private LoadResult MapToLoadResult([NotNull] RazorTemplateLoadResult razorTemplateLoadResult) { if (razorTemplateLoadResult == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(razorTemplateLoadResult)); } var detail = string.Join("\n", razorTemplateLoadResult.Errors ?? new string[0]); Error loadError; switch (razorTemplateLoadResult.Status) { case RazorTemplateLoadResult.LoadResultStatus.Success: return(LoadResult.CreateSuccessResult()); case RazorTemplateLoadResult.LoadResultStatus.CodeCompilationFailed: loadError = new RazorTemplateError(RazorTemplateErrorCodes.CodeCompilationError, detail); break; case RazorTemplateLoadResult.LoadResultStatus.CodeGenerationFailed: loadError = new RazorTemplateError(RazorTemplateErrorCodes.CodeGenerationError, detail); break; default: loadError = new RazorTemplateError(RazorTemplateErrorCodes.GeneralRazorTemplateError, detail); break; } return(LoadResult.CreateFailResult(loadError)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> ListaBairros(DataSourceLoadOptions loadOptions, [FromServices] IRepositoryFactory <CadBairro, CadBairroRepository> repositoryFactory) { _bairro = repositoryFactory.Create(this._inquilino); IEnumerable <CadBairro> lstBairros = null; int totalResultsCount = 0; try { var searchInfo = this.GetSearchInfo(loadOptions); lstBairros = await _bairro.ListaPaginada(searchInfo, out totalResultsCount); var loadResult = new LoadResult(); = lstBairros; loadResult.totalCount = totalResultsCount; return(new JsonResult(loadResult)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { var erro = AppExceptionHelper.MensagemErro = ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message; var detalhe = AppExceptionHelper.DetalhesErro; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(detalhe)) { throw new Exception(erro, new Exception(detalhe)); } throw new Exception(erro); } }
public LoadResult LoadFrom(IEnumerable <string> lines) { var regex = new Regex(LINE_PATTERN); var result = new LoadResult(); var lineCount = 1; foreach (var line in lines) { if (regex.IsMatch(line)) { var info = line.Split(","); var source = info[0].ToUpper(); var destination = info[1].ToUpper(); if (source.Equals(destination)) { result.AddError($"CIRCULAR_REFERENCE > {source}, {destination}"); continue; } AddHub(source, destination, Convert.ToUInt32(info[2])); } else { result.AddError($"Line [{lineCount}] input format mismatch 'string, string, uint' > {line}"); } lineCount++; } return(result); }
public IEnumerator LoadUrl(string url, Action <LoadResult> action, int timeOut = 10) { WWW www = new WWW(url); float time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; while (true) { if (www.isDone) { string error = www.error; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { LoadResult result = new LoadResult(LoadStatus.OK, www); action(result); yield break; } else { LoadResult result = new LoadResult(LoadStatus.ERROR, www); action(result); yield break; } } else if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - time >= timeOut && timeOut != 0) { LoadResult result = new LoadResult(LoadStatus.TIMEOUT, www); action(result); yield break; } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); } }
public static LoadGameResult LoadSaveGameData( string saveName, string[] loadedModuleNames) { List <ModuleInfo> modules = MBSaveLoad.GetModules(loadedModuleNames); MBSaveLoad.InitializeAutoSaveIndex(saveName); string fileName = saveName + ".sav"; ISaveDriver driver = MBSaveLoad._saveDriver; driver.SetFileName(fileName); ApplicationVersion applicationVersion = driver.LoadMetaData().GetApplicationVersion(); if (applicationVersion.Major <= 1 && applicationVersion.Minor <= 4 && applicationVersion.Revision < 2) { driver = (ISaveDriver) new OldFileDriver(); driver.SetFileName(fileName); } LoadResult loadResult = SaveManager.Load(driver, true); if (loadResult.Successful) { MBSaveLoad.ActiveSaveSlotName = !MBSaveLoad.IsSaveFileNameReserved(saveName) ? saveName : (string)null; return(new LoadGameResult(loadResult, MBSaveLoad.CheckModules(loadResult.MetaData, modules))); } Debug.Print("Error: Could not load the game!"); return((LoadGameResult)null); }
