Beispiel #1
        public static void TestList(ListAggregation a, long[] vals, string msg)
            long               bestTimeMillis = int.MaxValue;
            const int          NRUNS          = 10;
            IEnumerable <long> it             = null;
            int threadsUsed = int.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < NRUNS; ++i)
                Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                it = a(vals, vals.Length);

                if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < bestTimeMillis)
                    bestTimeMillis = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                int used = WorkerThreadReport.UsedThreads;
                if (used < threadsUsed)
                    threadsUsed = used;

            Console.WriteLine("{0}: total primes is {1}, done in {2} ms!",
                              msg, it.Count(), bestTimeMillis);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} threads were used!", threadsUsed);
        // ReSharper disable all PossibleMultipleEnumeration
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.CursorVisible = false;
            Settings.StartupTime  = DateTime.Now;
            AlExtension.ArrayWrite(START_UP, Settings.Startup);



            // Set Client for Environment (Windows or Linux).
            _mongoClient = Settings.isLocal
                ? new MongoClient($"mongodb://{Settings.User}:{Settings.Pass}@")
                : new MongoClient($"mongodb://{Settings.User}:{Settings.Pass}@{Settings.NekomataAws}");


            // Set Http Client. (For Reuse)
            // HttpClient isn't disposable, but is designed to "For Reuse".
            HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();

            // Send Request to YoutubeAPI.
            LoadedComponent.GetChannelId().ForEach(channelId => {
                string result = Task.Run(() => YoutubeAPIResponce.requestAsync(httpClient, channelId)).Result;

            //ProductionHoloLive.GetAllKey().ForEach(channelId => {
            //    string result = Task.Run(() => YoutubeAPIResponce.requestAsync(httpClient, channelId)).Result;
            //    ListAggregation.SetResultList(result);

            // Finish Message
            AlConsole.WriteLine(DefaultScheme.RESPONCE_SCHEME, $"Success. Number of Request ({ListAggregation.GetResultList().Count})");

            // Youtube Response Json Deserialize
            ListAggregation.GetResultList().ForEach(result => {
                JsonScheme scheme = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonScheme>(result);

            // Result List Re-Initialize.

            IEnumerable <string> videoIdEnum = ListAggregation.GetVideoIdList().AsEnumerable <string>();

            // Because it is possible to save Quota,
            // When I search for 50 items in a batch, I can add 50 VideoId to the Dictionary<page number(int), VideoId(string)> as a lump organized into.
            // Send Request to YoutubeAPI. (Start Time for ScheduleLive)
            AlConsole.WriteLine(DefaultScheme.REQUEST_SCHEME, "Extend Information Request...");
            while (videoIdEnum.Any())
                string   requestIds = String.Join(",", videoIdEnum.Take <string>(50));
                string[] sliced     = videoIdEnum.ToArray <string>();
                string   startTime  = Task.Run(() => YoutubeAPIResponce.RequestStartTimeAsync(httpClient, requestIds)).Result;
                for (int i = 0; i < (sliced.Length % 50 > 0 ? sliced.Length / 50 + 1 : sliced.Length / 50); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                        AlExtension.ColorizeWrite(REQUEST_SCHEME, $"  #-- ^[ ", new [] { ConsoleColor.DarkGray, ConsoleColor.Green });
                        AlExtension.ColorizeWrite(REQUEST_SCHEME, String.Join(", ", sliced.Take(5)),
                                                  new [] { ConsoleColor.Magenta }, false);
                        AlExtension.ColorizeWriteLine(REQUEST_SCHEME, $" ]", new [] { ConsoleColor.Green }, false);
                        sliced = sliced.Skip <string>(5).ToArray();
                // foreach (string splitValue in requestIds.Split(",")) {
                //     AlConsole.WriteLine(DefaultScheme.REQUEST_SCHEME, $"  #-- {splitValue, 15}");
                // }
                // string startTime = Task.Run(() => YoutubeAPIResponce.RequestStartTimeAsync(httpClient, requestIds)).Result;
                videoIdEnum = videoIdEnum.Skip <string>(50);

            // Finish Message
            AlConsole.WriteLine(DefaultScheme.RESPONCE_SCHEME, "Success.");

            // Youtube Response Json Deserialize
            ListAggregation.GetResultList().ForEach(result => {
                StartTimeScheme scheme = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <StartTimeScheme>(result);

            // Link JsonScheme and ExtendItem whose VideoId is the same.
            ListCombination.Scheme.SetBundleDict(ListAggregation.GetJsonSchemeList(), ListAggregation.GetTimeScheme());

            // Organize necessary information and put it into a RefactorScheme and store it in List(RefactorScheme).

