Beispiel #1
        public static void PrintStickerFromMnf(string path)
            FSharpOption <Tuple <FSharpOption <Bitmap>, string, FSharpList <Tuple <string, string> > > > fSharpOption  = EtiketParse(path);
            FSharpOption <Tuple <FSharpOption <Bitmap>, string, FSharpList <Tuple <string, string> > > > fSharpOption2 = fSharpOption;
            FSharpOption <Tuple <FSharpOption <Bitmap>, string, FSharpList <Tuple <string, string> > > > fSharpOption3 = fSharpOption2;

            if (fSharpOption3 != null)
                FSharpOption <Tuple <FSharpOption <Bitmap>, string, FSharpList <Tuple <string, string> > > > fSharpOption4 = fSharpOption3;
                if (fSharpOption4.Value.Item1 != null)
                    FSharpOption <Bitmap> item = fSharpOption4.Value.Item1;
                    FSharpList <Tuple <string, string> > lst2 = fSharpOption4.Value.Item3;
                    Bitmap bmp   = item.Value;
                    string barc2 = fSharpOption4.Value.Item2;
                    using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(libPath, "stickerImp.xaml"))))
                        object obg  = XamlReader.Load((Stream)stream);
                        Window win2 = (Window)obg;
                        //Window win2 = (Window)XamlReader.Load((Stream)stream);
                        Grid sticker2 = (Grid)win2.FindName("sticker");
                        System.Windows.Controls.Image barcod2 = (System.Windows.Controls.Image)win2.FindName("barcod");
                        System.Windows.Controls.Image imgWin  = (System.Windows.Controls.Image)win2.FindName("imgWin");
                        imgWin.Source = /*Bitmap.*/ get_Source(bmp);
                        ListModule.Iterate(new PrintStickerFromMnf_132_1(win2), lst2);
                        BarcodeDraw brc2 = BarcodeDrawFactory.GetSymbology(BarcodeSymbology.Code128);
                        barcod2.Source = /*Bitmap.*/ get_Source((Bitmap)brc2.Draw(barc2, 30));
                        Unit unit = null;
                    FSharpList <Tuple <string, string> > lst = fSharpOption4.Value.Item3;
                    string barc = fSharpOption4.Value.Item2;
                    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(libPath, "stickerBlk.xaml"))))
                        object obg = XamlReader.Load((Stream)ms);
                        Window win = (Window)obg;
                        //Window win = (Window)XamlReader.Load((Stream)ms);
                        Grid sticker = (Grid)win.FindName("sticker");
                        System.Windows.Controls.Image barcod = (System.Windows.Controls.Image)win.FindName("barcod");
                        ListModule.Iterate(new PrintStickerFromMnf_121(win), lst);
                        BarcodeDraw brc = BarcodeDrawFactory.GetSymbology(BarcodeSymbology.Code128);
                        barcod.Source = /*Bitmap.*/ get_Source((Bitmap)brc.Draw(barc, 30));
                        Unit unit2 = null;
Beispiel #2
        public static FSharpOption <Tuple <FSharpOption <Bitmap>, string, FSharpList <Tuple <string, string> > > > EtiketParse(string path)
            string txt    = File.ReadAllText(path, enc);
            Match  match  = regBar.Match(txt);
            Match  match2 = match;
            Match  match3 = match2;
            Match  n      = match3;

