public IEnumerable<Local> getAll() { MySqlCommand cmm = new MySqlCommand(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.Append("select * "); sql.Append(" FROM locais "); cmm.CommandText = sql.ToString(); MySqlDataReader dr = conn.executarConsultas(cmm); while (dr.Read()) { Local loc = new Local { idLocal = (int)dr["idLocal"], sigla = (string)dr["sigla"], nomeEstado = (string)dr["nomeEstado"], nomeCidade = (string)dr["nomeCidade"], }; local.Add(loc); } dr.Dispose(); return local; }
public void agregarLocal(String _nombre, String _telefono, int _preferencia, int _provincia, String _url, String _descripcion = "") { try { Local local = new Local(0,_nombre, _url, _telefono, _descripcion, _preferencia, _provincia); if (local.IsValid) { LocalRepositorio.Instance.Insert(local); LocalRepositorio.Instance.Save(); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (RuleViolation rv in local.GetRuleViolations()) { sb.AppendLine(rv.ErrorMessage); } throw new ApplicationException(sb.ToString()); } } catch (DataAccessException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Error: {0}", ex.Message)); } }
public Reserva_AlterarHorario() { local = MockRepository.GenerateStub<Local>(); data = DateTime.Now.Date; reserva = new Reserva(local, data, new List<HoraReservaEnum> { HoraReservaEnum.Manha }); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if the local variable has no name in the IL and the name was introduced by the IL reader. /// </summary> public static bool IsAnonymousLocal(Local local) { if (local == null) return false; return local.Anonymous; }
public Empresas(int pIdEmpresa, string pNomeEmpresa, Local pLocalEmpresa, string pEnderecoEmpresa) { idEmpresa = pIdEmpresa; nomeEmpresa = pNomeEmpresa; enderecoEmpresa = pEnderecoEmpresa; localEmpresa = pLocalEmpresa; }
public Local CopyTo(Local local) { local.Type = this.Type; local.Name = this.Name; local.PdbAttributes = this.PdbAttributes; return local; }
/// <summary> /// This method returns true if <paramref name="local"/> is a reference to /// anonymous variable generated by C# compiler for expression trees. /// </summary> /// <remarks>C# compiler generates code for expression trees that would be invalid from /// Code Contracts perspective (for instance, local assinment before Requires could happen etc). /// </remarks> public static bool IsExpressionTreeLocal(Local local) { if (local == null) return false; return IsAnonymousLocal(local) && IsOfType(local, typeof(System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression).FullName); }
public frmAgregarZonaIni(Local local) { InitializeComponent(); this.local = local; cargarDatosAnaqueles(); revisarFuncionalidades(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Centralita centralita = new Centralita("Telefonica"); Local unaLlamada = new Local("Quilmes", 30f, "Avellaneda", 0.98f); Provincial dosLlamada = new Provincial("Cordoba", Franja.Franja_1, 21f, "Santa Fe"); Local tresLlamada = new Local("Bernal", 45f, "Termperley", 0.98f); Provincial cuatroLlamada = new Provincial("Buenos Aires",Franja.Franja_3, 14f, "Tucuman"); //Cargamos la lista centralita.Lista.Add(unaLlamada); centralita.Lista.Add(dosLlamada); centralita.Lista.Add(tresLlamada); centralita.Lista.Add(cuatroLlamada); //Mostramos el contenido centralita.Mostrar(); //Ordenamos la lista y la mostramos centralita.OrdenarLlamadas(); Console.WriteLine("------ Lista ordenada -------"); centralita.Mostrar(); Console.ReadLine(); }