public static LoadResult Load(ISaveDriver driver, bool loadAsLateInitialize) { DefinitionContext definitionContext = new DefinitionContext(); definitionContext.FillWithCurrentTypes(); LoadContext loadContext = new LoadContext(definitionContext, driver); LoadData loadData = driver.Load(); LoadResult loadResult; if (loadContext.Load(loadData, loadAsLateInitialize)) { LoadCallbackInitializator loadCallbackInitializator = (LoadCallbackInitializator)null; if (loadAsLateInitialize) { loadCallbackInitializator = loadContext.CreateLoadCallbackInitializator(loadData); } loadResult = LoadResult.CreateSuccessful(loadContext.RootObject, loadData.MetaData, loadCallbackInitializator); } else { loadResult = LoadResult.CreateFailed((IEnumerable <LoadError>) new LoadError[1] { new LoadError("Not implemented") }); } return(loadResult); }
private List <Triangle> getTrianglesList(LoadResult obj) { List <Triangle> TriangleLst = new List <Triangle>(); var faces = obj.Groups[0].Faces; var vertices = obj.Vertices; for (int i = 0; i < faces.Count; i++) { var face = faces[i]; var vertexIndex1 = face[0].VertexIndex - 1; var vertex1 = new Vector3(vertices[vertexIndex1].X, vertices[vertexIndex1].Y, vertices[vertexIndex1].Z, face[0].NormalIndex); var vertexIndex2 = face[1].VertexIndex - 1; var vertex2 = new Vector3(vertices[vertexIndex2].X, vertices[vertexIndex2].Y, vertices[vertexIndex2].Z, face[1].NormalIndex); var vertexIndex3 = face[2].VertexIndex - 1; var vertex3 = new Vector3(vertices[vertexIndex3].X, vertices[vertexIndex3].Y, vertices[vertexIndex3].Z, face[2].NormalIndex); Triangle triangel = new Triangle(vertex1, vertex2, vertex3); var transformed = Transform(triangel); TriangleLst.Add(transformed); } return(TriangleLst); }
private bool LoadAllLines(string[] lines, out bool formatChanged) { formatChanged = false; int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { string line = lines[i]; line = line.Trim(); if ((line.Length != 0) && !line.StartsWith("#")) { int num3; string str2; object obj2; bool flag; if (!this.LoadLine(line, out num3, out str2, out obj2, out flag)) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("LocalOptions.LoadAllLines() - Failed to load line {0}.", i + 1)); num++; if (num > 4) { this.m_loadResult = LoadResult.FAIL; return(false); } } else { this.m_options[str2] = obj2; formatChanged = (formatChanged || (num3 != this.m_currentLineVersion)) || flag; } } } return(true); }
public LoadResult <T> Load <T>(string filename) { byte[] bytes; try { var result = Resolver.LoadBytes(filename); if (!result.Succeeded) { return(result.CreateFailed <T>()); } bytes = result.value; } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); return(LoadResult <T> .CreateError(ex)); } try { var t = SerialzieResolver.Deserialize <T>(bytes); return(new LoadResult <T>(t)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogError(filename + " broken"); Debug.LogException(ex); return(LoadResult <T> .CreateFailedDeserialize(ex)); } }