            if (n.Success)
                Match  m      = match3;
                string barc   = m.Groups[1].Value;
                Match  match4 = regEtik.Match(txt);
                Match  match5 = match4;
                Match  match6 = match5;
                Match  l      = match6;
                if (l.Success)
                    Match k = match6;
                    return(FSharpOption <Tuple <FSharpOption <Bitmap>, string, FSharpList <Tuple <string, string> > > > .Some(new Tuple <FSharpOption <Bitmap>, string, FSharpList <Tuple <string, string> > >(null, barc, ListModule.Zip(FSharpList <string> .Cons("mark", FSharpList <string> .Cons("sht", FSharpList <string> .Cons("pp", FSharpList <string> .Cons("fn", FSharpList <string> .Cons("rh", FSharpList <string> .Cons("posgr", FSharpList <string> .Cons("sideAndSize", FSharpList <string> .Cons("strSteelCart", FSharpList <string> .Cons("car", FSharpList <string> .Cons("sp", FSharpList <string> .Cons("customername", FSharpList <string> .Cons("orderitemname", FSharpList <string> .Cons("mon_comm", FSharpList <string> .Empty))))))))))))), ListModule.Tail(SeqModule.ToList(new EtiketParse_71(k, null, null, 0, null)))))));
                Match match7 = regImp.Match(txt);
                Match match8 = match7;
                Match match9 = match8;
                Match j      = match9;
                if (j.Success)
                    Match    i    = match9;
                    Bitmap   bmp  = new Bitmap(170, 170);
                    Graphics gr   = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
                    Pen      pen  = new Pen(Color.Black, 2f);
                    Pen      penB = new Pen(Color.Black, 4f);
                    ListModule.Iterate(new EtiketParse_82_4(gr, pen, penB), SeqModule.ToList(new EtiketParse_81_5(txt, null, null, 0, null)));
                    ListModule.Iterate(new EtiketParse_99_9(gr), ListModule.Filter(new EtiketParse_98_10(), SeqModule.ToList(new EtiketParse_97_11(txt, null, null, 0, null))));
                    return(FSharpOption <Tuple <FSharpOption <Bitmap>, string, FSharpList <Tuple <string, string> > > > .Some(new Tuple <FSharpOption <Bitmap>, string, FSharpList <Tuple <string, string> > >(FSharpOption <Bitmap> .Some(bmp), barc, ListModule.Zip(FSharpList <string> .Cons("mark", FSharpList <string> .Cons("MarkBalka", FSharpList <string> .Cons("ColorCode", FSharpList <string> .Cons("SideBalka", FSharpList <string> .Cons("car", FSharpList <string> .Cons("strSteelCart", FSharpList <string> .Cons("PosGroup", FSharpList <string> .Cons("pp", FSharpList <string> .Cons("IsShtulp", FSharpList <string> .Cons("IsFalsh", FSharpList <string> .Empty)))))))))), ListModule.Tail(SeqModule.ToList(new EtiketParse_109_15(i, null, null, 0, null)))))));
Beispiel #3
    static int Main()
        // Some typical code

            Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption <int> x = Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption <int> .Some(3);

            System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", x.Value);
            Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList <int> x2 =
                Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList <int> .Cons(3, Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList <int> .Empty);

            System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", x2.Head);
            FSharpList <int> x = FSharpList <int> .Cons(3, (FSharpList <int> .Empty));

            Console.WriteLine("x - IsCons = {0}", x != null);
            Console.WriteLine("x - IsNil = {0}", x == null);
            Console.WriteLine("x.Head = {0}", x.Head);
            Console.WriteLine("x.Tail = {0}", x.Tail);
            Console.WriteLine("x.Tail - IsNil = {0}", x.Tail);
            switch (x.Tag)
            case FSharpList <int> .Tags.Cons:
                Console.WriteLine("Cons({0},{1})", x.Head, x.Tail);

            case FSharpList <int> .Tags.Empty:

            FSharpList <int> x = FSharpList <int> .Cons(3, (FSharpList <int> .Empty));

            foreach (int i in x)
                Console.WriteLine("i = {0}", i);

            FSharpList <int> myList = ListModule.OfArray(new int[] { 4, 5, 6 });

                (FuncConvert.ToFSharpFunc((Action <int>) delegate(int i)
                                          { Console.WriteLine("i = {0}", i); }),

            // tests op_Implicit
            ListModule.Iterate <int>
                ((Converter <int, Unit>) delegate(int i) { Console.WriteLine("i = {0} (2nd technique)", i); return(null); },

