public void OnLight(LightNode node) { Debug.WriteLine("OnLight: " + node.NodeName); Asset asset = node.GetAsset(); Debug.WriteLine("OnLight: Asset:" + ((asset != null) ? asset.Name : "Null")); }
public static float GetLightContribution(this LightNode lightNode, Vector3 position, float chromacityWeight) { if (lightNode == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("lightNode"); } var distance = (position - lightNode.PoseWorld.Position).Length; Vector3 intensity = lightNode.Light.GetIntensity(distance); // Following formula is from // Shader X3, Reduction of Lighting Calculations Using Spherical Harmonics. float intensityFactor = intensity.X + intensity.Y + intensity.Z; // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming float deltaRG = Math.Abs(intensity.X - intensity.Y); float deltaGB = Math.Abs(intensity.Y - intensity.Z); float deltaRB = Math.Abs(intensity.X - intensity.Z); // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming float chromacityFactor = Math.Max(deltaRG, Math.Max(deltaGB, deltaRB)); return(chromacityFactor * chromacityWeight + intensityFactor * (1 - chromacityWeight)); }
private void CreateLights() { // Create a directional light source LightSource lightSource = new LightSource(); lightSource.Direction = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1); lightSource.Diffuse = Color.White.ToVector4(); LightSource lightSource2 = new LightSource(); lightSource2.Direction = new Vector3(1, 0, 0); lightSource2.Diffuse = Color.White.ToVector4(); LightSource lightSource3 = new LightSource(); lightSource3.Direction = new Vector3(-0.5f, 0, 1); lightSource3.Diffuse = new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1); // Create a light node to hold the light source LightNode lightNode1 = new LightNode(); lightNode1.LightSource = lightSource; LightNode lightNode2 = new LightNode(); lightNode2.LightSource = lightSource2; LightNode lightNode3 = new LightNode(); lightNode3.LightSource = lightSource3; scene.RootNode.AddChild(lightNode1); scene.RootNode.AddChild(lightNode2); scene.RootNode.AddChild(lightNode3); }
private Node CreateNode(Stream mdlStream, Stream mdxStream, Node parent) { byte[] buffer = new byte[2]; mdlStream.Read(buffer, 0, 2); Node.Type nodeType = (Node.Type)BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 0); Node node; if ((nodeType & Node.Type.Saber) == Node.Type.Saber) { node = new SaberNode(mdlStream, mdxStream, nodeType, this); } else if ((nodeType & Node.Type.Skin) == Node.Type.Skin) { node = new SkinnedMeshNode(mdlStream, mdxStream, nodeType, this); } else if ((nodeType & Node.Type.Mesh) == Node.Type.Mesh) { node = new MeshNode(mdlStream, mdxStream, nodeType, this); } else if ((nodeType & Node.Type.Light) == Node.Type.Light) { node = new LightNode(mdlStream, mdxStream, nodeType, this); } else { node = new Node(mdlStream, mdxStream, nodeType, this); } node.parent = parent; return(node); }
protected override void OnUnload() { _cameraObject = null; // Detach and dispose the grouping scene node with all children. _groupNode.Parent.Children.Remove(_ambientLightNode); _groupNode.Dispose(false); // Dispose cloud textures. if (_enableCloudLayer) { _cloudMap0.Dispose(); _cloudMap1.Dispose(); } // Set all references to null. _groupNode = null; _milkyWayNode = null; _starfieldNode = null; _sunNode = null; _moonNode = null; _scatteringSkyNode = null; _ambientLightNode = null; _sunlightNode = null; _moonlightNode = null; _cloudLayerNode0 = null; _cloudLayerNode1 = null; _cloudMap0 = null; _cloudMap1 = null; }