private bool Load() { string[] strArray; this.Clear(); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(this.m_path)) { this.m_loadResult = LoadResult.SUCCESS; return(true); } if (!this.LoadFile(out strArray)) { this.m_loadResult = LoadResult.FAIL; return(false); } bool formatChanged = false; if (!this.LoadAllLines(strArray, out formatChanged)) { this.m_loadResult = LoadResult.FAIL; return(false); } foreach (string str in this.m_options.Keys) { this.m_sortedKeys.Add(str); } this.SortKeys(); this.m_loadResult = LoadResult.SUCCESS; if (formatChanged) { this.m_dirty = true; this.Save(); } return(true); }
public void Update( ) { if (_omeFileRequest) { if (!(_loaded)) { Debug.Log("World: Update: parsing OME stream"); _omeStream = new MemoryStream(_omeFileBytes); _loadResult = _omeLoader.Load(_omeStream); Debug.Log("World: Update: OME file loaded"); // // load header data // for (int i = 0; i < _loadResult.Octrees.Count; i++) { _octrees.Add(_loadResult.Octrees[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < _loadResult.Vertices.Count; i++) { _vertices.Add(_loadResult.Vertices[i]); } _chunks = new OmeGenerator[_octrees.Count]; _loaded = true; } } }
protected ModelVisual3D MakeVisualModel(LoadResult objmesh, ZipArchiveEntry texture) { var r = new ModelVisual3D(); r.Content = MakeModel(objmesh, texture); Points.Freeze(); // We won't change them anymore Normals.Freeze(); Indices.Freeze(); TexCoords.Freeze(); r.Transform = new Transform3DGroup(); Transform3DGroup transformGroup = r.Transform as Transform3DGroup; TranslateTransform3D translation = new TranslateTransform3D( -(r.Content.Bounds.X + r.Content.Bounds.SizeX / 2), -(r.Content.Bounds.Y + r.Content.Bounds.SizeY / 2), -(r.Content.Bounds.Z + r.Content.Bounds.SizeZ / 2) ); transformGroup.Children.Add(translation); double scale = Math.Abs(1 / (r.Content.Bounds.SizeX)); scale = Math.Min(scale, Math.Abs(1 / (r.Content.Bounds.SizeY))); scale = Math.Min(scale, Math.Abs(1 / (r.Content.Bounds.SizeZ))); ScaleTransform3D scaletr = new ScaleTransform3D(scale, scale, scale); transformGroup.Children.Add(scaletr); return(r); }
public static void load(ContentManager content, string mapName, Color floorColour, Color wallColour, out MapWalls walls, out MapFloor floor) { LoadResult loadResult = GWNorthEngine.Tools.TilePlacer.MapLoader.load(content, mapName); walls = loadMapWalls(wallColour, loadResult); floor = loadMapFloor(floorColour, loadResult); }
//Load file, make backup if needed public LoadResult Load(string filename, bool autoBackup = false) { LoadResult result = LoadResult.Success; _fileInfo = new FileInfo(filename); _entries = null; if (_fileInfo.Exists) { _mbm = new MBM(_fileInfo.FullName); string backupFilePath = _fileInfo.FullName + ".bak"; if (File.Exists(backupFilePath)) { _mbmBackup = new MBM(backupFilePath); } else if (autoBackup || MessageBox.Show("Would you like to create a backup of " + _fileInfo.Name + "?\r\nA backup allows the Original text box to display the source text before edits were made.", "Create Backup", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { File.Copy(_fileInfo.FullName, backupFilePath); _mbmBackup = new MBM(backupFilePath); } else { _mbmBackup = null; } } else { result = LoadResult.FileNotFound; } return(result); }
public LoadResult Load(string filename, bool autoBackup = false) { LoadResult result = LoadResult.Success; FileInfo = new FileInfo(filename); _entries = null; if (FileInfo.Exists) { _smas = new SMAS(FileInfo.OpenRead()); string backupFilePath = FileInfo.FullName + ".bak"; if (!File.Exists(backupFilePath)) { File.Copy(FileInfo.FullName, backupFilePath); } _smasBackup = new SMAS(File.OpenRead(backupFilePath)); } else { result = LoadResult.FileNotFound; } return(result); }
private static void GetNormals(LoadResult loadResult) { foreach (var normal in loadResult.Normals) { ObjectModel.VerticesNormals.Add(new System.Numerics.Vector3(normal.X, normal.Y, normal.Z)); } }