public IEnumerable<Instruction> EmitDerivation(MethodDef method, ConfuserContext ctx, Local dst, Local src) { for (int i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) { yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldloc, dst); yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i); yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldloc, dst); yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i); yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldelem_U4); yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldloc, src); yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i); yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldelem_U4); switch (i % 3) { case 0: yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Xor); yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, (int)k1); yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Add); break; case 1: yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Mul); yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, (int)k2); yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Xor); break; case 2: yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Add); yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, (int)k3); yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Mul); break; } yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Stelem_I4); } }
public List<Local> GetAll() { try { var lista = new List<Local>(); var sql = "select * from " + this.Tabela; var dataSet = new DataSet(); var query = new MySqlDataAdapter(sql, CorridaDAO.StringConexao); query.Fill(dataSet); foreach (var item in dataSet.Tables[0].AsEnumerable().ToList()) { var local = new Local() { Id = Convert.ToInt16(item["Id"]), Cidade = item["Cidade"].ToString(), Uf = item["Uf"].ToString() }; lista.Add(local); } return lista; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return null; } }
internal bool IsSame(Local other) { if((object)this == (object)other) return true; object ourVal = value; // use prop to ensure obj-disposed etc return other != null && ourVal == (object)(other.value); }
public override Statement VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment) { MemberBinding binding = assignment.Target as MemberBinding; if (binding != null) { Expression target = VisitExpression(binding.TargetObject); Field boundMember = (Field) binding.BoundMember; Expression source = VisitExpression(assignment.Source); if (!boundMember.IsStatic && !boundMember.DeclaringType.IsValueType && boundMember.DeclaringType.Contract != null && boundMember.DeclaringType.Contract.FramePropertyGetter != null && boundMember != boundMember.DeclaringType.Contract.FrameField) { Local targetLocal = new Local(boundMember.DeclaringType); Statement evaluateTarget = new AssignmentStatement(targetLocal, target, assignment.SourceContext); Local sourceLocal = new Local(boundMember.Type); Statement evaluateSource = new AssignmentStatement(sourceLocal, source, assignment.SourceContext); Expression guard = new MethodCall(new MemberBinding(targetLocal, boundMember.DeclaringType.Contract.FramePropertyGetter), null, NodeType.Call, SystemTypes.Guard); Statement check = new ExpressionStatement(new MethodCall(new MemberBinding(guard, SystemTypes.Guard.GetMethod(Identifier.For("CheckIsWriting"))), null, NodeType.Call, SystemTypes.Void)); Statement stfld = new AssignmentStatement(new MemberBinding(targetLocal, boundMember), sourceLocal, assignment.SourceContext); return new Block(new StatementList(new Statement[] {evaluateTarget, evaluateSource, check, stfld})); } else { binding.TargetObject = target; assignment.Source = source; return assignment; } } else { return base.VisitAssignmentStatement(assignment); } }
public Musico(int pIdMusico, string pNomeMusico, string pEnderecoMusico, Local pLocalMusico) { idMusico = pIdMusico; nomeMusico = pNomeMusico; enderecoMusico = pEnderecoMusico; localMusico = pLocalMusico; }
public IHttpActionResult PutLocal(int id, Local local) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } if (id != local.Id) { return BadRequest(); } db.Entry(local).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!LocalExists(id)) { return NotFound(); } else { throw; } } return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent); }
public byte Delete(Local instance) { ISession hisession = null; try { hisession = NHibernateHelper.GetCurrentSession(); hisession.BeginTransaction(); hisession.Delete(instance); hisession.Transaction.Commit(); hisession.Close(); return 1; } catch (Exception ex) { if (hisession != null) { if (hisession.IsOpen) { hisession.Close(); } } } return 0; }
