/// <summary>Empty the binding source table</summary>
        public void Clear()
            // Notify of the pending reset of the binding source table
            ListChanging?.Invoke(this, new ListChgEventArgs <Type>(this, ListChg.PreReset, -1, default(Type)));

            Count = 0;

            // Notify of binding source data reset
            ListChanging?.Invoke(this, new ListChgEventArgs <Type>(this, ListChg.Reset, -1, default(Type)));
Beispiel #2
 public CollectionBase(Exchange exchange, Func <TValue, TKey> key_from)
     Exchange = exchange;
     Updated  = new ConditionVariable <DateTimeOffset>(DateTimeOffset.MinValue);
     m_data   = new BindingDict <TKey, TValue> {
         KeyFrom = key_from
     m_data.CollectionChanged += (s, a) => CollectionChanged?.Invoke(this, a);
     m_data.ListChanging      += (s, a) => ListChanging?.Invoke(this, a);
        /// <summary>Updates the data table based on current filter, sorting, etc.</summary>
        public void Update(bool raise_events = true)
            // Invalidate to cause an Invalidated event before every update
            if (!UpdateRequired)
            UpdateRequired = false;

            // No data source, no update
            if (DB == null)
                Count = 0;

            // Check for threading issues
            // TODO: this can take a long time. It needs to be asynchronous somehow

            // Generate the new binding source table in a temp table allowing use
            // of the previous table while the 'Filtering' is happening.
            var tmp_table = TableName + "_TMP";

            // Create the temporary table
            using (var t = DB.NewTransaction())
                DB.Execute($"drop table if exists {tmp_table}");
                    $"create table {tmp_table} (\n" +
                    "  [Idx] integer primary key autoincrement,\n" +
                    "  [Key] integer\n" +

                // Populate from the base table using the filters
                var join    = Join ?? string.Empty;
                var filter  = Filter ?? string.Empty;
                var orderby = OrderBy ?? string.Empty;
                    $"insert into {tmp_table} ([Key])\n" +
                    $"select {Pk} from {BaseTableName}\n" +
                    (join.Length != 0 ? $" join {join}" : "") +
                    (filter.Length != 0 ? $"{(join.Contains(" where ") ? " and " : " where ")} {filter}" : "") +
                    (orderby.Length != 0 ? $" order by {orderby}" : ""));


            // Notify of the pending reset of the binding source table
            if (raise_events)
                ListChanging?.Invoke(this, new ListChgEventArgs <Type>(this, ListChg.PreReset, -1, default(Type)));

            // Drop the old table and rename the temporary table to the new binding source table
            using (var t = DB.NewTransaction())
                DB.Execute($"drop table if exists {TableName}");
                DB.Execute($"alter table {tmp_table} rename to {TableName}");

            // Get the new table count
            Count = DB.ExecuteScalar($"select count(*) from {TableName}");

            // Notify of binding source data reset
            if (raise_events)
                ListChanging?.Invoke(this, new ListChgEventArgs <Type>(this, ListChg.Reset, -1, default(Type)));
Beispiel #4
 private void OnReseting()
     ListChanging?.Invoke(this, new ListChangingEventArgs <MessageTraceItem>(ListChangingType.Clearing, null));
 protected virtual void OnListChanging(ListChgEventArgs <TValue> args)
     ListChanging?.Invoke(this, args);