public async void LoadModel()
        // create a root object to parent a loaded model to
        modelEntity = arrService.CurrentActiveSession.Actions.CreateEntity();
        arrService.CurrentActiveSession.Actions.CreateComponent(ObjectType.HierarchicalStateOverrideComponent, modelEntity);

        // get the game object representation of this entity
        modelEntityGO = modelEntity.GetOrCreateGameObject(UnityCreationMode.DoNotCreateUnityComponents);

        // ensure the entity will sync translations with the server
        var sync = modelEntityGO.GetComponent <RemoteEntitySyncObject>();

        sync.SyncEveryFrame = true;

        // set position to an arbitrary distance from the parent
        modelEntityGO.transform.position   = Camera.main.transform.position + Camera.main.transform.forward * 2;
        modelEntityGO.transform.localScale =;

        // anchor the model in the world
        modelWorldAnchor = modelEntityGO.AddComponent <WorldAnchor>();

        // load a model that will be parented to the entity
        var loadModelParams = new LoadModelFromSASParams(ModelName, modelEntity);
        var async           = arrService.CurrentActiveSession.Actions.LoadModelFromSASAsync(loadModelParams);
        async.ProgressUpdated += (float progress) =>
            Debug.Log($"Loading: {progress * 100.0f}%");

        await async.AsTask();
        public ModelProgressStatus Load(LoadModelFromSASParams loadModelParams)
            var machine = AppServices.RemoteRendering?.PrimaryMachine;

            if (machine == null)
                var msg = $"Unable to load model: this is no remote rendering session. (url = {loadModelParams.ModelUrl})";
                Debug.LogFormat(LogType.Error, LogOption.NoStacktrace, null, msg);
                AppServices.AppNotificationService.RaiseNotification(msg, AppNotificationType.Error);

            if (machine.Session.Connection.ConnectionStatus != ConnectionStatus.Connected)
                var msg = $"Unable to load model: manager is not connected. (url = {loadModelParams.ModelUrl})";
                Debug.LogFormat(LogType.Error, LogOption.NoStacktrace, null, msg);
                AppServices.AppNotificationService.RaiseNotification(msg, AppNotificationType.Error);

            ModelProgressStatus progressTask = new ModelProgressStatus();

            ScaleLoad(loadModelParams, progressTask);
    private async Task LoadModel()
        // create a root object to parent a loaded model to
        Entity modelEntity = arrService.CurrentActiveSession.Actions.CreateEntity();

        // get the game object representation of this entity
        modelEntityGO = modelEntity.GetOrCreateGameObject(UnityCreationMode.DoNotCreateUnityComponents);

        // ensure the entity will sync translations with the server
        var sync = modelEntityGO.GetComponent <RemoteEntitySyncObject>();

        sync.SyncEveryFrame = true;

        // set position to an arbitrary distance from the parent
        modelEntityGO.transform.localScale =;

        // load a model that will be parented to the entity
        var loadModelParams = new LoadModelFromSASParams(ModelName, modelEntity);
        var async           = arrService.CurrentActiveSession.Actions.LoadModelFromSASAsync(loadModelParams);

        async.ProgressUpdated += (float progress) =>
            LogMessage($"Loading Model: {progress.ToString("P2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}");

        await async.AsTask();
        private async void ScaleLoad(LoadModelFromSASParams loadModelParams, ModelProgressStatus progressTask)
            var machine = AppServices.RemoteRendering?.PrimaryMachine;

            // Remember the current connection, so we can cancel the load on a new connection
            uint connectionId = _connectionId;

            LoadModelAsync loadOperation = null;


            while (true)
                if (machine == null)
                    var msg = $"Unable to load model: there is no remote rendering session. (url = {loadModelParams.ModelUrl})";
                    Debug.LogFormat(LogType.Error, LogOption.NoStacktrace, null, msg);
                    AppServices.AppNotificationService.RaiseNotification(msg, AppNotificationType.Error);

                lock (_loadingTasks)
                    if (_loadingTasks.Count == 0 ||
                        _loadingTasks.Count < _remoteObjectFactoryServiceProfile.ConcurrentModelLoads)
                        loadOperation = machine.Actions.LoadModelAsyncAsOperation(loadModelParams);

                await Task.WhenAll(_loadingTasks);

                lock (_loadingTasks)

            if (loadOperation != null)
                if (_connectionId != connectionId)