public TotalDto GetTotal(bool isSearch, int rows, int page, string sortBy, string sortOrder, string filters) { TotalDto total = new TotalDto(); IEnumerable <Line> query = GetFilteredAll(isSearch, filters); Line[] filteredAll = query.ToArray(); foreach (var line in filteredAll) { if (line.IsActive) { var busesToLines = line.BusesToLines.FirstOrDefault(); if (busesToLines != null) { var bus = busesToLines.Bus; DateHelper.IterDays(7, weekDay => { if (LineHelper.IsLineActiveAtDay(line, (DayOfWeek)(weekDay - 1))) { total.Seats += bus.seats.HasValue ? busesToLines.Bus.seats.Value : 0; total.Students += line.totalStudents.HasValue ? line.totalStudents.Value : 0; total.WeekDayPrices[weekDay - 1] += bus.price ?? 0; total.Price += bus.price.HasValue ? busesToLines.Bus.price.Value : 0; } }); } } } return(total); }
Vector2 InsertVectorToArray(Vector2 pos) { for (int i = 0; i < currentPosArray.Count - 1; i++) { if (pos.x >= currentPosArray[i].x - GameController.playerSpeed && currentPosArray[i].x + GameController.playerSpeed >= pos.x && pos.y >= currentPosArray[i].y - GameController.playerSpeed && currentPosArray[i].y + GameController.playerSpeed >= pos.y) { return(currentPosArray[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < currentPosArray.Count; i++) { int nextIndex = (i < currentPosArray.Count - 1) ? i + 1 : 0; if (LineHelper.isVectorIntersect(pos, new myLine() { StartPoint = currentPosArray[i], EndPoint = currentPosArray[nextIndex] }, GameController.playerSpeed * 1.2f)) { pos.x = (currentPosArray[i].x == currentPosArray[nextIndex].x) ? currentPosArray[i].x : pos.x; pos.y = (currentPosArray[i].y == currentPosArray[nextIndex].y) ? currentPosArray[i].y : pos.y; currentPosArray.Insert(i + 1, pos); return(pos); } } return(; }
private void PointInternal(IToolContext context, double x, double y, Modifier modifier) { Filters?.Any(f => f.Process(context, ref x, ref y)); CurrentState = State.StartPoint; context.Renderer.SelectedShapes.Remove(_line.StartPoint); context.Renderer.SelectedShapes.Remove(_line.Point); context.WorkingContainer.Shapes.Remove(_line); _line.Point = context.GetNextPoint(x, y, Settings?.ConnectPoints ?? false, Settings?.HitTestRadius ?? 0.0); Intersections?.ForEach(i => i.Clear(context)); Intersections?.ForEach(i => i.Find(context, _line)); if ((Settings?.SplitIntersections ?? false) && (Intersections?.Any(i => i.Intersections.Count > 0) ?? false)) { LineHelper.SplitByIntersections(context, Intersections, _line); } else { context.CurrentContainer.Shapes.Add(_line); } _line = null; Intersections?.ForEach(i => i.Clear(context)); Filters?.ForEach(f => f.Clear(context)); context.Release?.Invoke(); context.Invalidate?.Invoke(); }
public void ExcuteAnalyzeFile() { if (FilePath == "") { State = "请输入文件路径"; return; } State = "解析中..."; Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { try { HeapFileAnalyzer x = new HeapFileAnalyzer(FilePath); x.DoWork(); Msgs = LineHelper.GetMessages(x); State = "解析完成!"; } catch { State = "解析出现异常"; } }); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { UIManConfig config = target as UIManConfig; if (screenPath == null || dialogPath == null || bgPath == null) { screenPath = new PathBrowser(config.screenPrefabFolder, rootUrl); dialogPath = new PathBrowser(config.dialogPrefabFolder, rootUrl); bgPath = new PathBrowser(config.backgroundRootFolder, rootUrl); } LableHelper.TitleLabel("UIMan Configuration"); LineHelper.Draw(; EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUILayout.BeginVertical("Box"); config.screenPrefabFolder = screenPath.Draw(screenGUI); config.dialogPrefabFolder = dialogPath.Draw(dialogGUI); config.backgroundRootFolder = bgPath.Draw(bgGUI); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal("Box"); GUILayout.Label("<b>Warning:</b> This configuration use to set default path of prefabs/images for UI, all url must be child of Unity's Resources folder\n\n" + "If you don't want to use this fault path for your Screen/Dialog, apply UIDescriptor to your class to define custom path", EditorGUIHelper.RichText(true)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(target); }