private static void GetTextures(LoadResult loadResult) { foreach (var texture in loadResult.Textures) { ObjectModel.Textures.Add(texture); } }
private static List <Voxel> transformVerticesToVoxels(LoadResult result) { var listVoxels = new List <CartesianCoordinate>(); double resolution = 0; foreach (var group in result.Groups) { var faces = @group.Faces.Where(x => x.All(y => y.NormalIndex == 1)); foreach (var face in faces) { var x = face.Min(i => result.Vertices[i.VertexIndex - 1].X); var y = face.Min(i => result.Vertices[i.VertexIndex - 1].Y); var z = face.Min(i => result.Vertices[i.VertexIndex - 1].Z); listVoxels.Add(new CartesianCoordinate(x, y, z)); if (resolution <= double.Epsilon) { var sibling1 = result.Vertices[face[0].VertexIndex - 1]; var sibling2 = result.Vertices[face[1].VertexIndex - 1]; resolution = Math.Max( Math.Max(Math.Abs(sibling1.X - sibling2.X), Math.Abs(sibling1.Y - sibling2.Y)), Math.Abs(sibling1.Z - sibling2.Z)); } } } var min = new CartesianCoordinate(listVoxels.Min(x => x.X), listVoxels.Min(x => x.Y), listVoxels.Min(x => x.Z)); var transform = listVoxels.Select(x => new Voxel((x - min) / resolution)).ToList(); return(transform); }
private static void GetVertices(LoadResult loadResult) { foreach (var vertex in loadResult.Vertices) { ObjectModel.Vertices.Add(new System.Numerics.Vector3(vertex.X, vertex.Y, vertex.Z)); } }
public string LoadText(string sType) { List <LoadResult> oResults = new List <LoadResult>(); using (SqlConnection oCN = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CN_INSIDER"].ConnectionString)) { oCN.Open(); using (SqlCommand oCMD = new SqlCommand()) { oCMD.Connection = oCN; oCMD.CommandText = "SELECT sText" + " FROM TextBoard" + " WHERE sBoard = @sBoard" + " ORDER BY dtCreated ASC"; oCMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sBoard", sType); using (SqlDataReader oDR = oCMD.ExecuteReader()) { while (oDR.Read()) { LoadResult oR = new LoadResult(); oR.sText = oDR["sText"].ToString(); oResults.Add(oR); } } } } return(new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(oResults)); }
public async UniTask <LoadResult <byte[]> > LoadBytesAsync(string filename) { await UniTask.WaitWhile(() => processCount > 0); ++processCount; try { var fullPath = GetPath(filename); try { using (var fileStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(fullPath)) { var bytes = new byte[fileStream.Length]; await fileStream.ReadAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length).AsUniTask(); return(new LoadResult <byte[]>(bytes)); } } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex) { return(LoadResult <byte[]> .CreateNotFound(ex)); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { return(LoadResult <byte[]> .CreateNotFound(ex)); } } finally { --processCount; } }
public static void Main() { try { using (IEngine engine = EngineFactory.Create(new EngineOptions.Builder().Build())) { Console.WriteLine("Engine created"); using (IBrowser browser = engine.CreateBrowser()) { Console.WriteLine("Browser created"); engine.Network.CanGetCookiesHandler = new Handler <CanGetCookiesParameters, CanGetCookiesResponse>(CanGetCookies); engine.Network.CanSetCookieHandler = new Handler <CanSetCookieParameters, CanSetCookieResponse>(CanSetCookie); LoadResult result = browser.Navigation.LoadUrl("").Result; Console.WriteLine("LoadResult: " + result); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to terminate..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public LoadResult Load(string filename) { LoadResult result = LoadResult.Success; _fileInfo = new FileInfo(filename); if (_fileInfo.Exists) { using (var br = new BinaryReaderX(File.OpenRead(_fileInfo.FullName))) if (br.ReadString(4) == "CTPK") { _ctpk = new CTPK(_fileInfo.FullName); } else { _ctpk = new CTPK(_fileInfo.FullName, true); } } else { result = LoadResult.FileNotFound; } return(result); }
