Beispiel #1
 // Returns the next generation of a world
 public World GetNext() =>
 new World(                                           // Return a new world
     LiveCells.Select(                                // that focuses on every live cell,
         c => NeighborsAndSelf(c))                    // and each of its neighbors.
     .SelectMany(s => s).Distinct()                   // (Flatten enumerable of enumerables)
     .Select(focusedCell =>                           // Then for each focused cell
             focusedCell.GetNext(                     // get the next generation of that cell
                 LiveNeighborCount(focusedCell.coord) // Based on that cell's current value and its live neighbor count
                 )), Age + 1);                        // That is one generation older
Beispiel #2
                        )), Age + 1);                        // That is one generation older

        // Returns the same world, but shifted by a coordinate delta
        public World GetShifted(Coordinate delta) =>
        new World(
            LiveCells.Select(c =>
                             new Cell(c.coord.Plus(delta), c.value)),