/// <summary> /// <para>计算子弹进行匀速圆周运动时的最大半径.</para> /// 子弹必须以不大于这个值的半径飞行, 不然会持续绕目标飞行而不会命中. /// </summary> float computeMaxRadius(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float alpha) { LineHelper e1 = new LineHelper(); e1.fromPoints(x1, y1, x2, y2); //Vector3 tmp = Utility.MoveVector3Towards(new Vector3(x1, 0, y1), alpha, 1f); //tmp -= new Vector3(x1, 0f, y1); //alpha = (float)Mathf.Atan2(tmp.z, tmp.x); LineHelper e2 = new LineHelper(); if (alpha > Mathf.PI) { alpha -= Mathf.PI * 2f; } e2.fromSlopeAndPoint(Mathf.PI / 2f - alpha, x1, y1); Vector2 c =; if (!e1.crossPoint(out c, e2)) { return(float.NaN); } //float dbg1 = (c - (new Vector2(x1, y1))).sqrMagnitude; //float dbg2 = (c - (new Vector2(x2, y2))).sqrMagnitude; //if (!Utility.isZero(dbg1 - dbg2)) //{ // ErrorHandler.Parse(ErrorCode.LogicError, ""); //} return((c - (new Vector2(x1, y1))).magnitude); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { var config = as UIManConfig; if (this.namespaceField == null || this.screenPath == null || this.dialogPath == null || this.bgPath == null) { this.namespaceField = new TextFieldHelper(config.classNamespace); this.screenPath = new PathBrowser(config.screenPrefabFolder, Application.dataPath); this.dialogPath = new PathBrowser(config.dialogPrefabFolder, Application.dataPath); this.bgPath = new PathBrowser(config.backgroundRootFolder, Application.dataPath); this.animPath = new PathBrowser(config.animRootFolder, Application.dataPath); } LabelHelper.TitleLabel("UIMan Configuration"); LineHelper.Draw(; EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUILayout.BeginVertical("Box"); config.classNamespace = this.namespaceField.Draw(this.namespaceGUI); config.screenPrefabFolder = this.screenPath.Draw(this.screenGUI); config.dialogPrefabFolder = this.dialogPath.Draw(this.dialogGUI); config.backgroundRootFolder = this.bgPath.Draw(this.bgGUI); config.animRootFolder = this.animPath.Draw(this.animRootGUI); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal("Box"); GUILayout.Label("<b>Warning:</b> This configuration use to set default path of prefabs/images for UI, destination folder must be child of Unity's Resources folder.\n\n" + "If you don't want to use this default path for your Screen/Dialog, apply UIDescriptor to your class to define custom path.", EditorGUIHelper.RichText(true)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(; }
Orientation isEnemyZoneCollide() { List <Vector2> pointsList = GameController.Inst.GetEnemyZone(); for (int i = 0; i < pointsList.Count; i++) { int nextIndex = (i < pointsList.Count - 1) ? i + 1 : 0; myLine line = new myLine() { StartPoint = pointsList[i], EndPoint = pointsList[nextIndex] }; if (LineHelper.isVectorIntersect(transform.position, line, 0.02f)) { if ((line.StartPoint.x - line.EndPoint.x) < 0.2f && (line.StartPoint.x - line.EndPoint.x) > -0.2f) { return(Orientation.Vertical); } else if ((line.StartPoint.y - line.EndPoint.y) < 0.2f && (line.StartPoint.y - line.EndPoint.y) > -0.2f) { return(Orientation.Horizontal); } } } if (!LineHelper.IsPointInPolygon(pointsList, transform.position)) { return(Orientation.Vertical); } return(Orientation.NONE); }
