public ListItemUi AddDialogOption(Dialog.DialogOption option, bool scrollAllTheWayDown) { if (!initialized) { Init(); } ListItemUi li = null; switch (option) { case Dialog.Choice c: AddDialogOption_Choice(c, out li, option); break; case Dialog.Text t: AddDialogOption_Text(t, out li, option); break; case Dialog.Command cmd: AddDialogOption_Command(cmd, out li, option); break; } if (li != null) { Dialog.Text txt = option as Dialog.Text; if (txt != null) { li.TextAlignment = txt.anchorText; } } if (scrollAllTheWayDown && !goingToScrollAllTheWayDown) { goingToScrollAllTheWayDown = true; // we want scroll all the way down, and can't control when the UI updates enough to realize it can scroll Proc.Delay(100, () => { goingToScrollAllTheWayDown = false; scrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition = 0; }); // 100ms (1/10th of a second) is not bad for UI lag, and should be enough time for the UI to update itself } return(li); }
public void ParseCommand(string command) { if (!initialized) { Init(); } tokenizer.Tokenize(command); string cmd = tokenizer.GetResolvedToken(0, GetScriptScope()).ToString(); Action <Tokenizer> commandToExecute; if (commandListing.TryGetValue(cmd, out commandToExecute)) { commandToExecute.Invoke(tokenizer); } else { tokenizer.AddError("unknown command \'" + cmd + "\'"); } if (tokenizer.errors.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < tokenizer.errors.Count; ++i) { ListItemUi li = AddDialogOption(new Dialog.Text { text = tokenizer.errors[i].ToString() }, true); li.text.color =; } tokenizer.errors.Clear(); } }
public void ShowError(string errorMessage) { ListItemUi li = AddDialogOption(new Dialog.Text { text = errorMessage }, true); li.TextColor =; }
private void PossiblyAddParseCommandOutputToDialog(Dialog.DialogOption option) { if (Print_commandOutput.Length == 0) { return; } string str = Print_commandOutput.ToString(); ListItemUi li = listUi.AddItem(option, str, null, prefab_textUi); Print_commandOutput.Clear(); }
public void InitializeListUi() { listUi = GetComponentInChildren <ListUi>(); if (scrollRect == null) { scrollRect = GetComponentInChildren <ScrollRect>(); } prefab_buttonUi = listUi.prefab_item; prefab_textUi = Instantiate(prefab_buttonUi.gameObject).GetComponent <ListItemUi>(); Destroy(prefab_textUi.GetComponent <Button>()); Destroy(prefab_textUi.GetComponent <Image>()); }
private void AddDialogOption_Command(Dialog.Command cmd, out ListItemUi listItem, Dialog.DialogOption option) { //NonStandard.Show.Log("executing command "+cmd.command); Tokenizer tok = new Tokenizer(); Commander.Instance.ParseCommand(new Instruction(cmd.command, option), Print, out tok); if (tok?.HasError() ?? false) { Print(Col.r() + tok.GetErrorString()); } PossiblyAddParseCommandOutputToDialog(option); listItem = null; }
public void ShowCloseDialogButton() { if (!initialized) { Init(); } if (closeDialogButton != null) { Destroy(closeDialogButton.gameObject); } closeDialogButton = AddDialogOption(new Dialog.Choice { text = "\n<close dialog>\n", command = "hide", anchorText = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, true); currentChoices.Remove(closeDialogButton); }
private void AddDialogOption_Choice(Dialog.Choice c, out ListItemUi listItem, Dialog.DialogOption option) { ListItemUi li = null; li = listItem = listUi.AddItem(option, DialogManager.Instance.GetScriptScope().Format(c.text), () => { //NonStandard.Show.Log("------- "+c.command); Tokenizer tok = new Tokenizer(); Commander.Instance.ParseCommand(new Instruction(c.command, li), Print, out tok); //NonStandard.Show.Log("/////// " + c.command); if (tok?.HasError() ?? false) { Print(tok.GetErrorString()); } PossiblyAddParseCommandOutputToDialog(option); }, prefab_buttonUi); currentChoices.Add(li); }