public Reserva_Nova_Criada_Corretamente() { local = new Local("Um Local"); data = DateTime.Now.Date; reserva = new Reserva(local, data, new List<HoraReservaEnum> { HoraReservaEnum.Manha }); }
public frmIngresarProductos(Local local) { if (!local.Estado.Equals("Activo")) { Utils.Utils.Mensaje("El local del cual está realizando la transacción no está activo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } InitializeComponent(); this.local = local; dgvProductos.AllowUserToAddRows = false; dgvProductos.AllowUserToDeleteRows = false; txtNroDocumento.KeyPress += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventHandler(Utils.Utils.ValidaNumerico); this.AcceptButton = btnCargarDatos; List<ListItem> listItem = new List<ListItem>(); ListItem e1 = new ListItem("Compra", (int)TipoMov.Compra); ListItem e3 = new ListItem("Consignacion", (int)TipoMov.Consignacion); ListItem e4 = new ListItem("Transferencia", (int)TipoMov.Transferencia); listItem.Add(e1); listItem.Add(e3); listItem.Add(e4); cboTipoMovimiento.DataSource = listItem; cboTipoMovimiento.DisplayMember = "Mostrar"; cboTipoMovimiento.ValueMember = "Valor"; lblFecha.Show(); zonas = (new ZonasBL()).ObtenerDatos(this.local); }
public IList<OrdenCompra> Filtrar(DateTime fechaInicio, DateTime fechaFin, string estado, Proveedor proveedor, string numeroOC, Local local) { List<string> properties = new List<string>(); List<object> values = new List<object>(); properties.Add("FechaPedido >="); properties.Add("FechaPedido <="); values.Add(fechaInicio); values.Add(fechaFin); if (estado != "Todos") { properties.Add("Estado = "); values.Add(estado); } if (proveedor != null) { properties.Add("Proveedor.Id = "); values.Add(proveedor.Id); } if (numeroOC.Trim().Length > 0) { properties.Add("Id = "); values.Add(numeroOC); } if (local != null) { properties.Add("LugarEntrega = "); values.Add(local.Nombre); } return new OrdenCompraDA().FindByProperties(properties, values); }
public frmRegistarRevisionInventario(Local local) { InitializeComponent(); this.local = local; btnQuitar.Enabled = false; CargaPorFecha(); }
public IList<RevisionInventario> findRevisiones(List<object> criterios, Local local) { List<string> properties = (List<string>)criterios[0]; List<object> values = (List<object>)criterios[1]; /* properties.Add("Estado"); values.Add("Emitido"); */ return new RevisionInventarioDA().FindByPropertiesE(properties, values, local); }
public string GetJefeAlmacen(Local local) { foreach (Empleado emp in local.LocalEmpleadofk) { if (emp.Cargo.Descripcion == "Jefe Almacen") return emp.ApellidoPaterno + ", "+emp.Nombres; } return "Jefe Almacen"; }
public frmRegistarRevisionInventario(Local local) { InitializeComponent(); this.local = local; btnQuitar.Enabled = false; CargaPorFecha(); dtpFecha.MinDate = DateTime.Today; }
public IList<Transferencia> findEnviadas(List<object> criterios, Local local) { List<string> properties = (List<string>)criterios[0]; List<object> values = (List<object>)criterios[1]; properties.Add("Estado"); values.Add("Enviado"); return new TransferenciaDA().FindByPropertiesE(properties, values, local); }
static bool checkStloc(IList<Local> locals, Instr instr, Local local) { if (!instr.isStloc()) return false; if (Instr.getLocalVar(locals, instr) != local) return false; return true; }
public Noticia() { Data = new DateTime(); Arquivos = new List<Arquivo>(); Categoria = new Categoria(); Local = new Local(); Fonte = new Fonte(); Zona = new NoticiaZona(); }
public bool equals(Local L) { bool rta = false; if (L is Local) { rta = true; } return rta; }
public Eventos(int pIdEvento, string pNomeEvento, string pDataEvento, string pEnderecoEvento, Local pLocalEvento) { idEvento = pIdEvento; nomeEvento = pNomeEvento; dataEvento = pDataEvento; enderecoEvento = pEnderecoEvento; localEvento = pLocalEvento; }
public void CheckLocalName(string varname) { //if (V.has(varname)) //{ Local l = new Local(varname, 0, 0); if (Chunk.Locals.Any((L) => l.Name == varname)) return; Chunk.Locals.Add(l); //} }
