Beispiel #1
         # ## Network instantiation
         # This function handles instantiation of NoFlo networks from a Graph object. It creates
         # the network, and then starts execution by sending the Initial Information Packets.
         # noflo.createNetwork(someGraph, function (err, network) {
         # console.log('Network is now running!');
         #     });
         # It is also possible to instantiate a Network but delay its execution by giving the
         # third `delay` parameter. In this case you will have to handle connecting the graph and
         # sending of IIPs manually.
         # noflo.createNetwork(someGraph, function (err, network) {
         #if (err) {
         # throw err;
         #       }
         # network.connect(function (err) {
         # network.start();
         # console.log('Network is now running!');
         #       })
         #     }, true);
         # exports.createNetwork = (graph, callback, options) ->
         #  unless typeof options is 'object'
         #  options =
         #      delay: options
         #  unless typeof callback is 'function'
         #  callback = (err) ->
         #      throw err if err
         #  network = new exports.Network graph, options
         #  networkReady = (network) ->
         # Send IIPs
         #  network.start (err) ->
         #      return callback err if err
         #      callback null, network
         # Ensure components are loaded before continuing
         #  network.loader.listComponents (err) ->
         #  return callback err if err
         # Empty network, no need to connect it up
         #  return networkReady network if graph.nodes.length is 0
         # In case of delayed execution we don't wire it up
         #  if options.delay
         #      callback null, network
         #      return
         # Wire the network up and start execution
         #  network.connect (err) ->
         #      return callback err if err
         #      networkReady network
         #  network
        public Network createNetwork(Graph graph, LoadCreateCallback callback, Dictionary <string, object> options)
            Network network = new Network(graph, options);

            network.loader.listComponents(() => {
            throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #2
  # ### Starting a network from a file
  # It is also possible to start a NoFlo network by giving it a path to a `.json` or `.fbp` network
  # definition file.
  #     noflo.loadFile('somefile.json', function (err, network) {
  #       if (err) {
  #         throw err;
  #       }
  #       console.log('Network is now running!');
  #     });
  # exports.loadFile = (file, options, callback) ->
  # unless callback
  #  callback = options
  #  baseDir = null
  # if callback and typeof options isnt 'object'
  #  options =
  #    baseDir: options
  # exports.graph.loadFile file, (err, net) ->
  #  return callback err if err
  #  net.baseDir = options.baseDir if options.baseDir
  #  exports.createNetwork net, callback, options
 public void loadFile(string file, Dictionary <string, string> options, LoadCreateCallback callback)
     throw new NotImplementedException();