public static LoadResult LoadLobbies(List <Filter> filtersList) { List <Lobby> lobbies; List <Lobby> matchingLobbies; List <DisplayLobby> displayLobbies; List <Player> players; LoadResult loadResult = new LoadResult(); LobbyStats stats = new LobbyStats(); try { lobbies = Fetcher.GetLobbies(); matchingLobbies = Matching.GetMatchingLobbies(lobbies, filtersList); displayLobbies = LobbyToDisplayLobbyConverter.FromLobbies(matchingLobbies); players = lobbies.SelectMany(l => l.Players.Where(p => p != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.Name))).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { loadResult.ErrorMessage = "Error updating lobbies:\r\n" + ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace; return(loadResult); } stats.TotalLobbies = lobbies.Count; stats.MatchingLobbies = displayLobbies.Count; stats.TotalPlayers = players.Count; loadResult.LobbyStats = stats; loadResult.DisplayLobbies = displayLobbies; return(loadResult); }
protected void DefaultResourceCallBack(LoadResult result) { string assetName = string.Empty; if (result.assetNames != null && result.assetNames.Length > 0) { assetName = result.assetNames[0]; } if (!assetName.IsNE() && this.m_vResourceCallBackDic.ContainsKey(assetName)) { List <LoadAssetCallback> callBacks = m_vResourceCallBackDic[assetName]; if (callBacks != null && callBacks.Count > 0) { for (int i = callBacks.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { callBacks[i].Invoke(result); callBacks.RemoveAt(i); } } if (callBacks.Count == 0) { this.m_vResourceCallBackDic.ForceRemove(assetName); } } }
protected void port_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { try { if (!connect) { return; } string code = port.ReadExisting(); while (code.IndexOf("\u001d") != -1) { code = code.Replace("\u001d", "и"); } if (SetResult(FormingOrder(code), _Orders, false)) { LoadResult?.Invoke(_Orders); } } catch (Exception Ex) { SystemArgs.PrintLog(Ex.ToString()); MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message); } }
private void GetModelRawData(LoadResult model, float[] vertices, float[] uvCoordinates, int[] indices) { int vertexNr = 0; foreach (var vertex in model.Vertices) { vertices[vertexNr++] = vertex.X; vertices[vertexNr++] = vertex.Y; vertices[vertexNr++] = vertex.Z; } int indexNr = 0; foreach (var group in model.Groups) { foreach (var face in group.Faces) { for (int faceVertexIndex = 0; faceVertexIndex < face.Count; faceVertexIndex++) { var faceVertex = face[faceVertexIndex]; var vertexIndex = faceVertex.VertexIndex - 1; var uvIndex = vertexIndex * 2u; var textureIndex = faceVertex.TextureIndex - 1; indices[indexNr++] = vertexIndex; uvCoordinates[uvIndex] = model.Textures[textureIndex].X; uvCoordinates[uvIndex + 1] = model.Textures[textureIndex].Y; } } } }
protected Model3D MakeModel(LoadResult objmesh, ZipArchiveEntry texture) { GeometryModel3D ret = new GeometryModel3D(MakeGeometry(objmesh), MakeMaterial(objmesh, texture)); ret.BackMaterial = MakeBackMaterial(); return(ret); }
public VMAPLoadResult LoadMap(uint mapId, uint x, uint y) { var result = VMAPLoadResult.Ignored; if (IsMapLoadingEnabled()) { LoadResult parentLoadResult = LoadSingleMap(mapId, x, y); if (parentLoadResult == LoadResult.Success || parentLoadResult == LoadResult.FileNotFound) { if (parentLoadResult == LoadResult.Success) { result = VMAPLoadResult.OK; } // else VMAP_LOAD_RESULT_IGNORED var childMaps = iChildMapData.LookupByKey(mapId); foreach (uint childMapId in childMaps) { LoadResult childLoadResult = LoadSingleMap(childMapId, x, y); if (childLoadResult != LoadResult.Success && childLoadResult != LoadResult.FileNotFound) { result = VMAPLoadResult.Error; } } } else { result = VMAPLoadResult.Error; } } return(result); }