public ListItemUi AddDialogOption(Dialog.DialogOption option, bool scrollAllTheWayDown) { if (!initialized) { Init(); } ListItemUi li = null; do { Dialog.Text t = option as Dialog.Text; if (t != null) { li = listUi.AddItem(option, scriptedVariableScope.Format(t.text), null, prefab_textUi); break; } Dialog.Choice c = option as Dialog.Choice; if (c != null) { li = listUi.AddItem(option, scriptedVariableScope.Format(c.text), () => ParseCommand(c.command), prefab_buttonUi); currentChoices.Add(li); break; } Dialog.Command cmd = option as Dialog.Command; if (cmd != null) { ParseCommand(cmd.command); break; } }while (false); if (li != null) { li.text.alignment = option.anchorText; } if (scrollAllTheWayDown && !goingToScrollAllTheWayDown) { goingToScrollAllTheWayDown = true; // we want scroll all the way down, and can't control when the UI updates enough to realize it can scroll NonStandard.Clock.setTimeout(() => { goingToScrollAllTheWayDown = false; scrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition = 0; }, 100); // 100ms (1/10th of a second) is not bad for UI lag, and should be enough time for the UI to update itself } return(li); }
public ListItemUi AddItem(GameObject itemObject) { if (items == null) { items = new List <GameObject>(); } if (inventoryUi != null) { ListItemUi result = inventoryUi.GetListItemUi(itemObject); if (result != null) { return(result); } } items.Add(itemObject); InventoryItem item = itemObject.GetComponent <InventoryItem>(); if (item != null) { item.AddToInventory(this); } itemObject.SetActive(false); Vector3 playerLoc = Global.GetComponent <Character.CharacterProxy>().transform.position; Vector3 localPosition = itemObject.transform.position - playerLoc; itemObject.transform.SetParent(transform); itemObject.transform.localPosition = localPosition; //Show.Log("POS IN" + localPosition); string name = item != null ? item.itemName : null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { name =; } onAddItem.Invoke(itemObject); if (inventoryUi == null) { return(null); } return(inventoryUi.AddItem(itemObject, name, () => { RemoveItem(itemObject); })); }
public ListItemUi AddMember(GameObject memberObject) { //Show.Log("adding member " + memberObject); if (members == null) { members = new List <GameObject>(); } // make sure this character adds to the communal inventory! (assuming there is one) TeamMember teamMember = memberObject.GetComponent <TeamMember>(); if (teamMember == null) { teamMember = memberObject.AddComponent <TeamMember>(); } // add them to the roster if (members.IndexOf(memberObject) < 0) { members.Add(memberObject); teamMember.onJoinTeam?.Invoke(this); CharacterRoot cr = memberObject.GetComponent <CharacterRoot>(); if (cr) { EventBind.IfNotAlready(cr.activateFunction, this, ActivateTeamMember); } } if (members.Count > 1) { if (prev) { prev.gameObject.SetActive(true); } if (next) { next.gameObject.SetActive(true); } if (team) { team.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } if (rosterUi != null) { ListItemUi result = rosterUi.GetListItemUi(memberObject); if (result != null) { //Show.Log("already ui"); return(result); } } string name = teamMember != null ? : null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { name =; } Interact3dItem i3i = teamMember.GetComponent <Interact3dItem>(); //void ActivateTeamMember() { // CharacterControlManager ccm = Global.Get<CharacterControlManager>(); // ccm.SetCharacter(memberObject); // i3i.showing = false; //} Action activateMember = () => ActivateTeamMember(memberObject); if (i3i != null) { i3i.OnInteract = activateMember; i3i.Text = "switch"; i3i.internalState.alwaysOn = true; } if (rosterUi == null) { Show.Log("missing roster UI"); return(null); } return(rosterUi.AddItem(memberObject, name, activateMember)); }
private void AddDialogOption_Text(Dialog.Text t, out ListItemUi listItem, Dialog.DialogOption option) { listItem = listUi.AddItem(option, DialogManager.Instance.GetScriptScope().Format(t.text), null, prefab_textUi); }