Beispiel #1
        private static void extract_voxel(string lfile, string rfile, string prefix)
            int          w     = 1920;
            int          h     = 1080;
            int          shift = 0;
            int          count = 0;
            VideoCapture lcap  = new VideoCapture(lfile);
            VideoCapture rcap  = new VideoCapture(rfile);

            while (true)
                Image l = LoadArgs.get_image_from_stream(lcap);
                Image r = LoadArgs.get_image_from_stream(rcap);
                if (l.W == 0 || r.W == 0)
                if (count % 100 == 0)
                    shift = LoadArgs.best_3d_shift_r(l, r, -l.H / 100, l.H / 100);
                Image  ls   = LoadArgs.crop_image(l, (l.W - w) / 2, (l.H - h) / 2, w, h);
                Image  rs   = LoadArgs.crop_image(r, 105 + (r.W - w) / 2, (r.H - h) / 2 + shift, w, h);
                string buff = $"{prefix}_{count:05}_l";
                LoadArgs.save_image(ls, buff);
                buff = $"{prefix}_{count:05}_r";
                LoadArgs.save_image(rs, buff);
Beispiel #2
 private static void fetch_in_thread()
     inputImage = LoadArgs.get_image_from_stream(vidCap);
     if (inputImage.Data.Length == 0)
         Utils.Error("Stream closed.");
     inS = LoadArgs.resize_image(inputImage, net.W, net.H);
Beispiel #3
        private static void demo_art(string cfgfile, string weightfile, int camIndex)
            Network net = Parser.parse_network_cfg(cfgfile);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(weightfile))
                Parser.load_weights(net, weightfile);
            Network.set_batch_network(net, 1);

            Utils.Rand = new Random(2222222);
            using (VideoCapture cap = new VideoCapture(camIndex))
                string window = "ArtJudgementBot9000!!!";
                if (cap != null)
                    Utils.Error("Couldn't connect to webcam.\n");
                int   i;
                int[] idx = { 37, 401, 434 };
                int   n   = idx.Length;

                while (true)
                    Image ini = LoadArgs.get_image_from_stream(cap);
                    Image inS = LoadArgs.resize_image(ini, net.W, net.H);
                    LoadArgs.show_image(ini, window);

                    float[] p = Network.network_predict(net, inS.Data);


                    float score = 0;
                    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                        float s = p[idx[i]];
                        if (s > score)
                            score = s;

                    Console.Write($"I APPRECIATE THIS ARTWORK: %10.7f%%\n", score * 100);
                    int upper = 30;
                    for (i = 0; i < upper; ++i)
                        Console.Write($"%c", ((i + .5) < score * upper) ? 219 : ' ');


Beispiel #4
        private static void generate_vid_rnn(string cfgfile, string weightfile)
            Network extractor = Parser.parse_network_cfg("cfg/extractor.recon.cfg");

            Parser.load_weights(extractor, "/home/pjreddie/trained/yolo-coco.conv");

            Network net = Parser.parse_network_cfg(cfgfile);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(weightfile))
                Parser.load_weights(net, weightfile);
            Network.set_batch_network(extractor, 1);
            Network.set_batch_network(net, 1);

            int          i;
            VideoCapture cap = new VideoCapture("/extra/vid/ILSVRC2015/Data.Data/VID/snippets/val/ILSVRC2015_val_00007030.mp4");

            float[] feat;
            float[] next;
            next = null;
            Image last = null;

            for (i = 0; i < 25; ++i)
                Image im = LoadArgs.get_image_from_stream(cap);
                Image re = LoadArgs.resize_image(im, extractor.W, extractor.H);
                feat = Network.network_predict(extractor, re.Data);
                if (i > 0)
                    Console.Write($"%f %f\n", Utils.mean_array(feat, 14 * 14 * 512), Utils.variance_array(feat, 14 * 14 * 512));
                    Console.Write($"%f %f\n", Utils.mean_array(next, 14 * 14 * 512), Utils.variance_array(next, 14 * 14 * 512));
                    Console.Write($"%f\n", Utils.mse_array(feat, 14 * 14 * 512));
                    Blas.Axpy_cpu(14 * 14 * 512, -1, feat, next);
                    Console.Write($"%f\n", Utils.mse_array(next, 14 * 14 * 512));
                next = Network.network_predict(net, feat);
                if (i == 24)
                    last = new Image(re);
            for (i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
                next = Network.network_predict(net, next);
                Image newi = save_reconstruction(extractor, last, next, "new", i);
                last = newi;
Beispiel #5
        private static void gun_classifier(string datacfg, string cfgfile, string weightfile, int camIndex, string filename)
            int[] badCats = { 218, 539, 540, 1213, 1501, 1742, 1911, 2415, 4348, 19223, 368, 369, 370, 1133, 1200, 1306, 2122, 2301, 2537, 2823, 3179, 3596, 3639, 4489, 5107, 5140, 5289, 6240, 6631, 6762, 7048, 7171, 7969, 7984, 7989, 8824, 8927, 9915, 10270, 10448, 13401, 15205, 18358, 18894, 18895, 19249, 19697 };