public void UpdateDbModel(Line existingLine) { existingLine.LineName = LineName; existingLine.LineNumber = LineNumber; existingLine.Direction = (int)Direction; existingLine.IsActive = IsActive; // existingLine.totalStudents = totalStudents; // Can not be modefied in lines grid // existingLine.Duration = Duration; // Can not be modefied in lines grid existingLine.Sun = Sun; existingLine.SunTime = DateHelper.StringToTime(SunTime); existingLine.Mon = Mon; existingLine.MonTime = DateHelper.StringToTime(MonTime); existingLine.Tue = Tue; existingLine.TueTime = DateHelper.StringToTime(TueTime); existingLine.Wed = Wed; existingLine.WedTime = DateHelper.StringToTime(WedTime); existingLine.Thu = Thu; existingLine.ThuTime = DateHelper.StringToTime(ThuTime); existingLine.Fri = Fri; existingLine.FriTime = DateHelper.StringToTime(FriTime); existingLine.Sut = Sut; existingLine.SutTime = DateHelper.StringToTime(SutTime); LineHelper.RefreshActive(existingLine); }
/// <summary> /// This Update is responsible for cheking is player in collider; /// </summary> void FixedUpdate() { Vector3 newPos = GetPlayerPos(); if (playerPosition != newPos) { bool isInPoligon = LineHelper.IsPointInPolygon(zoneManager.currentPosArray, newPos); if (!isDrawingNewZone && isInPoligon) { isDrawingNewZone = true; if (onStartMoving != null) { onStartMoving(newPos); } } if (isDrawingNewZone && !isInPoligon) { isDrawingNewZone = false; if (onEndMoving != null) { onEndMoving(newPos); } player.StopMoving(); } playerPosition = newPos; } }
public void Draw(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Matrix viewProjection, EffectParameter worldViewProjection, EffectPass vertexColorPass) { if (!GameSettings.d_drawlines) { return; } worldViewProjection.SetValue(viewProjection); for (int i = 0; i < Lines.Count; i++) { LineHelper line = Lines[i]; if (line != null) { vertexColorPass.Apply(); //Gather graphicsDevice.DrawUserIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineList, line.Verts, 0, 2, LineHelper.Indices, 0, 1); line.Timer--; if (line.Timer <= 0) { Lines.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } else { Lines.RemoveAt(i); } } AdjustTempVertsPoolSize(); }
public static List <ErrorLine> DetectErrorLines(TextDocument document) { List <ErrorLine> errorLines = new List <ErrorLine>(); bool commandSectionCheckRequired = DocumentHelper.DocumentContainsSections(document); foreach (DocumentLine processedLine in document.Lines) { string processedLineText = document.GetText(processedLine.Offset, processedLine.Length); if (LineHelper.IsEmptyLine(processedLineText)) { continue; } ErrorLine error = FindErrorsInLine(document, processedLine, processedLineText, commandSectionCheckRequired); if (error != null) { errorLines.Add(error); } } return(errorLines); }
public static Condition SetWhileLoop(Condition condition) { int indent = LineHelper.GetIndent(condition.Prefix); condition.Prefix = LineHelper.GenerateIndent(indent) + "while "; condition.Suffix = " do"; return(condition); }
private static ErrorLine FindErrorsInCommandLine(TextDocument document, DocumentLine line, string lineText, bool commandSectionCheckRequired) { string commandKey = CommandHelper.GetCommandKey(document, line.Offset); if (!IsValidCommandKey(commandKey)) { string errorSegmentText = Regex.Match(LineHelper.RemoveComments(lineText), "^.*=").Value.TrimEnd(); if (errorSegmentText.Length == 0 && commandKey != null) { return(null); } if (commandKey == null) { errorSegmentText = lineText.TrimEnd(); } return(new ErrorLine("Invalid command. Please check its spelling.", line.LineNumber, errorSegmentText)); } if (commandSectionCheckRequired && !IsCommandLineInCorrectSection(document, line.LineNumber, commandKey)) { return(new ErrorLine("Command is placed in the wrong section. Please check the command syntax.", line.LineNumber, LineHelper.RemoveComments(lineText))); } if (!IsArgumentCountValid(document, line.Offset)) { string errorSegmentText = Regex.Match(LineHelper.RemoveComments(lineText), @"=\s*(\b.