public void write(Serializable bookmark, Local file) { XmlDocument plistDocument = GetPlistDocument(); XmlNode plistElement = plistDocument.LastChild; XmlNode impNode = plistDocument.ImportNode((XmlNode) bookmark.getAsDictionary(), true); plistElement.AppendChild(impNode); plistDocument.Save(file.getAbsolute()); }
static WebRequest GetRequestPointRoute(Local ori, Local des) => WebRequest.Create( $"{Url}directions/json?" + $"origin={ConvNumber(ori.Latitude)},{ConvNumber(ori.Longitude)}&" + $"destination={ConvNumber(des.Latitude)},{ConvNumber(des.Longitude)}&" + $"sensor=false&key={Key}");
public void EmitDeserialize(Emit emiter, Local value) { emiter.LoadArgument(1); emiter.Call(typeof(NetsphereExtensions).GetMethod(nameof(NetsphereExtensions.ReadCompressedVector3))); emiter.StoreLocal(value); }
public IRVariable ResolveLocal(Local local) => this.locals[local.Index];
public T Remove(T item) { Local.Remove(item); return(item); }
public string IngresarLocal(Local value) { return(LocalDAO.Ingresar(value)); }
public void anhadirLocal(Local valor) { locales.Add(valor); }
public static void WriteEvent(Categories Category, EventSeverity Severity, string message) { Local.WriteEvent(1337, Local.GetCategory(Category), Severity, message); }
public T Add(T item) { Local.Add(item); return(item); }
public NotaFiscalModel(NotaFiscal nota, Local local) { Nota = nota; Local = local; Produtos = new List <Produto>(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the size of a record with the given key. If the key is deleted, -1 /// will be returned. /// The size is calculated as sum of UTF-8 string length of record key and value /// </summary> /// <returns>The size in bytes.</returns> /// <param name="key">The key of a record</param> public long GetSizeInBytes(string key) { return(DatasetUtils.ComputeRecordSize(Local.GetRecord(IdentityId, DatasetName, DatasetUtils.ValidateRecordKey(key)))); }
/// <summary> /// Puts a <see cref="Amazon.CognitoSync.SyncManager.Record"/> with the given key and value into the /// Dataset. If a <see cref="Amazon.CognitoSync.SyncManager.Record"/> with the same key exists, its value /// will be overwritten. If a <see cref="Amazon.CognitoSync.SyncManager.Record"/> is marked as deleted previously, /// then it will be resurrected with new value while the sync count continues /// with previous value. No matter whether the value changes or not, the /// record is considered as updated, and it will be written to Cognito Sync /// service on next synchronize operation. If value is null, a /// ArgumentNullException will be thrown. /// </summary> /// <param name="key">Key of the record</param> /// <param name="value">String value of a <see cref="Amazon.CognitoSync.SyncManager.Record"/> to be put into the /// <see cref="Amazon.CognitoSync.SyncManager.Dataset"/></param> /// <seealso href="">Amazon Cognito Sync Dev. Guide - Reading and Writing Data</seealso> public void Put(string key, string value) { Local.PutValue(IdentityId, DatasetName, DatasetUtils.ValidateRecordKey(key), value); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the <see cref="Amazon.CognitoSync.SyncManager.Record"/> with the given key. If the /// <see cref="Amazon.CognitoSync.SyncManager.Record"/> doesn't exist or is marked deleted, null will be returned. /// </summary> /// <param name="key">Key of the record in the dataset.</param> public Record GetRecord(string key) { return(Local.GetRecord(IdentityId, DatasetName, DatasetUtils.ValidateRecordKey(key))); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the value of a <see cref= /// "Record"/> with the given key. If the /// <see cref="Amazon.CognitoSync.SyncManager.Record"/> doesn't exist or is marked deleted, null will be returned. /// </summary> /// <param name="key">Key of the record in the dataset.</param> /// <seealso href="">Amazon Cognito Sync Dev. Guide - Reading and Writing Data</seealso> public string Get(string key) { return(Local.GetValue(IdentityId, DatasetName, DatasetUtils.ValidateRecordKey(key))); }
