public Edge(Vertex v1, Vertex v2) { Debug.LogFormat("Creating new edge between {0} and {1}", v1.number, v2.number); this.v1 = v1; this.v2 = v2; v1.AddEdge(this); v2.AddEdge(this); linepiece = CalculateLinepieceValues(); lineObject = new GameObject(); = "EdgeDebugObject"; lineRenderer = lineObject.AddComponent <LineRenderer>(); lineRenderer.material = Paper.Instance.LineMaterial; lineRenderer.startWidth = 0.05f; lineRenderer.endWidth = 0.05f; UpdateLineRenderer(null); debugText = lineObject.AddComponent <TextMesh>(); debugText.color =; debugText.characterSize = 0.2f; lineObject.transform.position = (v1.transform.position + v2.transform.position) / 2f; Paper.Instance.NewEdge(this, out number); }
public static Vector2 MirrorPointInLinepiece(Linepiece linepiece, Vector2 point) { Vector2 closestPointOnLine = ClosestPointOnLinepiece(linepiece, point); Vector2 mirroredPoint = point + 2f * (closestPointOnLine - point); return(mirroredPoint); }
public static Vector2 ClosestPointOnLinepiece(Linepiece linepiece, Vector2 point) { Vector2 ab = linepiece.End - linepiece.Start; Vector2 ap = point - linepiece.Start; float abSquared = ab.x * ab.x + ab.y * ab.y; float dotABAP = ab.x * ap.x + ab.y * ap.y; // Make sure that we don't divide by zero here // If so, just return the original point if (Mathf.Approximately(abSquared, 0f)) { return(linepiece.Start); } float ratio = dotABAP / abSquared; if (ratio < 0f) { return(linepiece.Start); } else if (ratio > 1f) { return(linepiece.End); } Vector2 closestPoint = linepiece.Start + ab * ratio; return(closestPoint); }
public static bool LinepieceIntersectWithLine(Linepiece l1, Line l2, out Vector2 intersection) { intersection =; if (LinesIntersect(l1, l2, out intersection)) { return(l1.ContainsPoint(intersection)); } return(false); }
public static bool LinepiecesIntersect(Linepiece l1, Linepiece l2, out Vector2 intersection) { intersection =; // There is one (unlikely) edge case: two equidirectional linepieces that overlap // LinesIntersect will return a random point on either line as the intersection point // This point might not lie on both linepieces // This could result in a false evaluation, while the linepieces do overlap if (LinesIntersect(l1, l2, out intersection)) { return(l1.ContainsPoint(intersection) && l2.ContainsPoint(intersection)); } return(false); }
public void UpdateLinepiece() { linepiece = CalculateLinepieceValues(); }
public static float DistancePointToLinepiece(Linepiece linepiece, Vector2 point) { Vector2 closestPoint = ClosestPointOnLinepiece(linepiece, point); return(Vector2.Distance(closestPoint, point)); }