             * ReSpell.Execute(5, 5,
             *  () => { SchemeOrthopedy.BundleModification(ListCombination.Scheme.GetBundleDict()); }, (count) => {
             *      AlConsole.Write(AlStatusEnum.Caution, $"{"TASK RESUMED", -15}", $"{"Data Bundler", -15}",
             *          "Failed to execute the task. Task will try again.");
             *      Console.CursorLeft = 0;
             *  }, (count) => {
             *      AlConsole.WriteLine(AlStatusEnum.Error, $"{"TASK FAILURE", -15}", $"{"Data Bundler", -15}",
             *          $"Failed to execute the task. TryCount: {count, -10}\n");
             *  }); */

            AlConsole.WriteLine(SORTLOG_SCHEME, $"{" ", -63}");
            AlConsole.WriteLine(SORTLOG_SCHEME, "既に終了していたライブ : 以下のものは挿入タスクから除外されます。");
            AlConsole.WriteLine(SORTLOG_SCHEME, "----------------------------- 対象 -----------------------------");
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> liveData in SchemeOrthopedy.GetFinishedLivesDict())
                AlExtension.ColorizeWriteLine(SORTLOG_SCHEME, $"[ ^{liveData.Key} ^] => \"^{liveData.Value}^\"",
                                              new [] { ConsoleColor.Green, ConsoleColor.Blue, ConsoleColor.Green, ConsoleColor.Gray, ConsoleColor.Green });

            // foreach (string lives in SchemeOrthopedy.GetFinishedLives()) {
            //     AlConsole.WriteLine(SORTLOG_SCHEME, lives);
            // }

            AlConsole.WriteLine(SORTLOG_SCHEME, " ");
            AlConsole.WriteLine(SORTLOG_SCHEME, "フリーチャット専用枠 : 以下のものは挿入タスクから除外されます。");
            AlConsole.WriteLine(SORTLOG_SCHEME, "----------------------------- 対象 -----------------------------");
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> liveData in SchemeOrthopedy.GetFreeChatLivesDict())
                AlExtension.ColorizeWriteLine(SORTLOG_SCHEME, $"[ ^{liveData.Key} ^] => \"^{liveData.Value}^\"",
                                              new [] { ConsoleColor.Green, ConsoleColor.Blue, ConsoleColor.Green, ConsoleColor.Gray, ConsoleColor.Green });

            string free = string.Join(',', SchemeOrthopedy.GetFreeChatLivesDict().Keys);

            AlConsole.WriteLine(SORTLOG_SCHEME, " ");
            AlConsole.WriteLine(SORTLOG_SCHEME, "遅刻ライブ : 以下のものは挿入タスクに追加されます。");
            AlConsole.WriteLine(SORTLOG_SCHEME, "----------------------------- 対象 -----------------------------");
            if (SchemeOrthopedy.GetLazyLivesDict().Count != 0)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> liveData in SchemeOrthopedy.GetLazyLivesDict())
                    AlExtension.ColorizeWriteLine(SORTLOG_SCHEME, $"[ ^{liveData.Key} ^] => \"^{liveData.Value}^\"",
                                                  new [] { ConsoleColor.Green, ConsoleColor.Blue, ConsoleColor.Green, ConsoleColor.Gray, ConsoleColor.Green });
                AlConsole.WriteLine(SORTLOG_SCHEME, "遅刻ライブはありません。");

            AlConsole.WriteLine(SORTLOG_SCHEME, " ");
            // foreach (string lives in SchemeOrthopedy.GetFreeChatLives()) {
            //     AlConsole.WriteLine(SORTLOG_SCHEME, lives);
            // }

            // Serialize the organized information.
            SchemeOrthopedy.GetSchemes().ForEach(i => {

            // Displays serialized information.
            serializedObject.ForEach(i => AlConsole.WriteLine(DefaultScheme.SERIALIZELOG_SCHEME, $"{i.ToString().Substring(0, 64), -67}" + "......[OMT]"));

            // Send the serialize object to Database.
            DataBaseCollection.Insert(_mongoClient, SchemeOrthopedy.GetSchemes());

            // Controller Task Finish Message
            long progressTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - Settings.StartupTime.Ticks;

                                $"Task Finished ! / {progressTicks} Ticks" +
                                $" ({TimeSpan.FromTicks(progressTicks).Seconds} Sec)"
            AlConsole.WriteLine(CONTROLLER, $"Number of Scheduled Live => {SchemeOrthopedy.GetSchemes().Count}");
            AlConsole.WriteLine(CONTROLLER, $"             Usage Quota => {Settings.UseQuota}");
            AlConsole.WriteLine(CONTROLLER, $"  Validated Caution Data => {Settings.CautData}");
            AlConsole.WriteLine(CONTROLLER, $"  Validated Warning Data => {Settings.WarnData}");
            AlConsole.WriteLine(CONTROLLER, "Have a good live broadcast today !");

            if (Settings.OutputFreeChatVideoId)