Beispiel #1
        public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
            Configuration = configuration;
            if (Configuration["ASPNETCORE_YAML_CONFIG"] == null)
                throw new Exception("ASPNETCORE_YAML_CONFIG need to be passed");
            var reader       = new StreamReader(Configuration["ASPNETCORE_YAML_CONFIG"]);
            var deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder().Build();
            var yamlObject   = deserializer.Deserialize(reader);

            var serializer = new SerializerBuilder()

            var json = serializer.Serialize(yamlObject);

            LingkFile.Create(LingkConst.TempSettingsPath, json);
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile(LingkConst.TempSettingsPath);

            this.Configuration = builder.Build();
            var lingkConfig = new LingkConfig();

            LingkYaml.LingkYamlConfig = lingkConfig;
            LingkFile.Create(LingkConst.LingkFileSystemPath, "");
Beispiel #2
        public string CreateURL(string signerEmail, string signerName, string ccEmail,
                                string ccName)
            var lingkEnvelopeFilePath = LingkConst.LingkFileSystemPath;
            var envResp = LingkFile.CheckEnvelopeExists(lingkEnvelopeFilePath,
                                                        new LingkEnvelope
                accountId  = accountId,
                templateId = templateId

            if (envResp != null)

            var apiClient = new ApiClient(lingkCredentials.credentialsJson.isSandbox ? LingkConst.DocusignDemoUrl : LingkConst.DocusignProdUrl);

            apiClient.Configuration.DefaultHeader.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + this.lingkCredentials.docuSignToken.access_token);

            Tabs tabs = GetValidTabs();

            TemplateRole signer = new TemplateRole
                Email        = signerEmail,
                Name         = signerName,
                RoleName     = "signer",
                ClientUserId = signerClientId, // Change the signer to be embedded
                Tabs         = tabs            //Set tab values

            TemplateRole cc = new TemplateRole
                Email    = ccEmail,
                Name     = ccName,
                RoleName = "cc"

            // Step 4: Create the envelope definition
            EnvelopeDefinition envelopeAttributes = new EnvelopeDefinition
                // Uses the template ID received from example 08
                TemplateId = templateId,

                Status        = "Sent",
                TemplateRoles = new List <TemplateRole> {
                    signer, cc

            var             envelopesApi = new EnvelopesApi(apiClient);
            EnvelopeSummary results      = envelopesApi.CreateEnvelope(accountId, envelopeAttributes);

            RecipientViewRequest viewRequest = new RecipientViewRequest();

            viewRequest.ReturnUrl            = selectedEnvelope.DocusignReturnUrl;
            viewRequest.AuthenticationMethod = "none";
            viewRequest.Email        = signerEmail;
            viewRequest.UserName     = signerName;
            viewRequest.ClientUserId = signerClientId;
            var     envelopeId = results.EnvelopeId;
            ViewUrl results1   = envelopesApi.CreateRecipientView(accountId, envelopeId, viewRequest);

            string redirectUrl = results1.Url;

                                          new LingkEnvelope
                envelopeId   = envelopeId,
                accountId    = accountId,
                recipientUrl = redirectUrl,
                templateId   = templateId