            // tests op_Implicit
            FSharpList <string> myList2 =
                    (FuncConvert.ToFSharpFunc((Converter <int, string>) delegate(int i)
                                              { return(i.ToString() + i.ToString()); }),

            // tests op_Implicit
                (FuncConvert.ToFSharpFunc((Action <string>) delegate(string s)
                                          { Console.WriteLine("i after duplication = {0}", s); }),

            // tests op_Implicit
            myList2 =
                ListModule.Map <int, string>
                    ((Converter <int, string>) delegate(int i) { return(i.ToString() + i.ToString()); },

            ListModule.Iterate <string>
                (FuncConvert.ToFSharpFunc((Action <string>) delegate(string s)
                                          { Console.WriteLine("i after duplication (2nd technique) = {0}", s); }),

            myList2 =
                ListModule.Map <int, string>
                    (FuncConvert.ToFSharpFunc(delegate(int i) { return(i.ToString() + i.ToString()); }),

            myList2 =
                ListModule.Map <int, string>
                    (FuncConvert.FromFunc((Func <int, string>) delegate(int i) { return(i.ToString() + i.ToString()); }),

            ListModule.Iterate <string>(FuncConvert.ToFSharpFunc <string>(s => { Console.WriteLine("s = {0}", s); }), myList2);
            ListModule.Iterate <string>(FuncConvert.FromAction <string>(s => { Console.WriteLine("s = {0}", s); }), myList2);
            ListModule.Iterate <string>(FuncConvert.FromFunc <string, Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Unit>(s => null), myList2);

            myList2 = ListModule.Map <int, string>(FuncConvert.ToFSharpFunc <int, string>(i => i.ToString() + i.ToString()), myList);
            myList2 = ListModule.Map <int, string>(FuncConvert.FromFunc <int, string>(i => i.ToString() + i.ToString()), myList);
            myList2 = ListModule.MapIndexed <int, string>(FuncConvert.FromFunc <int, int, string>((i, j) => i.ToString() + j), myList);

            var trans3 = FuncConvert.FromFunc <int, int, int, int>((i, j, k) => i + j + k);
            var trans4 = FuncConvert.FromFunc <int, int, int, int, int>((i, j, k, l) => i + j + k + l);
            var trans5 = FuncConvert.FromFunc <int, int, int, int, int, int>((i, j, k, l, m) => i + j + k + l + m);

            var action3 = FuncConvert.FromAction <int, int, int>((i, j, k) => System.Console.WriteLine("action! {0}", i + j + k));
            var action4 = FuncConvert.FromAction <int, int, int, int>((i, j, k, l) => System.Console.WriteLine("action! {0}", i + j + k + l));
            var action5 = FuncConvert.FromAction <int, int, int, int, int>((i, j, k, l, m) => System.Console.WriteLine("action! {0}", i + j + k + l + m));
            ListModule.Iterate <string>(FuncConvert.ToFSharpFunc <string>(s => { Console.WriteLine("i after duplication (2nd technique) = {0}", s); }), myList2);
            ListModule.Iterate <string>(FuncConvert.FromAction <string>(s => { Console.WriteLine("i after duplication (2nd technique) = {0}", s); }), myList2);

        // Construct a value of each type from the library

        Lib.Recd1          r1  = new Lib.Recd1(3);
        Lib.Recd2          r2  = new Lib.Recd2(3, "a");
        Lib.RevRecd2       rr2 = new Lib.RevRecd2("a", 3);
        Lib.Recd3 <string> r3  = new Lib.Recd3 <string>(4, "c", null);
        r3.recd3field3 = r3;

        Lib.One     d10a = Lib.One.One;
        Lib.Int     d11a = Lib.Int.NewInt(3);
        Lib.IntPair ip   = Lib.IntPair.NewIntPair(3, 4);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", ip.Item1);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", ip.Item2);

        Lib.IntPear ip2 = Lib.IntPear.NewIntPear(3, 4);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", ip2.Fst);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", ip2.Snd);