            Console.Write($"Classifier Demo\n");
            Network net = Parser.parse_network_cfg(cfgfile);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(weightfile))
                Parser.load_weights(net, weightfile);
            Network.set_batch_network(net, 1);
            var options = OptionList.read_data_cfg(datacfg);

            Utils.Rand = new Random(2222222);
            using (VideoCapture cap = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)
                ?  new VideoCapture(filename)
                : new VideoCapture(camIndex))
                int top = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "top", 1);

                string   nameList = OptionList.option_find_str(options, "names", "");
                string[] names    = Data.Data.get_labels(nameList);

                int[] indexes = new int[top];

                if (cap.IsOpened)
                    Utils.Error("Couldn't connect to webcam.\n");

                float fps = 0;
                int   i;

                while (true)
                    var sw = new Stopwatch();

                    Image ini = LoadArgs.get_image_from_stream(cap);
                    Image inS = LoadArgs.resize_image(ini, net.W, net.H);
                    LoadArgs.show_image(ini, "Threat Detection");

                    float[] predictions = Network.network_predict(net, inS.Data);
                    Network.top_predictions(net, top, indexes);


                    bool threat = false;
                    for (i = 0; i < badCats.Length; ++i)
                        int index = badCats[i];
                        if (predictions[index] > .01)
                            Console.Write($"Threat Detected!\n");
                            threat = true;

                    if (threat)
                    for (i = 0; i < badCats.Length; ++i)
                        int index = badCats[i];
                        if (predictions[index] > .01)
                            Console.Write($"%s\n", names[index]);


                    float curr = 1000.0f / sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    fps = .9f * fps + .1f * curr;
Beispiel #6
        private static void threat_classifier(string datacfg, string cfgfile, string weightfile, int camIndex, string filename)
            float threat = 0;
            float roll   = .2f;

            Console.Write($"Classifier Demo\n");
            Network net = Parser.parse_network_cfg(cfgfile);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(weightfile))
                Parser.load_weights(net, weightfile);
            Network.set_batch_network(net, 1);
            var options = OptionList.read_data_cfg(datacfg);

            Utils.Rand = new Random(2222222);
            using (VideoCapture cap = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)
                ? new VideoCapture(filename)
                : new VideoCapture(camIndex))
                int top = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "top", 1);

                string   nameList = OptionList.option_find_str(options, "names", "");
                string[] names    = Data.Data.get_labels(nameList);

                int[] indexes = new int[top];

                if (!cap.IsOpened)
                    Utils.Error("Couldn't connect to webcam.\n");
                float fps = 0;
                int   i;

                int count = 0;

                while (true)
                    var sw = new Stopwatch();

                    Image ini = LoadArgs.get_image_from_stream(cap);
                    if (ini.Data.Length == 0)
                    Image inS = LoadArgs.resize_image(ini, net.W, net.H);

                    Image outo = ini;
                    int   x1   = outo.W / 20;
                    int   y1   = outo.H / 20;
                    int   x2   = 2 * x1;
                    int   y2   = outo.H - outo.H / 20;

                    int border = (int)(.01f * outo.H);
                    int h      = y2 - y1 - 2 * border;
                    int w      = x2 - x1 - 2 * border;

                    float[] predictions = Network.network_predict(net, inS.Data);
                    float   currThreat  = 0;
                    currThreat = predictions[0] * 0f +
                                 predictions[1] * .6f +
                    threat = roll * currThreat + (1 - roll) * threat;