/// <summary> /// Delete this <see cref="Amazon.CognitoSync.SyncManager.Dataset"/>. You cannot do any more operations /// on this dataset. /// </summary> public void Delete() { Local.DeleteDataset(IdentityId, DatasetName); }
static WebRequest GetRequestNameRoute(Local ori, Local des) => WebRequest.Create( $"{Url}directions/json?origin={ori.Endereco}&destination={des.Endereco}&sensor=false&key={Key}");
public void EmitDeserialize(CompilerContext context, Local value) { var elementType = value.LocalType.GetElementType(); var emptyArrayLabel = context.Emit.DefineLabel(); var endLabel = context.Emit.DefineLabel(); using (var length = context.Emit.DeclareLocal <int>("length")) { // length = ProudNetBinaryReaderExtensions.ReadScalar(reader) context.Emit.LoadReaderOrWriterParam(); context.Emit.Call(ReflectionHelper.GetMethod((BinaryReader _) => _.ReadScalar())); context.Emit.StoreLocal(length); // if(length < 1) { // value = Array.Empty<>() // return // } context.Emit.LoadLocal(length); context.Emit.LoadConstant(1); context.Emit.BranchIfLess(emptyArrayLabel); // value = new [length] context.Emit.LoadLocal(length); context.Emit.NewArray(elementType); context.Emit.StoreLocal(value); // Little optimization for byte arrays if (elementType == typeof(byte)) { // value = reader.ReadBytes(length); context.Emit.LoadReaderOrWriterParam(); context.Emit.LoadLocal(length); context.Emit.Call(ReflectionHelper.GetMethod((BinaryReader _) => _.ReadBytes(default(int)))); context.Emit.StoreLocal(value); } else { var loopLabel = context.Emit.DefineLabel(); var loopCheckLabel = context.Emit.DefineLabel(); using (var element = context.Emit.DeclareLocal(elementType, "element")) using (var i = context.Emit.DeclareLocal <int>("i")) { context.Emit.MarkLabel(loopLabel); context.EmitDeserialize(element); // value[i] = element context.Emit.LoadLocal(value); context.Emit.LoadLocal(i); context.Emit.LoadLocal(element); context.Emit.StoreElement(elementType); // ++i context.Emit.LoadLocal(i); context.Emit.LoadConstant(1); context.Emit.Add(); context.Emit.StoreLocal(i); // i < length context.Emit.MarkLabel(loopCheckLabel); context.Emit.LoadLocal(i); context.Emit.LoadLocal(length); context.Emit.BranchIfLess(loopLabel); } } context.Emit.Branch(endLabel); } // value = Array.Empty<>() context.Emit.MarkLabel(emptyArrayLabel); context.Emit.Call(typeof(Array) .GetMethod(nameof(Array.Empty)) .GetGenericMethodDefinition() .MakeGenericMethod(elementType)); context.Emit.StoreLocal(value); context.Emit.MarkLabel(endLabel); }
/// <summary> /// Copies the information from the origin method to injected method. /// </summary> /// <param name="methodDef">The origin MethodDef.</param> /// <param name="ctx">The injection context.</param> static void CopyMethodDef(MethodDef methodDef, InjectContext ctx) { var newMethodDef = (MethodDef)ctx.Map[methodDef]; newMethodDef.Signature = ctx.Importer.Import(methodDef.Signature); newMethodDef.Parameters.UpdateParameterTypes(); if (methodDef.ImplMap != null) { newMethodDef.ImplMap = new ImplMapUser(new ModuleRefUser(ctx.TargetModule, methodDef.ImplMap.Module.Name), methodDef.ImplMap.Name, methodDef.ImplMap.Attributes); } foreach (CustomAttribute ca in methodDef.CustomAttributes) { newMethodDef.CustomAttributes.Add(new CustomAttribute((ICustomAttributeType)ctx.Importer.Import(ca.Constructor))); } if (methodDef.HasBody) { newMethodDef.Body = new CilBody(methodDef.Body.InitLocals, new List <Instruction>(), new List <ExceptionHandler>(), new List <Local>()); newMethodDef.Body.MaxStack = methodDef.Body.MaxStack; var bodyMap = new Dictionary <object, object>(); foreach (Local local in methodDef.Body.Variables) { var newLocal = new Local(ctx.Importer.Import(local.Type)); newMethodDef.Body.Variables.Add(newLocal); newLocal.Name = local.Name; newLocal.PdbAttributes = local.PdbAttributes; bodyMap[local] = newLocal; } foreach (Instruction instr in methodDef.Body.Instructions) { var newInstr = new Instruction(instr.OpCode, instr.Operand); newInstr.SequencePoint = instr.SequencePoint; if (newInstr.Operand is IType) { newInstr.Operand = ctx.Importer.Import((IType)newInstr.Operand); } else if (newInstr.Operand is IMethod) { newInstr.Operand = ctx.Importer.Import((IMethod)newInstr.Operand); } else if (newInstr.Operand is IField) { newInstr.Operand = ctx.Importer.Import((IField)newInstr.Operand); } newMethodDef.Body.Instructions.Add(newInstr); bodyMap[instr] = newInstr; } foreach (Instruction instr in newMethodDef.Body.Instructions) { if (instr.Operand != null && bodyMap.ContainsKey(instr.Operand)) { instr.Operand = bodyMap[instr.Operand]; } else if (instr.Operand is Instruction[]) { instr.Operand = ((Instruction[])instr.Operand).Select(target => (Instruction)bodyMap[target]).ToArray(); } } foreach (ExceptionHandler eh in methodDef.Body.ExceptionHandlers) { newMethodDef.Body.ExceptionHandlers.Add(new ExceptionHandler(eh.HandlerType) { CatchType = eh.CatchType == null ? null : (ITypeDefOrRef)ctx.Importer.Import(eh.CatchType), TryStart = (Instruction)bodyMap[eh.TryStart], TryEnd = (Instruction)bodyMap[eh.TryEnd], HandlerStart = (Instruction)bodyMap[eh.HandlerStart], HandlerEnd = (Instruction)bodyMap[eh.HandlerEnd], FilterStart = eh.FilterStart == null ? null : (Instruction)bodyMap[eh.FilterStart] }); } newMethodDef.Body.SimplifyMacros(newMethodDef.Parameters); } }
public static void WriteTrace(Categories Category, TraceSeverity Severity, string message) { Local.WriteTrace(1337, Local.GetCategory(Category), Severity, message); }
// Token: 0x06000053 RID: 83 RVA: 0x00006DCC File Offset: 0x00004FCC public static void InlineInteger(MethodDef method, int i) { bool isGlobalModuleType = method.DeclaringType.IsGlobalModuleType; if (!isGlobalModuleType) { IList <Instruction> instructions = method.Body.Instructions; try { bool flag = instructions[i - 1].OpCode == OpCodes.Callvirt; if (flag) { bool flag2 = instructions[i + 1].OpCode == OpCodes.Call; if (flag2) { return; } } bool flag3 = instructions[i + 4].IsBr(); if (!flag3) { bool flag4 = true; int num = numbers.random.Next(0, 2); int num2 = num; if (num2 != 0) { if (num2 == 1) { flag4 = false; } } else { flag4 = true; } Local local = new Local(method.Module.CorLibTypes.String); method.Body.Variables.Add(local); Local local2 = new Local(method.Module.CorLibTypes.Int32); method.Body.Variables.Add(local2); int ldcI4Value = instructions[i].GetLdcI4Value(); string text = Renamer.Generator.GenerateString(); instructions.Insert(i, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, local2)); instructions.Insert(i, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Stloc_S, local2)); bool flag5 = flag4; if (flag5) { instructions.Insert(i, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, ldcI4Value)); instructions.Insert(i, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, ldcI4Value + 1)); } else { instructions.Insert(i, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, ldcI4Value + 1)); instructions.Insert(i, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, ldcI4Value)); } instructions.Insert(i, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, method.Module.Import(typeof(string).GetMethod("op_Equality", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) })))); instructions.Insert(i, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, text)); instructions.Insert(i, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, local)); instructions.Insert(i, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Stloc_S, local)); bool flag6 = flag4; if (flag6) { instructions.Insert(i, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, text)); } else { instructions.Insert(i, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, Renamer.Generator.GenerateString())); } instructions.Insert(i + 5, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Brtrue_S, instructions[i + 6])); instructions.Insert(i + 7, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Br_S, instructions[i + 8])); instructions.RemoveAt(i + 10); } } catch { } } }