public async Task <PEFile> GetPEFileAsync() { LoadResult loadResult = await loadingTask.ConfigureAwait(false); if (loadResult is LoadResult.Successful success) { return(success.PEFile); } else if (loadResult is LoadResult.FileNotFound) { string fileName = loadResult.File.FullName; throw new FileNotFoundException(message: "The assembly or package file \"" + fileName + "\" could not be found.", fileName: fileName); } else if (loadResult is LoadResult.PackageFallback package) { string fileName = loadResult.File.FullName; throw new InvalidOperationException(message: "The file \"" + fileName + "\" was loaded as a package, not a PE file.", innerException: package.PEFileLoadException); } else if (loadResult is LoadResult.Failed failed) { string fileName = loadResult.File.FullName; throw new InvalidOperationException(message: "The assembly or package file \"" + fileName + "\" could not be loaded.", innerException: failed.PackageLoadException); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException(message: "Unexpected LoadResult type: " + loadResult?.GetType().FullName); } }
public TextureLoader(string name, string basedir) { try { using (var stream = ObtainStream(name, basedir, out _actualLocation)) { Debug.Assert(stream != null); SetFromStream(stream); } } catch(Exception) { _result = LoadResult.FileNotFound; } }
public LoadResult Load(string rootDir = null) { LoadResult rlt = new LoadResult(); if (rootDir == null) { rootDir = RootDir; } else { RootDir = rootDir; } if (!Directory.Exists(RootDir)) { rlt.LastError = new DirectoryNotFoundException(RootDir); } else { string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(rootDir); foreach (string i in dirs) { //DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(i); string name = i.PathLastName(); EntityGroup g = StorageManager.Instance.Create(name); if (g != null) { foreach (string j in Directory.EnumerateFiles(i)) { Entity e = LoadEntity(j, false); if (e != null) { g.AddEntity(e); } } } } rlt.Result = StorageManager.Instance; } return rlt; }
protected TextureLoader() { _result = LoadResult.UnknownFileFormat; }
protected void SetFromStream(Stream stream) { // try loading using standard .net first try { // We need to copy the stream over to a new, in-memory bitmap to // avoid keeping the input stream open. // See using(var img = Image.FromStream(stream)) { _image = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(_image)) { gfx.DrawImage(img, 0, 0, img.Width, img.Height); } _result = LoadResult.Good; } } catch (Exception) { // if this fails, load using DevIL using (var imp = new DevIL.ImageImporter()) { try { using(var devilImage = imp.LoadImageFromStream(stream)) { devilImage.Bind(); var info = DevIL.Unmanaged.IL.GetImageInfo(); var bitmap = new Bitmap(info.Width, info.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); var rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, info.Width, info.Height); var data = bitmap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); DevIL.Unmanaged.IL.CopyPixels(0, 0, 0, info.Width, info.Height, 1, DataFormat.BGRA, DataType.UnsignedByte, data.Scan0); bitmap.UnlockBits(data); _image = bitmap; _result = LoadResult.Good; } } catch (Exception) { // TODO any other viable fall back image loaders? _result = LoadResult.UnknownFileFormat; } } } }