                    LoadArgs.draw_box_width(outo, x2 + border, (int)(y1 + .02 * h), (int)(x2 + .5 * w), (int)(y1 + .02 * h + border), border, 0, 0,
                    if (threat > .97)
                        LoadArgs.draw_box_width(outo, (int)(x2 + .5 * w + border),
                                                (int)(y1 + .02 * h - 2 * border),
                                                (int)(x2 + .5 * w + 6 * border),
                                                (int)(y1 + .02 * h + 3 * border), 3 * border, 1, 0, 0);

                    LoadArgs.draw_box_width(outo, (int)(x2 + .5 * w + border),
                                            (int)(y1 + .02 * h - 2 * border),
                                            (int)(x2 + .5 * w + 6 * border),
                                            (int)(y1 + .02 * h + 3 * border), (int)(.5 * border), 0, 0, 0);
                    LoadArgs.draw_box_width(outo, x2 + border, (int)(y1 + .42 * h), (int)(x2 + .5 * w), (int)(y1 + .42 * h + border), border, 0, 0,
                    if (threat > .57)
                        LoadArgs.draw_box_width(outo, (int)(x2 + .5 * w + border),
                                                (int)(y1 + .42 * h - 2 * border),
                                                (int)(x2 + .5 * w + 6 * border),
                                                (int)(y1 + .42 * h + 3 * border), 3 * border, 1, 1, 0);

                    LoadArgs.draw_box_width(outo, (int)(x2 + .5 * w + border),
                                            (int)(y1 + .42 * h - 2 * border),
                                            (int)(x2 + .5 * w + 6 * border),
                                            (int)(y1 + .42 * h + 3 * border), (int)(.5 * border), 0, 0, 0);

                    LoadArgs.draw_box_width(outo, x1, y1, x2, y2, border, 0, 0, 0);
                    for (i = 0; i < threat * h; ++i)
                        float ratio = (float)i / h;
                        float r     = (ratio < .5f) ? (2 * (ratio)) : 1;
                        float g     = (ratio < .5f) ? 1 : 1 - 2 * (ratio - .5f);
                        LoadArgs.draw_box_width(outo, x1 + border, y2 - border - i, x2 - border, y2 - border - i, 1, r, g, 0);

                    Network.top_predictions(net, top, indexes);

                    string buff = $"/home/pjreddie/tmp/threat_{count:06}";

                    Console.Write($"\nFPS:%.0f\n", fps);

                    for (i = 0; i < top; ++i)
                        int index = indexes[i];
                        Console.Write($"%.1f%%: %s\n", predictions[index] * 100, names[index]);

                    LoadArgs.show_image(outo, "Threat");

                    float curr = 1000.0f / sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    fps = .9f * fps + .1f * curr;
Beispiel #7
        private static void demo_classifier(string datacfg, string cfgfile, string weightfile, int camIndex, string filename)
            Console.Write($"Classifier Demo\n");
            Network net = Parser.parse_network_cfg(cfgfile);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(weightfile))
                Parser.load_weights(net, weightfile);
            Network.set_batch_network(net, 1);
            var options = OptionList.read_data_cfg(datacfg);

            Utils.Rand = new Random(2222222);
            using (VideoCapture cap = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)
                ? new VideoCapture(filename)
                : new VideoCapture(camIndex))
                int top = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "top", 1);

                string   nameList = OptionList.option_find_str(options, "names", "");
                string[] names    = Data.Data.get_labels(nameList);

                int[] indexes = new int[top];

                if (cap != null)
                    Utils.Error("Couldn't connect to webcam.\n");

                float fps = 0;
                int   i;

                while (true)
                    var sw = new Stopwatch();

                    Image ini = LoadArgs.get_image_from_stream(cap);
                    Image inS = LoadArgs.resize_image(ini, net.W, net.H);
                    LoadArgs.show_image(ini, "Classifier");

                    float[] predictions = Network.network_predict(net, inS.Data);
                    if (net.Hierarchy != null)
                        net.Hierarchy.Hierarchy_predictions(predictions, 0, net.Outputs, true);
                    Network.top_predictions(net, top, indexes);

                    Console.Write($"\nFPS:%.0f\n", fps);

                    for (i = 0; i < top; ++i)
                        int index = indexes[i];
                        Console.Write($"%.1f%%: %s\n", predictions[index] * 100, names[index]);


                    float curr = 1000.0f / sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    fps = .9f * fps + .1f * curr;