private void ConfigureState() { State.LineManager.LineShader = new GoblinXNA.Shaders.Line3DShader("LineRendering.fx"); State.LineManager.ShaderTechnique = "LineRendering3D"; State.ShowFPS = true; State.ShowNotifications = true; scene.PreferPerPixelLighting = true; scene.EnableShadowMapping = true; Notifier.Placement = Notifier.NotifierPlacement.TopRight; Notifier.Color = Color.Red; Notifier.CustomStartLocation = new Vector2(1300, 350); Notifier.CustomAppearDirection = new Vector2(0, 20); Notifier.FadeOutTime = 2000; LightSource lightSource1 = new LightSource(); lightSource1.Direction = new Vector3(-1, -2, 0); lightSource1.Diffuse = Color.White.ToVector4(); lightSource1.Specular = new Vector4(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1); // Create a light node to hold the light sources LightNode lightNode1 = new LightNode(); lightNode1.LightSource = lightSource1; scene.RootNode.AddChild(lightNode1); useStaticImage = false; }
private void CreateLights() { // Create two directional light sources LightSource lightSource1 = new LightSource(); lightSource1.Direction = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1); lightSource1.Diffuse = Color.White.ToVector4(); lightSource1.Specular = new Vector4(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1); LightSource lightSource2 = new LightSource(); lightSource2.Direction = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); lightSource2.Diffuse = Color.White.ToVector4() * .2f; lightSource2.Specular = new Vector4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1); // Create a light node to hold the light sources LightNode lightNode1 = new LightNode(); lightNode1.LightSource = lightSource1; LightNode lightNode2 = new LightNode(); lightNode2.LightSource = lightSource2; // Add this light node to the root node scene.RootNode.AddChild(lightNode1); scene.RootNode.AddChild(lightNode2); }
void RemoveSource() { bool blockLight = false; while (lightQueue.Count > 0) { LightNode node = lightQueue.Dequeue(); byte light = node.GetLight(blockLight); chunksToUpdate.Add(node.Chunk); node.SetLight(0, blockLight); GetNeighborValues(node.Y, node.X, node.Z, blockLight); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (lightValues[i] == (byte)(light - 1)) { lightQueue.Enqueue(nodes[i]); } } } foreach (Chunk chunk in chunksToUpdate) { chunk.UpdateMesh = true; } chunksToUpdate.Clear(); }
private void CreateLights() { // Create a directional light source LightSource lightSource = new LightSource(); lightSource.Direction = new Vector3(1, -1, -1); lightSource.Diffuse = Color.White.ToVector4(); lightSource.Specular = new Vector4(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1); // Create a light node to hold the light source LightNode lightNode = new LightNode(); lightNode.LightSource = lightSource; // Set this light node to cast shadows (by just setting this to true will not cast any shadows, // scene.ShadowMap needs to be set to a valid IShadowMap and Model.Shader needs to be set to // a proper IShadowShader implementation lightNode.CastShadows = true; // You should also set the light projection when casting shadow from this light lightNode.LightProjection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.PiOver4, 1, 1f, 500); scene.RootNode.AddChild(lightNode); }
LightElem RegisterToThreeScene(LightNode n) { LightElem node = null; if (n.Type == LightType.Point) { node = new PointLightElem(n); } else if (n.Type == LightType.Directional) { node = new DirectionalLightElem(n); } else if (n.Type == LightType.Spot) { node = new SpotLightElem(n); } if (node != null) { node.Uuid = n.Guid; var parent = objNodeTable[n.CurrentObject.GetInstanceID().ToString()]; parent.AddChild(node); return(node); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public override void SetParameters(List <LightNode> globalLights, List <LightNode> localLights) { if ((globalLights.Count + localLights.Count) == 0) { lightDirection.SetValue(Vector3.Zero); return; } LightNode lNode = null; if (globalLights.Count >= 1) { lNode = globalLights[0]; } else { lNode = localLights[localLights.Count - 1]; } tmpVec1 = lNode.LightSource.TransformedDirection; tmpVec1.Normalize(); lightDirection.SetValue(-tmpVec1); lAmbiColor = lNode.AmbientLightColor; ambientLightColor.SetValue(lAmbiColor); lColor = lNode.LightSource.Diffuse; lightColor.SetValue(lColor); }
