Beispiel #1
 public static bool LoadModules(IntPtr hProcess, ListModules ModuleType)
     //Initialize parameters for EPM
     uint cbNeeded = 0;
     Psapi.EnumProcessModulesEx(hProcess, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out cbNeeded, ModuleType);
     long ArraySize = cbNeeded / IntPtr.Size;
     IntPtr[] hModules = new IntPtr[ArraySize];
     GCHandle GCh = GCHandle.Alloc(hModules, GCHandleType.Pinned); // Don't forget to free this later
     IntPtr lphModules = GCh.AddrOfPinnedObject();
     uint cb = cbNeeded;
     Psapi.EnumProcessModulesEx(hProcess, lphModules, cb, out cbNeeded, ModuleType);
     for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
         MODULE_INFO ModInfo = new MODULE_INFO();
         System.Text.StringBuilder lpFileName = new System.Text.StringBuilder(256);
         System.Text.StringBuilder lpModuleBaseName = new System.Text.StringBuilder(32);
         Psapi.GetModuleFileNameExW(hProcess, hModules[i], lpFileName, (uint)(lpFileName.Capacity));
         Psapi.GetModuleInformation(hProcess, hModules[i], out ModInfo, (uint)(Marshal.SizeOf(ModInfo)));
         Psapi.GetModuleBaseNameW(hProcess, hModules[i], lpModuleBaseName, (uint)(lpModuleBaseName.Capacity));
         DbgHelp.SymLoadModuleEx(hProcess, IntPtr.Zero, lpFileName.ToString(), lpModuleBaseName.ToString(),
         ModInfo.lpBaseOfDll, (int)ModInfo.SizeOfImage, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
     return false;
Beispiel #2
        public static bool LoadModules(IntPtr hProcess, ListModules ModuleType)
            //Initialize parameters for EPM
            uint cbNeeded = 0;

            Psapi.EnumProcessModulesEx(hProcess, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out cbNeeded, ModuleType);
            long ArraySize = cbNeeded / IntPtr.Size;

            IntPtr[] hModules   = new IntPtr[ArraySize];
            GCHandle GCh        = GCHandle.Alloc(hModules, GCHandleType.Pinned); // Don't forget to free this later
            IntPtr   lphModules = GCh.AddrOfPinnedObject();
            uint     cb         = cbNeeded;

            Psapi.EnumProcessModulesEx(hProcess, lphModules, cb, out cbNeeded, ModuleType);
            for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                MODULE_INFO ModInfo = new MODULE_INFO();
                System.Text.StringBuilder lpFileName       = new System.Text.StringBuilder(256);
                System.Text.StringBuilder lpModuleBaseName = new System.Text.StringBuilder(32);
                Psapi.GetModuleFileNameExW(hProcess, hModules[i], lpFileName, (uint)(lpFileName.Capacity));
                Psapi.GetModuleInformation(hProcess, hModules[i], out ModInfo, (uint)(Marshal.SizeOf(ModInfo)));
                Psapi.GetModuleBaseNameW(hProcess, hModules[i], lpModuleBaseName, (uint)(lpModuleBaseName.Capacity));
                DbgHelp.SymLoadModuleEx(hProcess, IntPtr.Zero, lpFileName.ToString(), lpModuleBaseName.ToString(),
                                        ModInfo.lpBaseOfDll, (int)ModInfo.SizeOfImage, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
        private void ExecuteLoadCommand()
            //iterate through modules and execute force unload
            foreach (var moduleVM in ListModules.Where(m => m.Selected))

        private void ExecuteForceUnloadCommand()
            //iterate through modules and execute force unload
            var snsOnTruck = AggregateDataProvider.SerialNumbersOnTruck.ToArray();

            foreach (var moduleVM in ListModules.Where(m => m.Selected && snsOnTruck.Any(s => s == m.SerialNumber)))