*)").Groups[1].Value; if (errorSegmentText.Length == 0) { errorSegmentText = LineHelper.RemoveComments(lineText); } return(new ErrorLine("Invalid argument count. Please check the command syntax.", line.LineNumber, errorSegmentText)); } if (ContainsEmptyArguments(document, line.Offset)) { string errorSegmentText = Regex.Match(LineHelper.RemoveComments(lineText), @"=\s*(\b.*)").Groups[1].Value; if (errorSegmentText.Length == 0) { errorSegmentText = LineHelper.RemoveComments(lineText); } return(new ErrorLine("Empty arguments were found.", line.LineNumber, errorSegmentText)); } return(null); }
private static ErrorLine FindErrorsInNGStringLine(DocumentLine line, string lineText) { if (!IsNGStringLineWellFormatted(lineText)) { return(new ErrorLine("NG string must start with an index.\n\nExample:\n0: First String\n1: Second String", line.LineNumber, LineHelper.RemoveComments(lineText))); } return(null); }
private static ErrorLine FindErrorsInSectionHeaderLine(DocumentLine line, string lineText) { if (!IsValidSectionName(lineText)) { return(new ErrorLine("Invalid section name. Please check its spelling.", line.LineNumber, LineHelper.RemoveComments(lineText))); } return(null); }
public static List <Point> GetIntersectionPoints(List <Line> lines1, List <Line> lines2) { return((from line1 in lines1 from line2 in lines2 where line1.Intersects(line2) select LineHelper.CalculateIntersectionPoint(line1, line2) into intersectionPoint where intersectionPoint.X != 0 || intersectionPoint.Y != 0 select intersectionPoint).ToList()); }
private static bool IsArgumentCountValid(TextDocument document, int lineOffset) { string lineText = CommandHelper.GetWholeCommandLineText(document, lineOffset); if (lineText == null) { return(false); } if (lineText.StartsWith("#")) { return(true); } lineText = LineHelper.EscapeComments(lineText); if (!lineText.Contains("=")) { return(false); } string command = CommandHelper.GetCommandKey(document, lineOffset); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) { return(false); } int argumentCount = LineHelper.EscapeComments(lineText).Split('=')[1].Split(',').Length; if (argumentCount == 1 && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lineText.Split('=')[1])) { argumentCount = 0; } foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in CommandHelper.GetCommandSyntaxResources()) { if (command.Equals(entry.Key.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { int correctArgumentCount = entry.Value.ToString().Split(']')[1].Split(',').Length; if (entry.Value.ToString().ToUpper().Contains("ARRAY")) { return(true); // Whatever. } else { return(argumentCount == correctArgumentCount); } } } return(false); }
private LineHelper GetIFLineHelper(List<vMeasureSluiceData> list) { LineHelper r = new LineHelper("瞬时流量", Color.Red, 1, SymbolType.Square); foreach ( vMeasureSluiceData item in list ) { DateTime dt = (DateTime)item.DT; XDate xdt = XDate.DateTimeToXLDate(dt); float instantFlux= (float)item.InstantFlux; r.PointList.Add(xdt, instantFlux); } return r; }
private Vector3[] GetLinePathOfType(ConnectionType t, Vector3 start, Vector3 end) { switch (t) { default: return(LineHelper.GetEasedLine(start, end, lineSegments, 2f)); case ConnectionType.Default: return(LineHelper.GetEasedLine(start, end, lineSegments, 2f)); case ConnectionType.Power: return(LineHelper.GetStraightLine(start, end)); } }
private ReplyModel GetTextReply(Event msg) { if (msg.source.userId.Contains("U179044b2c930e61e05385d00472ab2d8") || msg.source.roomId.Contains("Raeb512df48290ba91140c8b14149ddd7") || msg.source.roomId.Contains("R572d57860b132fd3feb78c480f338328") || msg.source.groupId.Contains("C9bdac37aae9448daa2e7f866e1be439a") ) { return(LineHelper.SamgoReply(msg)); } else { return(LineHelper.SamgoReplyAddMe(msg)); } }
