Beispiel #1
        public override IQueryable <FilmEntity> GetExampleQuery(LinqExpressionsDbContext context)
            var expression = GetExpression(context);

            // Store the filter as a dynamic query.
        protected override Expression <Func <FilmTimeEntity, bool> > GetExpression(LinqExpressionsDbContext context)
            var beginTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse("2019-08-03 12:00");
            var endTime   = DateTimeOffset.Parse("2019-08-04 11:00");
            // We want to build the expression for the "Where" clause

            // Example of Query we will eventually run.
            // context.FilmTimeEntities.Where(ft => ft.FilmId == 3 && (ft.StartTime < beginTime || ft.StartTime >= endTime));

            // Time to build up the clause in the ANY field
            var ftParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(FilmTimeEntity), "ft");      // ft =>

            var ftIdProperty = Expression.Property(ftParameter, "FilmId");             // ft.FilmId
            var ftIdClause   = Expression.Equal(ftIdProperty, Expression.Constant(3)); // ft.FilmId == 3

            // Begin the OrElse statement
            var ftStartTimeProperty     = Expression.Property(ftParameter, "StartTime");                                    // ft.StartTime
            var ftStartTimeFirstClause  = Expression.LessThan(ftStartTimeProperty, Expression.Constant(beginTime));         // ft.StartTime < beginTime
            var ftStartTimeSecondClause = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(ftStartTimeProperty, Expression.Constant(endTime)); // ft.StartTime >= endTime

            // Or statement
            var ftOrElseClause = Expression.OrElse(ftStartTimeFirstClause, ftStartTimeSecondClause); // (ft.StartTime < beginTime || ft.StartTime >= endTime)

            // AndAlso statement
            var ftAndClause = Expression.AndAlso(ftIdClause, ftOrElseClause); // ft.FilmId == 3 && (ft.StartTime < beginTime || ft.StartTime >= endTime)

            // Lambda Expression
            return(Expression.Lambda <Func <FilmTimeEntity, bool> >(ftAndClause, ftParameter));
Beispiel #3
        protected override Expression <Func <FilmEntity, bool> > GetExpression(LinqExpressionsDbContext context)
            var beginTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse("2019-08-03 12:30");
            var endTime   = DateTimeOffset.Parse("2019-08-03 16:30");

            // We want to build the expression for the "Where" clause

            // Example of Query we will eventually run.
            // context.FilmEntities.Include("FilmTimes").Where(f.FilmTimes.Any(ft => ft.StartTime >= beginTime && ft.StartTime < endTime));

            var fParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(FilmEntity), "f"); // f =>

            // Get Film Times between beginTime and endTime
            var fFilmTimeProperty = Expression.Property(fParameter, "FilmTimes"); // f.FilmTimes

            // Time to build up the clause in the ANY field
            var ftParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(FilmTimeEntity), "ft");                                         // ft =>

            var ftStartTimeProperty = Expression.Property(ftParameter, "StartTime");                                      // ft.StartTime
            var ftBeginTimeClause   = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(ftStartTimeProperty, Expression.Constant(beginTime)); // ft.StartTime >= startTime
            var ftEndTimeClause     = Expression.LessThan(ftStartTimeProperty, Expression.Constant(endTime));             // ft.StartTime < endTime

            // Builds up the AND expression
            var ftFullQueryExpression = Expression.AndAlso(ftBeginTimeClause, ftEndTimeClause); // ft => ft.StartTime >= beginTime && ft.StartTime < endTime

            // Make the Lambda Expression for Film Time
            var ftLambda = Expression.Lambda <Func <FilmTimeEntity, bool> >(ftFullQueryExpression, ftParameter);

            // Join in an ANY statement
            var anyMethod         = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethods().FirstOrDefault(method => method.Name == "Any" && method.GetParameters().Count() == 2); // Use reflection to find the ANY method (We use Enumerable for collections)
            var anyFilmTimeMethod = anyMethod.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(FilmTimeEntity));                                                                   // Any is a generic method, so create a method specific to FilmTimeEntity

            var anyCall = Expression.Call(anyFilmTimeMethod, fFilmTimeProperty, ftLambda);                                                                 // FilmTimes.Any(ft => ft.StartTime >= beginTime && ft.StartTime < endTime)

            // Return the lamba expression for film so we can put in the where clause.
            return(Expression.Lambda <Func <FilmEntity, bool> >(anyCall, fParameter));
        protected override Expression <Func <FilmEntity, bool> > GetExpression(LinqExpressionsDbContext context)
            var startTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse("2019-08-04");

            // We want to build the expression for the "Where" clause

            // Example of Query we will eventually run.
            // _context.FilmEntities.Where(f => _context.FilmTimeEntities.Any(ft => ft.FilmId == f.Id && ft.StartTime >= startTime));

            var fParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(FilmEntity), "f"); // f =>

            // Create the FilmTime Entities Query
            var ftQueryExpression = context.Set <FilmTimeEntity>().AsQueryable().Expression; // _context.FilmTimeEntities

            // Build up the Any part of the query from Film Times
            var ftParameter      = Expression.Parameter(typeof(FilmTimeEntity), "ft");                                    // ft =>
            var ftFilmIdProperty = Expression.Property(ftParameter, "FilmId");                                            // ft.FilmId
            var ftFilmIdEquals   = Expression.Equal(ftFilmIdProperty, Expression.Property(fParameter, "Id"));             // ft.FilmId == f.Id

            var ftStartTimeProperty = Expression.Property(ftParameter, "StartTime");                                      // ft.StartTime
            var ftStartTimeEquals   = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(ftStartTimeProperty, Expression.Constant(startTime)); // ft.StartTime >= startTime

            // Builds up the AND expression
            var ftFullQueryExpression = Expression.AndAlso(ftFilmIdEquals, ftStartTimeEquals); // ft => ft.FilmId == f.Id && ft.StartTime >= startTime

            // Make the Lambda Expression for Film Time
            var ftLambda = Expression.Lambda <Func <FilmTimeEntity, bool> >(ftFullQueryExpression, ftParameter);

            // Join in an ANY statement
            var anyMethod         = typeof(Queryable).GetMethods().FirstOrDefault(method => method.Name == "Any" && method.GetParameters().Count() == 2); // Use reflection to find the ANY method
            var anyFilmTimeMethod = anyMethod.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(FilmTimeEntity));                                                                  // Any is a generic method, so create a method specific to FilmTimeEntity

            var anyCall = Expression.Call(anyFilmTimeMethod, ftQueryExpression, ftLambda);                                                                // (f => _context.FilmTimeEntities.Any(ft => ft.FilmId == f.Id && ft.StartTime >= startTime)

            return(Expression.Lambda <Func <FilmEntity, bool> >(anyCall, fParameter));
Beispiel #5
 public abstract IQueryable <TEntity> GetExampleQuery(LinqExpressionsDbContext context);
Beispiel #6
 protected abstract Expression <Func <TEntity, bool> > GetExpression(LinqExpressionsDbContext context);
 public HomeController(LinqExpressionsDbContext context)
     _context = context;