public LoadResult LoadEntityModelFromCSProj(string csprojFilePath, NHConfigFile nhConfigFile) { _progress.SetCurrentState("Loading Entities From Visual Studio Project", ProgressState.Normal); EntityLoader entityLoader = new EntityLoader(new FileController()); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(fileController.ReadAllText(csprojFilePath)); CSProjFile csProjFile = new CSProjFile(doc, csprojFilePath); var hbmFiles = GetHBMFilesFromCSProj(csProjFile); if (IsFluentProject(csProjFile)) { ArchAngel.Interfaces.SharedData.CurrentProject.SetUserOption("UseFluentNHibernate", true); string tempFluentPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData), "Visual NHibernate" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Temp" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "FluentTemp"); var fluentHbmFiles = GetHBMFilesForFluentFromCSProj(csProjFile, tempFluentPath); // Combine the actual HBM files with the ones derived from FluentNH hbmFiles = hbmFiles.Union(fluentHbmFiles); } else ArchAngel.Interfaces.SharedData.CurrentProject.SetUserOption("UseFluentNHibernate", false); var csFiles = GetCSharpFilesFromCSProj(doc, csprojFilePath); var nhvFiles = GetNHVFilesFromCSProj(doc, csprojFilePath); //NHConfigFile nhConfigFile = GetNhConfigFile(csProjFile, fileController); var databaseConnector = nhConfigFile == null ? null : nhConfigFile.DatabaseConnector; //////// GFH // We need to fetch ALL tables, because HBM mappings don't include association tables, or at least it's difficult to find them. List<SchemaData> tablesToFetch = null;// entityLoader.GetTablesFromHbmFiles(hbmFiles); IDatabaseLoader loader = null; IDatabase database = null; if (databaseConnector != null) database = GetDatabase(databaseConnector, out loader, tablesToFetch); _progress.SetCurrentState("Parsing your existing Model Project", ProgressState.Normal); var parseResults = ParseResults.ParseCSharpFiles(csFiles); _progress.SetCurrentState("Loading Mapping Information From NHibernate Mapping Files", ProgressState.Normal); var mappingSet = entityLoader.GetEntities(hbmFiles, parseResults, database); entityLoader.ApplyConstraints(mappingSet, nhvFiles, parseResults); #region Create References // Get a set of all Guids for tables that we will want to create references from HashSet<Guid> existingTables = new HashSet<Guid>(database.Tables.Select(t => t.InternalIdentifier)); foreach (var mappedTable in mappingSet.Mappings.Select(m => m.FromTable)) existingTables.Add(mappedTable.InternalIdentifier); HashSet<Guid> processedRelationships = new HashSet<Guid>(); foreach (var table in database.Tables) { foreach (var directedRel in table.DirectedRelationships) { var relationship = directedRel.Relationship; if (processedRelationships.Contains(relationship.InternalIdentifier)) continue; // Skip relationships that have already been handled. if (relationship.MappedReferences().Any()) continue; // Skip relationships that have been mapped by the user. if (existingTables.Contains(directedRel.ToTable.InternalIdentifier) == false) continue; // Skip relationships that have tables that have no mapped Entity if (relationship.PrimaryTable.MappedEntities().FirstOrDefault() == null || relationship.ForeignTable.MappedEntities().FirstOrDefault() == null) { continue; } ArchAngel.Providers.EntityModel.Controller.MappingLayer.MappingProcessor.ProcessRelationshipInternal(mappingSet, relationship, new ArchAngel.Providers.EntityModel.Controller.MappingLayer.OneToOneEntityProcessor()); processedRelationships.Add(relationship.InternalIdentifier); } } #endregion foreach (var entity in mappingSet.EntitySet.Entities) foreach (var reference in entity.References) if (!mappingSet.EntitySet.References.Contains(reference)) mappingSet.EntitySet.AddReference(reference); LoadResult result = new LoadResult(); result.MappingSet = mappingSet; result.DatabaseLoader = loader; result.NhConfigFile = nhConfigFile; result.CsProjFile = csProjFile; return result; }