public void FillAllInfo() { IsValid = LineHelper.IsValid(Source); if (!IsValid) { return; } SourceValues = LineHelper.Separate(Source); if (SourceValues.Any()) { ParsedValues = LineHelper.Parse(SourceValues).ToList(); } if (ParsedValues.Any()) { Sum = ParsedValues.Sum(); } }
private static string _getAffix(string value, string[] affixes, out string oAffix) { int indent = LineHelper.GetIndent(value); foreach (string affix in affixes) { if (value.Contains(affix)) { oAffix = LineHelper.GenerateIndent(indent) + affix; value = value.ReplaceOnce(oAffix, ""); return(value); } } oAffix = null; return(value); }
/// <summary> /// 求两条直线的交点. /// 如果存在, 保存在point中, 并返回true; 否则为false, point为zero. /// </summary> public bool crossPoint(out Vector2 point, LineHelper other) { point =; float d = other.a * k - a * other.k; // 两条直线无交点. if (Utility.isZero(d)) { return(false); } float x = (a * other.b - other.a * b) / d; float y = (a == 0) ? (other.k * x + other.b) : (k * x + b); point.Set(x, y); return(true); }
private ReplyModel GetJsonReply(WebhookModel value) { foreach (var daa in { try { return(LineHelper.ReturnSingleSting(daa.replyToken, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(LineHelper.ReturnSingleSting(daa.replyToken, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ex))); } } return(null); }
// ----------------------------------- // Following method checks is currentLine(line drawn by last two points) collided with line // ----------------------------------- public static bool isVectorIntersectCollide(Vector2 vector, List <Vector2> pointsList) { if (pointsList.Count < 1 || vector == null) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < pointsList.Count; i++) { int nextIndex = (i < pointsList.Count - 1) ? i + 1 : 0; if (LineHelper.isVectorIntersect(vector, new myLine() { StartPoint = pointsList[i], EndPoint = pointsList[nextIndex] }, 0.04f)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public void Draw(TextView textView, DrawingContext drawingContext) { foreach (DocumentLine line in _editor.Document.Lines) { string lineText = _editor.Document.GetText(line.Offset, line.Length); if (LineHelper.IsSectionHeaderLine(lineText)) { TextSegment segment = new TextSegment { StartOffset = line.Offset, EndOffset = line.EndOffset }; Pen border = new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(220, 220, 220)), 0.5); foreach (Rect rect in BackgroundGeometryBuilder.GetRectsForSegment(textView, segment, true)) { drawingContext.DrawLine(border, new Point(rect.Location.X, rect.Location.Y), new Point(textView.ActualWidth, rect.Location.Y)); } } } }
private ReplyModel GetTextReply(string token, string text, Event msg = null) { return(LineHelper.NaNaSamgoReply(token, text, msg)); //if (text.StartsWith("戰力")) //{ // var q = text.Split(' ')[1].Trim(); // var response = DapperHelper.Search<UserInfo>( // connectionString, // $" SELECT SamgoGame.[Role], SamgoGame.[Official], SamgoGame.[Legion], SamgoGamePower.[Power] , SamgoGamePower.[Time] FROM SamgoGame INNER JOIN SamgoGamePower ON SamgoGamePower.SeqNo = SamgoGame.SeqNo where SamgoGame.[Role] like N'%{q}%';" // ).OrderByDescending(x => x.Power); // var temp = ""; // temp += response.FirstOrDefault().Role + "\n"; // foreach (var a in response) // { // temp += a.Power; // temp += " " + a.Time; // temp += "\n"; // } // return new ReplyModel() // { // replyToken = token, // messages = new List<ReplyMessage>() // { // new ReplyMessage() // { // type = "text", // text=temp // } // } // }; //} //else //{ // return new ReplyModel() // { // replyToken = token // }; //} }
