutosave = true;
                        SetValue("Status", MQSStatus.COMPLETE);
                    LocalContext.SaveLog($" Заданы не все параметры для формирования запроса(-ов).");
                    LocalContext.SaveLog($" Операция отменена.");
                    ResultDescription = "Ошибка. Не верные параметры.";
            } catch (Exception e) {
                isProcessed = false;
                AppendUserErrorInfo(Guid.Empty, null, UserErrorConsts.ET_MIP, UserErrorConsts.StockList.RTE_MAKE_REQUEST, UserErrorConsts.DEFAULT_LAS_SUPPRT_ERROR);
                ResultDescription = "Ошибка процесса формирования запросов в систему 'Меркурий'.";
            LocalContext.SaveLog($"{MoscowDateTimeOffset().ToString()} Окончание формирования запросов в систему 'Меркурий'.");
        private List<ICompletionListItem> HandleVariableCompletion(LocalContext context)
            string src = context.Sci.Text;
            if (context.Sci.CurrentPos < src.Length)
                src = src.Substring(0, context.Sci.CurrentPos);
            MatchCollection matches = features.Pattern.Matches(src);
            if (matches.Count == 0) 
                return null;

            var tokens = new Dictionary<string, Match>();
            foreach (Match m in matches)
                tokens[m.Groups[1].Value] = m;

            var items = new List<ICompletionListItem>();
            foreach (string token in tokens.Keys)
                string desc = GetVariableValue(src, tokens[token]);
                items.Add(new CompletionItem(token, ItemKind.Variable, desc));

            return items;
Beispiel #42
 public InactiveState(LocalContext context) : base(context, null)
 private List<ICompletionListItem> HandleSelectorCompletion(LocalContext context)
     return htmlTags;
Beispiel #44
 public TeacherRepository(LocalContext localContext) : base(localContext)
     this._localContex = localContext;