/** * GetLightColor * * @param tree * @param point * @param normal * @param currentObj * @param color */ private void GetLightColor(OctNode tree, Point point, Vector normal, ObjectType currentObj, Color color) { Ray shadow = new Ray(); LightNode current = lights; double maxt; while (current != null) { shadow.SetOrigin(point); shadow.GetDirection().Sub(current.GetLight().GetPosition(), point); maxt = shadow.GetDirection().Length(); shadow.GetDirection().Normalize(); shadow.SetID(RayID); this.RayID = this.RayID + 1; if (!FindLightBlock(tree, shadow, maxt)) { double factor = Math.Max(0.0f, normal.Dot(shadow.GetDirection())); if (factor != 0.0) { color.Mix(factor, current.GetLight().GetColor(), currentObj.GetMaterial().GetDiffColor()); } } current = current.Next(); } }
/** * ReadLight * * @param infile */ private void ReadLight() { String temp; double[] input = new double[3]; int i; temp = readString(); temp = temp.Substring(11); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { input[i] = (double)Double.Parse(temp.Substring(0, temp.IndexOf(' '))); temp = temp.Substring(temp.IndexOf(' ') + 1); } input[2] = (double)Double.Parse(temp); Point position = new Point(input[0], input[1], input[2]); temp = readString(); temp = temp.Substring(8); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { input[i] = (double)Double.Parse(temp.Substring(0, temp.IndexOf(' '))); temp = temp.Substring(temp.IndexOf(' ') + 1); } input[2] = (double)Double.Parse(temp); Color color = new Color(input[0], input[1], input[2]); temp = readString(); Light newlight = new Light(position, color); LightNode newnode = new LightNode(newlight, lights); lights = newnode; }
protected override void Start() { // 3D scene with Octree Scene = new Scene(Context); Octree = Scene.CreateComponent <Octree>(); RootNode = Scene.CreateChild("RootNode"); RootNode.Position = new Vector3(x: 0, y: 0, z: 8); LightNode = Scene.CreateChild("DirectionalLight"); LightNode.SetDirection(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.8f)); Light = LightNode.CreateComponent <Light>(); Light.LightType = LightType.Directional; Light.CastShadows = true; Light.ShadowBias = new BiasParameters(0.00025f, 0.5f); Light.ShadowCascade = new CascadeParameters(10.0f, 50.0f, 200.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f); Light.SpecularIntensity = 0.5f; Light.Color = new Color(1.2f, 1.2f, 1.2f); // Camera CameraNode = Scene.CreateChild(name: "Camera"); Camera = CameraNode.CreateComponent <Camera>(); // Viewport Viewport = new Viewport(Context, Scene, Camera, null); Renderer.SetViewport(0, Viewport); Viewport.SetClearColor(Color.White); // Subscribe to Esc key: Input.SubscribeToKeyDown(args => { if (args.Key == Key.Esc) { Exit(); } }); }
// OnLoad() is called when the GameObject is added to the IGameObjectService. protected override void OnLoad() { var ambientLight = new AmbientLight { //Color = new Vector3F(0.05333332f, 0.09882354f, 0.1819608f), // XNA BasicEffect Values Color = new Vector3F(0.5f), // Make ambient light brighter. Intensity = 1, HemisphericAttenuation = 1, }; _ambientLightNode = new LightNode(ambientLight); var keyLight = new DirectionalLight { Color = new Vector3F(1, 0.9607844f, 0.8078432f), DiffuseIntensity = 1, SpecularIntensity = 1, }; _keyLightNode = new LightNode(keyLight) { Name = "KeyLight", Priority = 10, // This is the most important light. PoseWorld = new Pose(QuaternionF.CreateRotation(Vector3F.Forward, new Vector3F(-0.5265408f, -0.5735765f, -0.6275069f))), }; var fillLight = new DirectionalLight { Color = new Vector3F(0.9647059f, 0.7607844f, 0.4078432f), DiffuseIntensity = 1, SpecularIntensity = 0, }; _fillLightNode = new LightNode(fillLight) { Name = "FillLight", PoseWorld = new Pose(QuaternionF.CreateRotation(Vector3F.Forward, new Vector3F(0.7198464f, 0.3420201f, 0.6040227f))), }; var backLight = new DirectionalLight { Color = new Vector3F(0.3231373f, 0.3607844f, 0.3937255f), DiffuseIntensity = 1, SpecularIntensity = 1, }; _backLightNode = new LightNode(backLight) { Name = "BackLight", PoseWorld = new Pose(QuaternionF.CreateRotation(Vector3F.Forward, new Vector3F(0.4545195f, -0.7660444f, 0.4545195f))), }; var scene = _services.GetInstance <IScene>(); scene.Children.Add(_ambientLightNode); scene.Children.Add(_keyLightNode); scene.Children.Add(_fillLightNode); scene.Children.Add(_backLightNode); }