        Lib.Bool b = Lib.Bool.True;
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", Lib.Bool.True);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", Lib.Bool.False);
        //Console.WriteLine("{0}", Lib.Bool.IsTrue(b));
        //Console.WriteLine("{0}", Lib.Bool.IsFalse(b));
        switch (b.Tag)
        case Lib.Bool.Tags.True:

        case Lib.Bool.Tags.False:

        Lib.OptionalInt oint = Lib.OptionalInt.NewSOME(3);
        Console.WriteLine("oint - IsSOME = {0}", oint != null);
        Console.WriteLine("oint - IsNONE = {0}", oint == null);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", (oint as Lib.OptionalInt.SOME).Item);
        switch (oint.Tag)
        case Lib.OptionalInt.Tags.SOME:
            var c = oint as Lib.OptionalInt.SOME;
            Console.WriteLine("SOME({0})", c.Item);

        case Lib.OptionalInt.Tags.NONE:

        Lib.IntOption iopt = Lib.IntOption.Nothing;
        Console.WriteLine("iopt - IsSomething = {0}", iopt != null);
        Console.WriteLine("iopt - IsNothing = {0}", iopt == null);
        switch (iopt.Tag)
        case Lib.IntOption.Tags.Something:
            Console.WriteLine("Something({0})", (iopt as Lib.IntOption.Something).Item);

        case Lib.IntOption.Tags.Nothing:

        Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> gu1 = Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> .Nothing;
        Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> gu2 = Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> .NewSomething(3, "4");

        Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> gu3 = Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> .NewSomethingElse(3);

        Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> gu4 = Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> .NewSomethingElseAgain(4);

        //Console.WriteLine("{0}", (gu1 as Lib.GenericUnion<int,string>.Cases.Nothing));
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", (gu2 as Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> .Something).Item1);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", (gu3 as Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> .SomethingElse).Item);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", (gu4 as Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> .SomethingElseAgain).Item);
        switch (gu1.Tag)
        case Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> .Tags.Nothing:

        case Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> .Tags.Something:
        case Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> .Tags.SomethingElse:
        case Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> .Tags.SomethingElseAgain:
            Console.WriteLine("NOT OK");
            throw (new System.Exception("ERROR - INCORRECT CASE TAG"));

        switch (gu2.Tag)
        case Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> .Tags.Something:

        case Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> .Tags.Nothing:
        case Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> .Tags.SomethingElse:
        case Lib.GenericUnion <int, string> .Tags.SomethingElseAgain:
            Console.WriteLine("NOT OK");
            throw (new System.Exception("ERROR - INCORRECT CASE TAG"));

        Lib.BigUnion bu1 = Lib.BigUnion.NewA1(3);
        Lib.BigUnion bu2 = Lib.BigUnion.NewA2(3);
        Lib.BigUnion bu3 = Lib.BigUnion.NewA3(3);
        Lib.BigUnion bu4 = Lib.BigUnion.NewA4(3);
        Lib.BigUnion bu5 = Lib.BigUnion.NewA5(3);
        Lib.BigUnion bu6 = Lib.BigUnion.NewA6(3);
        Lib.BigUnion bu7 = Lib.BigUnion.NewA7(3);
        Lib.BigUnion bu8 = Lib.BigUnion.NewA8(3);
        Lib.BigUnion bu9 = Lib.BigUnion.NewA9(3);
        switch (bu1.Tag)
        case Lib.BigUnion.Tags.A1:

        case Lib.BigUnion.Tags.A2:
        case Lib.BigUnion.Tags.A3:
        case Lib.BigUnion.Tags.A4:
        case Lib.BigUnion.Tags.A5:
        case Lib.BigUnion.Tags.A6:
        case Lib.BigUnion.Tags.A7:
        case Lib.BigUnion.Tags.A8:
        case Lib.BigUnion.Tags.A9:
            Console.WriteLine("NOT OK");
            throw (new System.Exception("ERROR - INCORRECT CASE TAG"));

