Beispiel #1
    private async Task LoadModel()
        // create a root object to parent a loaded model to
        Entity modelEntity = arrService.CurrentActiveSession.Connection.CreateEntity();

        // get the game object representation of this entity
        modelEntityGO = modelEntity.GetOrCreateGameObject(UnityCreationMode.DoNotCreateUnityComponents);

        // ensure the entity will sync translations with the server
        var sync = modelEntityGO.GetComponent <RemoteEntitySyncObject>();

        sync.SyncEveryFrame = true;

        // set position to an arbitrary distance from the parent
        modelEntityGO.transform.localScale =;

        // load a model that will be parented to the entity
        var loadModelParams = new LoadModelFromSasOptions(ModelName, modelEntity);
        var async           = arrService.CurrentActiveSession.Connection.LoadModelFromSasAsync(loadModelParams, (float progress) =>
            LogMessage($"Loading Model: {progress.ToString("P2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}");

        await async;
Beispiel #2
    private async Task LoadModel()
        // Create a root object to parent a loaded model to.
        Entity modelEntity = arrService.CurrentActiveSession.Connection.CreateEntity();

        // Get the game object representation of this entity.
        modelEntityGO = modelEntity.GetOrCreateGameObject(UnityCreationMode.DoNotCreateUnityComponents);

        // Ensure the entity will sync translations with the server.
        var sync = modelEntityGO.GetComponent <RemoteEntitySyncObject>();

        sync.SyncEveryFrame = true;

        // Hide the scene tree until the model is loaded and we had time to get the AABB and recenter the model.
        var stateOverride = modelEntityGO.CreateArrComponent <ARRHierarchicalStateOverrideComponent>(arrService.CurrentActiveSession);

        stateOverride.RemoteComponent.HiddenState = HierarchicalEnableState.ForceOn;

        // Set position to an arbitrary distance from the parent.
        modelEntityGO.transform.localScale =;

        // Load a model that will be parented to the entity.
        var loadModelParams = new LoadModelFromSasOptions(ModelName, modelEntity);
        var loadModelResult = await arrService.CurrentActiveSession.Connection.LoadModelFromSasAsync(loadModelParams, (float progress) =>
            LogMessage($"Loading Model: {progress.ToString("P2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}");

        // Recenter / scale model.
        var rootGO = loadModelResult.Root.GetOrCreateGameObject(UnityCreationMode.DoNotCreateUnityComponents);

        rootGO.GetComponent <RemoteEntitySyncObject>().SyncEveryFrame = true;

        var    aabb         = (await loadModelResult.Root.QueryLocalBoundsAsync()).toUnity();
        bool   tooBig       = aabb.extents.magnitude > Camera.main.farClipPlane;
        bool   tooFar       = > Camera.main.farClipPlane;
        float  scaleFactor  = 1.0f;
        String modelMessage = "Model loaded";

        if (tooBig)
            scaleFactor = (2.0f / aabb.extents.magnitude);
            rootGO.transform.localScale = (rootGO.transform.localScale * scaleFactor);
            modelMessage += $", too big (scaled to {(scaleFactor).ToString("P2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)})";
        rootGO.transform.localPosition = (rootGO.transform.localPosition - * scaleFactor);
        if (tooFar)
            modelMessage += $", center too far (moved by {})";

        // Model is loaded and recentered. We can show the model now.
        stateOverride.RemoteComponent.HiddenState = HierarchicalEnableState.InheritFromParent;