Beispiel #1
        private void controls_BindData(KhachHang _cus)
            txtCode.Text      = _cus.ID;
            txtName.Text      = _cus.Ten;
            txtFirstName.Text = _cus.Ho;
            txtAddress.Text   = _cus.DiaChi;
            txtPhone.Text     = _cus.SoDT;
            txtAccount.Text   = _cus.SoTaiKhoan;
            if (_cus.GTinh)
                rdMale.Checked = true;
                rdFemale.Checked = true;
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var item in cbbCountries.Items)
                if (item.ToString().ToUpper() == _cus.QuocGia.ToUpper())
                    cbbCountries.SelectedIndex = i;
            cbbCity.SelectedIndex = 0;
            if (cbbCity.Enabled)
                i = 0;
                foreach (var item in cbbCity.Items)
                    if (item.ToString().ToUpper() == _cus.ThanhPho.ToUpper())
                        cbbCity.SelectedIndex = i;

            List <DatCho> temp = ListOrd.Find(Code);

            //Lấy danh sách đặt chỗ đang mở cua khach hang hien taij
            listOrder = ListTrips.Find(temp, 1);

            dtpBirth.Value = _cus.NgaySinh;
Beispiel #2
        private void btnRequireOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ListCus.Single(txtCode.Text) != null)
                if (listOrder.Count > 0)
                    //Tao ra danh sach dat cho
                    List <DatCho> temp = new List <DatCho>();
                    DatCho        t    = new DatCho();
                    foreach (Chuyen item in listOrder)
                        t.MChuyen = item.MChuyen;
                        t.MKHang  = txtCode.Text;

                    //Tim danh sach dat cho da ton tai va co trang thai chuyen di la dang cho
                    List <Chuyen> oldTrip = ListTrips.Find(ListOrd.Find(Code), 1);//Tim ds chuyen dang mo cua ds dat cho cua khach hang
                    //Tao ds dat cho cua khach hang da ton tai va trang thai dang mo
                    List <DatCho> old = new List <DatCho>();
                    foreach (Chuyen item in oldTrip)
                        DatCho tp = new DatCho();
                        tp.MKHang  = txtCode.Text;
                        tp.MChuyen = item.MChuyen;

                    // So sanh voi temp de lay ra nhung cai them moi va nhung cai can xoa di
                    List <DatCho> nw = new List <DatCho>(); //danh sach can them moi
                    List <DatCho> dl = new List <DatCho>(); //danh sach can xoa di
                    foreach (DatCho i in temp)
                        bool s = true;
                        foreach (DatCho j in old)
                            if (i.MChuyen == j.MChuyen)//da ton tai, bo qua
                                s = false;
                        if (s)
                            nw.Add(i);//Chua ton tai nen them duoc

                    foreach (DatCho i in old)
                        bool r = true;
                        foreach (DatCho j in temp)
                            if (i.MChuyen == j.MChuyen)
                                r = false;
                        if (r)//co trong cai cu nhung khong co trong cai moi nen xoa di
                    // duong nhien ca hai old va temp deu la danh sach dat cho cua chuyen dang mo
                    // Thuc hien xoa tren old va add tren nw la OK

                    foreach (DatCho i in nw)
                        if (ListOrd.Add(i))
                            MessageBox.Show(String.Format("You have add the trip which has code {0}!", i.MChuyen), "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
                            MessageBox.Show(String.Format("You had been faile the trip which has code {0}!", i.MChuyen), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    foreach (DatCho i in dl)
                        if (ListOrd.Delete(i))
                            MessageBox.Show(String.Format("You have delete the trip which has code {0}!", i.MChuyen), "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
                            MessageBox.Show(String.Format("You had been faile the trip which has code {0}!", i.MChuyen), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    btnRequireOrder.Enabled = false;
                    MessageBox.Show("You have not add the trips! Please try again!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                MessageBox.Show("You have not add this customer! Please try again!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);