Beispiel #5
 public static extern bool EnumProcessModulesEx(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr ModuleArray, int cb, ref int cbNeeded, ListModules FilterFlags);
Beispiel #6
 public void PIK_ListModules()
     CommandStart.Start(doc => ListModules.List());
 private void MVm_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
     HasCheckedModules = ListModules.Any(x => x.Selected) && !MapVisible;
        public void LoadData(string listId)
                //LOAD DATA BASED ON LIST ID
                using (var uow = SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance <IUnitOfWorkFactory>().CreateUnitOfWork())
                    pickupList     = uow.PickupListRepository.GetById(listId, "Field.Farm.Client", "AssignedModules");
                    syncedSettings = uow.SyncedSettingsRepo.GetAll().FirstOrDefault();

                    if (pickupList.Destination == PickupListDestination.GIN_YARD && pickupList.AssignedModules.Count(m => m.ModuleStatus == ModuleStatus.IN_FIELD) > 0)
                        var firstModule = pickupList.AssignedModules.First();
                        FieldLat  = firstModule.Latitude;
                        FieldLong = firstModule.Longitude;
                    else if (pickupList.Destination == PickupListDestination.GIN_FEEDER && pickupList.AssignedModules.Count(m => m.ModuleStatus == ModuleStatus.AT_GIN) > 0)
                        var firstModule = pickupList.AssignedModules.First();
                        FieldLat  = firstModule.Latitude;
                        FieldLong = firstModule.Longitude;

                    if (FieldLat == 0.000 || FieldLong == 0.000)
                        FieldLat  = pickupList.Latitude;
                        FieldLong = pickupList.Longitude;

                    ListName = pickupList.Name;
                    Client   = pickupList.ClientName;
                    Farm     = pickupList.FarmName;
                    Field    = pickupList.Field.Name;

                    if (syncedSettings == null)
                        pickupList.ModulesPerLoad = 4;
                        pickupList.ModulesPerLoad = syncedSettings.ModulesPerLoad;

                    ModulesInField = pickupList.ModulesRemaining;
                    ModulesLoaded  = pickupList.AssignedModules.Count(c => AggregateDataProvider.SerialNumbersOnTruck.Contains(c.Name));

                    //adjust modules in field by modules on truck
                    if (pickupList.Destination == PickupListDestination.GIN_YARD)
                        foreach (var module in pickupList.AssignedModules.Where(s => s.ModuleStatus == ModuleStatus.IN_FIELD && AggregateDataProvider.SerialNumbersOnTruck.Any(x => x == s.Name)))
                    else if (pickupList.Destination == PickupListDestination.GIN_FEEDER)
                        foreach (var module in pickupList.AssignedModules.Where(s => s.ModuleStatus == ModuleStatus.AT_GIN && AggregateDataProvider.SerialNumbersOnTruck.Any(x => x == s.Name)))

                    ModulesOnList   = pickupList.TotalModules;
                    LoadsCompleted  = pickupList.LoadsCompleted;
                    LoadsRemaining  = pickupList.LoadsRemaining;
                    DestinationName = pickupList.DestinationName;


                    HasCheckedModules = false;

                    System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                        foreach (var m in ListModules)
                            m.PropertyChanged -= MVm_PropertyChanged;

                        foreach (var m in pickupList.AssignedModules.OrderBy(s => s.Name))
                            //using not thread safe version of serial numbers on truck because this event gets fired
                            //inside a lock on the _aggregateEvents in the provider
                            //using the threadsafe property will cause a thread lock on the same property
                            var mVm = new ModuleViewModel {
                                Loaded = AggregateDataProvider.SerialNumbersOnTruckNotThreadSafe.Contains(m.Name), Latitude = m.Latitude, Longitude = m.Longitude, SerialNumber = m.Name
                            mVm.ShowOnMap = (m.ModuleStatus == ModuleStatus.IN_FIELD && pickupList.Destination == PickupListDestination.GIN_YARD) ||
                                            (m.ModuleStatus == ModuleStatus.AT_GIN && pickupList.Destination == PickupListDestination.GIN_FEEDER);

