Beispiel #1
 private void AssertRequest(LoadshopSmartSpotPriceRequest request)
     if (request == null)
         throw new ValidationException($"{ERROR_TYPE}: Request is null");
     if (request.LoadId == Guid.Empty)
         throw new ValidationException($"{ERROR_TYPE}: {nameof(request.LoadId)} is required");
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.Commodity))
         throw new ValidationException($"{ERROR_TYPE}: {nameof(request.Commodity)} is required");
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.EquipmentId))
         throw new ValidationException($"{ERROR_TYPE}: {nameof(request.EquipmentId)} is required");
Beispiel #2
        private async Task <AWSSmartSpotPriceRequest> MapFromLoadshopSmartSpotPriceRequestAsync(LoadshopSmartSpotPriceRequest request)
            var aws = new AWSSmartSpotPriceRequest();

            var load = await _db.Loads.AsNoTracking()
                       .Include(x => x.LoadStops)
                       .Include(x => x.CarrierScacs)
                       .SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.LoadId == request.LoadId);

            if (load == null)
                throw new Exception($"Unable to find load with ID {request.LoadId}.");

            var origin = load.LoadStops.FirstOrDefault(x => x.StopNbr == 1);

            if (origin == null)
                throw new Exception("Unable to find origin pickup stop");
            var dest = load.LoadStops.FirstOrDefault(x => x.StopNbr == load.Stops);

            if (dest == null)
                throw new Exception("Unable to find destination delivery stop");

            aws.LoadId            = request.LoadId;
            aws.TransactionCreate = DateTime.Now;
            aws.TransactionTypeId = load.LatestTransactionTypeId;
            aws.LoadShopMiles     = load.Miles;
            aws.DirectMiles       = load.DirectMiles;
            aws.Stops             = load.LoadStops.Count;
            aws.Weight            = request.Weight;
            aws.Commodity         = request.Commodity;
            aws.EquipmentId       = request.EquipmentId;
            aws.PkupDate          = origin.LateDtTm;
            aws.OrigState         = origin.State;
            aws.OriginZip         = origin.PostalCode;
            aws.O3Zip             = (origin.PostalCode != null && origin.PostalCode.Length >= 3) ? origin.PostalCode.Substring(0, 3) : null;
            aws.DestState         = dest.State;
            aws.DestZip           = dest.PostalCode;
            aws.D3Zip             = (dest.PostalCode != null && dest.PostalCode.Length >= 3) ? dest.PostalCode.Substring(0, 3) : null;

            var carrierScacs = _db.CarrierScacs.Where(x => request.CarrierIds.Contains(x.CarrierId)).Select(x => x.Scac).Distinct().ToList();

            aws.NbrSCACsRequest    = carrierScacs.Count;
            aws.NbrCarriersRequest = request.CarrierIds.Count;

            aws.NbrSCACsPosted = load.CarrierScacs
                                 .Where(x => x.ContractRate == null || x.ContractRate.Value <= load.LineHaulRate)
                                 .Select(x => x.Scac)

            aws.NbrContractSCACsPosted = load.CarrierScacs
                                         .Where(x => x.ContractRate != null && x.ContractRate.Value <= load.LineHaulRate)
                                         .Select(x => x.Scac)

            aws.NbrSCACsHidden = load.CarrierScacs
                                 .Where(x => x.ContractRate != null && x.ContractRate.Value > load.LineHaulRate)
                                 .Select(x => x.Scac)
