public InventoryItem(NancyContext context, InventoryItemDto item)
            : base(context.Request.Url.ToString(), new [] { "item", "detail" })
            Properties = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Name", item.Name },
                { "Quantity", item.Quantity }

            Links = new LinksFactory(context)
                    .With(new GetInventoryLink(), WithLink <GetInventoryLink> .Property(x => x.Title = "Back to inventory"))

            Actions = new ActionsFactory(context)
                      .With(new AddInventoryItemQuantityAction(item.Id, item.Version),
                            WithAction <AddInventoryItemQuantityAction>
                            .Field(x => x.Version)
                            .Having(x => x.Type = "hidden"))
                      .With(new RemoveInventoryItemQuantityAction(item.Id, item.Version),
                            WithAction <RemoveInventoryItemQuantityAction>
                            .Field(x => x.Version)
                            .Having(x => x.Type = "hidden"))
                      .With(new RenameInventoryItemAction(item.Id, item.Version, item.Name),
                            WithAction <RenameInventoryItemAction>
                            .Field(x => x.Version)
                            .Having(x => x.Type = "hidden"))
Beispiel #2
        public void TestLoadAndRunDynamicSecondImpl()
            var cities = new Cities();


            ILinks links = LinksFactory.Create(cities,

            Assert.AreEqual(42, links.ReadLinks("nonsense"));

            ILinks links2 = LinksFactory.Create(cities, "Fhnw.Ecnf.RoutePlanner.RoutePlannerLib.Links");

            Assert.AreNotEqual(links.GetType(), links2.GetType());

                Assert.Fail("Should throw a NotSupportedException, because it doesn't have the right constructor");
            catch (NotSupportedException)

                LinksFactory.Create(cities, "Fhnw.Ecnf.RoutePlanner.RoutePlannerTest.Lab10Test.TestLinksNoInterface");
                Assert.Fail("Should throw a NotSupportedException, because ILinks is not implemented");
            catch (NotSupportedException)
Beispiel #3
        public Root(NancyContext context) : base(context.Request.Url.ToString(), "root")
            Links = new LinksFactory(context).With(new GetUsers()).Build();

            Actions = new ActionsFactory(context)
                      .With(new DeleteLogout())
Beispiel #4
        public void TestLoadDynamicValid()
            var cities = new Cities();

            // now test for correct dynamic creation of valid routed class passed as string
            var links = LinksFactory.Create(cities, "Fhnw.Ecnf.RoutePlanner.RoutePlannerLib.Links");

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(links, typeof(ILinks));
        public UsersCollection(NancyContext context, IEnumerable <Domain.User> users) : base(context.Request.Url.ToString(), new[] { "users", "collection" })
            int pageNumber   = context.Request.Query.PageNumber;
            int pageSize     = context.Request.Query.PageSize;
            int totalEntries = users.Count();

            var usersPage = users.Skip(pageNumber * pageSize).Take(pageSize);

            Properties = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "Page Details", PagedProperties.GetPageDetails(pageNumber, pageSize, totalEntries) }
            Entities = new List <Entity>(usersPage.Select(x => new UsersCollectionItem(context, x)));
            Links    = new LinksFactory(context).WithPage <GetUsers>(pageNumber, pageSize, totalEntries).Build();
        public UsersCollectionItem(NancyContext context, Domain.User user)
            : base(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}/{3}", context.Request.Url.SiteBase, context.Request.Url.BasePath, context.Request.Url.Path, user.Id), "user")
            Properties = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Username", user.Username },
                { "Created On", user.CreatedOn.ToShortDateString() }

            Links   = new LinksFactory(context).With(new GetUser(user.Id)).Build();
            Actions = new ActionsFactory(context).With(new DeleteUser {
                Id = user.Id
        public InventoryCollectionItem(NancyContext context, InventoryListItemDto item)
            : base($"{context.Request.Url.SiteBase}{context.Request.Url.BasePath}{context.Request.Url.Path}/{item.Id}", "inventory-item")
            Properties = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "Name", item.Name }
            Links = new LinksFactory(context).With(new GetInventoryItemLink(item.Id)).Build();