                            if (mVm.ShowOnMap || mVm.Loaded)
                                mVm.PropertyChanged += MVm_PropertyChanged;
            catch (Exception exc)
Beispiel #9
 public static extern bool EnumProcessModulesEx(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr[] lphModule, int cb,
                                                out uint lpcbNeeded, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] ListModules dwFilterFlag);
Beispiel #10
 public static extern bool EnumProcessModulesEx(IntPtr hProcess, [Out] IntPtr lphModuleArray, uint cb,
 out uint cbNeeded, ListModules FilterFlags);
        public unsafe static IntPtr GetProcessBaseAddress(int pid, ListModules moduleTypes = ListModules.LIST_MODULES_ALL)
            IntPtr processHandle = OpenProcess(ProcessAccessFlags.QueryLimitedInformation | ProcessAccessFlags.VirtualMemoryRead, false, pid);

                // Query process image name.
                char[] imageFileName     = new char[2048];
                int    imageFileNameSize = imageFileName.Length;
                if (QueryFullProcessImageNameW(processHandle, 0, imageFileName, ref imageFileNameSize))
                    // Query process handle's modules.
                    IntPtr[] hModules   = new IntPtr[1024];
                    int      cb         = 1024 * sizeof(long);
                    int      lpcbNeeded = 0;
                    bool     enumProcessModulesExReturn = false;
                    fixed(IntPtr *lphModule = hModules)
                        enumProcessModulesExReturn = EnumProcessModulesEx(processHandle, lphModule, cb, out lpcbNeeded, moduleTypes);

                        // If we failed, attempt to repeat the run a few times.
                        if (!enumProcessModulesExReturn)
                            // Per Microsoft's Reference Source page:
                            // "Also, EnumProcessModules is not a reliable method to get the modules for a process.
                            // If OS loader is touching module information, this method might fail and copy part of the data.
                            // This is no easy solution to this problem. The only reliable way to fix this is to
                            // suspend all the threads in target process. Of course we don't want to do this in Process class.
                            // So we just to try avoid the ---- by calling the same method 50 (an arbitary number) times."
                            bool sourceProcessIsWow64 = GetProcessWoW64(GetCurrentProcessId());
                            bool targetProcessIsWow64 = GetProcessWoW64(pid);

                            if (sourceProcessIsWow64 && !targetProcessIsWow64)
                                throw new Win32Exception((int)Win32Error.ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY, "299 (ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY) - One process is WOW64 and the other is not.");

                            for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
                                enumProcessModulesExReturn = EnumProcessModulesEx(processHandle, lphModule, cb, out lpcbNeeded, moduleTypes);
                                if (enumProcessModulesExReturn)
                                    break; // If we succeeded, break out of the loop early.
                                // Sleep for 1ms then try again.

                    // If we successfully retrieved an array of process modules, enumerate through them to find the main module.
                    if (enumProcessModulesExReturn)
                        int moduleCount = lpcbNeeded / sizeof(long);
                        for (int i = 0; i < moduleCount; i++)
                            char[] moduleFileName     = new char[2048];
                            int    moduleFileNameSize = GetModuleFileNameEx(processHandle, hModules[i], moduleFileName, moduleFileName.Length);

                            // Compare the module name with the name of the process image.
                            if (imageFileNameSize == moduleFileNameSize && string.Equals(new string(imageFileName, 0, imageFileNameSize), new string(moduleFileName, 0, moduleFileNameSize), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                // We found the main module, return it's base address.
                        throw new Win32Exception();

                // If we reach this point, we didn't find the main module...
Beispiel #12
 public static unsafe extern bool EnumProcessModulesEx(IntPtr hProcess, [Out] IntPtr *lphModule, int cb, out int lpcbNeeded, ListModules dwFilterFlag = ListModules.LIST_MODULES_ALL);