public override void PresentStep(int index, PresentationViewController presentationViewController) { SCNTransaction.Begin(); SCNTransaction.AnimationDuration = 0; switch (index) { case 0: // Set the slide's title and subtile and add some text TextManager.SetTitle("Node Attributes"); TextManager.SetSubtitle("Lights"); TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel("SCNLight", 0); TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel("Four light types", 0); TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel("Omni", 1); TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel("Directional", 1); TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel("Spot", 1); TextManager.AddBulletAtLevel("Ambient", 1); break; case 1: // Add some code var codeExampleNode = TextManager.AddCode("#aNode.#Light# = SCNLight.Create (); \naNode.Light.LightType = SCNLightType.Omni;#"); codeExampleNode.Position = new SCNVector3(14, 11, 1); // Add a light to the scene LightNode = SCNNode.Create(); LightNode.Light = SCNLight.Create(); LightNode.Light.LightType = SCNLightType.Omni; LightNode.Light.Color = NSColor.Black; // initially off LightNode.Light.SetAttribute(new NSNumber(30), SCNLightAttribute.AttenuationStartKey); LightNode.Light.SetAttribute(new NSNumber(40), SCNLightAttribute.AttenuationEndKey); LightNode.Position = new SCNVector3(5, 3.5f, 0); ContentNode.AddChildNode(LightNode); // Load two images to help visualize the light (on and off) LightOffImageNode = Utils.SCPlaneNode(NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("Images/light-off", "tiff"), 7, false); LightOnImageNode = Utils.SCPlaneNode(NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("Images/light-on", "tiff"), 7, false); LightOnImageNode.Opacity = 0; LightNode.AddChildNode(LightOnImageNode); LightNode.AddChildNode(LightOffImageNode); break; case 2: // Switch the light on SCNTransaction.Begin(); SCNTransaction.AnimationDuration = 1; LightNode.Light.Color = NSColor.FromCalibratedRgba(1, 1, 0.8f, 1); LightOnImageNode.Opacity = 1.0f; LightOffImageNode.Opacity = 0.0f; SCNTransaction.Commit(); break; } SCNTransaction.Commit(); }
// OnUnload() is called when the GameObject is removed from the IGameObjectService. protected override void OnUnload() { _godRayFilter.Scale = _defaultScale; if (_directionalLightNode != null) { _directionalLightNode.SceneChanged -= OnDirectionalLightNodeChanged; _directionalLightNode = null; } }
// Creates light sources with the same settings as BasicEffect.EnableDefaultLighting() // in the XNA Framework. internal static void InitializeDefaultXnaLights(Scene scene) { var ambientLight = new AmbientLight { Color = new Vector3F(0.05333332f, 0.09882354f, 0.1819608f), Intensity = 1, HemisphericAttenuation = 0, }; scene.Children.Add(new LightNode(ambientLight)); var keyLight = new DirectionalLight { Color = new Vector3F(1, 0.9607844f, 0.8078432f), DiffuseIntensity = 1, SpecularIntensity = 1, }; var keyLightNode = new LightNode(keyLight) { Name = "KeyLight", Priority = 10, // This is the most important light. PoseWorld = new Pose(QuaternionF.CreateRotation(Vector3F.Forward, new Vector3F(-0.5265408f, -0.5735765f, -0.6275069f))), }; scene.Children.Add(keyLightNode); var fillLight = new DirectionalLight { Color = new Vector3F(0.9647059f, 0.7607844f, 0.4078432f), DiffuseIntensity = 1, SpecularIntensity = 0, }; var fillLightNode = new LightNode(fillLight) { Name = "FillLight", PoseWorld = new Pose(QuaternionF.CreateRotation(Vector3F.Forward, new Vector3F(0.7198464f, 0.3420201f, 0.6040227f))), }; scene.Children.Add(fillLightNode); var backLight = new DirectionalLight { Color = new Vector3F(0.3231373f, 0.3607844f, 0.3937255f), DiffuseIntensity = 1, SpecularIntensity = 1, }; var backLightNode = new LightNode(backLight) { Name = "BackLight", PoseWorld = new Pose(QuaternionF.CreateRotation(Vector3F.Forward, new Vector3F(0.4545195f, -0.7660444f, 0.4545195f))), }; scene.Children.Add(backLightNode); }
public VarianceShadowSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game) : base(game) { SampleFramework.IsMouseVisible = false; _graphicsScreen = new DeferredGraphicsScreen(Services) { // For debugging: Disable materials and only show light buffer. DebugMode = DeferredGraphicsDebugMode.VisualizeDiffuseLightBuffer }; _graphicsScreen.DrawReticle = true; GraphicsService.Screens.Insert(0, _graphicsScreen); GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new DeferredGraphicsOptionsObject(Services)); Services.Register(typeof(DebugRenderer), null, _graphicsScreen.DebugRenderer); Services.Register(typeof(IScene), null, _graphicsScreen.Scene); // Add gravity and damping to the physics simulation. Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Gravity()); Simulation.ForceEffects.Add(new Damping()); // Add a custom game object which controls the camera. var cameraGameObject = new CameraObject(Services); GameObjectService.Objects.Add(cameraGameObject); _graphicsScreen.ActiveCameraNode = cameraGameObject.CameraNode; GameObjectService.Objects.Add(new GrabObject(Services)); // Create test scene. ShadowSample.CreateScene(Services, ContentManager, _graphicsScreen); // Get directional light created by the DynamicSkyObject and replace the default // shadow with our custom VSM shadow. _lightNode = _graphicsScreen.Scene.GetDescendants().OfType <LightNode>().First(n => n.Shadow is CascadedShadow); _varianceShadow = new VarianceShadow { // If a target area is set, the VSM covers the given area. // If no target area is set, the VSM covers the area in front of the camera. TargetArea = new Aabb(new Vector3(-100, 0, -100), new Vector3(100, 50, 100)), }; _lightNode.Shadow = _varianceShadow; // Apply a blur filter to the shadow map. _varianceShadow.Filter = new Blur(GraphicsService); _varianceShadow.Filter.InitializeGaussianBlur(11, 3, false); // Register our custom shadow map and shadow mask renderers. _graphicsScreen.ShadowMapRenderer.Renderers.Add(new VarianceShadowMapRenderer(_graphicsScreen.ShadowMapRenderer.RenderCallback)); _graphicsScreen.ShadowMaskRenderer.Renderers.Add(new VarianceShadowMaskRenderer(GraphicsService)); CreateGuiControls(); }
// OnUnload() is called when the GameObject is removed from the IGameObjectService. protected override void OnUnload() { // Clean up. _campfire.Parent.Children.Remove(_campfire); _campfire.Dispose(false); _campfire = null; _fireParticles = null; _smokeParticles = null; _light = null; _random = null; }
private void InitializeLights() { // This scene node is used as the parent of all light nodes created here. _lightGroupNode = new SceneNode { Name = "SkyGroup", Children = new SceneNodeCollection() }; _scene.Children.Add(_lightGroupNode); // Add an ambient light. var ambientLight = new AmbientLight { HemisphericAttenuation = 1, }; _ambientLightNode = new LightNode(ambientLight) { Name = "Ambient", }; _lightGroupNode.Children.Add(_ambientLightNode); // Add a directional light for the sun. _sunlightNode = new LightNode(new DirectionalLight()) { Name = "Sunlight", Priority = 10, // This is the most important light. // This light uses Cascaded Shadow Mapping. Shadow = new CascadedShadow { PreferredSize = 1024, DepthBiasScale = new Vector4F(0.99f), DepthBiasOffset = new Vector4F(0), FadeOutDistance = 20, MaxDistance = 30, MinLightDistance = 100, ShadowFog = 0.5f, JitterResolution = 3000, SplitDistribution = 0.7f } }; _lightGroupNode.Children.Add(_sunlightNode); // Add a directional light for the moonlight. _moonlightNode = new LightNode(new DirectionalLight()) { Name = "Moonlight", Priority = 5, }; _lightGroupNode.Children.Add(_moonlightNode); }