public LocalTest() { _local = new Local("Market", 1); }
public void EmitSerialize(CompilerContext context, Local value) { var elementType = value.LocalType.GetElementType(); using (var length = context.Emit.DeclareLocal <int>("length")) { var writeLabel = context.Emit.DefineLabel(); // if (value != null) goto write context.Emit.LoadLocal(value); context.Emit.LoadNull(); context.Emit.CompareEqual(); context.Emit.BranchIfFalse(writeLabel); // value = Array.Empty<>() context.Emit.Call(typeof(Array) .GetMethod(nameof(Array.Empty)) .GetGenericMethodDefinition() .MakeGenericMethod(elementType)); context.Emit.StoreLocal(value); // length = value.Length context.Emit.MarkLabel(writeLabel); context.Emit.LoadLocal(value); context.Emit.Call(value.LocalType.GetProperty(nameof(Array.Length)).GetMethod); context.Emit.StoreLocal(length); // ProudNetBinaryWriterExtensions.WriteScalar(writer, length) context.Emit.LoadReaderOrWriterParam(); context.Emit.LoadLocal(length); context.Emit.Call(ReflectionHelper.GetMethod((BinaryWriter _) => _.WriteScalar(default(int)))); var loopLabel = context.Emit.DefineLabel(); var loopCheckLabel = context.Emit.DefineLabel(); using (var element = context.Emit.DeclareLocal(elementType, "element")) using (var i = context.Emit.DeclareLocal <int>("i")) { context.Emit.Branch(loopCheckLabel); context.Emit.MarkLabel(loopLabel); // element = value[i] context.Emit.LoadLocal(value); context.Emit.LoadLocal(i); context.Emit.LoadElement(elementType); context.Emit.StoreLocal(element); context.EmitSerialize(element); // ++i context.Emit.LoadLocal(i); context.Emit.LoadConstant(1); context.Emit.Add(); context.Emit.StoreLocal(i); // i < length context.Emit.MarkLabel(loopCheckLabel); context.Emit.LoadLocal(i); context.Emit.LoadLocal(length); context.Emit.BranchIfLess(loopLabel); } } }
public T Attach(T item) { Local.Add(item); return(item); }
public LocalOptions(Local local) { this.Type = local.Type; this.Name = local.Name; this.PdbAttributes = local.PdbAttributes; }
/// <summary> /// retourne tous les éléments /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List <T> FindAll() { return(Local.ToList()); }
public string ActualizarLocal(Local value) { return(LocalDAO.Actualizar(value)); }
/// <summary> /// Validate the object. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="Microsoft.Rest.ValidationException"> /// Thrown if validation fails /// </exception> public virtual void Validate() { if (AwsElasticBlockStore != null) { AwsElasticBlockStore.Validate(); } if (AzureDisk != null) { AzureDisk.Validate(); } if (AzureFile != null) { AzureFile.Validate(); } if (Cephfs != null) { Cephfs.Validate(); } if (Cinder != null) { Cinder.Validate(); } if (Csi != null) { Csi.Validate(); } if (FlexVolume != null) { FlexVolume.Validate(); } if (GcePersistentDisk != null) { GcePersistentDisk.Validate(); } if (Glusterfs != null) { Glusterfs.Validate(); } if (HostPath != null) { HostPath.Validate(); } if (Iscsi != null) { Iscsi.Validate(); } if (Local != null) { Local.Validate(); } if (Nfs != null) { Nfs.Validate(); } if (PhotonPersistentDisk != null) { PhotonPersistentDisk.Validate(); } if (PortworxVolume != null) { PortworxVolume.Validate(); } if (Quobyte != null) { Quobyte.Validate(); } if (Rbd != null) { Rbd.Validate(); } if (ScaleIO != null) { ScaleIO.Validate(); } if (VsphereVolume != null) { VsphereVolume.Validate(); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="local"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="attributes"></param> public PdbLocal(Local local, string name, PdbLocalAttributes attributes) { Local = local; Name = name; Attributes = attributes; }
public void EmitSerialize(Emit emiter, Local value) { emiter.LoadArgument(1); emiter.LoadLocal(value); emiter.Call(typeof(NetsphereExtensions).GetMethod(nameof(NetsphereExtensions.WriteCompressed), new[] { typeof(BinaryWriter), typeof(Vector3) })); }
public void Add(Local local) { _service.Add(local); }
public void Update(int id, Local local) { _service.Update(id, local); }