            Actions = new ActionsFactory(context)
                      .With(new RemoveInventoryItemAction(item.Id, item.Version),
                            WithAction <RemoveInventoryItemAction> .Field(x => x.Version)
                            .Having(x => x.Type = "hidden"))
Beispiel #8
        public User(NancyContext context, Domain.User user) : base(context.Request.Url.ToString(), "user")
            Properties = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Username", user.Username },
                { "Claims", string.Join(", ", user.Claims.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToList()) }

            Links = new LinksFactory(context).With(new GetUsers(), WithLink <GetUsers> .Property(x => x.Title = "Back to all users")).Build();

            Actions = new ActionsFactory(context).With(new PutClaims(user),
                                                       WithAction <PutClaims> .Field(x => x.Claims)
                                                       .Having(x => x.Type    = "select")
                                                       .Having(x => x.Options = GetClaimsOptions())).Build();
Beispiel #9
        public InventoryCollection(NancyContext context, ICollection <InventoryListItemDto> items)
            : base(context.Request.Url.ToString(), new[] { "inventory", "collection" })
            int pageNumber   = context.Request.Query.PageNumber;
            int pageSize     = context.Request.Query.PageSize;
            int totalEntries = items.Count;

            var booksPage = items.Skip(pageNumber * pageSize).Take(pageSize);

            Properties = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "Page Details", PagedProperties.GetPageDetails(pageNumber, pageSize, totalEntries) }
            Entities = new List <Entity>(booksPage.Select(x => new InventoryCollectionItem(context, x)));
            Links    = new LinksFactory(context).WithPage <GetInventoryLink>(pageNumber, pageSize, totalEntries).Build();
            Actions  = new ActionsFactory(context).With(new AddInventoryItemAction()).Build();
Beispiel #10
        public void TestLoadAndRunDynamicClassicImpl()
            var cities = new Cities();


            ILinks links = LinksFactory.Create(cities, "Fhnw.Ecnf.RoutePlanner.RoutePlannerLib.Links");


            Assert.AreEqual(28, cities.Count);

            // test available cities
            List <Link> resultLinks = links.FindShortestRouteBetween("Zürich", "Basel", TransportMode.Rail);

            var expectedLinks = new List <Link>();

            expectedLinks.Add(new Link(new City("Zürich", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2),
                                       new City("Aarau", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2), 0));
            expectedLinks.Add(new Link(new City("Aarau", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2),
                                       new City("Liestal", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2), 0));
            expectedLinks.Add(new Link(new City("Liestal", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2),
                                       new City("Basel", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2), 0));

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLinks.Count, resultLinks.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < resultLinks.Count; i++)
                    (expectedLinks[i].FromCity.Name == resultLinks[i].FromCity.Name &&
                     expectedLinks[i].ToCity.Name == resultLinks[i].ToCity.Name) ||
                    (expectedLinks[i].FromCity.Name == resultLinks[i].ToCity.Name &&
                     expectedLinks[i].ToCity.Name == resultLinks[i].FromCity.Name));

                resultLinks = links.FindShortestRouteBetween("doesNotExist", "either", TransportMode.Rail);
                Assert.Fail("Should throw a KeyNotFoundException");
            catch (KeyNotFoundException)
Beispiel #11
        public static void TestGexf(string filename)
            using (var memoryManager = new UInt64LinksMemoryManager(filename, 512 * 1024 * 1024))
                var options = new LinksOptions<ulong>();
                options.MemoryManager = memoryManager;
                var linksFactory = new LinksFactory<ulong>(options);
                var links = linksFactory.Create();

                const int linksToCreate = 1024;


                memoryManager.ExportSourcesTree(filename + ".gexf");

Beispiel #12
        public void TestLoadDynamicInvalid()
            var cities = new Cities();

            // pass a name of a class that does not exist
                ILinks links = LinksFactory.Create(cities, "Class.Does.Not.Exist");
                Assert.Fail("Should throw a NotSupportedException");
            catch (NotSupportedException)

            // pass a name of a class that exists, but does not implement the interface
                ILinks links = LinksFactory.Create(cities, "Cities");
                Assert.Fail("Should throw a NotSupportedException");
            catch (NotSupportedException)
Beispiel #13
 public Root(NancyContext context) : base(context.Request.Url.ToString(), "root")
     Links = new LinksFactory(context)
             .With(new GetInventoryLink())