public void CreateLights(Vector3 light_vector) { // Create a directional light source lightSource = new LightSource(); lightSource.Direction = light_vector; lightSource.Diffuse = Color.White.ToVector4(); lightSource.Specular = new Vector4(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1); // Create a light node to hold the light source lightNode = new LightNode(); lightNode.AmbientLightColor = new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1); lightNode.LightSource = lightSource; }
// OnLight marks the beginning of export of a light which is enabled for rendering. // This method is only called for interface IPhotoRenderContext. public void OnLight( LightNode InLightNode // light output node ) { // Keep track of the world transform for the light being processed. WorldTransformStack.Push(WorldTransformStack.Peek().Multiply(InLightNode.GetTransform())); // Add a light actor in the hierarchy of Datasmith actors being processed. AddLightActor(WorldTransformStack.Peek(), InLightNode.GetAsset()); // Forget the current light world transform. WorldTransformStack.Pop(); }
private void CreateLights() { LightSource lightSource = new LightSource(); lightSource.Direction = new Vector3(1, -1, -1); lightSource.Diffuse = new Vector4(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1); lightSource.Specular = new Vector4(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1); LightNode lightNode = new LightNode(); lightNode.AmbientLightColor = new Vector4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1); lightNode.LightSource = lightSource; scene.RootNode.AddChild(lightNode); }
public DirectionalLightElem(LightNode node) { //this.Name =; this.Name = string.Format("{0}_{1}",, Type); //var dir = node.Direction; this.UnityMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity; this.Intensity = node.Intensity; this.UnityColor = node.Color; // TODO shadow : cast }
protected override void OnUnload() { // Detach the scene nodes from the scene. if (_skyGroupNode.Parent != null) { _skyGroupNode.Parent.Children.Remove(_skyGroupNode); } _lightGroupNode.Parent.Children.Remove(_lightGroupNode); // Dispose allocated resources. _skyGroupNode.Dispose(false); _lightGroupNode.Dispose(false); if (_enableClouds) { _cloudLayerNode0.CloudMap.Dispose(); _cloudLayerNode1.CloudMap.Dispose(); } if (_cacheSky) { _sceneCaptureNode.RenderToTexture.Texture.Dispose(); _sceneCaptureNode.Dispose(false); _cloudMapRenderer.Dispose(); _skyRenderer.Dispose(); _colorEncoder.Dispose(); _sceneCaptureRenderer.Dispose(); } // Set references to null. _cameraObject = null; _skyGroupNode = null; _lightGroupNode = null; _milkyWayNode = null; _starfieldNode = null; _sunNode = null; _moonNode = null; _scatteringSkyNode = null; _ambientLightNode = null; _sunlightNode = null; _moonlightNode = null; _cloudLayerNode0 = null; _cloudLayerNode1 = null; _sceneCaptureNode = null; SkyboxNode = null; _cloudMapRenderer = null; _skyRenderer = null; _colorEncoder = null; _sceneCaptureRenderer = null; }
private void InitializeLights() { // This scene node is used as the parent of all light nodes created here. _lightGroupNode = new SceneNode { Name = "SkyGroup", Children = new SceneNodeCollection() }; _scene.Children.Add(_lightGroupNode); // Add an ambient light. var ambientLight = new AmbientLight { HemisphericAttenuation = 1, }; _ambientLightNode = new LightNode(ambientLight) { Name = "Ambient", IsEnabled = _enableAmbientLight, }; _lightGroupNode.Children.Add(_ambientLightNode); // Add a directional light for the sun. _sunlightNode = new LightNode(new DirectionalLight()) { Name = "Sunlight", Priority = 10, // This is the most important light. // This light uses Cascaded Shadow Mapping. Shadow = new CascadedShadow { #if XBOX PreferredSize = 512, #else PreferredSize = 1024, #endif Prefer16Bit = true, MinLightDistance = 1000, } }; _lightGroupNode.Children.Add(_sunlightNode); // Add a directional light for the moonlight. _moonlightNode = new LightNode(new DirectionalLight()) { Name = "Moonlight", Priority = 5, }; _lightGroupNode.Children.Add(_moonlightNode); }