        Lib.BigEnum be1 = Lib.BigEnum.E1;
        Lib.BigEnum be2 = Lib.BigEnum.E2;
        Lib.BigEnum be3 = Lib.BigEnum.E3;
        Lib.BigEnum be4 = Lib.BigEnum.E4;
        Lib.BigEnum be5 = Lib.BigEnum.E5;
        Lib.BigEnum be6 = Lib.BigEnum.E6;
        Lib.BigEnum be7 = Lib.BigEnum.E7;
        Lib.BigEnum be8 = Lib.BigEnum.E8;
        Lib.BigEnum be9 = Lib.BigEnum.E9;
        switch (be1.Tag)
        case Lib.BigEnum.Tags.E1:

        case Lib.BigEnum.Tags.E2:
        case Lib.BigEnum.Tags.E3:
        case Lib.BigEnum.Tags.E4:
        case Lib.BigEnum.Tags.E5:
        case Lib.BigEnum.Tags.E6:
        case Lib.BigEnum.Tags.E7:
        case Lib.BigEnum.Tags.E8:
        case Lib.BigEnum.Tags.E9:
            Console.WriteLine("NOT OK");
            throw (new System.Exception("ERROR - INCORRECT CASE TAG"));

        Lib.Index d211a = Lib.Index.NewIndex_A(3);

        Lib.Bool        d200b = Lib.Bool.False;
        Lib.OptionalInt d210b = Lib.OptionalInt.NONE;
        Lib.IntOption   d201b = Lib.IntOption.NewSomething(3);
        Lib.Index       d211b = Lib.Index.NewIndex_B(4);

 * type discr2_0_0 = True | False
 * type discr2_0_1 = Nothing | Something of int
 * type discr2_1_0 = SOME of int | NONE
 * type discr2_1_1 = Index_A of int | Index_B of int
 * type discr3_0_0_0 = Discr3_0_0_0_A | Discr3_0_0_0_B | Discr3_0_0_0_C
 * type discr3_0_1_0 = Discr3_0_1_0_A | Discr3_0_1_0_B of int | Discr3_0_0_0_C
 * type discr3_1_0_0 = Discr3_1_0_0_A of int | Discr3_1_0_0_B | Discr3_0_0_0_C
 * type discr3_1_1_0 = Discr3_1_1_0_A of int | Discr3_1_1_0_B of int | Discr3_0_0_0_C
 * type discr3_0_0_1 = Discr3_0_0_0_A | Discr3_0_0_0_B | Discr3_0_0_0_C of string
 * type discr3_0_1_1 = Discr3_0_1_0_A | Discr3_0_1_0_B of int | Discr3_0_0_0_C of string
 * type discr3_1_0_1 = Discr3_1_0_0_A of int | Discr3_1_0_0_B | Discr3_0_0_0_C of string
 * type discr3_1_1_1 = Discr3_1_1_0_A of int | Discr3_1_1_0_B of int | Discr3_0_0_0_C of string

// Toplevel functions *
        int f_1         = Lib.f_1(1);
        int f_1_1       = Lib.f_1_1(1, 2);
        int f_1_1_1     = Lib.f_1_1_1(1, 2, 3);
        int f_1_1_1_1   = Lib.f_1_1_1_1(1, 2, 3, 4);
        int f_1_1_1_1_1 = Lib.f_1_1_1_1_1(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

        int f_1_effect_1 = Lib.f_1_effect_1(1)(2);
        int f_1_effect_1 = Lib.f_1_effect_1(1).Invoke(2);

        //let f_2 x y = x+y
        //let f_3 x y z = x+y+z
        //let f_4 x1 x2 x3 x4 = x1+x2+x3+x4
        //let f_5 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 = x1+x2+x3+x4+x5

        // Function returning a function
        //let f_1_1 x = let x = ref 1 in fun y -> !x+y+1

        // Tuple value
        //let tup2 = (2,3)
        //let tup3 = (2,3,4)
        //let tup4 = (2,3,4,5)

        System.Console.WriteLine("Test Passed.");