private static bool ContainsEmptyArguments(TextDocument document, int lineOffset) { string lineText = CommandHelper.GetWholeCommandLineText(document, lineOffset); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineText)) { return(true); } string[] arguments = LineHelper.EscapeComments(lineText).Split(','); foreach (string argument in arguments) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(argument.Replace('>', ' '))) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private static MethodDefinition GetOnModelCreatingMethod(EntityFrameworkCoreProject project) { var lines = new List <ILine>(); if (project.Settings.UseDataAnnotations) { var primaryKeys = project.Database.Tables.Where(item => item.PrimaryKey != null).Select(item => item.PrimaryKey?.GetColumns(item).Select(c => c.Name).First()).ToList(); foreach (var view in project.Database.Views) { var result = view.Columns.Where(item => primaryKeys.Contains(item.Name)).ToList(); if (result.Count == 0) { lines.Add(LineHelper.Warning(" Add configuration for {0} entity", view.GetSingularName())); } else { lines.Add(new CodeLine(1, "modelBuilder.Entity<{0}>().HasKey(p => new {{ {1} }});", view.GetSingularName(), string.Join(", ", result.Select(item => string.Format("p.{0}", NamingExtensions.namingConvention.GetPropertyName(item.Name)))))); } } lines.Add(new CodeLine()); } else { lines.Add(new CommentLine(" This code will change for EF Core 2")); lines.Add(new CodeLine("EntityMapper.ConfigureEntities(modelBuilder);")); lines.Add(new CodeLine()); } lines.Add(new CodeLine(lines.Count == 0 ? 0 : 1, "base.OnModelCreating(modelBuilder);")); return(new MethodDefinition(AccessModifier.Protected, "void", "OnModelCreating", new ParameterDefinition("ModelBuilder", "modelBuilder")) { IsOverride = true, Lines = lines }); }
private static ErrorLine FindErrorsInLine(TextDocument document, DocumentLine line, string lineText, bool commandSectionCheckRequired) { if (LineHelper.IsSectionHeaderLine(lineText)) { return(FindErrorsInSectionHeaderLine(line, lineText)); } else { if (commandSectionCheckRequired && LineHelper.IsLineInStandardStringSection(document, line)) { return(null); } else if (commandSectionCheckRequired && LineHelper.IsLineInNGStringSection(document, line)) { return(FindErrorsInNGStringLine(line, lineText)); } else { return(FindErrorsInCommandLine(document, line, lineText, commandSectionCheckRequired)); } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="list"></param> /// <returns></returns> private LineHelper[] GetLineHelpers(List<vMeasureSluiceData> list) { LineHelper beforeLine= new LineHelper("闸前水位", Color.Red , 1, SymbolType.Square); LineHelper behindLine= new LineHelper("闸后水位", Color.Blue, 1, SymbolType.Square); LineHelper heightLine = new LineHelper("闸高", Color.Green, 1, SymbolType.Square); //LineHelper gp2Line = new LineHelper(strings.GP2, ColorHelper.GetLineColor(strings.GP2), // ZedConfigValues.Default.GP2Config.Width, SymbolType.None); //LineHelper bp2Line = new LineHelper(strings.BP2, ColorHelper.GetLineColor(strings.BP2), // ZedConfigValues.Default.BP2Config.Width, SymbolType.None); LineHelper[] lines = new LineHelper[] {beforeLine ,behindLine ,heightLine }; //tbl.Compute( foreach ( vMeasureSluiceData item in list ) { DateTime dt = (DateTime)item.DT; XDate xdt = XDate.DateTimeToXLDate(dt); //float beforeWL= (float)Math.Round(item.BeforeWL,2); float beforeWL = (float)item.BeforeWL; float behindWL= (float)item.BehindWL; float height = (float)item.Height; //float gp2 = (float)Math.Round(Convert.ToSingle(row["gp2"]), 2); //float bp2 = (float)Math.Round(Convert.ToSingle(row["bp2"]), 2); //pts.Add(xdt, gt1); beforeLine.PointList.Add(xdt, beforeWL); behindLine.PointList.Add(xdt, behindWL); heightLine.PointList.Add(xdt, height); //gp2Line.PointList.Add(xdt, gp2); //bp2Line.PointList.Add(xdt, bp2); } return lines; }