protected override void Start() { // 3D scene with Octree Scene = new Scene(Context); Octree = Scene.CreateComponent <Octree>(); Zone = Scene.CreateComponent <Zone>(); Zone.AmbientColor = new Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f); RootNode = Scene.CreateChild("RootNode"); RootNode.Position = new Vector3(x: 0, y: -2, z: 8); // Camera CameraNode = Scene.CreateChild(name: "Camera"); CameraNode.Rotation = new Quaternion(Pitch = 0, 0, 0); Camera = CameraNode.CreateComponent <Camera>(); // Light LightNode = CameraNode.CreateChild(); LightNode.Position = new Vector3(-5, 10, 0); Light = LightNode.CreateComponent <Light>(); Light.Range = 100; Light.Brightness = 0.5f; Light.LightType = LightType.Point; // Viewport Viewport = new Viewport(Context, Scene, Camera, null); Renderer.SetViewport(0, Viewport); Viewport.SetClearColor(new Color(0.88f, 0.88f, 0.88f)); if (Platform.IsMobile()) { Viewport.RenderPath.Append(CoreAssets.PostProcess.FXAA2); } else if (Platform != Platforms.UWP && Platform != Platforms.SharpReality) { ResourceCache.AutoReloadResources = true; Renderer.HDRRendering = true; Viewport.RenderPath.Append(CoreAssets.PostProcess.BloomHDR); Viewport.RenderPath.Append(CoreAssets.PostProcess.FXAA3); } #if DESKTOP Input.SubscribeToMouseWheel(args => CameraNode.Translate(-Vector3.UnitZ * 1f * args.Wheel * -1)); Input.SetMouseVisible(true, true); Input.SubscribeToKeyDown(args => { if (args.Key == Key.Esc) { Exit(); } }); #endif }
// OnUnload() is called when the GameObject is removed from the IGameObjectService. protected override void OnUnload() { _skyboxNode.Parent.Children.Remove(_skyboxNode); _skyboxNode.Dispose(false); _skyboxNode = null; _ambientLightNode.Parent.Children.Remove(_ambientLightNode); _ambientLightNode.Dispose(false); _ambientLightNode = null; _sunlightNode.Parent.Children.Remove(_sunlightNode); _sunlightNode.Dispose(false); _sunlightNode = null; }
public LightNode MarchLightTree(LightSource source, Dictionary <PlayObject, List <LightBeam> > collisions, int maxDepth) { LightNode root = new LightNode { Object = source, Position = WorldPositionToGrid(source.transform.position), LightBeams = source.ComputeOutgoingLightBeams(null) }; foreach (LightBeam lightBeam in root.LightBeams) { root.LightNodes.Add(March(root.Position, lightBeam, collisions, maxDepth)); } return(root); }
/** * ReadLight * * @param infile */ private void ReadLight() { String temp; double[] input = new double[3]; int i; temp = readString(); temp = temp.Substring(11); for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { input[i] = (double)Double.Parse(temp.Substring(0, temp.IndexOf(' '))); temp = temp.Substring(temp.IndexOf(' ') + 1); } input[2] = (double)Double.Parse(temp); Point position = new Point(input[0], input[1], input[2]); temp = readString(); temp = temp.Substring(8); for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { input[i] = (double)Double.Parse(temp.Substring(0, temp.IndexOf(' '))); temp = temp.Substring(temp.IndexOf(' ') + 1); } input[2] = (double)Double.Parse(temp); Color color = new Color(input[0], input[1], input[2]); temp = readString(); Light newlight = new Light(position, color); LightNode newnode = new LightNode(newlight, lights); lights = newnode; }
public void OnLight(LightNode inNode) { }
public void OnLight(LightNode node) { // More info about lights can be acquired here using the standard Light API return; }
/** * LoadSceneOrig * * @param filename * @return int */ private int LoadSceneOrig(String filename) { sceneLines = File.ReadAllLines(filename); scenePos = 0; int numObj = 0, ObjID = 0; camera = null; lights = null; objects = null; materials = null; MaxX = MinX = MaxY = MinY = MaxZ = MinZ = 0.0f; String input; input = readString(); while(input != null) { if(input.Equals("camera {")) { ReadCamera(); } else if(input.Equals("point_light {")) { ReadLight(); } else if(input.Equals("sphere {")) { numObj += ReadSphere(ObjID); } else if(input.Equals("poly_set {")) { numObj += ReadPoly(ObjID); } else { ;} input = readString(); } return (numObj); }